diff trunk/src/dil/parser/Parser.d @ 578:c769bc239006

Moved Parser.d to new package 'parser'.
author Aziz K?ksal <aziz.koeksal@gmail.com>
date Sat, 05 Jan 2008 17:29:47 +0100
parents trunk/src/dil/Parser.d@0df647660e76
children fa6d3c52757d
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/trunk/src/dil/parser/Parser.d	Sat Jan 05 17:29:47 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,4221 @@
+  Author: Aziz Köksal
+  License: GPL3
+module dil.parser.Parser;
+import dil.lexer.Lexer;
+import dil.SyntaxTree;
+import dil.Token;
+import dil.Messages;
+import dil.Information;
+import dil.Declarations;
+import dil.Statements;
+import dil.Expressions;
+import dil.Types;
+import dil.Enums;
+import dil.CompilerInfo;
+import dil.IdTable;
+import common;
+  The Parser produces an abstract syntax tree (AST) by analyzing
+  the tokens of the provided source code.
+class Parser
+  Lexer lx;
+  Token* token; /// Current non-whitespace token.
+  Token* prevToken; /// Previous non-whitespace token.
+  InfoManager infoMan;
+  ParserError[] errors;
+  ImportDeclaration[] imports; /// ImportDeclarations in the source text.
+  LinkageType linkageType;
+  Protection protection;
+  StorageClass storageClass;
+  uint alignSize = DEFAULT_ALIGN_SIZE;
+  private alias TOK T;
+  private alias TypeNode Type;
+  /++
+    Construct a Parser object.
+    Params:
+      text     = the UTF-8 source code.
+      filePath = the path to the source code; used for error messages.
+  +/
+  this(char[] srcText, string filePath, InfoManager infoMan = null)
+  {
+    this.infoMan = infoMan;
+    lx = new Lexer(srcText, filePath, infoMan);
+  }
+  protected void init()
+  {
+    nT();
+    prevToken = token;
+  }
+  void nT()
+  {
+    prevToken = token;
+    do
+    {
+      lx.nextToken();
+      token = lx.token;
+    } while (token.isWhitespace) // Skip whitespace
+  }
+  /++
+    Start the parser and return the parsed Declarations.
+  +/
+  Declarations start()
+  {
+    init();
+    auto begin = token;
+    auto decls = new Declarations;
+    if (token.type == T.Module)
+      decls ~= parseModuleDeclaration();
+    decls.addOptChildren(parseDeclarationDefinitions());
+    set(decls, begin);
+    return decls;
+  }
+  /++
+    Start the parser and return the parsed Expression.
+  +/
+  Expression start2()
+  {
+    init();
+    return parseExpression();
+  }
+  uint trying;
+  uint errorCount;
+  /++
+    This method executes the delegate parseMethod and when an error occurred
+    the state of the lexer and parser are restored.
+  +/
+  ReturnType try_(ReturnType)(ReturnType delegate() parseMethod, out bool success)
+  {
+    auto oldToken     = this.token;
+    auto oldPrevToken = this.prevToken;
+    auto oldCount     = this.errorCount;
+    ++trying;
+    auto result = parseMethod();
+    --trying;
+    // Check if an error occurred.
+    if (errorCount != oldCount)
+    {
+      // Restore members.
+      token      = oldToken;
+      prevToken  = oldPrevToken;
+      lx.token   = oldToken;
+      errorCount = oldCount;
+      success = false;
+    }
+    else
+      success = true;
+    return result;
+  }
+  /++
+    Sets the begin and end tokens of an AST node.
+  +/
+  Class set(Class)(Class node, Token* begin)
+  {
+    node.setTokens(begin, this.prevToken);
+    return node;
+  }
+  /++
+    Returns true if set() has been called on a node.
+  +/
+  bool isNodeSet(Node node)
+  {
+    return node.begin !is null && node.end !is null;
+  }
+  TOK peekNext()
+  {
+    Token* next = token;
+    do
+      lx.peek(next);
+    while (next.isWhitespace) // Skip whitespace
+    return next.type;
+  }
+  TOK peekAfter(ref Token* next)
+  {
+    assert(next !is null);
+    do
+      lx.peek(next);
+    while (next.isWhitespace) // Skip whitespace
+    return next.type;
+  }
+  /// Skips the current token if its type matches tok and returns true.
+  bool skipped()(TOK tok) // Templatized, so it's inlined.
+  {
+    return token.type == tok ? (nT(), true) : false;
+  }
+  /++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+  + Declaration parsing methods +
+  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/
+  Declaration parseModuleDeclaration()
+  {
+    auto begin = token;
+    ModuleFQN moduleFQN;
+    do
+    {
+      nT();
+      moduleFQN ~= requireIdentifier(MSG.ExpectedModuleIdentifier);
+    } while (token.type == T.Dot)
+    require(T.Semicolon);
+    return set(new ModuleDeclaration(moduleFQN), begin);
+  }
+  /++
+    Parse DeclarationDefinitions until the end of file is hit.
+    DeclDefs:
+      DeclDef
+      DeclDefs
+  +/
+  Declaration[] parseDeclarationDefinitions()
+  {
+    Declaration[] decls;
+    while (token.type != T.EOF)
+      decls ~= parseDeclarationDefinition();
+    return decls;
+  }
+  /++
+    Parse the body of a template, class, interface, struct or union.
+    DeclDefsBlock:
+        { }
+        { DeclDefs }
+  +/
+  Declarations parseDeclarationDefinitionsBody()
+  {
+    // Save attributes.
+    auto linkageType  = this.linkageType;
+    auto protection   = this.protection;
+    auto storageClass = this.storageClass;
+    // Clear attributes.
+    this.linkageType  = LinkageType.None;
+    this.protection   = Protection.None;
+    this.storageClass = StorageClass.None;
+    // Parse body.
+    auto begin = token;
+    auto decls = new Declarations;
+    require(T.LBrace);
+    while (token.type != T.RBrace && token.type != T.EOF)
+      decls ~= parseDeclarationDefinition();
+    require(T.RBrace);
+    set(decls, begin);
+    // Restore original values.
+    this.linkageType  = linkageType;
+    this.protection   = protection;
+    this.storageClass = storageClass;
+    return decls;
+  }
+  Declaration parseDeclarationDefinition()
+  out(decl)
+  { assert(isNodeSet(decl)); }
+  body
+  {
+    auto begin = token;
+    Declaration decl;
+    switch (token.type)
+    {
+    case T.Align,
+         T.Pragma,
+         // Protection attributes
+         T.Export,
+         T.Private,
+         T.Package,
+         T.Protected,
+         T.Public:
+      decl = parseAttributeSpecifier();
+      break;
+    // Storage classes
+    case T.Extern,
+         T.Deprecated,
+         T.Override,
+         T.Abstract,
+         T.Synchronized,
+         //T.Static,
+         T.Final,
+         T.Const,
+         //T.Invariant, // D 2.0
+         T.Auto,
+         T.Scope:
+    case_StaticAttribute:
+    case_InvariantAttribute: // D 2.0
+      return parseStorageAttribute();
+    case T.Alias:
+      nT();
+      // TODO: parse StorageClasses?
+      decl = new AliasDeclaration(parseVariableOrFunction());
+      break;
+    case T.Typedef:
+      nT();
+      // TODO: parse StorageClasses?
+      decl = new TypedefDeclaration(parseVariableOrFunction());
+      break;
+    case T.Static:
+      switch (peekNext())
+      {
+      case T.Import:
+        goto case_Import;
+      case T.This:
+        decl = parseStaticConstructorDeclaration();
+        break;
+      case T.Tilde:
+        decl = parseStaticDestructorDeclaration();
+        break;
+      case T.If:
+        decl = parseStaticIfDeclaration();
+        break;
+      case T.Assert:
+        decl = parseStaticAssertDeclaration();
+        break;
+      default:
+        goto case_StaticAttribute;
+      }
+      break;
+    case T.Import:
+    case_Import:
+      decl = parseImportDeclaration();
+      imports ~= CastTo!(ImportDeclaration)(decl);
+      // Handle specially. StorageClass mustn't be set.
