view trunk/src/dil_xml.css @ 330:44fc02d1eae6

- Renamed format.css to dil_xml.css. - Added dil_html.xss.
author aziz
date Tue, 21 Aug 2007 20:15:02 +0000
parents trunk/src/format.css@39f93a4ec416
children ca8ad7c34d6a
line wrap: on
line source

@charset "utf-8";
compilerinfo, sourcecode {
  display: block;
  white-space: pre;
  font-family: Monospace;
  font-size: 0.8em;
compilerinfo {
  white-space: normal;
  border: 1px solid #A22;
  padding: 0.5em;
  margin: 1em;
compilerinfo error { display: block; }
/* Number */
n { color: teal; }
/* Keyword */
k { color: darkblue; font-weight: bold; }
/* Line and block comments */
c[t=l], c[t=b] { color: green; }
/* Nested comments */
c[t=n] { color: darkgreen; }
/* Identifier */
i { color: black; }
/* String literal */
sl { color: red; }
/* Character literal */
cl { color: purple; }
/* All bracket types */
br { color: orange; }
/* Special tokens */
st { color: green; font-weight: bold; }
/* #line, hash line */
hl { color: green; }
/* filespec (e.g. #line number [filespec]) */
fs { color: purple;}
/* When the first line starts with #! it's a "shebang" */
shebang { color: gray; }
/* Operator */
op { color: royalblue; }
/* Particular operators */
op[t=aa] { content: "and"; } /*&& ∧*/
op[t=oo] { content: "or"; } /*|| ∨*/
op[t=n] { content: "¬"; } /*!*/
op[t=ne] { content: "≠"; } /*!=*/
op[t=le] { content: "≤"; } /*<=*/
op[t=ge] { content: "≥"; } /*>=*/
op[t=lg] { content: "≶"; } /*<>*/

d = Declaration
s = Statement
e = Expression
t = Type
o = Other
/* d { background-color: #FFDDDD; } */
/* e { background-color: #DDDDFF;} */
d[t=Module] i, d[t=Import] i { color: blue; }
t i { color: #119; }