view dwt/internal/gtk/c/pangotypes.d @ 11:5f725d09c076

Added dynamic loader from gtkd with cleanup and modifications. Tango only support. No OS.d tie-in yet.
author John Reimer<>
date Sat, 05 Jan 2008 15:13:44 -0800
children bc06000c0816
line wrap: on
line source


    This file is part of gtkD.

    gtkD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.
    gtkD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
    along with gtkD; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


module dwt.internal.gtk.c.pangotypes;

public import dwt.internal.gtk.c.glibtypes;
public import dwt.internal.gtk.c.gobjecttypes;



///* The pango Basic Types */
public alias void FcPattern;
public alias void FcCharSet;
//public alias void LOGFONT;
//struct Display;
//struct FT_Bitmap;
struct FT_Face;
//struct XftDraw;
//struct XftColor;

const int PANGO_SCALE = 1024;
const double PANGO_SCALE_XX_SMALL = 0.5787037037037;	/// The scale factor for three shrinking steps (1 / (1.2 * 1.2 * 1.2)).
const double PANGO_SCALE_X_SMALL  = 0.6444444444444;	/// The scale factor for two shrinking steps (1 / (1.2 * 1.2)).
const double PANGO_SCALE_SMALL    = 0.8333333333333;	/// The scale factor for one shrinking step (1 / 1.2).
const double PANGO_SCALE_MEDIUM   = 1.0;	/// The scale factor for normal size (1.0).
const double PANGO_SCALE_LARGE    = 1.2;	/// The scale factor for one magnification step (1.2)
const double PANGO_SCALE_X_LARGE  = 1.4399999999999;	/// The scale factor for two magnification steps (1.2 * 1.2).
const double PANGO_SCALE_XX_LARGE = 1.728;	/// The scale factor for three magnification steps (1.2 * 1.2 * 1.2).

 * typedef guint32 PangoGlyph;
 * A PangoGlyph represents a single glyph in the output form of a string.
public alias uint PangoGlyph;

 * typedef gint32 PangoGlyphUnit;
 * The PangoGlyphUnit type is used to store dimensions within
 * Pango. Dimensions are stored in 1/PANGO_SCALE of a device unit.
 * (A device unit might be a pixel for screen display, or
 * a point on a printer.) PANGO_SCALE is currently 1024, and
 * may change in the future (unlikely though), but you should not
 * depend on its exact value. The PANGO_PIXELS() macro can be used
 * to convert from glyph units into device units with correct rounding.
public alias int PangoGlyphUnit;

