diff dstep/coreservices/ae/AERegistry.d @ 11:07194b026fa4

Added bindings to a couple of frameworks, new license + some other things
author Jacob Carlborg <doob@me.com>
date Sat, 01 Aug 2009 15:03:28 +0200
children 19885b43130e
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/dstep/coreservices/ae/AERegistry.d	Sat Aug 01 15:03:28 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,2175 @@
+ * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2009 Jacob Carlborg.
+ * Authors: Jacob Carlborg
+ * Version: Initial created: Jul 21, 2009 
+ * License: $(LINK2 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost Software License 1.0)
+ */
+module dstep.coreservices.ae.AERegistry;
+//import dstep.AvailabilityMacros;
+import dstep.coreservices.ae.AppleEvents;
+import dstep.coreservices.carboncore.CarbonCore;
+import dstep.objc.bridge.TypeEncoding;
+alias TextRange* TextRangePtr;
+alias TextRangePtr* TextRangeHandle;
+alias TextRangeArray* TextRangeArrayPtr;
+alias TextRangeArrayPtr* TextRangeArrayHandle;
+alias OffsetArray*[][] OffsetArrayPtr;
+alias OffsetArrayPtr* OffsetArrayHandle;
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __cAEList = getOSType!("list");
+		const __cApplication = getOSType!("capp");
+		const __cArc = getOSType!("carc");
+		const __cBoolean = getOSType!("bool");
+		const __cCell = getOSType!("ccel");
+		const __cChar = getOSType!("cha ");
+		const __cColorTable = getOSType!("clrt");
+		const __cColumn = getOSType!("ccol");
+		const __cDocument = getOSType!("docu");
+		const __cDrawingArea = getOSType!("cdrw");
+		const __cEnumeration = getOSType!("enum");
+		const __cFile = getOSType!("file");
+		const __cFixed = getOSType!("fixd");
+		const __cFixedPoint = getOSType!("fpnt");
+		const __cFixedRectangle = getOSType!("frct");
+		const __cGraphicLine = getOSType!("glin");
+		const __cGraphicObject = getOSType!("cgob");
+		const __cGraphicShape = getOSType!("cgsh");
+		const __cGraphicText = getOSType!("cgtx");
+		const __cGroupedGraphic = getOSType!("cpic");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __cInsertionLoc = getOSType!("insl");
+		const __cInsertionPoint = getOSType!("cins");
+		const __cIntlText = getOSType!("itxt");
+		const __cIntlWritingCode = getOSType!("intl");
+		const __cItem = getOSType!("citm");
+		const __cLine = getOSType!("clin");
+		const __cLongDateTime = getOSType!("ldt ");
+		const __cLongFixed = getOSType!("lfxd");
+		const __cLongFixedPoint = getOSType!("lfpt");
+		const __cLongFixedRectangle = getOSType!("lfrc");
+		const __cLongInteger = getOSType!("long");
+		const __cLongPoint = getOSType!("lpnt");
+		const __cLongRectangle = getOSType!("lrct");
+		const __cMachineLoc = getOSType!("mLoc");
+		const __cMenu = getOSType!("cmnu");
+		const __cMenuItem = getOSType!("cmen");
+		const __cObject = getOSType!("cobj");
+		const __cObjectSpecifier = getOSType!("obj ");
+		const __cOpenableObject = getOSType!("coob");
+		const __cOval = getOSType!("covl");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __cParagraph = getOSType!("cpar");
+		const __cPICT = getOSType!("PICT");
+		const __cPixel = getOSType!("cpxl");
+		const __cPixelMap = getOSType!("cpix");
+		const __cPolygon = getOSType!("cpgn");
+		const __cProperty = getOSType!("prop");
+		const __cQDPoint = getOSType!("QDpt");
+		const __cQDRectangle = getOSType!("qdrt");
+		const __cRectangle = getOSType!("crec");
+		const __cRGBColor = getOSType!("cRGB");
+		const __cRotation = getOSType!("trot");
+		const __cRoundedRectangle = getOSType!("crrc");
+		const __cRow = getOSType!("crow");
+		const __cSelection = getOSType!("csel");
+		const __cShortInteger = getOSType!("shor");
+		const __cTable = getOSType!("ctbl");
+		const __cText = getOSType!("ctxt");
+		const __cTextFlow = getOSType!("cflo");
+		const __cTextStyles = getOSType!("tsty");
+		const __cType = getOSType!("type");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __cVersion = getOSType!("vers");
+		const __cWindow = getOSType!("cwin");
+		const __cWord = getOSType!("cwor");
+		const __enumArrows = getOSType!("arro");
+		const __enumJustification = getOSType!("just");
+		const __enumKeyForm = getOSType!("kfrm");
+		const __enumPosition = getOSType!("posi");
+		const __enumProtection = getOSType!("prtn");
+		const __enumQuality = getOSType!("qual");
+		const __enumSaveOptions = getOSType!("savo");
+		const __enumStyle = getOSType!("styl");
+		const __enumTransferMode = getOSType!("tran");
+		const __kAEAbout = getOSType!("abou");
+		const __kAEAfter = getOSType!("afte");
+		const __kAEAliasSelection = getOSType!("sali");
+		const __kAEAllCaps = getOSType!("alcp");
+		const __kAEArrowAtEnd = getOSType!("aren");
+		const __kAEArrowAtStart = getOSType!("arst");
+		const __kAEArrowBothEnds = getOSType!("arbo");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __kAEAsk = getOSType!("ask ");
+		const __kAEBefore = getOSType!("befo");
+		const __kAEBeginning = getOSType!("bgng");
+		const __kAEBeginsWith = getOSType!("bgwt");
+		const __kAEBeginTransaction = getOSType!("begi");
+		const __kAEBold = getOSType!("bold");
+		const __kAECaseSensEquals = getOSType!("cseq");
+		const __kAECentered = getOSType!("cent");
+		const __kAEChangeView = getOSType!("view");
+		const __kAEClone = getOSType!("clon");
+		const __kAEClose = getOSType!("clos");
+		const __kAECondensed = getOSType!("cond");
+		const __kAEContains = getOSType!("cont");
+		const __kAECopy = getOSType!("copy");
+		const __kAECoreSuite = getOSType!("core");
+		const __kAECountElements = getOSType!("cnte");
+		const __kAECreateElement = getOSType!("crel");
+		const __kAECreatePublisher = getOSType!("cpub");
+		const __kAECut = getOSType!("cut ");
+		const __kAEDelete = getOSType!("delo");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __kAEDoObjectsExist = getOSType!("doex");
+		const __kAEDoScript = getOSType!("dosc");
+		const __kAEDrag = getOSType!("drag");
+		const __kAEDuplicateSelection = getOSType!("sdup");
+		const __kAEEditGraphic = getOSType!("edit");
+		const __kAEEmptyTrash = getOSType!("empt");
+		const __kAEEnd = getOSType!("end ");
+		const __kAEEndsWith = getOSType!("ends");
+		const __kAEEndTransaction = getOSType!("endt");
+		const __kAEEquals = getOSType!("=   ");
+		const __kAEExpanded = getOSType!("pexp");
+		const __kAEFast = getOSType!("fast");
+		const __kAEFinderEvents = getOSType!("FNDR");
+		const __kAEFormulaProtect = getOSType!("fpro");
+		const __kAEFullyJustified = getOSType!("full");
+		const __kAEGetClassInfo = getOSType!("qobj");
+		const __kAEGetData = getOSType!("getd");
+		const __kAEGetDataSize = getOSType!("dsiz");
+		const __kAEGetEventInfo = getOSType!("gtei");
+		const __kAEGetInfoSelection = getOSType!("sinf");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __kAEGetPrivilegeSelection = getOSType!("sprv");
+		const __kAEGetSuiteInfo = getOSType!("gtsi");
+		const __kAEGreaterThan = getOSType!(">   ");
+		const __kAEGreaterThanEquals = getOSType!(">=  ");
+		const __kAEGrow = getOSType!("grow");
+		const __kAEHidden = getOSType!("hidn");
+		const __kAEHiQuality = getOSType!("hiqu");
+		const __kAEImageGraphic = getOSType!("imgr");
+		const __kAEIsUniform = getOSType!("isun");
+		const __kAEItalic = getOSType!("ital");
+		const __kAELeftJustified = getOSType!("left");
+		const __kAELessThan = getOSType!("<   ");
+		const __kAELessThanEquals = getOSType!("<=  ");
+		const __kAELowercase = getOSType!("lowc");
+		const __kAEMakeObjectsVisible = getOSType!("mvis");
+		const __kAEMiscStandards = getOSType!("misc");
+		const __kAEModifiable = getOSType!("modf");
+		const __kAEMove = getOSType!("move");
+		const __kAENo = getOSType!("no  ");
+		const __kAENoArrow = getOSType!("arno");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __kAENonmodifiable = getOSType!("nmod");
+		const __kAEOpen = getOSType!("odoc");
+		const __kAEOpenSelection = getOSType!("sope");
+		const __kAEOutline = getOSType!("outl");
+		const __kAEPageSetup = getOSType!("pgsu");
+		const __kAEPaste = getOSType!("past");
+		const __kAEPlain = getOSType!("plan");
+		const __kAEPrint = getOSType!("pdoc");
+		const __kAEPrintSelection = getOSType!("spri");
+		const __kAEPrintWindow = getOSType!("pwin");
+		const __kAEPutAwaySelection = getOSType!("sput");
+		const __kAEQDAddOver = getOSType!("addo");
