diff dwt/internal/cocoa/NSTypesetter.d @ 45:d8635bb48c7c

Merge with SWT 3.5
author Jacob Carlborg <doob@me.com>
date Mon, 01 Dec 2008 17:07:00 +0100
parents f565d3a95c0a
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/dwt/internal/cocoa/NSTypesetter.d	Tue Oct 21 15:20:04 2008 +0200
+++ b/dwt/internal/cocoa/NSTypesetter.d	Mon Dec 01 17:07:00 2008 +0100
@@ -1,422 +1,43 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
+ * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
  * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
  * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
  * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
  * Contributors:
- *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
+ *    IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
  * Port to the D programming language:
- *     Jacob Carlborg <jacob.carlborg@gmail.com>
+ *    Jacob Carlborg <doob@me.com>
 module dwt.internal.cocoa.NSTypesetter;
-import dwt.internal.cocoa.id;
-import dwt.internal.cocoa.CGFloat;
-import dwt.internal.cocoa.NSArray;
-import dwt.internal.cocoa.NSAttributedString;
-import dwt.internal.cocoa.NSDictionary;
-import dwt.internal.cocoa.NSFont;
-import dwt.internal.cocoa.NSInteger;
+import dwt.dwthelper.utils;
+import dwt.internal.c.Carbon;
+import cocoa = dwt.internal.cocoa.id;
 import dwt.internal.cocoa.NSLayoutManager;
 import dwt.internal.cocoa.NSObject;
-import dwt.internal.cocoa.NSParagraphStyle;
-import dwt.internal.cocoa.NSPoint;
-import dwt.internal.cocoa.NSRange;
-import dwt.internal.cocoa.NSRect;
-import dwt.internal.cocoa.NSSize;
-import dwt.internal.cocoa.NSText : NSWritingDirection;
-import dwt.internal.cocoa.NSTextContainer;
-import dwt.internal.cocoa.NSTextTab;
 import dwt.internal.cocoa.OS;
+import dwt.internal.objc.cocoa.Cocoa;
 import objc = dwt.internal.objc.runtime;
-enum NSTypesetterControlCharacterAction : NSUInteger
-    NSTypesetterZeroAdvancementAction = (1 << 0),
-    NSTypesetterWhitespaceAction = (1 << 1),
-    NSTypesetterHorizontalTabAction = (1 << 2),
-    NSTypesetterLineBreakAction = (1 << 3),
-    NSTypesetterParagraphBreakAction = (1 << 4),
-    NSTypesetterContainerBreakAction = (1 << 5)
+public class NSTypesetter : NSObject {
+public this() {
+    super();
-alias NSTypesetterControlCharacterAction.NSTypesetterZeroAdvancementAction NSTypesetterZeroAdvancementAction;
-alias NSTypesetterControlCharacterAction.NSTypesetterWhitespaceAction NSTypesetterWhitespaceAction;
-alias NSTypesetterControlCharacterAction.NSTypesetterHorizontalTabAction NSTypesetterHorizontalTabAction;
-alias NSTypesetterControlCharacterAction.NSTypesetterLineBreakAction NSTypesetterLineBreakAction;
-alias NSTypesetterControlCharacterAction.NSTypesetterParagraphBreakAction NSTypesetterParagraphBreakAction;
-alias NSTypesetterControlCharacterAction.NSTypesetterContainerBreakAction NSTypesetterContainerBreakAction;
-public class NSTypesetter : NSObject
-    public this ()
-    {
-        super();
-    }
-    public this (objc.id id)
-    {
-        super(id);
-    }
-    public NSTypesetterControlCharacterAction actionForControlCharacterAtIndex (NSUInteger charIndex)
-    {
-        return cast(NSTypesetterControlCharacterAction) OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_actionForControlCharacterAtIndex_1, charIndex);
-    }
-    public NSAttributedString attributedString ()
-    {
-        objc.id result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_attributedString);
-        return result !is null ? new NSAttributedString(result) : null;
-    }
-    public NSDictionary attributesForExtraLineFragment ()
-    {
-        objc.id result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_attributesForExtraLineFragment);
-        return result !is null ? new NSDictionary(result) : null;
-    }
-    public CGFloat baselineOffsetInLayoutManager (NSLayoutManager layoutMgr, NSUInteger glyphIndex)
