view trunk/src/dil/semantic/Scope.d @ 611:6d449e777f5d

Added semantic code to insert symbols into the scope.
author Aziz K?ksal <>
date Sun, 06 Jan 2008 22:58:49 +0100
parents 39fac5531b85
children f15b054bb27e
line wrap: on
line source

  Author: Aziz Köksal
  License: GPL3
module dil.semantic.Scope;

import dil.semantic.Symbol;
import dil.semantic.Symbols;
import dil.lexer.Token;
import dil.lexer.Identifier;
import dil.Information;
import dil.Messages;
import common;

class Scope
  Scope parent; /// The surrounding scope.
  InfoManager infoMan; /// Collects errors reported during the semantic phase.

  ScopeSymbol symbol; /// The current symbol with the symbol table.


    Find an identifier in this scope.
  Symbol find(char[] ident)
    return null;

  /// Insert a symbol into this scope.
  void insert(Symbol sym, Identifier* ident)
    auto sym2 = symbol.lookup(ident);
    if (sym2)
      auto loc = sym2.node.begin.getLocation();
      auto locString = Format("{}({},{})", loc.filePath, loc.lineNum, loc.colNum);
      error(sym.node.begin, MSG.DeclConflictsWithDecl, ident.str, locString);
      symbol.insert(sym, ident);
    // Set the current scope symbol as the parent.
    sym.parent = symbol;

  /// Insert a new variable symbol into this scope.
  void insert(Variable var)
    auto sym = symbol.lookup(var.ident);
    if (sym)
      auto loc = sym.node.begin.getLocation();
      auto locString = Format("{}({},{})", loc.filePath, loc.lineNum, loc.colNum);
      error(var.node.begin, MSG.VariableConflictsWithDecl, var.ident.str, locString);
      symbol.insert(var, var.ident);
    // Set the current scope symbol as the parent.
    var.parent = symbol;

    Create a new inner scope.
  Scope push(ScopeSymbol symbol)
    auto sc = new Scope();
    sc.parent = this;
    sc.infoMan = this.infoMan;
    sc.symbol = symbol;
    return sc;

    Destroy this scope and return the outer scope.
  Scope pop()
    auto sc = parent;
    // delete this;
    return sc;

  bool isInterface()
    return symbol.isInterface;

  /// Search for the enclosing Class scope.
  Scope classScope()
    auto scop = this;
    while (scop)
      if (scop.symbol.isClass)
        return scop;
      scop = scop.parent;
    return null;

  /// Search for the enclosing Module scope.
  Scope moduleScope()
    auto scop = this;
    while (scop)
      if (scop.symbol.isModule)
        return scop;
      scop = scop.parent;
    return null;

  void error(Token* token, MID mid)
    auto location = token.getLocation();
    infoMan ~= new SemanticError(location, GetMsg(mid));

  void error(Token* token, char[] formatMsg, ...)
    auto location = token.getLocation();
    auto msg = Format(_arguments, _argptr, formatMsg);
    infoMan ~= new SemanticError(location, msg);