+		const __kAEQDAddPin = getOSType!("addp");
+		const __kAEQDAdMax = getOSType!("admx");
+		const __kAEQDAdMin = getOSType!("admn");
+		const __kAEQDBic = getOSType!("bic ");
+		const __kAEQDBlend = getOSType!("blnd");
+		const __kAEQDCopy = getOSType!("cpy ");
+		const __kAEQDNotBic = getOSType!("nbic");
+		const __kAEQDNotCopy = getOSType!("ncpy");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __kAEQDNotOr = getOSType!("ntor");
+		const __kAEQDNotXor = getOSType!("nxor");
+		const __kAEQDOr = getOSType!("or  ");
+		const __kAEQDSubOver = getOSType!("subo");
+		const __kAEQDSubPin = getOSType!("subp");
+		const __kAEQDSupplementalSuite = getOSType!("qdsp");
+		const __kAEQDXor = getOSType!("xor ");
+		const __kAEQuickdrawSuite = getOSType!("qdrw");
+		const __kAEQuitAll = getOSType!("quia");
+		const __kAERedo = getOSType!("redo");
+		const __kAERegular = getOSType!("regl");
+		const __kAEReopenApplication = getOSType!("rapp");
+		const __kAEReplace = getOSType!("rplc");
+		const __kAERequiredSuite = getOSType!("reqd");
+		const __kAERestart = getOSType!("rest");
+		const __kAERevealSelection = getOSType!("srev");
+		const __kAERevert = getOSType!("rvrt");
+		const __kAERightJustified = getOSType!("rght");
+		const __kAESave = getOSType!("save");
+		const __kAESelect = getOSType!("slct");
+		const __kAESetData = getOSType!("setd");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __kAESetPosition = getOSType!("posn");
+		const __kAEShadow = getOSType!("shad");
+		const __kAEShowClipboard = getOSType!("shcl");
+		const __kAEShutDown = getOSType!("shut");
+		const __kAESleep = getOSType!("slep");
+		const __kAESmallCaps = getOSType!("smcp");
+		const __kAESpecialClassProperties = getOSType!("c@#!");
+		const __kAEStrikethrough = getOSType!("strk");
+		const __kAESubscript = getOSType!("sbsc");
+		const __kAESuperscript = getOSType!("spsc");
+		const __kAETableSuite = getOSType!("tbls");
+		const __kAETextSuite = getOSType!("TEXT");
+		const __kAETransactionTerminated = getOSType!("ttrm");
+		const __kAEUnderline = getOSType!("undl");
+		const __kAEUndo = getOSType!("undo");
+		const __kAEWholeWordEquals = getOSType!("wweq");
+		const __kAEYes = getOSType!("yes ");
+		const __kAEZoom = getOSType!("zoom");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __kAELogOut = getOSType!("logo");
+		const __kAEReallyLogOut = getOSType!("rlgo");
+		const __kAEShowRestartDialog = getOSType!("rrst");
+		const __kAEShowShutdownDialog = getOSType!("rsdn");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __kAEMouseClass = getOSType!("mous");
+		const __kAEDown = getOSType!("down");
+		const __kAEUp = getOSType!("up  ");
+		const __kAEMoved = getOSType!("move");
+		const __kAEStoppedMoving = getOSType!("stop");
+		const __kAEWindowClass = getOSType!("wind");
+		const __kAEUpdate = getOSType!("updt");
+		const __kAEActivate = getOSType!("actv");
+		const __kAEDeactivate = getOSType!("dact");
+		const __kAECommandClass = getOSType!("cmnd");
+		const __kAEKeyClass = getOSType!("keyc");
+		const __kAERawKey = getOSType!("rkey");
+		const __kAEVirtualKey = getOSType!("keyc");
+		const __kAENavigationKey = getOSType!("nave");
+		const __kAEAutoDown = getOSType!("auto");
+		const __kAEApplicationClass = getOSType!("appl");
+		const __kAESuspend = getOSType!("susp");
+		const __kAEResume = getOSType!("rsme");
+		const __kAEDiskEvent = getOSType!("disk");
+		const __kAENullEvent = getOSType!("null");
+		const __kAEWakeUpEvent = getOSType!("wake");
+		const __kAEScrapEvent = getOSType!("scrp");
+		const __kAEHighLevel = getOSType!("high");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __keyAEAngle = getOSType!("kang");
+		const __keyAEArcAngle = getOSType!("parc");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __keyAEBaseAddr = getOSType!("badd");
+		const __keyAEBestType = getOSType!("pbst");
+		const __keyAEBgndColor = getOSType!("kbcl");
+		const __keyAEBgndPattern = getOSType!("kbpt");
+		const __keyAEBounds = getOSType!("pbnd");
+		const __keyAECellList = getOSType!("kclt");
+		const __keyAEClassID = getOSType!("clID");
+		const __keyAEColor = getOSType!("colr");
+		const __keyAEColorTable = getOSType!("cltb");
+		const __keyAECurveHeight = getOSType!("kchd");
+		const __keyAECurveWidth = getOSType!("kcwd");
+		const __keyAEDashStyle = getOSType!("pdst");
+		const __keyAEData = getOSType!("data");
+		const __keyAEDefaultType = getOSType!("deft");
+		const __keyAEDefinitionRect = getOSType!("pdrt");
+		const __keyAEDescType = getOSType!("dstp");
+		const __keyAEDestination = getOSType!("dest");
+		const __keyAEDoAntiAlias = getOSType!("anta");
+		const __keyAEDoDithered = getOSType!("gdit");
+		const __keyAEDoRotate = getOSType!("kdrt");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __keyAEDoScale = getOSType!("ksca");
+		const __keyAEDoTranslate = getOSType!("ktra");
+		const __keyAEEditionFileLoc = getOSType!("eloc");
+		const __keyAEElements = getOSType!("elms");
+		const __keyAEEndPoint = getOSType!("pend");
+		const __keyAEEventClass = getOSType!("evcl");
+		const __keyAEEventID = getOSType!("evti");
+		const __keyAEFile = getOSType!("kfil");
+		const __keyAEFileType = getOSType!("fltp");
+		const __keyAEFillColor = getOSType!("flcl");
+		const __keyAEFillPattern = getOSType!("flpt");
+		const __keyAEFlipHorizontal = getOSType!("kfho");
+		const __keyAEFlipVertical = getOSType!("kfvt");
+		const __keyAEFont = getOSType!("font");
+		const __keyAEFormula = getOSType!("pfor");
+		const __keyAEGraphicObjects = getOSType!("gobs");
+		const __keyAEID = getOSType!("ID  ");
+		const __keyAEImageQuality = getOSType!("gqua");
+		const __keyAEInsertHere = getOSType!("insh");
+		const __keyAEKeyForms = getOSType!("keyf");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __keyAEKeyword = getOSType!("kywd");
+		const __keyAELevel = getOSType!("levl");
+		const __keyAELineArrow = getOSType!("arro");
+		const __keyAEName = getOSType!("pnam");
+		const __keyAENewElementLoc = getOSType!("pnel");
+		const __keyAEObject = getOSType!("kobj");
+		const __keyAEObjectClass = getOSType!("kocl");
+		const __keyAEOffStyles = getOSType!("ofst");
+		const __keyAEOnStyles = getOSType!("onst");
+		const __keyAEParameters = getOSType!("prms");
+		const __keyAEParamFlags = getOSType!("pmfg");
+		const __keyAEPenColor = getOSType!("ppcl");
+		const __keyAEPenPattern = getOSType!("pppa");
+		const __keyAEPenWidth = getOSType!("ppwd");
+		const __keyAEPixelDepth = getOSType!("pdpt");
+		const __keyAEPixMapMinus = getOSType!("kpmm");
+		const __keyAEPMTable = getOSType!("kpmt");
+		const __keyAEPointList = getOSType!("ptlt");
+		const __keyAEPointSize = getOSType!("ptsz");
+		const __keyAEPosition = getOSType!("kpos");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __keyAEPropData = getOSType!("prdt");
+		const __keyAEProperties = getOSType!("qpro");
+		const __keyAEProperty = getOSType!("kprp");
+		const __keyAEPropFlags = getOSType!("prfg");
+		const __keyAEPropID = getOSType!("prop");
+		const __keyAEProtection = getOSType!("ppro");
+		const __keyAERenderAs = getOSType!("kren");
+		const __keyAERequestedType = getOSType!("rtyp");
+		const __keyAEResult = getOSType!("----");
+		const __keyAEResultInfo = getOSType!("rsin");
+		const __keyAERotation = getOSType!("prot");
+		const __keyAERotPoint = getOSType!("krtp");
+		const __keyAERowList = getOSType!("krls");
+		const __keyAESaveOptions = getOSType!("savo");
+		const __keyAEScale = getOSType!("pscl");
+		const __keyAEScriptTag = getOSType!("psct");
+		const __keyAESearchText = getOSType!("stxt");
+		const __keyAEShowWhere = getOSType!("show");
+		const __keyAEStartAngle = getOSType!("pang");
+		const __keyAEStartPoint = getOSType!("pstp");
+		const __keyAEStyles = getOSType!("ksty");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __keyAESuiteID = getOSType!("suit");
+		const __keyAEText = getOSType!("ktxt");
+		const __keyAETextColor = getOSType!("ptxc");
+		const __keyAETextFont = getOSType!("ptxf");
+		const __keyAETextPointSize = getOSType!("ptps");
+		const __keyAETextStyles = getOSType!("txst");
+		const __keyAETextLineHeight = getOSType!("ktlh");
+		const __keyAETextLineAscent = getOSType!("ktas");
+		const __keyAETheText = getOSType!("thtx");
+		const __keyAETransferMode = getOSType!("pptm");
+		const __keyAETranslation = getOSType!("ptrs");
