view dwt/widgets/Display.d @ 28:10acbb123580

Widget and TypedListener
author Frank Benoit <>
date Wed, 09 Jan 2008 02:59:32 +0100
parents ffa3c27c4328
children 5e5d1c9cffdb
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
module dwt.widgets.Display;

import dwt.SWT;
import dwt.internal.Compatibility;
import dwt.internal.Converter;
import dwt.internal.Lock;
import dwt.internal.LONG;
import dwt.internal.gtk.c.gdktypes;
import dwt.internal.gtk.c.gtktypes;
import dwt.internal.gtk.OS;
import dwt.widgets.Caret;
import dwt.widgets.Control;
import dwt.widgets.Event;
import dwt.widgets.EventTable;
import dwt.widgets.Listener;
import dwt.widgets.Menu;
import dwt.widgets.Monitor;
import dwt.widgets.Shell;
import dwt.widgets.Synchronizer;
import dwt.widgets.Tray;
import dwt.widgets.Widget;

import tango.stdc.string;
import tango.stdc.stringz;
import dwt.dwthelper.utils;
import dwt.dwthelper.Runnable;

import tango.core.Thread : Thread;

 * Instances of this class are responsible for managing the
 * connection between SWT and the underlying operating
 * system. Their most important function is to implement
 * the SWT event loop in terms of the platform event model.
 * They also provide various methods for accessing information
 * about the operating system, and have overall control over
 * the operating system resources which SWT allocates.
 * <p>
 * Applications which are built with SWT will <em>almost always</em>
 * require only a single display. In particular, some platforms
 * which SWT supports will not allow more than one <em>active</em>
 * display. In other words, some platforms do not support
 * creating a new display if one already exists that has not been
 * sent the <code>dispose()</code> message.
 * <p>
 * In SWT, the thread which creates a <code>Display</code>
 * instance is distinguished as the <em>user-interface thread</em>
 * for that display.
 * </p>
 * The user-interface thread for a particular display has the
 * following special attributes:
 * <ul>
 * <li>
 * The event loop for that display must be run from the thread.
 * </li>
 * <li>
 * Some SWT API methods (notably, most of the public methods in
 * <code>Widget</code> and its subclasses), may only be called
 * from the thread. (To support multi-threaded user-interface
 * applications, class <code>Display</code> provides inter-thread
 * communication methods which allow threads other than the
 * user-interface thread to request that it perform operations
 * on their behalf.)
 * </li>
 * <li>
 * The thread is not allowed to construct other
 * <code>Display</code>s until that display has been disposed.
 * (Note that, this is in addition to the restriction mentioned
 * above concerning platform support for multiple displays. Thus,
 * the only way to have multiple simultaneously active displays,
 * even on platforms which support it, is to have multiple threads.)
 * </li>
 * </ul>
 * Enforcing these attributes allows SWT to be implemented directly
 * on the underlying operating system's event model. This has
 * numerous benefits including smaller footprint, better use of
 * resources, safer memory management, clearer program logic,
 * better performance, and fewer overall operating system threads
 * required. The down side however, is that care must be taken
 * (only) when constructing multi-threaded applications to use the
 * inter-thread communication mechanisms which this class provides
 * when required.
 * </p><p>
 * All SWT API methods which may only be called from the user-interface
 * thread are distinguished in their documentation by indicating that
 * they throw the "<code>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS</code>"
 * SWT exception.
 * </p>
 * <dl>
 * <dt><b>Styles:</b></dt>
 * <dd>(none)</dd>
 * <dt><b>Events:</b></dt>
 * <dd>Close, Dispose, Settings</dd>
 * </dl>
 * <p>
 * IMPORTANT: This class is <em>not</em> intended to be subclassed.
 * </p>
 * @see #syncExec
 * @see #asyncExec
 * @see #wake
 * @see #readAndDispatch
 * @see #sleep
 * @see Device#dispose
public class Display : Device {

    package struct CallbackData {
        Display display;
        void* data;

	/* Events Dispatching and Callback */
	int gdkEventCount;
	GdkEvent* [] gdkEvents;
	Widget [] gdkEventWidgets;
	int [] dispatchEvents;
	Event [] eventQueue;
	GPollFD[] fds;
	int allocated_nfds;
	bool wake_state;
	int max_priority, timeout;
	void*/*Callback*/ eventCallback, filterCallback;

    CallbackData*[] windowProcCallbackDatas; // to prevent GC from collect

    CallbackData  filterProcCallbackData;
	EventTable eventTable, filterTable;
	static char[] APP_NAME = "SWT";
	static const char[] DISPATCH_EVENT_KEY = "dwt.internal.gtk.dispatchEvent";
	static const char[] ADD_WIDGET_KEY = "dwt.internal.addWidget";
	GClosure*[] closures;
	int [] signalIds;

	/* Widget Table */
	int [] indexTable;
	int freeSlot;
	GtkWidget* lastHandle;
	Widget lastWidget;
	Widget [] widgetTable;
	const static int GROW_SIZE = 1024;
	static const int SWT_OBJECT_INDEX;
	static const int SWT_OBJECT_INDEX1;
	static const int SWT_OBJECT_INDEX2;

	/* Focus */
	int focusEvent;
	Control focusControl;
	Shell activeShell;
	bool activePending;
	bool ignoreActivate, ignoreFocus;

	/* Input method resources */
	Control imControl;
	GtkWindow* preeditWindow;
    GtkLabel* preeditLabel;

	/* Sync/Async Widget Communication */
	Synchronizer synchronizer;
	Thread thread;

	/* Display Shutdown */
	Runnable [] disposeList;

	/* System Tray */
	Tray tray;

	/* Timers */
	int [] timerIds;
	Runnable [] timerList;
    CallbackData timerProcCallbackData;

	/* Caret */
	Caret currentCaret;
	int caretId;
    CallbackData caretProcCallbackData;

	/* Mnemonics */
	Control mnemonicControl;

	/* Mouse hover */
	int mouseHoverId;
    GObject* mouseHoverHandle;
	/* Menu position callback */

	/* Tooltip size allocate callback */

	/* Shell map callback */
    CallbackData shellMapProcCallbackData;
    GClosure* shellMapProcClosure;

	/* Idle proc callback */
    CallbackData idleProcCallbackData;
	int idleHandle;
	static const char[] ADD_IDLE_PROC_KEY;
	static const char[] REMOVE_IDLE_PROC_KEY;
	Object idleLock;
	bool idleNeeded;

	/* GtkTreeView callbacks */
	int[] treeSelection;
	int treeSelectionLength;

	/* Set direction callback */
    CallbackData setDirectionCallbackData;

	/* Get all children callback */
    CallbackData allChildrenCallbackData;
    GList* allChildren;

	/* Settings callbacks */
	GtkWidget* shellHandle;
	bool settingsChanged, runSettingsFld;
    CallbackData styleSetProcCallbackData;

	/* Entry focus behaviour */
	bool entrySelectOnFocus;

	/* Enter/Exit events */
	Control currentControl;

	/* Flush exposes */
	int /*long*/ checkIfEventProc;
	void*/*Callback*/ checkIfEventCallback;
	GdkWindow* flushWindow;
	bool flushAll;
	GdkRectangle* flushRect;
	XExposeEvent* exposeEvent;
	XVisibilityEvent* visibilityEvent;
	//int /*long*/ [] flushData = new int /*long*/ [1];

	/* System Resources */
	Font systemFont;
	Image errorImage, infoImage, questionImage, warningImage;
	Cursor [] cursors;
	Resource [] resources;
	static const int RESOURCE_SIZE = 1 + 4 + SWT.CURSOR_HAND + 1;

	/* Colors */

	/* Popup Menus */
	Menu [] popups;

	/* Click count*/
	int clickCount = 1;

	/* Timestamp of the Last Received Events */
	int lastEventTime, lastUserEventTime;

	/* Fixed Subclass */
	static int /*long*/ fixed_type;
	static int /*long*/ fixed_info_ptr;

	/* Renderer Subclass */
	static int /*long*/ text_renderer_type, pixbuf_renderer_type, toggle_renderer_type;
	static int /*long*/ text_renderer_info_ptr, pixbuf_renderer_info_ptr, toggle_renderer_info_ptr;

	/* Key Mappings */
	static const int [] [] KeyTable = [

		/* Keyboard and Mouse Masks */
		[OS.GDK_Alt_L,		SWT.ALT],
		[OS.GDK_Alt_R,		SWT.ALT],
		[OS.GDK_Meta_L,	SWT.ALT],
		[OS.GDK_Meta_R,	SWT.ALT],
		[OS.GDK_Shift_L,		SWT.SHIFT],
		[OS.GDK_Shift_R,		SWT.SHIFT],
		[OS.GDK_Control_L,	SWT.CONTROL],
		[OS.GDK_Control_R,	SWT.CONTROL],
//		[OS.GDK_????,		SWT.COMMAND],
//		[OS.GDK_????,		SWT.COMMAND],

		/* Non-Numeric Keypad Keys */
		[OS.GDK_Up,						SWT.ARROW_UP],
		[OS.GDK_Down,					SWT.ARROW_DOWN],
		[OS.GDK_Left,						SWT.ARROW_LEFT],
		[OS.GDK_Right,					SWT.ARROW_RIGHT],
		[OS.GDK_Page_Up,				SWT.PAGE_UP],
		[OS.GDK_KP_Page_Up,		SWT.PAGE_UP],
		[OS.GDK_Page_Down,			SWT.PAGE_DOWN],
		[OS.GDK_Home,					SWT.HOME],
		[OS.GDK_KP_Home,			SWT.HOME],
		[OS.GDK_End,						SWT.END],
		[OS.GDK_KP_End,				SWT.END],
		[OS.GDK_Insert,					SWT.INSERT],
		[OS.GDK_KP_Insert,			SWT.INSERT],

		/* Virtual and Ascii Keys */
		[OS.GDK_BackSpace,		SWT.BS],
		[OS.GDK_Return,				SWT.CR],
		[OS.GDK_Delete,				SWT.DEL],
		[OS.GDK_KP_Delete,		SWT.DEL],
		[OS.GDK_Escape,			SWT.ESC],
		[OS.GDK_Linefeed,			SWT.LF],
		[OS.GDK_Tab,					SWT.TAB],
		[OS.GDK_ISO_Left_Tab, 	SWT.TAB],

		/* Functions Keys */
		[OS.GDK_F1,		SWT.F1],
		[OS.GDK_F2,		SWT.F2],
		[OS.GDK_F3,		SWT.F3],
		[OS.GDK_F4,		SWT.F4],
		[OS.GDK_F5,		SWT.F5],
		[OS.GDK_F6,		SWT.F6],
		[OS.GDK_F7,		SWT.F7],
		[OS.GDK_F8,		SWT.F8],
		[OS.GDK_F9,		SWT.F9],
		[OS.GDK_F10,		SWT.F10],
		[OS.GDK_F11,		SWT.F11],
		[OS.GDK_F12,		SWT.F12],
		[OS.GDK_F13,		SWT.F13],
		[OS.GDK_F14,		SWT.F14],
		[OS.GDK_F15,		SWT.F15],

		/* Numeric Keypad Keys */
		[OS.GDK_KP_0,			SWT.KEYPAD_0],
		[OS.GDK_KP_1,			SWT.KEYPAD_1],
		[OS.GDK_KP_2,			SWT.KEYPAD_2],
		[OS.GDK_KP_3,			SWT.KEYPAD_3],
		[OS.GDK_KP_4,			SWT.KEYPAD_4],
		[OS.GDK_KP_5,			SWT.KEYPAD_5],
		[OS.GDK_KP_6,			SWT.KEYPAD_6],
		[OS.GDK_KP_7,			SWT.KEYPAD_7],
		[OS.GDK_KP_8,			SWT.KEYPAD_8],
		[OS.GDK_KP_9,			SWT.KEYPAD_9],

		/* Other keys */
		[OS.GDK_Caps_Lock,		SWT.CAPS_LOCK],
		[OS.GDK_Num_Lock,		SWT.NUM_LOCK],
		[OS.GDK_Scroll_Lock,		SWT.SCROLL_LOCK],
		[OS.GDK_Pause,				SWT.PAUSE],
		[OS.GDK_Break,				SWT.BREAK],
		[OS.GDK_Help,					SWT.HELP],


	/* Multiple Displays. */
	static Display Default;
	static Display [] Displays;

	/* Package name */
	static const char[] PACKAGE_PREFIX = "dwt.widgets.";
	/* This code is intentionally commented.
	 * ".class" can not be used on CLDC.
//	static {
//		char[] name = Display.class.getName ();
//		int index = name.lastIndexOf ('.');
//		PACKAGE_NAME = name.substring (0, index + 1);
//	}

	* In order to support CLDC, .class cannot be used because
	* it does not compile on some Java compilers when they are
	* targeted for CLDC.  Use Class.forName() instead.
	static this(){
        Displays = new Display [4];
        SWT_OBJECT_INDEX = OS.g_quark_from_string ("SWT_OBJECT_INDEX");
        SWT_OBJECT_INDEX1 = OS.g_quark_from_string ("SWT_OBJECT_INDEX1");
        SWT_OBJECT_INDEX2 = OS.g_quark_from_string ("SWT_OBJECT_INDEX2");
        ADD_IDLE_PROC_KEY = "dwt.internal.gtk2.addIdleProc";
        REMOVE_IDLE_PROC_KEY = "dwt.internal.gtk2.removeIdleProc";

	/* GTK Version */
	static const int MAJOR = 2;
	static const int MINOR = 0;
	static const int MICRO = 6;

	/* Display Data */
	Object data;
	char[] [] keys;
	Object [] values;

	/* Initial Guesses for Shell Trimmings. */
	int borderTrimWidth = 4, borderTrimHeight = 4;
	int resizeTrimWidth = 6, resizeTrimHeight = 6;
	int titleBorderTrimWidth = 5, titleBorderTrimHeight = 28;
	int titleResizeTrimWidth = 6, titleResizeTrimHeight = 29;
	int titleTrimWidth = 0, titleTrimHeight = 23;
	bool ignoreTrim;

	/* Window Manager */
	char[] windowManager;

	* TEMPORARY CODE.  Install the runnable that
	* gets the current display. This code will
	* be removed in the future.
	private static void initDeviceFinder(){
		DeviceFinder = new class() Runnable {
			public void run () {
				Device device = getCurrent ();
				if (device is null) {
					device = getDefault ();
				setDevice (device);

static void setDevice (Device device) {
	CurrentDevice = device;

 * Constructs a new instance of this class.
 * <p>
 * Note: The resulting display is marked as the <em>current</em>
 * display. If this is the first display which has been
 * constructed since the application started, it is also
 * marked as the <em>default</em> display.
 * </p>
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if called from a thread that already created an existing display</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_INVALID_SUBCLASS - if this class is not an allowed subclass</li>
 * </ul>
 * @see #getCurrent
 * @see #getDefault
 * @see Widget#checkSubclass
 * @see Shell
public this () {
	this (null);

 * Constructs a new instance of this class using the parameter.
 * @param data the device data
public this (DeviceData data) {
	super (data);
    synchronizer = new Synchronizer (this);
    idleLock = new Object();
    flushRect = new GdkRectangle ();
    exposeEvent = new XExposeEvent ();
    visibilityEvent = new XVisibilityEvent ();
    cursors = new Cursor [SWT.CURSOR_HAND + 1];

