diff dwt/program/Program.d @ 45:d8635bb48c7c

Merge with SWT 3.5
author Jacob Carlborg <doob@me.com>
date Mon, 01 Dec 2008 17:07:00 +0100
parents a9ab4c738ed8
children cfa563df4fdd
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/dwt/program/Program.d	Tue Oct 21 15:20:04 2008 +0200
+++ b/dwt/program/Program.d	Mon Dec 01 17:07:00 2008 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
  * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
  * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
@@ -13,25 +13,49 @@
 import dwt.dwthelper.utils;
+import java.util.Vector;
 import dwt.DWT;
 import dwt.graphics.ImageData;
+import dwt.graphics.PaletteData;
+import dwt.internal.C;
+import dwt.internal.cocoa.NSArray;
+import dwt.internal.cocoa.NSAutoreleasePool;
+import dwt.internal.cocoa.NSBitmapImageRep;
+import dwt.internal.cocoa.NSBundle;
+import dwt.internal.cocoa.NSDictionary;
+import dwt.internal.cocoa.NSDirectoryEnumerator;
+import dwt.internal.cocoa.NSEnumerator;
+import dwt.internal.cocoa.NSFileManager;
+import dwt.internal.cocoa.NSImage;
+import dwt.internal.cocoa.NSImageRep;
+import dwt.internal.cocoa.NSMutableSet;
+import dwt.internal.cocoa.NSSize;
 import dwt.internal.cocoa.NSString;
 import dwt.internal.cocoa.NSURL;
 import dwt.internal.cocoa.NSWorkspace;
+import dwt.internal.cocoa.OS;
+import dwt.internal.cocoa.id;
  * Instances of this class represent programs and
  * their associated file extensions in the operating
  * system.
+ *
+ * @see <a href="http://www.eclipse.org/swt/snippets/#program">Program snippets</a>
+ * @see <a href="http://www.eclipse.org/swt/">Sample code and further information</a>
 public final class Program {
-    String name;
-    byte[] fsRef;
+    String name, fullPath, identifier;
+    static final String PREFIX_FILE = "file://"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+    static final String PREFIX_HTTP = "http://"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+    static final String PREFIX_HTTPS = "https://"; //$NON-NLS-1$
  * Prevents uninitialized instances from being created outside the package.
-this () {
+Program () {
@@ -50,25 +74,32 @@
 public static Program findProgram (String extension) {
     if (extension is null) DWT.error (DWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
     if (extension.length () is 0) return null;
-//  char[] chars;
-//  if (extension.charAt (0) !is '.') {
-//      chars = new char[extension.length()];
-//      extension.getChars(0, chars.length, chars, 0);
-//  } else {
-//      chars = new char[extension.length() - 1];
-//      extension.getChars(1, extension.length(), chars, 0);        
-//  }
-//  int ext = OS.CFStringCreateWithCharacters(OS.kCFAllocatorDefault, chars, chars.length);
-//  Program program = null;
-//  if (ext !is 0) {
-//      byte[] fsRef = new byte[80];
-//      if (OS.LSGetApplicationForInfo(OS.kLSUnknownType, OS.kLSUnknownCreator, ext, OS.kLSRolesAll, fsRef, null) is OS.noErr) {
-//          program = getProgram(fsRef);
-//      }
-//      OS.CFRelease(ext);
-//  }
-//  return program;
-    return null;
+    if (extension.charAt(0) !is '.') extension = "." + extension;
+    NSAutoreleasePool pool = (NSAutoreleasePool) new NSAutoreleasePool().alloc().init();
+    try {
+        NSWorkspace workspace = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace();
+        int /*long*/ appName = OS.malloc(C.PTR_SIZEOF);
+        int /*long*/ type = OS.malloc(C.PTR_SIZEOF);
+        NSString temp = new NSString(OS.NSTemporaryDirectory());
+        NSString fileName = NSString.stringWith("swt" + System.currentTimeMillis() + extension);
+        NSString fullPath = temp.stringByAppendingPathComponent(fileName);
+        NSFileManager fileManager = NSFileManager.defaultManager();
+        fileManager.createFileAtPath(fullPath, null, null);
+        workspace.getInfoForFile(fullPath, appName, type);
+        fileManager.removeItemAtPath(fullPath, 0);
+        int /*long*/ [] buffer = new int /*long*/[1];
+        OS.memmove(buffer, appName, C.PTR_SIZEOF);
+        OS.free(appName);
+        OS.free(type);
+        if (buffer [0] !is 0) {
