view doodle/tk/geometry.d @ 33:157b4ad5615d

Added intersection code for lines and segments. Wrote my first unit test to for geometry stuff.
author David Bryant <>
date Sun, 30 Aug 2009 01:34:14 +0930
parents 1754cb773d41
children c2f11e1d7470
line wrap: on
line source


private {
    import std.stdio;
    import std.math;

// In doodle x and y increase right/east and up/north respectively.

// TODO explain the strategy for ensuring numerical stability
// and the division of responsibility between users of these
// types and the types themselves.
// Explain how numerical instability is handled. The current policy
// is to correct bad user input (eg a gradient with miniscule length) and
// print warnings rather than have assertions and cause crashes.

// A location in 2D space

struct Point {
    static immutable Point DEFAULT;

    static this() {
        DEFAULT = Point(0.0, 0.0);

    this(in double x, in double y) {
        _x = x;
        _y = y;

    Point opAdd(in Vector v) const {
        return Point(_x + v._x, _y + v._y);

    Point opSub(in Vector v) const {
        return Point(_x - v._x, _y - v._y);

    Vector opSub(in Point p) const {
        return Vector(_x - p._x, _y - p._y);

    string toString() const {
        return std.string.format("(%f, %f)", _x, _y);

    double x() const { return _x; }
    double y() const { return _y; }

    private {
        double _x, _y;

Point min_extents(in Point a, in Point b) {
    return Point(min(a.x, b.x), min(a.y, b.y));

Point max_extents(in Point a, in Point b) {
    return Point(max(a.x, b.x), max(a.y, b.y));

// The displacement between two locations in 2D space

struct Vector {
    static Vector DEFAULT;

    static this() {
        DEFAULT = Vector(0.0, 0.0);

    this(in double x, in double y) {
        _x = x;
        _y = y;

    Vector opAdd(in Vector v) const {
        return Vector(_x + v._x, _y + v._y);

    Vector opSub(in Vector v) const {
        return Vector(_x - v._x, _y - v._y);

    Vector opNeg() const {
        return Vector(-_x, -_y);

    Vector opMul_r(in double d) const {
        return Vector(d * _x, d * _y);

    Vector opDiv(in double d) const {
        return Vector(_x / d, _y / d);

    double length() const {
        return sqrt(_x * _x + _y * _y);

    string toString() const {
        return std.string.format("[%f, %f]", _x, _y);

    double x() const { return _x; }
    double y() const { return _y; }

    private {
        double _x, _y;

// A rectangle in 2D space.
// Internally represented by:
//   a point defining the bottom left corner
//   a vector defining the displacement to the upper right corner

struct Rectangle {
    static Rectangle DEFAULT;

    static this() {
        DEFAULT = Rectangle(Point.DEFAULT, Vector.DEFAULT);

    static Rectangle from_arbitrary_corners(in Point corner1, in Point corner) {

    this(in Point position, in Vector size) {
        this(position.x, position.y, size.x, size.y);

    this(in Point corner1, in Point corner) {
        this(corner1.x, corner1.y, corner.x - corner1.x, corner.y - corner1.y);

    alias position min_corner;
    Point position() const { return _position; }

    Vector size() const { return _size; }

    Point max_corner() const { return _position + _size; }

    bool valid() const { return _size.x > 0.0 & _size.y > 0.0; }

    bool invalid() const { return !valid(); }

    double area() const { return _size.x * _size.y; }

    // Intersection
    Rectangle opAnd(in Rectangle r) const {
        if (invalid() || r.invalid()) {
            return DEFAULT;
        else {
            Point max = min_extents(max_corner(), r.max_corner());
            Point min = max_extents(min_corner(), r.min_corner());

            if (max.x < min.x || max.y < min.y) {
                return DEFAULT;
            else {
                return Rectangle(min, max);

    // Union
    Rectangle opOr(in Rectangle r) const {
        if (invalid()) {
            return r;
        else if (r.invalid()) {
            return this;
        else {
            return Rectangle(min_extents(min_corner(), r.min_corner()),
                             max_extents(max_corner(), r.max_corner()));

    // TODO review these functions.
    // Want a clear and simple set.
    // Consider making them free functions

    Rectangle moved(in Vector displacement) const {
        return Rectangle(_position + displacement, _size);

    Rectangle repositioned(in Point new_position) const {
        return Rectangle(new_position, _size);

    // Operations about the bottom left corner

    Rectangle expanded(in Vector expand_amount) const {
        return Rectangle(_position, _size + expand_amount);

    Rectangle shrunk(in Vector shrink_amount) const {
        return Rectangle(_position, _size - shrink_amount);

