view builder.d @ 59:860e18c87255

author "David Bryant <>"
date Mon, 09 Aug 2010 21:50:16 +0930
parents 01bbf3f6f966
children 06b4504cbcb0
line wrap: on
line source

module builder;

private {
    import std.stdio;
    import std.string;
    import std.process;
    import std.file;
    import std.path;

// builder is a build tool for D code. It is intended for use during development,
// and so supports:
// * Building only those targets that are out of date.
// * Automated execution and evaluation of regression tests.
// * Automatic linking of libraries that are part of the project.
// * Enforcement of dependency rules (explained below).
// * Enforcement of a directory structure designed to support reusable components.
// * Complete separation of source from targets (friendly on checkouts).
// To keep things simple and fast, builder won't build arbitrary code - but it will build
// code written to be built with it. Besides having to obey dependency and directory
// layout and naming rules, you have to do imports as one of:
//     public import module_name;
//     private import module_name;
//     import module_name;
//     static import module_name;
//     static import module_alias = module_name;
//  specifically, the module-name has to be the last thing on the line.
// The directory structure employs a hierarchy of:
// * Bundle    - A collection of products. Has no source code of its own, and does not appear in package paths.
//               Corresponds to the root of a checkout/repository. The bundle is on the source search path.
// * Product   - Top-level package, usually to provide namespace, but can also contain code
//               just like lower-level packages.
// * Package   - A self-contained set of library code, executable code, docs, tests, etc.
//               Can contain nested packages, and can refer to other packages.
// Bundles are the mechanism for reusing source code in other repositories.
// We do this by lines in a bundle "uses" file that specify where to find a used bundle.
// The directory structure within a bundle is:
//  +--README               Introductory information
//  +--configure.d          D script to set up a build directory
//  +--builder.d            This file
//  +--options              Compiler options
//  +--uses                 Specifies which other bundles to use, with paths relative to this bundle
//  |
//  +--package-name(s)      A package, containing library source
//      |
//      +--doc              Restructured-text documents and associated images
//      |
//      +--data             Data files required by tests and binaries
//      |
//      +--test             Code for regression tests
//      |
//      +--prog             Code for binaries
//      |
//      +--package-name(s)  Nested packages
// The resultant build directory structure is:
//  +--build                Script to build the system (put there by configure)
//  |
//  +--obj                  Contains object files and libraries in package structure
//  |
//  +--test                 Contains test binaries and results in package structure
//  |
//  +--bin                  Contains the binaries built from prog directories
//  |
//  +--doc                  Contains the package html docs, in package structure
// The dependency rules are:
// * A built file depends on its sources, and anything the sources explicitly import.
// * A parent depends on its children, transitively, and everything they depend on, transitively.
// * Everything depends on the parents and descendants of its explicit imports,
//   up to but not including the common ancestor, transitively.

// TODO - add doc, data
// TODO - add timeout on test execution - say 2 seconds.
// TODO - add excludes files in packages to allow files and directories to be ignored.

// primitives

// Some global data
abstract class Global {
    static string       buildPath;
    static string       optionsPath;
    static string[]     bundlePaths;
    static bool[string] products;

// throw an exception
void error(string text) {
    writefln("%s", text);
    throw new Exception(text);

// return the modification time of the file at path
d_time modified_time(string path) {
    d_time creation_time, access_time, modified_time;
    if (!exists(path)) {
        return 0;
    getTimes(path, creation_time, access_time, modified_time);
    return modified_time;

// A string formatter that allows progressive composition
class StringFormatter {
    char[] buffer;
    int pos;

    this() {
        buffer.length = 1024;

    void clear() {
        pos = 0;

    // append some formatted text to the internal buffer
    void format(...) {
        void put(dchar c) {
            if (pos+4 >= buffer.length) {
                buffer.length = buffer.length * 2;
            char[4] buf;
            char[] result = std.utf.toUTF8(buf, c);
            buffer[pos..pos+4] = buf;
            pos += result.length;
        std.format.doFormat(&put, _arguments, _argptr);

    // return a copy of the internal buffer
    string str() {
        return buffer[0..pos].idup;

// parser

// FIXME - put in a proper parser that understands about version syntax and all the rest.

