view src/cmd/ImportGraph.d @ 820:1d06b4aed7cf

Revised code in the first pass. Added code to handle anonymous unions and structs. Hope the idea will work. Added type to class Aggregate and isAnonymous to some other Symbol classes.
author Aziz K?ksal <>
date Fri, 14 Mar 2008 15:42:08 +0100
parents 525ee3f848d9
children 80eb3251e010
line wrap: on
line source

  Author: Aziz Köksal
  License: GPL3
module cmd.ImportGraph;

import dil.ast.Node;
import dil.ast.Declarations;
import dil.semantic.Module;
import dil.parser.ImportParser;
import dil.SourceText;
import dil.Compilation;
import dil.ModuleManager;
import Settings;
import common;

import tango.text.Regex : RegExp = Regex;
import tango.text.Util;

alias FileConst.PathSeparatorChar dirSep;

/// The importgraph command.
struct IGraphCommand
  /// Options for the command.
  enum Option
    IncludeUnlocatableModules = 1,
    PrintDot                  = 1<<1,
    HighlightCyclicEdges      = 1<<2,
    HighlightCyclicVertices   = 1<<3,
    GroupByPackageNames       = 1<<4,
    GroupByFullPackageName    = 1<<5,
    PrintPaths                = 1<<6,
    PrintList                 = 1<<7,
    MarkCyclicModules         = 1<<8,
  alias Option Options;

  Options options; /// Command options.
  string filePath; /// File path to the root module.
  string[] regexps; /// Regular expressions.
  string siStyle = "dashed"; /// Static import style.
  string piStyle = "bold";   /// Public import style.
  uint levels; /// How many levels to print.

  CompilationContext context;

  /// Adds o to the options.
  void add(Option o)
    options |= o;

  void run()
    // Init regular expressions.
    RegExp[] regexps;
    foreach (strRegexp; this.regexps)
      regexps ~= new RegExp(strRegexp);

    // Add the directory of the file to the import paths.
    auto filePath = new FilePath(this.filePath);
    auto fileDir = filePath.folder();
    context.importPaths ~= fileDir;

    auto gbuilder = new GraphBuilder;

    gbuilder.importPaths = context.importPaths;
    gbuilder.options = options;
    gbuilder.filterPredicate = (string moduleFQNPath) {
      foreach (rx; regexps)
        // Replace slashes: dil/ast/Node -> dil.ast.Node
        if (rx.test(replace(moduleFQNPath.dup, dirSep, '.')))
          return true;
      return false;

    auto graph = gbuilder.start(;

    if (options & (Option.PrintList | Option.PrintPaths))
      if (options & Option.MarkCyclicModules)

      if (options & Option.PrintPaths)
        printModulePaths(graph.vertices, levels+1, "");
        printModuleList(graph.vertices, levels+1, "");
      printDotDocument(graph, siStyle, piStyle, options);

/// Represents a module dependency graph.
class Graph
  Vertex[] vertices; /// The vertices or modules.
  Edge[] edges; /// The edges or import statements.

  void addVertex(Vertex vertex)
  { = vertices.length;
    vertices ~= vertex;

  Edge addEdge(Vertex from, Vertex to)
    auto edge = new Edge(from, to);
    edges ~= edge;
    from.outgoing ~= to;
    to.incoming ~= from;
    return edge;

  /// Walks the graph and marks cyclic vertices and edges.
  void detectCycles()
  { // Cycles could also be detected in the GraphBuilder,
    // but having the code here makes things much clearer.

    // Commented out because this algorithm doesn't work.
    // Returns true if the vertex is in status Visiting.
    /+bool visit(Vertex vertex)
      switch (vertex.status)
      case Vertex.Status.Visiting:
        vertex.isCyclic = true;
        return true;
      case Vertex.Status.None:
        vertex.status = Vertex.Status.Visiting; // Flag as visiting.
        foreach (outVertex; vertex.outgoing)    // Visit successors.
          vertex.isCyclic |= visit(outVertex);
        vertex.status = Vertex.Status.Visited;  // Flag as visited.
      case Vertex.Status.Visited:
        assert(0, "unknown vertex status");
      return false; // return (vertex.status == Vertex.Status.Visiting);
    // Start visiting vertices.