+      decl.setProtection(this.protection);
+      return set(decl, begin);
+    case T.Enum:
+      decl = parseEnumDeclaration();
+      break;
+    case T.Class:
+      decl = parseClassDeclaration();
+      break;
+    case T.Interface:
+      decl = parseInterfaceDeclaration();
+      break;
+    case T.Struct, T.Union:
+      decl = parseAggregateDeclaration();
+      break;
+    case T.This:
+      decl = parseConstructorDeclaration();
+      break;
+    case T.Tilde:
+      decl = parseDestructorDeclaration();
+      break;
+    case T.Invariant:
+    version(D2)
+    {
+      auto next = token;
+      if (peekAfter(next) == T.LParen)
+      {
+        if (peekAfter(next) != T.RParen)
+          goto case_Declaration;
+      }
+      else
+        goto case_InvariantAttribute;
+    }
+      decl = parseInvariantDeclaration();
+      break;
+    case T.Unittest:
+      decl = parseUnittestDeclaration();
+      break;
+    case T.Debug:
+      decl = parseDebugDeclaration();
+      break;
+    case T.Version:
+      decl = parseVersionDeclaration();
+      break;
+    case T.Template:
+      decl = parseTemplateDeclaration();
+      break;
+    case T.New:
+      decl = parseNewDeclaration();
+      break;
+    case T.Delete:
+      decl = parseDeleteDeclaration();
+      break;
+    case T.Mixin:
+      decl = parseMixin!(MixinDeclaration)();
+      break;
+    case T.Semicolon:
+      nT();
+      decl = new EmptyDeclaration();
+      break;
+    // Declaration
+    case T.Identifier, T.Dot, T.Typeof:
+    case_Declaration:
+      return parseVariableOrFunction(this.storageClass, this.protection, this.linkageType);
+    /+case T.Module:
+      // TODO: Error: module is optional and can appear only once at the top of the source file.
+      break;+/
+    default:
+      if (token.isIntegralType)
+        goto case_Declaration;
+      decl = new IllegalDeclaration();
+      // Skip to next valid token.
+      do
+        nT();
+      while (!token.isDeclDefStart &&
+              token.type != T.RBrace &&
+              token.type != T.EOF)
+      auto text = Token.textSpan(begin, this.prevToken);
+      error(begin, MSG.IllegalDeclaration ~ text);
+    }
+    decl.setProtection(this.protection);
+    decl.setStorageClass(this.storageClass);
+    assert(!isNodeSet(decl));
+    set(decl, begin);
+    return decl;
+  }
+  /++
+    DeclarationsBlock:
+        : DeclDefs
+        { }
+        { DeclDefs }
+        DeclDef
+  +/
+  Declaration parseDeclarationsBlock(bool noColon = false)
+  {
+    Declaration d;
+    switch (token.type)
+    {
+    case T.LBrace:
+      auto begin = token;
+      nT();
+      auto decls = new Declarations;
+      while (token.type != T.RBrace && token.type != T.EOF)
+        decls ~= parseDeclarationDefinition();
+      require(T.RBrace);
+      d = set(decls, begin);
+      break;
+    case T.Colon:
+      if (noColon == true)
+        goto default;
+      nT();
+      auto begin = token;
+      auto decls = new Declarations;
+      while (token.type != T.RBrace && token.type != T.EOF)
+        decls ~= parseDeclarationDefinition();
+      d = set(decls, begin);
+      break;
+    default:
+      d = parseDeclarationDefinition();
+    }
+    assert(isNodeSet(d));
+    return d;
+  }
+  Declaration parseDeclarationsBlockNoColon()
+  {
+    return parseDeclarationsBlock(true);
+  }
+  /++
+    Parses either a VariableDeclaration or a FunctionDeclaration.
+    Params:
+      stc = previously parsed storage classes
+      protection = previously parsed protection attribute
+      linkType = previously parsed linkage type
+      testAutoDeclaration = whether to check for an AutoDeclaration
+      optionalParameterList = a hint for how to parse C-style function pointers
+  +/
+  Declaration parseVariableOrFunction(StorageClass stc = StorageClass.None,
+                                      Protection protection = Protection.None,
+                                      LinkageType linkType = LinkageType.None,
+                                      bool testAutoDeclaration = false,
+                                      bool optionalParameterList = true)
+  {
+    auto begin = token;
+    Type type;
+    Identifier* ident;
+    // Check for AutoDeclaration: StorageClasses Identifier =
+    if (testAutoDeclaration &&
+        token.type == T.Identifier &&
+        peekNext() == T.Assign)
+    {
+      ident = token.ident;
+      nT();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      type = parseType(); // VariableType or ReturnType
+      if (token.type == T.LParen)
+      {
+        // C-style function pointers make the grammar ambiguous.
+        // We have to treat them specially at function scope.
+        // Example:
+        //   void foo() {
+        //     // A pointer to a function taking an integer and returning 'some_type'.
+        //     some_type (*p_func)(int);
+        //     // In the following case precedence is given to a CallExpression.
+        //     something(*p); // 'something' may be a function/method or an object having opCall overloaded.
+        //   }
+        //   // A pointer to a function taking no parameters and returning 'something'.
+        //   something(*p);
+        type = parseCFunctionPointerType(type, ident, optionalParameterList);
+      }
+      else if (peekNext() == T.LParen)
+      { // Type FunctionName ( ParameterList ) FunctionBody
+        ident = requireIdentifier(MSG.ExpectedFunctionName);
+        ident || nT(); // Skip non-identifier token.
+        assert(token.type == T.LParen);
+        // It's a function declaration
+        TemplateParameters tparams;
+        if (tokenAfterParenIs(T.LParen))
+        {
+          // ( TemplateParameterList ) ( ParameterList )
+          tparams = parseTemplateParameterList();
+        }
+        auto params = parseParameterList();
+      version(D2)
+      {
+        switch (token.type)
+        {
+        case T.Const:
+          stc |= StorageClass.Const;
+          nT();
+          break;
+        case T.Invariant:
+          stc |= StorageClass.Invariant;
+          nT();
+          break;
+        default:
+        }
+      }
+        // ReturnType FunctionName ( ParameterList )
+        auto funcBody = parseFunctionBody();
+        auto d = new FunctionDeclaration(type, ident, tparams, params, funcBody);
+        d.setStorageClass(stc);
+        d.setLinkageType(linkType);
+        d.setProtection(protection);
+        return set(d, begin);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        // Type VariableName DeclaratorSuffix
+        ident = requireIdentifier(MSG.ExpectedVariableName);
+        type = parseDeclaratorSuffix(type);
+      }
+    }
+    // It's a variable declaration.
+    Identifier*[] idents = [ident];
+    Expression[] values;
+    goto LenterLoop; // We've already parsed an identifier. Jump to if statement and check for initializer.
