view doodle/core/undo.d @ 101:523269b36711

Update to dmd 2.050
author David Bryant <>
date Thu, 28 Oct 2010 16:35:11 +1030
parents 08ffc44fc21a
children ab745d8b10e5
line wrap: on
line source

module doodle.core.undo;

import std.array;

// An abstract framework for undo/redo.
// Assume the application works on one document at a time,
// therefore a single undo/redo history.
// Each change to the document is modelled as an Edit.
// Previous edits are represented by an undo stack
// and can be undone in order.
// As edits are undone the are placed on a redo stack
// and can be redone in order.
// As edits are redone the are placed on the undo stack, etc.
// When a new edit is made an attempt to merge it with
// the previous Edit is made. For example, typing characters
// in short succession generates many Edits that may be
// merged into one Edit.
// When a new edit is made the redo stack is cleared.
// Application code must generate Edits from user interaction.
// Typically application code will receive some input event and:
// * Attempt to perform an action,
// * If the action succeeds then encapsulate the action
//   in an Edit and add it to the undo manager.
// Note, not all interaction results in Edits, for example,
// changing the view, zooming/scrolling, etc are not edits
// and do not affect undo/redo

abstract class Edit {
    private {
        string _description;
        d_time _timeStamp;

    this(in string description) {
        _description = description;
        _timeStamp = getUTCtime;

    this(in string description, d_time timeStamp) {
        _description = description;
        _timeStamp = timeStamp;

    string description() const { return _description; }
    d_time timeStamp() const { return _timeStamp; }

    final bool merge(Edit subsequent) {
        if (mergeImpl(subsequent)) {
            // Adopt the new timestamp and description
            _timeStamp = subsequent._timeStamp;
            _description = subsequent._description;
            return true;
        else {
            return false;

    void undo();
    void redo();
    protected bool mergeImpl(Edit subsequent) { return false; }

interface IUndoManagerObserver {
    // Each description is null if the associated bool is false
    void undoRedoUpdate(in bool canUndo, in string undoDescription,
                        in bool canRedo, in string redoDescription);

// XXX This interface doesn't appear to add any value
interface IUndoManager {
    void addEdit(Edit edit);
    void undo();
    void redo();
    void reset();

    void addObserver(IUndoManagerObserver observer);
    void removeObserver(IUndoManagerObserver observer);

class UndoManager : IUndoManager {
    this(int maxUndoLevel = -1) {
        _maxUndoLevel = maxUndoLevel;

    ~this() {
        assert(_observers.length == 0);

    void addEdit(Edit edit) {
        _redoEdits.length = 0;

        if (_undoEdits.empty || !_undoEdits.back.merge(edit)) {
            _undoEdits ~= edit;
            if (_maxUndoLevel >= 0 && _undoEdits.length > _maxUndoLevel) {
                _undoEdits.length = _undoEdits.length - 1;


    void undo() {
        auto edit = _undoEdits.back;
        _redoEdits ~= edit;


    void redo() {
        auto edit = _redoEdits.back;
        _undoEdits ~= edit;


    bool canUndo() const { return !_undoEdits.empty; }
    bool canRedo() const { return !_redoEdits.empty; }

    void reset() {
        _undoEdits.length = _redoEdits.length = 0;

    void addObserver(IUndoManagerObserver observer) {
        _observers ~= observer;

    void removeObserver(IUndoManagerObserver observer) {
        // NYI

    // IUndoManager overrides:

    private {
        int _maxUndoLevel;
        Edit[] _undoEdits;
        Edit[] _redoEdits;
        IUndoManagerObserver[] _observers;          // FIXME, use a different container

        void notifyObservers() {
            foreach (o; _observers) {
                o.undoRedoUpdate(canUndo, canUndo ? _undoEdits.back.description : null,
                                 canRedo, canRedo ? _redoEdits.back.description : null);