 * Adds the listener to the collection of listeners who will
 * be notified when an event of the given type occurs anywhere
 * in a widget. The event type is one of the event constants
 * defined in class <code>SWT</code>. When the event does occur,
 * the listener is notified by sending it the <code>handleEvent()</code>
 * message.
 * <p>
 * Setting the type of an event to <code>SWT.None</code> from
 * within the <code>handleEvent()</code> method can be used to
 * change the event type and stop subsequent Java listeners
 * from running. Because event filters run before other listeners,
 * event filters can both block other listeners and set arbitrary
 * fields within an event. For this reason, event filters are both
 * powerful and dangerous. They should generally be avoided for
 * performance, debugging and code maintenance reasons.
 * </p>
 * @param eventType the type of event to listen for
 * @param listener the listener which should be notified when the event occurs
 * @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the listener is null</li>
 * </ul>
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @see Listener
 * @see SWT
 * @see #removeFilter
 * @see #removeListener
 * @since 3.0
public void addFilter (int eventType, Listener listener) {
	checkDevice ();
	if (listener is null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
	if (filterTable is null) filterTable = new EventTable ();
	filterTable.hook (eventType, listener);

void addGdkEvent (GdkEvent* event) {
	if (gdkEvents is null) {
		int length = GROW_SIZE;
		gdkEvents.length = length;
		gdkEventWidgets.length = length;
		gdkEventCount = 0;
	if (gdkEventCount is gdkEvents.length) {
		int length = gdkEventCount + GROW_SIZE;
		GdkEvent* [] newEvents = new GdkEvent* [length];
		SimpleType!(GdkEvent*).arraycopy (gdkEvents, 0, newEvents, 0, gdkEventCount);
		gdkEvents = newEvents;
		Widget [] newWidgets = new Widget [length];
		System.arraycopy (gdkEventWidgets, 0, newWidgets, 0, gdkEventCount);
		gdkEventWidgets = newWidgets;
	Widget widget = null;
	GtkWidget* handle = OS.gtk_get_event_widget (event);
	if (handle !is null) {
		do {
			widget = getWidget (handle);
		} while (widget is null && (handle = OS.gtk_widget_get_parent (handle)) !is null);
	gdkEvents [gdkEventCount] = event;
	gdkEventWidgets [gdkEventCount] = widget;

void addIdleProc() {
	synchronized (idleLock){
		this.idleNeeded = true;
		if (idleHandle is 0) {
            idleProcCallbackData.display = this;
   = null;
			idleHandle = OS.g_idle_add ( &idleProcFunc, &idleProcCallbackData );

 * Adds the listener to the collection of listeners who will
 * be notified when an event of the given type occurs. The event
 * type is one of the event constants defined in class <code>SWT</code>.
 * When the event does occur in the display, the listener is notified by
 * sending it the <code>handleEvent()</code> message.
 * @param eventType the type of event to listen for
 * @param listener the listener which should be notified when the event occurs
 * @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the listener is null</li>
 * </ul>
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @see Listener
 * @see SWT
 * @see #removeListener
 * @since 2.0
public void addListener (int eventType, Listener listener) {
	checkDevice ();
	if (listener is null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
	if (eventTable is null) eventTable = new EventTable ();
	eventTable.hook (eventType, listener);

//PORTING_LEFT int /*long*/ allChildrenProcMeth (GtkWidget* widget, int /*long*/ recurse) {
//PORTING_LEFT 	allChildren = OS.g_list_append (allChildren, widget);
//PORTING_LEFT 	if (recurse !is null && OS.GTK_IS_CONTAINER (widget)) {
//PORTING_LEFT 		OS.gtk_container_forall (widget, allChildrenProc, recurse);
//PORTING_LEFT 	return 0;
//PORTING_LEFT void addMouseHoverTimeout (int /*long*/ handle) {
//PORTING_LEFT 	if (mouseHoverId !is 0) OS.gtk_timeout_remove (mouseHoverId);
//PORTING_LEFT 	mouseHoverId = OS.gtk_timeout_add (400, &mouseHoverProcFunc, handle);
//PORTING_LEFT 	mouseHoverHandle = handle;
void addPopup (Menu menu) {
	if (popups is null) popups = new Menu [4];
	int length = popups.length;
	for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
		if (popups [i] is menu) return;
	int index = 0;
	while (index < length) {
		if (popups [index] is null) break;
	if (index is length) {
		Menu [] newPopups = new Menu [length + 4];
		System.arraycopy (popups, 0, newPopups, 0, length);
		popups = newPopups;
	popups [index] = menu;

void addWidget (GtkWidget* handle, Widget widget) {
	if (handle is null) return;
	if (freeSlot is -1) {
		int len = (freeSlot = indexTable.length) + GROW_SIZE;
		int[] newIndexTable = new int[len];
		Widget[] newWidgetTable = new Widget [len];
		System.arraycopy (indexTable, 0, newIndexTable, 0, freeSlot);
		System.arraycopy (widgetTable, 0, newWidgetTable, 0, freeSlot);
		for (int i = freeSlot; i < len - 1; i++) {
			newIndexTable[i] = i + 1;
		newIndexTable[len - 1] = -1;
		indexTable = newIndexTable;
		widgetTable = newWidgetTable;
	int index = freeSlot + 1;
	OS.g_object_set_qdata (cast(GObject*)handle, SWT_OBJECT_INDEX, cast(void*)index);
	int oldSlot = freeSlot;
	freeSlot = indexTable[oldSlot];
	indexTable [oldSlot] = -2;
	widgetTable [oldSlot] = widget;

 * Causes the <code>run()</code> method of the runnable to
 * be invoked by the user-interface thread at the next
 * reasonable opportunity. The caller of this method continues
 * to run in parallel, and is not notified when the
 * runnable has completed.  Specifying <code>null</code> as the
 * runnable simply wakes the user-interface thread when run.
 * <p>
 * Note that at the time the runnable is invoked, widgets
 * that have the receiver as their display may have been
 * disposed. Therefore, it is necessary to check for this
 * case inside the runnable before accessing the widget.
 * </p>
 * @param runnable code to run on the user-interface thread or <code>null</code>
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @see #syncExec
public void asyncExec (Runnable runnable) {
	if (isDisposed ()) error (SWT.ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED);
	synchronized (idleLock) {
		if (idleNeeded && idleHandle is 0) {
 			//NOTE: calling unlocked function in OS
			idleHandle = OS.g_idle_add (&idleProcFunc, cast(void*) this);
	synchronizer.asyncExec (runnable);

 * Causes the system hardware to emit a short sound
 * (if it supports this capability).
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
public void beep () {
	if (!isValidThread ()) error (SWT.ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS);
	if (!OS.GDK_WINDOWING_X11 ()) {
		OS.gdk_flush ();
	} else {
		GdkDisplay* xDisplay = OS.GDK_DISPLAY ();
		OS.XFlush (xDisplay);

int /*long*/ cellDataProc (int /*long*/ tree_column, int /*long*/ cell, int /*long*/ tree_model, int /*long*/ iter, GtkWidget* data) {
	Widget widget = getWidget (data);
	if (widget is null) return 0;
	return widget.cellDataProc (tree_column, cell, tree_model, iter, data);

protected void checkDevice () {
	if (thread is null) error (SWT.ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED);
	if (thread !is Thread.getThis ()) error (SWT.ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS);
	if (isDisposed ()) error (SWT.ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED);

static synchronized void checkDisplay (Thread thread, bool multiple) {
	for (int i=0; i<Displays.length; i++) {
		if (Displays [i] !is null) {
			if (!multiple) SWT.error (SWT.ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, null, " [multiple displays]");
			if (Displays [i].thread is thread) SWT.error (SWT.ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS);

private static extern(C) int checkIfEventProcFunc (void* display, XEvent* xEvent, void* userData) {
    auto disp = cast(Display)userData;
    return disp.checkIfEventProcMeth( display, xEvent );

int checkIfEventProcMeth (void* display, XEvent* xEvent) {
	int type = xEvent.type;
	switch (type) {
		case OS.VisibilityNotify:
		case OS.Expose:
		case OS.GraphicsExpose:
			return 0;
	GdkWindow* window = OS.gdk_window_lookup ( xEvent.xany.window );
	if (window is null) return 0;
	if (flushWindow !is null) {
		if (flushAll) {
			auto tempWindow = window;
			do {
				if (tempWindow is flushWindow) break;
			} while ((tempWindow = OS.gdk_window_get_parent (tempWindow)) !is null);
			if (tempWindow !is flushWindow) return 0;
		} else {
			if (window !is flushWindow) return 0;
	*exposeEvent = *cast(XExposeEvent*)xEvent;
	switch (type) {
		case OS.Expose:
		case OS.GraphicsExpose: {
			flushRect.x = exposeEvent.x;
			flushRect.y = exposeEvent.y;
			flushRect.width = exposeEvent.width;
			flushRect.height = exposeEvent.height;
			OS.gdk_window_invalidate_rect (window, flushRect, true);
			exposeEvent.type = -1;
			memmove (xEvent, exposeEvent, XExposeEvent.sizeof);
		case OS.VisibilityNotify: {
			memmove (visibilityEvent, xEvent, XVisibilityEvent.sizeof);
            GtkWidget* handle;
            OS.gdk_window_get_user_data (window, cast(void**) & handle);
			Widget widget = handle !is null ? getWidget (handle) : null;
			if (auto control = cast(Control)widget ) {
				if (window is control.paintWindow ()) {
					if (visibilityEvent.state is OS.VisibilityFullyObscured) {
						control.state |= Widget.OBSCURED;
					} else {
						control.state &= ~Widget.OBSCURED;
	return 0;

 * Checks that this class can be subclassed.
 * <p>
 * IMPORTANT: See the comment in <code>Widget.checkSubclass()</code>.
 * </p>
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_INVALID_SUBCLASS - if this class is not an allowed subclass</li>
 * </ul>
 * @see Widget#checkSubclass
protected void checkSubclass () {
//PORTING_TODO	if (!isValidClass (getClass ())) error (SWT.ERROR_INVALID_SUBCLASS);

 * Requests that the connection between SWT and the underlying
 * operating system be closed.
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @see Device#dispose
 * @since 2.0
public void close () {
	checkDevice ();
	Event event = new Event ();
	sendEvent (SWT.Close, event);
	if (event.doit) dispose ();

 * Creates the device in the operating system.  If the device
 * does not have a handle, this method may do nothing depending
 * on the device.
 * <p>
 * This method is called before <code>init</code>.
 * </p>
 * @param data the DeviceData which describes the receiver
 * @see #init
protected void create (DeviceData data) {
	checkSubclass ();
	checkDisplay(thread = Thread.getThis (), false);
	createDisplay (data);
	register ();
	if (Default is null) Default = this;

synchronized void createDisplay (DeviceData data) {
	/* Required for g_main_context_wakeup */
	if (!OS.g_thread_supported ()) {
		OS.g_thread_init (null);
    int cnt = 0;
	if (!OS.gtk_init_check (&cnt, null)) {
		SWT.error (SWT.ERROR_NO_HANDLES, null, " [gtk_init_check() failed]");
	if (OS.GDK_WINDOWING_X11 ()) xDisplay = cast(void*) OS.GDK_DISPLAY ();
	char* ptr = OS.gtk_check_version (MAJOR, MINOR, MICRO);
	if (ptr !is null) {
		char [] buffer = fromUtf8z(ptr);
		Stdout.formatln ("***WARNING: {}", buffer );
		Stdout.formatln ("***WARNING: SWT requires GTK {}.{}.{}", MAJOR, MINOR, MICRO );
		int major = OS.gtk_major_version (), minor = OS.gtk_minor_version (), micro = OS.gtk_micro_version ();
		Stdout.formatln ("***WARNING: Detected: {}.{}.{}", major, minor, micro);
	if (fixed_type is 0) {
		GTypeInfo* fixed_info = new GTypeInfo ();
		fixed_info.class_size = GtkFixedClass.sizeof;
		fixed_info.class_init = & fixedClassInitProcFunc;
		fixed_info.instance_size = GtkFixed.sizeof;
		fixed_type = OS.g_type_register_static (OS.GTK_TYPE_FIXED (), "SwtFixed".ptr, fixed_info, cast(GTypeFlags)0);
	if (text_renderer_type is 0) {
		GTypeInfo* renderer_info = new GTypeInfo ();
		renderer_info.class_size = GtkCellRendererTextClass.sizeof;
		renderer_info.class_init = & rendererClassInitProcFunc;
		renderer_info.instance_size = GtkCellRendererText.sizeof;
		text_renderer_type = OS.g_type_register_static (OS.GTK_TYPE_CELL_RENDERER_TEXT (), "SwtTextRenderer".ptr, renderer_info, cast(GTypeFlags)0);
	if (pixbuf_renderer_type is 0) {
		GTypeInfo* renderer_info = new GTypeInfo ();
		renderer_info.class_size = GtkCellRendererPixbufClass.sizeof;
		renderer_info.class_init = & rendererClassInitProcFunc;
		renderer_info.instance_size = GtkCellRendererPixbuf.sizeof;
		pixbuf_renderer_type = OS.g_type_register_static (OS.GTK_TYPE_CELL_RENDERER_PIXBUF (), "SwtPixbufRenderer".ptr, renderer_info, cast(GTypeFlags)0);
	if (toggle_renderer_type is 0) {
		GTypeInfo* renderer_info = new GTypeInfo ();
		renderer_info.class_size = GtkCellRendererToggleClass.sizeof;
		renderer_info.class_init = & rendererClassInitProcFunc;
		renderer_info.instance_size = GtkCellRendererToggle.sizeof;
		toggle_renderer_type = OS.g_type_register_static (OS.GTK_TYPE_CELL_RENDERER_TOGGLE (), "SwtToggleRenderer".ptr, renderer_info, cast(GTypeFlags)0);

	OS.gtk_widget_set_default_direction (cast(GtkTextDirection)OS.GTK_TEXT_DIR_LTR);
	OS.gdk_rgb_init ();
	char* p = toStringz(APP_NAME);
	OS.g_set_prgname (p);
	OS.gdk_set_program_class (p);
	OS.gtk_rc_parse_string ("style \"swt-flat\" { GtkToolbar::shadow-type = none } widget \"*.swt-toolbar-flat\" style : highest \"swt-flat\"".ptr);

	/* Initialize the hidden shell */
	shellHandle = OS.gtk_window_new (cast(GtkWindowType)OS.GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
	if (shellHandle is null) SWT.error (SWT.ERROR_NO_HANDLES);
	OS.gtk_widget_realize (shellHandle);

	/* Initialize the filter and event callback */
	OS.gdk_event_handler_set (&eventProcFunc, cast(void*)this, cast(GDestroyNotify) 0);
    filterProcCallbackData.display = this; = null;
	OS.gdk_window_add_filter  (null, &filterProcFunc, cast(void*)&filterProcCallbackData );