-    {
-        return cast(CGFloat) OS.objc_msgSend_fpret(this.id_, OS.sel_baselineOffsetInLayoutManager_1glyphIndex_1,
-                layoutMgr !is null ? layoutMgr.id_ : null, glyphIndex);
-    }
-    public void beginLineWithGlyphAtIndex (NSUInteger glyphIndex)
-    {
-        OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_beginLineWithGlyphAtIndex_1, glyphIndex);
-    }
-    public void beginParagraph ()
-    {
-        OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_beginParagraph);
-    }
-    public bool bidiProcessingEnabled ()
-    {
-        return OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_bidiProcessingEnabled) !is null;
-    }
-    public NSRect boundingBoxForControlGlyphAtIndex (NSUInteger glyphIndex, NSTextContainer textContainer, NSRect proposedRect,
-            NSPoint glyphPosition, NSUInteger charIndex)
-    {
-        NSRect result;
-        OS.objc_msgSend_stret(&result, this.id_,
-                OS.sel_boundingBoxForControlGlyphAtIndex_1forTextContainer_1proposedLineFragment_1glyphPosition_1characterIndex_1, glyphIndex,
-                textContainer !is null ? textContainer.id_ : null, proposedRect, glyphPosition, charIndex);
-        return result;
-    }
-    public NSRange characterRangeForGlyphRange (NSRange glyphRange, NSRangePointer actualGlyphRange)
-    {
-        NSRange result;
-        OS.objc_msgSend_stret(&result, this.id_, OS.sel_characterRangeForGlyphRange_1actualGlyphRange_1, glyphRange, actualGlyphRange);
-        return result;
-    }
-    public NSParagraphStyle currentParagraphStyle ()
-    {
-        objc.id result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_currentParagraphStyle);
-        return result !is null ? new NSParagraphStyle(result) : null;
-    }
-    public NSTextContainer currentTextContainer ()
-    {
-        objc.id result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_currentTextContainer);
-        return result !is null ? new NSTextContainer(result) : null;
-    }
-    public static NSTypesetterBehavior defaultTypesetterBehavior ()
-    {
-        return cast(NSTypesetterBehavior) OS.objc_msgSend(OS.class_NSTypesetter, OS.sel_defaultTypesetterBehavior);
-    }
-    public void deleteGlyphsInRange (NSRange glyphRange)
-    {
-        OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_deleteGlyphsInRange_1, glyphRange);
-    }
-    public void endLineWithGlyphRange (NSRange lineGlyphRange)
-    {
-        OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_endLineWithGlyphRange_1, lineGlyphRange);
-    }
-    public void endParagraph ()
-    {
-        OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_endParagraph);
-    }
-    public NSUInteger getGlyphsInRange (NSRange glyphsRange, NSGlyph* glyphBuffer, NSUInteger* charIndexBuffer, NSGlyphInscription* inscribeBuffer,
-            bool* elasticBuffer, /*unsigned char* */ubyte* bidiLevelBuffer)
-    {
-        return cast(NSUInteger) OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_,
-                OS.sel_getGlyphsInRange_1glyphs_1characterIndexes_1glyphInscriptions_1elasticBits_1bidiLevels_1, glyphsRange, glyphBuffer,
-                charIndexBuffer, inscribeBuffer, elasticBuffer, bidiLevelBuffer);
-    }
-    public void getLineFragmentRect_usedRect_forParagraphSeparatorGlyphRange_atProposedOrigin_ (NSRectPointer lineFragmentRect,
-            NSRectPointer lineFragmentUsedRect, NSRange paragraphSeparatorGlyphRange, NSPoint lineOrigin)
-    {
-        OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_getLineFragmentRect_1usedRect_1forParagraphSeparatorGlyphRange_1atProposedOrigin_1, lineFragmentRect,
-                lineFragmentUsedRect, paragraphSeparatorGlyphRange, lineOrigin);
-    }
-    public void getLineFragmentRect_usedRect_remainingRect_forStartingGlyphAtIndex_proposedRect_lineSpacing_paragraphSpacingBefore_paragraphSpacingAfter_ (