+		const __keyAETryAsStructGraf = getOSType!("toog");
+		const __keyAEUniformStyles = getOSType!("ustl");
+		const __keyAEUpdateOn = getOSType!("pupd");
+		const __keyAEUserTerm = getOSType!("utrm");
+		const __keyAEWindow = getOSType!("wndw");
+		const __keyAEWritingCode = getOSType!("wrcd");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __keyMiscellaneous = getOSType!("fmsc");
+		const __keySelection = getOSType!("fsel");
+		const __keyWindow = getOSType!("kwnd");
+		const __keyWhen = getOSType!("when");
+		const __keyWhere = getOSType!("wher");
+		const __keyModifiers = getOSType!("mods");
+		const __keyKey = getOSType!("key ");
+		const __keyKeyCode = getOSType!("code");
+		const __keyKeyboard = getOSType!("keyb");
+		const __keyDriveNumber = getOSType!("drv#");
+		const __keyErrorCode = getOSType!("err#");
+		const __keyHighLevelClass = getOSType!("hcls");
+		const __keyHighLevelID = getOSType!("hid ");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __pArcAngle = getOSType!("parc");
+		const __pBackgroundColor = getOSType!("pbcl");
+		const __pBackgroundPattern = getOSType!("pbpt");
+		const __pBestType = getOSType!("pbst");
+		const __pBounds = getOSType!("pbnd");
+		const __pClass = getOSType!("pcls");
+		const __pClipboard = getOSType!("pcli");
+		const __pColor = getOSType!("colr");
+		const __pColorTable = getOSType!("cltb");
+		const __pContents = getOSType!("pcnt");
+		const __pCornerCurveHeight = getOSType!("pchd");
+		const __pCornerCurveWidth = getOSType!("pcwd");
+		const __pDashStyle = getOSType!("pdst");
+		const __pDefaultType = getOSType!("deft");
+		const __pDefinitionRect = getOSType!("pdrt");
+		const __pEnabled = getOSType!("enbl");
+		const __pEndPoint = getOSType!("pend");
+		const __pFillColor = getOSType!("flcl");
+		const __pFillPattern = getOSType!("flpt");
+		const __pFont = getOSType!("font");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __pFormula = getOSType!("pfor");
+		const __pGraphicObjects = getOSType!("gobs");
+		const __pHasCloseBox = getOSType!("hclb");
+		const __pHasTitleBar = getOSType!("ptit");
+		const __pID = getOSType!("ID  ");
+		const __pIndex = getOSType!("pidx");
+		const __pInsertionLoc = getOSType!("pins");
+		const __pIsFloating = getOSType!("isfl");
+		const __pIsFrontProcess = getOSType!("pisf");
+		const __pIsModal = getOSType!("pmod");
+		const __pIsModified = getOSType!("imod");
+		const __pIsResizable = getOSType!("prsz");
+		const __pIsStationeryPad = getOSType!("pspd");
+		const __pIsZoomable = getOSType!("iszm");
+		const __pIsZoomed = getOSType!("pzum");
+		const __pItemNumber = getOSType!("itmn");
+		const __pJustification = getOSType!("pjst");
+		const __pLineArrow = getOSType!("arro");
+		const __pMenuID = getOSType!("mnid");
+		const __pName = getOSType!("pnam");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __pNewElementLoc = getOSType!("pnel");
+		const __pPenColor = getOSType!("ppcl");
+		const __pPenPattern = getOSType!("pppa");
+		const __pPenWidth = getOSType!("ppwd");
+		const __pPixelDepth = getOSType!("pdpt");
+		const __pPointList = getOSType!("ptlt");
+		const __pPointSize = getOSType!("ptsz");
+		const __pProtection = getOSType!("ppro");
+		const __pRotation = getOSType!("prot");
+		const __pScale = getOSType!("pscl");
+		const __pScript = getOSType!("scpt");
+		const __pScriptTag = getOSType!("psct");
+		const __pSelected = getOSType!("selc");
+		const __pSelection = getOSType!("sele");
+		const __pStartAngle = getOSType!("pang");
+		const __pStartPoint = getOSType!("pstp");
+		const __pTextColor = getOSType!("ptxc");
+		const __pTextFont = getOSType!("ptxf");
+		const __pTextItemDelimiters = getOSType!("txdl");
+		const __pTextPointSize = getOSType!("ptps");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __pTextStyles = getOSType!("txst");
+		const __pTransferMode = getOSType!("pptm");
+		const __pTranslation = getOSType!("ptrs");
+		const __pUniformStyles = getOSType!("ustl");
+		const __pUpdateOn = getOSType!("pupd");
+		const __pUserSelection = getOSType!("pusl");
+		const __pVersion = getOSType!("vers");
+		const __pVisible = getOSType!("pvis");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __typeAEText = getOSType!("tTXT");
+		const __typeArc = getOSType!("carc");
+		const __typeBest = getOSType!("best");
+		const __typeCell = getOSType!("ccel");
+		const __typeClassInfo = getOSType!("gcli");
+		const __typeColorTable = getOSType!("clrt");
+		const __typeColumn = getOSType!("ccol");
+		const __typeDashStyle = getOSType!("tdas");
+		const __typeData = getOSType!("tdta");
+		const __typeDrawingArea = getOSType!("cdrw");
+		const __typeElemInfo = getOSType!("elin");
+		const __typeEnumeration = getOSType!("enum");
+		const __typeEPS = getOSType!("EPS ");
+		const __typeEventInfo = getOSType!("evin");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __typeFinderWindow = getOSType!("fwin");
+		const __typeFixedPoint = getOSType!("fpnt");
+		const __typeFixedRectangle = getOSType!("frct");
+		const __typeGraphicLine = getOSType!("glin");
+		const __typeGraphicText = getOSType!("cgtx");
+		const __typeGroupedGraphic = getOSType!("cpic");
+		const __typeInsertionLoc = getOSType!("insl");
+		const __typeIntlText = getOSType!("itxt");
+		const __typeIntlWritingCode = getOSType!("intl");
+		const __typeLongDateTime = getOSType!("ldt ");
+		const __typeCFAbsoluteTime = getOSType!("cfat");
+		const __typeISO8601DateTime = getOSType!("isot");
+		const __typeLongFixed = getOSType!("lfxd");
+		const __typeLongFixedPoint = getOSType!("lfpt");
+		const __typeLongFixedRectangle = getOSType!("lfrc");
+		const __typeLongPoint = getOSType!("lpnt");
+		const __typeLongRectangle = getOSType!("lrct");
+		const __typeMachineLoc = getOSType!("mLoc");
+		const __typeOval = getOSType!("covl");
+		const __typeParamInfo = getOSType!("pmin");
+		const __typePict = getOSType!("PICT");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __typePixelMap = getOSType!("cpix");
+		const __typePixMapMinus = getOSType!("tpmm");
+		const __typePolygon = getOSType!("cpgn");
+		const __typePropInfo = getOSType!("pinf");
+		const __typePtr = getOSType!("ptr ");
+		const __typeQDPoint = getOSType!("QDpt");
+		const __typeQDRegion = getOSType!("Qrgn");
+		const __typeRectangle = getOSType!("crec");
+		const __typeRGB16 = getOSType!("tr16");
+		const __typeRGB96 = getOSType!("tr96");
+		const __typeRGBColor = getOSType!("cRGB");
+		const __typeRotation = getOSType!("trot");
+		const __typeRoundedRectangle = getOSType!("crrc");
+		const __typeRow = getOSType!("crow");
+		const __typeScrapStyles = getOSType!("styl");
+		const __typeScript = getOSType!("scpt");
+		const __typeStyledText = getOSType!("STXT");
+		const __typeSuiteInfo = getOSType!("suin");
+		const __typeTable = getOSType!("ctbl");
+		const __typeTextStyles = getOSType!("tsty");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __typeTIFF = getOSType!("TIFF");
+		const __typeJPEG = getOSType!("JPEG");
+		const __typeGIF = getOSType!("GIFf");
+		const __typeVersion = getOSType!("vers");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __kAEMenuClass = getOSType!("menu");
+		const __kAEMenuSelect = getOSType!("mhit");
+		const __kAEMouseDown = getOSType!("mdwn");
+		const __kAEMouseDownInBack = getOSType!("mdbk");
+		const __kAEKeyDown = getOSType!("kdwn");
+		const __kAEResized = getOSType!("rsiz");
+		const __kAEPromise = getOSType!("prom");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __keyMenuID = getOSType!("mid ");
+		const __keyMenuItem = getOSType!("mitm");
+		const __keyCloseAllWindows = getOSType!("caw ");
+		const __keyOriginalBounds = getOSType!("obnd");
+		const __keyNewBounds = getOSType!("nbnd");
+		const __keyLocalWhere = getOSType!("lwhr");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __typeHIMenu = getOSType!("mobj");
+		const __typeHIWindow = getOSType!("wobj");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __kTextServiceClass = getOSType!("tsvc");
+		const __kUpdateActiveInputArea = getOSType!("updt");
+		const __kShowHideInputWindow = getOSType!("shiw");
+		const __kPos2Offset = getOSType!("p2st");
+		const __kOffset2Pos = getOSType!("st2p");
+		const __kUnicodeNotFromInputMethod = getOSType!("unim");
+		const __kGetSelectedText = getOSType!("gtxt");
+		const __keyAETSMDocumentRefcon = getOSType!("refc");
