view dwt/internal/Library.d @ 130:3d4579727e0e

Fixes #2 and #3
author Jacob Carlborg <>
date Tue, 10 Feb 2009 21:01:24 +0100
parents cfa563df4fdd
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
 * Port to the D programming language:
 *     Frank Benoit <>
 *     Jacob Carlborg <>
module dwt.internal.Library;

import tango.util.Convert;

import dwt.dwthelper.utils;

//do it here, so it can be evaluated at compile time
//this saves a static ctor.
private int buildSWT_VERSION (int major, int minor)
    return major * 1000 + minor;

public class Library

    /* DWT Version - Mmmm (M=major, mmm=minor) */

     * DWT Major version number (must be >= 0)
    static const int MAJOR_VERSION = 3;

     * DWT Minor version number (must be in the range 0..999)
    static const int MINOR_VERSION = 514;

     * DWT revision number (must be >= 0)
    static const int REVISION = 0;

     * The JAVA and DWT versions
    //public static const int JAVA_VERSION;
    public static const int SWT_VERSION = .buildSWT_VERSION(MAJOR_VERSION,

    version (darwin)
        static const String SEPARATOR = "\n";
        static assert(false, "Only Mac OS X supported for this port");

    static int parseVersion (String aVersion)
        if (aVersion == null)
            return 0;
        int major = 0, minor = 0, micro = 0;
        int length = aVersion.length, index = 0, start = 0;
        bool isDigit (char c)
            return c >= '0' && c <= '9';
        while (index < length && isDigit(aVersion[index]))
            if (start < length)
                major = to!(int)(aVersion[start .. index]);
        catch (ConversionException e)
        start = ++index;
        while (index < length && isDigit(aVersion[index]))
            if (start < length)
                minor = to!(int)(aVersion[start .. index]);
        catch (ConversionException e)
        start = ++index;
        while (index < length && isDigit(aVersion[index]))
            if (start < length)
                micro = to!(int)(aVersion[start .. index]);
        catch (ConversionException e)
        return buildJAVA_VERSION(major, minor, micro);

     * Returns the Java version number as an integer.
     * @param major
     * @param minor
     * @param micro
     * @return the version
    public static int buildJAVA_VERSION (int major, int minor, int micro)
        return (major << 16) + (minor << 8) + micro;

     * Returns the DWT version number as an integer.
     * @param major
     * @param minor
     * @return the version
    public static int buildSWT_VERSION (int major, int minor)
        return .buildSWT_VERSION(major, minor);
 static bool extract (String fileName, String mappedName) {
 FileOutputStream os = null;
 InputStream is = null;
 File file = new File(fileName);
    bool extracted = false;
 try {
 if (!file.exists ()) {
 is = Library.class.getResourceAsStream ("/" + mappedName); //$NON-NLS-1$
 if (is !is null) {
                extracted = true;
 int read;
 byte [] buffer = new byte [4096];
 os = new FileOutputStream (fileName);
 while ((read = (buffer)) !is -1) {
 os.write(buffer, 0, read);
 os.close ();
 is.close ();
 if (!Platform.PLATFORM.equals ("win32")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
 try {
 Runtime.getRuntime ().exec (new String []{"chmod", "755", fileName}).waitFor(); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
 } catch (Throwable e) {}
 if (load (fileName)) return true;
        if (load (fileName)) return true;
 } catch (Throwable e) {
 try {
 if (os !is null) os.close ();
 } catch (IOException e1) {}
 try {
 if (is !is null) is.close ();
 } catch (IOException e1) {}
        if (extracted && file.exists ()) file.delete ();
 return false;

 static bool load (String libName) {
 try {
 if (libName.indexOf (SEPARATOR) !is -1) {
 System.load (libName);
 } else {
 System.loadLibrary (libName);
 return true;
 } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {}
 return false;