+            NSString appPath = new NSString(buffer[0]);
+            NSBundle bundle = NSBundle.bundleWithPath(appPath);
+            if (bundle !is null) return getProgram(bundle);
+        }
+        return null;
+    } finally {
+        pool.release();
+    }
@@ -79,199 +110,79 @@
  * @return an array of extensions
 public static String [] getExtensions () {
-    return new String [] {
-        // From System-Declared Uniform Type Identifiers
-        ".txt",
-        ".rtf",
-        ".html",
-        ".htm",
-        ".xml",
-        ".c",
-        ".m",
-        ".cp", ".cpp", ".c++", ".cc", ".cxx",
-        ".mm",
-        ".h",
-        ".hpp",
-        ".h++",
-        ".hxx",
-        ".java",
-        ".jav",
-        ".s",
-        ".r",
-        ".defs",
-        ".mig",
-        ".exp",
-        ".js",
-        ".jscript",
-        ".javascript",
-        ".sh",
-        ".command",
-        ".csh",
-        ".pl",
-        ".pm",
-        ".py",
-        ".rb",
-        ".rbw",
-        ".php",
-        ".php3",
-        ".php4",
-        ".ph3",
-        ".ph4",
-        ".phtml",
-        ".jnlp",
-        ".applescript",
-        ".scpt",
-        ".o",
-        ".exe",
-        ".dll",
-        ".class",
-        ".jar",
-        ".qtz",
-        ".gtar",
-        ".tar",
-        ".gz",
-        ".gzip",
-        ".tgz",
-        ".hqx",
-        ".bin",
-        ".vcf",
-        ".vcard",
-        ".jpg",
-        ".jpeg",
-        ".jp2",
-        ".tif",
-        ".tiff",
-        ".pic",
-        ".pct",
-        ".pict",
-        ".pntg",
-        ".png",
-        ".xbm",
-        ".qif",
-        ".qtif",
-        ".icns",
-        ".mov",
-        ".qt",
-        ".avi",
-        ".vfw",
-        ".mpg",
-        ".mpeg",
-        ".m75",
-        ".m15",
-        ".mp4",
-        ".3gp",
-        ".3gpp",
-        ".3g2",
-        ".3gp2",
-        ".mp3",
-        ".m4a",
-        ".m4p",
-        ".m4b",
-        ".au",
-        ".ulw",
-        ".snd",
-        ".aifc",
-        ".aiff",
-        ".aif",
-        ".caf",
-        ".bundle",
-        ".app",
-        ".plugin",
-        ".mdimporter",
-        ".wdgt",
-        ".cpio",
-        ".zip",
-        ".framework",
-        ".rtfd",
-        ".dfont",
-        ".otf",
-        ".ttf",
-        ".ttc",
-        ".suit",
-        ".pfb",
-        ".pfa",
-        ".icc",
-        ".icm",
-        ".pf",
-        ".pdf",
-        ".ps",
-        ".eps",
-        ".psd",
-        ".ai",
-        ".gif",
-        ".bmp",
-        ".ico",
-        ".doc",
-        ".xls",
-        ".ppt",
-        ".wav",
-        ".wave",
-        ".asf",
-        ".wm",
-        ".wmv",
-        ".wmp",
-        ".wma",
-        ".asx",
-        ".wmx",
-        ".wvx",
-        ".wax",
-        ".key",
-        ".kth",
-        ".tga",
-        ".sgi",
-        ".exr",
-        ".fpx",
-        ".jfx",
-        ".efx",
-        ".sd2",
-        ".rm",
-        ".ram",
-        ".ra",
-        ".smil",
-        ".sit",
-        ".sitx",
-        // Others
-        ".plist",
-        ".nib",
-        ".lproj",
-        // iChat
-        ".iPhoto",
-        // iChat
-        ".iChat",
-        ".chat",
-        // acrobat reader
-        ".rmf",
-        ".xfdf",
-        ".fdf",
-        // Chess
-        ".game",
-        ".pgn",
-        // iCal
-        ".ics",
-        ".vcs",
-        ".aplmodel",
-        ".icbu",
-        ".icalevent",
-        ".icaltodo",
-        // Mail
-        ".mailhold",
-        ".mbox",
-        ".imapmbox",
-        ".emlx",
-        ".mailextract",
-        // Sherlock
-        ".sherlock",
-        // Stickies
-        ".tpl",
-        // System Preferences
-        ".prefPane",
-        ".sliderSaver",
-        ".saver",
-        // Console
-        ".log",
-        // Grapher
-        ".gcx",
-    };
+    NSAutoreleasePool pool = (NSAutoreleasePool) new NSAutoreleasePool().alloc().init();
+    try {
+        NSMutableSet supportedDocumentTypes = (NSMutableSet)NSMutableSet.set();
+        NSWorkspace workspace = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace();