+		const __keyAEServerInstance = getOSType!("srvi");
+		const __keyAETheData = getOSType!("kdat");
+		const __keyAEFixLength = getOSType!("fixl");
+		const __keyAEUpdateRange = getOSType!("udng");
+		const __keyAECurrentPoint = getOSType!("cpos");
+		const __keyAEBufferSize = getOSType!("buff");
+		const __keyAEMoveView = getOSType!("mvvw");
+		const __keyAENextBody = getOSType!("nxbd");
+		const __keyAETSMScriptTag = getOSType!("sclg");
+		const __keyAETSMTextFont = getOSType!("ktxf");
+		const __keyAETSMTextFMFont = getOSType!("ktxm");
+		const __keyAETSMTextPointSize = getOSType!("ktps");
+		const __keyAETSMEventRecord = getOSType!("tevt");
+		const __keyAETSMEventRef = getOSType!("tevr");
+		const __keyAETextServiceEncoding = getOSType!("tsen");
+		const __keyAETextServiceMacEncoding = getOSType!("tmen");
+		const __keyAETSMGlyphInfoArray = getOSType!("tgia");
+		const __typeTextRange = getOSType!("txrn");
+		const __typeComponentInstance = getOSType!("cmpi");
+		const __typeOffsetArray = getOSType!("ofay");
+		const __typeTextRangeArray = getOSType!("tray");
+		const __typeLowLevelEventRecord = getOSType!("evtr");
+		const __typeGlyphInfoArray = getOSType!("glia");
+		const __typeEventRef = getOSType!("evrf");
+		const __typeText = getOSType!("ypeCha");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __keyAEHiliteRange = getOSType!("hrng");
+		const __keyAEPinRange = getOSType!("pnrg");
+		const __keyAEClauseOffsets = getOSType!("clau");
+		const __keyAEOffset = getOSType!("ofst");
+		const __keyAEPoint = getOSType!("gpos");
+		const __keyAELeftSide = getOSType!("klef");
+		const __keyAERegionClass = getOSType!("rgnc");
+		const __keyAEDragging = getOSType!("bool");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __typeMeters = getOSType!("metr");
+		const __typeInches = getOSType!("inch");
+		const __typeFeet = getOSType!("feet");
+		const __typeYards = getOSType!("yard");
+		const __typeMiles = getOSType!("mile");
+		const __typeKilometers = getOSType!("kmtr");
+		const __typeCentimeters = getOSType!("cmtr");
+		const __typeSquareMeters = getOSType!("sqrm");
+		const __typeSquareFeet = getOSType!("sqft");
+		const __typeSquareYards = getOSType!("sqyd");
+		const __typeSquareMiles = getOSType!("sqmi");
+		const __typeSquareKilometers = getOSType!("sqkm");
+		const __typeLiters = getOSType!("litr");
+		const __typeQuarts = getOSType!("qrts");
+		const __typeGallons = getOSType!("galn");
+		const __typeCubicMeters = getOSType!("cmet");
+		const __typeCubicFeet = getOSType!("cfet");
+		const __typeCubicInches = getOSType!("cuin");
+		const __typeCubicCentimeter = getOSType!("ccmt");
+		const __typeCubicYards = getOSType!("cyrd");
+		const __typeKilograms = getOSType!("kgrm");
+		const __typeGrams = getOSType!("gram");
+		const __typeOunces = getOSType!("ozs ");
+		const __typePounds = getOSType!("lbs ");
+		const __typeDegreesC = getOSType!("degc");
+		const __typeDegreesF = getOSType!("degf");
+		const __typeDegreesK = getOSType!("degk");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __kFAServerApp = getOSType!("ssrv");
+		const __kDoFolderActionEvent = getOSType!("fola");
+		const __kFolderActionCode = getOSType!("actn");
+		const __kFolderOpenedEvent = getOSType!("fopn");
+		const __kFolderClosedEvent = getOSType!("fclo");
+		const __kFolderWindowMovedEvent = getOSType!("fsiz");
+		const __kFolderItemsAddedEvent = getOSType!("fget");
+		const __kFolderItemsRemovedEvent = getOSType!("flos");
+		const __kItemList = getOSType!("flst");
+		const __kNewSizeParameter = getOSType!("fnsz");
+		const __kFASuiteCode = getOSType!("faco");
+		const __kFAAttachCommand = getOSType!("atfa");
+		const __kFARemoveCommand = getOSType!("rmfa");
+		const __kFAEditCommand = getOSType!("edfa");
+		const __kFAFileParam = getOSType!("faal");
+		const __kFAIndexParam = getOSType!("indx");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __kAEInternetSuite = getOSType!("gurl");
+		const __kAEISWebStarSuite = getOSType!("x575757B");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __kAEISGetURL = getOSType!("gurl");
+		const __KAEISHandleCGI = getOSType!("sdoc");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __cURL = getOSType!("url ");
+		const __cInternetAddress = getOSType!("IPAD");
+		const __cHTML = getOSType!("html");
+		const __cFTPItem = getOSType!("ftp ");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __kAEISHTTPSearchArgs = getOSType!("kfor");
+		const __kAEISPostArgs = getOSType!("post");
+		const __kAEISMethod = getOSType!("meth");
+		const __kAEISClientAddress = getOSType!("addr");
+		const __kAEISUserName = getOSType!("user");
+		const __kAEISPassword = getOSType!("pass");
+		const __kAEISFromUser = getOSType!("frmu");
+		const __kAEISServerName = getOSType!("svnm");
+		const __kAEISServerPort = getOSType!("svpt");
+		const __kAEISScriptName = getOSType!("scnm");
+		const __kAEISContentType = getOSType!("ctyp");
+		const __kAEISReferrer = getOSType!("refr");
+		const __kAEISUserAgent = getOSType!("Agnt");
+		const __kAEISAction = getOSType!("Kact");
+		const __kAEISActionPath = getOSType!("Kapt");
+		const __kAEISClientIP = getOSType!("Kcip");
+		const __kAEISFullRequest = getOSType!("Kfrq");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __pScheme = getOSType!("pusc");
+		const __pHost = getOSType!("HOST");
+		const __pPath = getOSType!("FTPc");
+		const __pUserName = getOSType!("RAun");
+		const __pUserPassword = getOSType!("RApw");
+		const __pDNSForm = getOSType!("pDNS");
+		const __pURL = getOSType!("pURL");
+		const __pTextEncoding = getOSType!("ptxe");
+		const __pFTPKind = getOSType!("kind");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __eScheme = getOSType!("esch");
+		const __eurlHTTP = getOSType!("http");
+		const __eurlHTTPS = getOSType!("htps");
+		const __eurlFTP = getOSType!("ftp ");
+		const __eurlMail = getOSType!("mail");
+		const __eurlFile = getOSType!("file");
+		const __eurlGopher = getOSType!("gphr");
+		const __eurlTelnet = getOSType!("tlnt");
+		const __eurlNews = getOSType!("news");
+		const __eurlSNews = getOSType!("snws");
+		const __eurlNNTP = getOSType!("nntp");
+		const __eurlMessage = getOSType!("mess");
+		const __eurlMailbox = getOSType!("mbox");
+		const __eurlMulti = getOSType!("mult");
+		const __eurlLaunch = getOSType!("laun");
+		const __eurlAFP = getOSType!("afp ");
+		const __eurlAT = getOSType!("at  ");
+		const __eurlEPPC = getOSType!("eppc");
+		const __eurlRTSP = getOSType!("rtsp");
+		const __eurlIMAP = getOSType!("imap");
+		const __eurlNFS = getOSType!("unfs");
+		const __eurlPOP = getOSType!("upop");
+		const __eurlLDAP = getOSType!("uldp");
+		const __eurlUnknown = getOSType!("url?");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __kConnSuite = getOSType!("macc");
+		const __cDevSpec = getOSType!("cdev");
+		const __cAddressSpec = getOSType!("cadr");
+		const __cADBAddress = getOSType!("cadb");
+		const __cAppleTalkAddress = getOSType!("cat ");
+		const __cBusAddress = getOSType!("cbus");
+		const __cEthernetAddress = getOSType!("cen ");
+		const __cFireWireAddress = getOSType!("cfw ");
+		const __cIPAddress = getOSType!("cip ");
+		const __cLocalTalkAddress = getOSType!("clt ");
+		const __cSCSIAddress = getOSType!("cscs");
+		const __cTokenRingAddress = getOSType!("ctok");
+		const __cUSBAddress = getOSType!("cusb");
+		const __pDeviceType = getOSType!("pdvt");
+		const __pDeviceAddress = getOSType!("pdva");
+		const __pConduit = getOSType!("pcon");
+		const __pProtocol = getOSType!("pprt");
+		const __pATMachine = getOSType!("patm");
+		const __pATZone = getOSType!("patz");
+		const __pATType = getOSType!("patt");
+		const __pDottedDecimal = getOSType!("pipd");
+		const __pDNS = getOSType!("pdns");
+		const __pPort = getOSType!("ppor");
+		const __pNetwork = getOSType!("pnet");
+		const __pNode = getOSType!("pnod");
+		const __pSocket = getOSType!("psoc");
+		const __pSCSIBus = getOSType!("pscb");
+		const __pSCSILUN = getOSType!("pslu");
+		const __eDeviceType = getOSType!("edvt");
+		const __eAddressSpec = getOSType!("eads");
+		const __eConduit = getOSType!("econ");
+		const __eProtocol = getOSType!("epro");
+		const __eADB = getOSType!("eadb");
+		const __eAnalogAudio = getOSType!("epau");
+		const __eAppleTalk = getOSType!("epat");