 * typedef PangoGlyphItem PangoLayoutRun;
 * The PangoLayoutRun structure represents a single run within
 * a PangoLayoutLine; it is simply an alternate name for
 * PangoGlyphItem, present for backwards compatibility.
 * See the PangoGlyphItem docs for details on the fields.
public alias PangoGlyphItem PangoLayoutRun;
 * The PangoDirection type represents a direction in the
 * Unicode bidirectional algorithm; not every value in this
 * enumeration makes sense for every usage of PangoDirection;
 * for example, the return value of pango_unichar_direction()
 * and pango_find_base_dir() cannot be PANGO_DIRECTION_WEAK_LTR
 * or PANGO_DIRECTION_WEAK_RTL, since every character is either
 * neutral or has a strong direction; on the other hand
 * PANGO_DIRECTION_NEUTRAL doesn't make sense to pass
 * to pango_itemize_with_base_dir().
 * values come from an earlier interpretation of this
 * enumeration as the writing direction of a block of
 * text and are no longer used; See PangoGravity for how
 * vertical text is handled in Pango.
public enum PangoDirection
 * An enumeration specifying the various slant styles possible for a font.
public enum PangoStyle
 * An enumeration specifying the weight (boldness) of a font. This is a numerical
 * value ranging from 100 to 900, but there are some predefined values:
 * the ultralight weight (= 200)
public enum PangoWeight
	LIGHT = 300,
	NORMAL = 400,
	SEMIBOLD = 600,
	BOLD = 700,
	HEAVY = 900
 * An enumeration specifying capitalization variant of the font.
 * A normal font.
 * A font with the lower case characters
public enum PangoVariant
 * An enumeration specifying the width of the font relative to other designs
 * within a family.
 * ultra condensed width
 * extra condensed width
 * condensed width
 * semi condensed width
 * the normal width
 * semi expanded width
 * expanded width
 * extra expanded width
 * ultra expanded width
public enum PangoStretch
 * The bits in a PangoFontMask correspond to fields in a
 * PangoFontDescription that have been set.
 * the font family is specified.
 * the font style is specified.
 * the font variant is specified.
 * the font weight is specified.
 * the font stretch is specified.
 * the font size is specified.
 * the font gravity is specified (Since: 1.16.)
public enum PangoFontMask
	FAMILY = 1 << 0,
	STYLE = 1 << 1,
	VARIANT = 1 << 2,
	WEIGHT = 1 << 3,
	STRETCH = 1 << 4,
	SIZE = 1 << 5,
	GRAVITY = 1 << 6
 * The PangoAttrType
 * distinguishes between different types of attributes. Along with the
 * predefined values, it is possible to allocate additional values
 * for custom attributes using pango_attr_type_register(). The predefined
 * values are given below. The type of structure used to store the
 * attribute is listed in parentheses after the description.
 * does not happen
 * language (PangoAttrLanguage)
 * font family name list (PangoAttrString)
 * font slant style (PangoAttrInt)
 * font weight (PangoAttrInt)
 * font variant (normal or small caps) (PangoAttrInt)
 * font stretch (PangoAttrInt)
 * font size in points scaled by PANGO_SCALE (PangoAttrInt)
 * font description (PangoAttrFontDesc)
 * foreground color (PangoAttrColor)
 * background color (PangoAttrColor)
 * whether the text has an underline (PangoAttrInt)
 * whether the text is struck-through (PangoAttrInt)
 * baseline displacement (PangoAttrInt)
 * shape (PangoAttrShape)
 * font size scale factor (PangoAttrFloat)
 * whether fallback is enabled (PangoAttrInt)
 * letter spacing (PangoAttrInt)
 * underline color (PangoAttrColor)
 * strikethrough color (PangoAttrColor)
 * font size in pixels scaled by PANGO_SCALE (PangoAttrInt)
 * base text gravity (PangoAttrInt)
 * gravity hint (PangoAttrInt)
public enum PangoAttrType
	INVALID, /+* 0 is an invalid attribute type +/
	LANGUAGE, /+* PangoAttrLanguage +/
	FAMILY, /+* PangoAttrString +/
	STYLE, /+* PangoAttrInt +/
	WEIGHT, /+* PangoAttrInt +/
	VARIANT, /+* PangoAttrInt +/
	STRETCH, /+* PangoAttrInt +/
	SIZE, /+* PangoAttrSize +/
	FONT_DESC, /+* PangoAttrFontDesc +/
	FOREGROUND, /+* PangoAttrColor +/
	BACKGROUND, /+* PangoAttrColor +/
	UNDERLINE, /+* PangoAttrInt +/
	STRIKETHROUGH, /+* PangoAttrInt +/
	RISE, /+* PangoAttrInt +/
	SHAPE, /+* PangoAttrShape +/
	SCALE, /+* PangoAttrFloat +/
	FALLBACK, /+* PangoAttrInt +/
	LETTER_SPACING, /+* PangoAttrInt +/
	UNDERLINE_COLOR, /+* PangoAttrColor +/
	STRIKETHROUGH_COLOR,/+* PangoAttrColor +/
	ABSOLUTE_SIZE, /+* PangoAttrSize +/
	GRAVITY, /+* PangoAttrInt +/
	GRAVITY_HINT /+* PangoAttrInt +/
 * the PangoUnderline enumeration is used to specify
 * whether text should be underlined, and if so, the type
 * of underlining.
 * no underline should be drawn
 * a single underline should be drawn
 * a double underline should be drawn
 * a single underline should be drawn at a position
public enum PangoUnderline
 * A PangoTabAlign specifies where a tab stop appears relative to the text.
 * the tab stop appears to the left of the text.
public enum PangoTabAlign
	/+* These are not supported now, but may be inn the
	 * future.
	 * RIGHT,
 * A PangoWrapMode describes how to wrap the lines of a PangoLayout to the desired width.
 * wrap lines at word boundaries.
 * wrap lines at character boundaries.
 * wrap lines at word boundaries, but fall back to character boundaries if there is not
 * enough space for a full word.
public enum PangoWrapMode
 * The PangoEllipsizeMode type describes what sort of (if any)
 * ellipsization should be applied to a line of text. In
 * the ellipsization process characters are removed from the
 * text in order to make it fit to a given width and replaced
 * with an ellipsis.
public enum PangoEllipsizeMode
 * A PangoAlignment describes how to align the lines of a PangoLayout within the
 * available space. If the PangoLayout is set to justify
 * using pango_layout_set_justify(), this only has effect for partial lines.
 * Put all available space on the right
 * Center the line within the available space
 * Put all available space on the left
public enum PangoAlignment
 * The PangoScript enumeration identifies different writing
 * systems. The values correspond to the names as defined in the
 * Unicode standard.
 * Note that new types may be added in the future. Applications should be ready
 * to handle unknown values. This enumeration is interchangeable with
 * GUnicodeScript. See Unicode Standard Annex
 * 24: Script names.
 * a value never returned from pango_script_for_unichar()
 * a character used by multiple different scripts
 * a mark glyph that takes its script from the
public enum PangoScript
	COMMON = 0, /+* Zyyy +/
	INHERITED, /+* Qaai +/
	ARABIC, /+* Arab +/
	ARMENIAN, /+* Armn +/
	BENGALI, /+* Beng +/
	BOPOMOFO, /+* Bopo +/
	CHEROKEE, /+* Cher +/
	COPTIC, /+* Qaac +/
	CYRILLIC, /+* Cyrl (Cyrs) +/
	DESERET, /+* Dsrt +/
	DEVANAGARI, /+* Deva +/
	ETHIOPIC, /+* Ethi +/
	GEORGIAN, /+* Geor (Geon, Geoa) +/
	GOTHIC, /+* Goth +/
	GREEK, /+* Grek +/
	GUJARATI, /+* Gujr +/
	GURMUKHI, /+* Guru +/
	HAN, /+* Hani +/
	HANGUL, /+* Hang +/
	HEBREW, /+* Hebr +/
	HIRAGANA, /+* Hira +/
	KANNADA, /+* Knda +/
	KATAKANA, /+* Kana +/
	KHMER, /+* Khmr +/
	LAO, /+* Laoo +/
	LATIN, /+* Latn (Latf, Latg) +/
	MALAYALAM, /+* Mlym +/
	MONGOLIAN, /+* Mong +/
	MYANMAR, /+* Mymr +/
	OGHAM, /+* Ogam +/
	OLD_ITALIC, /+* Ital +/
	ORIYA, /+* Orya +/
	RUNIC, /+* Runr +/
	SINHALA, /+* Sinh +/
	SYRIAC, /+* Syrc (Syrj, Syrn, Syre) +/
	TAMIL, /+* Taml +/
	TELUGU, /+* Telu +/
	THAANA, /+* Thaa +/
	THAI, /+* Thai +/
	TIBETAN, /+* Tibt +/
	YI, /+* Yiii +/
	TAGALOG, /+* Tglg +/
	HANUNOO, /+* Hano +/
	BUHID, /+* Buhd +/
	TAGBANWA, /+* Tagb +/
	/+* Unicode-4.0 additions +/
	BRAILLE, /+* Brai +/
	CYPRIOT, /+* Cprt +/
	LIMBU, /+* Limb +/
	OSMANYA, /+* Osma +/
	SHAVIAN, /+* Shaw +/
	LINEAR_B, /+* Linb +/
	TAI_LE, /+* Tale +/
	UGARITIC, /+* Ugar +/
	/+* Unicode-4.1 additions +/
	NEW_TAI_LUE, /+* Talu +/
	BUGINESE, /+* Bugi +/
	GLAGOLITIC, /+* Glag +/
	TIFINAGH, /+* Tfng +/
	SYLOTI_NAGRI, /+* Sylo +/
	OLD_PERSIAN, /+* Xpeo +/
	KHAROSHTHI, /+* Khar +/
	/+* Unicode-5.0 additions +/
	UNKNOWN, /+* Zzzz +/
	BALINESE, /+* Bali +/
	CUNEIFORM, /+* Xsux +/
	PHOENICIAN, /+* Phnx +/
	PHAGS_PA, /+* Phag +/
	NKO /+* Nkoo +/
 * Used to indicate how well a font can represent a particular Unicode
 * character point for a particular script.
 * The character is not representable with the font.
 * The character is represented in a way that may be
public enum PangoCoverageLevel
 * The PangoGravity type represents the orientation of glyphs in a segment
 * of text. This is useful when rendering vertical text layouts. In
 * those situations, the layout is rotated using a non-identity PangoMatrix,
 * and then glyph orientation is controlled using PangoGravity.
 * Not every value in this enumeration makes sense for every usage of
 * PangoGravity; for example, PANGO_GRAVITY_AUTO only can be passed to
 * pango_context_set_base_gravity() and can only be returned by
 * pango_context_get_base_gravity().
 * See also: PangoGravityHint
public enum PangoGravity
 * The PangoGravityHint defines how horizontal scripts should behave in a
 * vertical context. That is, English excerpt in a vertical paragraph for
 * example.
 * See PangoGravity.
public enum PangoGravityHint

