view dwtx/dwtxhelper/mangoicu/ICU.d @ 162:1a5b8f8129df

author Frank Benoit <>
date Mon, 08 Sep 2008 00:51:37 +0200
parents 11e8159caf7a
line wrap: on
line source


        @file ICU.d

        Copyright (c) 2004 Kris Bell

        This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
        warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for damages
        of any kind arising from the use of this software.

        Permission is hereby granted to anyone to use this software for any
        purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and/or
        redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:

        1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must
           not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this
           software in a product, an acknowledgment within documentation of
           said product would be appreciated but is not required.

        2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must
           not be misrepresented as being the original software.

        3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any distribution
           of the source.

        4. Derivative works are permitted, but they must carry this notice
           in full and credit the original source.


        @version        Initial version; October 2004
                        Updated to ICU v3.2; March 2005

        @author         Kris
                        John Reimer
                        Anders F Bjorklund (Darwin patches)


module dwtx.dwtxhelper.mangoicu.ICU;


        Library version identifiers


version (ICU30)
        private static const final char[] ICULib = "30";
        private static const final char[] ICUSig = "_3_0\0";
version (ICU32)
        private static const final char[] ICULib = "32";
        private static const final char[] ICUSig = "_3_2\0";
version (ICU34)
        private static const final char[] ICULib = "34";
        private static const final char[] ICUSig = "_3_4\0";
version (ICU36)
        private static const final char[] ICULib = "36";
        private static const final char[] ICUSig = "_3_6\0";
        private static const final char[] ICULib = "38";
        private static const final char[] ICUSig = "_3_8\0";



private static extern (C) uint strlen (char *s);
private static extern (C) uint wcslen (wchar *s);


        Some low-level routines to help bind the ICU C-API to D.


protected class ICU

                The library names to load within the target environment


        version (Win32)
                package static char[] icuuc = "icuuc"~ICULib~".dll";
                package static char[] icuin = "icuin"~ICULib~".dll";
        version (linux)
                package static char[] icuuc = ""~ICULib;
                package static char[] icuin = ""~ICULib;
        version (darwin)
                package static char[] icuuc = "libicuuc.dylib."~ICULib;
                package static char[] icuin = "libicui18n.dylib."~ICULib;
           static assert (false);


                Use this for the primary argument-type to most ICU functions


        protected typedef void* Handle;


                Parse-error filled in by several functions


        public struct   ParseError
                        int             line,
                        wchar[16]       preContext,


                The binary form of a version on ICU APIs is an array of
                four bytes


        public struct   Version
                        ubyte[4] info;


                ICU error codes (the ones which are referenced)


        package enum  UErrorCode:int



        package static final bool isError (UErrorCode e)
                return e > 0;



        package static final void exception (char[] msg)
                throw new ICUException (msg);



        package static final void testError (UErrorCode e, char[] msg)
                if (e > 0)
                    exception (msg);



        protected static final char* toString (char[] string)
                static char[] empty = "";

                if (! string.length)
                      return (string.ptr) ? empty.ptr : null;

//                if (* (&string[0] + string.length))
                   // Need to make a copy
                   char[] copy = new char [string.length + 1];
                   copy [0..string.length] = string;
                   copy [string.length] = 0;
                   string = copy;
                return string.ptr;



        protected static final wchar* toString (wchar[] string)
                static wchar[] empty = "";

                if (! string.length)
                      return (string.ptr) ? empty.ptr : null;

//                if (* (&string[0] + string.length))
                   // Need to make a copy
                   wchar[] copy = new wchar [string.length + 1];
                   copy [0..string.length] = string;
                   copy [string.length] = 0;
                   string = copy;
                return string.ptr;



        protected static final uint length (char* s)
                return strlen (s);



        protected static final uint length (wchar* s)
                return wcslen (s);



        protected static final char[] toArray (char* s)
                if (s)
                    return s[0..strlen (s)];
                return null;



        protected static final wchar[] toArray (wchar* s)
                if (s)
                    return s[0..wcslen (s)];
                return null;



class ICUException : Exception

                Construct exception with the provided text string


        this (char[] msg)
                super (msg);



typedef void* UParseError;


        Function address loader for Win32


version (Win32)
        typedef void* HANDLE;
        extern (Windows) HANDLE LoadLibraryA (char*);
        extern (Windows) HANDLE GetProcAddress (HANDLE, char*);
        extern (Windows) void   FreeLibrary (HANDLE);



        package static class FunctionLoader


                protected struct Bind
                        void**  fnc;
                        char[]  name;



                static final void* bind (char[] library, inout Bind[] targets)
                        HANDLE lib = LoadLibraryA (ICU.toString(library));