+		const __eAudioLineIn = getOSType!("ecai");
+		const __eAudioLineOut = getOSType!("ecal");
+		const __eAudioOut = getOSType!("ecao");
+		const __eBus = getOSType!("ebus");
+		const __eCDROM = getOSType!("ecd ");
+		const __eCommSlot = getOSType!("eccm");
+		const __eDigitalAudio = getOSType!("epda");
+		const __eDisplay = getOSType!("edds");
+		const __eDVD = getOSType!("edvd");
+		const __eEthernet = getOSType!("ecen");
+		const __eFireWire = getOSType!("ecfw");
+		const __eFloppy = getOSType!("efd ");
+		const __eHD = getOSType!("ehd ");
+		const __eInfrared = getOSType!("ecir");
+		const __eIP = getOSType!("epip");
+		const __eIrDA = getOSType!("epir");
+		const __eIRTalk = getOSType!("epit");
+		const __eKeyboard = getOSType!("ekbd");
+		const __eLCD = getOSType!("edlc");
+		const __eLocalTalk = getOSType!("eclt");
+		const __eMacIP = getOSType!("epmi");
+		const __eMacVideo = getOSType!("epmv");
+		const __eMicrophone = getOSType!("ecmi");
+		const __eModemPort = getOSType!("ecmp");
+		const __eModemPrinterPort = getOSType!("empp");
+		const __eModem = getOSType!("edmm");
+		const __eMonitorOut = getOSType!("ecmn");
+		const __eMouse = getOSType!("emou");
+		const __eNuBusCard = getOSType!("ednb");
+		const __eNuBus = getOSType!("enub");
+		const __ePCcard = getOSType!("ecpc");
+		const __ePCIbus = getOSType!("ecpi");
+		const __ePCIcard = getOSType!("edpi");
+		const __ePDSslot = getOSType!("ecpd");
+		const __ePDScard = getOSType!("epds");
+		const __ePointingDevice = getOSType!("edpd");
+		const __ePostScript = getOSType!("epps");
+		const __ePPP = getOSType!("eppp");
+		const __ePrinterPort = getOSType!("ecpp");
+		const __ePrinter = getOSType!("edpr");
+		const __eSvideo = getOSType!("epsv");
+		const __eSCSI = getOSType!("ecsc");
+		const __eSerial = getOSType!("epsr");
+		const __eSpeakers = getOSType!("edsp");
+		const __eStorageDevice = getOSType!("edst");
+		const __eSVGA = getOSType!("epsg");
+		const __eTokenRing = getOSType!("etok");
+		const __eTrackball = getOSType!("etrk");
+		const __eTrackpad = getOSType!("edtp");
+		const __eUSB = getOSType!("ecus");
+		const __eVideoIn = getOSType!("ecvi");
+		const __eVideoMonitor = getOSType!("edvm");
+		const __eVideoOut = getOSType!("ecvo");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __cKeystroke = getOSType!("kprs");
+		const __pKeystrokeKey = getOSType!("kMsg");
+		const __pModifiers = getOSType!("kMod");
+		const __pKeyKind = getOSType!("kknd");
+		const __eModifiers = getOSType!("eMds");
+		const __eOptionDown = getOSType!("Kopt");
+		const __eCommandDown = getOSType!("Kcmd");
+		const __eControlDown = getOSType!("Kctl");
+		const __eShiftDown = getOSType!("Ksft");
+		const __eCapsLockDown = getOSType!("Kclk");
+		const __eKeyKind = getOSType!("ekst");
+		const __eEscapeKey = getOSType!("x6B73350");
+		const __eDeleteKey = getOSType!("x6B73330");
+		const __eTabKey = getOSType!("x6B73300");
+		const __eReturnKey = getOSType!("x6B73240");
+		const __eClearKey = getOSType!("x6B73470");
+		const __eEnterKey = getOSType!("x6B734C0");
+		const __eUpArrowKey = getOSType!("x6B737E0");
+		const __eDownArrowKey = getOSType!("x6B737D0");
+		const __eLeftArrowKey = getOSType!("x6B737B0");
+		const __eRightArrowKey = getOSType!("x6B737C0");
+		const __eHelpKey = getOSType!("x6B73720");
+		const __eHomeKey = getOSType!("x6B73730");
+		const __ePageUpKey = getOSType!("x6B73740");
+		const __ePageDownKey = getOSType!("x6B73790");
+		const __eForwardDelKey = getOSType!("x6B73750");
+		const __eEndKey = getOSType!("x6B73770");
+		const __eF1Key = getOSType!("x6B737A0");
+		const __eF2Key = getOSType!("x6B73780");
+		const __eF3Key = getOSType!("x6B73630");
+		const __eF4Key = getOSType!("x6B73760");
+		const __eF5Key = getOSType!("x6B73600");
+		const __eF6Key = getOSType!("x6B73610");
+		const __eF7Key = getOSType!("x6B73620");
+		const __eF8Key = getOSType!("x6B73640");
+		const __eF9Key = getOSType!("x6B73650");
+		const __eF10Key = getOSType!("x6B736D0");
+		const __eF11Key = getOSType!("x6B73670");
+		const __eF12Key = getOSType!("x6B736F0");
+		const __eF13Key = getOSType!("x6B73690");
+		const __eF14Key = getOSType!("x6B736B0");
+		const __eF15Key = getOSType!("x6B73710");
+	}
+// This is needed otherwise the enums will fail compiling with gdc
+version (GNU)
+	private
+	{
+		const __keyAELaunchedAsLogInItem = getOSType!("lgit");
+		const __keyAELaunchedAsServiceItem = getOSType!("svit");
+	}
+	cAEList = getOSType!("list"),
+	cApplication = getOSType!("capp"),
+	cArc = getOSType!("carc"),
+	cBoolean = getOSType!("bool"),
+	cCell = getOSType!("ccel"),
+	cChar = getOSType!("cha "),
+	cColorTable = getOSType!("clrt"),
+	cColumn = getOSType!("ccol"),
+	cDocument = getOSType!("docu"),
+	cDrawingArea = getOSType!("cdrw"),
+	cEnumeration = getOSType!("enum"),
+	cFile = getOSType!("file"),
+	cFixed = getOSType!("fixd"),
+	cFixedPoint = getOSType!("fpnt"),
+	cFixedRectangle = getOSType!("frct"),
+	cGraphicLine = getOSType!("glin"),
+	cGraphicObject = getOSType!("cgob"),
+	cGraphicShape = getOSType!("cgsh"),
+	cGraphicText = getOSType!("cgtx"),
+	cGroupedGraphic = getOSType!("cpic")
+	cInsertionLoc = getOSType!("insl"),
+	cInsertionPoint = getOSType!("cins"),
+	cIntlText = getOSType!("itxt"),
+	cIntlWritingCode = getOSType!("intl"),
+	cItem = getOSType!("citm"),
+	cLine = getOSType!("clin"),
+	cLongDateTime = getOSType!("ldt "),
+	cLongFixed = getOSType!("lfxd"),
+	cLongFixedPoint = getOSType!("lfpt"),
+	cLongFixedRectangle = getOSType!("lfrc"),
+	cLongInteger = getOSType!("long"),
+	cLongPoint = getOSType!("lpnt"),
+	cLongRectangle = getOSType!("lrct"),
+	cMachineLoc = getOSType!("mLoc"),
+	cMenu = getOSType!("cmnu"),
+	cMenuItem = getOSType!("cmen"),
+	cObject = getOSType!("cobj"),
+	cObjectSpecifier = getOSType!("obj "),
+	cOpenableObject = getOSType!("coob"),
+	cOval = getOSType!("covl")
+	cParagraph = getOSType!("cpar"),
+	cPICT = getOSType!("PICT"),
+	cPixel = getOSType!("cpxl"),
+	cPixelMap = getOSType!("cpix"),
+	cPolygon = getOSType!("cpgn"),
+	cProperty = getOSType!("prop"),
+	cQDPoint = getOSType!("QDpt"),
+	cQDRectangle = getOSType!("qdrt"),
+	cRectangle = getOSType!("crec"),
+	cRGBColor = getOSType!("cRGB"),
+	cRotation = getOSType!("trot"),
+	cRoundedRectangle = getOSType!("crrc"),
+	cRow = getOSType!("crow"),
+	cSelection = getOSType!("csel"),
+	cShortInteger = getOSType!("shor"),
+	cTable = getOSType!("ctbl"),
+	cText = getOSType!("ctxt"),
+	cTextFlow = getOSType!("cflo"),
+	cTextStyles = getOSType!("tsty"),
+	cType = getOSType!("type")
+	cVersion = getOSType!("vers"),
+	cWindow = getOSType!("cwin"),
+	cWord = getOSType!("cwor"),
+	enumArrows = getOSType!("arro"),
+	enumJustification = getOSType!("just"),
+	enumKeyForm = getOSType!("kfrm"),
+	enumPosition = getOSType!("posi"),
+	enumProtection = getOSType!("prtn"),
+	enumQuality = getOSType!("qual"),
+	enumSaveOptions = getOSType!("savo"),
+	enumStyle = getOSType!("styl"),
+	enumTransferMode = getOSType!("tran"),
+	kAEAbout = getOSType!("abou"),
+	kAEAfter = getOSType!("afte"),
+	kAEAliasSelection = getOSType!("sali"),
+	kAEAllCaps = getOSType!("alcp"),
+	kAEArrowAtEnd = getOSType!("aren"),
+	kAEArrowAtStart = getOSType!("arst"),
+	kAEArrowBothEnds = getOSType!("arbo")
+	kAEAsk = getOSType!("ask "),
+	kAEBefore = getOSType!("befo"),
+	kAEBeginning = getOSType!("bgng"),
+	kAEBeginsWith = getOSType!("bgwt"),
+	kAEBeginTransaction = getOSType!("begi"),
+	kAEBold = getOSType!("bold"),
+	kAECaseSensEquals = getOSType!("cseq"),
+	kAECentered = getOSType!("cent"),
+	kAEChangeView = getOSType!("view"),
+	kAEClone = getOSType!("clon"),
+	kAEClose = getOSType!("clos"),
+	kAECondensed = getOSType!("cond"),
+	kAEContains = getOSType!("cont"),
+	kAECopy = getOSType!("copy"),
+	kAECoreSuite = getOSType!("core"),
+	kAECountElements = getOSType!("cnte"),
+	kAECreateElement = getOSType!("crel"),
+	kAECreatePublisher = getOSType!("cpub"),
+	kAECut = getOSType!("cut "),
+	kAEDelete = getOSType!("delo")
+	kAEDoObjectsExist = getOSType!("doex"),
+	kAEDoScript = getOSType!("dosc"),
+	kAEDrag = getOSType!("drag"),
+	kAEDuplicateSelection = getOSType!("sdup"),
+	kAEEditGraphic = getOSType!("edit"),
+	kAEEmptyTrash = getOSType!("empt"),
+	kAEEnd = getOSType!("end "),
+	kAEEndsWith = getOSType!("ends"),
+	kAEEndTransaction = getOSType!("endt"),
+	kAEEquals = getOSType!("=   "),