    // Operations about the centre

    Rectangle feathered(double amount) const {
        assert(amount >= 0.0);
        return Rectangle(Point(_position.x - amount, _position.y - amount),
                         Vector(_size.x + 2.0 * amount, _size.y + 2.0 * amount));

    Rectangle resized(in Vector new_size) const {
        return Rectangle(_position, new_size);


    void get_quantised(out int x, out int y, out int w, out int h) const {
        x = cast(int)floor(_position.x);
        y = cast(int)floor(_position.y);
        w = cast(int)ceil(_position.x + _size.x) - x;
        h = cast(int)ceil(_position.y + _size.y) - y;


    Point centre() const { return _position + _size / 2.0; }

    string toString() const {
        return std.string.format("{%s, %s}", _position, _size);

    private {
        this(double x, double y, double w, double h) {
            if (w < 0.0) { x += w; w = -w; }
            if (h < 0.0) { y += h; h = -h; }
            _position = Point(x, y);
            _size = Vector(w, h);

        Point _position;
        Vector _size;

private {
    // This is a commmon building block for intersection of lines and segments
    // Two lines "a" and "b" are defined by two points each 
    // "ua" and "ub" define the intersection as a fraction alone
    // the two respetive line segments (FIXME this comment sucks)
    // Influenced by
    bool compute_intersection(in Point pa1, in Point pa2, out double ua,
                              in Point pb1, in Point pb2, out double ub) {
        //writefln("pa1: %s, pa2: %s, pb1: %s, pb2: %s", pa1, pa2, pb1, pb2);
        double den = (pb2.y - pb1.y) * (pa2.x - pa1.x) - (pb2.x - pb1.x) * (pa2.y - pa1.y);

        if (abs(den) < 1e-9) {          // TODO consolidate constants used for numerical stability
            // Lines are parallel or nearly so
            writefln("Warning, parallel lines!");
            return false;
        else {
            // It will be safe to divide by den
            double num_a = (pb2.x - pb1.x) * (pa1.y - pb1.y) - (pb2.y - pb1.y) * (pa1.x - pb1.x);
            double num_b = (pa2.x - pa1.x) * (pa1.y - pb1.y) - (pa2.y - pa1.y) * (pa1.x - pb1.x);

            ua = num_a / den;
            ub = num_b / den;

                // FIXME remove this debugging stuff
                //writefln("ua: %s, ub: %s", ua, ub);
                Point pa = pa1 + ua * (pa2 - pa1);
                Point pb = pb1 + ub * (pb2 - pb1);
                //writefln("pa: %s, pb: %s", pa, pb);
                assert(pa1 + ua * (pa2 - pa1) == pb1 + ub * (pb2 - pb1));

            return true;

// A line (notionally infinitely extending in both directions) in 2D space.
// Internally represented by:
//   a point at an arbitrary location along the line
//   a vector defining the gradient of the line

struct Line {
    this(in Point p, in Vector g) {
        _point = p;
        _gradient = g;
        assert(_gradient.length > 1e-6);        // FIXME how to best deal with this

    this(in Point a, in Point b) {
        _point = a;
        _gradient = b - a;
        assert(_gradient.length > 1e-6);        // FIXME as above

    Point point() const { return _point; }
    Vector gradient() const { return _gradient; }

    private {
        Point _point;           // Arbitrary point along line
        Vector _gradient;

// Calculate the point "p" where lines "a" and "b" intersect.
// Returns false if lines are parallel or too close for numerical stability
bool intersection(in Line a, in Line b, out Point p) {
    Point  pa = a.point;
    Vector va = a.gradient;
    double ua;
    Point  pb = b.point;
    Vector vb = b.gradient;
    double ub;

    if (compute_intersection(pa, pa + va, ua, pb, pb + vb, ub)) {
        // We could just have easily evaluated for line b...
        p = pa + ua * va;
        // p = pb + ub * vb;
        return true;
    else {
        return false;

// A line segment (has a beginning and an end) in 2D space.

struct Segment {
    this(in Point a, in Point b) {
        _begin = a;
        _end = b;

    Point begin() const { return _begin; }
    Point end() const { return _end; }

    private {
        Point _begin, _end;

bool intersection(in Segment a, in Segment b, out Point p) {
    Point pa1 = a.begin;
    Point pa2 = a.end;
    double ua;
    Point pb1 = b.begin;
    Point pb2 = b.end;
    double ub;

    if (compute_intersection(pa1, pa2, ua, pb1, pb2, ub)) {
        if (ua >= 0.0 && ua <= 1.0 &&     // inside of segment a
            ub >= 0.0 && ub <= 1.0) {     // inside of segment b
            // We could just have easily evaluated for line b...
            p = pa1 + ua * (pa2 - pa1);
            // p = pa2 + ub * (pb2 - pb1);
            return true;
        else {
            return false;
    else {
        return false;