view trunk/src/dil/semantic/Analysis.d @ 601:9f96fd51cb41

Moved dil.IdTable to dil.lexer.IdTable.
author Aziz K?ksal <>
date Sun, 06 Jan 2008 00:55:37 +0100
parents 39fac5531b85
children 64fec49651cf
line wrap: on
line source

  Author: Aziz Köksal
  License: GPL3
module dil.semantic.Analysis;

import dil.ast.Node;
import dil.ast.Expressions;
import dil.semantic.Scope;
import dil.lexer.IdTable;
import common;

/// Common semantics for pragma declarations and statements.
void pragmaSemantic(Scope scop, Token* pragmaLoc,
                    Identifier* ident,
                    Expression[] args)
  if (ident is Ident.msg)
    pragma_msg(scop, pragmaLoc, args);
  else if (ident is Ident.lib)
    pragma_lib(scop, pragmaLoc, args);
  // else
  //   scop.error(begin, "unrecognized pragma");

/// Evaluates a msg pragma.
void pragma_msg(Scope scop, Token* pragmaLoc, Expression[] args)
  if (args.length == 0)
    return /*scop.error(pragmaLoc, "expected expression arguments to pragma")*/;

  foreach (arg; args)
    auto e = arg.evaluate();
    if (e is null)
      // scop.error(e.begin, "expression is not evaluatable at compile time");
    else if (auto stringExpr = TryCast!(StringExpression)(e))
      // Print string to standard output.
      // scop.error(e.begin, "expression must evaluate to a string");
  // Print a newline at the end.

/// Evaluates a lib pragma.
void pragma_lib(Scope scop, Token* pragmaLoc, Expression[] args)
  if (args.length != 1)
    return /*scop.error(pragmaLoc, "expected one expression argument to pragma")*/;

  auto e = args[0].evaluate();
  if (e is null)
    // scop.error(e.begin, "expression is not evaluatable at compile time");
  else if (auto stringExpr = TryCast!(StringExpression)(e))
    // TODO: collect library paths in Module?
    // scop.modul.addLibrary(stringExpr.getString());
    // scop.error(e.begin, "expression must evaluate to a string");