view dstep/coreservices/carboncore/Multiprocessing.d @ 11:07194b026fa4

Added bindings to a couple of frameworks, new license + some other things
author Jacob Carlborg <>
date Sat, 01 Aug 2009 15:03:28 +0200
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2009 Jacob Carlborg.
 * Authors: Jacob Carlborg
 * Version: Initial created: Jul 21, 2009 
 * License: $(LINK2, Boost Software License 1.0)
module dstep.coreservices.carboncore.Multiprocessing;

//import dstep.AvailabilityMacros;
import dstep.coreservices.carboncore.MacTypes;
//import dstep.stdarg;

struct OpaqueMPProcessID;
struct OpaqueMPTaskID;
struct OpaqueMPQueueID;
struct OpaqueMPSemaphoreID;
struct OpaqueMPCriticalRegionID;
struct OpaqueMPTimerID;
struct OpaqueMPEventID;
struct OpaqueMPAddressSpaceID;
struct OpaqueMPNotificationID;
struct OpaqueMPCoherenceID;
struct OpaqueMPCpuID;
struct OpaqueMPAreaID;
struct OpaqueMPConsoleID;
struct OpaqueMPOpaqueID;

alias OpaqueMPProcessID* MPProcessID;
alias OpaqueMPTaskID* MPTaskID;
alias OpaqueMPQueueID* MPQueueID;
alias OpaqueMPSemaphoreID* MPSemaphoreID;
alias OpaqueMPCriticalRegionID* MPCriticalRegionID;
alias OpaqueMPTimerID* MPTimerID;
alias OpaqueMPEventID* MPEventID;
alias OpaqueMPAddressSpaceID* MPAddressSpaceID;
alias OpaqueMPNotificationID* MPNotificationID;
alias OpaqueMPCoherenceID* MPCoherenceID;
alias OpaqueMPCpuID* MPCpuID;
alias OpaqueMPAreaID* MPAreaID;
alias OpaqueMPConsoleID* MPConsoleID;
alias OpaqueMPOpaqueID* MPOpaqueID;
alias uint MPOpaqueIDClass;
alias uint MPTaskOptions;
alias uint TaskStorageIndex;
alias LogicalAddress TaskStorageValue;
alias uint MPSemaphoreCount;
alias uint MPTaskWeight;
alias uint MPEventFlags;
alias uint MPExceptionKind;
alias uint MPTaskStateKind;
alias uint MPPageSizeClass;
alias uint MPDebuggerLevel;
alias ubyte MPRemoteContext;

extern (C)
	alias ubyte function () MPIsFullyInitializedProc;
	alias void * function (void*) MPRemoteProcedure;
	alias int function (void*) TaskProc;

	MPLibrary_MajorVersion = 2,
	MPLibrary_MinorVersion = 3,
	MPLibrary_Release = 1,
	MPLibrary_DevelopmentRevision = 1

	kOpaqueAnyID = 0,
	kOpaqueProcessID = 1,
	kOpaqueTaskID = 2,
	kOpaqueTimerID = 3,
	kOpaqueQueueID = 4,
	kOpaqueSemaphoreID = 5,
	kOpaqueCriticalRegionID = 6,
	kOpaqueCpuID = 7,
	kOpaqueAddressSpaceID = 8,
	kOpaqueEventID = 9,
	kOpaqueCoherenceID = 10,
	kOpaqueAreaID = 11,
	kOpaqueNotificationID = 12,
	kOpaqueConsoleID = 13

	kMPNoID = 0

	kDurationImmediate = 0L,
	kDurationForever = 0x7FFFFFFF,
	kDurationMillisecond = 1,
	kDurationMicrosecond = -1

	kMPCreateTaskSuspendedMask = 1L << 0,
	kMPCreateTaskTakesAllExceptionsMask = 1L << 1,
	kMPCreateTaskNotDebuggableMask = 1L << 2,
	kMPCreateTaskValidOptionsMask = kMPCreateTaskSuspendedMask | kMPCreateTaskTakesAllExceptionsMask | kMPCreateTaskNotDebuggableMask

