view trunk/src/Types.d @ 158:759f437313f9

- Moved enum Protection and class BaseClass to module Types. - Fixed parseBaseClasses(). T.Dot token can lead off (global scope operator) and template instances are handled by parseBasicType().
author aziz
date Fri, 13 Jul 2007 11:42:04 +0000
parents 0e7cefb15e43
children 5aa877506db0
line wrap: on
line source

  Author: Aziz Köksal
  License: GPL2
module Types;
import Token;
import Expressions;

enum StorageClass
  None         = 0,
  Abstract     = 1,
  Auto         = 1<<2,
  Const        = 1<<3,
  Deprecated   = 1<<4,
  Extern       = 1<<5,
  Final        = 1<<6,
  Invariant    = 1<<7,
  Override     = 1<<8,
  Scope        = 1<<9,
  Static       = 1<<10,
  Synchronized = 1<<11,
  In           = 1<<12,
  Out          = 1<<13,
  Ref          = 1<<14,
  Lazy         = 1<<15,
  Variadic     = 1<<16,

class Parameter
  StorageClass stc;
  Type type;
  string ident;
  Expression assignExpr;

  this(StorageClass stc, Type type, string ident, Expression assignExpr)
  { = stc;
    this.type = type;
    this.ident = ident;
    this.assignExpr = assignExpr;

  bool isVariadic()
    return !!(stc & StorageClass.Variadic);

  bool isOnlyVariadic()
    return stc == StorageClass.Variadic;

struct Parameters
  Parameter[] items;

  bool hasVariadic()
    if (items.length != 0)
      return items[$-1].isVariadic();
    return false;

  void opCatAssign(Parameter param)
  { items ~= param; }

  size_t length()
  { return items.length; }

enum Protection
  Private   = 1,
  Protected = 1<<1,
  Package   = 1<<2,
  Public    = 1<<3

class BaseClass
  Protection prot;
  Type type;
  this(Protection prot, Type type)
    this.prot = prot;
    this.type = type;

enum TP

class TemplateParameter
  TP tp;
  Type valueType;
  string ident;
  Type specType, defType;
  Expression specValue, defValue;
  this(TP tp, Type valueType, string ident, Type specType, Type defType, Expression specValue, Expression defValue)
  { = tp;
    this.valueType = valueType;
    this.ident = ident;
    this.specType = specType;
    this.defType = defType;
    this.specValue = specValue;
    this.defValue = defValue;

typedef Object[] TemplateArguments;

enum TID
  Void    = TOK.Void,
  Char    = TOK.Char,
  Wchar   = TOK.Wchar,
  Dchar   = TOK.Dchar,
  Bool    = TOK.Bool,
  Byte    = TOK.Byte,
  Ubyte   = TOK.Ubyte,
  Short   = TOK.Short,
  Ushort  = TOK.Ushort,
  Int     = TOK.Int,
  Uint    = TOK.Uint,
  Long    = TOK.Long,
  Ulong   = TOK.Ulong,
  Float   = TOK.Float,
  Double  = TOK.Double,
  Real    = TOK.Real,
  Ifloat  = TOK.Ifloat,
  Idouble = TOK.Idouble,
  Ireal   = TOK.Ireal,
  Cfloat  = TOK.Cfloat,
  Cdouble = TOK.Cdouble,
  Creal   = TOK.Creal,


class Type
  TID tid;
  Type next;

  this(TOK tok)
    this.tid = cast(TID)tok;

  this(TID tid)
  { this(tid, null); }

  this(TID tid, Type next)
    this.tid = tid; = next;

class UndefinedType : Type
    super(TID.Undefined, null);

class DotListType : Type
  Type[] dotList;
  this(Type[] dotList)
    super(TID.DotList, null);
    this.dotList = dotList;

class IdentifierType : Type
  string[] idents;

  this(string[] idents)
    super(TID.Identifier, null);
    this.idents = idents;

  this(string ident)
    super(TID.Identifier, null);

  this(TID tid)

  void opCatAssign(string ident)
    this.idents ~= ident;

class IdentifierType : Type
  string ident;
  this(string ident)
    super(TID.Identifier, null);
    this.ident = ident;
class TypeofType : IdentifierType
  Expression e;
  this(Expression e)
    this.e = e;

class TypeofType : Type
  Expression e;
  this(Expression e)
    super(TID.Typeof, null);
    this.e = e;

class TemplateInstanceType : Type
  string ident;
  TemplateArguments targs;
  this(string ident, TemplateArguments targs)
    super(TID.TemplateInstance, null);
    this.ident = ident;
    this.targs = targs;

class PointerType : Type
  this(Type t)
    super(TID.Pointer, t);

class ArrayType : Type
  Expression e, e2;
  Type assocType;
  this(Type t)
    super(TID.Array, t);
  this(Type t, Expression e, Expression e2)
    this.e = e;
    this.e2 = e2;
  this(Type t, Type assocType)
    this.assocType = assocType;

class SpecializationType : Type
  TOK specTok; // Colon|Equal
  Type type;
  TOK tokType; // Typedef|Struct|Union|Class|Interface|
               // Enum|Function|Delegate|Super|Return

  this(TOK specTok, TOK tokType)
    super(TID.Specialization, null);
    this.specTok = specTok;
    this.tokType = tokType;

  this(TOK specTok, Type type)
    super(TID.Specialization, null);
    this.specTok = specTok;
    this.type = type;

class FunctionType : Type
  Type returnType;
  Parameters parameters;
  this(Type returnType, Parameters parameters)
    super(TID.Function, null);
    this.returnType = returnType;
    this.parameters = parameters;

class DelegateType : Type
  this(Type func)
    super(TID.Delegate, func);