 * Main Gtk struct.
 * The PangoContext structure stores global information
 * used to control the itemization process.
public struct PangoContext{}

 * The PangoItem structure stores information about
 * a segment of text. It contains the following fields:
 * gintoffset;
 * the offset of the segment from the beginning of the
public struct PangoItem{}
// int offset;
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// int length;
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// int numChars;
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// PangoAnalysis analysis;
// pango-Text-Processing.html

 * The PangoAnalysis structure stores information about
 * the properties of a segment of text. It has the following
 * fields:
 * PangoEngineShape*shape_engine;
 * the engine for doing rendering-system-dependent processing.
 * PangoEngineLang*lang_engine;
 * the engine for doing rendering-system-independent processing.
 * PangoFont*font;
 * the font for this segment.
 * guint8level;
 * the bidirectional level for this segment.
 * guint8gravity;
 * the glyph orientation for this segment (A PangoGravity).
 * guint8flags;
 * boolean flags for this segment (currently only one) (Since: 1.16).
 * guint8script;
 * the detected script for this segment (A PangoScript) (Since: 1.18).
 * PangoLanguage*language;
 * the detected language for this segment.
 * GSList*extra_attrs;
 * extra attributes for this segment.
public struct PangoAnalysis{}
// PangoEngineShape *shapeEngine;
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// PangoEngineLang *langEngine;
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// PangoFont *font;
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// byte level;
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// byte gravity; /+* PangoGravity +/
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// byte flags;
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// byte script; /+* PangoScript +/
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// PangoLanguage *language;
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// GSList *extraAttrs;
// pango-Text-Processing.html

 * The PangoLogAttr structure stores information
 * about the attributes of a single character.
 * guintis_line_break:1;
 * if set, can break line in front of character
 * guintis_mandatory_break:1;
 * if set, must break line in front of character
 * guintis_char_break:1;
 * if set, can break here when doing character wrapping
 * guintis_white:1;
 * is whitespace character
 * guintis_cursor_position:1;
 * if set, cursor can appear in front of character.
public struct PangoLogAttr{}
// uint isLineBreak : 1; /+* Can break line inn front of character +/
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// uint isMandatoryBreak : 1; /+* Must break line inn front of character +/
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// uint isCharBreak : 1; /+* Can break here when doing char wrap +/
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// uint isWhite : 1; /+* Whitespace character +/
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// /+* Cursor can appear inn front of character (i.e. this is a grapheme
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// * boundary, or the first character inn the text).
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// +/
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// uint isCursorPosition : 1;
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// /+* Note that inn degenerate cases, you could have both start/end set on
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// * some text, most likely for sentences (e.g. no space after a period, so
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// * the next sentence starts right away).
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// +/
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// uint isWordStart : 1; /+* first character inn a word +/
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// uint isWordEnd : 1; /+* is first non-word char after a word +/
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// /+* There are two ways to divide sentences. The first assigns all
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// * intersentence whitespace/control/format chars to some sentence,
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// * so all chars are inn some sentence; isSentenceBoundary denotes
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// * the boundaries there. The second way doesn't assign
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// * between-sentence spaces, etc. to any sentence, so
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// * isSentenceStart/isSentenceEnd mark the boundaries of those
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// * sentences.
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// +/
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// uint isSentenceBoundary : 1;
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// uint isSentenceStart : 1; /+* first character inn a sentence +/
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// uint isSentenceEnd : 1; /+* first non-sentence char after a sentence +/
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// /+* If set, backspace deletes one character rather than
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// * the entire grapheme cluster.
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// +/
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// uint backspaceDeletesCharacter : 1;
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// /+* Only few space variants (U+0020 and U+00A0) have variable
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// * width during justification.
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// +/
// pango-Text-Processing.html
// uint isExpandableSpace : 1;
// pango-Text-Processing.html