                        foreach (Bind b; targets)
                                char[] name = ~ ICUSig;
                                *b.fnc = GetProcAddress (lib, name.ptr);
                                if (*b.fnc)
                                   {}// printf ("bound '%.*s'\n", name);
                                   throw new Exception ("required " ~ name ~ " in library " ~ library);
                        return lib;



                static final void unbind (void* library)
                        version (CorrectedTeardown)
                                 FreeLibrary (cast(HANDLE) library);


        2004-11-26:  Added Linux shared library support -- John Reimer


else version (linux)
        //Tell build to link with dl library
        version(build) { pragma(link, "dl"); }

        // from include/bits/dlfcn.h on Linux
        const int RTLD_LAZY     = 0x00001;      // Lazy function call binding
        const int RTLD_NOW      = 0x00002;      // Immediate function call binding
        const int RTLD_NOLOAD   = 0x00004;      // no object load
        const int RTLD_DEEPBIND = 0x00008;
        const int RTLD_GLOBAL   = 0x00100;      // make object available to whole program

                void* dlopen(char* filename, int flag);
                char* dlerror();
                void* dlsym(void* handle, char* symbol);
                int   dlclose(void* handle);

        class FunctionLoader


                protected struct Bind
                        void**  fnc;
                        char[]  name;



                static final void* bind (char[] library, inout Bind[] targets)
                        static char[] errorInfo;
                        // printf("the library is %s\n", ICU.toString(library));
                        void* lib = dlopen(ICU.toString(library), RTLD_NOW);

                        // clear the error buffer

                        foreach (Bind b; targets)
                                char[] name = ~ ICUSig;

                                *b.fnc = dlsym (lib, name.ptr);
                                if (*b.fnc)
                                   {}// printf ("bound '%.*s'\n", name);
                                else {
                                        // errorInfo = ICU.toArray(dlerror());
                                        // printf("%s", dlerror());
                                        throw new Exception ("required " ~ name ~ " in library " ~ library);
                        return lib;



                static final void unbind (void* library)
                        version (CorrectedTeardown)
                                if (! dlclose (library))
                                      throw new Exception ("close library failed\n");


        2004-12-20:  Added Darwin shared library support -- afb


else version (darwin)
        // #include <mach-o/loader.h>

        struct mach_header
            uint    magic;      /* mach magic number identifier */
            uint    cputype;    /* cpu specifier */
            uint    cpusubtype; /* machine specifier */
            uint    filetype;   /* type of file */
            uint    ncmds;      /* number of load commands */
            uint    sizeofcmds; /* the size of all the load commands */
            uint    flags;      /* flags */

        /* Constant for the magic field of the mach_header */
        const uint MH_MAGIC = 0xfeedface;   // the mach magic number
        const uint MH_CIGAM = 0xcefaedfe;   // x86 variant

        // #include <mach-o/dyld.h>

        typedef void *NSObjectFileImage;

        typedef void *NSModule;

        typedef void *NSSymbol;

        enum // DYLD_BOOL: uint
        alias uint DYLD_BOOL;

        enum // NSObjectFileImageReturnCode: uint
            NSObjectFileImageFailure, /* for this a message is printed on stderr */
            NSObjectFileImageFormat, /* for this a message is printed on stderr */
        alias uint NSObjectFileImageReturnCode;

        enum // NSLinkEditErrors: uint
        alias uint NSLinkEditErrors;

            NSObjectFileImageReturnCode NSCreateObjectFileImageFromFile(char *pathName, NSObjectFileImage* objectFileImage);
            DYLD_BOOL NSDestroyObjectFileImage(NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage);

            mach_header * NSAddImage(char *image_name, uint options);
            const uint NSADDIMAGE_OPTION_NONE = 0x0;
            const uint NSADDIMAGE_OPTION_RETURN_ON_ERROR = 0x1;
            const uint NSADDIMAGE_OPTION_WITH_SEARCHING = 0x2;
            const uint NSADDIMAGE_OPTION_RETURN_ONLY_IF_LOADED = 0x4;

