view dwt/internal/win32/WINAPI.d @ 82:43c42c637c9c

First simple example works
author Frank Benoit <>
date Wed, 06 Feb 2008 15:45:27 +0100
parents b00303c762ac
children 8c6a38719fb8
line wrap: on
line source

 * This module declared window APIs required by DWT but not in,
 * The one in the module are aliased

module dwt.internal.win32.WINAPI;

public import dwt.internal.win32.WINTYPES;
import tango_sys_win32.Types;
import STDWIN = tango_sys_win32.UserGdi;


extern (Windows){
int AddFontResourceExA(char* lpszFilename, int fl, void* pdv);
int AddFontResourceExW(wchar* lpszFilename, int fl, void* pdv);

BOOL AlphaBlend(
  HDC hdcDest,                 // handle to destination DC
  int nXOriginDest,            // x-coord of upper-left corner
  int nYOriginDest,            // y-coord of upper-left corner
  int nWidthDest,              // destination width
  int nHeightDest,             // destination height
  HDC hdcSrc,                  // handle to source DC
  int nXOriginSrc,             // x-coord of upper-left corner
  int nYOriginSrc,             // y-coord of upper-left corner
  int nWidthSrc,               // source width
  int nHeightSrc,              // source height
  BLENDFUNCTION blendFunction  // alpha-blending function
BOOL TransparentBlt(
  HDC hdcDest,        // handle to destination DC
  int nXOriginDest,   // x-coord of destination upper-left corner
  int nYOriginDest,   // y-coord of destination upper-left corner
  int nWidthDest,     // width of destination rectangle
  int hHeightDest,    // height of destination rectangle
  HDC hdcSrc,         // handle to source DC
  int nXOriginSrc,    // x-coord of source upper-left corner
  int nYOriginSrc,    // y-coord of source upper-left corner
  int nWidthSrc,      // width of source rectangle
  int nHeightSrc,     // height of source rectangle
  UINT crTransparent  // color to make transparent
int IIDFromString (wchar* lpsz, byte* lpiid);
HRESULT ScriptJustify(
  int* piAdvance,
  int cGlyphs,
  int iDx,
  int iMinKashida,
  int* piJustify

HRESULT ScriptRecordDigitSubstitution(
  LCID Locale,
HRESULT ScriptApplyDigitSubstitution(

// UxTheme.dll
BOOL IsAppThemed();

HRESULT DrawThemeBackground(
    HTHEME hTheme,
    HDC hdc,
    int iPartId,
    int iStateId,
    RECT *pRect,
    RECT *pClipRect
HRESULT DrawThemeEdge(
    HTHEME hTheme,
    HDC hdc,
    int iPartId,
    int iStateId,
    LPCRECT pDestRect,
    UINT uEdge,
    UINT uFlags,
    LPRECT pContentRect
HRESULT DrawThemeIcon(
    HTHEME hTheme,
    HDC hdc,
    int iPartId,
    int iStateId,
    LPCRECT pRect,
    HIMAGELIST himl,
    int iImageIndex
HRESULT DrawThemeParentBackground(
    HWND hwnd,
    HDC hdc,
    RECT *prc
HRESULT DrawThemeText(
    HTHEME hTheme,
    HDC hdc,
    int iPartId,
    int iStateId,
    LPCWSTR pszText,
    int iCharCount,
    DWORD dwTextFlags,
    DWORD dwTextFlags2,
    LPCRECT pRect

HTHEME OpenThemeData(
    HWND hwnd,
    LPCWSTR pszClassList
HRESULT BufferedPaintInit();
HRESULT CloseThemeData(
    HTHEME hTheme
HRESULT BufferedPaintUnInit();
BOOL IsHungAppWindow(
    HWND hWnd
HPAINTBUFFER BeginBufferedPaint(
    HDC hdcTarget,
    RECT *prcTarget,
    uint/+BP_BUFFERFORMAT+/ dwFormat,
    void*/+BP_PAINTPARAMS+/ pPaintParams,
    HDC *phdc
HRESULT EndBufferedPaint(
    HPAINTBUFFER hBufferedPaint,
    BOOL fUpdateTarget

HRESULT GetThemeTextExtent(
    HTHEME hTheme,
    HDC hdc,
    int iPartId,
    int iStateId,
    LPCWSTR pszText,
    int iCharCount,
    DWORD dwTextFlags,
    LPCRECT pBoundingRect,
    LPRECT pExtentRect
HRESULT SetWindowTheme(
    HWND hwnd,
    LPCWSTR pszSubAppName,
    LPCWSTR pszSubIdList

LANGID GetSystemDefaultUILanguage();

// Macro from winnt.h/windows.h
  WORD lgid

int IntersectClipRect(
  HDC hdc,         // handle to DC
  int nLeftRect,   // x-coord of upper-left corner
  int nTopRect,    // y-coord of upper-left corner
  int nRightRect,  // x-coord of lower-right corner
  int nBottomRect  // y-coord of lower-right corner

// kernel32 winxp/vista
HANDLE CreateActCtxA(
  ACTCTXA* pActCtx
HANDLE CreateActCtxW(
  ACTCTXW* pActCtx
BOOL ActivateActCtx(
  HACTCTX hActCtx,
  uint* lpCookie

// Windows API
extern (Windows){
int AbortDoc(HDC hdc);
HKL ActivateKeyboardLayout(
    HKL hkl,     // handle to keyboard layout
    UINT Flags   // keyboard layout flags
BOOL AdjustWindowRectEx(
    LPRECT lpRect,    // pointer to client-rectangle structure
    DWORD dwStyle,    // window styles
    BOOL bMenu,       // menu-present flag
    DWORD dwExStyle   // extended style
    HDC hdc,         // handle to device context
    int nLeftRect,   // x-coord of bounding rectangle's upper-left corner
    int nTopRect,    // y-coord of bounding rectangle's upper-left corner
    int nRightRect,  // x-coord of bounding rectangle's lower-right corner
    int nBottomRect, // y-coord of bounding rectangle's lower-right corner
    int nXStartArc,  // first radial ending point
    int nYStartArc,  // first radial ending point
    int nXEndArc,    // second radial ending point
    int nYEndArc     // second radial ending point
HDWP BeginDeferWindowPos(
    int nNumWindows
alias STDWIN.BeginPaint BeginPaint;
BOOL BitBlt(
    HDC hdcDest, // handle to destination device context
    int nXDest,  // x-coordinate of destination rectangle's upper-left corner
    int nYDest,  // y-coordinate of destination rectangle's upper-left corner
    int nWidth,  // width of destination rectangle
    int nHeight, // height of destination rectangle
    HDC hdcSrc,  // handle to source device context
    int nXSrc,   // x-coordinate of source rectangle's upper-left corner
    int nYSrc,   // y-coordinate of source rectangle's upper-left corner
    DWORD dwRop  // raster operation code
    BOOL BringWindowToTop(
    HWND hWnd   // handle to window
LRESULT CallNextHookEx(
    HHOOK hhk,      // handle to current hook
    int nCode,      // hook code passed to hook procedure
    WPARAM_I wParam,  // value passed to hook procedure
    LPARAM lParam   // value passed to hook procedure
LRESULT CallWindowProcA(
    WNDPROC_I lpPrevWndFunc,  // pointer to previous procedure
    HWND hWnd,              // handle to window
    UINT Msg,               // message
    WPARAM_I wParam,          // first message parameter
    LPARAM lParam           // second message parameter
LRESULT CallWindowProcW(
    WNDPROC_I lpPrevWndFunc,  // pointer to previous procedure
    HWND hWnd,              // handle to window
    UINT Msg,               // message
    WPARAM_I wParam,          // first message parameter
    LPARAM lParam           // second message parameter
LPSTR CharLowerA(
    LPSTR lpsz   // single character or pointer to string
LPWSTR CharLowerW(
    LPWSTR lpsz   // single character or pointer to string
LPSTR CharUpperA(
    LPSTR lpsz   // single character or pointer to string
LPWSTR CharUpperW(
    LPWSTR lpsz   // single character or pointer to string
DWORD CheckMenuItem(
    HMENU hmenu,        // handle to menu
    UINT uIDCheckItem,  // menu item to check or uncheck
    UINT uCheck         // menu item flags
BOOL ChooseColorA(
    LPCHOOSECOLORA lpcc   // pointer to structure with initialization data
BOOL ChooseColorW(
    LPCHOOSECOLORW lpcc   // pointer to structure with initialization data
BOOL ChooseFontA(
    LPCHOOSEFONTA lpcf   // pointer to structure with initialization data
BOOL ChooseFontW(
    LPCHOOSEFONTW lpcf   // pointer to structure with initialization data
alias STDWIN.ClientToScreen ClientToScreen;
BOOL CloseClipboard();
int CombineRgn(
    HRGN hrgnDest,      // handle to destination region
    HRGN hrgnSrc1,      // handle to source region
    HRGN hrgnSrc2,      // handle to source region
    int fnCombineMode   // region combining mode
alias STDWIN.CloseHandle CloseHandle;
DWORD CommDlgExtendedError();