+        NSString CFBundleDocumentTypes = NSString.stringWith("CFBundleDocumentTypes");
+        NSString CFBundleTypeExtensions = NSString.stringWith("CFBundleTypeExtensions");
+        NSArray array = new NSArray(OS.NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(OS.NSAllApplicationsDirectory, OS.NSAllDomainsMask, true));
+        int count = (int)/*64*/array.count();
+        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+            NSString path = new NSString(array.objectAtIndex(i));
+            NSFileManager fileManager = NSFileManager.defaultManager();
+            NSDirectoryEnumerator enumerator = fileManager.enumeratorAtPath(path);
+            if (enumerator !is null) {
+                id id;
+                while ((id = enumerator.nextObject()) !is null) {
+                    enumerator.skipDescendents();
+                    NSString filePath = new NSString(id.id);
+                    NSString fullPath = path.stringByAppendingPathComponent(filePath);
+                    if (workspace.isFilePackageAtPath(fullPath)) {
+                        NSBundle bundle = NSBundle.bundleWithPath(fullPath);
+                        id = bundle.infoDictionary().objectForKey(CFBundleDocumentTypes);
+                        if (id !is null) {
+                            NSDictionary documentTypes = new NSDictionary(id.id);
+                            NSEnumerator documentTypesEnumerator = documentTypes.objectEnumerator();
+                            while ((id = documentTypesEnumerator.nextObject()) !is null) {
+                                NSDictionary documentType = new NSDictionary(id.id);
+                                id = documentType.objectForKey(CFBundleTypeExtensions);
+                                if (id !is null) {
+                                    supportedDocumentTypes.addObjectsFromArray(new NSArray(id.id));
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        int i = 0;
+        String[] exts = new String[(int)/*64*/supportedDocumentTypes.count()];
+        NSEnumerator enumerator = supportedDocumentTypes.objectEnumerator();
+        id id;
+        while ((id = enumerator.nextObject()) !is null) {
+            String ext = new NSString(id.id).getString();
+            if (!ext.equals("*")) exts[i++] = "." + ext;
+        }
+        if (i !is exts.length) {
+            String[] temp = new String[i];
+            System.arraycopy(exts, 0, temp, 0, i);
+            exts = temp;
+        }
+        return exts;
+    } finally {
+        pool.release();
+    }
+static Program getProgram(NSBundle bundle) {
+    NSString CFBundleName = NSString.stringWith("CFBundleName");
+    NSString CFBundleDisplayName = NSString.stringWith("CFBundleDisplayName");
+    NSString fullPath = bundle.bundlePath();
+    NSString identifier = bundle.bundleIdentifier();
+    id bundleName = bundle.objectForInfoDictionaryKey(CFBundleDisplayName);
+    if (bundleName is null) {
+        bundleName = bundle.objectForInfoDictionaryKey(CFBundleName);
+    }
+    if (bundleName is null) {
+        bundleName = fullPath.lastPathComponent().stringByDeletingPathExtension();
+    }
+    NSString name = new NSString(bundleName.id);
+    Program program = new Program();
+    program.name = name.getString();
+    program.fullPath = fullPath.getString();
+    program.identifier = identifier !is null ? identifier.getString() : "";
+    return program;
@@ -282,72 +193,43 @@
  * @return an array of programs
 public static Program [] getPrograms () {
-    return new Program[0];
-//  Hashtable bundles = new Hashtable();
-//  String[] extensions = getExtensions();
-//  byte[] fsRef = new byte[80];
-//  for (int i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++) {
-//      String extension = extensions[i];
-//      char[] chars = new char[extension.length() - 1];
-//      extension.getChars(1, extension.length(), chars, 0);
-//      int ext = OS.CFStringCreateWithCharacters(OS.kCFAllocatorDefault, chars, chars.length);
-//      if (ext !is 0) {