Image createImage (char[] name) {
	auto style = OS.gtk_widget_get_default_style ();
	char[] buffer = name;
	auto pixbuf = OS.gtk_icon_set_render_icon (
		OS.gtk_icon_factory_lookup_default (buffer.ptr), style,
        cast(GtkIconSize)OS.GTK_ICON_SIZE_DIALOG, null, null );
	if (pixbuf is null) return null;
	int width = OS.gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf);
	int height = OS.gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf);
	int stride = OS.gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (pixbuf);
	bool hasAlpha = cast(bool)OS.gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha (pixbuf);
	char* pixels = OS.gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (pixbuf);
	byte [] data = new byte [stride * height];
	memmove (data.ptr, pixels, data.length);
	OS.g_object_unref (pixbuf);
	ImageData imageData = null;
	if (hasAlpha) {
		PaletteData palette = new PaletteData (0xFF000000, 0xFF0000, 0xFF00);
		imageData = new ImageData (width, height, 32, palette);
		byte [] alpha = new byte [stride * height];
		for (int y=0; y<height; y++) {
			for (int x=0; x<width; x++) {
				alpha [y*width+x] = data [y*stride+x*4+3];
				data [y*stride+x*4+3] = 0;
		imageData.setAlphas (0, 0, width * height, alpha, 0);
	} else {
		PaletteData palette = new PaletteData (0xFF0000, 0xFF00, 0xFF);
		imageData = new ImageData (width, height, 24, palette);
	} = data;
	imageData.bytesPerLine = stride;
	return new Image (this, imageData);

static GdkPixbuf* createPixbuf(Image image) {
	int w, h;
 	OS.gdk_drawable_get_size (image.pixmap, &w, &h);
	auto colormap = OS.gdk_colormap_get_system ();
	GdkPixbuf* pixbuf;
	bool hasMask = image.mask !is null && OS.gdk_drawable_get_depth (image.mask) is 1;
	if (hasMask) {
		pixbuf = OS.gdk_pixbuf_new (cast(GdkColorspace)OS.GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, true, 8, w, h );
		if (pixbuf is null) SWT.error (SWT.ERROR_NO_HANDLES);
		OS.gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable (pixbuf, image.pixmap, colormap, 0, 0, 0, 0, w, h);
		auto maskPixbuf = OS.gdk_pixbuf_new(cast(GdkColorspace)OS.GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, false, 8, w, h);
		if (maskPixbuf is null) SWT.error (SWT.ERROR_NO_HANDLES);
		OS.gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable(maskPixbuf, image.mask, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, w, h);
		int stride = OS.gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride(pixbuf);
		auto pixels = OS.gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(pixbuf);
		byte[] line = new byte[stride];
		int maskStride = OS.gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride(maskPixbuf);
		auto maskPixels = OS.gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(maskPixbuf);
		byte[] maskLine = new byte[maskStride];
		for (int y=0; y<h; y++) {
			auto offset = pixels + (y * stride);
			memmove(line.ptr, offset, stride);
			auto maskOffset = maskPixels + (y * maskStride);
			memmove(maskLine.ptr, maskOffset, maskStride);
			for (int x=0; x<w; x++) {
				if (maskLine[x * 3] is 0) {
					line[x * 4 + 3] = 0;
			memmove(offset, line.ptr, stride);
	} else {
		ImageData data = image.getImageData ();
		bool hasAlpha = data.getTransparencyType () is SWT.TRANSPARENCY_ALPHA;
		pixbuf = OS.gdk_pixbuf_new (cast(GdkColorspace)OS.GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, hasAlpha, 8, w, h);
		if (pixbuf is null) SWT.error (SWT.ERROR_NO_HANDLES);
		OS.gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable (pixbuf, image.pixmap, colormap, 0, 0, 0, 0, w, h);
		if (hasAlpha) {
			byte [] alpha = data.alphaData;
			int stride = OS.gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride (pixbuf);
			auto pixels = OS.gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels (pixbuf);
			byte [] line = new byte [stride];
			for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
				auto offset = pixels + (y * stride);
				memmove (line.ptr, offset, stride);
				for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
					line [x*4+3] = alpha [y*w+x];
				memmove (offset, line.ptr, stride);
	return pixbuf;

synchronized void deregister () {
	for (int i=0; i<Displays.length; i++) {
		if (this is Displays [i]) Displays [i] = null;

 * Destroys the device in the operating system and releases
 * the device's handle.  If the device does not have a handle,
 * this method may do nothing depending on the device.
 * <p>
 * This method is called after <code>release</code>.
 * </p>
 * @see Device#dispose
 * @see #release
protected void destroy () {
	if (this is Default) Default = null;
	deregister ();
	destroyDisplay ();

void destroyDisplay () {

 * Returns the display which the given thread is the
 * user-interface thread for, or null if the given thread
 * is not a user-interface thread for any display.  Specifying
 * <code>null</code> as the thread will return <code>null</code>
 * for the display.
 * @param thread the user-interface thread
 * @return the display for the given thread
public static synchronized Display findDisplay (Thread thread) {
	for (int i=0; i<Displays.length; i++) {
		Display display = Displays [i];
		if (display !is null && display.thread is thread) {
			return display;
	return null;

 * Causes the <code>run()</code> method of the runnable to
 * be invoked by the user-interface thread just before the
 * receiver is disposed.  Specifying a <code>null</code> runnable
 * is ignored.
 * @param runnable code to run at dispose time.
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
public void disposeExec (Runnable runnable) {
	checkDevice ();
	if (disposeList is null) disposeList = new Runnable [4];
	for (int i=0; i<disposeList.length; i++) {
		if (disposeList [i] is null) {
			disposeList [i] = runnable;
	Runnable [] newDisposeList = new Runnable [disposeList.length + 4];
	SimpleType!(Runnable).arraycopy (disposeList, 0, newDisposeList, 0, disposeList.length);
	newDisposeList [disposeList.length] = runnable;
	disposeList = newDisposeList;

 * Does whatever display specific cleanup is required, and then
 * uses the code in <code>SWTError.error</code> to handle the error.
 * @param code the descriptive error code
 * @see SWTError#error
void error (int code) {
	SWT.error (code);

private static extern(C) void eventProcFunc (GdkEvent* event, void* data) {
    Display disp = cast(Display)data;
void eventProcMeth (GdkEvent* event) {
	* Use gdk_event_get_time() rather than event.time or
	* gtk_get_current_event_time().  If the event does not
	* have a time stamp, then the field will contain garbage.
	* Note that calling gtk_get_current_event_time() from
	* outside of gtk_main_do_event() seems to always
	* return zero.
	int time = OS.gdk_event_get_time (event);
	if (time !is 0) lastEventTime = time;

	int eventType = OS.GDK_EVENT_TYPE (event);
	switch (eventType) {
			lastUserEventTime = time;
	bool dispatch = true;
	if (dispatchEvents !is null) {
		dispatch = false;
		for (int i = 0; i < dispatchEvents.length; i++) {
			if (eventType is dispatchEvents [i]) {
				dispatch = true;
	if (!dispatch) {
		addGdkEvent (OS.gdk_event_copy (event));
		return 0;
	* Feature in GTK.  GTK implements modality by adding a grab
	* to the GTK top level window.  Normally, all mouse and
	* keyboard events are delivered to child widgets and the
	* shell when the grab is active.  When an override redirect
	* shell is created as a child of a dialog, then events are
	* grabbed by the dialog instead of the override redirect
	* shell.  The fix is to add a temporary grab to the override
	* redirect window when there is not already a grab in a
	* child widget of the override redirect shell (for example,
	* in a scroll bar).
	Shell shell = null;
	Control control = null;
	auto grabHandle = OS.gtk_grab_get_current ();
	if (grabHandle !is null && OS.GTK_IS_WINDOW (grabHandle) && OS.gtk_window_get_modal (cast(GtkWindow*)grabHandle)) {
		switch (eventType) {
				auto window = OS.GDK_EVENT_WINDOW (cast(GdkEventAny*)event);
				do {
                    GtkWidget* handle;
					OS.gdk_window_get_user_data (window, cast(void**) &handle);
					if (handle !is null) {
						Widget widget = getWidget (handle);
						if (widget !is null && (null !is cast(Control)widget)) {
							control = cast(Control) widget;
				} while ((window = OS.gdk_window_get_parent (window)) !is null);
		if (control !is null) {
			shell = control.getShell ();
			if (( & SWT.ON_TOP) !is 0) {
				OS.gtk_grab_add (shell.shellHandle);
	OS.gtk_main_do_event (event);
	if (dispatchEvents is null) putGdkEvents ();
	if (control !is null) {
		if (shell !is null && !shell.isDisposed () && ( & SWT.ON_TOP) !is 0) {
			OS.gtk_grab_remove (shell.shellHandle);
	return 0;

 * Given the operating system handle for a widget, returns
 * the instance of the <code>Widget</code> subclass which
 * represents it in the currently running application, if
 * such exists, or null if no matching widget can be found.
 * <p>
 * <b>IMPORTANT:</b> This method should not be called from
 * application code. The arguments are platform-specific.
 * </p>
 * @param handle the handle for the widget
 * @return the SWT widget that the handle represents
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
public Widget findWidget (GtkWidget* handle) {
	checkDevice ();
	return getWidget (handle);

 * Given the operating system handle for a widget,
 * and widget-specific id, returns the instance of
 * the <code>Widget</code> subclass which represents
 * the handle/id pair in the currently running application,
 * if such exists, or null if no matching widget can be found.
 * <p>
 * <b>IMPORTANT:</b> This method should not be called from
 * application code. The arguments are platform-specific.
 * </p>
 * @param handle the handle for the widget
 * @param id the id for the subwidget (usually an item)
 * @return the SWT widget that the handle/id pair represents
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @since 3.1
public Widget findWidget (GtkWidget* handle, int id) {
	checkDevice ();
	return null;

 * Given a widget and a widget-specific id, returns the
 * instance of the <code>Widget</code> subclass which represents
 * the widget/id pair in the currently running application,
 * if such exists, or null if no matching widget can be found.
 * @param widget the widget
 * @param id the id for the subwidget (usually an item)
 * @return the SWT subwidget (usually an item) that the widget/id pair represents
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @since 3.3
public Widget findWidget (Widget widget, int id) {
	checkDevice ();
	return null;

private static extern(C) void fixedClassInitProcFunc (void* g_class, void* class_data) {
	GtkWidgetClass* klass = cast(GtkWidgetClass*)g_class; = &fixedMapProcFunc;

private static extern(C)  void fixedMapProcFunc (GtkWidget * handle) {
	Display display = getCurrent ();
	Widget widget = display.getWidget (handle);
	if (widget !is null) widget.fixedMapProc (handle);

private static extern(C) void rendererClassInitProcFunc (void* g_class, void* class_data) {
    GtkCellRendererClass* klass = cast(GtkCellRendererClass*)g_class;
	klass.render = &rendererRenderProcFunc;
	klass.get_size = &rendererGetSizeProcFunc;
private static extern(C) void rendererGetSizeProcFunc(GtkCellRenderer *cell, GtkWidget *handle, GdkRectangle *cell_area, int *x_offset, int *y_offset, int *width, int *height) {
	Display display = getCurrent ();
	Widget widget = display.getWidget (handle);
	if (widget !is null) widget.rendererGetSizeProc (cell, handle, cell_area, x_offset, y_offset, width, height);
private static extern(C) void rendererRenderProcFunc(GtkCellRenderer * cell, GdkDrawable * window, GtkWidget * handle, GdkRectangle *background_area, GdkRectangle *cell_area, GdkRectangle *expose_area, int flags){
	Display display = getCurrent ();
	Widget widget = display.getWidget (handle);
	if (widget !is null) widget.rendererRenderProc (cell, window, handle, background_area, cell_area, expose_area, flags);

void flushExposes (GdkWindow* window, bool all) {
	OS.gdk_flush ();
	OS.gdk_flush ();
	if (OS.GDK_WINDOWING_X11 ()) {
		this.flushWindow = window;
		this.flushAll = all;
		auto xDisplay = OS.GDK_DISPLAY ();
		auto xEvent = cast(XEvent*)OS.g_malloc (XEvent.sizeof);
		OS.XCheckIfEvent (xDisplay, xEvent, &checkIfEventProcFunc, cast(void*)this );
		OS.g_free (xEvent);
		this.flushWindow = null;

 * Returns the currently active <code>Shell</code>, or null
 * if no shell belonging to the currently running application
 * is active.
 * @return the active shell or null
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
public Shell getActiveShell () {
	checkDevice ();
	return activeShell;

 * Returns a rectangle describing the receiver's size and location.
 * @return the bounding rectangle
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
public Rectangle getBounds () {
	checkDevice ();
	return new Rectangle (0, 0, OS.gdk_screen_width (), OS.gdk_screen_height ());

 * Returns the display which the currently running thread is
 * the user-interface thread for, or null if the currently
 * running thread is not a user-interface thread for any display.
 * @return the current display
public static synchronized Display getCurrent () {
	Thread current = Thread.getThis ();
	for (int i=0; i<Displays.length; i++) {
		Display display = Displays [i];
		if (display !is null && display.thread is current) return display;
	return null;

int getCaretBlinkTime () {
//	checkDevice ();
	auto settings = OS.gtk_settings_get_default ();
	if (settings is null) return 500;
	int  buffer;
	OS.g_object_get1 (settings, OS.gtk_cursor_blink.ptr, &buffer );
	if (buffer  is 0) return 0;
	OS.g_object_get1 (settings, OS.gtk_cursor_blink_time.ptr, &buffer);
	if (buffer  is 0) return 500;
	* By experimentation, GTK application don't use the whole
	* blink cycle time.  Instead, they divide up the time, using
	* an effective blink rate of about 1/2 the total time.
	return buffer / 2;

 * Returns the control which the on-screen pointer is currently
 * over top of, or null if it is not currently over one of the
 * controls built by the currently running application.
 * @return the control under the cursor
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
public Control getCursorControl () {
	int x, y;
	auto window = OS.gdk_window_at_pointer (&x, &y);
	if (window is null) return null;
    GtkWidget* handle;
	OS.gdk_window_get_user_data (window, cast(void**)&handle);
	if (handle is null) return null;
	do {
		Widget widget = getWidget (handle);
		if (widget !is null && (null !is cast(Control)widget)) {
			Control control = cast(Control) widget;
			if (control.isEnabled ()) return control;
	} while ((handle = OS.gtk_widget_get_parent (handle)) !is null);
	return null;

bool filterEvent (Event event) {
	if (filterTable !is null) filterTable.sendEvent (event);
	return false;

bool filters (int eventType) {
	if (filterTable is null) return false;
	return filterTable.hooks (eventType);

private static extern(C) GdkFilterReturn filterProcFunc (GdkXEvent* xEvent, GdkEvent* gdkEvent, void* data) {
    auto callbackdata = cast(CallbackData*)data;
    auto disp = callbackdata.display;
    if( disp is null ) return GdkFilterReturn.CONTINUE;
    return disp.filterProcMeth(xEvent,gdkEvent,callbackdata);

GdkFilterReturn filterProcMeth (GdkXEvent* xEvent, GdkEvent* gdkEvent, CallbackData* callbackData) {
    if( is null ){
         * Feature in GTK.  When button 4, 5, 6, or 7 is released, GTK
         * does not deliver a corresponding GTK event.  Button 6 and 7
         * are mapped to buttons 4 and 5 in SWT.  The fix is to change
         * the button number of the event to a negative number so that
         * it gets dispatched by GTK.  SWT has been modified to look
         * for negative button numbers.
        XButtonEvent* mouseEvent = cast(XButtonEvent*) xEvent;
        if (mouseEvent.type is OS.ButtonRelease) {
            switch (mouseEvent.button) {
                case 6:
                case 7:
                    mouseEvent.button = -mouseEvent.button;
    Widget widget = getWidget (cast(GtkWidget*);
    if (widget is null) return GdkFilterReturn.CONTINUE;
    return widget.filterProc (xEvent, gdkEvent,;