 * The PangoRectangle structure represents a rectangle. It is frequently
 * used to represent the logical or ink extents of a single glyph or section
 * of text. (See, for instance, pango_font_get_glyph_extents())
 * intx;
 * X coordinate of the left side of the rectangle.
 * inty;
 * Y coordinate of the the top side of the rectangle.
 * intwidth;
 * width of the rectangle.
 * intheight;
 * height of the rectangle.
public struct PangoRectangle{}
// int x;
// pango-Glyph-Storage.html
// int y;
// pango-Glyph-Storage.html
// int width;
// pango-Glyph-Storage.html
// int height;
// pango-Glyph-Storage.html

 * A structure specifying a transformation between user-space
 * coordinates and device coordinates. The transformation
 * is given by
 * x_device = x_user * matrix->xx + y_user * matrix->xy + matrix->x0;
 * y_device = x_user * matrix->yx + y_user * matrix->yy + matrix->y0;
 * doublexx;
public struct PangoMatrix{}
// double xx;
// pango-Glyph-Storage.html
// double xy;
// pango-Glyph-Storage.html
// double yx;
// pango-Glyph-Storage.html
// double yy;
// pango-Glyph-Storage.html
// double x0;
// pango-Glyph-Storage.html
// double y0;
// pango-Glyph-Storage.html

 * The PangoGlyphInfo structure represents a single glyph together with
 * positioning information and visual attributes.
 * It contains the following fields.
 * PangoGlyphglyph;
 * the glyph itself.
 * PangoGlyphGeometrygeometry;
 * the positional information about the glyph.
 * PangoGlyphVisAttrattr;
 * the visual attributes of the glyph.
public struct PangoGlyphInfo{}
// PangoGlyph glyph;
// pango-Glyph-Storage.html
// PangoGlyphGeometry geometry;
// pango-Glyph-Storage.html
// PangoGlyphVisAttr attr;
// pango-Glyph-Storage.html

 * The PangoGlyphGeometry structure contains width and positioning
 * information for a single glyph.
 * PangoGlyphUnitwidth;
 * the logical width to use for the the character.
 * PangoGlyphUnitx_offset;
 * horizontal offset from nominal character position.
 * PangoGlyphUnity_offset;
 * vertical offset from nominal character position.
public struct PangoGlyphGeometry{}
// PangoGlyphUnit width;
// pango-Glyph-Storage.html
// PangoGlyphUnit xOffset;
// pango-Glyph-Storage.html
// PangoGlyphUnit yOffset;
// pango-Glyph-Storage.html

 * The PangoGlyphVisAttr is used to communicate information between
 * the shaping phase and the rendering phase. More attributes may be
 * added in the future.
 * guintis_cluster_start:1;
 * set for the first logical glyph in each cluster. (Clusters
public struct PangoGlyphVisAttr
	uint bitfield;
	//uint isClusterStart : 1;

 * Main Gtk struct.
 * The PangoGlyphString structure is used to store strings
 * of glyphs with geometry and visual attribute information.
 * The storage for the glyph information is owned
 * by the structure which simplifies memory management.
 * gintnum_glyphs;
 * the number of glyphs in the string.
 * PangoGlyphInfo*glyphs;
 * an array of PangoGlyphInfo structures of length num_glyphs.
 * gint*log_clusters;
 * for each glyph, byte index of the starting character for the
 * cluster. The indices are relative to the start of the text
 * corresponding to the PangoGlyphString.
public struct PangoGlyphString{}
// int numGlyphs;
// pango-Glyph-Storage.html
// PangoGlyphInfo *glyphs;
// pango-Glyph-Storage.html
// /+* This is a memory inefficient way of representing the information
// pango-Glyph-Storage.html
// * here - each value gives the byte index within the text
// pango-Glyph-Storage.html
// * corresponding to the glyph string of the start of the cluster to
// pango-Glyph-Storage.html
// * which the glyph belongs.
// pango-Glyph-Storage.html
// +/
// pango-Glyph-Storage.html
// int *logClusters;
// pango-Glyph-Storage.html

 * A PangoGlyphItem is a pair of a PangoItem and the glyphs
 * resulting from shaping the text corresponding to an item.
 * As an example of the usage of PangoGlyphItem, the results
 * of shaping text with PangoLayout is a list of PangoLayoutLine,
 * each of which contains a list of PangoGlyphItem.
 * PangoItem*item;
 * a PangoItem structure that provides information
public struct PangoGlyphItem{}
// PangoItem *item;
// pango-Glyph-Storage.html
// PangoGlyphString *glyphs;
// pango-Glyph-Storage.html

 * Main Gtk struct.
 * The PangoFontDescription structure represents the description
 * of an ideal font. These structures are used both to list
 * what fonts are available on the system and also for specifying
 * the characteristics of a font to load.
public struct PangoFontDescription{}

 * A PangoFontMetrics structure holds the overall metric information
 * for a font (possibly restricted to a script). The fields of this
 * structure are private to implementations of a font backend. See
 * the documentation of the corresponding getters for documentation
 * of their meaning.
 * guintref_count;
 * reference count. Used internally. See pango_font_metrics_ref()
public struct PangoFontMetrics{}
// uint refCount;
// pango-Fonts.html
// int ascent;
// pango-Fonts.html
// int descent;
// pango-Fonts.html
// int approximateCharWidth;
// pango-Fonts.html
// int approximateDigitWidth;
// pango-Fonts.html
// int underlinePosition;
// pango-Fonts.html
// int underlineThickness;
// pango-Fonts.html
// int strikethroughPosition;
// pango-Fonts.html
// int strikethroughThickness;
// pango-Fonts.html

 * The PangoFont structure is used to represent
 * a font in a rendering-system-independent matter.
 * To create an implementation of a PangoFont,
 * the rendering-system specific code should allocate
 * a larger structure that contains a nested
 * PangoFont, fill in the klass member of
 * the nested PangoFont with a pointer to
 * a appropriate PangoFontClass, then call
 * pango_font_init() on the structure.
 * The PangoFont structure contains one member
 * which the implementation fills in.
public struct PangoFont{}

