view src/TypeRulesGenerator.d @ 820:1d06b4aed7cf

Revised code in the first pass. Added code to handle anonymous unions and structs. Hope the idea will work. Added type to class Aggregate and isAnonymous to some other Symbol classes.
author Aziz K?ksal <>
date Fri, 14 Mar 2008 15:42:08 +0100
parents bcb74c9b895c
children 451ede0105e0
line wrap: on
line source

#! /usr/bin/rdmd
  Author: Aziz Köksal
  License: GPL3
module TypeRulesGenerator;


alias char[] string;

void main(char[][] args)
  char[] text = "// Generated by TypeRulesGenerator.d\n"
                "module TypeRules.d;\n\n";
  text ~= "char[][][] unaryExpsResults = [\n";
  foreach (results; unaryExpsResults)
    text ~= "  [";
    foreach (result; results)
      text ~= '"' ~ result ~ '"' ~ ", ";
    text[$-2] = ']';
    text[$-1] = ',';
    text ~= \n;
  text[$-2] = '\n';
  text[$-1] = ']';
  text ~= ";\n\n";

  text ~= "char[][][][] binaryExpsResults = [\n";
  foreach (expResults; binaryExpsResults)
    text ~= "  [\n";
    foreach (results; expResults)
      text ~= "    [";
      foreach (result; results)
        text ~= '"' ~ result ~ '"' ~ ", ";
      text[$-2] = ']';
      text[$-1] = ',';
      text ~= \n;
    text[$-2] = '\n';
    text[$-1] = ' ';
    text ~= " ],\n";
  text[$-2] = '\n';
  text[$-1] = ']';
  text ~= ";\n";

  // Write the text to a D module.
  auto file = new File("TypeRulesData.d");

template ExpressionType(char[] T1, char[] T2, char[] expression)
  mixin("alias "~T1~" X;");
  mixin("alias "~T2~" Y;");
  X x;
  Y y;
  static if(is(typeof(mixin(expression)) ResultType))
    const char[] result = ResultType.stringof;
    const char[] result = "Error";
alias ExpressionType EType;

// pragma(msg, EType!("char", "int", "&x").result);

static const string[] basicTypes = [
  "char"[],   "wchar",   "dchar", "bool",
  "byte",   "ubyte",   "short", "ushort",
  "int",    "uint",    "long",  "ulong",
  /+"cent",   "ucent",+/
  "float",  "double",  "real",
  "ifloat", "idouble", "ireal",
  "cfloat", "cdouble", "creal"/+, "void"+/

static const string[] unaryExpressions = [

static const string[] binaryExpressions = [

  "x=y", "x==y", "x!=y",
  "x<=y", "x<y",
  "x>=y", "x>y",
  "x<<=y", "x<<y",
  "x>>>=y", "x>>>y",
  "x|=y", "x||y", "x|y",
  "x&=y", "x&&y", "x&y",
  "x+=y", "x+y",
  "x-=y", "x-y",
  "x/=y", "x/y",
  "x*=y", "x*y",
  "x%=y", "x%y",
  "x^=y", "x^y",

char[] genBinaryExpArray(char[] expression)
  char[] result = "[\n";
  foreach (t1; basicTypes)
    result ~= "[\n";
    foreach (t2; basicTypes)
      result ~= `EType!("`~t1~`", "`~t2~`", "`~expression~`").result,`\n;
    result[result.length-2] = ']'; // Overwrite last comma.
    result[result.length-1] = ','; // Overwrite last \n.
  result[result.length-1] = ']'; // Overwrite last comma.
  return result;
// pragma(msg, mixin(genBinaryExpArray("x%y")).stringof);

char[] genBinaryExpsArray()
  char[] result = "[\n";
  foreach (expression; binaryExpressions)
    result ~= genBinaryExpArray(expression);
    result ~= ",\n";
  result[result.length-2] = ']';
  return result;

// pragma(msg, mixin(genBinaryExpsArray()).stringof);

char[] genUnaryExpArray(char[] expression)
  char[] result = "[\n";
  foreach (t1; basicTypes)
    result ~= `EType!("`~t1~`", "int", "`~expression~`").result,`\n;
  result[result.length-2] = ']'; // Overwrite last comma.
  return result;

char[] genUnaryExpsArray()
  char[] result = "[\n";
  foreach (expression; unaryExpressions)
    result ~= genUnaryExpArray(expression) ~ ",\n";
  result[result.length-2] = ']';
  return result;

// pragma(msg, mixin(genUnaryExpsArray()).stringof);

auto unaryExpsResults = mixin(genUnaryExpsArray());
auto binaryExpsResults = mixin(genBinaryExpsArray());