+    while (token.type == T.Comma)
+    {
+      nT();
+      idents ~= requireIdentifier(MSG.ExpectedVariableName);
+    LenterLoop:
+      if (skipped(T.Assign))
+        values ~= parseInitializer();
+      else
+        values ~= null;
+    }
+    require(T.Semicolon);
+    auto d = new VariableDeclaration(type, idents, values);
+    d.setStorageClass(stc);
+    d.setLinkageType(linkType);
+    d.setProtection(protection);
+    return set(d, begin);
+  }
+  Expression parseInitializer()
+  {
+    if (token.type == T.Void)
+    {
+      auto begin = token;
+      auto next = peekNext();
+      if (next == T.Comma || next == T.Semicolon)
+      {
+        nT();
+        return set(new VoidInitializer(), begin);
+      }
+    }
+    return parseNonVoidInitializer();
+  }
+  Expression parseNonVoidInitializer()
+  {
+    auto begin = token;
+    Expression init;
+    switch (token.type)
+    {
+    case T.LBracket:
+      // ArrayInitializer:
+      //         [ ]
+      //         [ ArrayMemberInitializations ]
+      Expression[] keys;
+      Expression[] values;
+      nT();
+      while (token.type != T.RBracket)
+      {
+        auto e = parseNonVoidInitializer();
+        if (skipped(T.Colon))
+        {
+          keys ~= e;
+          values ~= parseNonVoidInitializer();
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          keys ~= null;
+          values ~= e;
+        }
+        if (token.type != T.Comma)
+          break;
+        nT();
+      }
+      require(T.RBracket);
+      init = new ArrayInitializer(keys, values);
+      break;
+    case T.LBrace:
+      // StructInitializer:
+      //         { }
+      //         { StructMemberInitializers }
+      Expression parseStructInitializer()
+      {
+        Identifier*[] idents;
+        Expression[] values;
+        nT();
+        while (token.type != T.RBrace)
+        {
+          if (token.type == T.Identifier &&
+              // Peek for colon to see if this is a member identifier.
+              peekNext() == T.Colon)
+          {
+            idents ~= token.ident;
+            nT(), nT(); // Skip Identifier :
+          }
+          else
+            idents ~= null;
+          // NonVoidInitializer
+          values ~= parseNonVoidInitializer();
+          if (token.type != T.Comma)
+            break;
+          nT();
+        }
+        require(T.RBrace);
+        return new StructInitializer(idents, values);
+      }
+      bool success;
+      auto si = try_(&parseStructInitializer, success);
+      if (success)
+      {
+        init = si;
+        break;
+      }
+      assert(token.type == T.LBrace);
+      //goto default;
+    default:
+      init = parseAssignExpression();
+    }
+    set(init, begin);
+    return init;
+  }
+  FunctionBody parseFunctionBody()
+  {
+    auto begin = token;
+    auto func = new FunctionBody;
+    while (1)
+    {
+      switch (token.type)
+      {
+      case T.LBrace:
+        func.funcBody = parseStatements();
+        break;
+      case T.Semicolon:
+        nT();
+        break;
+      case T.In:
+        if (func.inBody)
+          error(MID.InContract);
+        nT();
+        func.inBody = parseStatements();
+        continue;
+      case T.Out:
+        if (func.outBody)
+          error(MID.OutContract);
+        nT();
+        if (skipped(T.LParen))
+        {
+          func.outIdent = requireIdentifier(MSG.ExpectedAnIdentifier);
+          require(T.RParen);
+        }
+        func.outBody = parseStatements();
+        continue;
+      case T.Body:
+        nT();
+        goto case T.LBrace;
+      default:
+        error(token, MSG.ExpectedFunctionBody, token.srcText);
+      }
+      break; // Exit loop.
+    }
+    set(func, begin);
+    func.finishConstruction();
+    return func;
+  }
+  LinkageType parseLinkageType()
+  {
+    LinkageType linkageType;
+    if (token.type != T.LParen)
+      return linkageType;
+    nT(); // Skip (
+    if (token.type == T.RParen)
+    {
+      nT();
+      error(MID.MissingLinkageType);
+      return linkageType;
+    }
+    auto identTok = requireId();
+    ID identID = identTok ? identTok.ident.identID : ID.Null;
+    switch (identID)
+    {
+    case ID.C:
+      if (skipped(T.PlusPlus))
+      {
+        linkageType = LinkageType.Cpp;
+        break;
+      }
+      linkageType = LinkageType.C;
+      break;
+    case ID.D:
+      linkageType = LinkageType.D;
+      break;
+    case ID.Windows:
+      linkageType = LinkageType.Windows;
+      break;
+    case ID.Pascal:
+      linkageType = LinkageType.Pascal;
+      break;
+    case ID.System:
+      linkageType = LinkageType.System;
+      break;
+    default:
+      error(MID.UnrecognizedLinkageType, token.srcText);
+    }
+    require(T.RParen);
+    return linkageType;
+  }
+  void checkLinkageType(ref LinkageType prev_lt, LinkageType lt, Token* begin)
+  {
+    if (prev_lt == LinkageType.None)
+      prev_lt = lt;
+    else
+      // TODO: create new msg RedundantLinkageType.
+      error(begin, MSG.RedundantLinkageType ~ Token.textSpan(begin, this.prevToken));
+  }
+  Declaration parseStorageAttribute()
+  {
+    StorageClass stc, stc_tmp;
+    LinkageType prev_linkageType;
+    auto saved_storageClass = this.storageClass; // Save.
+    // Nested function.
+    Declaration parse()
+    {
+      Declaration decl;
+      auto begin = token;
+      switch (token.type)
+      {
+      case T.Extern:
+        if (peekNext() != T.LParen)
+        {
+          stc_tmp = StorageClass.Extern;
+          goto Lcommon;
+        }
+        nT();
+        auto linkageType = parseLinkageType();
+        checkLinkageType(prev_linkageType, linkageType, begin);
+        auto saved = this.linkageType; // Save.
+        this.linkageType = linkageType; // Set.
+        decl = new LinkageDeclaration(linkageType, parse());
+        set(decl, begin);
+        this.linkageType = saved; // Restore.
+        break;
+      case T.Override:
+        stc_tmp = StorageClass.Override;
+        goto Lcommon;
+      case T.Deprecated:
+        stc_tmp = StorageClass.Deprecated;
+        goto Lcommon;
+      case T.Abstract:
+        stc_tmp = StorageClass.Abstract;
+        goto Lcommon;
+      case T.Synchronized:
+        stc_tmp = StorageClass.Synchronized;
+        goto Lcommon;
+      case T.Static:
+        stc_tmp = StorageClass.Static;
+        goto Lcommon;
+      case T.Final:
+        stc_tmp = StorageClass.Final;
+        goto Lcommon;
+      case T.Const:
+      version(D2)
+      {
+        if (peekNext() == T.LParen)
+          goto case_Declaration;
+      }
+        stc_tmp = StorageClass.Const;
+        goto Lcommon;
+      version(D2)
+      {
+      case T.Invariant: // D 2.0
+        auto next = token;
+        if (peekAfter(next) == T.LParen)
+        {
+          if (peekAfter(next) != T.RParen)
+            goto case_Declaration; // invariant ( Type )
+          decl = parseDeclarationDefinition(); // invariant ( )
+          decl.setStorageClass(stc);
+          break;
+        }
+        // invariant as StorageClass.
+        stc_tmp = StorageClass.Invariant;
+        goto Lcommon;
+      }
+      case T.Auto:
+        stc_tmp = StorageClass.Auto;
+        goto Lcommon;
+      case T.Scope:
+        stc_tmp = StorageClass.Scope;
+        goto Lcommon;
+      Lcommon:
+        // Issue error if redundant.
+        if (stc & stc_tmp)
+          error(MID.RedundantStorageClass, token.srcText);
+        else
+          stc |= stc_tmp;
+        auto tok = token.type;
+        nT();
+        decl = new StorageClassDeclaration(stc_tmp, tok, parse());
+        set(decl, begin);
+        break;
+      case T.Identifier:
+      case_Declaration:
+        // This could be a normal Declaration or an AutoDeclaration
+        decl = parseVariableOrFunction(stc, this.protection, prev_linkageType, true);
+        break;
+      default:
+        this.storageClass = stc; // Set.
+        decl = parseDeclarationsBlock();
+        this.storageClass = saved_storageClass; // Reset.
+      }
+      assert(isNodeSet(decl));
+      return decl;
+    }
+    return parse();
+  }
+  uint parseAlignAttribute()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Align);
+    nT(); // Skip align keyword.
+    uint size = DEFAULT_ALIGN_SIZE; // Global default.