-            NSRectPointer lineFragmentRect, NSRectPointer lineFragmentUsedRect, NSRectPointer remainingRect, NSUInteger startingGlyphIndex,
-            NSRect proposedRect, CGFloat lineSpacing, CGFloat paragraphSpacingBefore, CGFloat paragraphSpacingAfter)
-    {
-        OS.objc_msgSend(
-                this.id_,
-                OS.sel_getLineFragmentRect_1usedRect_1remainingRect_1forStartingGlyphAtIndex_1proposedRect_1lineSpacing_1paragraphSpacingBefore_1paragraphSpacingAfter_1,
-                lineFragmentRect, lineFragmentUsedRect, remainingRect, startingGlyphIndex, proposedRect, lineSpacing, paragraphSpacingBefore,
-                paragraphSpacingAfter);
-    }
-    public NSRange glyphRangeForCharacterRange (NSRange charRange, NSRangePointer actualCharRange)
-    {
-        NSRange result;
-        OS.objc_msgSend_stret(&result, this.id_, OS.sel_glyphRangeForCharacterRange_1actualCharacterRange_1, charRange, actualCharRange);
-        return result;
-    }
-    public /*UTF32Char*/dchar hyphenCharacterForGlyphAtIndex (NSUInteger glyphIndex)
-    {
-        return cast(/*UTF32Char*/dchar) OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_hyphenCharacterForGlyphAtIndex_1, glyphIndex);
-    }
-    public float hyphenationFactor ()
-    {
-        return cast(float) OS.objc_msgSend_fpret(this.id_, OS.sel_hyphenationFactor);
-    }
-    public float hyphenationFactorForGlyphAtIndex (NSUInteger glyphIndex)
-    {
-        return cast(float) OS.objc_msgSend_fpret(this.id_, OS.sel_hyphenationFactorForGlyphAtIndex_1, glyphIndex);
-    }
-    public void insertGlyph (NSGlyph glyph, NSUInteger glyphIndex, NSUInteger characterIndex)
-    {
-        OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_insertGlyph_1atGlyphIndex_1characterIndex_1, glyph, glyphIndex, characterIndex);
-    }
-    public NSRange layoutCharactersInRange (NSRange characterRange, NSLayoutManager layoutManager, NSUInteger maxNumLines)
-    {
-        NSRange result;
-        OS.objc_msgSend_stret(&result, this.id_, OS.sel_layoutCharactersInRange_1forLayoutManager_1maximumNumberOfLineFragments_1, characterRange,
-                layoutManager !is null ? layoutManager.id_ : null, maxNumLines);
-        return result;
-    }
-    public void layoutGlyphsInLayoutManager (NSLayoutManager layoutManager, NSUInteger startGlyphIndex, NSUInteger maxNumLines, NSUInteger* nextGlyph)
-    {
-        OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_layoutGlyphsInLayoutManager_1startingAtGlyphIndex_1maxNumberOfLineFragments_1nextGlyphIndex_1,
-                layoutManager !is null ? layoutManager.id_ : null, startGlyphIndex, maxNumLines, nextGlyph);
-    }
-    public NSLayoutManager layoutManager ()
-    {
-        objc.id result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_layoutManager);
-        return result !is null ? new NSLayoutManager(result) : null;
-    }
-    public NSUInteger layoutParagraphAtPoint (NSPointPointer lineFragmentOrigin)
-    {
-        return cast(NSUInteger) OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_layoutParagraphAtPoint_1, lineFragmentOrigin);
-    }
+public this(objc.id id) {
+    super(id);
-    public CGFloat lineFragmentPadding ()
-    {
-        return cast(CGFloat) OS.objc_msgSend_fpret(this.id_, OS.sel_lineFragmentPadding);
-    }
-    public CGFloat lineSpacingAfterGlyphAtIndex (NSUInteger glyphIndex, NSRect rect)
-    {
-        return cast(CGFloat) OS.objc_msgSend_fpret(this.id_, OS.sel_lineSpacingAfterGlyphAtIndex_1withProposedLineFragmentRect_1, glyphIndex, rect);
-    }
-    public NSRange paragraphCharacterRange ()
-    {
-        NSRange result;
-        OS.objc_msgSend_stret(&result, this.id_, OS.sel_paragraphCharacterRange);
-        return result;
-    }
-    public NSRange paragraphGlyphRange ()
