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[Issue 1178] templates - deduction + specialization won't compile Leo Dahlmann <> 2007-04-23
author thomask
date Fri, 27 Apr 2007 17:32:31 +0000
parents 8cb72950f97d
line wrap: on
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		<h2 align="center"><a id="top" name="top"></a>DStress - a D compiler test suite</h2><p align="center">&#169; 2004, 2005, 2006 Thomas K&#252;hne &lt;thomas [at];</p>

		<h3><a name="abstract" id="abstract" href="#top">^</a> Abstract</h3>
			 DStress is a collection of bug tracking and language conformance test cases for the <a href="">D programming language</a>. This document describes the use of the testing framework. The test summary can be found at <a href="./www/dstress.html"></a>.</p>

		<h3><a name="index" id="index" href="#top">^</a> Index</h3>
				<li><a href="#conditions">Conditions</a></li>
				<li><a href="#symbols">Symbols</a></li>
				<li><a href="#environment-settings">Environment Settings</a></li>
				<li><a href="#testcase-settings">Testcase Settings</a></li>
				<li><a href="#testing">Testing</a></li>
				<li><a href="#report-generation">Report Generation</a></li>
				<li><a href="#sourcecode-metadata">Sourcecode Metadata</a></li>

		<h3><a name="conditions" id="conditions" href="#top">^</a> Conditions</h3>
					<li>compiler return code zero</li>
					<li>no assertion was thrown</li>
					<li>return code of main is zero (applies only to the runtime tests)</li>
					<li>compiler return code unequal zero</li>
					<li>linker return code unequal zero</li>
					<li>assertion was thrown</li>
					<li>return code of main isn't zero (applies only to the runtime tests)</li>
					<li>compiler segfaulted</li>
					<li>test case segfaulted</li>
					<li>unexpected compiler failure without source indication</li>

		<h3><a name="symbols" id="symbols" href="#top">^</a> Symbols</h3>
			 <p>The symbols are the same as those used by the <a href="">DejaGnu</a> test framework.</p>
					<dd>test case was expected to pass, and it did</dd>
					<dd>test case was expected to fail, but passed</dd>
					<dd>test case was expected to pass, but failed</dd>
					<dd>test case was expected to fail, and it did</dd>
					<dd>compiler, linker or test case segfaulted</dd>

		<h3><a name="environment-settings" id="environment-settings" href="#top">^</a> Environment Settings</h3>
						<dd>the D compiler, e.g.: <i>c:\dmd\bin\dmd.exe</i></dd>
						<dd>use the wrapper <i>gdmd</i> for the GDC compiler</dd>
						<dd>default value: <i>dmd</i></dd>
						<dd>a debugger with gdb-like commands, e.g.: <i>/usr/local/bin/gdb</i></dd>
						<dd>default value: <i>gdb</i></dd>
						<dd>note: only used on POSIX operating systems (e.g. BSD, Linux, Unix)</dd>

		<h3><a name="testcase-settings" id="testcase-settings" href="#top">^</a> Testcase Settings</h3>
			<p>The settings starts with the end of one of the markers listed below and continues until the end of the line.</p>
					<dd>additional compiler arguments</dd>
					<dd>default: <i>empty</i></dd>
					<dd>expected failing source file</dd>
					<dd>default: if __DSTRESS_ELINE__ isn't empty <i>current source file</i>, else <i>empty</i></dd>
					<dd>expected failing source line</dd>
					<dd>default: <i>empty</i></dd>
					<dd>don't execute those torture tests which contain this plain string</dd>
					<dd>default: <i>unset</i></dd>
					<dd>execute only those torture tests which contain this plain string</dd>
					<dd>default: <i>unset</i></dd>
					<dd>expected regular expression in GDB's output</dd>
					<dd>default: <i>empty</i></dd>
					<dd>GDB command sequence</dd>
					<dd>note: replace linebreaks by <i>\n</i></dd>
					<dd>default: <i>empty</i></dd>

		<h3><a name="testing" id="testing" href="#top">^</a> Testing</h3>
				<dt>Posix Systems: AIX, Apple, BSD, Linux, Unix</dt>
							<dd>a C compiler</dd>
							<dd><a href="./dstress.c">dstress.c</a></dd>
							<dd><a href="./crashRun.c">crashRun.c</a></dd>
							<dd>a D compiler</dd>
							<dd>GnuMake version 3.80 or later (optional)</dd>
						<dt>Step-by-Step (without GnuMake)</dt>
									<li>compile <i>dstress.c</i><blockquote><pre><span class="cmd">gcc -o dstress dstress.c</span></pre></blockquote></li>
									<li>compile <i>crashRun.c</i><blockquote><pre><span class="cmd">gcc -o crashRun crashRun.c</span></pre></blockquote></li>
									<li>test D compiler:<blockquote><pre><span class="cmd">./dstress compile compile/const_12.d</span></pre></blockquote></li>
									<li>test linker and shell:<blockquote><pre><span class="cmd">./dstress run run/main_02.d</span></pre></blockquote></li>
									<li>start testing:<blockquote><pre><span class="cmd">./dstress [torture-compile|torture-nocompile|torture-run|torture-norun] testfile.d 2&gt;&gt; log.txt &gt;&gt; results.txt</span></pre></blockquote></li>
						<dt>Step-by-Step (with GnuMake)</dt>
									<li>clean-up:<blockquote><pre><span class="cmd">make distclean</span></pre></blockquote></li>
									<li>start testing:<blockquote><pre><span class="cmd">make all > results</span></pre></blockquote></li>
				<dt>Windows Systems</dt>
							<dd>a C compiler</dd>
							<dd><a href="./dstress.c">dstress.c</a></dd>
							<dd>a D compiler</dd>
						<dt><a name="windows-restrictions" id="windows-restrictions"></a>Restrictions</dt>
							<dd>no eternal-loop protection</dd>
							<dd>no proper Access Violation detection</dd>
							<dd>Access Violations might cause pop-ups requiring human interaction</dd>
									<li>make sure you understand the <a href="#windows-restrictions"> restrictions</a></li>
									<li>compile <i>dstress.c</i><blockquote><pre><span class="cmd">dmc -o dstress dstress.c</span></pre></blockquote></li>
									<li>test D compiler:<blockquote><pre><span class="cmd">dstress compile compile\const_12.d</span></pre></blockquote></li>
									<li>test linker and shell:<blockquote><pre><span class="cmd">dstress run run\main_02.d</span></pre></blockquote></li>
									<li>start testing:<blockquote><pre><span class="cmd">dstress [compile|nocompile|run|norun] testfile.d 2&gt;&gt; log.txt &gt;&gt; results.txt</span></pre></blockquote></li>

		<h3><a name="sourcecode-metadata" id="sourcecode-metadata" href="#top">^</a> Sourcecode Metadata</h3>
			<div>Metadata starts with one of the markers listed below and continues until the end of the line.</div>
					<dd>the bug/testcase reporter</dd>
					<dd>common format: <i>Name &lt;email@host&gt;</i></dd>
					<dd>first report date</dd>
					<dd>common format: <i>year-month-day</i></dd>
					<dd>the message id of the email/newsgroup message or the webpage</dd>
					<dd>common format: <i>news:msg-id@host</i> or <i>http://host/page</i></dd>
					<dd>marks testcases with external dependencies or architecture/compiler specific data</dd>
					<dd>common format: <i>descriptive text</i></dd>

		<div><br /><br /><hr /><a href=''></a>; 2006-08-16; <a href="">Webmaster</a></div>