+    if (skipped(T.LParen))
+    {
+      if (token.type == T.Int32)
+        (size = token.int_), nT();
+      else
+        expected(T.Int32);
+      require(T.RParen);
+    }
+    return size;
+  }
+  Declaration parseAttributeSpecifier()
+  {
+    Declaration decl;
+    switch (token.type)
+    {
+    case T.Align:
+      uint alignSize = parseAlignAttribute();
+      auto saved = this.alignSize; // Save.
+      this.alignSize = alignSize; // Set.
+      decl = new AlignDeclaration(alignSize, parseDeclarationsBlock());
+      this.alignSize = saved; // Restore.
+      break;
+    case T.Pragma:
+      // Pragma:
+      //     pragma ( Identifier )
+      //     pragma ( Identifier , ExpressionList )
+      nT();
+      Identifier* ident;
+      Expression[] args;
+      require(T.LParen);
+      ident = requireIdentifier(MSG.ExpectedPragmaIdentifier);
+      if (skipped(T.Comma))
+        args = parseExpressionList();
+      require(T.RParen);
+      decl = new PragmaDeclaration(ident, args, parseDeclarationsBlock());
+      break;
+    default:
+      // Protection attributes
+      Protection prot;
+      switch (token.type)
+      {
+      case T.Private:
+        prot = Protection.Private; break;
+      case T.Package:
+        prot = Protection.Package; break;
+      case T.Protected:
+        prot = Protection.Protected; break;
+      case T.Public:
+        prot = Protection.Public; break;
+      case T.Export:
+        prot = Protection.Export; break;
+      default:
+        assert(0);
+      }
+      nT();
+      auto saved = this.protection; // Save.
+      this.protection = prot; // Set.
+      decl = new ProtectionDeclaration(prot, parseDeclarationsBlock());
+      this.protection = saved; // Restore.
+    }
+    return decl;
+  }
+  Declaration parseImportDeclaration()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Import || token.type == T.Static);
+    bool isStatic = skipped(T.Static);
+    assert(token.type == T.Import);
+    nT(); // Skip import keyword.
+    ModuleFQN[] moduleFQNs;
+    Identifier*[] moduleAliases;
+    Identifier*[] bindNames;
+    Identifier*[] bindAliases;
+    while (1)
+    {
+      ModuleFQN moduleFQN;
+      Identifier* moduleAlias;
+      // AliasName = ModuleName
+      if (peekNext() == T.Assign)
+      {
+        moduleAlias = requireIdentifier(MSG.ExpectedAliasModuleName);
+        nT(); // Skip =
+      }
+      // Identifier(.Identifier)*
+      while (1)
+      {
+        moduleFQN ~= requireIdentifier(MSG.ExpectedModuleIdentifier);
+        if (token.type != T.Dot)
+          break;
+        nT();
+      }
+      // Push identifiers.
+      moduleFQNs ~= moduleFQN;
+      moduleAliases ~= moduleAlias;
+      if (token.type != T.Comma)
+        break;
+      nT();
+    }
+    if (token.type == T.Colon)
+    {
+      // BindAlias = BindName(, BindAlias = BindName)*;
+      // BindName(, BindName)*;
+      do
+      {
+        nT();
+        Identifier* bindAlias;
+        // BindAlias = BindName
+        if (peekNext() == T.Assign)
+        {
+          bindAlias = requireIdentifier(MSG.ExpectedAliasImportName);
+          nT(); // Skip =
+        }
+        // Push identifiers.
+        bindNames ~= requireIdentifier(MSG.ExpectedImportName);
+        bindAliases ~= bindAlias;
+      } while (token.type == T.Comma)
+    }
+    require(T.Semicolon);
+    return new ImportDeclaration(moduleFQNs, moduleAliases, bindNames, bindAliases, isStatic);
+  }
+  Declaration parseEnumDeclaration()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Enum);
+    nT(); // Skip enum keyword.
+    Identifier* enumName;
+    Type baseType;
+    EnumMember[] members;
+    bool hasBody;
+    enumName = optionalIdentifier();
+    if (skipped(T.Colon))
+      baseType = parseBasicType();
+    if (skipped(T.Semicolon))
+    {
+      if (enumName is null)
+        expected(T.Identifier);
+    }
+    else if (skipped(T.LBrace))
+    {
+      hasBody = true;
+      while (token.type != T.RBrace)
+      {
+        auto begin = token;
+        auto name = requireIdentifier(MSG.ExpectedEnumMember);
+        Expression value;
+        if (skipped(T.Assign))
+          value = parseAssignExpression();
+        else
+          value = null;
+        members ~= set(new EnumMember(name, value), begin);
+        if (token.type != T.Comma)
+          break;
+        nT(); // Skip ,
+      }
+      require(T.RBrace);
+    }
+    else
+      error(token, MSG.ExpectedEnumBody, token.srcText);
+    return new EnumDeclaration(enumName, baseType, members, hasBody);
+  }
+  Declaration parseClassDeclaration()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Class);
+    nT(); // Skip class keyword.
+    Identifier* className;
+    TemplateParameters tparams;
+    BaseClass[] bases;
+    Declarations decls;
+    className = requireIdentifier(MSG.ExpectedClassName);
+    if (token.type == T.LParen)
+      tparams = parseTemplateParameterList();
+    if (token.type == T.Colon)
+      bases = parseBaseClasses();
+    if (skipped(T.Semicolon))
+    {
+      if (bases.length != 0)
+        error(MID.BaseClassInForwardDeclaration);
+    }
+    else if (token.type == T.LBrace)
+      decls = parseDeclarationDefinitionsBody();
+    else
+      error(token, MSG.ExpectedClassBody, token.srcText);
+    return new ClassDeclaration(className, tparams, bases, decls);
+  }
+  BaseClass[] parseBaseClasses(bool colonLeadsOff = true)
+  {
+    if (colonLeadsOff)
+    {
+      assert(token.type == T.Colon);
+      nT(); // Skip colon
+    }
+    BaseClass[] bases;
+    while (1)
+    {
+      Protection prot = Protection.Public;
+      switch (token.type)
+      {
+      case T.Identifier, T.Dot, T.Typeof: goto LparseBasicType;
+      case T.Private:   prot = Protection.Private;   break;
+      case T.Protected: prot = Protection.Protected; break;
+      case T.Package:   prot = Protection.Package;   break;
+      case T.Public:  /*prot = Protection.Public;*/  break;
+      default:
+        error(MID.ExpectedBaseClasses, token.srcText);
+        return bases;
+      }
+      nT(); // Skip protection attribute.
+    LparseBasicType:
+      auto begin = token;
+      auto type = parseBasicType();
+      //if (type.tid != TID.DotList)
+        // TODO: issue error msg. base classes can only be one or more identifiers or template instances separated by dots.
+      bases ~= set(new BaseClass(prot, type), begin);
+      if (token.type != T.Comma)
+        break;
+      nT();
+    }
+    return bases;
+  }
+  Declaration parseInterfaceDeclaration()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Interface);
+    nT(); // Skip interface keyword.
+    Identifier* name;
+    TemplateParameters tparams;
+    BaseClass[] bases;
+    Declarations decls;
+    name = requireIdentifier(MSG.ExpectedInterfaceName);
+    if (token.type == T.LParen)
+      tparams = parseTemplateParameterList();
+    if (token.type == T.Colon)
+      bases = parseBaseClasses();
+    if (skipped(T.Semicolon))
+    {
+      if (bases.length != 0)
+        error(MID.BaseClassInForwardDeclaration);
+    }
+    else if (token.type == T.LBrace)
+      decls = parseDeclarationDefinitionsBody();
+    else
+      error(token, MSG.ExpectedInterfaceBody, token.srcText);
+    return new InterfaceDeclaration(name, tparams, bases, decls);
+  }
+  Declaration parseAggregateDeclaration()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Struct || token.type == T.Union);
+    TOK tok = token.type;
+    nT(); // Skip struct or union keyword.
