view trunk/src/dil/Module.d @ 560:709e223a8eb9

Added code related to symbols. Added class ScopeSymbol. Module inherits from ScopeSymbol now. Added methods classScope() and moduleScope(), and member symbol to class Scope. Added enum SYM. Added member sid to class Symbol. Aggregate and Function inherit from ScopeSymbol now. Added Error to struct Types.
author Aziz K?ksal <>
date Wed, 26 Dec 2007 14:17:01 +0100
parents 50e64bab9c7a
children c838ed7f2ac9
line wrap: on
line source

  Author: Aziz Köksal
  License: GPL3
module dil.Module;

import dil.SyntaxTree;
import dil.Declarations;
import dil.Parser;
import dil.ImportParser;
import dil.Lexer;
import dil.File;
import dil.Scope;
import dil.Symbol;
import dil.Symbols;
import dil.Information;
import common;

alias FileConst.PathSeparatorChar dirSep;

class Module : ScopeSymbol
  bool isLightweight; /// If true an ImportParser is used instead of a full Parser.
  string filePath; /// Path to the source file.
  string moduleFQN; /// Fully qualified name of the module.
  string packageName;
  string moduleName;

  Declarations root; /// The root of the AST.
  ImportDeclaration[] imports;
  ModuleDeclaration moduleDecl;
  private Parser parser;

  Module[] modules;

  InfoManager infoMan;

  this(string filePath, bool isLightweight = false)
    this.sid = SYM.Module;

    this.filePath = filePath;
    this.isLightweight = isLightweight;

  this(string filePath, InfoManager infoMan)
    this(filePath, false);
    this.infoMan = infoMan;

  void parse()
    auto sourceText = loadFile(filePath);
    if (this.isLightweight)
      this.parser = new ImportParser(sourceText, filePath);
      this.parser = new Parser(sourceText, filePath, infoMan);

    this.root = parser.start();

    if (root.children.length)
      // moduleDecl will be null if first node can't be cast to ModuleDeclaration.
      this.moduleDecl = TryCast!(ModuleDeclaration)(root.children[0]);
      if (moduleDecl)
        // Take base name of file path as module name.
        auto str = (new FilePath(filePath)).name();
        if (!Lexer.isReservedIdentifier(str))
          this.moduleFQN = moduleName = str;
        // else
        // TODO: error: file name has invalid identifier characters.

      this.imports = parser.imports;

  void semantic()
    auto scop = new Scope();

  bool hasErrors()
    return parser.errors.length || parser.lx.errors.length;

  string[] getImports()
    string[] result;
    foreach (import_; imports)
      result ~= import_.getModuleFQNs(dirSep);
    return result;

  string getFQN()
    return moduleFQN;

  void setFQN(string moduleFQN)
    uint i = moduleFQN.length;
    if (i != 0) // Don't decrement if string has zero length.
    // Find last dot.
    for (; i != 0 && moduleFQN[i] != '.'; i--)
    this.moduleFQN = moduleFQN;
    this.packageName = moduleFQN[0..i];
    this.moduleName = moduleFQN[(i == 0 ? 0 : i+1) .. $];

  string getFQNPath()
    if (packageName.length)
      return packageName ~ dirSep ~ moduleName;
      return moduleName;