 * The PangoFontFamily structure is used to represent a family of related
 * font faces. The faces in a family share a common design, but differ in
 * slant, weight, width and other aspects.
public struct PangoFontFamily{}

 * The PangoFontFace structure is used to represent a group of fonts with
 * the same family, slant, weight, width, but varying sizes.
public struct PangoFontFace{}

 * The PangoFontMap represents the set of fonts available for a
 * particular rendering system. This is a virtual object with
 * implementations being specific to particular rendering systems. To
 * create an implementation of a PangoFontMap, the rendering-system
 * specific code should allocate a larger structure that contains a nested
 * PangoFontMap, fill in the klass member of the nested PangoFontMap with a
 * pointer to a appropriate PangoFontMapClass, then call
 * pango_font_map_init() on the structure.
 * The PangoFontMap structure contains one member which the implementation
 * fills in.
public struct PangoFontMap{}

 * The PangoFontMapClass structure holds the virtual functions for
 * a particular PangoFontMap implementation.
 * GObjectClassparent_class;
 * parent GObjectClass.
 * load_font()
 * a function to load a font with a given description. See
public struct PangoFontMapClass{}
// GObjectClass parentClass;
// pango-Fonts.html
// PangoFont * (*loadFont) (PangoFontMap *fontmap,
// pango-Fonts.html
// PangoContext *context,
// pango-Fonts.html
// PangoFontDescription *desc);
// pango-Fonts.html
// void (*listFamilies) (PangoFontMap *fontmap,
// pango-Fonts.html
// PangoFontFamily ***families,
// pango-Fonts.html
// int *nFamilies);
// pango-Fonts.html
// PangoFontset *(*loadFontset) (PangoFontMap *fontmap,
// pango-Fonts.html
// PangoContext *context,
// pango-Fonts.html
// PangoFontDescription *desc,
// pango-Fonts.html
// PangoLanguage *language);
// pango-Fonts.html
// char *shapeEngineType;
// pango-Fonts.html

 * A PangoFontset represents a set of PangoFont to use
 * when rendering text. It is the result of resolving a
 * PangoFontDescription against a particular PangoContext.
 * It has operations for finding the component font for
 * a particular Unicode character, and for finding a composite
 * set of metrics for the entire fontset.
public struct PangoFontset{}

 * The PangoFontsetClass structure holds the virtual functions for
 * a particular PangoFontset implementation.
 * GObjectClassparent_class;
 * parent GObjectClass.
 * get_font()
 * a function to get the font in the fontset that contains the
public struct PangoFontsetClass{}
// GObjectClass parentClass;
// pango-Fonts.html
// PangoFont * (*getFont) (PangoFontset *fontset,
// pango-Fonts.html
// uint wc);
// pango-Fonts.html
// PangoFontMetrics *(*getMetrics) (PangoFontset *fontset);
// pango-Fonts.html
// PangoLanguage * (*getLanguage) (PangoFontset *fontset);
// pango-Fonts.html
// void (*foreac) (PangoFontset *fontset,
// pango-Fonts.html
// PangoFontsetForeachFunc func,
// pango-Fonts.html
// void* data);
// pango-Fonts.html

 * PangoFontsetSimple is a implementation of the abstract
 * PangoFontset base class in terms of an array of fonts,
 * which the creator provides when constructing the
 * PangoFontsetSimple.
public struct PangoFontsetSimple{}

 * The PangoAttrClass structure stores the type and operations for
 * a particular type of attribute. The functions in this structure should
 * not be called directly. Instead, one should use the wrapper functions
 * provided for PangoAttribute.
 * PangoAttrTypetype;
 * the type ID for this attribute
 * copy()
 * function to duplicate an attribute of this type (see pango_attribute_copy())
 * destroy()
 * function to free an attribute of this type (see pango_attribute_destroy())
 * equal()
 * function to check two attributes of this type for equality (see pango_attribute_equal())
public struct PangoAttrClass{}
// PangoAttrType type;
// pango-Text-Attributes.html
// PangoAttribute * (*copy) ( PangoAttribute *attr);
// pango-Text-Attributes.html
// void (*destroy) (PangoAttribute *attr);
// pango-Text-Attributes.html
// int (*equal) ( PangoAttribute *attr1, PangoAttribute *attr2);
// pango-Text-Attributes.html

 * Main Gtk struct.
 * The PangoAttribute structure represents the common portions of all
 * attributes. Particular types of attributes include this structure
 * as their initial portion. The common portion of the attribute holds
 * the range to which the value in the type-specific part of the attribute
 * applies.
 * constPangoAttrClass*klass;
 * the class structure holding information about the type of the attribute
 * guintstart_index;
 * the start index of the range (in bytes).
 * guintend_index;
 * end index of the range (in bytes). The character at this index
public struct PangoAttribute
	PangoAttrClass *klass;
	uint startIndex; /+* inn bytes +/
	uint endIndex; /+* inn bytes. The character at this index is not included +/

 * The PangoAttrString structure is used to represent attributes with
 * a string value.
 * PangoAttributeattr;
 * the common portion of the attribute
 * char*value;
 * the string which is the value of the attribute
public struct PangoAttrString{}
// PangoAttribute attr;
// pango-Text-Attributes.html
// char *value;
// pango-Text-Attributes.html

 * The PangoAttrLanguage structure is used to represent attributes that
 * are languages.
 * PangoAttributeattr;
 * the common portion of the attribute
 * PangoLanguage*value;
 * the PangoLanguage which is the value of the attribute
public struct PangoAttrLanguage{}
// PangoAttribute attr;
// pango-Text-Attributes.html
// PangoLanguage *value;
// pango-Text-Attributes.html