    //foreach (edge; edges)
    //  if (edge.from.isCyclic &&
    //    edge.isCyclic = true;

    // Use functioning algorithm.
    analyzeGraph(vertices, edges);

/// Represents a directed connection between two vertices.
class Edge
  Vertex from;   /// Coming from vertex.
  Vertex to;     /// Going to vertex.
  bool isCyclic; /// Edge connects cyclic vertices.
  bool isPublic; /// Public import.
  bool isStatic; /// Static import.

  this(Vertex from, Vertex to)
    this.from = from; = to;

/// Represents a module in the graph.
class Vertex
  Module modul;      /// The module represented by this vertex.
  uint id;           /// The nth vertex in the graph.
  Vertex[] incoming; /// Also called predecessors.
  Vertex[] outgoing; /// Also called successors.
  bool isCyclic;     /// Whether this vertex is in a cyclic relationship with other vertices.

  enum Status : ubyte
  { None, Visiting, Visited }
  Status status; /// Used by the cycle detection algorithm.

/// Builds a module dependency graph.
class GraphBuilder
  Graph graph;
  IGraphCommand.Options options;
  string[] importPaths; /// Where to look for modules.
  Vertex[string] loadedModulesTable; /// Maps FQN paths to modules.
  bool delegate(string) filterPredicate;

    this.graph = new Graph;

  /// Start building the graph and return that.
  /// Params:
  ///   fileName = the file name of the root module.
  Graph start(string fileName)
    return graph;

  /// Loads all modules recursively and builds the graph at the same time.
  /// Params:
  ///   moduleFQNPath = the path version of the module FQN.$(BR)
  ///                   E.g.: FQN = dil.ast.Node -> FQNPath = dil/ast/Node
  Vertex loadModule(string moduleFQNPath)
    // Look up in table if the module is already loaded.
    auto pVertex = moduleFQNPath in loadedModulesTable;
    if (pVertex !is null)
      return *pVertex; // Returns null for filtered or unlocatable modules.

    // Filter out modules.
    if (filterPredicate && filterPredicate(moduleFQNPath))
    { // Store null for filtered modules.
      loadedModulesTable[moduleFQNPath] = null;
      return null;

    // Locate the module in the file system.
    auto moduleFilePath = ModuleManager.findModuleFilePath(

    Vertex vertex;

    if (moduleFilePath is null)
    { // Module not found.
      if (options & IGraphCommand.Option.IncludeUnlocatableModules)
      { // Include module nevertheless.
        vertex = new Vertex;
        vertex.modul = new Module("");
        vertex.modul.setFQN(replace(moduleFQNPath, dirSep, '.'));
      // Store vertex in the table (vertex may be null.)
      loadedModulesTable[moduleFQNPath] = vertex;
      auto modul = new Module(moduleFilePath);
      // Use lightweight ImportParser.
      modul.setParser(new ImportParser(modul.sourceText));

      vertex = new Vertex;
      vertex.modul = modul;

      loadedModulesTable[modul.getFQNPath()] = vertex;

      // Load the modules which this module depends on.
      foreach (importDecl; modul.imports)
        foreach (moduleFQNPath2; importDecl.getModuleFQNs(dirSep))
          auto loaded = loadModule(moduleFQNPath2);
          if (loaded !is null)
            auto edge = graph.addEdge(vertex, loaded);
            edge.isPublic = importDecl.isPublic();
            edge.isStatic = importDecl.isStatic();
    return vertex;