-    {
-        NSRange result;
-        OS.objc_msgSend_stret(&result, this.id_, OS.sel_paragraphGlyphRange);
-        return result;
-    }
-    public NSRange paragraphSeparatorCharacterRange ()
-    {
-        NSRange result;
-        OS.objc_msgSend_stret(&result, this.id_, OS.sel_paragraphSeparatorCharacterRange);
-        return result;
-    }
-    public NSRange paragraphSeparatorGlyphRange ()
-    {
-        NSRange result;
-        OS.objc_msgSend_stret(&result, this.id_, OS.sel_paragraphSeparatorGlyphRange);
-        return result;
-    }
-    public CGFloat paragraphSpacingAfterGlyphAtIndex (NSUInteger glyphIndex, NSRect rect)
-    {
-        return cast(CGFloat) OS.objc_msgSend_fpret(this.id_, OS.sel_paragraphSpacingAfterGlyphAtIndex_1withProposedLineFragmentRect_1, glyphIndex, rect);
-    }
-    public CGFloat paragraphSpacingBeforeGlyphAtIndex (NSUInteger glyphIndex, NSRect rect)
-    {
-        return cast(CGFloat) OS.objc_msgSend_fpret(this.id_, OS.sel_paragraphSpacingBeforeGlyphAtIndex_1withProposedLineFragmentRect_1, glyphIndex, rect);
-    }
-    public static NSSize printingAdjustmentInLayoutManager (NSLayoutManager layoutMgr, NSRange nominallySpacedGlyphsRange,
-            /*const unsigned char* */ubyte* packedGlyphs, NSUInteger packedGlyphsCount)
-    {
-        NSSize result;
-        OS.objc_msgSend_stret(&result, OS.class_NSTypesetter,
-                OS.sel_printingAdjustmentInLayoutManager_1forNominallySpacedGlyphRange_1packedGlyphs_1count_1,
-                layoutMgr !is null ? layoutMgr.id_ : null, nominallySpacedGlyphsRange, packedGlyphs, packedGlyphsCount);
-        return result;
-    }
-    public void setAttachmentSize (NSSize attachmentSize, NSRange glyphRange)
-    {
-        OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_setAttachmentSize_1forGlyphRange_1, attachmentSize, glyphRange);
-    }
-    public void setAttributedString (NSAttributedString attrString)
-    {
-        OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_setAttributedString_1, attrString !is null ? attrString.id_ : null);
-    }
-    public void setBidiLevels (/*const uint8_t* */ubyte* levels, NSRange glyphRange)
-    {
-        OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_setBidiLevels_1forGlyphRange_1, levels, glyphRange);
-    }
-    public void setBidiProcessingEnabled (bool flag)
-    {
-        OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_setBidiProcessingEnabled_1, flag);
-    }
-    public void setDrawsOutsideLineFragment (bool flag, NSRange glyphRange)
-    {
-        OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_setDrawsOutsideLineFragment_1forGlyphRange_1, flag, glyphRange);
-    }
-    public void setHardInvalidation (bool flag, NSRange glyphRange)
-    {
-        OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_setHardInvalidation_1forGlyphRange_1, flag, glyphRange);
-    }
-    public void setHyphenationFactor (float factor)
-    {
-        OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_setHyphenationFactor_1, factor);
-    }
+public this(cocoa.id id) {
+    super(id);
-    public void setLineFragmentPadding (CGFloat padding)
-    {
-        OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_setLineFragmentPadding_1, padding);
-    }
-    public void setLineFragmentRect (NSRect fragmentRect, NSRange glyphRange, NSRect usedRect, CGFloat baselineOffset)
-    {
-        OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_setLineFragmentRect_1forGlyphRange_1usedRect_1baselineOffset_1, fragmentRect, glyphRange, usedRect,
-                baselineOffset);
-    }
-    public void setLocation (NSPoint location, /*const CGFloat* */CGFloat* advancements, NSRange glyphRange)
-    {
-        OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_setLocation_1withAdvancements_1forStartOfGlyphRange_1, location, advancements, glyphRange);