-//          if (OS.LSGetApplicationForInfo(OS.kLSUnknownType, OS.kLSUnknownCreator, ext, OS.kLSRolesAll, fsRef, null) is OS.noErr) {
-//              Program program = getProgram(fsRef);
-//              if (program !is null && bundles.get(program.getName()) is null) {
-//                  bundles.put(program.getName(), program);
-//                  fsRef = new byte[80];
-//              }
-//          }
-//          if (OS.VERSION >= 0x1040) {
-//              int utis = OS.UTTypeCreateAllIdentifiersForTag(OS.kUTTagClassFilenameExtension(), ext, 0);
-//              if (utis !is 0) {
-//                  int utiCount = OS.CFArrayGetCount(utis);
-//                  for (int j = 0; j < utiCount; j++) {
-//                      int uti = OS.CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(utis, j);
-//                      if (uti !is 0) {
-//                          int apps = OS.LSCopyAllRoleHandlersForContentType(uti, OS.kLSRolesAll);
-//                          if (apps !is 0) {
-//                              int appCount = OS.CFArrayGetCount(apps);
-//                              for (int k = 0; k < appCount; k++) {
-//                                  int app = OS.CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(apps, k);
-//                                  if (app !is 0) {;
-//                                      if (OS.LSFindApplicationForInfo(OS.kLSUnknownCreator, app, 0, fsRef, null) is OS.noErr) {
-//                                          Program program = getProgram(fsRef);
-//                                          if (program !is null && bundles.get(program.getName()) is null) {
-//                                              bundles.put(program.getName(), program);
-//                                              fsRef = new byte[80];
-//                                          }
-//                                      }
-//                                  }
-//                              }
-//                              OS.CFRelease(apps);
-//                          }
-//                      }
-//                  }
-//                  OS.CFRelease(utis);
-//              }
-//          }
-//          OS.CFRelease(ext);
-//      }
-//  }
-//  int count = 0;
-//  Program[] programs = new Program[bundles.size()];
-//  Enumeration values = bundles.elements();
-//  while (values.hasMoreElements()) {
-//      programs[count++] = cast(Program)values.nextElement();
-//  }
-//  return programs;
+    NSAutoreleasePool pool = (NSAutoreleasePool) new NSAutoreleasePool().alloc().init();
+    try {
+        Vector vector = new Vector();
+        NSWorkspace workspace = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace();
+        NSArray array = new NSArray(OS.NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(OS.NSAllApplicationsDirectory, OS.NSAllDomainsMask, true));
+        int count = (int)/*64*/array.count();
+        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+            NSString path = new NSString(array.objectAtIndex(i));
+            NSFileManager fileManager = NSFileManager.defaultManager();
+            NSDirectoryEnumerator enumerator = fileManager.enumeratorAtPath(path);
+            if (enumerator !is null) {
+                id id;
+                while ((id = enumerator.nextObject()) !is null) {
+                    enumerator.skipDescendents();
+                    NSString fullPath = path.stringByAppendingPathComponent(new NSString(id.id));
+                    if (workspace.isFilePackageAtPath(fullPath)) {
+                        NSBundle bundle = NSBundle.bundleWithPath(fullPath);
+                        vector.addElement(getProgram(bundle));
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        Program[] programs = new Program[vector.size()];
+        vector.copyInto(programs);
+        return programs;
+    } finally {
+        pool.release();
+    }
- * Launches the executable associated with the file in
- * the operating system.  If the file is an executable,
- * then the executable is launched.  Note that a <code>Display</code>
- * must already exist to guarantee that this method returns
- * an appropriate result.
