view tango_sys_win32/CodePage.d @ 19:ded98545bb1f

author Frank Benoit <>
date Sat, 26 Jan 2008 14:06:27 +0100
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line source


        copyright:      Copyright (c) 2007 Kris Bell. All rights reserved

        license:        BSD style: $(LICENSE)

        version:        Initial release: April 2007

        author:         Kris


module tango_sys_win32.CodePage;

private import tango.sys.Common;

private import tango.core.Exception;


        Convert text to and from Windows 'code pages'. This is non-portable,
        and will be unlikely to operate even across all Windows platforms.


struct CodePage

                Test a text array to see if it contains non-ascii elements.
                Returns true if ascii, false otherwise


        static bool isAscii (char[] src)
                foreach (c; src)
                         if (c & 0x80)
                             return false;
                return true;


                Convert utf8 text to a codepage representation

                page  0     - the ansi code page
                      1     - the oem code page
                      2     - the mac code page
                      3     - ansi code page for the calling thread
                      65000 - UTF-7 translation
                      65001 - UTF-8 translation

                      or a region-specific codepage

                returns: a slice of the provided output buffer
                         representing converted text

                Note that the input must be utf8 encoded. Note also
                that the dst output should be sufficiently large to
                accomodate the output; a size of 2*src.length would
                be enough to host almost any conversion


        static char[] into (char[] src, char[] dst, uint page=0)
                return convert (src, dst, CP_UTF8, page);


                Convert codepage text to a utf8 representation

                page  0     - the ansi code page
                      1     - the oem code page
                      2     - the mac code page
                      3     - ansi code page for the calling thread
                      65000 - UTF-7 translation
                      65001 - UTF-8 translation

                      or a region-specific codepage

                returns: a slice of the provided output buffer
                         representing converted text

                Note that the input will be utf8 encoded. Note also
                that the dst output should be sufficiently large to
                accomodate the output; a size of 2*src.length would
                be enough to host almost any conversion


        static char[] from (char[] src, char[] dst, uint page=0)
                return convert (src, dst, page, CP_UTF8);


                Internal conversion routine; we avoid heap activity for
                strings of short and medium length. A zero is appended
                to the dst array in order to simplify C API conversions


        private static char[] convert (char[] src, char[] dst, uint from, uint into)
                uint len = 0;

                // sanity check
                assert (dst.length);

                // got some input?
                if (src.length > 0)
                   wchar[2000] tmp = void;
                   wchar[] wide = (src.length <= tmp.length) ? tmp : new wchar[src.length];

                   len = MultiByteToWideChar (from, 0, src.ptr, src.length,
                                              wide.ptr, wide.length);
                   if (len)
                       len = WideCharToMultiByte (into, 0, wide.ptr, len,
                                                  dst.ptr, dst.length-1, null, null);
                   if (len is 0)
                       throw new IllegalArgumentException ("CodePage.convert :: "~SysError.lastMsg);

                // append a null terminator
                dst[len] = 0;
                return dst [0 .. len];

        void main ()
                char[] s = "foo";
                char[3] x = void;

                //if (! CodePage.isAscii (s))
                      s = CodePage.into (s, x);
                      s = CodePage.from (s, x);