            NSModule NSLinkModule(NSObjectFileImage objectFileImage, char* moduleName, uint options);
            const uint NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_NONE = 0x0;
            const uint NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_BINDNOW = 0x01;
            const uint NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_PRIVATE = 0x02;
            const uint NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_RETURN_ON_ERROR = 0x04;
            const uint NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_TRAILING_PHYS_NAME = 0x10;
            DYLD_BOOL NSUnLinkModule(NSModule module_, uint options);

            void NSLinkEditError(NSLinkEditErrors *c, int *errorNumber, char **fileName, char **errorString);

            DYLD_BOOL NSIsSymbolNameDefined(char *symbolName);
            DYLD_BOOL NSIsSymbolNameDefinedInImage(mach_header *image, char *symbolName);
            NSSymbol NSLookupAndBindSymbol(char *symbolName);
            NSSymbol NSLookupSymbolInModule(NSModule module_, char* symbolName);
            NSSymbol NSLookupSymbolInImage(mach_header *image, char *symbolName, uint options);
            const uint NSLOOKUPSYMBOLINIMAGE_OPTION_BIND = 0x0;

            void* NSAddressOfSymbol(NSSymbol symbol);
            char* NSNameOfSymbol(NSSymbol symbol);

        class FunctionLoader


                protected struct Bind
                        void**  fnc;
                        char[]  name;



                private static NSModule open(char* filename)
                        NSModule mod = null;
                        NSObjectFileImage fileImage = null;
                        debug printf("Trying to load: %s\n", filename);

                        NSObjectFileImageReturnCode returnCode =
                                NSCreateObjectFileImageFromFile(filename, &fileImage);
                        if(returnCode == NSObjectFileImageSuccess)
                                mod = NSLinkModule(fileImage,filename,
                                        NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_RETURN_ON_ERROR |
                                        NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_PRIVATE |
                        else if(returnCode == NSObjectFileImageInappropriateFile)
                                /* Could be a dynamic library rather than a bundle */
                                mod = cast(NSModule) NSAddImage(filename,
                                debug printf("FileImage Failed: %d\n", returnCode);
                        return mod;

                private static void* symbol(NSModule mod, char* name)
                        NSSymbol symbol = null;
                        uint magic = (* cast(mach_header *) mod).magic;

                        if ( (mod == cast(NSModule) -1) && NSIsSymbolNameDefined(name))
                                /* Global context, use NSLookupAndBindSymbol */
                                symbol = NSLookupAndBindSymbol(name);
                        else if ( ( magic == MH_MAGIC || magic == MH_CIGAM ) &&
                                NSIsSymbolNameDefinedInImage(cast(mach_header *) mod, name))
                                symbol = NSLookupSymbolInImage(cast(mach_header *) mod, name,
                                        NSLOOKUPSYMBOLINIMAGE_OPTION_BIND |
                                symbol = NSLookupSymbolInModule(mod, name);

                        return NSAddressOfSymbol(symbol);

                static final void* bind (char[] library, inout Bind[] targets)
                        static char[] errorInfo;

                        debug printf("the library is %s\n", ICU.toString(library));

                        void* lib = null;
                        static char[][] usual_suspects = [ "", "/usr/local/lib/", "/usr/lib/",
                            /* Fink */ "/sw/lib/", /* DarwinPorts */ "/opt/local/lib/" ];
                        foreach (char[] prefix; usual_suspects)
                            lib = cast(void*) open(ICU.toString(prefix ~ library));
                            if (lib != null) break;
                        if (lib == null)
                            throw new Exception ("could not open library " ~ library);

                        // clear the error buffer
                        // error();

                        foreach (Bind b; targets)
                                // Note: all C functions have a underscore prefix in Mach-O symbols
                                char[] name = "_" ~ ~ ICUSig;

                                *b.fnc = symbol(cast(NSModule) lib, name.ptr);
                                if (*b.fnc != null)
                                        debug printf ("bound '%.*s'\n", name);
                                        // errorInfo = ICU.toArray(error());
                                        throw new Exception ("required " ~ name ~ " in library " ~ library);
                        return lib;



                private static bool close(NSModule mod)
                        uint magic = (* cast(mach_header *) mod).magic;
                        if ( magic == MH_MAGIC || magic == MH_CIGAM )
                                // Can not unlink dynamic libraries on Darwin
                                return true;

                        return (NSUnLinkModule(mod, 0) == TRUE);

                static final void unbind (void* library)
                        version (CorrectedTeardown)
                                if (! close(cast(NSModule) library))
                                        throw new Exception ("close library failed\n");


        unknown platform


else static assert(0); // need an implementation of FunctionLoader for this OS