+ * Launches the operating system executable associated with the file or
+ * URL (http:// or https://).  If the file is an executable then the
+ * executable is launched.  Note that a <code>Display</code> must already
+ * exist to guarantee that this method returns an appropriate result.
- * @param fileName the file or program name
+ * @param fileName the file or program name or URL (http:// or https://)
  * @return <code>true</code> if the file is launched, otherwise <code>false</code>
  * @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
@@ -356,9 +238,27 @@
 public static bool launch (String fileName) {
     if (fileName is null) DWT.error (DWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
-    if (fileName.indexOf(':') is -1) fileName = "file://" + fileName;
-    NSWorkspace workspace = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace();
-    return workspace.openURL(NSURL.static_URLWithString_(NSString.stringWith(fileName)));
+    NSAutoreleasePool pool = (NSAutoreleasePool) new NSAutoreleasePool().alloc().init();
+    try {
+        NSString unescapedStr = NSString.stringWith("%"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+        if (fileName.indexOf(':') is -1) {
+            fileName = PREFIX_FILE + fileName;
+        } else {
+            String lowercaseName = fileName.toLowerCase ();
+            if (lowercaseName.startsWith (PREFIX_HTTP) || lowercaseName.startsWith (PREFIX_HTTPS)) {
+                unescapedStr = NSString.stringWith("%#"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+            }
+        }
+        NSString fullPath = NSString.stringWith(fileName);
+        int /*long*/ ptr = OS.CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(0, fullPath.id, unescapedStr.id, 0, OS.kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
+        NSString escapedString = new NSString(ptr);
+        NSWorkspace workspace = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace();
+        bool result = workspace.openURL(NSURL.URLWithString(escapedString));
+        OS.CFRelease(ptr);
+        return result;
+    } finally {
+        pool.release();
+    }
@@ -376,45 +276,26 @@
 public bool execute (String fileName) {
     if (fileName is null) DWT.error(DWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
-//  if (OS.VERSION < 0x1040) return launch(fileName);
-//  int rc = -1;
-//  int fsRefPtr = OS.NewPtr(fsRef.length);
-//  if (fsRefPtr !is 0) {
-//      OS.memmove(fsRefPtr, fsRef, fsRef.length);
-//      LSApplicationParameters params = new LSApplicationParameters();
-//      params.version = 0;
-//      params.flags = 0;
-//      params.application = fsRefPtr;
-//      if (fileName.length() is 0) {
-//          rc = OS.LSOpenApplication(params, null);
-//      } else {
-//          if (fileName.indexOf(':') is -1) fileName = "file://" + fileName;
-//          char[] chars = new char[fileName.length()];
-//          fileName.getChars(0, chars.length, chars, 0);
-//          int str = OS.CFStringCreateWithCharacters(0, chars, chars.length);
-//          if (str !is 0) {
-//              int unscapedStr = OS.CFStringCreateWithCharacters(0, new char[]{'%'}, 1);
-//              int escapedStr = OS.CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(OS.kCFAllocatorDefault, str, unscapedStr, 0, OS.kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
-//              if (escapedStr !is 0) {
-//                  int urls = OS.CFArrayCreateMutable(OS.kCFAllocatorDefault, 1, 0);
-//                  if (urls !is 0) {
