view trunk/src/dil/Token.d @ 552:3bc7801c207e

Refactored the way how tokens are flagged as whitespace.
author Aziz K?ksal <>
date Thu, 20 Dec 2007 23:26:43 +0100
parents 943ecc9c133a
children 9e811db780a6
line wrap: on
line source

  Author: Aziz Köksal
  License: GPL3
module dil.Token;
import dil.Location;
import dil.Identifier;
import tango.stdc.stdlib : malloc, free;
import tango.core.Exception;
import common;

public import dil.TokensEnum;

  A Token is a sequence of characters formed by the lexical analyzer.
struct Token
  enum Flags : ushort
    Whitespace = 1, /// Tokens with this flag are ignored by the Parser.

  TOK type; /// The type of the token.
  Flags flags; /// The flags of the token.
  /// Pointers to the next and previous tokens (doubly-linked list.)
  Token* next, prev;

  char* ws;    /// Start of whitespace characters before token. Null if no WS.
  char* start; /// Start of token in source text.
  char* end;   /// Points one past the end of token in source text.

    /// For newline tokens.
      char[] filePath;
      uint lineNum;
      uint lineNum_hline;
    /// For #line tokens.
      Token* tokLineNum; /// #line number
      Token* tokLineFilespec; /// #line number filespec
    /// For string tokens.
      string str;
      char pf; /// Postfix 'c', 'w', 'd' or 0 for none.
      Token* tok_str; /// Points to the contents of a token string stored as a
                      /// doubly linked list. The last token is always '}' or
                      /// EOF in case end of source text is "q{" EOF.
    Identifier* ident;
    dchar  dchar_;
    long   long_;
    ulong  ulong_;
    int    int_;
    uint   uint_;
    float  float_;
    double double_;
    real   real_;

  alias srcText identifier;

  /// Returns the text of the token.
  string srcText()
    assert(start && end);
    return start[0 .. end - start];

  /// Returns the preceding whitespace of the token.
  string wsChars()
    assert(ws && start);
    return ws[0 .. start - ws];

  /// Find next non-whitespace token. Returns 'this' token if the next token is TOK.EOF or null.
  Token* nextNWS()
    assert(token !is null);
    auto token = next;
    while (token !is null && token.isWhitespace)
      token =;
    if (token is null || token.type == TOK.EOF)
      return this;
    return token;

  /// Find previous non-whitespace token. Returns 'this' token if the previous token is TOK.HEAD or null.
  Token* prevNWS()
    assert(token !is null);
    auto token = prev;
    while (token !is null && token.isWhitespace)
      token = token.prev;
    if (token is null || token.type == TOK.HEAD)
      return this;
    return token;

  static string toString(TOK tok)
    return tokToString[tok];

  /// Adds Flags.Whitespace to this token's flags.
  void setWhitespaceFlag()
    this.flags |= Flags.Whitespace;

    Returns true if this is a token that can have newlines in it.
    These can be block and nested comments and any string literal
    except for escape string literals.
  bool isMultiline()
    return type == TOK.String && start[0] != '\\' ||
           type == TOK.Comment && start[1] != '/';

  /// Returns true if this is a keyword token.
  bool isKeyword()
    return KeywordsBegin <= type && type <= KeywordsEnd;

  /// Returns true if this is an integral type token.
  bool isIntegralType()
    return IntegralTypeBegin <= type && type <= IntegralTypeEnd;

  /// Returns true if this is a whitespace token.
  bool isWhitespace()
    return !!(flags & Flags.Whitespace);

  /// Returns true if this is a special token.
  bool isSpecialToken()
    return SpecialTokensBegin <= type && type <= SpecialTokensEnd;

  /// Returns true if this is a token string literal.
  bool isTokenStringLiteral()
    return type == TOK.String && tok_str !is null;

  /// Returns true if this token starts a DeclarationDefinition.
  bool isDeclDefStart()
    return isDeclDefStartToken(type);

  /// Returns true if this token starts a Statement.
  bool isStatementStart()
    return isStatementStartToken(type);

  /// Returns true if this token starts an AsmInstruction.
  bool isAsmInstructionStart()
    return isAsmInstructionStartToken(type);

  int opEquals(TOK type2)
    return type == type2;

  import dil.LexerFuncs;
  /// Returns the Location of this token.
  Location getLocation()
    auto search_t = this.prev;
    // Find previous newline token.
    while (search_t.type != TOK.Newline)
      search_t = search_t.prev;
    auto filePath  = search_t.filePath;
    auto lineNum   = search_t.lineNum - search_t.lineNum_hline;
    auto lineBegin = search_t.end;
    // Determine actual line begin and line number.
    while (1)
      search_t =;
      if (search_t == this)
      // Multiline tokens must be rescanned for newlines.
      if (search_t.isMultiline)
        auto p = search_t.start, end = search_t.end;
        while (p != end)
          if (scanNewline(p) == '\n')
            lineBegin = p;
    return new Location(filePath, lineNum, lineBegin, this.start);

  uint lineCount()
    uint count = 1;
    if (this.isMultiline)
      auto p = this.start, end = this.end;
      while (p != end)
        if (scanNewline(p) == '\n')
    return count;