+	kAEExpanded = getOSType!("pexp"),
+	kAEFast = getOSType!("fast"),
+	kAEFinderEvents = getOSType!("FNDR"),
+	kAEFormulaProtect = getOSType!("fpro"),
+	kAEFullyJustified = getOSType!("full"),
+	kAEGetClassInfo = getOSType!("qobj"),
+	kAEGetData = getOSType!("getd"),
+	kAEGetDataSize = getOSType!("dsiz"),
+	kAEGetEventInfo = getOSType!("gtei"),
+	kAEGetInfoSelection = getOSType!("sinf")
+	kAEGetPrivilegeSelection = getOSType!("sprv"),
+	kAEGetSuiteInfo = getOSType!("gtsi"),
+	kAEGreaterThan = getOSType!(">   "),
+	kAEGreaterThanEquals = getOSType!(">=  "),
+	kAEGrow = getOSType!("grow"),
+	kAEHidden = getOSType!("hidn"),
+	kAEHiQuality = getOSType!("hiqu"),
+	kAEImageGraphic = getOSType!("imgr"),
+	kAEIsUniform = getOSType!("isun"),
+	kAEItalic = getOSType!("ital"),
+	kAELeftJustified = getOSType!("left"),
+	kAELessThan = getOSType!("<   "),
+	kAELessThanEquals = getOSType!("<=  "),
+	kAELowercase = getOSType!("lowc"),
+	kAEMakeObjectsVisible = getOSType!("mvis"),
+	kAEMiscStandards = getOSType!("misc"),
+	kAEModifiable = getOSType!("modf"),
+	kAEMove = getOSType!("move"),
+	kAENo = getOSType!("no  "),
+	kAENoArrow = getOSType!("arno")
+	kAENonmodifiable = getOSType!("nmod"),
+	kAEOpen = getOSType!("odoc"),
+	kAEOpenSelection = getOSType!("sope"),
+	kAEOutline = getOSType!("outl"),
+	kAEPageSetup = getOSType!("pgsu"),
+	kAEPaste = getOSType!("past"),
+	kAEPlain = getOSType!("plan"),
+	kAEPrint = getOSType!("pdoc"),
+	kAEPrintSelection = getOSType!("spri"),
+	kAEPrintWindow = getOSType!("pwin"),
+	kAEPutAwaySelection = getOSType!("sput"),
+	kAEQDAddOver = getOSType!("addo"),
+	kAEQDAddPin = getOSType!("addp"),
+	kAEQDAdMax = getOSType!("admx"),
+	kAEQDAdMin = getOSType!("admn"),
+	kAEQDBic = getOSType!("bic "),
+	kAEQDBlend = getOSType!("blnd"),
+	kAEQDCopy = getOSType!("cpy "),
+	kAEQDNotBic = getOSType!("nbic"),
+	kAEQDNotCopy = getOSType!("ncpy")
+	kAEQDNotOr = getOSType!("ntor"),
+	kAEQDNotXor = getOSType!("nxor"),
+	kAEQDOr = getOSType!("or  "),
+	kAEQDSubOver = getOSType!("subo"),
+	kAEQDSubPin = getOSType!("subp"),
+	kAEQDSupplementalSuite = getOSType!("qdsp"),
+	kAEQDXor = getOSType!("xor "),
+	kAEQuickdrawSuite = getOSType!("qdrw"),
+	kAEQuitAll = getOSType!("quia"),
+	kAERedo = getOSType!("redo"),
+	kAERegular = getOSType!("regl"),
+	kAEReopenApplication = getOSType!("rapp"),
+	kAEReplace = getOSType!("rplc"),
+	kAERequiredSuite = getOSType!("reqd"),
+	kAERestart = getOSType!("rest"),
+	kAERevealSelection = getOSType!("srev"),
+	kAERevert = getOSType!("rvrt"),
+	kAERightJustified = getOSType!("rght"),
+	kAESave = getOSType!("save"),
+	kAESelect = getOSType!("slct"),
+	kAESetData = getOSType!("setd")
+	kAESetPosition = getOSType!("posn"),
+	kAEShadow = getOSType!("shad"),
+	kAEShowClipboard = getOSType!("shcl"),
+	kAEShutDown = getOSType!("shut"),
+	kAESleep = getOSType!("slep"),
+	kAESmallCaps = getOSType!("smcp"),
+	kAESpecialClassProperties = getOSType!("c@#!"),
+	kAEStrikethrough = getOSType!("strk"),
+	kAESubscript = getOSType!("sbsc"),
+	kAESuperscript = getOSType!("spsc"),
+	kAETableSuite = getOSType!("tbls"),
+	kAETextSuite = getOSType!("TEXT"),
+	kAETransactionTerminated = getOSType!("ttrm"),
+	kAEUnderline = getOSType!("undl"),
+	kAEUndo = getOSType!("undo"),
+	kAEWholeWordEquals = getOSType!("wweq"),
+	kAEYes = getOSType!("yes "),
+	kAEZoom = getOSType!("zoom")
+	kAELogOut = getOSType!("logo"),
+	kAEReallyLogOut = getOSType!("rlgo"),
+	kAEShowRestartDialog = getOSType!("rrst"),
+	kAEShowShutdownDialog = getOSType!("rsdn")
+	kAEMouseClass = getOSType!("mous"),
+	kAEDown = getOSType!("down"),
+	kAEUp = getOSType!("up  "),
+	kAEMoved = getOSType!("move"),
+	kAEStoppedMoving = getOSType!("stop"),
+	kAEWindowClass = getOSType!("wind"),
+	kAEUpdate = getOSType!("updt"),
+	kAEActivate = getOSType!("actv"),
+	kAEDeactivate = getOSType!("dact"),
+	kAECommandClass = getOSType!("cmnd"),
+	kAEKeyClass = getOSType!("keyc"),
+	kAERawKey = getOSType!("rkey"),
+	kAEVirtualKey = getOSType!("keyc"),
+	kAENavigationKey = getOSType!("nave"),
+	kAEAutoDown = getOSType!("auto"),
+	kAEApplicationClass = getOSType!("appl"),
+	kAESuspend = getOSType!("susp"),
+	kAEResume = getOSType!("rsme"),
+	kAEDiskEvent = getOSType!("disk"),
+	kAENullEvent = getOSType!("null"),
+	kAEWakeUpEvent = getOSType!("wake"),
+	kAEScrapEvent = getOSType!("scrp"),
+	kAEHighLevel = getOSType!("high")
+	keyAEAngle = getOSType!("kang"),
+	keyAEArcAngle = getOSType!("parc")
+	keyAEBaseAddr = getOSType!("badd"),
+	keyAEBestType = getOSType!("pbst"),
+	keyAEBgndColor = getOSType!("kbcl"),
+	keyAEBgndPattern = getOSType!("kbpt"),
+	keyAEBounds = getOSType!("pbnd"),
+	keyAECellList = getOSType!("kclt"),
+	keyAEClassID = getOSType!("clID"),
+	keyAEColor = getOSType!("colr"),
+	keyAEColorTable = getOSType!("cltb"),
+	keyAECurveHeight = getOSType!("kchd"),
+	keyAECurveWidth = getOSType!("kcwd"),
+	keyAEDashStyle = getOSType!("pdst"),
+	keyAEData = getOSType!("data"),
+	keyAEDefaultType = getOSType!("deft"),
+	keyAEDefinitionRect = getOSType!("pdrt"),
+	keyAEDescType = getOSType!("dstp"),
+	keyAEDestination = getOSType!("dest"),
+	keyAEDoAntiAlias = getOSType!("anta"),
+	keyAEDoDithered = getOSType!("gdit"),
+	keyAEDoRotate = getOSType!("kdrt")
+	keyAEDoScale = getOSType!("ksca"),
+	keyAEDoTranslate = getOSType!("ktra"),
+	keyAEEditionFileLoc = getOSType!("eloc"),
+	keyAEElements = getOSType!("elms"),
+	keyAEEndPoint = getOSType!("pend"),
+	keyAEEventClass = getOSType!("evcl"),
+	keyAEEventID = getOSType!("evti"),
+	keyAEFile = getOSType!("kfil"),
+	keyAEFileType = getOSType!("fltp"),
+	keyAEFillColor = getOSType!("flcl"),
+	keyAEFillPattern = getOSType!("flpt"),
+	keyAEFlipHorizontal = getOSType!("kfho"),
+	keyAEFlipVertical = getOSType!("kfvt"),
+	keyAEFont = getOSType!("font"),
+	keyAEFormula = getOSType!("pfor"),
+	keyAEGraphicObjects = getOSType!("gobs"),
+	keyAEID = getOSType!("ID  "),
+	keyAEImageQuality = getOSType!("gqua"),
+	keyAEInsertHere = getOSType!("insh"),
+	keyAEKeyForms = getOSType!("keyf")
+	keyAEKeyword = getOSType!("kywd"),
+	keyAELevel = getOSType!("levl"),
+	keyAELineArrow = getOSType!("arro"),
+	keyAEName = getOSType!("pnam"),
+	keyAENewElementLoc = getOSType!("pnel"),
+	keyAEObject = getOSType!("kobj"),
+	keyAEObjectClass = getOSType!("kocl"),
+	keyAEOffStyles = getOSType!("ofst"),
+	keyAEOnStyles = getOSType!("onst"),
+	keyAEParameters = getOSType!("prms"),
+	keyAEParamFlags = getOSType!("pmfg"),
+	keyAEPenColor = getOSType!("ppcl"),
+	keyAEPenPattern = getOSType!("pppa"),
+	keyAEPenWidth = getOSType!("ppwd"),
+	keyAEPixelDepth = getOSType!("pdpt"),
+	keyAEPixMapMinus = getOSType!("kpmm"),
+	keyAEPMTable = getOSType!("kpmt"),
+	keyAEPointList = getOSType!("ptlt"),
+	keyAEPointSize = getOSType!("ptsz"),
+	keyAEPosition = getOSType!("kpos")
+	keyAEPropData = getOSType!("prdt"),
+	keyAEProperties = getOSType!("qpro"),
+	keyAEProperty = getOSType!("kprp"),
+	keyAEPropFlags = getOSType!("prfg"),
+	keyAEPropID = getOSType!("prop"),
+	keyAEProtection = getOSType!("ppro"),
+	keyAERenderAs = getOSType!("kren"),
+	keyAERequestedType = getOSType!("rtyp"),
+	keyAEResult = getOSType!("----"),
+	keyAEResultInfo = getOSType!("rsin"),
+	keyAERotation = getOSType!("prot"),
+	keyAERotPoint = getOSType!("krtp"),
+	keyAERowList = getOSType!("krls"),
+	keyAESaveOptions = getOSType!("savo"),
+	keyAEScale = getOSType!("pscl"),
+	keyAEScriptTag = getOSType!("psct"),
+	keyAESearchText = getOSType!("stxt"),
+	keyAEShowWhere = getOSType!("show"),
+	keyAEStartAngle = getOSType!("pang"),
+	keyAEStartPoint = getOSType!("pstp"),
+	keyAEStyles = getOSType!("ksty")
+	keyAESuiteID = getOSType!("suit"),
+	keyAEText = getOSType!("ktxt"),
+	keyAETextColor = getOSType!("ptxc"),
+	keyAETextFont = getOSType!("ptxf"),
+	keyAETextPointSize = getOSType!("ptps"),
+	keyAETextStyles = getOSType!("txst"),
+	keyAETextLineHeight = getOSType!("ktlh"),
+	keyAETextLineAscent = getOSType!("ktas"),
+	keyAETheText = getOSType!("thtx"),
+	keyAETransferMode = getOSType!("pptm"),
+	keyAETranslation = getOSType!("ptrs"),
+	keyAETryAsStructGraf = getOSType!("toog"),
+	keyAEUniformStyles = getOSType!("ustl"),
+	keyAEUpdateOn = getOSType!("pupd"),
+	keyAEUserTerm = getOSType!("utrm"),
+	keyAEWindow = getOSType!("wndw"),
+	keyAEWritingCode = getOSType!("wrcd")
+	keyMiscellaneous = getOSType!("fmsc"),
+	keySelection = getOSType!("fsel"),
+	keyWindow = getOSType!("kwnd"),