BOOL CommandBar_AddAdornments(HWND hwndCB, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwReserved);
HWND CommandBar_Create(HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hwndParent, int idCmdBar);
void CommandBar_Destroy(HWND hwndCB);
BOOL CommandBar_DrawMenuBar(HWND hwndCB, int iButton);
int CommandBar_Height(HWND hwndCB);
int CommandBar_InsertMenubarEx(HWND hwndCB, HINSTANCE hInst, int pszMenu, int iButton);
int CommandBar_Show(HWND hwndCB, int fShow);

HANDLE CopyImage(
    HANDLE hImage,  // handle to the image to copy
    UINT uType,     // type of image to copy
    int cxDesired,  // desired width of new image
    int cyDesired,  // desired height of new image
    UINT fuFlags    // copy flags
HACCEL CreateAcceleratorTableA(
    LPACCEL lpaccl,  // pointer to structure array with accelerator data
    int cEntries     // number of structures in the array
HACCEL CreateAcceleratorTableW(
    LPACCEL lpaccl,  // pointer to structure array with accelerator data
    int cEntries     // number of structures in the array
HBITMAP CreateBitmap(
    int nWidth,         // bitmap width, in pixels
    int nHeight,        // bitmap height, in pixels
    UINT cPlanes,       // number of color planes used by device
    UINT cBitsPerPel,   // number of bits required to identify a color
    VOID *lpvBits // pointer to array containing color data
alias STDWIN.CreateCaret CreateCaret;
HBITMAP CreateCompatibleBitmap(
    HDC hdc,        // handle to device context
    int nWidth,     // width of bitmap, in pixels
    int nHeight     // height of bitmap, in pixels
alias STDWIN.CreateCompatibleDC CreateCompatibleDC;
HCURSOR CreateCursor(
    HINSTANCE hInst,         // handle to application instance
    int xHotSpot,            // horizontal position of hot spot
    int yHotSpot,            // vertical position of hot spot
    int nWidth,              // cursor width
    int nHeight,             // cursor height
    VOID *pvANDPlane,  // pointer to AND bitmask array
    VOID *pvXORPlane   // pointer to XOR bitmask array
HDC CreateDCA(
    LPCSTR lpszDriver,  // pointer to string specifying driver name
    LPCSTR lpszDevice,  // pointer to string specifying device name
    LPCSTR lpszOutput,  // do not use; set to NULL
    DEVMODE *lpInitData
                   // pointer to optional printer data
HDC CreateDCW(
    LPCWSTR lpszDriver,  // pointer to string specifying driver name
    LPCWSTR lpszDevice,  // pointer to string specifying device name
    LPCWSTR lpszOutput,  // do not use; set to NULL
    DEVMODE *lpInitData
                   // pointer to optional printer data
    HBITMAP CreateDIBSection(
    HDC hdc,          // handle to device context
    BITMAPINFO *pbmi,
                // pointer to structure containing bitmap size,
                // format, and color data
    UINT iUsage,      // color data type indicator: RGB values or
                // palette indexes
    VOID *ppvBits,    // pointer to variable to receive a pointer to
                // the bitmap's bit values
    HANDLE hSection,  // optional handle to a file mapping object
    DWORD dwOffset    // offset to the bitmap bit values within the
                // file mapping object
HANDLE CreateEventA(
                      // pointer to security attributes
  BOOL bManualReset,  // flag for manual-reset event
  BOOL bInitialState, // flag for initial state
  LPCSTR lpName      // pointer to event-object name
HANDLE CreateEventW(
                      // pointer to security attributes
  BOOL bManualReset,  // flag for manual-reset event
  BOOL bInitialState, // flag for initial state
  LPCWSTR lpName      // pointer to event-object name

alias STDWIN.CreateFileA CreateFileA;
alias STDWIN.CreateFileW CreateFileW;
HFONT CreateFontIndirectA(LOGFONTA* lplf );
HFONT CreateFontIndirectW(LOGFONTW* lplf );
HICON CreateIconIndirect(
    PICONINFO piconinfo   // pointer to icon information structure
HMENU CreateMenu();
HPALETTE CreatePalette(
    LOGPALETTE *lplgpl   // pointer to logical color palette
HBRUSH CreatePatternBrush(
    HBITMAP hbmp   // handle to bitmap
alias STDWIN.CreatePen CreatePen;
HRGN CreatePolygonRgn(
    POINT *lppt,  // pointer to array of points
    int cPoints,        // number of points in array
    int fnPolyFillMode  // polygon-filling mode
HMENU CreatePopupMenu();
alias STDWIN.CreateRectRgn CreateRectRgn;
HBRUSH CreateSolidBrush(
    COLORREF crColor   // brush color value

alias STDWIN.CreateWindowExA CreateWindowExA;
HWND CreateWindowExW(
    DWORD dwExStyle,      // extended window style
    LPCWSTR lpClassName,  // pointer to registered class name
    LPCWSTR lpWindowName, // pointer to window name
    DWORD dwStyle,        // window style
    int x,                // horizontal position of window
    int y,                // vertical position of window
    int nWidth,           // window width
    int nHeight,          // window height
    HWND hWndParent,      // handle to parent or owner window
    HMENU hMenu,          // handle to menu, or child-window identifier
    HINSTANCE hInstance,  // handle to application instance
    LPVOID lpParam        // pointer to window-creation data

LRESULT DefFrameProcA(
    HWND hWnd,           // handle to MDI frame window
    HWND hWndMDIClient,  // handle to MDI client window
    UINT uMsg,           // message
    WPARAM_I wParam,       // first message parameter
    LPARAM lParam        // second message parameter
LRESULT DefFrameProcW(
    HWND hWnd,           // handle to MDI frame window
    HWND hWndMDIClient,  // handle to MDI client window
    UINT uMsg,           // message
    WPARAM_I wParam,       // first message parameter
    LPARAM lParam        // second message parameter
    HWND hWnd,      // handle to MDI child window
    UINT uMsg,      // message
    WPARAM_I wParam,  // first message parameter
    LPARAM lParam   // second message parameter
    HWND hWnd,      // handle to MDI child window
    UINT uMsg,      // message
    WPARAM_I wParam,  // first message parameter
    LPARAM lParam   // second message parameter
alias STDWIN.DefWindowProcA DefWindowProcA;
LRESULT DefWindowProcW(
    HWND hWnd,      // handle to window
    UINT Msg,       // message identifier
    WPARAM_I wParam,  // first message parameter
    LPARAM lParam   // second message parameter

HDWP DeferWindowPos(
    HDWP hWinPosInfo,      // handle to internal structure
    HWND hWnd,             // handle to window to position
    HWND hWndInsertAfter,  // placement-order handle
    int x,                 // horizontal position
    int y,                 // vertical position
    int cx,                // width
    int cy,                // height
    UINT uFlags            // window-positioning flags