+    Identifier* name;
+    TemplateParameters tparams;
+    Declarations decls;
+    name = optionalIdentifier();
+    if (name && token.type == T.LParen)
+      tparams = parseTemplateParameterList();
+    if (skipped(T.Semicolon))
+    {
+      //if (name.length == 0)
+        // TODO: error: forward declarations must have a name.
+    }
+    else if (token.type == T.LBrace)
+      decls = parseDeclarationDefinitionsBody();
+    else
+      expected(T.LBrace); // TODO: better error msg
+    if (tok == T.Struct)
+    {
+      auto sd = new StructDeclaration(name, tparams, decls);
+      sd.setAlignSize(this.alignSize);
+      return sd;
+    }
+    else
+      return new UnionDeclaration(name, tparams, decls);
+  }
+  Declaration parseConstructorDeclaration()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.This);
+    nT(); // Skip 'this' keyword.
+    auto parameters = parseParameterList();
+    auto funcBody = parseFunctionBody();
+    return new ConstructorDeclaration(parameters, funcBody);
+  }
+  Declaration parseDestructorDeclaration()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Tilde);
+    nT(); // Skip ~
+    require(T.This);
+    require(T.LParen);
+    require(T.RParen);
+    auto funcBody = parseFunctionBody();
+    return new DestructorDeclaration(funcBody);
+  }
+  Declaration parseStaticConstructorDeclaration()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Static);
+    nT(); // Skip static keyword.
+    nT(); // Skip 'this' keyword.
+    require(T.LParen);
+    require(T.RParen);
+    auto funcBody = parseFunctionBody();
+    return new StaticConstructorDeclaration(funcBody);
+  }
+  Declaration parseStaticDestructorDeclaration()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Static);
+    nT(); // Skip static keyword.
+    nT(); // Skip ~
+    require(T.This);
+    require(T.LParen);
+    require(T.RParen);
+    auto funcBody = parseFunctionBody();
+    return new StaticDestructorDeclaration(funcBody);
+  }
+  Declaration parseInvariantDeclaration()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Invariant);
+    nT(); // Skip invariant keyword.
+    // Optional () for getting ready porting to D 2.0
+    if (token.type == T.LParen)
+      requireNext(T.RParen);
+    auto funcBody = parseFunctionBody();
+    return new InvariantDeclaration(funcBody);
+  }
+  Declaration parseUnittestDeclaration()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Unittest);
+    nT(); // Skip unittest keyword.
+    auto funcBody = parseFunctionBody();
+    return new UnittestDeclaration(funcBody);
+  }
+  Token* parseIdentOrInt()
+  {
+    if (skipped(T.Int32) || skipped(T.Identifier))
+      return this.prevToken;
+    error(token, MSG.ExpectedIdentOrInt, token.srcText);
+    return null;
+  }
+  Declaration parseDebugDeclaration()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Debug);
+    nT(); // Skip debug keyword.
+    Token* spec;
+    Token* cond;
+    Declaration decls, elseDecls;
+    if (skipped(T.Assign))
+    { // debug = Integer ;
+      // debug = Identifier ;
+      spec = parseIdentOrInt();
+      require(T.Semicolon);
+    }
+    else
+    { // ( Condition )
+      if (skipped(T.LParen))
+      {
+        cond = parseIdentOrInt();
+        require(T.RParen);
+      }
+      // debug DeclarationsBlock
+      // debug ( Condition ) DeclarationsBlock
+      decls = parseDeclarationsBlockNoColon();
+      // else DeclarationsBlock
+      if (skipped(T.Else))
+        elseDecls = parseDeclarationsBlockNoColon();
+    }
+    return new DebugDeclaration(spec, cond, decls, elseDecls);
+  }
+  Declaration parseVersionDeclaration()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Version);
+    nT(); // Skip version keyword.
+    Token* spec;
+    Token* cond;
+    Declaration decls, elseDecls;
+    if (skipped(T.Assign))
+    { // version = Integer ;
+      // version = Identifier ;
+      spec = parseIdentOrInt();
+      require(T.Semicolon);
+    }
+    else
+    { // ( Condition )
+      require(T.LParen);
+      cond = parseIdentOrInt();
+      require(T.RParen);
+      // version ( Condition ) DeclarationsBlock
+      decls = parseDeclarationsBlockNoColon();
+      // else DeclarationsBlock
+      if (skipped(T.Else))
+        elseDecls = parseDeclarationsBlockNoColon();
+    }
+    return new VersionDeclaration(spec, cond, decls, elseDecls);
+  }
+  Declaration parseStaticIfDeclaration()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Static);
+    nT(); // Skip static keyword.
+    nT(); // Skip if keyword.
+    Expression condition;
+    Declaration ifDecls, elseDecls;
+    require(T.LParen);
+    condition = parseAssignExpression();
+    require(T.RParen);
+    ifDecls = parseDeclarationsBlockNoColon();
+    if (skipped(T.Else))
+      elseDecls = parseDeclarationsBlockNoColon();
+    return new StaticIfDeclaration(condition, ifDecls, elseDecls);
+  }
+  Declaration parseStaticAssertDeclaration()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Static);
+    nT(); // Skip static keyword.
+    nT(); // Skip assert keyword.
+    Expression condition, message;
+    require(T.LParen);
+    condition = parseAssignExpression();
+    if (skipped(T.Comma))
+      message = parseAssignExpression();
+    require(T.RParen);
+    require(T.Semicolon);
+    return new StaticAssertDeclaration(condition, message);
+  }
+  Declaration parseTemplateDeclaration()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Template);
+    nT(); // Skip template keyword.
+    auto templateName = requireIdentifier(MSG.ExpectedTemplateName);
+    auto templateParams = parseTemplateParameterList();
+    auto decls = parseDeclarationDefinitionsBody();
+    return new TemplateDeclaration(templateName, templateParams, decls);
+  }
+  Declaration parseNewDeclaration()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.New);
+    nT(); // Skip new keyword.
+    auto parameters = parseParameterList();
+    auto funcBody = parseFunctionBody();
+    return new NewDeclaration(parameters, funcBody);
+  }
+  Declaration parseDeleteDeclaration()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Delete);
+    nT(); // Skip delete keyword.
+    auto parameters = parseParameterList();
+    // TODO: only one parameter of type void* allowed. Check in parsing or semantic phase?
+    auto funcBody = parseFunctionBody();
+    return new DeleteDeclaration(parameters, funcBody);
+  }
+  Type parseTypeofType()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Typeof);
+    Type type;
+    requireNext(T.LParen);
+    switch (token.type)
+    {
+    version(D2)
+    {
+    case T.Return:
+      nT();
+      type = new TypeofType();
+      break;
+    }
+    default:
+      type = new TypeofType(parseExpression());
+    }
+    require(T.RParen);
+    return type;
+  }
+  /+
+    DotListExpression:
+            . DotListItems
+            DotListItems
+            Typeof
+            Typeof . DotListItems
+    DotListItems:
+            DotListItem
+            DotListItem . DotListItems
+    DotListItem:
+            Identifier
+            TemplateInstance
+            NewExpression
+    TemplateInstance:
+            Identifier !( TemplateArguments )
+  +/
+  DotListExpression parseDotListExpression()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Identifier || token.type == T.Dot || token.type == T.Typeof);
+    auto begin = token;
+    Expression[] identList;
+    if (skipped(T.Dot))
+      identList ~= set(new DotExpression(), begin);
+    else if (token.type == T.Typeof)
+    {
+      auto type = parseTypeofType();
+      set(type, begin);
+      identList ~= set(new TypeofExpression(type), begin);
+      if (!skipped(T.Dot))
+        goto Lreturn;
+    }
+    while (1)
+    {
+      begin = token;
+      auto ident = requireIdentifier(MSG.ExpectedAnIdentifier);
+      Expression e;
+      if (token.type == T.Not && peekNext() == T.LParen) // Identifier !( TemplateArguments )
+      {
+        nT(); // Skip !.