+	keyWhen = getOSType!("when"),
+	keyWhere = getOSType!("wher"),
+	keyModifiers = getOSType!("mods"),
+	keyKey = getOSType!("key "),
+	keyKeyCode = getOSType!("code"),
+	keyKeyboard = getOSType!("keyb"),
+	keyDriveNumber = getOSType!("drv#"),
+	keyErrorCode = getOSType!("err#"),
+	keyHighLevelClass = getOSType!("hcls"),
+	keyHighLevelID = getOSType!("hid ")
+	pArcAngle = getOSType!("parc"),
+	pBackgroundColor = getOSType!("pbcl"),
+	pBackgroundPattern = getOSType!("pbpt"),
+	pBestType = getOSType!("pbst"),
+	pBounds = getOSType!("pbnd"),
+	pClass = getOSType!("pcls"),
+	pClipboard = getOSType!("pcli"),
+	pColor = getOSType!("colr"),
+	pColorTable = getOSType!("cltb"),
+	pContents = getOSType!("pcnt"),
+	pCornerCurveHeight = getOSType!("pchd"),
+	pCornerCurveWidth = getOSType!("pcwd"),
+	pDashStyle = getOSType!("pdst"),
+	pDefaultType = getOSType!("deft"),
+	pDefinitionRect = getOSType!("pdrt"),
+	pEnabled = getOSType!("enbl"),
+	pEndPoint = getOSType!("pend"),
+	pFillColor = getOSType!("flcl"),
+	pFillPattern = getOSType!("flpt"),
+	pFont = getOSType!("font")
+	pFormula = getOSType!("pfor"),
+	pGraphicObjects = getOSType!("gobs"),
+	pHasCloseBox = getOSType!("hclb"),
+	pHasTitleBar = getOSType!("ptit"),
+	pID = getOSType!("ID  "),
+	pIndex = getOSType!("pidx"),
+	pInsertionLoc = getOSType!("pins"),
+	pIsFloating = getOSType!("isfl"),
+	pIsFrontProcess = getOSType!("pisf"),
+	pIsModal = getOSType!("pmod"),
+	pIsModified = getOSType!("imod"),
+	pIsResizable = getOSType!("prsz"),
+	pIsStationeryPad = getOSType!("pspd"),
+	pIsZoomable = getOSType!("iszm"),
+	pIsZoomed = getOSType!("pzum"),
+	pItemNumber = getOSType!("itmn"),
+	pJustification = getOSType!("pjst"),
+	pLineArrow = getOSType!("arro"),
+	pMenuID = getOSType!("mnid"),
+	pName = getOSType!("pnam")
+	pNewElementLoc = getOSType!("pnel"),
+	pPenColor = getOSType!("ppcl"),
+	pPenPattern = getOSType!("pppa"),
+	pPenWidth = getOSType!("ppwd"),
+	pPixelDepth = getOSType!("pdpt"),
+	pPointList = getOSType!("ptlt"),
+	pPointSize = getOSType!("ptsz"),
+	pProtection = getOSType!("ppro"),
+	pRotation = getOSType!("prot"),
+	pScale = getOSType!("pscl"),
+	pScript = getOSType!("scpt"),
+	pScriptTag = getOSType!("psct"),
+	pSelected = getOSType!("selc"),
+	pSelection = getOSType!("sele"),
+	pStartAngle = getOSType!("pang"),
+	pStartPoint = getOSType!("pstp"),
+	pTextColor = getOSType!("ptxc"),
+	pTextFont = getOSType!("ptxf"),
+	pTextItemDelimiters = getOSType!("txdl"),
+	pTextPointSize = getOSType!("ptps")
+	pTextStyles = getOSType!("txst"),
+	pTransferMode = getOSType!("pptm"),
+	pTranslation = getOSType!("ptrs"),
+	pUniformStyles = getOSType!("ustl"),
+	pUpdateOn = getOSType!("pupd"),
+	pUserSelection = getOSType!("pusl"),
+	pVersion = getOSType!("vers"),
+	pVisible = getOSType!("pvis")
+	typeAEText = getOSType!("tTXT"),
+	typeArc = getOSType!("carc"),
+	typeBest = getOSType!("best"),
+	typeCell = getOSType!("ccel"),
+	typeClassInfo = getOSType!("gcli"),
+	typeColorTable = getOSType!("clrt"),
+	typeColumn = getOSType!("ccol"),
+	typeDashStyle = getOSType!("tdas"),
+	typeData = getOSType!("tdta"),
+	typeDrawingArea = getOSType!("cdrw"),
+	typeElemInfo = getOSType!("elin"),
+	typeEnumeration = getOSType!("enum"),
+	typeEPS = getOSType!("EPS "),
+	typeEventInfo = getOSType!("evin")
+	typeFinderWindow = getOSType!("fwin"),
+	typeFixedPoint = getOSType!("fpnt"),
+	typeFixedRectangle = getOSType!("frct"),
+	typeGraphicLine = getOSType!("glin"),
+	typeGraphicText = getOSType!("cgtx"),
+	typeGroupedGraphic = getOSType!("cpic"),
+	typeInsertionLoc = getOSType!("insl"),
+	typeIntlText = getOSType!("itxt"),
+	typeIntlWritingCode = getOSType!("intl"),
+	typeLongDateTime = getOSType!("ldt "),
+	typeCFAbsoluteTime = getOSType!("cfat"),
+	typeISO8601DateTime = getOSType!("isot"),
+	typeLongFixed = getOSType!("lfxd"),
+	typeLongFixedPoint = getOSType!("lfpt"),
+	typeLongFixedRectangle = getOSType!("lfrc"),
+	typeLongPoint = getOSType!("lpnt"),
+	typeLongRectangle = getOSType!("lrct"),
+	typeMachineLoc = getOSType!("mLoc"),
+	typeOval = getOSType!("covl"),
+	typeParamInfo = getOSType!("pmin"),
+	typePict = getOSType!("PICT")
+	typePixelMap = getOSType!("cpix"),
+	typePixMapMinus = getOSType!("tpmm"),
+	typePolygon = getOSType!("cpgn"),
+	typePropInfo = getOSType!("pinf"),
+	typePtr = getOSType!("ptr "),
+	typeQDPoint = getOSType!("QDpt"),
+	typeQDRegion = getOSType!("Qrgn"),
+	typeRectangle = getOSType!("crec"),
+	typeRGB16 = getOSType!("tr16"),
+	typeRGB96 = getOSType!("tr96"),
+	typeRGBColor = getOSType!("cRGB"),
+	typeRotation = getOSType!("trot"),
+	typeRoundedRectangle = getOSType!("crrc"),
+	typeRow = getOSType!("crow"),
+	typeScrapStyles = getOSType!("styl"),
+	typeScript = getOSType!("scpt"),
+	typeStyledText = getOSType!("STXT"),
+	typeSuiteInfo = getOSType!("suin"),
+	typeTable = getOSType!("ctbl"),
+	typeTextStyles = getOSType!("tsty")
+	typeTIFF = getOSType!("TIFF"),
+	typeJPEG = getOSType!("JPEG"),
+	typeGIF = getOSType!("GIFf"),
+	typeVersion = getOSType!("vers")
+	kAEMenuClass = getOSType!("menu"),
+	kAEMenuSelect = getOSType!("mhit"),
+	kAEMouseDown = getOSType!("mdwn"),
+	kAEMouseDownInBack = getOSType!("mdbk"),
+	kAEKeyDown = getOSType!("kdwn"),
+	kAEResized = getOSType!("rsiz"),
+	kAEPromise = getOSType!("prom")
+	keyMenuID = getOSType!("mid "),
+	keyMenuItem = getOSType!("mitm"),
+	keyCloseAllWindows = getOSType!("caw "),
+	keyOriginalBounds = getOSType!("obnd"),
+	keyNewBounds = getOSType!("nbnd"),
+	keyLocalWhere = getOSType!("lwhr")
+	typeHIMenu = getOSType!("mobj"),
+	typeHIWindow = getOSType!("wobj")
+	kBySmallIcon = 0,
+	kByIconView = 1,
+	kByNameView = 2,
+	kByDateView = 3,
+	kBySizeView = 4,
+	kByKindView = 5,
+	kByCommentView = 6,
+	kByLabelView = 7,
+	kByVersionView = 8
+	kAEInfo = 11,
+	kAEMain = 0,
+	kAESharing = 13
+	kAEZoomIn = 7,
+	kAEZoomOut = 8
+	kTextServiceClass = getOSType!("tsvc"),
+	kUpdateActiveInputArea = getOSType!("updt"),
+	kShowHideInputWindow = getOSType!("shiw"),
+	kPos2Offset = getOSType!("p2st"),
+	kOffset2Pos = getOSType!("st2p"),
+	kUnicodeNotFromInputMethod = getOSType!("unim"),
+	kGetSelectedText = getOSType!("gtxt"),
+	keyAETSMDocumentRefcon = getOSType!("refc"),
+	keyAEServerInstance = getOSType!("srvi"),
+	keyAETheData = getOSType!("kdat"),
+	keyAEFixLength = getOSType!("fixl"),
+	keyAEUpdateRange = getOSType!("udng"),
+	keyAECurrentPoint = getOSType!("cpos"),
+	keyAEBufferSize = getOSType!("buff"),
+	keyAEMoveView = getOSType!("mvvw"),
+	keyAENextBody = getOSType!("nxbd"),
+	keyAETSMScriptTag = getOSType!("sclg"),
+	keyAETSMTextFont = getOSType!("ktxf"),
+	keyAETSMTextFMFont = getOSType!("ktxm"),
+	keyAETSMTextPointSize = getOSType!("ktps"),
+	keyAETSMEventRecord = getOSType!("tevt"),
+	keyAETSMEventRef = getOSType!("tevr"),
+	keyAETextServiceEncoding = getOSType!("tsen"),
+	keyAETextServiceMacEncoding = getOSType!("tmen"),
+	keyAETSMGlyphInfoArray = getOSType!("tgia"),
+	typeTextRange = getOSType!("txrn"),
+	typeComponentInstance = getOSType!("cmpi"),
+	typeOffsetArray = getOSType!("ofay"),
+	typeTextRangeArray = getOSType!("tray"),
+	typeLowLevelEventRecord = getOSType!("evtr"),
+	typeGlyphInfoArray = getOSType!("glia"),
+	typeEventRef = getOSType!("evrf"),
+	typeText = getOSType!("ypeCha")
+	kTSMOutsideOfBody = 1,
+	kTSMInsideOfBody = 2,
+	kTSMInsideOfActiveInputArea = 3
+	kNextBody = 1,
+	kPreviousBody = 2
+	kTSMHiliteCaretPosition = 1,
+	kTSMHiliteRawText = 2,
+	kTSMHiliteSelectedRawText = 3,
+	kTSMHiliteConvertedText = 4,
+	kTSMHiliteSelectedConvertedText = 5,
+	kTSMHiliteBlockFillText = 6,
+	kTSMHiliteOutlineText = 7,
+	kTSMHiliteSelectedText = 8,
+	kTSMHiliteNoHilite = 9
+	keyAEHiliteRange = getOSType!("hrng"),
+	keyAEPinRange = getOSType!("pnrg"),
+	keyAEClauseOffsets = getOSType!("clau"),
+	keyAEOffset = getOSType!("ofst"),
+	keyAEPoint = getOSType!("gpos"),
+	keyAELeftSide = getOSType!("klef"),
+	keyAERegionClass = getOSType!("rgnc"),
+	keyAEDragging = getOSType!("bool")
+	typeMeters = getOSType!("metr"),
+	typeInches = getOSType!("inch"),
+	typeFeet = getOSType!("feet"),
+	typeYards = getOSType!("yard"),
+	typeMiles = getOSType!("mile"),
+	typeKilometers = getOSType!("kmtr"),
+	typeCentimeters = getOSType!("cmtr"),
+	typeSquareMeters = getOSType!("sqrm"),
+	typeSquareFeet = getOSType!("sqft"),
+	typeSquareYards = getOSType!("sqyd"),
+	typeSquareMiles = getOSType!("sqmi"),