alias STDWIN.DeleteDC DeleteDC;
alias STDWIN.DeleteFileA DeleteFileA;
alias STDWIN.DeleteFileW DeleteFileW;
BOOL DeleteMenu(
    HMENU hMenu,     // handle to menu
    UINT uPosition,  // menu item identifier or position
    UINT uFlags      // menu item flag
alias STDWIN.DeleteObject DeleteObject;
BOOL DestroyAcceleratorTable(
    HACCEL hAccel   // handle to accelerator table
int DestroyCaret();
BOOL DestroyCursor(
    HCURSOR hCursor   // handle to cursor to destroy
BOOL DestroyIcon(
    HICON hIcon   // handle to icon to destroy
BOOL DestroyMenu(
    HMENU hMenu  // handle to menu to destroy
BOOL DestroyWindow(
    HWND hWnd   // handle to window to destroy
LONG DispatchMessageA(
    MSG *lpmsg   // pointer to structure with message
LONG DispatchMessageW(
    MSG *lpmsg   // pointer to structure with message
BOOL DragDetect(
    HWND hwnd,
    POINT pt
void DragFinish(
    HDROP hDrop
UINT DragQueryFileA(
    HDROP hDrop,
    UINT iFile,
    LPSTR lpszFile,
    UINT cch
UINT DragQueryFileW(
    HDROP hDrop,
    UINT iFile,
    LPWSTR lpszFile,
    UINT cch
BOOL DrawEdge(
    HDC hdc,       // handle to device context
    LPRECT qrc,    // pointer to rectangle coordinates
    UINT edge,     // type of inner and outer edge to draw
    UINT grfFlags  // type of border
BOOL DrawFocusRect(
    HDC hDC,          // handle to device context
    RECT *lprc  // pointer to structure for rectangle
BOOL DrawFrameControl(
    HDC hdc,     // handle to device context
    LPRECT lprc, // pointer to bounding rectangle
    UINT uType,  // frame-control type
    UINT uState  // frame-control state
BOOL DrawIconEx(
    HDC hdc,                    // handle to device context
    int xLeft,                  // x-coordinate of upper left corner
    int yTop,                   // y-coordinate of upper left corner
    HICON hIcon,                // handle to icon to draw
    int cxWidth,                // width of the icon
    int cyWidth,                // height of the icon
    UINT istepIfAniCur,         // index of frame in animated cursor
    HBRUSH hbrFlickerFreeDraw,  // handle to background brush
    UINT diFlags                // icon-drawing flags
BOOL DrawMenuBar(
    HWND hWnd  // handle to window with menu bar to redraw
BOOL DrawStateA(
    HDC hdc,                     // handle to device context
    HBRUSH hbr,                  // handle to brush
    DRAWSTATEPROC lpOutputFunc,  // pointer to callback function
    LPARAM lData,                // image information
    WPARAM_I wData,                // more image information
    int x,                       // horizontal location of image
    int y,                       // vertical location of image
    int cx,                      // width of image
    int cy,                      // height of image
    UINT fuFlags                 // image type and state
BOOL DrawStateW(
    HDC hdc,                     // handle to device context
    HBRUSH hbr,                  // handle to brush
    DRAWSTATEPROC lpOutputFunc,  // pointer to callback function
    LPARAM lData,                // image information
    WPARAM_I wData,                // more image information
    int x,                       // horizontal location of image
    int y,                       // vertical location of image
    int cx,                      // width of image
    int cy,                      // height of image
    UINT fuFlags                 // image type and state
int DrawTextA(
    HDC hDC,          // handle to device context
    LPCSTR lpString, // pointer to string to draw
    int nCount,       // string length, in characters
    LPRECT lpRect,    // pointer to struct with formatting dimensions
    UINT uFormat      // text-drawing flags
int DrawTextW(
    HDC hDC,          // handle to device context
    LPCWSTR lpString, // pointer to string to draw
    int nCount,       // string length, in characters
    LPRECT lpRect,    // pointer to struct with formatting dimensions
    UINT uFormat      // text-drawing flags

BOOL Ellipse(
    HDC hdc,        // handle to device context
    int nLeftRect,  // x-coord of bounding rectangle's upper-left corner
    int nTopRect,   // y-coord of bounding rectangle's upper-left corner
    int nRightRect, // x-coord of bounding rectangle's lower-right corner
    int nBottomRect // y-coord of bounding rectangle's lower-right corner
BOOL EnableMenuItem(
    HMENU hMenu,         // handle to menu
    UINT uIDEnableItem,  // menu item to enable, disable, or gray
    UINT uEnable         // menu item flags
alias STDWIN.EnableScrollBar EnableScrollBar;
BOOL EnableWindow(
    HWND hWnd,
    BOOL bEnable
BOOL EndDeferWindowPos(
    HDWP hWinPosInfo   // handle to internal structure
int EndDoc(HDC hDC);
int EndPage(HDC hDC);
alias STDWIN.EndPaint EndPaint;
BOOL EnumDisplayMonitors(
    HDC hdc,                   // handle to display DC
    LPCRECT lprcClip,          // clipping rectangle
    MONITORENUMPROC lpfnEnum,  // callback function
    LPARAM dwData              // data for callback function
int EnumFontFamiliesExA(
    HDC hdc,              // handle to device context
    LPLOGFONTA lpLogfont,  // pointer to logical font information
    FONTENUMEXPROC lpEnumFontFamExProc,
                    // pointer to callback function
    LPARAM lParam,        // application-supplied data
    DWORD dwFlags         // reserved; must be zero
int EnumFontFamiliesExW(
    HDC hdc,              // handle to device context
    LPLOGFONTW lpLogfont,  // pointer to logical font information
    FONTENUMEXPROC lpEnumFontFamExProc,
                    // pointer to callback function
    LPARAM lParam,        // application-supplied data
    DWORD dwFlags         // reserved; must be zero

int EnumFontFamiliesA(
    HDC hdc,             // handle to device control
    LPCSTR lpszFamily,  // pointer to family-name string
    FONTENUMPROC lpEnumFontFamProc,
                   // pointer to callback function
    LPARAM lParam        // pointer to application-supplied data
int EnumFontFamiliesW(
    HDC hdc,             // handle to device control
    LPCWSTR lpszFamily,  // pointer to family-name string
    FONTENUMPROC lpEnumFontFamProc,
                   // pointer to callback function
    LPARAM lParam        // pointer to application-supplied data
BOOL EnumSystemLanguageGroupsA(
    LANGUAGEGROUP_ENUMPROC pLangGroupEnumProc, // callback function
    DWORD dwFlags,                             // language groups
    LONG_PTR  lParam                           // callback parameter
BOOL EnumSystemLanguageGroupsW(
    LANGUAGEGROUP_ENUMPROC pLangGroupEnumProc, // callback function
    DWORD dwFlags,                             // language groups
    LONG_PTR  lParam                           // callback parameter
BOOL EnumSystemLocalesA(
    LOCALE_ENUMPROC lpLocaleEnumProc, // callback function
    DWORD dwFlags                     // locales
BOOL EnumSystemLocalesW(
    LOCALE_ENUMPROC lpLocaleEnumProc, // callback function
    DWORD dwFlags                     // locales
BOOL EqualRect(
    RECT *lprc1,  // pointer to structure with first rectangle
    RECT *lprc2   // pointer to structure with second rectangle
BOOL EqualRgn(
    HRGN hSrcRgn1,  // handle to first region
    HRGN hSrcRgn2   // handle to second region
DWORD ExpandEnvironmentStringsA(
    LPCSTR lpSrc, // pointer to string with environment variables
    LPSTR lpDst,  // pointer to string with expanded environment
             // variables
    DWORD nSize    // maximum characters in expanded string
DWORD ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(
    LPCWSTR lpSrc, // pointer to string with environment variables
    LPWSTR lpDst,  // pointer to string with expanded environment
             // variables
    DWORD nSize    // maximum characters in expanded string
BOOL ExtTextOutA(
    HDC hdc,          // handle to device context
    int X,            // x-coordinate of reference point
    int Y,            // y-coordinate of reference point
    UINT fuOptions,   // text-output options
    RECT *lprc, // optional clipping and/or opaquing rectangle
    LPCSTR lpString, // points to string
    UINT cbCount,     // number of characters in string
    INT *lpDx   // pointer to array of intercharacter spacing
                // values
BOOL ExtTextOutW(
    HDC hdc,          // handle to device context
    int X,            // x-coordinate of reference point
    int Y,            // y-coordinate of reference point
    UINT fuOptions,   // text-output options
    RECT *lprc, // optional clipping and/or opaquing rectangle
    LPCWSTR lpString, // points to string
    UINT cbCount,     // number of characters in string
    INT *lpDx   // pointer to array of intercharacter spacing
                // values
UINT ExtractIconExA(
    LPCSTR lpszFile,
    int nIconIndex,
    HICON *phiconLarge,
    HICON *phiconSmall,
    UINT nIcons
UINT ExtractIconExW(
    LPCWSTR lpszFile,
    int nIconIndex,
    HICON *phiconLarge,
    HICON *phiconSmall,
    UINT nIcons
alias STDWIN.FillRect FillRect;
HRSRC FindResourceA(
    HMODULE hModule, // module handle
    LPCSTR lpName,  // pointer to resource name
    LPCSTR lpType   // pointer to resource type
HRSRC FindResourceW(
    HMODULE hModule, // module handle
    LPCWSTR lpName,  // pointer to resource name
    LPCWSTR lpType   // pointer to resource type
HWND FindWindowA(
    LPCSTR lpClassName,  // pointer to class name
    LPCSTR lpWindowName  // pointer to window name
HWND FindWindowW(
    LPCWSTR lpClassName,  // pointer to class name
    LPCWSTR lpWindowName  // pointer to window name
DWORD FormatMessageA(
    DWORD dwFlags,      // source and processing options
    LPCVOID lpSource,   // pointer to  message source
    DWORD dwMessageId,  // requested message identifier
    DWORD dwLanguageId, // language identifier for requested message
    LPSTR lpBuffer,    // pointer to message buffer
    DWORD nSize,        // maximum size of message buffer
    //  va_list *Arguments  // pointer to array of message inserts
    void* Arguments
DWORD FormatMessageW(
    DWORD dwFlags,      // source and processing options
    LPCVOID lpSource,   // pointer to  message source
    DWORD dwMessageId,  // requested message identifier
    DWORD dwLanguageId, // language identifier for requested message
    LPWSTR lpBuffer,    // pointer to message buffer
    DWORD nSize,        // maximum size of message buffer
    //  va_list *Arguments  // pointer to array of message inserts
    void* Arguments
alias STDWIN.FreeLibrary FreeLibrary;
DWORD GdiSetBatchLimit(
    DWORD dwLimit   // batch limit
HWND GetActiveWindow();
    HDC hdc   // handle of device context
HWND GetCapture();
BOOL GetCaretPos(
    LPPOINT lpPoint   // address of structure to receive coordinates
BOOL GetCharABCWidthsA(
    HDC hdc,         // handle to device context
    UINT uFirstChar, // first character in range to query
    UINT uLastChar,  // last character in range to query
    LPABC lpabc      // pointer to character-width structure
BOOL GetCharABCWidthsW(
    HDC hdc,         // handle to device context
    UINT uFirstChar, // first character in range to query
    UINT uLastChar,  // last character in range to query
    LPABC lpabc      // pointer to character-width structure

