view trunk/i18n/ @ 460:77c17bbe9d20

Translator: added new modules; applied fixes. Added a new directory i18n. It contains the translator project file and the language catalogue files. The translator main window has a dock widget on the left hand-side now, with a project tree widget.
author Aziz K?ksal <>
date Tue, 30 Oct 2007 18:12:01 +0100
children 312da78ab301
line wrap: on
line source

- [Aziz Köksal,]
LangCode: en
License: GPL3
- {Annot: '', ID: 0, LastEd: '', Text: 'illegal character found: ''{0}'''}
- {Annot: '', ID: 1, LastEd: '', Text: invalid Unicode character.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 2, LastEd: '', Text: invalid UTF-8 sequence.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 3, LastEd: '', Text: unterminated character literal.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 4, LastEd: '', Text: empty character literal.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 5, LastEd: '', Text: expected 'line' after '#'.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 6, LastEd: '', Text: 'integer expected after #line'}
- {Annot: '', ID: 7, LastEd: '', Text: expected filespec string (e.g. "path\to\file".)}
- {Annot: '', ID: 8, LastEd: '', Text: unterminated filespec string.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 9, LastEd: '', Text: expected a terminating newline after special
- {Annot: '', ID: 10, LastEd: '', Text: unterminated string literal.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 11, LastEd: '', Text: 'non-hex character ''{0}'' found in hex string.'}
- {Annot: '', ID: 12, LastEd: '', Text: odd number of hex digits in hex string.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 13, LastEd: '', Text: unterminated hex string.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 14, LastEd: '', Text: unterminated block comment (/* */).}
- {Annot: '', ID: 15, LastEd: '', Text: unterminated nested comment (/+ +/).}
- {Annot: '', ID: 16, LastEd: '', Text: unterminated raw string.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 17, LastEd: '', Text: unterminated back quote string.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 18, LastEd: '', Text: 'found undefined escape sequence ''{0}''.'}
- {Annot: '', ID: 19, LastEd: '', Text: 'found invalid Unicode escape sequence ''{0}''.'}
- {Annot: '', ID: 20, LastEd: '', Text: insufficient number of hex digits in escape
- {Annot: '', ID: 21, LastEd: '', Text: 'undefined HTML entity ''{0}'''}
- {Annot: '', ID: 22, LastEd: '', Text: 'unterminated HTML entity ''{0}''.'}
- {Annot: '', ID: 23, LastEd: '', Text: HTML entities must begin with a letter.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 24, LastEd: '', Text: decimal number overflows sign bit.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 25, LastEd: '', Text: overflow in decimal number.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 26, LastEd: '', Text: overflow in hexadecimal number.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 27, LastEd: '', Text: overflow in binary number.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 28, LastEd: '', Text: overflow in octal number.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 29, LastEd: '', Text: overflow in float number.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 30, LastEd: '', Text: digits 8 and 9 are not allowed in octal numbers.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 31, LastEd: '', Text: invalid hex number; at least one hex digit
- {Annot: '', ID: 32, LastEd: '', Text: invalid binary number; at least one binary
    digit expected.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 33, LastEd: '', Text: the exponent of a hexadecimal float number
    is required.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 34, LastEd: '', Text: hexadecimal float exponents must start with
    a digit.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 35, LastEd: '', Text: exponents must start with a digit.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 36, LastEd: '', Text: 'expected ''{0}'', but found ''{1}''.'}
- {Annot: '', ID: 37, LastEd: '', Text: '''{0}'' is redundant.'}
- {Annot: '', ID: 38, LastEd: '', Text: template tuple parameters can only be last.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 39, LastEd: '', Text: the functions 'in' contract was already parsed.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 40, LastEd: '', Text: the functions 'out' contract was already parsed.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 41, LastEd: '', Text: no linkage type was specified.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 42, LastEd: '', Text: 'unrecognized linkage type ''{0}''; valid
    types are C, C++, D, Windows, Pascal und System.'}
- {Annot: '', ID: 43, LastEd: '', Text: 'expected one or more base classes, not ''{0}''.'}
- {Annot: '', ID: 44, LastEd: '', Text: base classes are not allowed in forward declarations.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 45, LastEd: '', Text: 'dil v{0}

    Copyright (c) 2007 by Aziz Köksal. Licensed under the GPL3.



    Type ''dil help <subcommand>'' for more help on a particular subcommand.

    Compiled with {2} v{3} on {4}.'}
- {Annot: '', ID: 46, LastEd: '', Text: "Generate an XML or HTML document from a D\
    \ source file.\nUsage:\n  dil gen file.d [Options]\n\nOptions:\n  --syntax   \
    \      : generate tags for the syntax tree\n  --xml            : use XML format\
    \ (default)\n  --html           : use HTML format\n\nExample:\n  dil gen Parser.d\
    \ --html --syntax > Parser.html"}
- {Annot: '', ID: 47, LastEd: '', Text: "Parse a module and extract information from\
    \ the resulting module dependency graph.\nUsage:\n  dil igraph file.d Format [Options]\n\
    \n  The directory of file.d is implicitly added to the list of import paths.\n\
    \nFormat:\n  --dot            : generate a dot document\n  Further options for\
    \ --dot:\n  -gbp             : Group modules by package names\n  -gbf        \
    \     : Group modules by full package name\n  -hle             : highlight cyclic\
    \ edges in the graph\n  -hlv             : highlight modules in cyclic relationship\n\
    \n  --paths          : print a list of paths to the modules imported by file.d\n\
    \  --list           : print a list of the module names imported by file.d\n  Options\
    \ common to --paths and --list:\n  -lN              : print N levels.\n  -m  \
    \             : mark modules in cyclic relationships with a star.\n\nOptions:\n\
    \  -Ipath           : add 'path' to the list of import paths where modules are\n\
    \                     looked for\n  -rREGEXP         : exclude modules whose names\
    \ match the regular expression\n                     REGEXP\n  -i            \
    \   : include unlocatable modules\n\nExample:\n  dil igraph src/main.d"}