/// Parse file for import statements, returning an array of module names
string[] parseImports(string path) {

    string[] result;

    // If this is an import declaration line, return the imported module, else null
    // This isn't perfect by any means (but it is simple and fast), but here we go:
    // * Strip whitespace from front.
    // * If first word is private, public, static or import, and
    // * If we have import already or there is another import later in the line, then
    // * The last word on the line is a module.
    // A less-than-perfect parser is ok because it only has to work for code
    // within the project, so we can write code that it works for.
    void parseForImport(string line) {
        static string[] leaders = ["private ", "public ", "static ", "import "];
        bool found;
        string stripped = stripl(line);
        if (stripped.length > 8) {
            foreach (i, leader ; leaders) {
                if (stripped[0..leader.length] == leader) {
                    // this is a possibility - look for import token
                    scope string[] tokens = split(stripped);
                    if (tokens.length > 1) {
                        if (i == 3) {
                            found = true;
                        else {
                            foreach (token; tokens[0..$-1]) {
                                if (token == "import") {
                                    found = true;

                    if (found) {
                        //writefln("found import of %s", tokens[$-1][0..$-1]);
                        result ~= tokens[$-1][0..$-1].idup;


    scope file = new BufferedFile(path);
    foreach (char[] line; file) {
    //writefln("imports of %s are %s", file, result);
    return result;

// Dependency graph

// An item that may depend on things and be depended on in turn
abstract class Item {
    static Item[string] mItems; // items by path so parent-path items can be found

    string mKind; // for logging
    string mPath; // identifies the item
    long mTime;   // modification time, 0 ==> doesn't exist, -1 ==> don't care
    Item[string] mDepends; // items this one depends on

    bool   mChecking;
    bool   mChecked;
    bool   mDirty;

    this(string kind, string path) {
        //writefln("creating %s-item at %s", kind, path);
        mKind = kind;
        mPath = path;
        mTime = modified_time(path);
        mItems[path] = this;

    // add a dependency to this item
    final void addDepends(Item item) {
        if (!(item.mPath in mDepends)) {
            //writefln("%s depends on %s", this.mPath, item.mPath);
            mDepends[item.mPath] = item;

    // Find out if this item is dirty (needs to be built), returning true if dirty.
    final bool dirty() {
        if (mChecking) {
            error(format("circularity: %s depends on itself", mPath));
        if (!mChecked) {
            mChecking = true;
            if (mTime == 0) {
                //writefln("%s is dirty because it doesn't exist", basename(mPath));
                mDirty = true;
            foreach (other; mDepends) {
                if (mDirty) break;
                if (other.dirty) {
                    //writefln("%s is dirty because %s is dirty", basename(mPath), basename(other.mPath));
                    mDirty = true;
                else if (mTime != -1 && other.mTime != -1 && other.mTime > mTime) {
                    //writefln("%s is dirty because %s is younger", basename(mPath), basename(other.mPath));
                    //writefln("  other=%s, mine=%s", other.mTime, mTime);
                    mDirty = true;
            mChecking = false;
            mChecked = true;
        return mDirty;

    // build just this item
    protected abstract void build();

    // build this item and everything it depends on
    final void buildChain() {
        if (dirty) {
            foreach (other; mDepends) {
            if (mTime != -1) {
                mTime = modified_time(mPath);
            mDirty = false;

    override string toString() {
        return mKind ~ "-item-" ~ mPath;

// A directory
class DirectoryItem : Item {

    this(string path) {
        super("directory", path);
        mTime = mPath.exists ? 1 : 0;

        // this directory depends on its parent directory chain
        string parent_path = path.dirname;
        if (parent_path.length > 0 && parent_path[0] != '.' ) {
            Item* parent = parent_path in mItems;
            if (parent) {
                assert(cast(DirectoryItem *)parent);
            else {
                // recursively create chain of directories above this,
                // and depend on it.
                addDepends(new DirectoryItem(parent_path));

    // build this directory
    override void build() {
        writefln("Directory %s", mPath);

/// A group Item - used to help manage build order via dependencies
/// All FileItems are members of exactly one group, and they all depend on
/// all the groups their owning group depends on.
class GroupItem : Item {

    static GroupItem[string] mGroups;  // all groups

    Item[] mMembers;

    this(string path) {
        super("group", path);
        mTime = -1;
        mGroups[mPath] = this;

    void addMember(Item member) {
        mMembers ~= member;

    // add dependencies on other group and its ancestors
    // Only called AFTER all items have been greated and assigned their group.
    void dependsOnGroup(GroupItem other) {
        if (other !is this) {

            // this group and everything in it (other than source) depends on other group
            foreach (member; mMembers) {
                if (!cast(SourceItem) member) {