BOOL GetCharWidthA(
    HDC hdc,         // handle to device context
    UINT iFirstChar, // first character in range to query
    UINT iLastChar,  // last character in range to query
    LPINT lpBuffer   // pointer to buffer for widths
BOOL GetCharWidthW(
    HDC hdc,         // handle to device context
    UINT iFirstChar, // first character in range to query
    UINT iLastChar,  // last character in range to query
    LPINT lpBuffer   // pointer to buffer for widths
DWORD GetCharacterPlacementA(
    HDC hdc,           // handle to device context
    LPCSTR lpString,  // pointer to string
    int nCount,        // number of characters in string
    int nMaxExtent,    // maximum extent for displayed string
    LPGCP_RESULTS lpResults,
                     // pointer to buffer for placement result
    DWORD dwFlags      // placement flags
DWORD GetCharacterPlacementW(
    HDC hdc,           // handle to device context
    LPCWSTR lpString,  // pointer to string
    int nCount,        // number of characters in string
    int nMaxExtent,    // maximum extent for displayed string
    LPGCP_RESULTS lpResults,
                     // pointer to buffer for placement result
    DWORD dwFlags      // placement flags
BOOL GetClassInfoA(
    HINSTANCE hInstance,    // handle of application instance
    LPCSTR lpClassName,    // address of class name string
    LPWNDCLASSA lpWndClass   // address of structure for class data
BOOL GetClassInfoW(
    HINSTANCE hInstance,    // handle of application instance
    LPCWSTR lpClassName,    // address of class name string
    LPWNDCLASSW lpWndClass   // address of structure for class data
alias STDWIN.GetClientRect GetClientRect;
alias STDWIN.GetClipBox GetClipBox;
alias STDWIN.GetClipRgn GetClipRgn;
HANDLE GetClipboardData(
    UINT uFormat   // clipboard format
int GetClipboardFormatNameA(
    UINT format,            // clipboard format to retrieve
    LPSTR lpszFormatName,  // address of buffer for name
    int cchMaxCount         // length of name string in characters
int GetClipboardFormatNameW(
    UINT format,            // clipboard format to retrieve
    LPWSTR lpszFormatName,  // address of buffer for name
    int cchMaxCount         // length of name string in characters
BOOL GetComboBoxInfo(
    HWND hwndCombo,
alias STDWIN.GetCurrentObject GetCurrentObject;
DWORD GetCurrentProcessId();
DWORD GetCurrentThreadId();
HCURSOR GetCursor();
BOOL GetCursorPos(
    LPPOINT lpPoint   // address of structure for cursor position
alias STDWIN.GetDC GetDC;
alias STDWIN.GetDCEx GetDCEx;
UINT GetDIBColorTable(
    HDC hdc,          // handle to device context whose DIB is of
                // interest
    UINT uStartIndex, // color table index of first entry to retrieve
    UINT cEntries,    // number of color table entries to retrieve
    RGBQUAD *pColors  // pointer to buffer that receives color table
                // entries
int GetDIBits(
    HDC hdc,           // handle to device context
    HBITMAP hbmp,      // handle to bitmap
    UINT uStartScan,   // first scan line to set in destination bitmap
    UINT cScanLines,   // number of scan lines to copy
    LPVOID lpvBits,    // address of array for bitmap bits
    LPBITMAPINFO lpbi, // address of structure with bitmap data
    UINT uUsage        // RGB or palette index
HWND GetDesktopWindow();
alias STDWIN.GetDeviceCaps GetDeviceCaps;
int GetDialogBaseUnits();
alias STDWIN.GetDlgItem GetDlgItem;
int GetDoubleClickTime();
alias STDWIN.GetFocus GetFocus;
DWORD GetFontLanguageInfo(
    HDC hdc  // handle to a device context
BOOL GetGUIThreadInfo(
    DWORD idThread,
BOOL GetIconInfo(
    HICON hIcon,          // icon handle
    PICONINFO piconinfo   // address of icon structure
int GetKeyNameTextA(
    LONG lParam,      // second parameter of keyboard message
    LPSTR lpString,  // pointer to buffer for key name
    int nSize         // maximum length of key-name string length
int GetKeyNameTextW(
    LONG lParam,      // second parameter of keyboard message
    LPWSTR lpString,  // pointer to buffer for key name
    int nSize         // maximum length of key-name string length
HKL GetKeyboardLayout(
    DWORD dwLayout  // thread identifier
SHORT GetKeyState(
    int nVirtKey   // virtual-key code
UINT GetKeyboardLayoutList(
    int nBuff,       // size of buffer in array element
    HKL *lpList  // buffer for keyboard layout handles
BOOL GetKeyboardState(
    PBYTE lpKeyState   // pointer to array to receive status data
HWND GetLastActivePopup(HWND hWnd);
DWORD GetLastError();
DWORD GetLayout(
    HDC hdc      // handle to DC
int GetLocaleInfoA(
    LCID Locale,      // locale identifier
    LCTYPE LCType,    // type of information
    LPSTR lpLCData,  // address of buffer for information
    int cchData       // size of buffer
int GetLocaleInfoW(
    LCID Locale,      // locale identifier
    LCTYPE LCType,    // type of information
    LPWSTR lpLCData,  // address of buffer for information
    int cchData       // size of buffer
HMENU GetMenu(
    HWND hWnd  // handle to window
BOOL GetMenuBarInfo(
    HWND hwnd,
    LONG idObject,
    LONG idItem,
UINT GetMenuDefaultItem(
    HMENU hMenu,
    UINT fByPos,
    UINT gmdiFlags
BOOL GetMenuInfo(
    HMENU hmenu,
int GetMenuItemCount(HMENU hMenu);
BOOL GetMenuItemInfoA(
    HMENU hMenu,
    UINT uItem,
    BOOL fByPosition,
BOOL GetMenuItemInfoW(
    HMENU hMenu,
    UINT uItem,
    BOOL fByPosition,
BOOL GetMenuItemRect(
    HWND hWnd,
    HMENU hMenu,
    UINT uItem,
    LPRECT lprcItem
alias STDWIN.GetMessageA GetMessageA;
BOOL GetMessageW(
    LPMSG lpMsg,         // address of structure with message
    HWND hWnd,           // handle of window
    UINT wMsgFilterMin,  // first message
    UINT wMsgFilterMax   // last message
DWORD GetMessagePos();
LONG GetMessageTime();
DWORD GetModuleFileNameA(
    HMODULE hModule,    // handle to module to find filename for
    LPSTR lpFilename,  // pointer to buffer to receive module path
    DWORD nSize         // size of buffer, in characters
DWORD GetModuleFileNameW(
    HMODULE hModule,    // handle to module to find filename for
    LPWSTR lpFilename,  // pointer to buffer to receive module path
    DWORD nSize         // size of buffer, in characters
alias STDWIN.GetModuleHandleA GetModuleHandleA;
HMODULE GetModuleHandleW(
  LPCWSTR lpModuleName
BOOL GetMonitorInfoA(
    HMONITOR hMonitor,  // handle to display monitor
    LPMONITORINFO lpmi  // pointer to display monitor information
BOOL GetMonitorInfoW(
    HMONITOR hMonitor,  // handle to display monitor
    LPMONITORINFO lpmi  // pointer to display monitor information
UINT GetNearestPaletteIndex(
    HPALETTE hpal,     // handle of logical color palette
    COLORREF crColor   // color to be matched
alias STDWIN.GetObjectA GetObjectA;
alias STDWIN.GetObjectW GetObjectW;
BOOL GetOpenFileNameA(
    OPENFILENAMEA* lpofn   // address of structure with initialization data
BOOL GetOpenFileNameW(
    OPENFILENAMEW* lpofn   // address of structure with initialization data
UINT GetPaletteEntries(
  HPALETTE hpal,        // handle to logical palette
  UINT iStartIndex,     // first entry to retrieve
  UINT nEntries,        // number of entries to retrieve
  LPPALETTEENTRY lppe   // array that receives entries
HWND GetParent(
    HWND hWnd   // handle to child window