-//                      int url = OS.CFURLCreateWithString(OS.kCFAllocatorDefault, escapedStr, 0);
-//                      if (url !is 0) {
-//                          OS.CFArrayAppendValue(urls, url);
-//                          rc = OS.LSOpenURLsWithRole(urls, OS.kLSRolesAll, 0, params, null, 0);
-//                      }
-//                      OS.CFRelease(urls);
-//                  }
-//                  OS.CFRelease(escapedStr);
-//              }
-//              if (unscapedStr !is 0) OS.CFRelease(unscapedStr);
-//              OS.CFRelease(str);
-//          }
-//      }
-//      OS.DisposePtr(fsRefPtr);
-//  }
-//  return rc is OS.noErr;
-    return false;
+    NSAutoreleasePool pool = (NSAutoreleasePool) new NSAutoreleasePool().alloc().init();
+    try {
+        NSWorkspace workspace = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace();
+        NSString fullPath = NSString.stringWith(fileName);
+        if (fileName.indexOf(':') is -1) {
+            return workspace.openFile(fullPath, NSString.stringWith(name));
+        }
+        NSString unescapedStr = NSString.stringWith("%"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+        String lowercaseName = fileName.toLowerCase ();
+        if (lowercaseName.startsWith (PREFIX_HTTP) || lowercaseName.startsWith (PREFIX_HTTPS)) {
+            unescapedStr = NSString.stringWith("%#"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+        }
+        int /*long*/ ptr = OS.CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(0, fullPath.id, unescapedStr.id, 0, OS.kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
+        NSString escapedString = new NSString(ptr);
+        NSArray urls = NSArray.arrayWithObject(NSURL.URLWithString(escapedString));
+        OS.CFRelease(ptr);
+        return workspace.openURLs(urls, NSString.stringWith(identifier), 0, null, 0);
+    } finally {
+        pool.release();
+    }
@@ -425,51 +306,50 @@
  * @return the image data for the program, may be null
 public ImageData getImageData () {
-//  int[] iconRef = new int[1];
-//  OS.GetIconRefFromFileInfo(fsRef, 0, null, 0, 0, 0, iconRef, null);
-//  int[] family = new int[1];
-//  int rc = OS.IconRefToIconFamily(iconRef[0], OS.kSelectorAlLAvailableData, family);
-//  OS.ReleaseIconRef(iconRef[0]);
-//  if (rc !is OS.noErr) return null;
-////    ImageData result = createImageFromFamily(family[0], OS.kLarge32BitData, OS.kLarge8BitMask, 32, 32);
-//  ImageData result = createImageFromFamily(family[0], OS.kSmall32BitData, OS.kSmall8BitMask, 16, 16);
-//  OS.DisposeHandle(family[0]);
-//  if (result is null) {
-//      RGB[] rgbs = new RGB[] {
-//          new RGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xff), 
-//          new RGB(0x5f, 0x5f, 0x5f),
-//          new RGB(0x80, 0x80, 0x80),
-//          new RGB(0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0),
-//          new RGB(0xDF, 0xDF, 0xBF),
-//          new RGB(0xFF, 0xDF, 0x9F),
-//          new RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x00),
-//      };  
-//      result = new ImageData(16, 16, 4, new PaletteData(rgbs) );
-//      result.transparentPixel = 6; // use black for transparency
-//      String[] p= {
-//          "CCCCCCCCGGG",
-//          "CFAAAAACBGG",
-//          "CAAAAAACFBG",
-//          "CAAAAAACBBB",
-//          "CAAAAAAAAEB",
-//          "CAAAAAAAAEB",
-//          "CAAAAAAAAEB",
-//          "CAAAAAAAAEB",
-//          "CAAAAAAAAEB",
-//          "CAAAAAAAAEB",
-//          "CAAAAAAAAEB",
-//          "CAAAAAAAAEB",
-//          "CDDDDDDDDDB",
