view dstep/corefoundation/CFSocket.d @ 11:07194b026fa4

Added bindings to a couple of frameworks, new license + some other things
author Jacob Carlborg <>
date Sat, 01 Aug 2009 15:03:28 +0200
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 * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2009 Jacob Carlborg.
 * Authors: Jacob Carlborg
 * Version: Initial created: Jul 12, 2009 
 * License: $(LINK2, Boost Software License 1.0)
module dstep.corefoundation.CFSocket;

import dstep.corefoundation.CFBase;
import dstep.corefoundation.CFData;
import dstep.corefoundation.CFRunLoop;
import dstep.objc.bridge.Bridge;
import dstep.objc.objc : id;
//import dstep.winsock2;

alias int CFSocketNativeHandle;
struct __CFSocket;
alias __CFSocket* CFSocketRef;
alias int CFSocketError;
alias uint CFSocketCallBackType;

extern (C)
	alias void function (CFSocketRef, uint, CFDataRef, void*, void*) CFSocketCallBack;

extern (C)
		const CFStringRef kCFSocketCommandKey;
		const CFStringRef kCFSocketNameKey;
		const CFStringRef kCFSocketValueKey;
		const CFStringRef kCFSocketResultKey;
		const CFStringRef kCFSocketErrorKey;
		const CFStringRef kCFSocketRegisterCommand;
		const CFStringRef kCFSocketRetrieveCommand;

	kCFSocketSuccess = 0,
	kCFSocketError = -1,
	kCFSocketTimeout = -2

	kCFSocketNoCallBack = 0,
	kCFSocketReadCallBack = 1,
	kCFSocketAcceptCallBack = 2,
	kCFSocketDataCallBack = 3,
	kCFSocketConnectCallBack = 4,
	kCFSocketWriteCallBack = 8

	kCFSocketAutomaticallyReenableReadCallBack = 1,
	kCFSocketAutomaticallyReenableAcceptCallBack = 2,
	kCFSocketAutomaticallyReenableDataCallBack = 3,
	kCFSocketAutomaticallyReenableWriteCallBack = 8,
	kCFSocketCloseOnInvalidate = 128

struct CFSocketSignature
	int protocolFamily;
	int socketType;
	int protocol;
	CFDataRef address;

struct CFSocketContext
	int version_;
	void* info;

extern (C)
	uint CFSocketGetTypeID ();
	CFSocketRef CFSocketCreate (CFAllocatorRef allocator, int protocolFamily, int socketType, int protocol, uint callBackTypes, CFSocketCallBack* callout, CFSocketContext* context);
	CFSocketRef CFSocketCreateWithNative (CFAllocatorRef allocator, int sock, uint callBackTypes, CFSocketCallBack* callout, CFSocketContext* context);
	CFSocketRef CFSocketCreateWithSocketSignature (CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFSocketSignature* signature, uint callBackTypes, CFSocketCallBack* callout, CFSocketContext* context);
	CFSocketRef CFSocketCreateConnectedToSocketSignature (CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFSocketSignature* signature, uint callBackTypes, CFSocketCallBack* callout, CFSocketContext* context, double timeout);
	int CFSocketSetAddress (CFSocketRef s, CFDataRef address);
	int CFSocketConnectToAddress (CFSocketRef s, CFDataRef address, double timeout);
	void CFSocketInvalidate (CFSocketRef s);
	ubyte CFSocketIsValid (CFSocketRef s);
	CFDataRef CFSocketCopyAddress (CFSocketRef s);
	CFDataRef CFSocketCopyPeerAddress (CFSocketRef s);
	void CFSocketGetContext (CFSocketRef s, CFSocketContext* context);
	int CFSocketGetNative (CFSocketRef s);
	CFRunLoopSourceRef CFSocketCreateRunLoopSource (CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFSocketRef s, int order);
	uint CFSocketGetSocketFlags (CFSocketRef s);
	void CFSocketSetSocketFlags (CFSocketRef s, uint flags);
	void CFSocketDisableCallBacks (CFSocketRef s, uint callBackTypes);
	void CFSocketEnableCallBacks (CFSocketRef s, uint callBackTypes);
	int CFSocketSendData (CFSocketRef s, CFDataRef address, CFDataRef data, double timeout);
	int CFSocketRegisterValue (CFSocketSignature* nameServerSignature, double timeout, CFStringRef name, void* value);
	int CFSocketCopyRegisteredValue (CFSocketSignature* nameServerSignature, double timeout, CFStringRef name, CFPropertyListRef* value, CFDataRef* nameServerAddress);
	int CFSocketRegisterSocketSignature (CFSocketSignature* nameServerSignature, double timeout, CFStringRef name, CFSocketSignature* signature);
	int CFSocketCopyRegisteredSocketSignature (CFSocketSignature* nameServerSignature, double timeout, CFStringRef name, CFSocketSignature* signature, CFDataRef* nameServerAddress);
	int CFSocketUnregister (CFSocketSignature* nameServerSignature, double timeout, CFStringRef name);
	void CFSocketSetDefaultNameRegistryPortNumber (ushort port);
	ushort CFSocketGetDefaultNameRegistryPortNumber ();