view src/dil/semantic/Module.d @ 820:1d06b4aed7cf

Revised code in the first pass. Added code to handle anonymous unions and structs. Hope the idea will work. Added type to class Aggregate and isAnonymous to some other Symbol classes.
author Aziz K?ksal <>
date Fri, 14 Mar 2008 15:42:08 +0100
parents 372fa4fbbb1d
children 80eb3251e010
line wrap: on
line source

  Author: Aziz Köksal
  License: GPL3
module dil.semantic.Module;

import dil.ast.Node;
import dil.ast.Declarations;
import dil.parser.Parser;
import dil.lexer.Lexer;
import dil.lexer.IdTable;
import dil.semantic.Symbol;
import dil.semantic.Symbols;
import dil.Location;
import dil.Messages;
import dil.Information;
import dil.SourceText;
import common;


alias FileConst.PathSeparatorChar dirSep;

/// Represents a semantic D module and a source file.
class Module : ScopeSymbol
  SourceText sourceText; /// The source file of this module.
  string moduleFQN; /// Fully qualified name of the module. E.g.: dil.ast.Node
  string packageName; /// E.g.: dil.ast
  string moduleName; /// E.g.: Node

  CompoundDeclaration root; /// The root of the parse tree.
  ImportDeclaration[] imports; /// ImportDeclarations found in this file.
  ModuleDeclaration moduleDecl; /// The optional ModuleDeclaration in this file.
  Parser parser; /// The parser used to parse this file.

  /// Indicates which passes have been run on this module.
  /// 0 = no pass$(BR)
  /// 1 = semantic pass 1$(BR)
  /// 2 = semantic pass 2
  uint semanticPass;
  Module[] modules; /// The imported modules.

  InfoManager infoMan; /// Collects error messages.

    super(SYM.Module, null, null);

  /// Constructs a Module object.
  /// Params:
  ///   filePath = file path to the source text; loaded in the constructor.
  ///   infoMan = used for collecting error messages.
  this(string filePath, InfoManager infoMan = null)
    this.sourceText = new SourceText(filePath);
    this.infoMan = infoMan;

  /// Returns the file path of the source text.
  string filePath()
    return sourceText.filePath;

  /// Returns the file extension: "d" or "di".
  string fileExtension()
    foreach_reverse(i, c; filePath)
      if (c == '.')
        return filePath[i+1..$];
    return "";

  /// Sets the parser to be used for parsing the source text.
  void setParser(Parser parser)
    this.parser = parser;

  /// Parses the module.
  /// Throws:
  ///   An Exception if the there's no ModuleDeclaration and
  ///   the file name is an invalid or reserved D identifier.
  void parse()
    if (this.parser is null)
      this.parser = new Parser(sourceText, infoMan);

    this.root = parser.start();
    this.imports = parser.imports;

    // Set the fully qualified name of this module.
    if (this.root.children.length)
    { // moduleDecl will be null if first node isn't a ModuleDeclaration.
      this.moduleDecl = this.root.children[0].Is!(ModuleDeclaration);
      if (this.moduleDecl)
        this.setFQN(moduleDecl.getFQN()); // E.g.: dil.ast.Node

    if (!this.moduleFQN.length)
    { // Take the base name of the file as the module name.
      auto str = (new FilePath(filePath)).name(); // E.g.: Node
      if (!Lexer.isValidUnreservedIdentifier(str))
        auto location = this.firstToken().getErrorLocation();
        auto msg = Format(MSG.InvalidModuleName, str);
        infoMan ~= new LexerError(location, msg);
        str = IdTable.genModuleID().str;
      this.moduleFQN = this.moduleName = str;

    // Set the symbol name. = IdTable.lookup(this.moduleName);

  /// Returns the first token of the module's source text.
  Token* firstToken()
    return parser.lexer.firstToken();

  /// Returns the begin token of the module declaration
  /// or, if it doesn't exist, the first token in the source text.
  Token* getModuleDeclToken()
    return moduleDecl ? moduleDecl.begin : firstToken();

  /// Returns true if there are errors in the source file.
  bool hasErrors()
    return parser.errors.length || parser.lexer.errors.length;

  /// Returns a list of import paths.
  /// E.g.: ["dil/ast/Node", "dil/semantic/Module"]
  string[] getImportPaths()
    string[] result;
    foreach (import_; imports)
      result ~= import_.getModuleFQNs(dirSep);
    return result;

  /// Returns the fully qualified name of this module.
  /// E.g.: dil.ast.Node
  string getFQN()
    return moduleFQN;

  /// Set's the module's FQN.
  void setFQN(string moduleFQN)
    uint i = moduleFQN.length;
    if (i != 0) // Don't decrement if string has zero length.
    // Find last dot.
    for (; i != 0 && moduleFQN[i] != '.'; i--)
    this.moduleFQN = moduleFQN;
    if (i == 0)
      this.moduleName = moduleFQN; // No dot found.
      this.packageName = moduleFQN[0..i];
      this.moduleName = moduleFQN[i+1..$];

  /// Returns the module's FQN with slashes instead of dots.
  /// E.g.: dil/ast/Node
  string getFQNPath()
    string FQNPath = moduleFQN.dup;
    foreach (i, c; FQNPath)
      if (c == '.')
        FQNPath[i] = dirSep;
    return FQNPath;