    HDC hdc,   // handle to device context
    int XPos,  // x-coordinate of pixel
    int nYPos  // y-coordinate of pixel
alias STDWIN.GetProcAddress GetProcAddress;
HANDLE GetProcessHeap();
DWORD GetProfileStringA(
    LPCSTR lpAppName,        // address of section name
    LPCSTR lpKeyName,        // address of key name
    LPCSTR lpDefault,        // address of default string
    LPSTR lpReturnedString,  // address of destination buffer
    DWORD nSize               // size of destination buffer
DWORD GetProfileStringW(
    LPCWSTR lpAppName,        // address of section name
    LPCWSTR lpKeyName,        // address of key name
    LPCWSTR lpDefault,        // address of default string
    LPWSTR lpReturnedString,  // address of destination buffer
    DWORD nSize               // size of destination buffer
int GetROP2(
    HDC hdc   // handle of device context
int GetRandomRgn(
    HDC  hdc,    // handle to DC
    HRGN hrgn,   // handle to region
    INT  iNum    // must be SYSRGN
DWORD GetRegionData(
    HRGN hRgn,            // handle to region
    DWORD dwCount,        // size of buffer containing region data
    LPRGNDATA lpRgnData   // pointer to region data
int GetRgnBox(
    HRGN hrgn,   // handle to a region
    LPRECT lprc  // pointer that receives bounding rectangle
BOOL GetSaveFileNameA(
    OPENFILENAMEA* lpofn   // address of structure with initialization data
BOOL GetSaveFileNameW(
    OPENFILENAME* lpofn   // address of structure with initialization data
BOOL GetScrollInfo(
    HWND hwnd,         // handle to window with scroll bar
    int fnBar,         // scroll bar flag
    LPSCROLLINFO lpsi  // pointer to structure for scroll parameters
alias STDWIN.GetStockObject GetStockObject;
DWORD GetSysColor(
    int nIndex   // display element
HBRUSH GetSysColorBrush(
    int nIndex  // system color index
HMENU GetSystemMenu(
    HWND hWnd,    // handle to window to own window menu
    BOOL bRevert  // reset flag
int GetSystemMetrics(
    int nIndex   // system metric or configuration setting to retrieve
UINT GetSystemPaletteEntries(
    HDC hdc,              // handle of device context
    UINT iStartIndex,     // index of first entry to be retrieved
    UINT nEntries,        // number of entries to be retrieved
    LPPALETTEENTRY lppe   // array receiving system-palette entries
int GetTextCharset(
    HDC hdc  // handle to DC
COLORREF GetTextColor(
    HDC hdc   // handle to device context
BOOL GetTextExtentPoint32A(
    HDC hdc,           // handle to device context
    LPCSTR lpString,  // pointer to text string
    int cbString,      // number of characters in string
    LPSIZE lpSize      // pointer to structure for string size
BOOL GetTextExtentPoint32W(
    HDC hdc,           // handle to device context
    LPCWSTR lpString,  // pointer to text string
    int cbString,      // number of characters in string
    LPSIZE lpSize      // pointer to structure for string size
alias STDWIN.GetTextMetricsA GetTextMetricsA;
BOOL GetTextMetricsW(
    HDC hdc,            // handle to device context
    TEXTMETRICW* lptm   // pointer to text metrics structure
DWORD GetTickCount();
alias STDWIN.GetUpdateRect GetUpdateRect;
alias STDWIN.GetUpdateRgn GetUpdateRgn;
DWORD GetVersion();
BOOL GetVersionExA(
    LPOSVERSIONINFOA lpVersionInformation   // pointer to version information structure
BOOL GetVersionExW(
    LPOSVERSIONINFOW lpVersionInformation   // pointer to version information structure
HWND GetWindow(
    HWND hWnd,  // handle to original window
    UINT uCmd   // relationship flag
LONG GetWindowLongA(HWND hWnd, int nIndex);
LONG GetWindowLongW(HWND hWnd, int nIndex);
BOOL GetWindowPlacement(
    HWND hWnd,
alias STDWIN.GetWindowRect GetWindowRect;
alias STDWIN.GetWindowRgn GetWindowRgn;
int GetWindowTextA(
  HWND hWnd,        // handle to window or control with text
  LPSTR lpString,  // address of buffer for text
  int nMaxCount     // maximum number of characters to copy
int GetWindowTextW(
  HWND hWnd,        // handle to window or control with text
  LPWSTR lpString,  // address of buffer for text
  int nMaxCount     // maximum number of characters to copy
int GetWindowTextLengthA(HWND hWnd);
int GetWindowTextLengthW(HWND hWnd);
DWORD GetWindowThreadProcessId(
  HWND hWnd,             // handle to window
  LPDWORD lpdwProcessId  // address of variable for process identifier
HGLOBAL GlobalAlloc(UINT uFlags, SIZE_T dwBytes);
LPVOID GlobalLock(HGLOBAL hMem);
SIZE_T GlobalSize(HGLOBAL hMem);
BOOL GlobalUnlock(HGLOBAL hMem);
BOOL GradientFill(
    HDC hdc,
    PTRIVERTEX pVertex,
    DWORD dwNumVertex,
    PVOID pMesh,
    DWORD dwNumMesh,
    DWORD dwMode
LPVOID HeapAlloc(
    HANDLE hHeap,  // handle to the private heap block
    DWORD dwFlags, // heap allocation control flags
    DWORD dwBytes  // number of bytes to allocate
BOOL HeapFree(
    HANDLE hHeap,  // handle to the heap
    DWORD dwFlags, // heap freeing flags
    LPVOID lpMem   // pointer to the memory to free
alias STDWIN.HideCaret HideCaret;
int ImageList_Add(
    HIMAGELIST himl,
    HBITMAP hbmImage,
    HBITMAP hbmMask
int ImageList_AddMasked(
    HIMAGELIST himl,
    HBITMAP hbmImage,
    COLORREF crMask
HIMAGELIST ImageList_Create(
    int cx,
    int cy,
    UINT flags,
    int cInitial,
    int cGrow
BOOL ImageList_Destroy(
HICON ImageList_GetIcon(
    HIMAGELIST himl,
    int i,
    UINT flags
BOOL ImageList_GetIconSize(
    HIMAGELIST himl,
    int *cx,
    int *cy
int ImageList_GetImageCount(
BOOL ImageList_Remove(
    HIMAGELIST himl,
    int i
BOOL ImageList_Replace(
    HIMAGELIST himl,
    int i,
    HBITMAP hbmImage,
    HBITMAP hbmMask
int ImageList_ReplaceIcon(
    HIMAGELIST himl,
    int i,
    HICON hicon
BOOL ImageList_SetIconSize(
    HIMAGELIST himl,
    int cx,
    int cy
HIMC ImmAssociateContext(
    HWND hWnd,
HIMC ImmCreateContext();
int ImmDestroyContext(HIMC hIMC );
BOOL ImmGetCompositionFontA(
    HIMC hIMC,
BOOL ImmGetCompositionFontW(
    HIMC hIMC,
    LOGFONTW* lplf
LONG ImmGetCompositionStringA(
    HIMC hIMC,
    DWORD dwIndex,
    LPVOID lpBuf,
    DWORD dwBufLen
LONG ImmGetCompositionStringW(
    HIMC hIMC,
    DWORD dwIndex,
    LPVOID lpBuf,
    DWORD dwBufLen
HIMC ImmGetContext(
    HWND hWnd
BOOL ImmGetConversionStatus(
    HIMC hIMC,
    LPDWORD lpfdwConversion,
    LPDWORD lpfdwSentence
HWND ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd(HWND hWnd );
BOOL ImmGetOpenStatus(
BOOL ImmReleaseContext(
    HWND hWnd,
BOOL ImmSetCompositionFontA(
    HIMC hIMC,
    LOGFONTA* lplf
BOOL ImmSetCompositionFontW(
    HIMC hIMC,
    LOGFONTW* lplf
BOOL ImmSetCompositionWindow(
    HIMC hIMC,
BOOL ImmSetConversionStatus(
    HIMC hIMC,
    DWORD fdwConversion,
    DWORD fdwSentence
BOOL ImmSetOpenStatus(
    HIMC hIMC,
    BOOL fOpen
void InitCommonControls();
BOOL InitCommonControlsEx(
BOOL InsertMenuA(
  HMENU hMenu,      // handle to menu
  UINT uPosition,   // menu item that new menu item precedes
  UINT uFlags,      // menu item flags
  UINT uIDNewItem,  // menu item identifier or handle to drop-down
                    // menu or submenu
  LPCSTR lpNewItem // menu item content
BOOL InsertMenuW(
  HMENU hMenu,      // handle to menu
  UINT uPosition,   // menu item that new menu item precedes
  UINT uFlags,      // menu item flags
  UINT uIDNewItem,  // menu item identifier or handle to drop-down
                    // menu or submenu
  LPCWSTR lpNewItem // menu item content