-    }
-    public void setNotShownAttribute (bool flag, NSRange glyphRange)
-    {
-        OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_setNotShownAttribute_1forGlyphRange_1, flag, glyphRange);
-    }
-    public void setParagraphGlyphRange (NSRange paragraphRange, NSRange paragraphSeparatorRange)
-    {
-        OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_setParagraphGlyphRange_1separatorGlyphRange_1, paragraphRange, paragraphSeparatorRange);
-    }
-    public void setTypesetterBehavior (NSTypesetterBehavior behavior)
-    {
-        OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_setTypesetterBehavior_1, behavior);
-    }
-    public void setUsesFontLeading (bool flag)
-    {
-        OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_setUsesFontLeading_1, flag);
-    }
-    public static id sharedSystemTypesetter ()
-    {
-        objc.id result = OS.objc_msgSend(OS.class_NSTypesetter, OS.sel_sharedSystemTypesetter);
-        return result !is null ? new id(result) : null;
-    }
-    public static id sharedSystemTypesetterForBehavior (NSTypesetterBehavior theBehavior)
-    {
-        objc.id result = OS.objc_msgSend(OS.class_NSTypesetter, OS.sel_sharedSystemTypesetterForBehavior_1, theBehavior);
-        return result !is null ? new id(result) : null;
-    }
-    public bool shouldBreakLineByHyphenatingBeforeCharacterAtIndex (NSUInteger charIndex)
-    {
-        return OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_shouldBreakLineByHyphenatingBeforeCharacterAtIndex_1, charIndex) !is null;
-    }
-    public bool shouldBreakLineByWordBeforeCharacterAtIndex (NSUInteger charIndex)
-    {
-        return OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_shouldBreakLineByWordBeforeCharacterAtIndex_1, charIndex) !is null;
-    }
-    public NSFont substituteFontForFont (NSFont originalFont)
-    {
-        objc.id result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_substituteFontForFont_1, originalFont !is null ? originalFont.id_ : null);
-        return result !is null ? new NSFont(result) : null;
-    }
-    public void substituteGlyphsInRange (NSRange glyphRange, NSGlyph* glyphs)
-    {
-        OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_substituteGlyphsInRange_1withGlyphs_1, glyphRange, glyphs);
-    }
-    public NSArray textContainers ()
-    {
-        objc.id result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_textContainers);
-        return result !is null ? new NSArray(result) : null;
-    }
-    public NSTextTab textTabForGlyphLocation (CGFloat glyphLocation, NSWritingDirection direction, CGFloat maxLocation)
-    {
-        objc.id result = OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_textTabForGlyphLocation_1writingDirection_1maxLocation_1, glyphLocation, direction,
-                maxLocation);
-        return result !is null ? new NSTextTab(result) : null;
-    }
-    public NSTypesetterBehavior typesetterBehavior ()
-    {
-        return cast(NSTypesetterBehavior) OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_typesetterBehavior);
-    }
-    public bool usesFontLeading ()
-    {
-        return OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_usesFontLeading) !is null;
-    }
-    public void willSetLineFragmentRect (NSRectPointer lineRect, NSRange glyphRange, NSRectPointer usedRect, CGFloat* baselineOffset)
-    {
-        OS.objc_msgSend(this.id_, OS.sel_willSetLineFragmentRect_1forGlyphRange_1usedRect_1baselineOffset_1, lineRect, glyphRange, usedRect,
-                baselineOffset);
-    }
+public CGFloat baselineOffsetInLayoutManager(NSLayoutManager layoutMgr, NSUInteger glyphIndex) {
+    return cast(CGFloat) OS.objc_msgSend_fpret(this.id, OS.sel_baselineOffsetInLayoutManager_glyphIndex_, layoutMgr !is null ? layoutMgr.id : null, glyphIndex);