view dstep/coreservices/launchservices/LSOpen.d @ 11:07194b026fa4

Added bindings to a couple of frameworks, new license + some other things
author Jacob Carlborg <>
date Sat, 01 Aug 2009 15:03:28 +0200
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 * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2009 Jacob Carlborg.
 * Authors: Jacob Carlborg
 * Version: Initial created: Jul 22, 2009 
 * License: $(LINK2, Boost Software License 1.0)
module dstep.coreservices.launchservices.LSOpen;

//import dstep.AvailabilityMacros;
import dstep.corefoundation.CoreFoundation;
import dstep.coreservices.carboncore.CarbonCore;
import dstep.coreservices.launchservices.LSInfo;

alias uint LSLaunchFlags;

	kLSLaunchDefaults = 0x00000001,
	kLSLaunchAndPrint = 0x00000002,
	kLSLaunchReserved2 = 0x00000004,
	kLSLaunchReserved3 = 0x00000008,
	kLSLaunchReserved4 = 0x00000010,
	kLSLaunchReserved5 = 0x00000020,
	kLSLaunchAndDisplayErrors = 0x00000040,
	kLSLaunchInhibitBGOnly = 0x00000080,
	kLSLaunchDontAddToRecents = 0x00000100,
	kLSLaunchDontSwitch = 0x00000200,
	kLSLaunchNoParams = 0x00000800,
	kLSLaunchAsync = 0x00010000,
	kLSLaunchStartClassic = 0x00020000,
	kLSLaunchInClassic = 0x00040000,
	kLSLaunchNewInstance = 0x00080000,
	kLSLaunchAndHide = 0x00100000,
	kLSLaunchAndHideOthers = 0x00200000,
	kLSLaunchHasUntrustedContents = 0x00400000

struct LSLaunchFSRefSpec
	FSRef* appRef;
	uint numDocs;
	FSRef* itemRefs;
	AEDesc* passThruParams;
	uint launchFlags;
	void* asyncRefCon;

struct LSLaunchURLSpec
	CFArrayRef itemURLs;
	AEDesc* passThruParams;
	uint launchFlags;
	void* asyncRefCon;

struct LSApplicationParameters
	int version_;
	uint flags;
	FSRef* application;
	void* asyncLaunchRefCon;
	CFDictionaryRef environment;
	CFArrayRef argv;
	AppleEvent* initialEvent;

extern (C)
	int LSOpenFSRef (FSRef* inRef, FSRef* outLaunchedRef);
	int LSOpenCFURLRef (CFURLRef inURL, CFURLRef* outLaunchedURL);
	int LSOpenFromRefSpec (LSLaunchFSRefSpec* inLaunchSpec, FSRef* outLaunchedRef);
	int LSOpenFromURLSpec (LSLaunchURLSpec* inLaunchSpec, CFURLRef* outLaunchedURL);
	int LSOpenApplication (LSApplicationParameters* appParams, ProcessSerialNumber* outPSN);
	int LSOpenItemsWithRole (FSRef* inItems, int inItemCount, uint inRole, AEKeyDesc* inAEParam, LSApplicationParameters* inAppParams, ProcessSerialNumber* outPSNs, int inMaxPSNCount);
	int LSOpenURLsWithRole (CFArrayRef inURLs, uint inRole, AEKeyDesc* inAEParam, LSApplicationParameters* inAppParams, ProcessSerialNumber* outPSNs, int inMaxPSNCount);