BOOL InsertMenuItemA(
  HMENU hMenu,
  UINT uItem,
  BOOL fByPosition,
BOOL InsertMenuItemW(
  HMENU hMenu,
  UINT uItem,
  BOOL fByPosition,
BOOL IntersectRect(
    LPRECT lprcDst,        // pointer to structure for intersection
    RECT *lprcSrc1,  // pointer to structure with first rectangle
    RECT *lprcSrc2   // pointer to structure with second rectangle
LONG InterlockedIncrement(
    LPLONG lpAddend   // pointer to the variable to increment
LONG InterlockedDecrement(
    LPLONG lpAddend   // address of the variable to decrement
alias STDWIN.InvalidateRect InvalidateRect;
alias STDWIN.InvalidateRgn InvalidateRgn;
    BYTE TestChar   // character to test
BOOL IsIconic(
    HWND hWnd   // handle to window
BOOL IsWindow(
    HWND hWnd   // handle to window
BOOL IsWindowEnabled(HWND hWnd);
BOOL IsWindowVisible(HWND hWnd);
BOOL IsZoomed(HWND hWnd);
BOOL KillTimer(
    HWND hWnd,      // handle of window that installed timer
    UINT uIDEvent   // timer identifier
alias STDWIN.LineTo LineTo;
HBITMAP LoadBitmapA(
    HINSTANCE hInstance,  // handle to application instance
    LPCSTR lpBitmapName  // name of bitmap resource
HBITMAP LoadBitmapW(
    HINSTANCE hInstance,  // handle to application instance
    LPCWSTR lpBitmapName  // name of bitmap resource
alias STDWIN.LoadCursorA LoadCursorA;
alias STDWIN.LoadCursorW LoadCursorW;
alias STDWIN.LoadIconA LoadIconA;
alias STDWIN.LoadIconW LoadIconW;
HANDLE LoadImageA(
    HINSTANCE hinst,   // handle of the instance containing the image
    LPCSTR lpszName,  // name or identifier of image
    UINT uType,        // type of image
    int cxDesired,     // desired width
    int cyDesired,     // desired height
    UINT fuLoad        // load flags
HANDLE LoadImageW(
    HINSTANCE hinst,   // handle of the instance containing the image
    LPCWSTR lpszName,  // name or identifier of image
    UINT uType,        // type of image
    int cxDesired,     // desired width
    int cyDesired,     // desired height
    UINT fuLoad        // load flags
alias STDWIN.LoadLibraryA LoadLibraryA;
HINSTANCE LoadLibraryW(wchar* lpLibFileName );
HGLOBAL LoadResource(
    HMODULE hModule, // resource-module handle
    HRSRC hResInfo   // resource handle
int LoadStringA(
    HINSTANCE hInstance,
    UINT uID,
    LPSTR lpBuffer,
    int nBufferMax
int LoadStringW(
    HINSTANCE hInstance,
    UINT uID,
    LPWSTR lpBuffer,
    int nBufferMax
HLOCAL LocalFree(
    HLOCAL hMem   // handle to local memory object
LPVOID LockResource(
    HGLOBAL hResData   // handle to resource to lock
UINT MapVirtualKeyA(
    UINT uCode,     // virtual-key code or scan code
    UINT uMapType   // translation to perform
UINT MapVirtualKeyW(
    UINT uCode,     // virtual-key code or scan code
    UINT uMapType   // translation to perform
alias STDWIN.MapWindowPoints MapWindowPoints;
BOOL MessageBeep(
    UINT uType   // sound type
alias STDWIN.MessageBoxA MessageBoxA;
int MessageBoxW(
    HWND hWnd,          // handle of owner window
    LPCWSTR lpText,     // address of text in message box
    LPCWSTR lpCaption,  // address of title of message box
    UINT uType          // style of message box
HMONITOR MonitorFromWindow(
    HWND hwnd,       // handle to a window
    DWORD dwFlags    // flags if no monitor intersects the window
alias STDWIN.MoveToEx MoveToEx;
DWORD MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx(
    DWORD nCount,          // number of handles in handle array
    LPHANDLE pHandles,     // pointer to an object-handle array
    DWORD dwMilliseconds,  // time-out interval in milliseconds
    DWORD dwWakeMask,      // type of input events to wait for
    DWORD dwFlags          // wait flags
alias STDWIN.MultiByteToWideChar MultiByteToWideChar;
void NotifyWinEvent(
    DWORD event,
    HWND hwnd,
    LONG idObject,
    LONG idChild
int OffsetRgn(
    HRGN hrgn,     // handle to region
    int nXOffset,  // offset along x-axis
    int nYOffset   // offset along y-axis
WINOLEAPI OleInitialize(
    LPVOID pvReserved  //Reserved; must be NULL.
void OleUninitialize();
BOOL OpenClipboard(
    HWND hWndNewOwner
void OutputDebugStringA(
    LPCSTR lpOutputString
void OutputDebugStringW(
    LPCWSTR lpOutputString
BOOL PatBlt(
    HDC hdc,     // handle to device context
    int nXLeft,  // x-coord. of upper-left corner of rect. to be filled
    int nYLeft,  // y-coord. of upper-left corner of rect. to be filled
    int nWidth,  // width of rectangle to be filled
    int nHeight, // height of rectangle to be filled
    DWORD dwRop  // raster operation code
alias STDWIN.PeekMessageA PeekMessageA;
BOOL PeekMessageW(
    LPMSG lpMsg,         // pointer to structure for message
    HWND hWnd,           // handle to window
    UINT wMsgFilterMin,  // first message
    UINT wMsgFilterMax,  // last message
    UINT wRemoveMsg      // removal flags
    HDC hdc,         // handle to device context
    int nLeftRect,   // x-coord of bounding rectangle's upper-left corner
    int nTopRect,    // y-coord of bounding rectangle's upper-left corner
    int nRightRect,  // x-coord of bounding rectangle's lower-right corner
    int nBottomRect, // y-coord of bounding rectangle's lower-right corner
    int nXRadial1,   // x-coord of first radial's endpoint
    int nYRadial1,   // y-coord of first radial's endpoint
    int nXRadial2,   // x-coord of second radial's endpoint
    int nYRadial2    // y-coord of second radial's endpoint
BOOL Polygon(
    HDC hdc,                // handle to device context
    POINT *lpPoints,  // pointer to polygon's vertices
    int nCount              // count of polygon's vertices
BOOL Polyline(
    HDC hdc,            // handle to device context
    POINT *lppt,  // pointer to array containing endpoints
    int cPoints         // number of points in the array
BOOL PostMessageA(
    HWND hWnd,
    UINT Msg,
    WPARAM_I wParam,
    LPARAM lParam
BOOL PostMessageW(
    HWND hWnd,
    UINT Msg,
    WPARAM_I wParam,
    LPARAM lParam
BOOL PostThreadMessageA(
    DWORD idThread,
    UINT Msg,
    WPARAM_I wParam,
    LPARAM lParam
BOOL PostThreadMessageW(
    DWORD idThread,
    UINT Msg,
    WPARAM_I wParam,
    LPARAM lParam
BOOL PrintDlgA(
BOOL PrintDlgW(
BOOL PtInRect(
    RECT *lprc,  // rectangle
    POINT pt           // point
BOOL PtInRegion(
    HRGN hrgn,  // handle to region
    int X,      // x-coordinate of point
    int Y       // y-coordinate of point
UINT RealizePalette(
    HDC hdc   // handle of device context
BOOL RectInRegion(
    HRGN hrgn,         // handle to region
    RECT *lprc   // pointer to rectangle
BOOL Rectangle(
    HDC hdc,         // handle to device context
    int nLeftRect,   // x-coord of bounding rectangle's upper-left corner
    int nTopRect,    // y-coord of bounding rectangle's upper-left corner
    int nRightRect,  // x-coord of bounding rectangle's lower-right corner
    int nBottomRect  // y-coord of bounding rectangle's lower-right corner
alias STDWIN.RedrawWindow RedrawWindow;
LONG RegCloseKey(
  HKEY hKey
LONG RegEnumKeyExA(
  HKEY hKey,
  DWORD dwIndex,
  LPSTR lpName,
  LPDWORD lpcName,
  LPDWORD lpReserved,
  LPSTR lpClass,
  LPDWORD lpcClass,
  PFILETIME lpftLastWriteTime
LONG RegEnumKeyExW(
  HKEY hKey,
  DWORD dwIndex,
  LPWSTR lpName,
  LPDWORD lpcName,
  LPDWORD lpReserved,
  LPWSTR lpClass,
  LPDWORD lpcClass,
  PFILETIME lpftLastWriteTime
LONG RegOpenKeyExA(
  HKEY hKey,
  LPSTR lpSubKey,
  DWORD ulOptions,
  REGSAM samDesired,
  PHKEY phkResult
LONG RegOpenKeyExW(
  HKEY hKey,
  LPWSTR lpSubKey,
  DWORD ulOptions,
  REGSAM samDesired,
  PHKEY phkResult

