view dreactor/core/ConnectionHandler.d @ 5:f875a1f278b8

author rick@minifunk
date Tue, 08 Jul 2008 12:16:07 -0400
parents e3dbc9208822
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line source

module dreactor.core.ConnectionHandler;

import tango.util.collection.CircularSeq;
public  import  tango.core.Exception;
import dreactor.transport.AsyncSocketConduit;

import tango.util.log.Log;
import tango.util.log.Config;

alias bool delegate(ConnectionHandler) RegisterD;

alias int delegate(ConnectionHandler)   IncomingHandlerD;
alias int delegate(ConnectionHandler)   OutgoingHandlerD;
alias int delegate(ConnectionHandler, RegisterD)    ErrorHandlerD;
alias int delegate(ConnectionHandler)   DisconnectHandlerD;
alias int delegate(Conduit, RegisterD)  ConnectHandlerD;

alias int function(ConnectionHandler)   IncomingHandlerF;
alias int function(ConnectionHandler)   OutgoingHandlerF;
alias int function(ConnectionHandler, RegisterD)    ErrorHandlerF;
alias int function(ConnectionHandler)   DisconnectHandlerF;
alias int function(Conduit, RegisterD)  ConnectHandlerF;

    ConnectionHandler object. To be used by the SelectLoop to manage callbacks 
    for events. It may also be used to buffer data inbetween requests.
    These can be populated passed to a SelectLoop directly by the end user, 
    or may be managed by a chosen Protocol. 
class ConnectionHandler
    enum State { init, connected, listening, idle,  closing };

        Standard Ctor, takes a transport_

    this (Conduit trans, bool listener = false)
        transport_ = trans;
        ibuf_len = 0;
        i_offset = 0;
        o_offset = 0;
        out_buffers = new CircularSeq!(char[]);
        log = Log.lookup("dreactor.core.ConnectionHandler");
        Setters for the handlers. These are set by the Protocols as well 
    void setIncomingHandler(IncomingHandlerD hand)
        inD = hand;
        inF = null;

    void setIncomingHandler(IncomingHandlerF hand)
        inF = hand;
        inD = null;

    void setOutgoingHandler(OutgoingHandlerD hand)
        outD = hand;
        outF = null;

    void setOutgoingHandler(OutgoingHandlerF hand)
        outF = hand;
        outD = null;

    void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandlerD hand)
        errD = hand;
        errF = null;

    void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandlerF hand)
        errF = hand;
        errD = null;

    void setDisconnectHandler(DisconnectHandlerD hand)
        disD = hand;
        disF = null;

    void setDisconnectHandler(DisconnectHandlerF hand)
        disF = hand;
        disD = null;

    void setConnectHandler(ConnectHandlerD hand)
        conD = hand;
        conF = null;

    void setConnectHandler(ConnectHandlerF hand)
        conF = hand;
        conD = null;

        Handlers to be called by the SelectLoop when events occur
    int handleIncoming()
        if (inD !is null)
            return inD(this);
        else if (inF !is null)
            return inF(this);
            throw new Exception("no Incoming handler set");

    int handleOutgoing()
        if (outD !is null)
            return outD(this);
        else if (outF !is null)
            return outF(this);
            throw new Exception("no Outgoing handler set");

    int handleError(RegisterD reg)
        if (errD !is null)
            return errD(this, reg);
        else if (errF !is null)
            return errF(this, reg);

    int handleDisconnect()
        if (disD !is null)
            return disD(this);
        else if (disF !is null)
            return disF(this);

    int handleConnection(Conduit cond, RegisterD reg )
        if (conD !is null)
            return conD(cond, reg);
        else if (conF !is null)
            return conF(cond, reg);


        Sending / Receiving helpers



        Adds an outgoing buffer to the list. This returns true if the list
        was empty, indicating that the handler should be registered with the
        SelectLoop. If it returns false, it was probably already registered.
    synchronized bool appendOutBuffer(char[] outbuf)
        if (out_buffers_len == 1)
            return true;
            return false;

        Use this function to update the offset position after a successful data
        send. This not only manages the current offset, but will update the 
        out buffer chain if necessary. 

        Returns: false if there is nothing left to send, true if there is.

    synchronized bool addOffset(int off)
        assert(out_buffers_len > 0);
        char[] hd = out_buffers.head();
        if ((off + o_offset) >= hd.length)
            o_offset = 0;
            return (out_buffers_len > 0);
            o_offset += off;
        return true;


        char[] nextBuffer

        Returns a slice of the current outbound buffer, returns a char[] pointing
        to null if there is no current outbound buffer

    synchronized char[] nextBuffer()
        if (out_buffers_len < 1)
            return null; 

        return out_buffers.head()[o_offset .. $];


        Enable listening on the socket attached to this connectionhandler

    int listen(IPv4Address addr)
        state_ = State.listening;
        return 0;

    Conduit transport()
        return transport_;

        Configuration functions

    Event events()
        return events_;
    void events(Event e)
        events_ = e;
    void addEvent(Event e)
        events_ |= e;
    void remEvent(Event e)
        events_ &= ~e;

    State getState() {return state_;}
       connection handlers are left out of this because 
       this method is used by the listener socket to pass 
       on its handlers to the accepted socket. An accepted
       socket will generally do different things onConnection
    void setHandlers(ConnectionHandler other)
        inD  = other.inD; 
        outD = other.outD;
        errD = other.errD;
        disD = other.disD;
        inF  = other.inF;
        outF = other.outF;
        errF = other.errF;
        disF = other.disF;

        Freelist allocators and deallocators

    static synchronized ConnectionHandler New(Conduit tran, ConnectionHandler other = null)
        ConnectionHandler hand;
	    if (freelist)
            hand = freelist;
	        freelist =;
            hand.transport_ = tran;
	        hand = new ConnectionHandler(tran);

        if (!(other is null))
	    return hand;

    static synchronized void Delete(ConnectionHandler hand)
    {   = freelist;
        freelist = hand.initialize();

    char[] in_buffer; 
    CircularSeq!(char[]) out_buffers;
    int out_buffers_len;
    int ibuf_len;
    int i_offset;
    int o_offset;
    Logger log; 

    package Conduit transport_;
    State state_;
    Event events_; 
    IncomingHandlerD    inD;
    OutgoingHandlerD    outD;
    ErrorHandlerD       errD;
    DisconnectHandlerD  disD;
    ConnectHandlerD     conD;

    IncomingHandlerF    inF;
    OutgoingHandlerF    outF;
    ErrorHandlerF       errF;
    DisconnectHandlerF  disF;
    ConnectHandlerF     conF;
    static ConnectionHandler freelist;
    ConnectionHandler next;

        Copy ctor, creates a new ConnectionHandler using the settings
        of an existing handler. 
    ConnectionHandler initialize()
        transport_ = null;
        state_ = State.init;
        ibuf_len = 0;
        i_offset = 0;
        o_offset = 0;
        inD  = null;
        outD = null;
        errD = null;
        disD = null;
        conD = null;
        inF  = null;
        outF = null;
        errF = null;
        disF = null;
        conF = null;
        return this;