+        auto tparams = parseTemplateArguments();
+        e = new TemplateInstanceExpression(ident, tparams);
+      }
+      else // Identifier
+        e = new IdentifierExpression(ident);
+      identList ~= set(e, begin);
+    LnewExpressionLoop:
+      if (!skipped(T.Dot))
+        break;
+      if (token.type == T.New)
+      {
+        identList ~= parseNewExpression();
+        goto LnewExpressionLoop;
+      }
+    }
+  Lreturn:
+    return new DotListExpression(identList);
+  }
+  /+
+    DotListType:
+            . TypeItems
+            TypeItems
+            Typeof
+            Typeof . TypeItems
+    TypeItems:
+            TypeItem
+            TypeItem . TypeItems
+    TypeItem:
+            Identifier
+            TemplateInstance
+    TemplateInstance:
+            Identifier !( TemplateArguments )
+  +/
+  DotListType parseDotListType()
+  {
+    auto begin = token;
+    Type[] identList;
+    if (skipped(T.Dot))
+      identList ~= set(new DotType(), begin);
+    else if (token.type == T.Typeof)
+    {
+      identList ~= set(parseTypeofType(), begin);
+      if (!skipped(T.Dot))
+        goto Lreturn;
+    }
+    do
+    {
+      begin = token;
+      auto ident = requireIdentifier(MSG.ExpectedAnIdentifier);
+      Type t;
+      // NB.: Currently Types can't be followed by "!="
+      // so no need to peek for "(" when parsing TemplateInstances.
+      if (skipped(T.Not)/+ && peekNext() == T.LParen+/) // Identifier !( TemplateArguments )
+        t = new TemplateInstanceType(ident, parseTemplateArguments());
+      else // Identifier
+        t = new IdentifierType(ident);
+      identList ~= set(t, begin);
+    } while(skipped(T.Dot))
+  Lreturn:
+    return new DotListType(identList);
+  }
+  /*
+    TemplateMixin:
+            mixin ( AssignExpression ) ;
+            mixin TemplateIdentifier ;
+            mixin TemplateIdentifier MixinIdentifier ;
+            mixin TemplateIdentifier !( TemplateArguments ) ;
+            mixin TemplateIdentifier !( TemplateArguments ) MixinIdentifier ;
+  */
+  Class parseMixin(Class)()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Mixin);
+    nT(); // Skip mixin keyword.
+  static if (is(Class == MixinDeclaration))
+  {
+    if (skipped(T.LParen))
+    {
+      // TODO: What about mixin(...).ident;?
+      auto e = parseAssignExpression();
+      require(T.RParen);
+      require(T.Semicolon);
+      return new MixinDeclaration(e);
+    }
+  }
+    auto begin = token;
+    Expression[] templateIdent;
+    Identifier* mixinIdent;
+    // This code is similar to parseDotListType().
+    if (skipped(T.Dot))
+      templateIdent ~= set(new DotExpression(), begin);
+    do
+    {
+      begin = token;
+      auto ident = requireIdentifier(MSG.ExpectedAnIdentifier);
+      Expression e;
+      if (skipped(T.Not)) // Identifier !( TemplateArguments )
+      {
+        // No need to peek for T.LParen. This must be a template instance.
+        auto tparams = parseTemplateArguments();
+        e = new TemplateInstanceExpression(ident, tparams);
+      }
+      else // Identifier
+        e = new IdentifierExpression(ident);
+      templateIdent ~= set(e, begin);
+    } while (skipped(T.Dot))
+    mixinIdent = optionalIdentifier();
+    require(T.Semicolon);
+    return new Class(templateIdent, mixinIdent);
+  }
+  /+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+  + Statement parsing methods  +
+  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/
+  Statements parseStatements()
+  {
+    auto begin = token;
+    require(T.LBrace);
+    auto statements = new Statements();
+    while (token.type != T.RBrace && token.type != T.EOF)
+      statements ~= parseStatement();
+    require(T.RBrace);
+    return set(statements, begin);
+  }
+  Statement parseStatement()
+  {
+    auto begin = token;
+    Statement s;
+    Declaration d;
+    if (token.isIntegralType)
+    {
+      d = parseVariableOrFunction();
+      goto LreturnDeclarationStatement;
+    }
+    switch (token.type)
+    {
+    case T.Align:
+      uint size = parseAlignAttribute();
+      // Restrict align attribute to structs in parsing phase.
+      StructDeclaration structDecl;
+      if (token.type == T.Struct)
+      {
+        auto begin2 = token;
+        structDecl = CastTo!(StructDeclaration)(parseAggregateDeclaration());
+        structDecl.setAlignSize(size);
+        set(structDecl, begin2);
+      }
+      else
+        expected(T.Struct);
+      d = new AlignDeclaration(size, structDecl ? cast(Declaration)structDecl : new Declarations);
+      goto LreturnDeclarationStatement;
+      /+ Not applicable for statements.
+         T.Private, T.Package, T.Protected, T.Public, T.Export,
+         T.Deprecated, T.Override, T.Abstract,+/
+    case T.Extern,
+         T.Final,
+         T.Const,
+         T.Auto:
+         //T.Scope
+         //T.Static
+    case_parseAttribute:
+      s = parseAttributeStatement();
+      return s;
+    case T.Identifier:
+      if (peekNext() == T.Colon)
+      {
+        auto ident = token.ident;
+        nT(), nT(); // Skip Identifier :
+        s = new LabeledStatement(ident, parseNoScopeOrEmptyStatement());
+        break;
+      }
+      goto case T.Dot;
+    case T.Dot, T.Typeof:
+      bool success;
+      d = try_(delegate {
+          return parseVariableOrFunction(StorageClass.None,
+                                         Protection.None,
+                                         LinkageType.None, false, false);
+        }, success
+      );
+      if (success)
+        goto LreturnDeclarationStatement; // Declaration
+      else
+        goto case_parseExpressionStatement; // Expression
+    case T.If:
+      s = parseIfStatement();
+      break;
+    case T.While:
+      s = parseWhileStatement();
+      break;
+    case T.Do:
+      s = parseDoWhileStatement();
+      break;
+    case T.For:
+      s = parseForStatement();
+      break;
+    case T.Foreach, T.Foreach_reverse:
+      s = parseForeachStatement();
+      break;
+    case T.Switch:
+      s = parseSwitchStatement();
+      break;
+    case T.Case:
+      s = parseCaseStatement();
+      break;
+    case T.Default:
+      s = parseDefaultStatement();
+      break;
+    case T.Continue:
+      s = parseContinueStatement();
+      break;
+    case T.Break:
+      s = parseBreakStatement();
+      break;
+    case T.Return:
+      s = parseReturnStatement();
+      break;
+    case T.Goto:
+      s = parseGotoStatement();
+      break;
+    case T.With:
+      s = parseWithStatement();
+      break;
+    case T.Synchronized:
+      s = parseSynchronizedStatement();
+      break;
+    case T.Try:
+      s = parseTryStatement();
+      break;
+    case T.Throw:
+      s = parseThrowStatement();
+      break;
+    case T.Scope:
+      if (peekNext() != T.LParen)
+        goto case_parseAttribute;
+      s = parseScopeGuardStatement();
+      break;
+    case T.Volatile:
+      s = parseVolatileStatement();
+      break;
+    case T.Asm:
+      s = parseAsmStatement();
+      break;
+    case T.Pragma:
+      s = parsePragmaStatement();
+      break;
+    case T.Mixin:
+      if (peekNext() == T.LParen)
+        goto case_parseExpressionStatement; // Parse as expression.