	kMPPreserveTimerIDMask = 1L << 0,
	kMPTimeIsDeltaMask = 1L << 1,
	kMPTimeIsDurationMask = 1L << 2

	kMPMaxAllocSize = 1024L * 1024 * 1024

	kMPAllocateDefaultAligned = 0,
	kMPAllocate8ByteAligned = 3,
	kMPAllocate16ByteAligned = 4,
	kMPAllocate32ByteAligned = 5,
	kMPAllocate1024ByteAligned = 10,
	kMPAllocate4096ByteAligned = 12,
	kMPAllocateMaxAlignment = 16,
	kMPAllocateAltiVecAligned = kMPAllocate16ByteAligned,
	kMPAllocateVMXAligned = kMPAllocateAltiVecAligned,
	kMPAllocateVMPageAligned = 254,
	kMPAllocateInterlockAligned = 255

	kMPAllocateClearMask = 0x0001,
	kMPAllocateGloballyMask = 0x0002,
	kMPAllocateResidentMask = 0x0004,
	kMPAllocateNoGrowthMask = 0x0010,
	kMPAllocateNoCreateMask = 0x0020

	kMPTaskStateRegisters = 0,
	kMPTaskStateFPU = 1,
	kMPTaskStateVectors = 2,
	kMPTaskStateMachine = 3,
	kMPTaskState32BitMemoryException = 4,
	kMPTaskStateTaskInfo = 5

	kMPTaskPropagate = 0,
	kMPTaskResumeStep = 1,
	kMPTaskResumeBranch = 2,
	kMPTaskResumeMask = 0x0000,
	kMPTaskPropagateMask = 1 << kMPTaskPropagate,
	kMPTaskResumeStepMask = 1 << kMPTaskResumeStep,
	kMPTaskResumeBranchMask = 1 << kMPTaskResumeBranch

	kMPTaskBlocked = 0,
	kMPTaskReady = 1,
	kMPTaskRunning = 2

	kMPTaskInfoVersion = 3

	kMPLowLevelDebugger = 0x00000000,
	kMPMidLevelDebugger = 0x10000000,
	kMPHighLevelDebugger = 0x20000000

	kMPAnyRemoteContext = 0,
	kMPOwningProcessRemoteContext = 1,
	kMPInterruptRemoteContext = 2,
	kMPAsyncInterruptRemoteContext = 3

struct MPTaskInfoVersion2
	uint version_;
	uint name;
	uint queueName;
	ushort runState;
	ushort lastCPU;
	uint weight;
	MPProcessID processID;
	AbsoluteTime cpuTime;
	AbsoluteTime schedTime;
	AbsoluteTime creationTime;
	uint codePageFaults;
	uint dataPageFaults;
	uint preemptions;
	MPCpuID cpuID;

struct MPTaskInfo
	uint version_;
	uint name;
	uint queueName;
	ushort runState;
	ushort lastCPU;
	uint weight;
	MPProcessID processID;
	AbsoluteTime cpuTime;
	AbsoluteTime schedTime;
	AbsoluteTime creationTime;
	uint codePageFaults;
	uint dataPageFaults;
	uint preemptions;
	MPCpuID cpuID;
	MPOpaqueID blockedObject;
	MPAddressSpaceID spaceID;
	LogicalAddress stackBase;
	LogicalAddress stackLimit;
	LogicalAddress stackCurr;