 * Returns the location of the on-screen pointer relative
 * to the top left corner of the screen.
 * @return the cursor location
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
public Point getCursorLocation () {
	checkDevice ();
	int x, y;
	OS.gdk_window_get_pointer (null, &x, &y, null);
	return new Point (x, y);

 * Returns an array containing the recommended cursor sizes.
 * @return the array of cursor sizes
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @since 3.0
public Point [] getCursorSizes () {
	checkDevice ();
	return [new Point (16, 16), new Point (32, 32)];

 * Returns the application defined property of the receiver
 * with the specified name, or null if it has not been set.
 * <p>
 * Applications may have associated arbitrary objects with the
 * receiver in this fashion. If the objects stored in the
 * properties need to be notified when the display is disposed
 * of, it is the application's responsibility to provide a
 * <code>disposeExec()</code> handler which does so.
 * </p>
 * @param key the name of the property
 * @return the value of the property or null if it has not been set
 * @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the key is null</li>
 * </ul>
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @see #setData(String, Object)
 * @see #disposeExec(Runnable)
public Object getData (char[] key) {
	checkDevice ();
	if (key is null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
	if (key ==/*eq*/ DISPATCH_EVENT_KEY) {
		return new ArrayWrapperInt(dispatchEvents);
	if (keys is null) return null;
	for (int i=0; i<keys.length; i++) {
		if (keys [i] ==/*eq*/ key) return values [i];
	return null;

 * Returns the application defined, display specific data
 * associated with the receiver, or null if it has not been
 * set. The <em>display specific data</em> is a single,
 * unnamed field that is stored with every display.
 * <p>
 * Applications may put arbitrary objects in this field. If
 * the object stored in the display specific data needs to
 * be notified when the display is disposed of, it is the
 * application's responsibility to provide a
 * <code>disposeExec()</code> handler which does so.
 * </p>
 * @return the display specific data
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @see #setData(Object)
 * @see #disposeExec(Runnable)
public Object getData () {
	checkDevice ();
	return data;

 * Returns a point whose x coordinate is the horizontal
 * dots per inch of the display, and whose y coordinate
 * is the vertical dots per inch of the display.
 * @return the horizontal and vertical DPI
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 * </ul>
public Point getDPI () {
	checkDevice ();
	int widthMM = OS.gdk_screen_width_mm ();
	int width = OS.gdk_screen_width ();
	int dpi = Compatibility.round (254 * width, widthMM * 10);
	return new Point (dpi, dpi);

int /*long*/ gtk_fixed_get_type () {
	return fixed_type;

int /*long*/ gtk_cell_renderer_text_get_type () {
	return text_renderer_type;

int /*long*/ gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf_get_type () {
	return pixbuf_renderer_type;

int /*long*/ gtk_cell_renderer_toggle_get_type () {
	return toggle_renderer_type;

 * Returns the default display. One is created (making the
 * thread that invokes this method its user-interface thread)
 * if it did not already exist.
 * @return the default display
public static synchronized Display getDefault () {
	if (Default is null) Default = new Display ();
	return Default;

// /+static bool isValidClass (Class clazz) {
// //PROTING_TODO	char[] name = clazz.getName ();
// //PROTING_TODO	int index = name.lastIndexOf ('.');
// //PROTING_TODO	return name.substring (0, index + 1)==/*eq*/ PACKAGE_PREFIX;
//     return true;
// }+/

 * Returns the button dismissal alignment, one of <code>LEFT</code> or <code>RIGHT</code>.
 * The button dismissal alignment is the ordering that should be used when positioning the
 * default dismissal button for a dialog.  For example, in a dialog that contains an OK and
 * CANCEL button, on platforms where the button dismissal alignment is <code>LEFT</code>, the
 * button ordering should be OK/CANCEL.  When button dismissal alignment is <code>RIGHT</code>,
 * the button ordering should be CANCEL/OK.
 * @return the button dismissal order
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @since 2.1
public int getDismissalAlignment () {
	checkDevice ();
	return SWT.RIGHT;

 * Returns the longest duration, in milliseconds, between
 * two mouse button clicks that will be considered a
 * <em>double click</em> by the underlying operating system.
 * @return the double click time
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
public int getDoubleClickTime () {
	checkDevice ();
	auto settings = OS.gtk_settings_get_default ();
	int buffer;
	OS.g_object_get1 (settings, OS.gtk_double_click_time.ptr, &buffer);
	return buffer;

 * Returns the control which currently has keyboard focus,
 * or null if keyboard events are not currently going to
 * any of the controls built by the currently running
 * application.
 * @return the control under the cursor
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
public Control getFocusControl () {
	checkDevice ();
	if (focusControl !is null && !focusControl.isDisposed ()) {
		return focusControl;
	if (activeShell is null) return null;
	auto shellHandle = activeShell.shellHandle;
	auto handle = OS.gtk_window_get_focus (cast(GtkWindow*)shellHandle);
	if (handle is null) return null;
	do {
		Widget widget = getWidget (handle);
		if (widget !is null && (null !is cast(Control)widget)) {
			Control control = cast(Control) widget;
			return control.isEnabled () ? control : null;
	} while ((handle = OS.gtk_widget_get_parent (handle)) !is null);
	return null;

 * Returns true when the high contrast mode is enabled.
 * Otherwise, false is returned.
 * <p>
 * Note: This operation is a hint and is not supported on
 * platforms that do not have this concept.
 * </p>
 * @return the high contrast mode
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @since 3.0
public bool getHighContrast () {
	checkDevice ();
	return false;

public int getDepth () {
	checkDevice ();
	auto visual = OS.gdk_visual_get_system();
	return visual.depth;

 * Returns the maximum allowed depth of icons on this display, in bits per pixel.
 * On some platforms, this may be different than the actual depth of the display.
 * @return the maximum icon depth
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @see Device#getDepth
public int getIconDepth () {
	checkDevice ();
	return getDepth ();

 * Returns an array containing the recommended icon sizes.
 * @return the array of icon sizes
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @see Decorations#setImages(Image[])
 * @since 3.0
public Point [] getIconSizes () {
	checkDevice ();
	return [new Point (16, 16), new Point (32, 32)];

int getLastEventTime () {
	return lastEventTime;

int getMessageCount () {
	return synchronizer.getMessageCount ();

 * Returns the work area, an EWMH property to store the size
 * and position of the screen not covered by dock and panel
 * windows.  See
Rectangle getWorkArea() {
	auto atom = OS.gdk_atom_intern ("_NET_WORKAREA".ptr, true);
	if (atom is null/*OS.GDK_NONE*/) return null;
	void* actualType;
	int actualFormat;
	int actualLength;
	char* data;
	if (!OS.gdk_property_get (cast(GdkDrawable*)OS.GDK_ROOT_PARENT (), atom, null/*OS.GDK_NONE*/, 0, 16, 0, &actualType, &actualFormat, &actualLength, &data)) {
		return null;
	Rectangle result = null;
	if (data !is null) {
		if (actualLength is 16) {
			int[] values = (cast(int*)data)[0..4];
			result = new Rectangle (values [0],values [1],values [2],values [3]);
		} else if (actualLength is 32) {
			long[] values = (cast(long*)data)[0..4];
			result = new Rectangle (cast(int)values [0],cast(int)values [1],cast(int)values [2],cast(int)values [3]);
		OS.g_free (data);
	return result;

 * Returns an array of monitors attached to the device.
 * @return the array of monitors
 * @since 3.0
public dwt.widgets.Monitor.Monitor [] getMonitors () {
	checkDevice ();
	dwt.widgets.Monitor.Monitor [] monitors = null;
	Rectangle workArea = getWorkArea();
	auto screen = OS.gdk_screen_get_default ();
	if (screen !is null) {
		int monitorCount = OS.gdk_screen_get_n_monitors (screen);
		if (monitorCount > 0) {
			monitors = new dwt.widgets.Monitor.Monitor [monitorCount];
			GdkRectangle* dest = new GdkRectangle ();
			for (int i = 0; i < monitorCount; i++) {
				OS.gdk_screen_get_monitor_geometry (screen, i, dest);
				auto monitor = new dwt.widgets.Monitor.Monitor ();
				monitor.handle = i;
				monitor.x = dest.x;
				monitor.y = dest.y;
				monitor.width = dest.width;
				monitor.height = dest.height;
				if (i is 0 && workArea !is null) {
					monitor.clientX = workArea.x;
					monitor.clientY = workArea.y;
					monitor.clientWidth = workArea.width;
					monitor.clientHeight = workArea.height;
				} else {
					monitor.clientX = monitor.x;
					monitor.clientY = monitor.y;
					monitor.clientWidth = monitor.width;
					monitor.clientHeight = monitor.height;
				monitors [i] = monitor;
	if (monitors is null) {
		/* No multimonitor support detected, default to one monitor */
		auto monitor = new dwt.widgets.Monitor.Monitor ();
		Rectangle bounds = getBounds ();
		monitor.x = bounds.x;
		monitor.y = bounds.y;
		monitor.width = bounds.width;
		monitor.height = bounds.height;
		if (workArea !is null) {
			monitor.clientX = workArea.x;
			monitor.clientY = workArea.y;
			monitor.clientWidth = workArea.width;
			monitor.clientHeight = workArea.height;
		} else {
			monitor.clientX = monitor.x;
			monitor.clientY = monitor.y;
			monitor.clientWidth = monitor.width;
			monitor.clientHeight = monitor.height;
		monitors = [ monitor ];
	return monitors;

 * Returns the primary monitor for that device.
 * @return the primary monitor
 * @since 3.0
public dwt.widgets.Monitor.Monitor getPrimaryMonitor () {
	checkDevice ();
	auto monitors = getMonitors ();
	return monitors [0];

 * Returns a (possibly empty) array containing all shells which have
 * not been disposed and have the receiver as their display.
 * @return the receiver's shells
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
public Shell [] getShells () {
	checkDevice ();
	int index = 0;
	Shell [] result = new Shell [16];
	for (int i = 0; i < widgetTable.length; i++) {
		Widget widget = widgetTable [i];
		if (widget !is null && (null !is cast(Shell)widget)) {
			int j = 0;
			while (j < index) {
				if (result [j] is widget) break;
			if (j is index) {
				if (index is result.length) {
					Shell [] newResult = new Shell [index + 16];
					System.arraycopy (result, 0, newResult, 0, index);
					result = newResult;
				result [index++] = cast(Shell) widget;
	if (index is result.length) return result;
	Shell [] newResult = new Shell [index];
	System.arraycopy (result, 0, newResult, 0, index);
	return newResult;

 * Returns the thread that has invoked <code>syncExec</code>
 * or null if no such runnable is currently being invoked by
 * the user-interface thread.
 * <p>
 * Note: If a runnable invoked by asyncExec is currently
 * running, this method will return null.
 * </p>
 * @return the receiver's sync-interface thread
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
public Thread getSyncThread () {
	if (isDisposed ()) error (SWT.ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED);
	return synchronizer.syncThread;

 * Returns the matching standard color for the given
 * constant, which should be one of the color constants
 * specified in class <code>SWT</code>. Any value other
 * than one of the SWT color constants which is passed
 * in will result in the color black. This color should
 * not be free'd because it was allocated by the system,
 * not the application.
 * @param id the color constant
 * @return the matching color
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @see SWT
public Color getSystemColor (int id) {
	checkDevice ();
	GdkColor* gdkColor = null;
	switch (id) {
		case SWT.COLOR_WIDGET_BORDER: 						gdkColor = COLOR_WIDGET_BORDER; break;
			return super.getSystemColor (id);
	if (gdkColor is null) return super.getSystemColor (SWT.COLOR_BLACK);
	return Color.gtk_new (this, gdkColor);

 * Returns the matching standard platform cursor for the given
 * constant, which should be one of the cursor constants
 * specified in class <code>SWT</code>. This cursor should
 * not be free'd because it was allocated by the system,
 * not the application.  A value of <code>null</code> will
 * be returned if the supplied constant is not an SWT cursor
 * constant.
 * @param id the SWT cursor constant
 * @return the corresponding cursor or <code>null</code>
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @since 3.0
public Cursor getSystemCursor (int id) {
	checkDevice ();
	if (!(0 <= id && id < cursors.length)) return null;
	if (cursors [id] is null) {
		cursors [id] = new Cursor (this, id);
	return cursors [id];

 * Returns the matching standard platform image for the given
 * constant, which should be one of the icon constants
 * specified in class <code>SWT</code>. This image should
 * not be free'd because it was allocated by the system,
 * not the application.  A value of <code>null</code> will
 * be returned either if the supplied constant is not an
 * SWT icon constant or if the platform does not define an
 * image that corresponds to the constant.
 * @param id the SWT icon constant
 * @return the corresponding image or <code>null</code>
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @since 3.0
public Image getSystemImage (int id) {
	checkDevice ();
	switch (id) {
			if (errorImage is null) {
				errorImage = createImage ("gtk-dialog-error");
			return errorImage;
			if (infoImage is null) {
				infoImage = createImage ("gtk-dialog-info");
			return infoImage;
			if (questionImage is null) {
				questionImage = createImage ("gtk-dialog-question");
			return questionImage;
			if (warningImage is null) {
				warningImage = createImage ("gtk-dialog-warning");
			return warningImage;
	return null;

void initializeSystemColors () {
	GdkColor* gdkColor;

	/* Get Tooltip resources */
	auto tooltipShellHandle = OS.gtk_window_new (cast(GtkWindowType)OS.GTK_WINDOW_POPUP);
	if (tooltipShellHandle is null) SWT.error (SWT.ERROR_NO_HANDLES);
//	byte[] gtk_tooltips = Converter.wcsToMbcs (null, "gtk-tooltips", true);
	OS.gtk_widget_set_name (tooltipShellHandle, "gtk-tooltips".ptr );
	OS.gtk_widget_realize (tooltipShellHandle);
	auto tooltipStyle = OS.gtk_widget_get_style (tooltipShellHandle);
	gdkColor = new GdkColor();
	OS.gtk_style_get_fg (tooltipStyle, OS.GTK_STATE_NORMAL, gdkColor);
	gdkColor = new GdkColor();
	OS.gtk_style_get_bg (tooltipStyle, OS.GTK_STATE_NORMAL, gdkColor);
	OS.gtk_widget_destroy (tooltipShellHandle);