/// Prints the file paths to the modules.
void printModulePaths(Vertex[] vertices, uint level, char[] indent)
  if (level == 0)
  foreach (vertex; vertices)
    if (vertex.outgoing.length)
      printModulePaths(vertex.outgoing, level-1, indent~"  ");

/// Prints a list of module FQNs.
void printModuleList(Vertex[] vertices, uint level, char[] indent)
  if (level == 0)
  foreach (vertex; vertices)
    if (vertex.outgoing.length)
      printModuleList(vertex.outgoing, level-1, indent~"  ");

/// Prints the graph as a graphviz dot document.
void printDotDocument(Graph graph, string siStyle, string piStyle,
                      IGraphCommand.Options options)
  Vertex[][string] verticesByPckgName;
  if (options & IGraphCommand.Option.GroupByFullPackageName)
    foreach (vertex; graph.vertices)
      verticesByPckgName[vertex.modul.packageName] ~= vertex;

  if (options & (IGraphCommand.Option.HighlightCyclicVertices |

  // Output header of the dot document.
  Stdout("Digraph ImportGraph\n{\n");
  // Output nodes.
  // 'i' and should be the same.
  foreach (i, vertex; graph.vertices)
    Stdout.formatln(`  n{} [label="{}"{}];`, i, vertex.modul.getFQN(), (vertex.isCyclic ? ",style=filled,fillcolor=tomato" : ""));

  // Output edges.
  foreach (edge; graph.edges)
    string edgeStyles = "";
    if (edge.isStatic || edge.isPublic)
      edgeStyles = `[style="`;
      edge.isStatic && (edgeStyles ~= siStyle ~ ",");
      edge.isPublic && (edgeStyles ~= piStyle);
      edgeStyles[$-1] == ',' && (edgeStyles = edgeStyles[0..$-1]); // Remove last comma.
      edgeStyles ~= `"]`;
    edge.isCyclic && (edgeStyles ~= "[color=red]");
    Stdout.formatln(`  n{} -> n{} {};`,,, edgeStyles);

  if (options & IGraphCommand.Option.GroupByFullPackageName)
    foreach (packageName, vertices; verticesByPckgName)
    { // Output nodes in a cluster.
      Stdout.format(`  subgraph "cluster_{}" {`\n`    label="{}";color=blue;`"\n    ", packageName, packageName);
      foreach (vertex; vertices)
      Stdout("\n  }\n");


// This is the old algorithm that was used to detect cycles in a directed graph.
void analyzeGraph(Vertex[] vertices_init, Edge[] edges)
  edges = edges.dup;
  void recursive(Vertex[] vertices)
    foreach (idx, vertex; vertices)
      uint outgoing, incoming;
      foreach (j, edge; edges)
        if (edge.from is vertex)
        if ( is vertex)

      if (outgoing == 0)
        if (incoming != 0)
          // Vertex is a sink.
          alias outgoing i; // Reuse
          alias incoming j; // Reuse
          // Remove edges.
          for (i=j=0; i < edges.length; i++)
            if (edges[i].to !is vertex)
              edges[j++] = edges[i];
          edges.length = j;
          vertices = vertices[0..idx] ~ vertices[idx+1..$];
          // Edges to this vertex were removed previously.
          // Only remove vertex now.
          vertices = vertices[0..idx] ~ vertices[idx+1..$];
      else if (incoming == 0)
        // Vertex is a source
        alias outgoing i; // Reuse
        alias incoming j; // Reuse
        // Remove edges.
        for (i=j=0; i < edges.length; i++)
          if (edges[i].from !is vertex)
            edges[j++] = edges[i];
        edges.length = j;
        vertices = vertices[0..idx] ~ vertices[idx+1..$];
//       else
//       {
//         // source && sink
//         // continue loop.
//       }

    // When reaching this point it means only cylic edges and vertices are left.
    foreach (vertex; vertices)
      vertex.isCyclic = true;
    foreach (edge; edges)
      if (edge)
        edge.isCyclic = true;