+      s = parseMixin!(MixinStatement)();
+      break;
+    case T.Static:
+      switch (peekNext())
+      {
+      case T.If:
+        s = parseStaticIfStatement();
+        break;
+      case T.Assert:
+        s = parseStaticAssertStatement();
+        break;
+      default:
+        goto case_parseAttribute;
+      }
+      break;
+    case T.Debug:
+      s = parseDebugStatement();
+      break;
+    case T.Version:
+      s = parseVersionStatement();
+      break;
+    // DeclDef
+    case T.Alias, T.Typedef:
+      d = parseDeclarationDefinition();
+      goto LreturnDeclarationStatement;
+    case T.Enum:
+      d = parseEnumDeclaration();
+      goto LreturnDeclarationStatement;
+    case T.Class:
+      d = parseClassDeclaration();
+      goto LreturnDeclarationStatement;
+    case T.Interface:
+      d = parseInterfaceDeclaration();
+      goto LreturnDeclarationStatement;
+    case T.Struct, T.Union:
+      d = parseAggregateDeclaration();
+      // goto LreturnDeclarationStatement;
+    LreturnDeclarationStatement:
+      set(d, begin);
+      s = new DeclarationStatement(d);
+      break;
+    case T.LBrace:
+      s = parseScopeStatement();
+      break;
+    case T.Semicolon:
+      nT();
+      s = new EmptyStatement();
+      break;
+    /+
+      Parse ExpressionStatement:
+    +/
+    // Tokens that start a PrimaryExpression.
+    // case T.Identifier, T.Dot, T.Typeof:
+    case T.This:
+    case T.Super:
+    case T.Null:
+    case T.True, T.False:
+    // case T.Dollar:
+    case T.Int32, T.Int64, T.Uint32, T.Uint64:
+    case T.Float32, T.Float64, T.Float80,
+         T.Imaginary32, T.Imaginary64, T.Imaginary80:
+    case T.CharLiteral:
+    case T.String:
+    case T.LBracket:
+    // case T.LBrace:
+    case T.Function, T.Delegate:
+    case T.Assert:
+    // case T.Mixin:
+    case T.Import:
+    case T.Typeid:
+    case T.Is:
+    case T.LParen:
+    case T.Traits: // D2.0
+    // Tokens that can start a UnaryExpression:
+    case T.AndBinary, T.PlusPlus, T.MinusMinus, T.Mul, T.Minus,
+         T.Plus, T.Not, T.Tilde, T.New, T.Delete, T.Cast:
+    case_parseExpressionStatement:
+      s = new ExpressionStatement(parseExpression());
+      require(T.Semicolon);
+      break;
+    default:
+      if (token.isSpecialToken)
+        goto case_parseExpressionStatement;
+      if (token.type != T.Dollar)
+        // Assert that this isn't a valid expression.
+        assert(delegate bool(){
+            bool success;
+            auto expression = try_(&parseExpression, success);
+            return success;
+          }() == false, "Didn't expect valid expression."
+        );
+      // Report error: it's an illegal statement.
+      s = new IllegalStatement();
+      // Skip to next valid token.
+      do
+        nT();
+      while (!token.isStatementStart &&
+              token.type != T.RBrace &&
+              token.type != T.EOF)
+      auto text = Token.textSpan(begin, this.prevToken);
+      error(begin, MSG.IllegalStatement ~ text);
+    }
+    assert(s !is null);
+    set(s, begin);
+    return s;
+  }
+  /++
+    ScopeStatement:
+        NoScopeStatement
+  +/
+  Statement parseScopeStatement()
+  {
+    return new ScopeStatement(parseNoScopeStatement());
+  }
+  /++
+    NoScopeStatement:
+        NonEmptyStatement
+        BlockStatement
+    BlockStatement:
+        { }
+        { StatementList }
+  +/
+  Statement parseNoScopeStatement()
+  {
+    auto begin = token;
+    Statement s;
+    if (skipped(T.LBrace))
+    {
+      auto ss = new Statements();
+      while (token.type != T.RBrace && token.type != T.EOF)
+        ss ~= parseStatement();
+      require(T.RBrace);
+      s = set(ss, begin);
+    }
+    else if (token.type == T.Semicolon)
+    {
+      error(token, MSG.ExpectedNonEmptyStatement);
+      nT();
+      s = set(new EmptyStatement(), begin);
+    }
+    else
+      s = parseStatement();
+    return s;
+  }
+  /++
+    NoScopeOrEmptyStatement:
+        ;
+        NoScopeStatement
+  +/
+  Statement parseNoScopeOrEmptyStatement()
+  {
+    if (skipped(T.Semicolon))
+      return set(new EmptyStatement(), this.prevToken);
+    else
+      return parseNoScopeStatement();
+  }
+  Statement parseAttributeStatement()
+  {
+    StorageClass stc, stc_tmp;
+    LinkageType prev_linkageType;
+    // Nested function.
+    Declaration parse()
+    {
+      auto begin = token;
+      Declaration d;
+      switch (token.type)
+      {
+      case T.Extern:
+        if (peekNext() != T.LParen)
+        {
+          stc_tmp = StorageClass.Extern;
+          goto Lcommon;
+        }
+        nT();
+        auto linkageType = parseLinkageType();
+        checkLinkageType(prev_linkageType, linkageType, begin);
+        d = new LinkageDeclaration(linkageType, parse());
+        break;
+      case T.Static:
+        stc_tmp = StorageClass.Static;
+        goto Lcommon;
+      case T.Final:
+        stc_tmp = StorageClass.Final;
+        goto Lcommon;
+      case T.Const:
+      version(D2)
+      {
+        if (peekNext() == T.LParen)
+          goto case_Declaration;
+      }
+        stc_tmp = StorageClass.Const;
+        goto Lcommon;
+      version(D2)
+      {
+      case T.Invariant: // D 2.0
+        if (peekNext() == T.LParen)
+          goto case_Declaration;
+        stc_tmp = StorageClass.Invariant;
+        goto Lcommon;
+      }
+      case T.Auto:
+        stc_tmp = StorageClass.Auto;
+        goto Lcommon;
+      case T.Scope:
+        stc_tmp = StorageClass.Scope;
+        goto Lcommon;
+      Lcommon:
+        // Issue error if redundant.
+        if (stc & stc_tmp)
+          error(MID.RedundantStorageClass, token.srcText);
+        else
+          stc |= stc_tmp;
+        auto tok = token.type;
+        nT();
+        d = new StorageClassDeclaration(stc_tmp, tok, parse());
+        break;
+      // TODO: allow "scope class", "abstract scope class" in function bodies?
+      //case T.Class:
+      default:
+      case_Declaration:
+        return parseVariableOrFunction(stc, Protection.None, prev_linkageType, true);
+      }
+      return set(d, begin);
+    }
+    return new DeclarationStatement(parse());
+  }
+  Statement parseIfStatement()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.If);
+    nT();
+    Statement variable;
+    Expression condition;
+    Statement ifBody, elseBody;
+    require(T.LParen);
+    Identifier* ident;
+    auto begin = token; // For start of AutoDeclaration or normal Declaration.