	/* Get Shell resources */
	auto style = OS.gtk_widget_get_style (shellHandle);
	gdkColor = new GdkColor();
	OS.gtk_style_get_black (style, gdkColor);
	gdkColor = new GdkColor();
	OS.gtk_style_get_dark (style, OS.GTK_STATE_NORMAL, gdkColor);
	gdkColor = new GdkColor();
	OS.gtk_style_get_bg (style, OS.GTK_STATE_NORMAL, gdkColor);
	gdkColor = new GdkColor();
	OS.gtk_style_get_light (style, OS.GTK_STATE_NORMAL, gdkColor);
	gdkColor = new GdkColor();
	OS.gtk_style_get_fg (style, OS.GTK_STATE_NORMAL, gdkColor);
	gdkColor = new GdkColor();
	OS.gtk_style_get_bg (style, OS.GTK_STATE_NORMAL, gdkColor);
	//gdkColor = new GdkColor();
	//OS.gtk_style_get_text (style, OS.GTK_STATE_NORMAL, gdkColor);
	//gdkColor = new GdkColor();
	//OS.gtk_style_get_base (style, OS.GTK_STATE_NORMAL, gdkColor);
	gdkColor = new GdkColor();
	OS.gtk_style_get_text (style, OS.GTK_STATE_NORMAL, gdkColor);
	gdkColor = new GdkColor();
	OS.gtk_style_get_base (style, OS.GTK_STATE_NORMAL, gdkColor);
	gdkColor = new GdkColor();
	OS.gtk_style_get_text (style, OS.GTK_STATE_SELECTED, gdkColor);
	gdkColor = new GdkColor();
	OS.gtk_style_get_base (style, OS.GTK_STATE_SELECTED, gdkColor);
	gdkColor = new GdkColor();
	OS.gtk_style_get_bg (style, OS.GTK_STATE_SELECTED, gdkColor);
	gdkColor = new GdkColor();
	OS.gtk_style_get_fg (style, OS.GTK_STATE_SELECTED, gdkColor);
	gdkColor = new GdkColor();
	OS.gtk_style_get_light (style, OS.GTK_STATE_SELECTED, gdkColor);
	gdkColor = new GdkColor();
	OS.gtk_style_get_bg (style, OS.GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE, gdkColor);
	gdkColor = new GdkColor();
	OS.gtk_style_get_fg (style, OS.GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE, gdkColor);
	gdkColor = new GdkColor();
	OS.gtk_style_get_light (style, OS.GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE, gdkColor);

 * Returns a reasonable font for applications to use.
 * On some platforms, this will match the "default font"
 * or "system font" if such can be found.  This font
 * should not be free'd because it was allocated by the
 * system, not the application.
 * <p>
 * Typically, applications which want the default look
 * should simply not set the font on the widgets they
 * create. Widgets are always created with the correct
 * default font for the class of user-interface component
 * they represent.
 * </p>
 * @return a font
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
public Font getSystemFont () {
	checkDevice ();
	if (systemFont !is null) return systemFont;
	auto style = OS.gtk_widget_get_style (shellHandle);
	auto defaultFont = OS.pango_font_description_copy (OS.gtk_style_get_font_desc (style));
	return systemFont = Font.gtk_new (this, defaultFont);

 * Returns the single instance of the system tray or null
 * when there is no system tray available for the platform.
 * @return the system tray or <code>null</code>
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @since 3.0
public Tray getSystemTray () {
	checkDevice ();
	if (tray !is null) return tray;
	return tray = new Tray (this, SWT.NONE);

 * Returns the user-interface thread for the receiver.
 * @return the receiver's user-interface thread
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
public Thread getThread () {
	if (isDisposed ()) error (SWT.ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED);
	return thread;

Widget getWidget (GtkWidget* handle) {
	if (handle is null) return null;
	if (lastWidget !is null && lastHandle is handle) return lastWidget;
	auto index = cast(int) OS.g_object_get_qdata ( cast(GObject*)handle, SWT_OBJECT_INDEX) - 1;
	if (0 <= index && index < widgetTable.length) {
		lastHandle = handle;
		return lastWidget = widgetTable [cast(int)/*64*/index];
	return null;

private static extern(C) int idleProcFunc (void* data) {
    auto dbdata = cast(CallbackData*)data;
    return dbdata.display.idleProc();
private int idleProc () {
	bool result = runAsyncMessages (false);
	if (!result) {
		synchronized (idleLock) {
			idleHandle = 0;
	return result ? 1 : 0;
    return 0;

 * Initializes any internal resources needed by the
 * device.
 * <p>
 * This method is called after <code>create</code>.
 * </p>
 * @see #create
protected void init () {
	super.init ();
	initializeCallbacks ();
	initializeSystemColors ();
	initializeSystemSettings ();
	initializeWidgetTable ();
	initializeWindowManager ();

void initializeCallbacks () {
	closures = new GClosure* [Widget.LAST_SIGNAL];
	signalIds = new int [Widget.LAST_SIGNAL];

	/* Cache signals for GtkWidget */
	signalIds [Widget.BUTTON_PRESS_EVENT] = OS.g_signal_lookup (OS.button_press_event.ptr, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.BUTTON_RELEASE_EVENT] = OS.g_signal_lookup (OS.button_release_event.ptr, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.CONFIGURE_EVENT] = OS.g_signal_lookup (OS.configure_event.ptr, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.DELETE_EVENT] = OS.g_signal_lookup (OS.delete_event.ptr, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.ENTER_NOTIFY_EVENT] = OS.g_signal_lookup (OS.enter_notify_event.ptr, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.EVENT] = OS.g_signal_lookup (OS.event.ptr, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.EVENT_AFTER] = OS.g_signal_lookup (OS.event_after.ptr, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.EXPOSE_EVENT] = OS.g_signal_lookup (OS.expose_event.ptr, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.FOCUS] = OS.g_signal_lookup (OS.focus.ptr, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.FOCUS_IN_EVENT] = OS.g_signal_lookup (OS.focus_in_event.ptr, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.FOCUS_OUT_EVENT] = OS.g_signal_lookup (OS.focus_out_event.ptr, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.GRAB_FOCUS] = OS.g_signal_lookup (OS.grab_focus.ptr, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.HIDE] = OS.g_signal_lookup (OS.hide.ptr, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.KEY_PRESS_EVENT] = OS.g_signal_lookup (OS.key_press_event.ptr, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.KEY_RELEASE_EVENT] = OS.g_signal_lookup (OS.key_release_event.ptr, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.LEAVE_NOTIFY_EVENT] = OS.g_signal_lookup (OS.leave_notify_event.ptr, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.MAP] = OS.g_signal_lookup (, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.MAP_EVENT] = OS.g_signal_lookup (OS.map_event.ptr, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.MNEMONIC_ACTIVATE] = OS.g_signal_lookup (OS.mnemonic_activate.ptr, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.MOTION_NOTIFY_EVENT] = OS.g_signal_lookup (OS.motion_notify_event.ptr, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.POPUP_MENU] = OS.g_signal_lookup (OS.popup_menu.ptr, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.REALIZE] = OS.g_signal_lookup (OS.realize.ptr, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.SCROLL_EVENT] = OS.g_signal_lookup (OS.scroll_event.ptr, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.SHOW] = OS.g_signal_lookup (, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.SHOW_HELP] = OS.g_signal_lookup (OS.show_help.ptr, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.SIZE_ALLOCATE] = OS.g_signal_lookup (OS.size_allocate.ptr, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.STYLE_SET] = OS.g_signal_lookup (OS.style_set.ptr, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.UNMAP] = OS.g_signal_lookup (OS.unmap.ptr, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.UNMAP_EVENT] = OS.g_signal_lookup (OS.unmap_event.ptr, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.UNREALIZE] = OS.g_signal_lookup (OS.realize.ptr, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.VISIBILITY_NOTIFY_EVENT] = OS.g_signal_lookup (OS.visibility_notify_event.ptr, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());
	signalIds [Widget.WINDOW_STATE_EVENT] = OS.g_signal_lookup (OS.window_state_event.ptr, OS.GTK_TYPE_WIDGET ());

    GClosure* do_cclosure_new( GCallback cb, int value, int notify ){
        CallbackData* res= new CallbackData;
        res.display = this; = cast(void*)value;
        windowProcCallbackDatas ~= res;
        return OS.g_cclosure_new( cb, cast(void*)res, cast(GClosureNotify)notify );

    GCallback windowProc2 = cast(GCallback)&windowProcFunc2;
	closures [Widget.ACTIVATE] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc2, Widget.ACTIVATE, 0);
	closures [Widget.ACTIVATE_INVERSE] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc2, Widget.ACTIVATE_INVERSE, 0);
	closures [Widget.CHANGED] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc2, Widget.CHANGED, 0);
	closures [Widget.CLICKED] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc2, Widget.CLICKED, 0);
	closures [Widget.DAY_SELECTED] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc2, Widget.DAY_SELECTED, 0);
	closures [Widget.HIDE] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc2, Widget.HIDE, 0);
	closures [Widget.GRAB_FOCUS] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc2, Widget.GRAB_FOCUS, 0);
	closures [Widget.MAP] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc2, Widget.MAP, 0);
	closures [Widget.MONTH_CHANGED] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc2, Widget.MONTH_CHANGED, 0);
	closures [Widget.OUTPUT] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc2, Widget.OUTPUT, 0);
	closures [Widget.POPUP_MENU] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc2, Widget.POPUP_MENU, 0);
	closures [Widget.PREEDIT_CHANGED] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc2, Widget.PREEDIT_CHANGED, 0);
	closures [Widget.REALIZE] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc2, Widget.REALIZE, 0);
	closures [Widget.SELECT] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc2, Widget.SELECT, 0);
	closures [Widget.SHOW] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc2, Widget.SHOW, 0);
	closures [Widget.VALUE_CHANGED] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc2, Widget.VALUE_CHANGED, 0);
	closures [Widget.UNMAP] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc2, Widget.UNMAP, 0);
	closures [Widget.UNREALIZE] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc2, Widget.UNREALIZE, 0);

    GCallback windowProc3 = cast(GCallback)&windowProcFunc3;
	closures [Widget.BUTTON_PRESS_EVENT] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.BUTTON_PRESS_EVENT, 0);
	closures [Widget.BUTTON_PRESS_EVENT_INVERSE] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.BUTTON_PRESS_EVENT_INVERSE, 0);
	closures [Widget.BUTTON_RELEASE_EVENT] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.BUTTON_RELEASE_EVENT, 0);
	closures [Widget.BUTTON_RELEASE_EVENT_INVERSE] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.BUTTON_RELEASE_EVENT_INVERSE, 0);
	closures [Widget.COMMIT] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.COMMIT, 0);
	closures [Widget.CONFIGURE_EVENT] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.CONFIGURE_EVENT, 0);
	closures [Widget.DELETE_EVENT] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.DELETE_EVENT, 0);
	closures [Widget.ENTER_NOTIFY_EVENT] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.ENTER_NOTIFY_EVENT, 0);
	closures [Widget.EVENT] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.EVENT, 0);
	closures [Widget.EVENT_AFTER] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.EVENT_AFTER, 0);
	closures [Widget.EXPOSE_EVENT] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.EXPOSE_EVENT, 0);
	closures [Widget.EXPOSE_EVENT_INVERSE] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.EXPOSE_EVENT_INVERSE, 0);
	closures [Widget.FOCUS] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.FOCUS, 0);
	closures [Widget.FOCUS_IN_EVENT] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.FOCUS_IN_EVENT, 0);
	closures [Widget.FOCUS_OUT_EVENT] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.FOCUS_OUT_EVENT, 0);
	closures [Widget.KEY_PRESS_EVENT] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.KEY_PRESS_EVENT, 0);
	closures [Widget.KEY_RELEASE_EVENT] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.KEY_RELEASE_EVENT, 0);
	closures [Widget.INPUT] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.INPUT, 0);
	closures [Widget.LEAVE_NOTIFY_EVENT] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.LEAVE_NOTIFY_EVENT, 0);
	closures [Widget.MAP_EVENT] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.MAP_EVENT, 0);
	closures [Widget.MNEMONIC_ACTIVATE] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.MNEMONIC_ACTIVATE, 0);
	closures [Widget.MOTION_NOTIFY_EVENT] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.MOTION_NOTIFY_EVENT, 0);
	closures [Widget.MOTION_NOTIFY_EVENT_INVERSE] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.MOTION_NOTIFY_EVENT_INVERSE, 0);
	closures [Widget.MOVE_FOCUS] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.MOVE_FOCUS, 0);
	closures [Widget.SCROLL_EVENT] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.SCROLL_EVENT, 0);
	closures [Widget.SHOW_HELP] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.SHOW_HELP, 0);
	closures [Widget.SIZE_ALLOCATE] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.SIZE_ALLOCATE, 0);
	closures [Widget.STYLE_SET] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.STYLE_SET, 0);
	closures [Widget.TOGGLED] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.TOGGLED, 0);
	closures [Widget.UNMAP_EVENT] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.UNMAP_EVENT, 0);
	closures [Widget.VISIBILITY_NOTIFY_EVENT] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.VISIBILITY_NOTIFY_EVENT, 0);
	closures [Widget.WINDOW_STATE_EVENT] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc3, Widget.WINDOW_STATE_EVENT, 0);

    GCallback windowProc4 = cast(GCallback)&windowProcFunc4;
	closures [Widget.DELETE_RANGE] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc4, Widget.DELETE_RANGE, 0);
	closures [Widget.DELETE_TEXT] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc4, Widget.DELETE_TEXT, 0);
	closures [Widget.ROW_ACTIVATED] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc4, Widget.ROW_ACTIVATED, 0);
	closures [Widget.SCROLL_CHILD] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc4, Widget.SCROLL_CHILD, 0);
	closures [Widget.SWITCH_PAGE] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc4, Widget.SWITCH_PAGE, 0);
	closures [Widget.TEST_COLLAPSE_ROW] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc4, Widget.TEST_COLLAPSE_ROW, 0);
	closures [Widget.TEST_EXPAND_ROW] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc4, Widget.TEST_EXPAND_ROW, 0);

    GCallback windowProc5 = cast(GCallback)&windowProcFunc5;
	closures [Widget.CHANGE_VALUE] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc5, Widget.CHANGE_VALUE, 0);
	closures [Widget.EXPAND_COLLAPSE_CURSOR_ROW] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc5, Widget.EXPAND_COLLAPSE_CURSOR_ROW, 0);
	closures [Widget.INSERT_TEXT] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc5, Widget.INSERT_TEXT, 0);
	closures [Widget.TEXT_BUFFER_INSERT_TEXT] = do_cclosure_new (windowProc5, Widget.TEXT_BUFFER_INSERT_TEXT, 0);

	for (int i = 0; i < Widget.LAST_SIGNAL; i++) {
		if (closures [i] !is null) OS.g_closure_ref (closures [i]);
    shellMapProcCallbackData.display = this; = null;
	shellMapProcClosure = OS.g_cclosure_new (cast(GCallback)&shellMapProcFunc, &shellMapProcCallbackData, cast(GClosureNotify)0);
	OS.g_closure_ref (shellMapProcClosure);

void initializeSystemSettings () {
    styleSetProcCallbackData.display = this; = null;
	OS.g_signal_connect (shellHandle, OS.style_set.ptr, cast(GCallback)&styleSetProcFunc, &styleSetProcCallbackData);

	* Feature in GTK.  Despite the fact that the
	* gtk-entry-select-on-focus property is a global
	* setting, it is initialized when the GtkEntry
	* is initialized.  This means that it cannot be
	* accessed before a GtkEntry is created.  The
	* fix is to for the initializaion by creating
	* a temporary GtkEntry.
	auto entry = OS.gtk_entry_new ();
	OS.gtk_widget_destroy (entry);
	int buffer2;
	auto settings = OS.gtk_settings_get_default ();
	OS.g_object_get1 (settings, OS.gtk_entry_select_on_focus.ptr, &buffer2);
	entrySelectOnFocus = buffer2 !is 0;

void initializeWidgetTable () {
	indexTable = new int [GROW_SIZE];
	widgetTable = new Widget [GROW_SIZE];
	for (int i=0; i<GROW_SIZE-1; i++) indexTable [i] = i + 1;
	indexTable [GROW_SIZE - 1] = -1;

void initializeWindowManager () {
	/* Get the window manager name */
	windowManager = "";
	if (OS.GTK_VERSION >= OS.buildVERSION (2, 2, 0)) {
		auto screen = OS.gdk_screen_get_default ();
		if (screen !is null) {
			auto ptr2 = OS.gdk_x11_screen_get_window_manager_name (screen);
            windowManager = fromUtf8z( ptr2 );