            // and all other group's higher-level groups until common ancestor
            string other_parent_path = other.mPath.dirname;
            if (other_parent_path != "." &&
                other_parent_path.length < mPath.length &&
                mPath[0..other_parent_path.length] != other_parent_path)
                GroupItem* other_parent = other_parent_path in mGroups;
                if (other_parent) {

    // build just this item
    override void build() {
        // nothing to do
        writefln("Group     %s", mPath);

// a physical file in the filesystem
abstract class FileItem : Item {
    GroupItem mGroup;

    this(string kind, string path, GroupItem group) {
        super(kind, path);
        mGroup = group;

        // this file depends on on its parent directory
        string parent_path = path.dirname;
        Item* parent = parent_path in mItems;
        if (parent) {
            assert(cast(DirectoryItem *)parent);
        else {
            addDepends(new DirectoryItem(parent_path));

// A source file - must exist
class SourceItem : FileItem {

    SourceItem[string] mImports; // the source items this one imports 
    ObjectItem         mObject;  // the object item to be built from this source

    this(string path, GroupItem group) {
        super("source", path, group);
        if (!isfile(path)) error(format("source file %s not found", path));

    // set the object item
    void set_object(ObjectItem obj) {
        mObject = obj;

    // Add an import to this source item.
    // These are used later to determine all the non-structural item dependencies.
    void addImport(SourceItem source) {
        if (!(source.mPath in mImports)) {
            //writefln("%s imports %s", mPath, source.mPath);
            mImports[source.mPath] = source;

    override void build() {
        // nothing to do, and should never be dirty
        writefln("Source    %s", mPath);
        error("should never need to build Source");

// An object file
class ObjectItem : FileItem {
    SourceItem mSource;

    this(string path, SourceItem source, GroupItem group) {
        super("object", path, group);
        mSource = source;

    // Use our source's imports to add non-structural dependencies.
    // The rules are:
    // * We depend on any sources our source imports, and their objects, transitively.
    // * Our group depends on the imported source's group, and any of its
    //   ancestral groups that aren't our ancestors.
    // * We must not trace a chain of imports back to our source.
    void resolveImports() {

        void dependsOnImportsOf(SourceItem source) {
            foreach (s; source.mImports) {
                if (s is mSource) {
                    error(format("circular chain of imports - last link from %s to %s",
                                 source.toString, s.toString));
                if (s.mGroup !is mGroup) {


        foreach (s; mSource.mImports) {

    // an object file is built from its source
    override void build() {
        writefln("Object    %s", mPath);
        scope cmd = new StringFormatter;

        cmd.format("dmd -c");
        foreach (path; Global.bundlePaths) {
            cmd.format(" -I", path);
        cmd.format(" -od%s %s", dirname(mPath), mSource.mPath);
        cmd.format(" @%s", Global.optionsPath);

        if (std.process.system(cmd.str)) {
            writefln("%s", cmd.str);
            error(format("build of %s failed", mPath));

// A library
class LibraryItem : FileItem {
    string mName;

    this(string path, string name, GroupItem group) {
        super("library", path, group);
        mName = name;

    // a library is built by archiving all of its contributing ObjectFiles
    override void build() {
        writefln("Library   %s", mPath);
        scope cmd = new StringFormatter;
        cmd.format("ar csr %s ", mPath);
        foreach (item; mDepends) {
            auto obj = cast(ObjectItem) item;
            if (obj) {
                cmd.format(" %s", obj.mPath);
        if (std.process.system(cmd.str)) {
            writefln("%s", cmd.str);
            error("command failed");

    // Add this library and any it depends on to libs, if they aren't there already.
    // NOTE - they are added with libraries appearing after those they depend on
    // (reverse of compiler command-line).
    void addNeeded(ref LibraryItem[] libs) {

        void add(LibraryItem lib) {
            foreach (item; libs) {
                if (lib is item) {
            libs ~= lib;

        foreach (item; mDepends) {
            auto lib = cast(LibraryItem) item;
            if (lib) {

// A program
class ProgramItem : FileItem {
    ObjectItem mObject;

    this(string path, ObjectItem object, GroupItem group) {
        super("program", path, group);
        mObject = object;

    // a program file is built from its object and all the libraries
    // the object needs, transitively
    override void build() {
        writefln("Program   %s", mPath);
        scope cmd = new StringFormatter();

        cmd.format("dmd -L-L%s", join(Global.buildPath, "lib"));
        cmd.format(" -of%s %s", mPath, mObject.mPath);