LONG RegQueryInfoKeyA(
  HKEY hKey,
  LPSTR lpClass,
  LPDWORD lpcClass,
  LPDWORD lpReserved,
  LPDWORD lpcSubKeys,
  LPDWORD lpcMaxSubKeyLen,
  LPDWORD lpcMaxClassLen,
  LPDWORD lpcValues,
  LPDWORD lpcMaxValueNameLen,
  LPDWORD lpcMaxValueLen,
  LPDWORD lpcbSecurityDescriptor,
  PFILETIME lpftLastWriteTime
LONG RegQueryInfoKeyW(
  HKEY hKey,
  LPWSTR lpClass,
  LPDWORD lpcClass,
  LPDWORD lpReserved,
  LPDWORD lpcSubKeys,
  LPDWORD lpcMaxSubKeyLen,
  LPDWORD lpcMaxClassLen,
  LPDWORD lpcValues,
  LPDWORD lpcMaxValueNameLen,
  LPDWORD lpcMaxValueLen,
  LPDWORD lpcbSecurityDescriptor,
  PFILETIME lpftLastWriteTime

LONG RegQueryValueExA(
  HKEY hKey,
  LPCSTR lpValueName,
  LPDWORD lpReserved,
  LPDWORD lpType,
  LPBYTE lpData,
  LPDWORD lpcbData
LONG RegQueryValueExW(
  HKEY hKey,
  LPCWSTR lpValueName,
  LPDWORD lpReserved,
  LPDWORD lpType,
  LPBYTE lpData,
  LPDWORD lpcbData

ATOM RegisterClassA(
    WNDCLASSA *lpWndClass
ATOM RegisterClassW(
    WNDCLASSW *lpWndClass
UINT RegisterClipboardFormatA(
    LPCSTR lpszFormat
UINT RegisterClipboardFormatW(
    LPCWSTR lpszFormat
UINT RegisterWindowMessageA(
    LPCSTR lpString
UINT RegisterWindowMessageW(
    LPCWSTR lpString
BOOL ReleaseCapture();
alias STDWIN.ReleaseDC ReleaseDC;
BOOL RemoveMenu(
    HMENU hMenu,
    UINT uPosition,
    UINT uFlags
BOOL RestoreDC(
    HDC hdc,       // handle to DC
    int nSavedDC   // restore state
alias STDWIN.RoundRect RoundRect;

// basic
void RtlMoveMemory(void* Destination, void* Source, DWORD Length);
// extends
void RtlMoveMemory(int Destination, void* Source, DWORD Length);
void RtlMoveMemory(void* Destination, int Source, DWORD Length);
void RtlMoveMemory(int Destination, int Source, DWORD Length);

    int SHCreateMenuBar(SHMENUBARINFO* pmb);
//  LPMALLOC *ppMalloc
    LPVOID   *ppMalloc
BOOL SHGetPathFromIDListA(
    LPSTR pszPath
BOOL SHGetPathFromIDListW(
    LPWSTR pszPath
    int SHHandleWMSettingChange(HWND hwnd, int wParam, int lParam, void*  psai);
    int SHRecognizeGesture(void* shrg);
    void SHSendBackToFocusWindow(int uMsg, int wp, int lp);
    int SHSetAppKeyWndAssoc(byte bVk, HWND hwnd);
    int SHSipPreference(HWND hwnd, int st);
alias STDWIN.SaveDC SaveDC;
alias STDWIN.ScreenToClient ScreenToClient;

// USP methods (Unicode Complex Script processor)
HRESULT ScriptBreak(
  WCHAR *pwcChars,
  int cChars,
  int iCP,
  BOOL fTrailing,
  int cChars,
  int cGlyphs,
  WORD *pwLogClust,
  int *piAdvance,
  int *piX
HRESULT ScriptCacheGetHeight(
  HDC hdc,
  long *tmHeight
HRESULT ScriptFreeCache(
HRESULT ScriptGetFontProperties(
  HDC hdc,
HRESULT ScriptGetLogicalWidths(
  int cChars,
  int cGlyphs,
  int *piGlyphWidth,
  WORD *pwLogClust,
  int *piDx
HRESULT ScriptGetProperties(
  int *piNumScripts
HRESULT ScriptItemize(
  WCHAR *pwcInChars,
  int cInChars,
  int cMaxItems,
  SCRIPT_CONTROL *psControl,
  SCRIPT_STATE *psState,
  SCRIPT_ITEM *pItems,
  int *pcItems
HRESULT ScriptLayout(
  int cRuns,
  BYTE *pbLevel,
  int *piVisualToLogical,
  int *piLogicalToVisual
HRESULT ScriptPlace(
  HDC hdc,
  WORD *pwGlyphs,
  int cGlyphs,
  int *piAdvance,
  GOFFSET *pGoffset,
HRESULT ScriptShape(
  HDC hdc,              // in
  SCRIPT_CACHE *psc,    // in/out
  WCHAR *pwcChars,      //
  int cChars,
  int cMaxGlyphs,
  WORD *pwOutGlyphs,
  WORD *pwLogClust,
  int *pcGlyphs
HRESULT ScriptTextOut(
  HDC hdc,              // const
  int x,
  int y,
  UINT fuOptions,
  RECT *lprc,           // const
  SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa, // const
  WCHAR *pwcReserved,   // const
  int iReserved,
  WORD *pwGlyphs,       //
  int cGlyphs,
  int *piAdvance,       // const
  int *piJustify,       // const
  GOFFSET *pGoffset     // const
  int iX,
  int cChars,
  int cGlyphs,
  WORD *pwLogClust,         //
  SCRIPT_VISATTR *psva,     //
  int *piAdvance,           //
  SCRIPT_ANALYSIS *psa,     //
  int *piCP,
  int *piTrailing
alias STDWIN.ScrollWindowEx ScrollWindowEx;
alias STDWIN.SelectClipRgn SelectClipRgn;
alias STDWIN.SelectObject SelectObject;
alias STDWIN.SelectPalette SelectPalette;
UINT SendInput(
    UINT nInputs,
    LPINPUT pInputs,
    int cbSize
// the basic
int SendMessageA(HWND hWnd, int msg, int wParam, int lParam );
int SendMessageW(HWND hWnd, int msg, int wParam, int lParam );