 * Invokes platform specific functionality to dispose a GC handle.
 * <p>
 * <b>IMPORTANT:</b> This method is <em>not</em> part of the public
 * API for <code>Display</code>. It is marked public only so that it
 * can be shared within the packages provided by SWT. It is not
 * available on all platforms, and should never be called from
 * application code.
 * </p>
 * @param hDC the platform specific GC handle
 * @param data the platform specific GC data
public void internal_dispose_GC (GdkGC* gdkGC, GCData data) {
	OS.g_object_unref (gdkGC);

 * Invokes platform specific functionality to allocate a new GC handle.
 * <p>
 * <b>IMPORTANT:</b> This method is <em>not</em> part of the public
 * API for <code>Display</code>. It is marked public only so that it
 * can be shared within the packages provided by SWT. It is not
 * available on all platforms, and should never be called from
 * application code.
 * </p>
 * @param data the platform specific GC data
 * @return the platform specific GC handle
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @exception SWTError <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_NO_HANDLES if a handle could not be obtained for gc creation</li>
 * </ul>
public GdkGC* internal_new_GC (GCData data) {
	if (isDisposed()) SWT.error(SWT.ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED);
	auto root = cast(GdkDrawable *) OS.GDK_ROOT_PARENT ();
	auto gdkGC = OS.gdk_gc_new (root);
	if (gdkGC is null) SWT.error (SWT.ERROR_NO_HANDLES);
	OS.gdk_gc_set_subwindow (gdkGC, cast(GdkSubwindowMode)OS.GDK_INCLUDE_INFERIORS);
	if (data !is null) {
		if (( & mask) is 0) { |= SWT.LEFT_TO_RIGHT;
		data.device = this;
		data.drawable = root;
		data.background = getSystemColor (SWT.COLOR_WHITE).handle;
		data.foreground = getSystemColor (SWT.COLOR_BLACK).handle;
		data.font = getSystemFont ().handle;
    return gdkGC;
    return null;

bool isValidThread () {
	return thread is Thread.getThis ();

 * Maps a point from one coordinate system to another.
 * When the control is null, coordinates are mapped to
 * the display.
 * <p>
 * NOTE: On right-to-left platforms where the coordinate
 * systems are mirrored, special care needs to be taken
 * when mapping coordinates from one control to another
 * to ensure the result is correctly mirrored.
 * Mapping a point that is the origin of a rectangle and
 * then adding the width and height is not equivalent to
 * mapping the rectangle.  When one control is mirrored
 * and the other is not, adding the width and height to a
 * point that was mapped causes the rectangle to extend
 * in the wrong direction.  Mapping the entire rectangle
 * instead of just one point causes both the origin and
 * the corner of the rectangle to be mapped.
 * </p>
 * @param from the source <code>Control</code> or <code>null</code>
 * @param to the destination <code>Control</code> or <code>null</code>
 * @param point to be mapped
 * @return point with mapped coordinates
 * @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the point is null</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT - if the Control from or the Control to have been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @since 2.1.2
public Point map (Control from, Control to, Point point) {
	checkDevice ();
	if (point is null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
	return map (from, to, point.x, point.y);

 * Maps a point from one coordinate system to another.
 * When the control is null, coordinates are mapped to
 * the display.
 * <p>
 * NOTE: On right-to-left platforms where the coordinate
 * systems are mirrored, special care needs to be taken
 * when mapping coordinates from one control to another
 * to ensure the result is correctly mirrored.
 * Mapping a point that is the origin of a rectangle and
 * then adding the width and height is not equivalent to
 * mapping the rectangle.  When one control is mirrored
 * and the other is not, adding the width and height to a
 * point that was mapped causes the rectangle to extend
 * in the wrong direction.  Mapping the entire rectangle
 * instead of just one point causes both the origin and
 * the corner of the rectangle to be mapped.
 * </p>
 * @param from the source <code>Control</code> or <code>null</code>
 * @param to the destination <code>Control</code> or <code>null</code>
 * @param x coordinates to be mapped
 * @param y coordinates to be mapped
 * @return point with mapped coordinates
 * @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT - if the Control from or the Control to have been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @since 2.1.2
public Point map (Control from, Control to, int x, int y) {
	checkDevice ();
	if (from !is null && from.isDisposed()) error (SWT.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
	if (to !is null && to.isDisposed()) error (SWT.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
	Point point = new Point (x, y);
	if (from is to) return point;
	if (from !is null) {
		auto window = from.eventWindow ();
		int origin_x, origin_y;
		OS.gdk_window_get_origin (window, &origin_x, &origin_y);
		point.x += origin_x;
		point.y += origin_y;
	if (to !is null) {
		auto window = to.eventWindow ();
        int origin_x, origin_y;
		OS.gdk_window_get_origin (window, &origin_x, &origin_y);
		point.x -= origin_x;
		point.y -= origin_y;
	return point;

 * Maps a point from one coordinate system to another.
 * When the control is null, coordinates are mapped to
 * the display.
 * <p>
 * NOTE: On right-to-left platforms where the coordinate
 * systems are mirrored, special care needs to be taken
 * when mapping coordinates from one control to another
 * to ensure the result is correctly mirrored.
 * Mapping a point that is the origin of a rectangle and
 * then adding the width and height is not equivalent to
 * mapping the rectangle.  When one control is mirrored
 * and the other is not, adding the width and height to a
 * point that was mapped causes the rectangle to extend
 * in the wrong direction.  Mapping the entire rectangle
 * instead of just one point causes both the origin and
 * the corner of the rectangle to be mapped.
 * </p>
 * @param from the source <code>Control</code> or <code>null</code>
 * @param to the destination <code>Control</code> or <code>null</code>
 * @param rectangle to be mapped
 * @return rectangle with mapped coordinates
 * @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the rectangle is null</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT - if the Control from or the Control to have been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @since 2.1.2
public Rectangle map (Control from, Control to, Rectangle rectangle) {
	if (rectangle is null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
	return map (from, to, rectangle.x, rectangle.y, rectangle.width, rectangle.height);

static wchar mbcsToWcs (wchar ch) {
	int key = ch & 0xFFFF;
	if (key <= 0x7F) return ch;
	char [] buffer;
	if (key <= 0xFF) {
		buffer = new char [1];
		buffer [0] = cast(char) key;
	} else {
		buffer = new char [2];
		buffer [0] = cast(char) ((key >> 8) & 0xFF);
		buffer [1] = cast(char) (key & 0xFF);
	wchar [] result = Converter.mbcsToWcs (null, buffer);
	if (result.length is 0) return 0;
	return result [0];

int /*long*/ menuPositionProcMeth (GtkWidget * menu, int /*long*/ x, int /*long*/ y, int /*long*/ push_in, int /*long*/ user_data) {
	Widget widget = getWidget (menu);
	if (widget is null) return 0;
	return widget.menuPositionProc (menu, x, y, push_in, user_data);

 * Maps a point from one coordinate system to another.
 * When the control is null, coordinates are mapped to
 * the display.
 * <p>
 * NOTE: On right-to-left platforms where the coordinate
 * systems are mirrored, special care needs to be taken
 * when mapping coordinates from one control to another
 * to ensure the result is correctly mirrored.
 * Mapping a point that is the origin of a rectangle and
 * then adding the width and height is not equivalent to
 * mapping the rectangle.  When one control is mirrored
 * and the other is not, adding the width and height to a
 * point that was mapped causes the rectangle to extend
 * in the wrong direction.  Mapping the entire rectangle
 * instead of just one point causes both the origin and
 * the corner of the rectangle to be mapped.
 * </p>
 * @param from the source <code>Control</code> or <code>null</code>
 * @param to the destination <code>Control</code> or <code>null</code>
 * @param x coordinates to be mapped
 * @param y coordinates to be mapped
 * @param width coordinates to be mapped
 * @param height coordinates to be mapped
 * @return rectangle with mapped coordinates
 * @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT - if the Control from or the Control to have been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @since 2.1.2
public Rectangle map (Control from, Control to, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
	if (from !is null && from.isDisposed()) error (SWT.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
	if (to !is null && to.isDisposed()) error (SWT.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT);
	Rectangle rect = new Rectangle (x, y, width, height);
	if (from is to) return rect;
	if (from !is null) {
		auto window = from.eventWindow ();
		int origin_x, origin_y;
		OS.gdk_window_get_origin (window, &origin_x, &origin_y);
		rect.x += origin_x;
		rect.y += origin_y;
	if (to !is null) {
		auto window = to.eventWindow ();
        int origin_x, origin_y;
		OS.gdk_window_get_origin (window, &origin_x, &origin_y);
		rect.x -= origin_x;
		rect.y -= origin_y;
	return rect;

private extern(C) int mouseHoverProcMeth (void* handle) {
    return 0;

int /*long*/ mouseHoverProcMeth (GtkWidget* handle) {
	Widget widget = getWidget (handle);
	if (widget is null) return 0;
	return widget.hoverProc (handle);

 * Generate a low level system event.
 * <code>post</code> is used to generate low level keyboard
 * and mouse events. The intent is to enable automated UI
 * testing by simulating the input from the user.  Most
 * SWT applications should never need to call this method.
 * <p>
 * Note that this operation can fail when the operating system
 * fails to generate the event for any reason.  For example,
 * this can happen when there is no such key or mouse button
 * or when the system event queue is full.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * <b>Event Types:</b>
 * <p>KeyDown, KeyUp
 * <p>The following fields in the <code>Event</code> apply:
 * <ul>
 * <li>(in) type KeyDown or KeyUp</li>
 * <p> Either one of:
 * <li>(in) character a character that corresponds to a keyboard key</li>
 * <li>(in) keyCode the key code of the key that was typed,
 *          as defined by the key code constants in class <code>SWT</code></li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>MouseDown, MouseUp</p>
 * <p>The following fields in the <code>Event</code> apply:
 * <ul>
 * <li>(in) type MouseDown or MouseUp
 * <li>(in) button the button that is pressed or released
 * </ul>
 * <p>MouseMove</p>
 * <p>The following fields in the <code>Event</code> apply:
 * <ul>
 * <li>(in) type MouseMove
 * <li>(in) x the x coordinate to move the mouse pointer to in screen coordinates
 * <li>(in) y the y coordinate to move the mouse pointer to in screen coordinates
 * </ul>
 * </dl>
 * @param event the event to be generated
 * @return true if the event was generated or false otherwise
 * @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the event is null</li>
 * </ul>
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @since 3.0
public bool post (Event event) {
	if (isDisposed ()) error (SWT.ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED);
	if (event is null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
	if (!OS.GDK_WINDOWING_X11()) return false;
	auto xDisplay = OS.GDK_DISPLAY ();
	int type = event.type;
	switch (type) {
		case SWT.KeyDown:
		case SWT.KeyUp: {
			int keyCode = 0;
			auto keysym = untranslateKey (event.keyCode);
			if (keysym !is 0) keyCode = OS.XKeysymToKeycode (xDisplay, keysym);
			if (keyCode is 0) {
				char key = event.character;
				switch (key) {
					case SWT.BS: keysym = OS.GDK_BackSpace; break;
					case SWT.CR: keysym = OS.GDK_Return; break;
					case SWT.DEL: keysym = OS.GDK_Delete; break;
					case SWT.ESC: keysym = OS.GDK_Escape; break;
					case SWT.TAB: keysym = OS.GDK_Tab; break;
					case SWT.LF: keysym = OS.GDK_Linefeed; break;
						keysym = wcsToMbcs (key);
				keyCode = OS.XKeysymToKeycode (xDisplay, keysym);
				if (keyCode is 0) return false;
			OS.XTestFakeKeyEvent (xDisplay, keyCode, type is SWT.KeyDown, 0);
			return true;
		case SWT.MouseDown:
		case SWT.MouseMove:
		case SWT.MouseUp: {
			if (type is SWT.MouseMove) {
				OS.XTestFakeMotionEvent (xDisplay, -1, event.x, event.y, 0);
			} else {
				int button = event.button;
				switch (button) {
					case 1:
					case 2:
					case 3:	break;
					case 4: button = 6;	break;
					case 5: button = 7;	break;
					default: return false;
				OS.XTestFakeButtonEvent (xDisplay, button, type is SWT.MouseDown, 0);
			return true;
		* This code is intentionally commented. After posting a
		* mouse wheel event the system may respond unpredictably
		* to subsequent mouse actions.
//		case SWT.MouseWheel: {
//			if (event.count is 0) return false;
//			int button = event.count < 0 ? 5 : 4;
//			OS.XTestFakeButtonEvent (xDisplay, button, type is SWT.MouseWheel, 0);
//		}
	return false;

void postEvent (Event event) {
	* Place the event at the end of the event queue.
	* This code is always called in the Display's
	* thread so it must be re-enterant but does not
	* need to be synchronized.
	if (eventQueue is null) eventQueue = new Event [4];
	int index = 0;
	int length = eventQueue.length;
	while (index < length) {
		if (eventQueue [index] is null) break;
	if (index is length) {
		Event [] newQueue = new Event [length + 4];
		System.arraycopy (eventQueue, 0, newQueue, 0, length);
		eventQueue = newQueue;
	eventQueue [index] = event;

void putGdkEvents () {
	if (gdkEventCount !is 0) {
		for (int i = 0; i < gdkEventCount; i++) {
			auto event = gdkEvents [i];
			Widget widget = gdkEventWidgets [i];
			if (widget is null || !widget.isDisposed ()) {
				OS.gdk_event_put (event);
			OS.gdk_event_free (event);
			gdkEvents [i] = null;
			gdkEventWidgets [i] = null;
		gdkEventCount = 0;

 * Reads an event from the operating system's event queue,
 * dispatches it appropriately, and returns <code>true</code>
 * if there is potentially more work to do, or <code>false</code>
 * if the caller can sleep until another event is placed on
 * the event queue.
 * <p>
 * In addition to checking the system event queue, this method also
 * checks if any inter-thread messages (created by <code>syncExec()</code>
 * or <code>asyncExec()</code>) are waiting to be processed, and if
 * so handles them before returning.
 * </p>
 * @return <code>false</code> if the caller can sleep upon return from this method
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_FAILED_EXEC - if an exception occurred while running an inter-thread message</li>
 * </ul>
 * @see #sleep
 * @see #wake
public bool readAndDispatch () {
	checkDevice ();
	bool events = false;
	events |= runSettings ();
	events |= runPopups ();
	events |= cast(bool)OS.g_main_context_iteration (null, false);
	if (events) {
		runDeferredEvents ();
		return true;
	return runAsyncMessages (false);

synchronized void register () {
	for (int i=0; i<Displays.length; i++) {
		if (Displays [i] is null) {
			Displays [i] = this;
	Display [] newDisplays = new Display [Displays.length + 4];
	System.arraycopy (Displays, 0, newDisplays, 0, Displays.length);
	newDisplays [Displays.length] = this;
	Displays = newDisplays;