-//          "CBBBBBBBBBB",
-//      };
-//      for (int y= 0; y < p.length; y++) {
-//          for (int x= 0; x < 11; x++) {
-//              result.setPixel(x+3, y+1, p[y].charAt(x)-'A');
-//          }
-//      }
-//  }
-//  return result;
-    return null;
+    NSAutoreleasePool pool = (NSAutoreleasePool) new NSAutoreleasePool().alloc().init();
+    try {
+        NSWorkspace workspace = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace();
+        NSString fullPath;
+        if (this.fullPath !is null) {
+            fullPath = NSString.stringWith(this.fullPath);
+        } else {
+            fullPath = workspace.fullPathForApplication(NSString.stringWith(name));
+        }
+        if (fullPath !is null) {
+            NSImage nsImage = workspace.iconForFile(fullPath);
+            if (nsImage !is null) {
+                NSSize size = new NSSize();
+                size.width = size.height = 16;
+                nsImage.setSize(size);
+                NSBitmapImageRep imageRep = null;
+                NSImageRep rep = nsImage.bestRepresentationForDevice(null);
+                if (rep.isKindOfClass(OS.class_NSBitmapImageRep)) { 
+                    imageRep = new NSBitmapImageRep(rep.id);
+                }
+                if (imageRep !is null) {
+                    int width = (int)/*64*/imageRep.pixelsWide();
+                    int height = (int)/*64*/imageRep.pixelsHigh();
+                    int bpr = (int)/*64*/imageRep.bytesPerRow();
+                    int bpp = (int)/*64*/imageRep.bitsPerPixel();
+                    int dataSize = height * bpr;
+                    byte[] srcData = new byte[dataSize];
+                    OS.memmove(srcData, imageRep.bitmapData(), dataSize);
+                    //TODO check color info
+                    PaletteData palette = new PaletteData(0xFF000000, 0xFF0000, 0xFF00);
+                    ImageData data = new ImageData(width, height, bpp, palette, 4, srcData);
+                    data.bytesPerLine = bpr;
+                    data.alphaData = new byte[width * height];
+                    for (int i = 3, o = 0; i < srcData.length; i+= 4, o++) {
+                        data.alphaData[o] = srcData[i];
+                    }
+                    return data;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return null;
+    } finally {
+        pool.release();
+    }
@@ -484,27 +364,6 @@
     return name;
-//static Program getProgram(byte[] fsRef) {
-//  String name = "";
-//  int[] namePtr = new int[1];
-//  OS.LSCopyDisplayNameForRef(fsRef, namePtr);
-//  if (namePtr[0] !is 0) {
-//      int length = OS.CFStringGetLength(namePtr[0]);
-//      if (length !is 0) {
-//          char[] buffer= new char[length];
-//          CFRange range = new CFRange();
-//          range.length = length;
-//          OS.CFStringGetCharacters(namePtr[0], range, buffer);
-//          name = new String(buffer);
-//      }
-//      OS.CFRelease(namePtr[0]);
-//  }
-//  Program program = new Program();
-//  program.fsRef = fsRef;
-//  program.name = name;
-//  return program;
  * Compares the argument to the receiver, and returns true
  * if they represent the <em>same</em> object using a class
@@ -517,8 +376,8 @@
 public bool equals(Object other) {
     if (this is other) return true;
-    if ( null !is cast(Program)other ) {
-        final Program program = cast(Program) other;
+    if (other instanceof Program) {
+        final Program program = (Program) other;
         return name.equals(program.name);
     return false;