 * The PangoAttrColor structure is used to represent attributes that
 * are colors.
 * PangoAttributeattr;
 * the common portion of the attribute
 * PangoColorcolor;
 * the PangoColor which is the value of the attribute
public struct PangoAttrColor{}
// PangoAttribute attr;
// pango-Text-Attributes.html
// PangoColor color;
// pango-Text-Attributes.html

 * The PangoAttrInt structure is used to represent attributes with
 * an integer or enumeration value.
 * PangoAttributeattr;
 * the common portion of the attribute
 * intvalue;
 * the value of the attribute
public struct PangoAttrInt{}
// PangoAttribute attr;
// pango-Text-Attributes.html
// int value;
// pango-Text-Attributes.html

 * The PangoAttrFloat structure is used to represent attributes with
 * a float or double value.
 * PangoAttributeattr;
 * the common portion of the attribute
 * doublevalue;
 * the value of the attribute
public struct PangoAttrFloat{}
// PangoAttribute attr;
// pango-Text-Attributes.html
// double value;
// pango-Text-Attributes.html

 * The PangoAttrFontDesc structure is used to store an attribute that
 * sets all aspects of the font description at once.
 * PangoAttributeattr;
 * the common portion of the attribute
 * PangoFontDescription*desc;
 * the font description which is the value of this attribute
public struct PangoAttrFontDesc{}
// PangoAttribute attr;
// pango-Text-Attributes.html
// PangoFontDescription *desc;
// pango-Text-Attributes.html

 * The PangoAttrShape structure is used to represent attributes which
 * impose shape restrictions.
 * PangoAttributeattr;
 * the common portion of the attribute
 * PangoRectangleink_rect;
 * the ink rectangle to restrict to
 * PangoRectanglelogical_rect;
 * the logical rectangle to restrict to
 * gpointerdata;
 * user data set (see pango_attr_shape_new_with_data())
 * PangoAttrDataCopyFunccopy_func;
 * copy function for the user data
 * GDestroyNotifydestroy_func;
 * destroy function for the user data
public struct PangoAttrShape{}
// PangoAttribute attr;
// pango-Text-Attributes.html
// PangoRectangle inkRect;
// pango-Text-Attributes.html
// PangoRectangle logicalRect;
// pango-Text-Attributes.html
// void* data;
// pango-Text-Attributes.html
// PangoAttrDataCopyFunc copyFunc;
// pango-Text-Attributes.html
// GDestroyNotify destroyFunc;
// pango-Text-Attributes.html

 * The PangoAttrShape structure is used to represent attributes which
 * set font size.
 * PangoAttributeattr;
 * the common portion of the attribute
 * intsize;
 * size of font, in units of 1/PANGO_SCALE of a point (for
public struct PangoAttrSize{}
// PangoAttribute attr;
// pango-Text-Attributes.html
// int size;
// pango-Text-Attributes.html
// uint absolute : 1;
// pango-Text-Attributes.html

 * The PangoColor structure is used to
 * represent a color in an uncalibrated RGB color-space.
 * guint16red;
 * The red component of the color. This is a value between 0 and 65535,
public struct PangoColor
	ushort red;
	ushort green;
	ushort blue;

 * The PangoLanguage structure is used to
 * represent a language.
 * PangoLanguage pointers can be efficiently
 * copied and compared with each other.
public struct PangoLanguage{}

 * The PangoAttrList structure represents a list of attributes
 * that apply to a section of text. The attributes are, in general,
 * allowed to overlap in an arbitrary fashion, however, if the
 * attributes are manipulated only through pango_attr_list_change(),
 * the overlap between properties will meet stricter criteria.
 * Since the PangoAttrList structure is stored as a linear list,
 * it is not suitable for storing attributes for large amounts
 * of text. In general, you should not use a single PangoAttrList
 * for more than one paragraph of text.
public struct PangoAttrList{}

 * The PangoAttrIterator structure is used to represent an
 * iterator through a PangoAttrList. A new iterator is created
 * with pango_attr_list_get_iterator(). Once the iterator
 * is created, it can be advanced through the style changes
 * in the text using pango_attr_iterator_next(). At each
 * style change, the range of the current style segment and the
 * attributes currently in effect can be queried.
public struct PangoAttrIterator{}

 * Main Gtk struct.
 * A PangoTabArray struct contains an array
 * of tab stops. Each tab stop has an alignment and a position.
public struct PangoTabArray{}

 * Main Gtk struct.
 * The PangoLayout structure represents and entire paragraph
 * of text. It is initialized with a PangoContext, UTF-8 string
 * and set of attributes for that string. Once that is done, the
 * set of formatted lines can be extracted from the object,
 * the layout can be rendered, and conversion between logical
 * character positions within the layout's text, and the physical
 * position of the resulting glyphs can be made.
 * There are also a number of parameters to adjust the formatting
 * of a PangoLayout, which are illustrated in Figure1, Adjustable parameters for a PangoLayout.
 * It is possible, as well, to ignore the 2-D setup, and simply
 * treat the results of a PangoLayout as a list of lines.
 * Figure1.Adjustable parameters for a PangoLayout
 * The PangoLayout structure is opaque, and has no user-visible
 * fields.
public struct PangoLayout{}

 * A PangoLayoutIter structure can be used to
 * iterate over the visual extents of a PangoLayout.
 * The PangoLayoutIter structure is opaque, and
 * has no user-visible fields.
public struct PangoLayoutIter{}

