view trunk/src/dil/Module.d @ 578:c769bc239006

Moved Parser.d to new package 'parser'.
author Aziz K?ksal <>
date Sat, 05 Jan 2008 17:29:47 +0100
parents 0df647660e76
children 90d0cff4107e
line wrap: on
line source

  Author: Aziz Köksal
  License: GPL3
module dil.Module;

import dil.SyntaxTree;
import dil.Declarations;
import dil.parser.Parser;
import dil.ImportParser;
import dil.lexer.Lexer;
import dil.File;
import dil.Scope;
import dil.Symbol;
import dil.Symbols;
import dil.Information;
import common;

alias FileConst.PathSeparatorChar dirSep;

class Module : ScopeSymbol
  bool isLightweight; /// If true an ImportParser is used instead of a full Parser.
  string filePath; /// Path to the source file.
  string moduleFQN; /// Fully qualified name of the module.
  string packageName;
  string moduleName;

  Declarations root; /// The root of the AST.
  ImportDeclaration[] imports;
  ModuleDeclaration moduleDecl;
  private Parser parser;

  Module[] modules;

  InfoManager infoMan;

  this(string filePath, bool isLightweight = false)
    this.sid = SYM.Module;

    this.filePath = filePath;
    this.isLightweight = isLightweight;

  this(string filePath, InfoManager infoMan)
    this(filePath, false);
    this.infoMan = infoMan;

  void parse()
    auto sourceText = loadFile(filePath);
    if (this.isLightweight)
      this.parser = new ImportParser(sourceText, filePath);
      this.parser = new Parser(sourceText, filePath, infoMan);

    this.root = parser.start();

    if (root.children.length)
      // moduleDecl will be null if first node can't be cast to ModuleDeclaration.
      this.moduleDecl = TryCast!(ModuleDeclaration)(root.children[0]);
      if (moduleDecl)
        // Take base name of file path as module name.
        auto str = (new FilePath(filePath)).name();
        if (!Lexer.isReservedIdentifier(str))
          this.moduleFQN = moduleName = str;
        // else
        // TODO: error: file name has invalid identifier characters.

      this.imports = parser.imports;

  /// Starts the semantic analysis of this module.
  void semantic()
    if (this.hasErrors)
    // Create module scope.
    auto scop = new Scope();
    scop.symbol = this; // Set this module as the scope's symbol.
    scop.infoMan = this.infoMan;

  /// Returns true if there are errors in the source file.
  bool hasErrors()
    return parser.errors.length || parser.lx.errors.length;

  string[] getImports()
    string[] result;
    foreach (import_; imports)
      result ~= import_.getModuleFQNs(dirSep);
    return result;

  string getFQN()
    return moduleFQN;

  void setFQN(string moduleFQN)
    uint i = moduleFQN.length;
    if (i != 0) // Don't decrement if string has zero length.
    // Find last dot.
    for (; i != 0 && moduleFQN[i] != '.'; i--)
    this.moduleFQN = moduleFQN;
    this.packageName = moduleFQN[0..i];
    this.moduleName = moduleFQN[(i == 0 ? 0 : i+1) .. $];

  string getFQNPath()
    if (packageName.length)
      return packageName ~ dirSep ~ moduleName;
      return moduleName;