view trunk/src/Statements.d @ 245:93d37f874658

- Changed type of pragma identifier to Token*.
author aziz
date Wed, 01 Aug 2007 12:06:03 +0000
parents deab661906ae
children 32d354584b28
line wrap: on
line source

  Author: Aziz Köksal
  License: GPL2
module Statements;
import SyntaxTree;
import Expressions;
import Declarations;
import Types;
import Token;

class Statement : Node

class Statements : Statement
  Statement[] ss;
  void opCatAssign(Statement s)
  { ~= s;

class IllegalStatement : Statement
  TOK tok;
  this(TOK tok)
    this.tok = tok;

class EmptyStatement : Statement

class FunctionBody
  Statement funcBody, inBody, outBody;
  string outIdent;

class ScopeStatement : Statement
  Statement s;
  this(Statement s)
    this.s = s;

class LabeledStatement : Statement
  string label;
  Statement s;
  this(string label, Statement s)
    this.label = label;
    this.s = s;

class ExpressionStatement : Statement
  Expression expression;
  this(Expression expression)
    this.expression = expression;

class DeclarationStatement : Statement
  Declaration declaration;
  this(Declaration declaration)
    this.declaration = declaration;

class IfStatement : Statement
  Type type;
  string ident;
  Expression condition;
  Statement ifBody;
  Statement elseBody;
  this(Type type, string ident, Expression condition, Statement ifBody, Statement elseBody)
    this.type = type;
    this.ident = ident;
    this.condition = condition;
    this.ifBody = ifBody;
    this.elseBody = elseBody;

class ConditionalStatement : Statement


class WhileStatement : Statement
  Expression condition;
  Statement whileBody;
  this(Expression condition, Statement whileBody)
    this.condition = condition;
    this.whileBody = whileBody;

class DoWhileStatement : Statement
  Expression condition;
  Statement doBody;
  this(Expression condition, Statement doBody)
    this.condition = condition;
    this.doBody = doBody;

class ForStatement : Statement
  Statement init;
  Expression condition, increment;
  Statement forBody;

  this(Statement init, Expression condition, Expression increment, Statement forBody)
    this.init = init;
    this.condition = condition;
    this.increment = increment;
    this.forBody = forBody;

class ForeachStatement : Statement
  TOK tok;
  Parameters params;
  Expression aggregate;
  Statement forBody;

  this(TOK tok, Parameters params, Expression aggregate, Statement forBody)
    this.tok = tok;
    this.params = params;
    this.aggregate = aggregate;
    this.forBody = forBody;

class SwitchStatement : Statement
  Expression condition;
  Statement switchBody;

  this(Expression condition, Statement switchBody)
    this.condition = condition;
    this.switchBody = switchBody;

class CaseStatement : Statement
  Expression[] values;
  Statement caseBody;

  this(Expression[] values, Statement caseBody)
    this.values = values;
    this.caseBody = caseBody;

class DefaultStatement : Statement
  Statement defaultBody;
  this(Statement defaultBody)
    this.defaultBody = defaultBody;

class ContinueStatement : Statement
  string ident;
  this(string ident)
    this.ident = ident;

class BreakStatement : Statement
  string ident;
  this(string ident)
    this.ident = ident;

class ReturnStatement : Statement
  Expression expr;
  this(Expression expr)
    this.expr = expr;

class GotoStatement : Statement
  string ident;
  Expression caseExpr;
  this(string ident, Expression caseExpr)
    this.ident = ident;
    this.caseExpr = caseExpr;

class WithStatement : Statement
  Expression expr;
  Statement withBody;
  this(Expression expr, Statement withBody)
    this.expr = expr;
    this.withBody = withBody;

class SynchronizedStatement : Statement
  Expression expr;
  Statement syncBody;
  this(Expression expr, Statement withBody)
    this.expr = expr;
    this.syncBody = syncBody;

class TryStatement : Statement
  Statement tryBody;
  CatchBody[] catchBodies;
  FinallyBody finallyBody;
  this(Statement tryBody, CatchBody[] catchBodies, FinallyBody finallyBody)
    this.tryBody = tryBody;
    this.catchBodies = catchBodies;
    this.finallyBody = finallyBody;

class CatchBody : Statement
  Parameter param;
  Statement catchBody;
  this(Parameter param, Statement catchBody)
    this.param = param;
    this.catchBody = catchBody;

class FinallyBody : Statement
  Statement finallyBody;
  this(Statement finallyBody)
    this.finallyBody = finallyBody;

class ScopeGuardStatement : Statement
  string condition;
  Statement scopeBody;
  this(string condition, Statement scopeBody)
    this.condition = condition;
    this.scopeBody = scopeBody;

class ThrowStatement : Statement
  Expression expr;
  this(Expression expr)
    this.expr = expr;

class VolatileStatement : Statement
  Statement volatileBody;
  this(Statement volatileBody)
    this.volatileBody = volatileBody;

class AsmStatement : Statement


class PragmaStatement : Statement
  Token* ident;
  Expression[] args;
  Statement pragmaBody;
  this(Token* ident, Expression[] args, Statement pragmaBody)
    this.ident = ident;
    this.args = args;
    this.pragmaBody = pragmaBody;

class MixinStatement : Statement
  Declaration decl;
  this(Declaration decl)
    this.decl = decl;

class StaticIfStatement : Statement
  Expression condition;
  Statement ifBody, elseBody;
  this(Expression condition, Statement ifBody, Statement elseBody)
    this.condition = condition;
    this.ifBody = ifBody;
    this.elseBody = elseBody;

class StaticAssertStatement : Statement
  Expression condition, message;
  this(Expression condition, Expression message)
    this.condition = condition;
    this.message = message;

class DebugStatement : Statement
  int levelCond;
  string identCond;
  Statement debugBody, elseBody;
  this(int levelCond, string identCond, Statement debugBody, Statement elseBody)
    this.levelCond = levelCond;
    this.identCond = identCond;
    this.debugBody = debugBody;
    this.elseBody = elseBody;

class VersionStatement : Statement
  int levelCond;
  string identCond;
  Statement versionBody, elseBody;
  this(int levelCond, string identCond, Statement versionBody, Statement elseBody)
    this.levelCond = levelCond;
    this.identCond = identCond;
    this.versionBody = versionBody;
    this.elseBody = elseBody;

class AttributeStatement : Statement
  TOK tok;
  Statement statement;
  this(TOK tok, Statement statement)
    this.tok = tok;
    this.statement = statement;

class ExternStatement : AttributeStatement
  Linkage linkage;
  this(Linkage linkage, Statement statement)
    super(TOK.Extern, statement);
    this.linkage = linkage;