        // add the libraries we need
        LibraryItem[] libs;
        foreach (item; mDepends) {
            auto lib = cast(LibraryItem) item;
            if (lib) {
        foreach_reverse (lib; libs) {
            cmd.format(" -L-l%s", lib.mName);
        cmd.format(" @%s", Global.optionsPath);

        if (std.process.system(cmd.str)) {
            writefln("%s", cmd.str);
            error("command failed");

// A test result - run the program to generate the result file
class ResultItem : FileItem {
    ProgramItem mProgram;

    this(string path, ProgramItem program, GroupItem group) {
        super("result", path, group);
        mProgram = program;

    override void build() {
        writef("Test      %s", mPath);
        if (exists(mPath)) {
        scope cmd = new StringFormatter();
        scope tmpPath = (mPath ~ ".failed").idup;
        cmd.format("%s > %s 2>&1", mProgram.mPath, tmpPath);

        if (std.process.system(cmd.str)) {
            // failed
            writefln(" failed");
            writefln("%s", cmd.str);
            error("test failed");
        else {
            writefln(" passed");

// Tree of modules, packages, products and system, etc - things in the source tree.
// When a node explicity depends on another, it (and its parent up to the common ancestor)
// implicity depend on that node and its ancestors and descendants, and everything they depend on.
// Circularities are not allowed.

// a node in a tree. It depends on explicit mDepends, plus any children, and
// anything any of those depend on. The dependencies are tracked to enforce
// dependency rules. Actual build-order dependencies are done with Items.
class Node {
    string mName;
    Node   mParent;
    Node[] mChildren;
    string mSlashName;
    string mDotName;

    Node[] mDepends;

    // create the root of the tree
    this() {

    // create a node in the tree
    this(string name, Node parent) {
        mName = name;
        mParent = parent;
        if (parent.mName.length) {
            // child of non-root
            mSlashName = parent.mSlashName ~ sep ~ mName;
            mDotName   = parent.mDotName   ~ "." ~ mName;
        else {
            // child of the root
            mSlashName = mName;
            mDotName   = mName;
        parent.mChildren ~= this;

    // return a node with the given name-chain, or null if not found.
    // The root node is not considered part of the chain
    final Node find(string[] chain) {

        // return child of node as specified by chain, or null if not found
        Node locate(Node node, string[] chain) {
            foreach (child; node.mChildren) {
                if (child.mName == chain[0]) {
                    if (chain.length > 1) {
                        return locate(child, chain[1..$]);
                    else {
                        return child;
            return null;

        // ascend to root and recursively descend to specified node
        assert(chain.length > 0);
        Node node = this;
        while (node.mParent) {
            node = node.mParent;
        return locate(node, chain);

// A source-code module
class Module : Node {
    SourceItem  mSource;
    ObjectItem  mObject;
    FileItem    mClump;  // library or program item this module contributes to

    this(string name, string path, Node parent, GroupItem group) {
        super(name, parent);
        string obj_path = join(Global.buildPath, "obj", mSlashName ~ ".o");
        mSource  = new SourceItem(path, group);
        mObject  = new ObjectItem(obj_path, mSource, group);
        //writefln("loaded Module %s from %s", mDotName, mSource.mPath);

    void setClump(FileItem clump) {
        mClump   = clump;

    // trace direct imports
    final void trace() {

        // add an import dependancy (if it is inside our project)
        void imports(string importing) {
            string[] chain = split(importing, ".");
            assert(chain.length > 0);

            // only depend on internal products
            if (!(chain[0] in Global.products)) {

            // find the imported Module's source item and add it to our source item's imports
            Module other = cast(Module) find(chain);
            if (!other || !other.mClump) {
                writefln("import of unknown module " ~ importing ~ " from " ~ mDotName);
            else if (cast(LibraryItem)other.mClump) {
                // the other's mClump is a library

                // our source imports other's source - only allowed for library source

                if (mClump.mPath != other.mClump.mPath) {
                    // this module's clump depends on other's library (needed for linking)
            else {
                error(format("import of non-library module %s from %s",
                             importing, mDotName));

        foreach (importing; parseImports(mSource.mPath)) {
            //writefln("%s imports module %s", mDotName, importing);

// An executable program.
class Exe : Module {
    ProgramItem mProgram;
    ResultItem  mResult;

    this(string name, string path, Node parent, bool test, GroupItem group) {
        super(name, path, parent, group);
        if (test) {
            mProgram = new ProgramItem(join(Global.buildPath, "test", mSlashName), mObject, group);
            mResult = new ResultItem(join(Global.buildPath, "test", mSlashName ~ ".result"), mProgram, group);
        else {
            mProgram = new ProgramItem(join(Global.buildPath, "bin", mName), mObject, group);
        //writefln("loaded Program %s", mProgram.mPath);