 * The PangoLayoutLine structure represents one of the lines resulting
 * from laying out a paragraph via PangoLayout. PangoLayoutLine
 * structures are obtained by calling pango_layout_get_line() and
 * are only valid until the text, attributes, or settings of the
 * parent PangoLayout are modified.
 * Routines for rendering PangoLayout objects are provided in
 * code specific to each rendering system.
 * PangoLayout*layout;
 * the parent layout for this line
 * gintstart_index;
 * the start of the line as byte index into layout->text
 * gintlength;
 * the length of the line in bytes
 * GSList*runs;
 * a list containing the runs of the line in visual order
 * guintis_paragraph_start:1;
 * TRUE if this is the first line of the paragraph
 * guintresolved_dir:3;
 * the resolved PangoDirection of the line
public struct PangoLayoutLine{}
// PangoLayout *layout;
// pango-Layout-Objects.html
// int startIndex; /+* start of line as byte index into layout->text +/
// pango-Layout-Objects.html
// int length; /+* length of line inn bytes +/
// pango-Layout-Objects.html
// GSList *runs;
// pango-Layout-Objects.html
// uint isParagraphStart : 1; /+* TRUE if this is the first line of the paragraph +/
// pango-Layout-Objects.html
// uint resolvedDir : 3; /+* Resolved PangoDirection of line +/
// pango-Layout-Objects.html

 * Main Gtk struct.
 * A PangoScriptIter is used to iterate through a string
 * and identify ranges in different scripts.
public struct PangoScriptIter{}

 * The PangoCoverage structure represents a map from Unicode characters
 * to PangoCoverageLevel. It is an opaque structure with no public fields.
public struct PangoCoverage{}

 * The PangoEngineInfo structure contains information about a particular
 * engine. It contains the following fields:
 * constgchar*id;
 * a unique string ID for the engine.
 * constgchar*engine_type;
 * a string identifying the engine type.
 * constgchar*render_type;
 * a string identifying the render type.
 * PangoEngineScriptInfo*scripts;
 * array of scripts this engine supports.
 * gintn_scripts;
 * number of items in scripts.
public struct PangoEngineInfo{}
// char *id;
// pango-Engines.html
// char *engineType;
// pango-Engines.html
// char *renderType;
// pango-Engines.html
// PangoEngineScriptInfo *scripts;
// pango-Engines.html
// int nScripts;
// pango-Engines.html

 * The PangoEngineScriptInfo structure contains
 * information about how the shaper covers a particular
 * script.
 * PangoScriptscript;
 * a PangoScript. The value PANGO_SCRIPT_COMMON has
public struct PangoEngineScriptInfo{}
// PangoScript script;
// pango-Engines.html
// char *langs;
// pango-Engines.html

 * PangoEngine is the base class for all types of language and
 * script specific engines. It has no functionality by itself.
public struct PangoEngine{}

 * Class structure for PangoEngine
public struct PangoEngineClass{}

 * The PangoEngineLang class is implemented by engines that
 * customize the rendering-system independent part of the
 * Pango pipeline for a particular script or language. For
 * instance, a custom PangoEngineLang could be provided for
 * Thai to implement the dictionary-based word boundary
 * lookups needed for that language.
public struct PangoEngineLang{}

 * Class structure for PangoEngineLang
 * script_break()
public struct PangoEngineLangClass{}
// void (*scriptBreak) (PangoEngineLang *engine,
// PangoEngineLang.html
// char *text,
// PangoEngineLang.html
// int len,
// PangoEngineLang.html
// PangoAnalysis *analysis,
// PangoEngineLang.html
// PangoLogAttr *attrs,
// PangoEngineLang.html
// int attrsLen);
// PangoEngineLang.html

 * The PangoEngineShape class is implemented by engines that
 * customize the rendering-system dependent part of the
 * Pango pipeline for a particular script or language.
 * A PangoEngineShape implementation is then specific to both
 * a particular rendering system or group of rendering systems
 * and to a particular script. For instance, there is one
 * PangoEngineShape implementation to handle shaping Arabic
 * for Fontconfig-based backends.
public struct PangoEngineShape{}

 * Class structure for PangoEngineShape
 * script_shape()
public struct PangoEngineShapeClass{}
// void (*scriptShape) (PangoEngineShape *engine,
// PangoEngineShape.html
// PangoFont *font,
// PangoEngineShape.html
// char *text,
// PangoEngineShape.html
// int length,
// PangoEngineShape.html
// PangoAnalysis *analysis,
// PangoEngineShape.html
// PangoGlyphString *glyphs);
// PangoEngineShape.html
// PangoCoverageLevel (*covers) (PangoEngineShape *engine,
// PangoEngineShape.html
// PangoFont *font,
// PangoEngineShape.html
// PangoLanguage *language,
// PangoEngineShape.html
// gunichar wc);
// PangoEngineShape.html

 * Converts a dimension to device units by rounding.
 * d:
 * a dimension in Pango units.
 * Returns:
 * rounded dimension in device units.
// #define PANGO_PIXELS(d) (((int)(d) + 512) >> 10)

 * Converts a dimension to device units by flooring.
 * d:
 * a dimension in Pango units.
 * Returns:
 * floored dimension in device units.
 * Since 1.14
// #define PANGO_PIXELS_FLOOR(d) (((int)(d)) >> 10)

 * Converts a dimension to device units by ceiling.
 * d:
 * a dimension in Pango units.
 * Returns:
 * ceiled dimension in device units.
 * Since 1.14
// #define PANGO_PIXELS_CEIL(d) (((int)(d) + 1023) >> 10)

 * Rounds a dimension to whole device units, but does not
 * convert it to device units.
 * d:
 * a dimension in Pango units.
 * Returns:
 * rounded dimension in Pango units.
 * Since 1.18
// #define PANGO_UNITS_ROUND(d)

 * Extracts the ascent from a PangoRectangle
 * representing glyph extents. The ascent is the distance from the
 * baseline to the highest point of the character. This is positive if the
 * glyph ascends above the baseline.
 * rect:
 * a PangoRectangle
// #define PANGO_ASCENT(rect) (-(rect).y)

