view dwtx/ui/forms/MasterDetailsBlock.d @ 90:7ffeace6c47f

Update 3.4M7 to 3.4
author Frank Benoit <>
date Sun, 06 Jul 2008 23:30:07 +0200
parents 5d489b9f966c
children 04b47443bb01
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
 * Port to the D programming language:
 *     Frank Benoit <>
module dwtx.ui.forms.MasterDetailsBlock;

import dwtx.ui.forms.DetailsPart;
import dwtx.ui.forms.IManagedForm;
import dwtx.ui.forms.FormColors;
import dwtx.ui.forms.IFormColors;

import dwt.DWT;
import dwt.custom.SashForm;
import dwt.layout.GridData;
import dwt.layout.GridLayout;
import dwt.widgets.Composite;
import dwt.widgets.Control;
import dwt.widgets.Event;
import dwt.widgets.Listener;
import dwt.widgets.Sash;
import dwtx.ui.forms.widgets.FormToolkit;
import dwtx.ui.forms.widgets.ScrolledForm;

import dwt.dwthelper.utils;
import tango.util.collection.ArraySeq;

 * This class implements the 'master/details' UI pattern suitable for inclusion
 * in a form. The block consists of two parts: 'master' and 'details' in a sash
 * form that allows users to change the relative ratio on the page. The master
 * part needs to be created by the users of this class. The details part is
 * created by the block.
 * <p>
 * The master part is responsible for adding itself as a form part and firing
 * selection events. The details part catches the selection events and tries to
 * load a page registered to handle the selected object(s). The page shows the
 * details of the selected object(s) and allows users to edit them.
 * <p>
 * Details pages can be registered statically using 'registerPage' or
 * dynamically through the use of 'IDetailsPageProvider' in case where different
 * pages need to be shown for objects of the same type depending on their state.
 * <p>
 * Subclasses are required to implement abstract methods of this class. Master
 * part must be created and at least one details page should be registered in
 * order to show details of the objects selected in the master part. Tool bar
 * actions can be optionally added to the tool bar manager.
 * @see DetailsPart
 * @see IDetailsPage
 * @see IDetailsPageProvider
 * @since 3.0
public abstract class MasterDetailsBlock {
     * Details part created by the block. No attempt should be made to access
     * this field inside <code>createMasterPart</code> because it has not been
     * created yet and will be <code>null</code>.
    protected DetailsPart detailsPart;

     * The form that is the parent of both master and details part. The form
     * allows users to change the ratio between the two parts.
    protected SashForm sashForm;

    static const int DRAGGER_SIZE = 40;

    class MDSashForm : SashForm {
        ArraySeq!(Sash) sashes;
        Listener listener;
        public this(Composite parent, int style) {
            sashes = new ArraySeq!(Sash);
            listener = dgListener ( (Event e){
                switch (e.type) {
                case DWT.MouseEnter:
                    e.widget.setData("hover", Boolean.TRUE); //$NON-NLS-1$
                case DWT.MouseExit:
                    e.widget.setData("hover", null); //$NON-NLS-1$
                case DWT.Paint:
                case DWT.Resize:
            super(parent, style);

        public void layout(bool changed) {

        public void layout(Control [] children) {

        private void hookSashListeners() {
            Control [] children = getChildren();
            for (int i=0; i<children.length; i++) {
                if ( auto sash = cast(Sash)children[i] ) {
                    if (sashes.contains(sash))
                    sash.addListener(DWT.Paint, listener);
                    sash.addListener(DWT.MouseEnter, listener);
                    sash.addListener(DWT.MouseExit, listener);
        private void purgeSashes() {
            foreach ( sash; sashes.dup ) {
                if (sash.isDisposed())

     * Creates the content of the master/details block inside the managed form.
     * This method should be called as late as possible inside the parent part.
     * @param managedForm
     *            the managed form to create the block in
    public void createContent(IManagedForm managedForm) {
        final ScrolledForm form = managedForm.getForm();
        FormToolkit toolkit = managedForm.getToolkit();
        GridLayout layout = new GridLayout();
        layout.marginWidth = 0;
        layout.marginHeight = 0;
        sashForm = new MDSashForm(form.getBody(), DWT.NULL);
        sashForm.setData("form", cast(Object)managedForm); //$NON-NLS-1$
        toolkit.adapt(sashForm, false, false);
        sashForm.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH));
        createMasterPart(managedForm, sashForm);
        createDetailsPart(managedForm, sashForm);

    private void hookResizeListener() {
        Listener listener = (cast(MDSashForm)sashForm).listener;
        Control [] children = sashForm.getChildren();
        for (int i=0; i<children.length; i++) {
            if (null !is cast(Sash)children[i] ) continue;
            children[i].addListener(DWT.Resize, listener);

     * Implement this method to create a master part in the provided parent.
     * Typical master parts are section parts that contain tree or table viewer.
     * @param managedForm
     *            the parent form
     * @param parent
     *            the parent composite
    protected abstract void createMasterPart(IManagedForm managedForm,
            Composite parent);

     * Implement this method to statically register pages for the expected
     * object types. This mechanism can be used when there is 1-&gt;1 mapping
     * between object classes and details pages.
     * @param detailsPart
     *            the details part
    protected abstract void registerPages(DetailsPart detailsPart);

     * Implement this method to create form tool bar actions and add them to the
     * form tool bar if desired.
     * @param managedForm
     *            the form that owns the tool bar
    protected abstract void createToolBarActions(IManagedForm managedForm);

    private void createDetailsPart(IManagedForm mform, Composite parent) {
        detailsPart = new DetailsPart(mform, parent, DWT.NULL);

    private void onSashPaint(Event e) {
        Sash sash = cast(Sash)e.widget;
        IManagedForm form = cast(IManagedForm)sash.getParent().getData("form"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        FormColors colors = form.getToolkit().getColors();
        bool vertical = (sash.getStyle() & DWT.VERTICAL) !is 0;
        GC gc = e.gc;
        Boolean hover = cast(Boolean)sash.getData("hover"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        Point size = sash.getSize();
        if (vertical) {
            if (hover !is null)
                gc.fillRectangle(0, 0, size.x, size.y);
                //gc.drawLine(1, 0, 1, size.y-1);
        else {
            if (hover !is null)
                gc.fillRectangle(0, 0, size.x, size.y);
                //gc.drawLine(0, 1, size.x-1, 1);