 * Releases any internal resources back to the operating
 * system and clears all fields except the device handle.
 * <p>
 * Disposes all shells which are currently open on the display.
 * After this method has been invoked, all related related shells
 * will answer <code>true</code> when sent the message
 * <code>isDisposed()</code>.
 * </p><p>
 * When a device is destroyed, resources that were acquired
 * on behalf of the programmer need to be returned to the
 * operating system.  For example, if the device allocated a
 * font to be used as the system font, this font would be
 * freed in <code>release</code>.  Also,to assist the garbage
 * collector and minimize the amount of memory that is not
 * reclaimed when the programmer keeps a reference to a
 * disposed device, all fields except the handle are zero'd.
 * The handle is needed by <code>destroy</code>.
 * </p>
 * This method is called before <code>destroy</code>.
 * @see Device#dispose
 * @see #destroy
protected void release () {
	sendEvent (SWT.Dispose, new Event ());
	Shell [] shells = getShells ();
	for (int i=0; i<shells.length; i++) {
		Shell shell = shells [i];
		if (!shell.isDisposed ())  shell.dispose ();
	if (tray !is null) tray.dispose ();
	tray = null;
	while (readAndDispatch ()) {}
	if (disposeList !is null) {
		for (int i=0; i<disposeList.length; i++) {
			if (disposeList [i] !is null) disposeList [i].run ();
	disposeList = null;
	synchronizer.releaseSynchronizer ();
	synchronizer = null;
	releaseDisplay ();
	super.release ();

void releaseDisplay () {

	/* Dispose xfilter callback */

	/* Dispose checkIfEvent callback */

	/* Dispose preedit window */
	if (preeditWindow !is null) OS.gtk_widget_destroy ( &preeditWindow.bin.container.widget);
	imControl = null;

	/* Dispose the menu callback */

	/* Dispose the tooltip map callback */

	/* Dispose the shell map callback */

	/* Dispose the run async messages callback */
	if (idleHandle !is 0) OS.g_source_remove (idleHandle);
	idleHandle = 0;

	/* Dispose GtkTreeView callbacks */

	/* Dispose the set direction callback */

	/* Dispose the set direction callback */

	/* Dispose the caret callback */
	if (caretId !is 0) OS.gtk_timeout_remove (caretId);
	caretId = 0;

	/* Release closures */
	for (int i = 0; i < Widget.LAST_SIGNAL; i++) {
		if (closures [i] !is null) OS.g_closure_unref (closures [i]);
	if (shellMapProcClosure !is null) OS.g_closure_unref (shellMapProcClosure);

	/* Dispose the timer callback */
	if (timerIds !is null) {
		for (int i=0; i<timerIds.length; i++) {
			if (timerIds [i] !is 0) OS.gtk_timeout_remove (timerIds [i]);
	timerIds = null;
	timerList = null;

	/* Dispose mouse hover callback */
	if (mouseHoverId !is 0) OS.gtk_timeout_remove (mouseHoverId);
	mouseHoverId = 0;
	mouseHoverHandle = null;

	/* Dispose the default font */
	if (systemFont !is null) systemFont.dispose ();
	systemFont = null;

	/* Dispose the System Images */
	if (errorImage !is null) errorImage.dispose();
	if (infoImage !is null) infoImage.dispose();
	if (questionImage !is null) questionImage.dispose();
	if (warningImage !is null) warningImage.dispose();
	errorImage = infoImage = questionImage = warningImage = null;

	/* Release the System Cursors */
	for (int i = 0; i < cursors.length; i++) {
		if (cursors [i] !is null) cursors [i].dispose ();
	cursors = null;

	/* Release Acquired Resources */
	if (resources !is null) {
		for (int i=0; i<resources.length; i++) {
			if (resources [i] !is null) resources [i].dispose ();
		resources = null;

	/* Release the System Colors */

	/* Dispose the event callback */
	OS.gdk_event_handler_set (null, null, cast(GDestroyNotify) 0);

	/* Dispose the hidden shell */
	if (shellHandle !is null) OS.gtk_widget_destroy (shellHandle);
	shellHandle = null;

	/* Dispose the settings callback */

	/* Release the sleep resources */
	max_priority = 0;
    timeout = 0;
	if (fds !is null) OS.g_free (fds.ptr);
	fds = null;

	/* Release references */
	popups = null;
	thread = null;
	activeShell = null;
	lastWidget = null;
	indexTable = null;
	widgetTable = null;

 * Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will
 * be notified when an event of the given type occurs anywhere in
 * a widget. The event type is one of the event constants defined
 * in class <code>SWT</code>.
 * @param eventType the type of event to listen for
 * @param listener the listener which should no longer be notified when the event occurs
 * @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the listener is null</li>
 * </ul>
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 * </ul>
 * @see Listener
 * @see SWT
 * @see #addFilter
 * @see #addListener
 * @since 3.0
public void removeFilter (int eventType, Listener listener) {
	checkDevice ();
	if (listener is null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
	if (filterTable is null) return;
	filterTable.unhook (eventType, listener);
	if (filterTable.size () is 0) filterTable = null;

GdkEvent* removeGdkEvent () {
	if (gdkEventCount is 0) return null;
	auto event = gdkEvents [0];
	SimpleType!(GdkEvent*).arraycopy (gdkEvents, 1, gdkEvents, 0, gdkEventCount);
	System.arraycopy (gdkEventWidgets, 1, gdkEventWidgets, 0, gdkEventCount);
	gdkEvents [gdkEventCount] = null;
	gdkEventWidgets [gdkEventCount] = null;
	if (gdkEventCount is 0) {
		gdkEvents = null;
		gdkEventWidgets = null;
	return event;

void removeIdleProc () {
	synchronized(idleLock) {
		if (idleHandle !is 0) OS.g_source_remove (idleHandle);
		idleNeeded = false;
		idleHandle = 0;
 * Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will
 * be notified when an event of the given type occurs. The event type
 * is one of the event constants defined in class <code>SWT</code>.
 * @param eventType the type of event to listen for
 * @param listener the listener which should no longer be notified when the event occurs
 * @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the listener is null</li>
 * </ul>
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @see Listener
 * @see SWT
 * @see #addListener
 * @since 2.0
public void removeListener (int eventType, Listener listener) {
	checkDevice ();
	if (listener is null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
	if (eventTable is null) return;
	eventTable.unhook (eventType, listener);

void removeMouseHoverTimeout (void* handle) {
	if (handle !is mouseHoverHandle) return;
	if (mouseHoverId !is 0) OS.gtk_timeout_remove (mouseHoverId);
	mouseHoverId = 0;
	mouseHoverHandle = null;

void removePopup (Menu menu) {
	if (popups is null) return;
	for (int i=0; i<popups.length; i++) {
		if (popups [i] is menu) {
			popups [i] = null;

Widget removeWidget (GtkWidget* handle) {
	if (handle is null) return null;
	lastWidget = null;
	Widget widget = null;
	int index = cast(int)/*64*/ OS.g_object_get_qdata (cast(GObject*)handle, SWT_OBJECT_INDEX) - 1;
	if (0 <= index && index < widgetTable.length) {
		widget = widgetTable [index];
		widgetTable [index] = null;
		indexTable [index] = freeSlot;
		freeSlot = index;
		OS.g_object_set_qdata (cast(GObject*)handle, SWT_OBJECT_INDEX, null);
	return widget;

bool runAsyncMessages (bool all) {
	return synchronizer.runAsyncMessages (all);

bool runDeferredEvents () {
	* Run deferred events.  This code is always
	* called in the Display's thread so it must
	* be re-enterant but need not be synchronized.
	while (eventQueue !is null) {

		/* Take an event off the queue */
		Event event = eventQueue [0];
		if (event is null) break;
		int len = eventQueue.length;
		System.arraycopy (eventQueue, 1, eventQueue, 0, --len);
		eventQueue [len] = null;

		/* Run the event */
		Widget widget = event.widget;
		if (widget !is null && !widget.isDisposed ()) {
			Widget item = event.item;
			if (item is null || !item.isDisposed ()) {
				widget.sendEvent (event);

		* At this point, the event queue could
		* be null due to a recursive invokation
		* when running the event.

	/* Clear the queue */
	eventQueue = null;
	return true;

bool runPopups () {
	if (popups is null) return false;
	bool result = false;
	while (popups !is null) {
		Menu menu = popups [0];
		if (menu is null) break;
		int len = popups.length;
		System.arraycopy (popups, 1, popups, 0, --len);
		popups [len] = null;
		runDeferredEvents ();
		if (!menu.isDisposed ()) menu._setVisible (true);
		result = true;
	popups = null;
	return result;

bool runSettings () {
	if (!runSettingsFld) return false;
	runSettingsFld = false;
	saveResources ();
	initializeSystemColors ();
	sendEvent (SWT.Settings, null);
	Shell [] shells = getShells ();
	for (int i=0; i<shells.length; i++) {
		Shell shell = shells [i];
		if (!shell.isDisposed ()) {
			shell.fixStyle ();
			shell.redraw (true);
			shell.layout (true, true);
	return true;

 * On platforms which support it, sets the application name
 * to be the argument. On Motif, for example, this can be used
 * to set the name used for resource lookup.  Specifying
 * <code>null</code> for the name clears it.
 * @param name the new app name or <code>null</code>
public static void setAppName (char[] name) {
	APP_NAME = name;

 * Sets the location of the on-screen pointer relative to the top left corner
 * of the screen.  <b>Note: It is typically considered bad practice for a
 * program to move the on-screen pointer location.</b>
 * @param x the new x coordinate for the cursor
 * @param y the new y coordinate for the cursor
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @since 2.1
public void setCursorLocation (int x, int y) {
	checkDevice ();
	if (OS.GDK_WINDOWING_X11 ()) {
		auto xDisplay = OS.GDK_DISPLAY ();
		auto xWindow = OS.XDefaultRootWindow (xDisplay);
		OS.XWarpPointer (xDisplay, OS.None, xWindow, 0, 0, 0, 0, x, y);

 * Sets the location of the on-screen pointer relative to the top left corner
 * of the screen.  <b>Note: It is typically considered bad practice for a
 * program to move the on-screen pointer location.</b>
 * @param point new position
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the point is null
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @since 2.0
public void setCursorLocation (Point point) {
	checkDevice ();
	if (point is null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
	setCursorLocation (point.x, point.y);

 * Sets the application defined property of the receiver
 * with the specified name to the given argument.
 * <p>
 * Applications may have associated arbitrary objects with the
 * receiver in this fashion. If the objects stored in the
 * properties need to be notified when the display is disposed
 * of, it is the application's responsibility provide a
 * <code>disposeExec()</code> handler which does so.
 * </p>
 * @param key the name of the property
 * @param value the new value for the property
 * @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the key is null</li>
 * </ul>
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @see #getData(String)
 * @see #disposeExec(Runnable)
public void setData (char[] key, Object value) {
	checkDevice ();
	if (key is null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);

	if (key==/*eq*/ DISPATCH_EVENT_KEY) {
        ArrayWrapperInt wrappedValue;
		if (value is null || (null !is (wrappedValue=cast(ArrayWrapperInt)value))) {
			dispatchEvents = wrappedValue.array;
			if (value is null) putGdkEvents ();

	if (key==/*eq*/ ADD_WIDGET_KEY) {
        auto wrap = cast(ArrayWrapperObject) value;
        if( wrap is null ) SWT.error(SWT.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, null, " []");
        Object [] data = wrap.array;
		auto handle = (cast(LONG) data [0]).value;
		Widget widget = cast(Widget) data [1];
		if (widget !is null) {
			addWidget (cast(GtkWidget*)handle, widget);
		} else {
			removeWidget (cast(GtkWidget*)handle);

	if (key==/*eq*/ ADD_IDLE_PROC_KEY) {
		addIdleProc ();
	if (key==/*eq*/ REMOVE_IDLE_PROC_KEY) {
		removeIdleProc ();

	/* Remove the key/value pair */
	if (value is null) {
		if (keys is null) return;
		int index = 0;
		while (index < keys.length && keys [index]!=/*!eq*/ key) index++;
		if (index is keys.length) return;
		if (keys.length is 1) {
			keys = null;
			values = null;
		} else {
			char[] [] newKeys = new char[] [keys.length - 1];
			Object [] newValues = new Object [values.length - 1];
			System.arraycopy (keys, 0, newKeys, 0, index);
			System.arraycopy (keys, index + 1, newKeys, index, newKeys.length - index);
			System.arraycopy (values, 0, newValues, 0, index);
			System.arraycopy (values, index + 1, newValues, index, newValues.length - index);
			keys = newKeys;
			values = newValues;

	/* Add the key/value pair */
	if (keys is null) {
		keys = [key];
		values = [value];
	for (int i=0; i<keys.length; i++) {
		if (keys [i]==/*eq*/ key) {
			values [i] = value;
	char[] [] newKeys = new char[] [keys.length + 1];
	Object [] newValues = new Object [values.length + 1];
	System.arraycopy (keys, 0, newKeys, 0, keys.length);
	System.arraycopy (values, 0, newValues, 0, values.length);
	newKeys [keys.length] = key;
	newValues [values.length] = value;
	keys = newKeys;
	values = newValues;

 * Sets the application defined, display specific data
 * associated with the receiver, to the argument.
 * The <em>display specific data</em> is a single,
 * unnamed field that is stored with every display.
 * <p>
 * Applications may put arbitrary objects in this field. If
 * the object stored in the display specific data needs to
 * be notified when the display is disposed of, it is the
 * application's responsibility provide a
 * <code>disposeExec()</code> handler which does so.
 * </p>
 * @param data the new display specific data
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @see #getData()
 * @see #disposeExec(Runnable)
public void setData (Object data) {
	checkDevice (); = data;

private static extern(C) int /*long*/ setDirectionProcFunc (GtkWidget* widget, void* direction) {
    return setDirectionProc( widget, cast(int)direction );
static int /*long*/ setDirectionProc (GtkWidget* widget, int /*long*/ direction) {
	OS.gtk_widget_set_direction (widget, cast(GtkTextDirection) direction);
	if (OS.GTK_IS_CONTAINER (widget)) {
		OS.gtk_container_forall (cast(GtkContainer*)widget, cast(GtkCallback)&setDirectionProcFunc, cast(void*)direction);
	return 0;

 * Sets the synchronizer used by the display to be
 * the argument, which can not be null.
 * @param synchronizer the new synchronizer for the display (must not be null)
 * @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the synchronizer is null</li>
 * </ul>
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_FAILED_EXEC - if an exception occurred while running an inter-thread message</li>
 * </ul>
public void setSynchronizer (Synchronizer synchronizer) {
	checkDevice ();
	if (synchronizer is null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
	if (this.synchronizer !is null) {
	this.synchronizer = synchronizer;

void showIMWindow (Control control) {
	imControl = control;
	if (preeditWindow is null) {
		preeditWindow = cast(GtkWindow*)OS.gtk_window_new (cast(GtkWindowType)OS.GTK_WINDOW_POPUP);
		if (preeditWindow is null) error (SWT.ERROR_NO_HANDLES);
		preeditLabel = cast(GtkLabel*) OS.gtk_label_new (null);
		if (preeditLabel is null) error (SWT.ERROR_NO_HANDLES);
		OS.gtk_container_add (cast(GtkContainer*)preeditWindow, cast(GtkWidget*) preeditLabel);
		OS.gtk_widget_show (cast(GtkWidget*)preeditLabel);
	char* preeditString;
	PangoAttrList* pangoAttrs;
	auto imHandle = control.imHandle ();
	OS.gtk_im_context_get_preedit_string (imHandle, &preeditString, &pangoAttrs, null);
	if (preeditString !is null && strlen (preeditString) > 0) {
		Control widget = control.findBackgroundControl ();
		if (widget is null) widget = control;
		OS.gtk_widget_modify_bg (cast(GtkWidget*)preeditWindow, cast(GtkStateType) OS.GTK_STATE_NORMAL, widget.getBackgroundColor ());
		widget.setForegroundColor (cast(GtkWidget*)preeditLabel, control.getForegroundColor());
		OS.gtk_widget_modify_font (cast(GtkWidget*)preeditLabel, control.getFontDescription ());
		if (pangoAttrs !is null) OS.gtk_label_set_attributes (preeditLabel, pangoAttrs);
		OS.gtk_label_set_text (preeditLabel, preeditString);
		Point point = control.toDisplay (control.getIMCaretPos ());
		OS.gtk_window_move (preeditWindow, point.x, point.y);
		GtkRequisition* requisition = new GtkRequisition ();
		OS.gtk_widget_size_request (cast(GtkWidget*)preeditLabel, requisition);
		OS.gtk_window_resize (preeditWindow, requisition.width, requisition.height);
		OS.gtk_widget_show (cast(GtkWidget*)preeditWindow);
	} else {
		OS.gtk_widget_hide (cast(GtkWidget*)preeditWindow);
	if (preeditString !is null) OS.g_free (preeditString);
	if (pangoAttrs !is null) OS.pango_attr_list_unref (pangoAttrs);