 * Extracts the descent from a PangoRectangle
 * representing glyph extents. The descent is the distance from the
 * baseline to the lowest point of the character. This is positive if the
 * glyph descends below the baseline.
 * rect:
 * a PangoRectangle
// #define PANGO_DESCENT(rect) ((rect).y + (rect).height)

 * Extracts the left bearing from a PangoRectangle
 * representing glyph extents. The left bearing is the distance from the
 * horizontal origin to the farthest left point of the character.
 * This is positive for characters drawn completely to the right of the
 * glyph origin.
 * rect:
 * a PangoRectangle
// #define PANGO_LBEARING(rect) ((rect).x)

 * Extracts the right bearing from a PangoRectangle
 * representing glyph extents. The right bearing is the distance from the
 * horizontal origin to the farthest right point of the character.
 * This is positive except for characters drawn completely to the left of the
 * horizontal origin.
 * rect:
 * a PangoRectangle
// #define PANGO_RBEARING(rect) ((rect).x + (rect).width)

 * Returns a PangoGlyph value that means no glyph was found for wc.
 * The way this unknown glyphs are rendered is backend specific. For example,
 * a box with the hexadecimal Unicode code-point of the character written in it
 * is what is done in the most common backends.
 * wc:
 * a Unicode character

 * Casts a GObject to a PangoFont.
 * object:
 * a GObject.
// #define PANGO_FONT(object) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((object), PANGO_TYPE_FONT, PangoFont))

 * Returns TRUE if object is a PangoFont.
 * object:
 * a GObject.

 * Casts a GObject to a PangoFontFamily.
 * object:
 * a GObject.

 * Returns TRUE if object is a PangoFontFamily.
 * object:
 * a GObject.

 * Casts a GObject to a PangoFontFace.
 * object:
 * a GObject.
// #define PANGO_FONT_FACE(object) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((object), PANGO_TYPE_FONT_FACE, PangoFontFace))

 * Returns TRUE if object is a PangoFontFace.
 * object:
 * a GObject.

 * Casts a GObject to a PangoFontMap.
 * object:
 * a GObject.
// #define PANGO_FONT_MAP(object) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((object), PANGO_TYPE_FONT_MAP, PangoFontMap))

 * Returns TRUE if object is a PangoFontMap.
 * object:
 * a GObject.

 * Casts a GObject to a PangoFontMapClass.
 * klass:
 * a GObject.
// #define PANGO_FONT_MAP_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), PANGO_TYPE_FONT_MAP, PangoFontMapClass))

 * Returns TRUE if klass is a subtype of PangoFontMapClass.
 * klass:
 * a GObject.

 * Returns the type of a PangoFontMap.
 * obj:
 * a PangoFontMap.

 * Outputs the necessary code for GObject type registration for a
 * PangoEngineLang class defined in a module. Two static symbols
 * are defined.
 *  static GType prefix_type;
 *  static void prefix_register_type (GTypeModule module);
 * The prefix, _register_type()
 * function should be called in your script_engine_init() function for
 * each type that your module implements, and then your script_engine_create()
 * function can create instances of the object as follows:
 *  PangoEngine *engine = g_object_new (prefix_type, NULL);
 * name:
 *  Name of the the type to register (for example:, ArabicEngineFc
 * prefix:
 *  Prefix for symbols that will be defined (for example:, arabic_engine_fc
 * class_init:
 *  Class initialization function for the new type, or NULL
 * instance_init:
 *  Instance initialization function for the new type, or NULL
// #define PANGO_ENGINE_LANG_DEFINE_TYPE(name, prefix, class_init, instance_init)

 * Outputs the necessary code for GObject type registration for a
 * PangoEngineShape class defined in a module. Two static symbols
 * are defined.
 *  static GType prefix_type;
 *  static void prefix_register_type (GTypeModule module);
 * The prefix, _register_type()
 * function should be called in your script_engine_init() function for
 * each type that your module implements, and then your script_engine_create()
 * function can create instances of the object as follows:
 *  PangoEngine *engine = g_object_new (prefix_type, NULL);
 * name:
 *  Name of the the type to register (for example:, ArabicEngineFc
 * prefix:
 *  Prefix for symbols that will be defined (for example:, arabic_engine_fc
 * class_init:
 *  Class initialization function for the new type, or NULL
 * instance_init:
 *  Instance initialization function for the new type, or NULL
// #define PANGO_ENGINE_SHAPE_DEFINE_TYPE(name, prefix, class_init, instance_init)

 * Whether a PangoGravity represents vertical writing directions.
 * gravity:
 *  the PangoGravity to check
 * Since 1.16
// #define PANGO_GRAVITY_IS_VERTICAL(gravity)

 * A callback function used by pango_fontset_foreach() when enumerating
 * the fonts in a fontset.
 * fontset:
 *  a PangoFontset
 * font:
 *  a font from fontset
 * data:
 *  callback data
 * Returns:
 *  if TRUE, stop iteration and return immediately.
 * Since 1.4
// gboolean (*PangoFontsetForeachFunc) (PangoFontset *fontset,  PangoFont *font,  gpointer data);
public typedef extern(C) int  function (PangoFontset*, PangoFont*, void*) PangoFontsetForeachFunc;

 * A copy function passed to attribute new functions that take
 * user data.
 * data:
 * the user data
 * Returns:
 * a new copy of data.
// gpointer (*PangoAttrDataCopyFunc) (gconstpointer data);
public typedef extern(C) void*  function (void*) PangoAttrDataCopyFunc;

 * A predicate function used by pango_attr_list_filter()
 * to filter out a subset of attributes for a list.
 * attribute:
 * a PangoAttribute
 * data:
 * callback data passed to pango_attr_list_filter()
 * Returns:
 * TRUE if the attribute should be filtered out
// gboolean (*PangoAttrFilterFunc) (PangoAttribute *attribute,  gpointer data);
public typedef extern(C) int  function (PangoAttribute*, void*) PangoAttrFilterFunc;