view i18n/ @ 820:1d06b4aed7cf

Revised code in the first pass. Added code to handle anonymous unions and structs. Hope the idea will work. Added type to class Aggregate and isAnonymous to some other Symbol classes.
author Aziz K?ksal <>
date Fri, 14 Mar 2008 15:42:08 +0100
parents bcb74c9b895c
line wrap: on
line source

- {EMail:, Name: Aziz Köksal}
LangCode: en
License: GPL3
- {Annot: '', ID: 0, LastEd: 0, Text: 'illegal character found: ''{0}'''}
- {Annot: '', ID: 1, LastEd: 0, Text: invalid Unicode character.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 2, LastEd: 0, Text: invalid UTF-8 sequence.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 3, LastEd: 0, Text: unterminated character literal.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 4, LastEd: 0, Text: empty character literal.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 5, LastEd: 0, Text: expected 'line' after '#'.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 6, LastEd: 0, Text: 'integer expected after #line'}
- {Annot: '', ID: 7, LastEd: 0, Text: expected filespec string (e.g. "path\to\file".)}
- {Annot: '', ID: 8, LastEd: 0, Text: unterminated filespec string.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 9, LastEd: 0, Text: expected a terminating newline after special
- {Annot: '', ID: 10, LastEd: 0, Text: unterminated string literal.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 11, LastEd: 0, Text: 'non-hex character ''{0}'' found in hex string.'}
- {Annot: '', ID: 12, LastEd: 0, Text: odd number of hex digits in hex string.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 13, LastEd: 0, Text: unterminated hex string.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 14, LastEd: 0, Text: unterminated block comment (/* */).}
- {Annot: '', ID: 15, LastEd: 0, Text: unterminated nested comment (/+ +/).}
- {Annot: '', ID: 16, LastEd: 0, Text: unterminated raw string.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 17, LastEd: 0, Text: unterminated back quote string.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 18, LastEd: 0, Text: 'found undefined escape sequence ''{0}''.'}
- {Annot: '', ID: 19, LastEd: 0, Text: 'found invalid Unicode escape sequence ''{0}''.'}
- {Annot: '', ID: 20, LastEd: 0, Text: insufficient number of hex digits in escape
- {Annot: '', ID: 21, LastEd: 0, Text: 'undefined HTML entity ''{0}'''}
- {Annot: '', ID: 22, LastEd: 0, Text: 'unterminated HTML entity ''{0}''.'}
- {Annot: '', ID: 23, LastEd: 0, Text: HTML entities must begin with a letter.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 24, LastEd: 0, Text: decimal number overflows sign bit.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 25, LastEd: 0, Text: overflow in decimal number.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 26, LastEd: 0, Text: overflow in hexadecimal number.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 27, LastEd: 0, Text: overflow in binary number.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 28, LastEd: 0, Text: overflow in octal number.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 29, LastEd: 0, Text: overflow in float number.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 30, LastEd: 0, Text: digits 8 and 9 are not allowed in octal numbers.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 31, LastEd: 0, Text: invalid hex number; at least one hex digit
- {Annot: '', ID: 32, LastEd: 0, Text: invalid binary number; at least one binary
    digit expected.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 33, LastEd: 0, Text: the exponent of a hexadecimal float number
    is required.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 34, LastEd: 0, Text: hexadecimal float exponents must start with
    a digit.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 35, LastEd: 0, Text: exponents must start with a digit.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 36, LastEd: 0, Text: 'expected ''{0}'', but found ''{1}''.'}
- {Annot: '', ID: 37, LastEd: 0, Text: '''{0}'' is redundant.'}
- {Annot: '', ID: 38, LastEd: 0, Text: template tuple parameters can only be last.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 39, LastEd: 0, Text: the functions 'in' contract was already parsed.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 40, LastEd: 0, Text: the functions 'out' contract was already parsed.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 41, LastEd: 0, Text: no linkage type was specified.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 42, LastEd: 0, Text: 'unrecognized linkage type ''{0}''; valid types
    are C, C++, D, Windows, Pascal und System.'}
- {Annot: '', ID: 43, LastEd: 0, Text: 'expected one or more base classes, not ''{0}''.'}
- {Annot: '', ID: 44, LastEd: 0, Text: base classes are not allowed in forward declarations.}
- {Annot: '', ID: 45, LastEd: 0, Text: 'dil v{0}

    Copyright (c) 2007 by Aziz Köksal. Licensed under the GPL3.



    Type ''dil help <subcommand>'' for more help on a particular subcommand.

    Compiled with {2} v{3} on {4}.'}
- {Annot: '', ID: 46, LastEd: 0, Text: "Generate an XML or HTML document from a D\
    \ source file.\nUsage:\n  dil gen file.d [Options]\n\nOptions:\n  --syntax   \
    \      : generate tags for the syntax tree\n  --xml            : use XML format\
    \ (default)\n  --html           : use HTML format\n\nExample:\n  dil gen Parser.d\
    \ --html --syntax > Parser.html"}
- {Annot: '', ID: 47, LastEd: 0, Text: "Parse a module and extract information from\
    \ the resulting module dependency graph.\nUsage:\n  dil igraph file.d Format [Options]\n\
    \n  The directory of file.d is implicitly added to the list of import paths.\n\
    \nFormat:\n  --dot            : generate a dot document\n  Further options for\
    \ --dot:\n  -gbp             : Group modules by package names\n  -gbf        \
    \     : Group modules by full package name\n  -hle             : highlight cyclic\
    \ edges in the graph\n  -hlv             : highlight modules in cyclic relationship\n\
    \n  --paths          : print a list of paths to the modules imported by file.d\n\
    \  --list           : print a list of the module names imported by file.d\n  Options\
    \ common to --paths and --list:\n  -lN              : print N levels.\n  -m  \
    \             : mark modules in cyclic relationships with a star.\n\nOptions:\n\
    \  -Ipath           : add 'path' to the list of import paths where modules are\n\
    \                     looked for\n  -rREGEXP         : exclude modules whose names\
    \ match the regular expression\n                     REGEXP\n  -i            \
    \   : include unlocatable modules\n\nExample:\n  dil igraph src/main.d"}