 * Causes the user-interface thread to <em>sleep</em> (that is,
 * to be put in a state where it does not consume CPU cycles)
 * until an event is received or it is otherwise awakened.
 * @return <code>true</code> if an event requiring dispatching was placed on the queue.
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @see #wake
public bool sleep () {
	checkDevice ();
	if (gdkEventCount is 0) {
		gdkEvents = null;
		gdkEventWidgets = null;
	if (settingsChanged) {
		settingsChanged = false;
		runSettingsFld = true;
		return false;
	if (getMessageCount () !is 0) return true;
	if (fds is null) {
		allocated_nfds = 2;
		fds = new GPollFD[ allocated_nfds ];
	max_priority = timeout = 0;
	auto context = OS.g_main_context_default ();
	bool result = false;
	do {
		if (OS.g_main_context_acquire (context)) {
			result = cast(bool)OS.g_main_context_prepare (context, &max_priority);
			int nfds;
			while ((nfds = OS.g_main_context_query (context, max_priority, &timeout, fds.ptr, allocated_nfds)) > allocated_nfds) {
				OS.g_free (fds.ptr);
				allocated_nfds = nfds;
				fds = new GPollFD[allocated_nfds];
			GPollFunc poll = OS.g_main_context_get_poll_func (context);
			if (poll !is null) {
				if (nfds > 0 || timeout !is 0) {
					* Bug in GTK. For some reason, g_main_context_wakeup() may
					* fail to wake up the UI thread from the polling function.
					* The fix is to sleep for a maximum of 50 milliseconds.
					if (timeout < 0) timeout = 50;

					/* Exit the OS lock to allow other threads to enter GTK */
					Lock lock = OS.lock;
					int count = lock.lock ();
					for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) lock.unlock ();
					try {
						wake_state = false;
						poll( fds.ptr, nfds, timeout);
					} finally {
						for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) lock.lock ();
						lock.unlock ();
			OS.g_main_context_check (context, max_priority, fds.ptr, nfds);
			OS.g_main_context_release (context);
	} while (!result && getMessageCount () is 0 && !wake_state);
	wake_state = false;
	return true;

 * Causes the <code>run()</code> method of the runnable to
 * be invoked by the user-interface thread after the specified
 * number of milliseconds have elapsed. If milliseconds is less
 * than zero, the runnable is not executed.
 * <p>
 * Note that at the time the runnable is invoked, widgets
 * that have the receiver as their display may have been
 * disposed. Therefore, it is necessary to check for this
 * case inside the runnable before accessing the widget.
 * </p>
 * @param milliseconds the delay before running the runnable
 * @param runnable code to run on the user-interface thread
 * @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the runnable is null</li>
 * </ul>
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @see #asyncExec
public void timerExec (int milliseconds, Runnable runnable) {
	checkDevice ();
	if (runnable is null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
	if (timerList is null) timerList = new Runnable [4];
	if (timerIds is null) timerIds = new int [4];
	int index = 0;
	while (index < timerList.length) {
		if (timerList [index] is runnable) break;
	if (index !is timerList.length) {
		OS.gtk_timeout_remove (timerIds [index]);
		timerList [index] = null;
		timerIds [index] = 0;
		if (milliseconds < 0) return;
	} else {
		if (milliseconds < 0) return;
		index = 0;
		while (index < timerList.length) {
			if (timerList [index] is null) break;
		if (index is timerList.length) {
			Runnable [] newTimerList = new Runnable [timerList.length + 4];
			SimpleType!(Runnable).arraycopy (timerList, 0, newTimerList, 0, timerList.length);
			timerList = newTimerList;
			int [] newTimerIds = new int [timerIds.length + 4];
			System.arraycopy (timerIds, 0, newTimerIds, 0, timerIds.length);
			timerIds = newTimerIds;
    timerProcCallbackData.display = this; = cast(void*)index;
	int timerId = OS.gtk_timeout_add (milliseconds, &timerProcFunc, &timerProcCallbackData);
	if (timerId !is 0) {
		timerIds [index] = timerId;
		timerList [index] = runnable;

private static extern(C) int timerProcFunc ( void * data ) {
    CallbackData* cbdata = cast( CallbackData* ) data;
    return cbdata.display.timerProc( cast(int) );

int /*long*/ timerProc (int /*long*/ i) {
	if (timerList is null) return 0;
	int index = cast(int)/*64*/i;
	if (0 <= index && index < timerList.length) {
		Runnable runnable = timerList [index];
		timerList [index] = null;
		timerIds [index] = 0;
		if (runnable !is null) ();
	return 0;

private static extern(C) int caretProcFunc ( void * data ) {
    CallbackData* cbdata = cast( CallbackData* ) data;
    return cbdata.display.caretProc( cast(int) );
int /*long*/ caretProc (int /*long*/ clientData) {
	caretId = 0;
	if (currentCaret is null) {
		return 0;
	if (currentCaret.blinkCaret()) {
		int blinkRate = currentCaret.blinkRate;
		if (blinkRate is 0) return 0;
        caretProcCallbackData.display = this; = cast(void*)0;
		caretId = OS.gtk_timeout_add (blinkRate, &caretProcFunc, &caretProcCallbackData);
	} else {
		currentCaret = null;
	return 0;

int /*long*/ sizeAllocateProc (int /*long*/ handle, int /*long*/ arg0, int /*long*/ user_data) {
	Widget widget = getWidget ( cast(GtkWidget*)user_data);
	if (widget is null) return 0;
	return widget.sizeAllocateProc (handle, arg0, user_data);

int /*long*/ sizeRequestProcMeth (int /*long*/ handle, int /*long*/ arg0, int /*long*/ user_data) {
	Widget widget = getWidget (cast(GtkWidget*)user_data);
	if (widget is null) return 0;
	return widget.sizeRequestProc (handle, arg0, user_data);

int /*long*/ treeSelectionProcMeth (int /*long*/ model, int /*long*/ path, int /*long*/ iter, int /*long*/ data) {
	Widget widget = getWidget (cast(GtkWidget*)data);
	if (widget is null) return 0;
	return widget.treeSelectionProc (model, path, iter, treeSelection, treeSelectionLength++);

void saveResources () {
	int resourceCount = 0;
	if (resources is null) {
		resources = new Resource [RESOURCE_SIZE];
	} else {
		resourceCount = resources.length;
		Resource [] newResources = new Resource [resourceCount + RESOURCE_SIZE];
		System.arraycopy (resources, 0, newResources, 0, resourceCount);
		resources = newResources;
	if (systemFont !is null) {
		resources [resourceCount++] = systemFont;
		systemFont = null;
	if (errorImage !is null) resources [resourceCount++] = errorImage;
	if (infoImage !is null) resources [resourceCount++] = infoImage;
	if (questionImage !is null) resources [resourceCount++] = questionImage;
	if (warningImage !is null) resources [resourceCount++] = warningImage;
	errorImage = infoImage = questionImage = warningImage = null;
	for (int i=0; i<cursors.length; i++) {
		if (cursors [i] !is null) resources [resourceCount++] = cursors [i];
		cursors [i] = null;
	if (resourceCount < RESOURCE_SIZE) {
		Resource [] newResources = new Resource [resourceCount];
		System.arraycopy (resources, 0, newResources, 0, resourceCount);
		resources = newResources;

void sendEvent (int eventType, Event event) {
	if (eventTable is null && filterTable is null) {
	if (event is null) event = new Event ();
	event.display = this;
	event.type = eventType;
	if (event.time is 0) event.time = getLastEventTime ();
	if (!filterEvent (event)) {
		if (eventTable !is null) eventTable.sendEvent (event);

void setCurrentCaret (Caret caret) {
	if (caretId !is 0) OS.gtk_timeout_remove(caretId);
	caretId = 0;
	currentCaret = caret;
	if (caret is null) return;
	int blinkRate = currentCaret.blinkRate;
    caretProcCallbackData.display = this; = cast(void*)0;
	caretId = OS.gtk_timeout_add (blinkRate, &caretProcFunc, &caretProcCallbackData);

private static extern(C) int /*long*/ shellMapProcFunc (int /*long*/ handle, int /*long*/ arg0, int /*long*/ user_data) {
    auto cbdata = cast(CallbackData*)user_data;
    return cbdata.display.shellMapProc( handle, arg0, cast(int) );

int /*long*/ shellMapProc (int /*long*/ handle, int /*long*/ arg0, int /*long*/ user_data) {
	Widget widget = getWidget (cast(GtkWidget*)handle);
	if (widget is null) return 0;
	return widget.shellMapProc (handle, arg0, user_data);

private static extern(C) int /*long*/ styleSetProcFunc (int /*long*/ gobject, int /*long*/ arg1, int /*long*/ user_data) {
    auto cbdata = cast(CallbackData*)user_data;
    return cbdata.display.styleSetProcMeth( gobject, arg1, cast(int) );
int /*long*/ styleSetProcMeth (int /*long*/ gobject, int /*long*/ arg1, int /*long*/ user_data) {
	settingsChanged = true;
	return 0;

 * Causes the <code>run()</code> method of the runnable to
 * be invoked by the user-interface thread at the next
 * reasonable opportunity. The thread which calls this method
 * is suspended until the runnable completes.  Specifying <code>null</code>
 * as the runnable simply wakes the user-interface thread.
 * <p>
 * Note that at the time the runnable is invoked, widgets
 * that have the receiver as their display may have been
 * disposed. Therefore, it is necessary to check for this
 * case inside the runnable before accessing the widget.
 * </p>
 * @param runnable code to run on the user-interface thread or <code>null</code>
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_FAILED_EXEC - if an exception occurred when executing the runnable</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @see #asyncExec
public void syncExec (Runnable runnable) {
	if (isDisposed ()) error (SWT.ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED);
	synchronized (idleLock) {
		if (idleNeeded && idleHandle is 0) {
			//NOTE: calling unlocked function in OS
            idleProcCallbackData.display = this;
   = cast(void*)0;
            //PORTING_TODO: was _g_idle_add, calling directly
			idleHandle = OS.g_idle_add (&idleProcFunc, &idleProcCallbackData);
	synchronizer.syncExec (runnable);

static int translateKey (int key) {
	for (int i=0; i<KeyTable.length; i++) {
		if (KeyTable [i] [0] is key) return KeyTable [i] [1];
	return 0;

static int untranslateKey (int key) {
	for (int i=0; i<KeyTable.length; i++) {
		if (KeyTable [i] [1] is key) return KeyTable [i] [0];
	return 0;

 * Forces all outstanding paint requests for the display
 * to be processed before this method returns.
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @see Control#update()
public void update () {
	checkDevice ();
	flushExposes (null, true);
	OS.gdk_window_process_all_updates ();

 * If the receiver's user-interface thread was <code>sleep</code>ing,
 * causes it to be awakened and start running again. Note that this
 * method may be called from any thread.
 * @exception SWTException <ul>
 *    <li>ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
 * </ul>
 * @see #sleep
public void wake () {
	if (isDisposed ()) error (SWT.ERROR_DEVICE_DISPOSED);
	if (thread is Thread.getThis ()) return;
	wakeThread ();

void wakeThread () {
	OS.g_main_context_wakeup (null);
	wake_state = true;

static dchar wcsToMbcs (char ch) {
    //PORTING_TODO not sure about this
	int key = ch & 0xFFFF;
	if (key <= 0x7F) return ch;
	char [] buffer = Converter.wcsToMbcs (null,[ch], false);
	if (buffer.length is 1) return '\0';
	if (buffer.length is 2) {
        return cast(char) (((buffer [0] & 0xFF) << 8) | (buffer [1] & 0xFF));
	return '\0';

private static extern(C) int /*long*/ windowProcFunc2 (GtkWidget* handle, int /*long*/ user_data) {
    CallbackData* cbdata = cast(CallbackData*)user_data;
    return cbdata.display.windowProc( handle, cast(int) );
int /*long*/ windowProc (GtkWidget* handle, int /*long*/ user_data) {
	Widget widget = getWidget (handle);
	if (widget is null) return 0;
	return widget.windowProc (handle, user_data);

private static extern(C) int /*long*/ windowProcFunc3 (int /*long*/ handle, int /*long*/ arg0, int /*long*/ user_data) {
    CallbackData* cbdata = cast(CallbackData*)user_data;
    return cbdata.display.windowProc( cast(GtkWidget*)handle, arg0, cast(int) );
int /*long*/ windowProc (GtkWidget* handle, int /*long*/ arg0, int /*long*/ user_data) {
	Widget widget = getWidget (handle);
	if (widget is null) return 0;
	return widget.windowProc (handle, arg0, user_data);

private static extern(C) int /*long*/ windowProcFunc4 (int /*long*/ handle, int /*long*/ arg0, int /*long*/ arg1, int /*long*/ user_data) {
    CallbackData* cbdata = cast(CallbackData*)user_data;
    return cbdata.display.windowProc( cast(GtkWidget*)handle, arg0, arg1, cast(int) );
int /*long*/ windowProc (GtkWidget* handle, int /*long*/ arg0, int /*long*/ arg1, int /*long*/ user_data) {
	Widget widget = getWidget (handle);
	if (widget is null) return 0;
	return widget.windowProc (handle, arg0, arg1, user_data);

private static extern(C) int /*long*/ windowProcFunc5 (int /*long*/ handle, int /*long*/ arg0, int /*long*/ arg1, int /*long*/ arg2, int /*long*/ user_data) {
    CallbackData* cbdata = cast(CallbackData*)user_data;
    return cbdata.display.windowProc( cast(GtkWidget*)handle, arg0, arg1, arg2, cast(int) );
int /*long*/ windowProc (GtkWidget* handle, int /*long*/ arg0, int /*long*/ arg1, int /*long*/ arg2, int /*long*/ user_data) {
	Widget widget = getWidget (handle);
	if (widget is null) return 0;
	return widget.windowProc (handle, arg0, arg1, arg2, user_data);

private static extern(C) int /*long*/ windowTimerProcFunc (int /*long*/ handle) {
    return 0;
//    CallbackData* cbdata = cast(CallbackData*)user_data;
//    return cbdata.display.windowTimerProc( handle, cast(int) );
int /*long*/ windowTimerProc (GtkWidget* handle) {
	Widget widget = getWidget (handle);
	if (widget is null) return 0;
	return widget.timerProc (handle);