+	typeSquareKilometers = getOSType!("sqkm"),
+	typeLiters = getOSType!("litr"),
+	typeQuarts = getOSType!("qrts"),
+	typeGallons = getOSType!("galn"),
+	typeCubicMeters = getOSType!("cmet"),
+	typeCubicFeet = getOSType!("cfet"),
+	typeCubicInches = getOSType!("cuin"),
+	typeCubicCentimeter = getOSType!("ccmt"),
+	typeCubicYards = getOSType!("cyrd"),
+	typeKilograms = getOSType!("kgrm"),
+	typeGrams = getOSType!("gram"),
+	typeOunces = getOSType!("ozs "),
+	typePounds = getOSType!("lbs "),
+	typeDegreesC = getOSType!("degc"),
+	typeDegreesF = getOSType!("degf"),
+	typeDegreesK = getOSType!("degk")
+	kFAServerApp = getOSType!("ssrv"),
+	kDoFolderActionEvent = getOSType!("fola"),
+	kFolderActionCode = getOSType!("actn"),
+	kFolderOpenedEvent = getOSType!("fopn"),
+	kFolderClosedEvent = getOSType!("fclo"),
+	kFolderWindowMovedEvent = getOSType!("fsiz"),
+	kFolderItemsAddedEvent = getOSType!("fget"),
+	kFolderItemsRemovedEvent = getOSType!("flos"),
+	kItemList = getOSType!("flst"),
+	kNewSizeParameter = getOSType!("fnsz"),
+	kFASuiteCode = getOSType!("faco"),
+	kFAAttachCommand = getOSType!("atfa"),
+	kFARemoveCommand = getOSType!("rmfa"),
+	kFAEditCommand = getOSType!("edfa"),
+	kFAFileParam = getOSType!("faal"),
+	kFAIndexParam = getOSType!("indx")
+	kAEInternetSuite = getOSType!("gurl"),
+	kAEISWebStarSuite = getOSType!("x575757B")
+	kAEISGetURL = getOSType!("gurl"),
+	KAEISHandleCGI = getOSType!("sdoc")
+	cURL = getOSType!("url "),
+	cInternetAddress = getOSType!("IPAD"),
+	cHTML = getOSType!("html"),
+	cFTPItem = getOSType!("ftp ")
+	kAEISHTTPSearchArgs = getOSType!("kfor"),
+	kAEISPostArgs = getOSType!("post"),
+	kAEISMethod = getOSType!("meth"),
+	kAEISClientAddress = getOSType!("addr"),
+	kAEISUserName = getOSType!("user"),
+	kAEISPassword = getOSType!("pass"),
+	kAEISFromUser = getOSType!("frmu"),
+	kAEISServerName = getOSType!("svnm"),
+	kAEISServerPort = getOSType!("svpt"),
+	kAEISScriptName = getOSType!("scnm"),
+	kAEISContentType = getOSType!("ctyp"),
+	kAEISReferrer = getOSType!("refr"),
+	kAEISUserAgent = getOSType!("Agnt"),
+	kAEISAction = getOSType!("Kact"),
+	kAEISActionPath = getOSType!("Kapt"),
+	kAEISClientIP = getOSType!("Kcip"),
+	kAEISFullRequest = getOSType!("Kfrq")
+	pScheme = getOSType!("pusc"),
+	pHost = getOSType!("HOST"),
+	pPath = getOSType!("FTPc"),
+	pUserName = getOSType!("RAun"),
+	pUserPassword = getOSType!("RApw"),
+	pDNSForm = getOSType!("pDNS"),
+	pURL = getOSType!("pURL"),
+	pTextEncoding = getOSType!("ptxe"),
+	pFTPKind = getOSType!("kind")
+	eScheme = getOSType!("esch"),
+	eurlHTTP = getOSType!("http"),
+	eurlHTTPS = getOSType!("htps"),
+	eurlFTP = getOSType!("ftp "),
+	eurlMail = getOSType!("mail"),
+	eurlFile = getOSType!("file"),
+	eurlGopher = getOSType!("gphr"),
+	eurlTelnet = getOSType!("tlnt"),
+	eurlNews = getOSType!("news"),
+	eurlSNews = getOSType!("snws"),
+	eurlNNTP = getOSType!("nntp"),
+	eurlMessage = getOSType!("mess"),
+	eurlMailbox = getOSType!("mbox"),
+	eurlMulti = getOSType!("mult"),
+	eurlLaunch = getOSType!("laun"),
+	eurlAFP = getOSType!("afp "),
+	eurlAT = getOSType!("at  "),
+	eurlEPPC = getOSType!("eppc"),
+	eurlRTSP = getOSType!("rtsp"),
+	eurlIMAP = getOSType!("imap"),
+	eurlNFS = getOSType!("unfs"),
+	eurlPOP = getOSType!("upop"),
+	eurlLDAP = getOSType!("uldp"),
+	eurlUnknown = getOSType!("url?")
+	kConnSuite = getOSType!("macc"),
+	cDevSpec = getOSType!("cdev"),
+	cAddressSpec = getOSType!("cadr"),
+	cADBAddress = getOSType!("cadb"),
+	cAppleTalkAddress = getOSType!("cat "),
+	cBusAddress = getOSType!("cbus"),
+	cEthernetAddress = getOSType!("cen "),
+	cFireWireAddress = getOSType!("cfw "),
+	cIPAddress = getOSType!("cip "),
+	cLocalTalkAddress = getOSType!("clt "),
+	cSCSIAddress = getOSType!("cscs"),
+	cTokenRingAddress = getOSType!("ctok"),
+	cUSBAddress = getOSType!("cusb"),
+	pDeviceType = getOSType!("pdvt"),
+	pDeviceAddress = getOSType!("pdva"),
+	pConduit = getOSType!("pcon"),
+	pProtocol = getOSType!("pprt"),
+	pATMachine = getOSType!("patm"),
+	pATZone = getOSType!("patz"),
+	pATType = getOSType!("patt"),
+	pDottedDecimal = getOSType!("pipd"),
+	pDNS = getOSType!("pdns"),
+	pPort = getOSType!("ppor"),
+	pNetwork = getOSType!("pnet"),
+	pNode = getOSType!("pnod"),
+	pSocket = getOSType!("psoc"),
+	pSCSIBus = getOSType!("pscb"),
+	pSCSILUN = getOSType!("pslu"),
+	eDeviceType = getOSType!("edvt"),
+	eAddressSpec = getOSType!("eads"),
+	eConduit = getOSType!("econ"),
+	eProtocol = getOSType!("epro"),
+	eADB = getOSType!("eadb"),
+	eAnalogAudio = getOSType!("epau"),
+	eAppleTalk = getOSType!("epat"),
+	eAudioLineIn = getOSType!("ecai"),
+	eAudioLineOut = getOSType!("ecal"),
+	eAudioOut = getOSType!("ecao"),
+	eBus = getOSType!("ebus"),
+	eCDROM = getOSType!("ecd "),
+	eCommSlot = getOSType!("eccm"),
+	eDigitalAudio = getOSType!("epda"),
+	eDisplay = getOSType!("edds"),
+	eDVD = getOSType!("edvd"),
+	eEthernet = getOSType!("ecen"),
+	eFireWire = getOSType!("ecfw"),
+	eFloppy = getOSType!("efd "),
+	eHD = getOSType!("ehd "),
+	eInfrared = getOSType!("ecir"),
+	eIP = getOSType!("epip"),
+	eIrDA = getOSType!("epir"),
+	eIRTalk = getOSType!("epit"),
+	eKeyboard = getOSType!("ekbd"),
+	eLCD = getOSType!("edlc"),
+	eLocalTalk = getOSType!("eclt"),
+	eMacIP = getOSType!("epmi"),
+	eMacVideo = getOSType!("epmv"),
+	eMicrophone = getOSType!("ecmi"),
+	eModemPort = getOSType!("ecmp"),
+	eModemPrinterPort = getOSType!("empp"),
+	eModem = getOSType!("edmm"),
+	eMonitorOut = getOSType!("ecmn"),
+	eMouse = getOSType!("emou"),
+	eNuBusCard = getOSType!("ednb"),
+	eNuBus = getOSType!("enub"),
+	ePCcard = getOSType!("ecpc"),
+	ePCIbus = getOSType!("ecpi"),
+	ePCIcard = getOSType!("edpi"),
+	ePDSslot = getOSType!("ecpd"),
+	ePDScard = getOSType!("epds"),
+	ePointingDevice = getOSType!("edpd"),
+	ePostScript = getOSType!("epps"),
+	ePPP = getOSType!("eppp"),
+	ePrinterPort = getOSType!("ecpp"),
+	ePrinter = getOSType!("edpr"),
+	eSvideo = getOSType!("epsv"),
+	eSCSI = getOSType!("ecsc"),
+	eSerial = getOSType!("epsr"),
+	eSpeakers = getOSType!("edsp"),
+	eStorageDevice = getOSType!("edst"),
+	eSVGA = getOSType!("epsg"),
+	eTokenRing = getOSType!("etok"),
+	eTrackball = getOSType!("etrk"),
+	eTrackpad = getOSType!("edtp"),
+	eUSB = getOSType!("ecus"),
+	eVideoIn = getOSType!("ecvi"),
+	eVideoMonitor = getOSType!("edvm"),
+	eVideoOut = getOSType!("ecvo")
+	cKeystroke = getOSType!("kprs"),
+	pKeystrokeKey = getOSType!("kMsg"),
+	pModifiers = getOSType!("kMod"),
+	pKeyKind = getOSType!("kknd"),
+	eModifiers = getOSType!("eMds"),
+	eOptionDown = getOSType!("Kopt"),
+	eCommandDown = getOSType!("Kcmd"),
+	eControlDown = getOSType!("Kctl"),
+	eShiftDown = getOSType!("Ksft"),
+	eCapsLockDown = getOSType!("Kclk"),
+	eKeyKind = getOSType!("ekst"),
+	eEscapeKey = getOSType!("x6B73350"),
+	eDeleteKey = getOSType!("x6B73330"),
+	eTabKey = getOSType!("x6B73300"),
+	eReturnKey = getOSType!("x6B73240"),
+	eClearKey = getOSType!("x6B73470"),
+	eEnterKey = getOSType!("x6B734C0"),
+	eUpArrowKey = getOSType!("x6B737E0"),
+	eDownArrowKey = getOSType!("x6B737D0"),
+	eLeftArrowKey = getOSType!("x6B737B0"),
+	eRightArrowKey = getOSType!("x6B737C0"),
+	eHelpKey = getOSType!("x6B73720"),
+	eHomeKey = getOSType!("x6B73730"),
+	ePageUpKey = getOSType!("x6B73740"),
+	ePageDownKey = getOSType!("x6B73790"),
+	eForwardDelKey = getOSType!("x6B73750"),
+	eEndKey = getOSType!("x6B73770"),
+	eF1Key = getOSType!("x6B737A0"),
+	eF2Key = getOSType!("x6B73780"),
+	eF3Key = getOSType!("x6B73630"),
+	eF4Key = getOSType!("x6B73760"),
+	eF5Key = getOSType!("x6B73600"),
+	eF6Key = getOSType!("x6B73610"),
+	eF7Key = getOSType!("x6B73620"),
+	eF8Key = getOSType!("x6B73640"),
+	eF9Key = getOSType!("x6B73650"),
+	eF10Key = getOSType!("x6B736D0"),
+	eF11Key = getOSType!("x6B73670"),
+	eF12Key = getOSType!("x6B736F0"),
+	eF13Key = getOSType!("x6B73690"),
+	eF14Key = getOSType!("x6B736B0"),
+	eF15Key = getOSType!("x6B73710")
+	keyAELaunchedAsLogInItem = getOSType!("lgit"),
+	keyAELaunchedAsServiceItem = getOSType!("svit")
+struct TextRange
+	int fStart;
+	int fEnd;
+	short fHiliteStyle;
+struct TextRangeArray
+	short fNumOfRanges;
+	TextRange* fRange;
+struct OffsetArray
+	short fNumOfOffsets;
+	SInt32* fOffset;
+struct WritingCode
+	short theScriptCode;
+	short theLangCode;
+struct IntlText
+	short theScriptCode;
+	short theLangCode;
+	char* theText;