int SendMessageA(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM_I wParam, void* lParam );
int SendMessageW(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM_I wParam, void* lParam );
int SendMessageA(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, void* wParam, LPARAM lParam );
int SendMessageW(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, void* wParam, LPARAM lParam );
int SendMessageA(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, void* wParam, void* lParam );
int SendMessageW(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, void* wParam, void* lParam );

alias STDWIN.SetActiveWindow SetActiveWindow;
alias STDWIN.SetBkColor SetBkColor;
alias STDWIN.SetBkMode SetBkMode;
HWND SetCapture(
    HWND hWnd
BOOL SetCaretPos(
    int X,
    int Y
HANDLE SetClipboardData(
    UINT uFormat,
    HANDLE hMem
alias STDWIN.SetCursor SetCursor;
alias STDWIN.SetCursorPos SetCursorPos;
UINT SetDIBColorTable(
    HDC hdc,                // handle to device context whose DIB is of interest
    UINT uStartIndex,       // color table index of first entry to set
    UINT cEntries,          // number of color table entries to set
    RGBQUAD *pColors  // pointer to array of color table entries
UINT SetErrorMode(
    UINT uMode
BOOL SetEvent(
  HANDLE hEvent   // handle to event object
alias STDWIN.SetFocus SetFocus;
alias STDWIN.SetForegroundWindow SetForegroundWindow;
void SetLastError(
    DWORD dwErrCode
DWORD SetLayout(
    HDC hdc,             // handle to DC
    DWORD dwLayout       // layout options
BOOL SetMenu(
    HWND hWnd,
    HMENU hMenu
BOOL SetMenuDefaultItem(
    HMENU hMenu,
    UINT uItem,
    UINT fByPos
BOOL SetMenuInfo(
    HMENU hmenu,
BOOL SetMenuItemInfoA(
    HMENU hMenu,
    UINT uItem,
    BOOL fByPosition,
BOOL SetMenuItemInfoW(
    HMENU hMenu,
    UINT uItem,
    BOOL fByPosition,
UINT SetPaletteEntries(
    HPALETTE hpal,             // handle to logical palette
    UINT iStart,               // index of first entry to set
    UINT cEntries,             // number of entries to set
    PALETTEENTRY *lppe              // array of palette entries
HWND SetParent(
    HWND hWndChild,
    HWND hWndNewParent
alias STDWIN.SetPixel SetPixel;
alias STDWIN.SetROP2 SetROP2;
BOOL SetRect(
    LPRECT lprc, // rectangle
    int xLeft,   // left side
    int yTop,    // top side
    int xRight,  // right side
    int yBottom  // bottom side
alias STDWIN.SetRectRgn SetRectRgn;
int SetScrollInfo(
    HWND hwnd,
    int fnBar,
    BOOL fRedraw
alias STDWIN.SetStretchBltMode SetStretchBltMode;
alias STDWIN.SetTextAlign SetTextAlign;
alias STDWIN.SetTextColor SetTextColor;
UINT_PTR SetTimer(
    HWND hWnd,
    UINT_PTR nIDEvent,
    UINT uElapse,
    TIMERPROC_I lpTimerFunc
LONG SetWindowLongA(
    HWND hWnd,
    int nIndex,
    LONG dwNewLong
LONG SetWindowLongW(
    HWND hWnd,
    int nIndex,
    LONG dwNewLong
BOOL SetWindowPlacement(
    HWND hWnd,
BOOL SetWindowPos(
    HWND hWnd,             // handle to window
    HWND hWndInsertAfter,  // placement-order handle
    int X,                 // horizontal position
    int Y,                 // vertical position
    int cx,                // width
    int cy,                // height
    UINT uFlags            // window-positioning flags
alias STDWIN.SetWindowRgn SetWindowRgn;
BOOL SetWindowTextA(
    HWND hWnd,
    LPCSTR lpString
BOOL SetWindowTextW(
    HWND hWnd,
    LPCWSTR lpString
HHOOK SetWindowsHookExA(
    int idHook,        // type of hook to install
    HOOKPROC_I lpfn,     // address of hook procedure
    HINSTANCE hMod,    // handle to application instance
    DWORD dwThreadId   // identity of thread to install hook for
HHOOK SetWindowsHookExW(
    int idHook,        // type of hook to install
    HOOKPROC_I lpfn,     // address of hook procedure
    HINSTANCE hMod,    // handle to application instance
    DWORD dwThreadId   // identity of thread to install hook for
BOOL ShellExecuteExA(
BOOL ShellExecuteExW(
BOOL Shell_NotifyIconA(
    DWORD dwMessage,
BOOL Shell_NotifyIconW(
    DWORD dwMessage,
alias STDWIN.ShowCaret ShowCaret;
BOOL ShowOwnedPopups(
    HWND hWnd,
    BOOL fShow
alias STDWIN.ShowScrollBar ShowScrollBar;
alias STDWIN.ShowWindow ShowWindow;
BOOL SipGetInfo(
    SIPINFO *pSipInfo
DWORD SizeofResource(
    HMODULE hModule, // resource-module handle
    HRSRC hResInfo   // resource handle
void Sleep(
    DWORD dwMilliseconds
int StartDocA(
    HDC hdc,              // handle to DC
    DOCINFOA* lpdi          // contains file names
int StartDocW(
    HDC hdc,              // handle to DC
    DOCINFOW* lpdi          // contains file names
int StartPage(
    HDC hDC   // handle to DC
alias STDWIN.StretchBlt StretchBlt;
BOOL SystemParametersInfoA(
    UINT uiAction,
    UINT uiParam,
    PVOID pvParam,
    UINT fWinIni
BOOL SystemParametersInfoW(
    UINT uiAction,
    UINT uiParam,
    PVOID pvParam,
    UINT fWinIni
int ToAscii(
    UINT uVirtKey,
    UINT uScanCode,
    PBYTE lpKeyState,
    LPWORD lpChar,
    UINT uFlags
int ToUnicode(
    UINT wVirtKey,
    UINT wScanCode,
    PBYTE lpKeyState,
    LPWSTR pwszBuff,
    int cchBuff,
    UINT wFlags
BOOL TrackMouseEvent(
    LPTRACKMOUSEEVENT lpEventTrack  // pointer to a TRACKMOUSEEVENT structure
alias STDWIN.TrackPopupMenu TrackPopupMenu;
int TranslateAcceleratorA(
    HWND hWnd,         // handle to destination window
    HACCEL hAccTable,  // handle to accelerator table
    LPMSG lpMsg        // address of structure with message
int TranslateAcceleratorW(
    HWND hWnd,         // handle to destination window
    HACCEL hAccTable,  // handle to accelerator table
    LPMSG lpMsg        // address of structure with message
UINT TranslateCharsetInfo(
    DWORD *lpSrc,
    DWORD dwFlags
BOOL TranslateMDISysAccel(
    HWND hWndClient,
    LPMSG lpMsg
BOOL TranslateMessage(
    MSG *lpMsg   // address of structure with message
BOOL TransparentImage(
HDC hdcDest,
COLORREF TransparentColor
BOOL UnhookWindowsHookEx(
    HHOOK hhk   // handle to hook procedure to remove
BOOL UnregisterClassA(
    LPCSTR lpClassName,  // address of class name string
    HINSTANCE hInstance   // handle of application instance
BOOL UnregisterClassW(
    LPCWSTR lpClassName,  // address of class name string
    HINSTANCE hInstance   // handle of application instance
alias STDWIN.UpdateWindow UpdateWindow;
alias STDWIN.ValidateRect ValidateRect;
SHORT VkKeyScanA(char ch);
SHORT VkKeyScanW(wchar ch);
alias STDWIN.WaitForMultipleObjects WaitForMultipleObjects;
alias STDWIN.WaitForSingleObject WaitForSingleObject;
BOOL WaitMessage();
alias STDWIN.WideCharToMultiByte WideCharToMultiByte;
alias STDWIN.WindowFromDC WindowFromDC;
alias STDWIN.WindowFromPoint WindowFromPoint;

extern (C)
    int wcslen(wchar* string);