 * Loads the shared library that matches the version of the
 * Java code which is currently running.  DWT shared libraries
 * follow an encoding scheme where the major, minor and revision
 * numbers are embedded in the library name and this along with
 * <code>name</code> is used to load the library.  If this fails,
 * <code>name</code> is used in another attempt to load the library,
 * this time ignoring the DWT version encoding scheme.
 * @param name the name of the library to load
 public static void loadLibrary (String name) {
 loadLibrary (name, true);

 * Loads the shared library that matches the version of the
 * Java code which is currently running.  DWT shared libraries
 * follow an encoding scheme where the major, minor and revision
 * numbers are embedded in the library name and this along with
 * <code>name</code> is used to load the library.  If this fails,
 * <code>name</code> is used in another attempt to load the library,
 * this time ignoring the DWT version encoding scheme.
 * @param name the name of the library to load
 * @param mapName true if the name should be mapped, false otherwise
 public static void loadLibrary (String name, bool mapName) {
 String prop = System.getProperty (""); //$NON-NLS-1$
 if (prop is null) prop = System.getProperty (""); //$NON-NLS-1$
 if (prop !is null) {
 if ("32".equals (prop)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
 if (0x1FFFFFFFFL is (int /*long*/)0x1FFFFFFFFL) {
 throw new UnsatisfiedLinkError ("Cannot load 64-bit DWT libraries on 32-bit JVM"); //$NON-NLS-1$
 if ("64".equals (prop)) { //$NON-NLS-1$
 if (0x1FFFFFFFFL !is (int /*long*/)0x1FFFFFFFFL) {
 throw new UnsatisfiedLinkError ("Cannot load 32-bit DWT libraries on 64-bit JVM"); //$NON-NLS-1$
 /* Compute the library name and mapped name */
 String libName1, libName2, mappedName1, mappedName2;
 if (mapName) {
 String version = System.getProperty ("swt.version"); //$NON-NLS-1$
 if (version is null) {
 version = "" + MAJOR_VERSION; //$NON-NLS-1$
 /* Force 3 digits in minor version number */
 if (MINOR_VERSION < 10) {
 version += "00"; //$NON-NLS-1$
 } else {
 if (MINOR_VERSION < 100) version += "0"; //$NON-NLS-1$
 version += MINOR_VERSION;       
 /* No "r" until first revision */
 if (REVISION > 0) version += "r" + REVISION; //$NON-NLS-1$
 libName1 = name + "-" + Platform.PLATFORM + "-" + version;  //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
 libName2 = name + "-" + Platform.PLATFORM;  //$NON-NLS-1$
 mappedName1 = System.mapLibraryName (libName1);
 mappedName2 = System.mapLibraryName (libName2);
 } else {
 libName1 = libName2 = mappedName1 = mappedName2 = name;

 /* Try loading library from swt library path */
 String path = System.getProperty ("swt.library.path"); //$NON-NLS-1$
 if (path !is null) {
 path = new File (path).getAbsolutePath ();
 if (load (path + SEPARATOR + mappedName1)) return;
 if (mapName && load (path + SEPARATOR + mappedName2)) return;

 /* Try loading library from java library path */
 if (load (libName1)) return;
 if (mapName && load (libName2)) return;
 /* Try loading library from the tmp directory if swt library path is not specified */
 if (path is null) {
 path = System.getProperty (""); //$NON-NLS-1$
 path = new File (path).getAbsolutePath ();
 if (load (path + SEPARATOR + mappedName1)) return;
 if (mapName && load (path + SEPARATOR + mappedName2)) return;
 /* Try extracting and loading library from jar */
 if (path !is null) {
 if (extract (path + SEPARATOR + mappedName1, mappedName1)) return;
 if (mapName && extract (path + SEPARATOR + mappedName2, mappedName2)) return;
 /* Failed to find the library */
 throw new UnsatisfiedLinkError ("no " + libName1 + " or " + libName2 + " in swt.library.path, java.library.path or the jar file"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$