extern (C)
	uint MPProcessors ();
	uint MPProcessorsScheduled ();
	int MPCreateTask (TaskProc entryPoint, void* parameter, uint stackSize, MPQueueID notifyQueue, void* terminationParameter1, void* terminationParameter2, uint options, MPTaskID* task);
	int MPTerminateTask (MPTaskID task, int terminationStatus);
	int MPSetTaskWeight (MPTaskID task, uint weight);
	ubyte MPTaskIsPreemptive (MPTaskID taskID);
	void MPExit (int status);
	void MPYield ();
	MPTaskID MPCurrentTaskID ();
	int MPSetTaskType (MPTaskID task, uint taskType);
	int MPAllocateTaskStorageIndex (TaskStorageIndex* taskIndex);
	int MPDeallocateTaskStorageIndex (uint taskIndex);
	int MPSetTaskStorageValue (uint taskIndex, TaskStorageValue value);
	TaskStorageValue MPGetTaskStorageValue (uint taskIndex);
	int MPCreateQueue (MPQueueID* queue);
	int MPDeleteQueue (MPQueueID queue);
	int MPNotifyQueue (MPQueueID queue, void* param1, void* param2, void* param3);
	int MPWaitOnQueue (MPQueueID queue, void** param1, void** param2, void** param3, int timeout);
	int MPSetQueueReserve (MPQueueID queue, uint count);
	int MPCreateSemaphore (uint maximumValue, uint initialValue, MPSemaphoreID* semaphore);
	int MPDeleteSemaphore (MPSemaphoreID semaphore);
	int MPSignalSemaphore (MPSemaphoreID semaphore);
	int MPWaitOnSemaphore (MPSemaphoreID semaphore, int timeout);
	int MPCreateCriticalRegion (MPCriticalRegionID* criticalRegion);
	int MPDeleteCriticalRegion (MPCriticalRegionID criticalRegion);
	int MPEnterCriticalRegion (MPCriticalRegionID criticalRegion, int timeout);
	int MPExitCriticalRegion (MPCriticalRegionID criticalRegion);
	int MPCreateEvent (MPEventID* event);
	int MPDeleteEvent (MPEventID event);
	int MPSetEvent (MPEventID event, uint flags);
	int MPWaitForEvent (MPEventID event, MPEventFlags* flags, int timeout);
	int MPCreateNotification (MPNotificationID* notificationID);
	int MPDeleteNotification (MPNotificationID notificationID);
	int MPModifyNotification (MPNotificationID notificationID, MPOpaqueID anID, void* notifyParam1, void* notifyParam2, void* notifyParam3);
	int MPModifyNotificationParameters (MPNotificationID notificationID, uint kind, void* notifyParam1, void* notifyParam2, void* notifyParam3);
	int MPCauseNotification (MPNotificationID notificationID);
	int MPDelayUntil (AbsoluteTime* expirationTime);
	int MPCreateTimer (MPTimerID* timerID);
	int MPDeleteTimer (MPTimerID timerID);
	int MPSetTimerNotify (MPTimerID timerID, MPOpaqueID anID, void* notifyParam1, void* notifyParam2, void* notifyParam3);
	int MPArmTimer (MPTimerID timerID, AbsoluteTime* expirationTime, uint options);
	int MPCancelTimer (MPTimerID timerID, AbsoluteTime* timeRemaining);
	LogicalAddress MPAllocateAligned (uint size, ubyte alignment, uint options);
	LogicalAddress MPAllocate (uint size);
	void MPFree (LogicalAddress object);
	uint MPGetAllocatedBlockSize (LogicalAddress object);
	void MPBlockCopy (LogicalAddress source, LogicalAddress destination, uint size);
	void MPBlockClear (LogicalAddress address, uint size);
	int MPSetExceptionHandler (MPTaskID task, MPQueueID exceptionQ);
	int MPDisposeTaskException (MPTaskID task, uint action);
	int MPExtractTaskState (MPTaskID task, uint kind, void* info);
	int MPSetTaskState (MPTaskID task, uint kind, void* info);
	int MPThrowException (MPTaskID task, uint kind);
	int MPRegisterDebugger (MPQueueID queue, uint level);
	int MPUnregisterDebugger (MPQueueID queue);
	void* MPRemoteCall (MPRemoteProcedure remoteProc, void* parameter, ubyte context);
	void* MPRemoteCallCFM (MPRemoteProcedure remoteProc, void* parameter, ubyte context);
	ubyte _MPIsFullyInitialized ();
	void _MPLibraryVersion (char** versionCString, UInt32* major, UInt32* minor, UInt32* release, UInt32* revision);
	ubyte _MPLibraryIsCompatible (char* versionCString, uint major, uint minor, uint release, uint revision);