// a package
class Package : Node {
    LibraryItem mLibrary;
    GroupItem   mGroup;   // represents the package

    // load the package
    this(string name, string path, Node parent) {
        super(name, parent);
        mGroup = new GroupItem(mSlashName);

        string lib_name = replace(mDotName, ".", "_");

        // examine all the children of the package's directory
        foreach (string child; listdir(path)) {
            string p = join(path, child);
            if (child[0] != '.') {

                if (isfile(p)) {

                    if (child.length > 2 && child[$-2..$] == ".d") {
                        // a library module
                        if (!mLibrary) {
                            mLibrary = new LibraryItem(join(Global.buildPath, "lib", "lib" ~ lib_name ~ ".a"),
                                                       lib_name, mGroup);
                        Module m = new Module(getName(child), p, this, mGroup);

                else if (isdir(p)) {

                    if (child == "build-tool") {
                        // reserved for build-tool
                    else if (child == "doc") {
                        // TODO
                    else if (child == "data") {
                        // TODO
                    else if (child == "test") {
                        // test programs
                        foreach (string grandchild; listdir(p)) {
                            string p2 = join(p, grandchild);
                            if (grandchild[0] != '.' &&
                                isfile(p2) &&
                                grandchild.length > 2 &&
                                grandchild[$-2..$] == ".d")
                                Exe exe = new Exe(getName(grandchild), p2, this, true, mGroup);
                    else if (child == "prog") {
                        // deliverable programs
                        foreach (string grandchild; listdir(p)) {
                            string p2 = join(p, grandchild);
                            if (child[0] != '.' &&
                                isfile(p2) &&
                                grandchild.length > 2 &&
                                grandchild[$-2..$] == ".d")
                                Exe exe = new Exe(getName(grandchild), p2, this, false, mGroup);
                    else {
                        // a child package
                        Package pkg = new Package(child, p, this);

    // trace dependancies
    void trace() {
        foreach (child; mChildren) {
            Package pkg = cast(Package) child;
            Module m = cast(Module) child;
            if (pkg) {
            else if (m) {

// A Product - a top-level package
class Product : Package {
    string mPath;

    this(string name, string path, Node parent) {
        writefln("loading Product %s from %s", name, path);
        mPath = path;
        super(name, path, parent);

// the whole project
class Project : Node {

    // create the project, loading its bundle and those it uses
    this(string path) {

    // load the bundle at path
    void load(string path) {
        //writefln("loading bundle from %s", path);

        // add path to Global for use when compiling
        Global.bundlePaths ~= path;
        Global.optionsPath = path.join("options");

        // load bundles specified in the uses file - lines are bundle paths relative to path
        string uses_path = join(path, "uses");
        if (exists(uses_path) && isfile(uses_path)) {
            //writefln("reading uses file: %s", uses_path);
            scope file = new BufferedFile(uses_path);
            foreach (char[] line; file) {
                load(join(path, line.idup));

        // load local products
        foreach (string name; listdir(path)) {
            if (name[0] != '.') {
                string p = join(path, name);
                if (isdir(p)) {
                    foreach (node; mChildren) {
                        Product existing = cast(Product)node;
                        if (existing && existing.mName == name) {
                            error(format("product %s has two paths: %s and %s",
                                         name, p, existing.mPath));
                    new Product(name, p, this);
                    Global.products[name] = true;

        // trace imports, then finish the Item dependency graph
        foreach (child; mChildren) {
            Product product = cast(Product) child;
            if (product) {
        foreach (item; Item.mItems) {
            ObjectItem obj = cast(ObjectItem) item;
            if (obj) {

        // print a dependency graph
        foreach (group; GroupItem.mGroups) {
            // TODO

        // Build everything that is out of date
        foreach (group; GroupItem.mGroups) {
        writefln("all done");

// main - args[1] is where the project source is, and args[2] is where the build happens
// All the paths are set to absolute so that the source files
// can be found by an editor or debugger, wherever its current directory is.
int main(string[] args) {
    int usage() {
        writefln("Usage: builder <project-path> <build-path>");
        return -1;

    if (args.length < 3) return usage;

    string sourcePath = args[1];
    Global.buildPath  = args[2];

    writefln("building source at %s into %s", sourcePath, Global.buildPath); 

    // do the work
    scope project = new Project(sourcePath);

    return 0;