  /// Return the source text enclosed by the left and right token.
  static char[] textSpan(Token* left, Token* right)
    assert(left.end <= right.start || left is right );
    return left.start[0 .. right.end - left.start];

  new(size_t size)
    void* p = malloc(size);
    if (p is null)
      throw new OutOfMemoryException(__FILE__, __LINE__);
    *cast(Token*)p = Token.init;
    return p;

  delete(void* p)
    auto token = cast(Token*)p;
    if (token)
      if(token.type == TOK.HashLine)
        if (token.isTokenStringLiteral)

  void destructHashLineToken()
    assert(type == TOK.HashLine);
    delete tokLineNum;
    delete tokLineFilespec;

  void destructTokenStringLiteral()
    assert(type == TOK.String);
    assert(start && *start == 'q' && start[1] == '{');
    assert(tok_str !is null);
    auto tok_it = tok_str;
    auto tok_del = tok_str;
    while (tok_it && tok_it.type != TOK.EOF)
      tok_it =;
      assert(tok_del && tok_del.type != TOK.EOF);
      delete tok_del;
      tok_del = tok_it;

  Not used at the moment. Could be useful if more
  info is needed about the location of nodes/tokens.
struct NewlineInfo
  char[] oriPath;   /// Original path to the source text.
  char[] setPath;   /// Path set by #line.
  uint oriLineNum;  /// Actual line number in the source text.
  uint setLineNum;  /// Delta line number set by #line.

/// Returns true if this token starts a DeclarationDefinition.
bool isDeclDefStartToken(TOK tok)
  switch (tok)
  alias TOK T;
  case  T.Align, T.Pragma, T.Export, T.Private, T.Package, T.Protected,
        T.Public, T.Extern, T.Deprecated, T.Override, T.Abstract,
        T.Synchronized, T.Static, T.Final, T.Const, T.Invariant/*D 2.0*/,
        T.Auto, T.Scope, T.Alias, T.Typedef, T.Import, T.Enum, T.Class,
        T.Interface, T.Struct, T.Union, T.This, T.Tilde, T.Unittest, T.Debug,
        T.Version, T.Template, T.New, T.Delete, T.Mixin, T.Semicolon,
        T.Identifier, T.Dot, T.Typeof:
    return true;
    if (IntegralTypeBegin <= tok && tok <= IntegralTypeEnd)
      return true;
  return false;

/// Returns true if this token starts a Statement.
bool isStatementStartToken(TOK tok)
  switch (tok)
  alias TOK T;
  case  T.Align, T.Extern, T.Final, T.Const, T.Auto, T.Identifier, T.Dot,
        T.Typeof, T.If, T.While, T.Do, T.For, T.Foreach, T.Foreach_reverse,
        T.Switch, T.Case, T.Default, T.Continue, T.Break, T.Return, T.Goto,
        T.With, T.Synchronized, T.Try, T.Throw, T.Scope, T.Volatile, T.Asm,
        T.Pragma, T.Mixin, T.Static, T.Debug, T.Version, T.Alias, T.Semicolon,
        T.Enum, T.Class, T.Interface, T.Struct, T.Union, T.LBrace, T.Typedef,
        T.This, T.Super, T.Null, T.True, T.False, T.Int32, T.Int64, T.Uint32,
        T.Uint64, T.Float32, T.Float64, T.Float80, T.Imaginary32,
        T.Imaginary64, T.Imaginary80, T.CharLiteral, T.String, T.LBracket,
        T.Function, T.Delegate, T.Assert, T.Import, T.Typeid, T.Is, T.LParen,
        T.Traits/*D2.0*/, T.AndBinary, T.PlusPlus, T.MinusMinus, T.Mul,
        T.Minus, T.Plus, T.Not, T.Tilde, T.New, T.Delete, T.Cast:
    return true;
    if (IntegralTypeBegin <= tok && tok <= IntegralTypeEnd ||
        SpecialTokensBegin <= tok && tok <= SpecialTokensEnd)
      return true;
  return false;

/// Returns true if this token starts an AsmInstruction.
bool isAsmInstructionStartToken(TOK tok)
  alias TOK T;
  case T.In, T.Int, T.Out, T.Identifier, T.Align, T.Semicolon:
    return true;
  return false;