+    // auto Identifier = Expression
+    if (skipped(T.Auto))
+    {
+      ident = requireIdentifier(MSG.ExpectedVariableName);
+      require(T.Assign);
+      auto init = parseExpression();
+      auto v = new VariableDeclaration(null, [ident], [init]);
+      set(v, begin.nextNWS);
+      auto d = new StorageClassDeclaration(StorageClass.Auto, T.Auto, v);
+      set(d, begin);
+      variable = new DeclarationStatement(d);
+      set(variable, begin);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      // Declarator = Expression
+      Type parseDeclaratorAssign()
+      {
+        auto type = parseDeclarator(ident);
+        require(T.Assign);
+        return type;
+      }
+      bool success;
+      auto type = try_(&parseDeclaratorAssign, success);
+      if (success)
+      {
+        auto init = parseExpression();
+        auto v = new VariableDeclaration(type, [ident], [init]);
+        set(v, begin);
+        variable = new DeclarationStatement(v);
+        set(variable, begin);
+      }
+      else
+        condition = parseExpression();
+    }
+    require(T.RParen);
+    ifBody = parseScopeStatement();
+    if (skipped(T.Else))
+      elseBody = parseScopeStatement();
+    return new IfStatement(variable, condition, ifBody, elseBody);
+  }
+  Statement parseWhileStatement()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.While);
+    nT();
+    require(T.LParen);
+    auto condition = parseExpression();
+    require(T.RParen);
+    return new WhileStatement(condition, parseScopeStatement());
+  }
+  Statement parseDoWhileStatement()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Do);
+    nT();
+    auto doBody = parseScopeStatement();
+    require(T.While);
+    require(T.LParen);
+    auto condition = parseExpression();
+    require(T.RParen);
+    return new DoWhileStatement(condition, doBody);
+  }
+  Statement parseForStatement()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.For);
+    nT();
+    require(T.LParen);
+    Statement init, forBody;
+    Expression condition, increment;
+    if (token.type != T.Semicolon)
+      init = parseNoScopeStatement();
+    else
+      nT(); // Skip ;
+    if (token.type != T.Semicolon)
+      condition = parseExpression();
+    require(T.Semicolon);
+    if (token.type != T.RParen)
+      increment = parseExpression();
+    require(T.RParen);
+    forBody = parseScopeStatement();
+    return new ForStatement(init, condition, increment, forBody);
+  }
+  Statement parseForeachStatement()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Foreach || token.type == T.Foreach_reverse);
+    TOK tok = token.type;
+    nT();
+    auto params = new Parameters;
+    Expression e; // Aggregate or LwrExpression
+    require(T.LParen);
+    while (1)
+    {
+      auto paramBegin = token;
+      StorageClass stc;
+      Type type;
+      Identifier* ident;
+      switch (token.type)
+      {
+      case T.Ref, T.Inout:
+        stc = StorageClass.Ref;
+        nT();
+        // fall through
+      case T.Identifier:
+        auto next = peekNext();
+        if (next == T.Comma || next == T.Semicolon || next == T.RParen)
+        {
+          ident = requireIdentifier(MSG.ExpectedVariableName);
+          break;
+        }
+        // fall through
+      default:
+        type = parseDeclarator(ident);
+      }
+      params ~= set(new Parameter(stc, type, ident, null), paramBegin);
+      if (token.type != T.Comma)
+        break;
+      nT();
+    }
+    require(T.Semicolon);
+    e = parseExpression();
+  version(D2)
+  { //Foreach (ForeachType; LwrExpression .. UprExpression ) ScopeStatement
+    if (skipped(T.Slice))
+    {
+      // if (params.length != 1)
+        // error(MID.XYZ); // TODO: issue error msg
+      auto upper = parseExpression();
+      require(T.RParen);
+      auto forBody = parseScopeStatement();
+      return new ForeachRangeStatement(tok, params, e, upper, forBody);
+    }
+  }
+    // Foreach (ForeachTypeList; Aggregate) ScopeStatement
+    require(T.RParen);
+    auto forBody = parseScopeStatement();
+    return new ForeachStatement(tok, params, e, forBody);
+  }
+  Statement parseSwitchStatement()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Switch);
+    nT();
+    require(T.LParen);
+    auto condition = parseExpression();
+    require(T.RParen);
+    auto switchBody = parseScopeStatement();
+    return new SwitchStatement(condition, switchBody);
+  }
+  /++
+    Helper function for parsing the body of
+    a default or case statement.
+  +/
+  Statement parseCaseOrDefaultBody()
+  {
+    // This function is similar to parseNoScopeStatement()
+    auto begin = token;
+    auto s = new Statements();
+    while (token.type != T.Case &&
+           token.type != T.Default &&
+           token.type != T.RBrace &&
+           token.type != T.EOF)
+      s ~= parseStatement();
+    return set(new ScopeStatement(s), begin);
+  }
+  Statement parseCaseStatement()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Case);
+    nT();
+    auto values = parseExpressionList();
+    require(T.Colon);
+    auto caseBody = parseCaseOrDefaultBody();
+    return new CaseStatement(values, caseBody);
+  }
+  Statement parseDefaultStatement()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Default);
+    nT();
+    require(T.Colon);
+    auto defaultBody = parseCaseOrDefaultBody();
+    return new DefaultStatement(defaultBody);
+  }
+  Statement parseContinueStatement()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Continue);
+    nT();
+    auto ident = optionalIdentifier();
+    require(T.Semicolon);
+    return new ContinueStatement(ident);
+  }
+  Statement parseBreakStatement()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Break);
+    nT();
+    auto ident = optionalIdentifier();
+    require(T.Semicolon);
+    return new BreakStatement(ident);
+  }
+  Statement parseReturnStatement()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Return);
+    nT();
+    Expression expr;
+    if (token.type != T.Semicolon)
+      expr = parseExpression();
+    require(T.Semicolon);
+    return new ReturnStatement(expr);
+  }
+  Statement parseGotoStatement()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Goto);
+    nT();
+    Identifier* ident;
+    Expression caseExpr;
+    switch (token.type)
+    {
+    case T.Case:
+      nT();
+      if (token.type == T.Semicolon)
+        break;
+      caseExpr = parseExpression();
+      break;
+    case T.Default:
+      nT();
+      break;
+    default:
+      ident = requireIdentifier(MSG.ExpectedAnIdentifier);
+    }
+    require(T.Semicolon);
+    return new GotoStatement(ident, caseExpr);
+  }
+  Statement parseWithStatement()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.With);
+    nT();
+    require(T.LParen);
+    auto expr = parseExpression();
+    require(T.RParen);
+    return new WithStatement(expr, parseScopeStatement());
+  }
+  Statement parseSynchronizedStatement()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Synchronized);
+    nT();
+    Expression expr;
+    if (skipped(T.LParen))
+    {
+      expr = parseExpression();
+      require(T.RParen);
+    }
+    return new SynchronizedStatement(expr, parseScopeStatement());
+  }
+  Statement parseTryStatement()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Try);
+    nT();
+    auto tryBody = parseScopeStatement();
+    CatchBody[] catchBodies;
+    FinallyBody finBody;
+    while (skipped(T.Catch))
+    {
+      Parameter param;
+      if (skipped(T.LParen))
+      {
+        auto begin = token;
+        Identifier* ident;
+        auto type = parseDeclarator(ident, true);
+        param = new Parameter(StorageClass.None, type, ident, null);
+        set(param, begin);
+        require(T.RParen);
+      }
+      catchBodies ~= new CatchBody(param, parseNoScopeStatement());
+      if (param is null)
+        break; // This is a LastCatch
+    }
+    if (token.type == T.Finally)
+    {
+      auto begin = token;
+      nT();
+      finBody = new FinallyBody(parseNoScopeStatement());
+      set(finBody, begin);
+    }
+    if (catchBodies.length == 0 && finBody is null)
+    {
+      // TODO: issue error msg.
+    }
+    return new TryStatement(tryBody, catchBodies, finBody);
+  }
+  Statement parseThrowStatement()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Throw);
+    nT();
+    auto expr = parseExpression();
+    require(T.Semicolon);
+    return new ThrowStatement(expr);
+  }
+  Statement parseScopeGuardStatement()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Scope);
+    nT();
+    assert(token.type == T.LParen);
+    nT();
+    auto condition = requireIdentifier(MSG.ExpectedScopeIdentifier);
+    if (condition)
+      switch (condition.identID)
+      {
+      case ID.exit, ID.success, ID.failure:
+        break;
+      default:
+        // TODO: create MID.InvalidScopeIdentifier
+        error(this.prevToken, MSG.InvalidScopeIdentifier, this.prevToken.srcText);
+      }
+    require(T.RParen);
+    Statement scopeBody;
+    if (token.type == T.LBrace)
+      scopeBody = parseScopeStatement();
+    else
+      scopeBody = parseNoScopeStatement();
+    return new ScopeGuardStatement(condition, scopeBody);
+  }
+  Statement parseVolatileStatement()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Volatile);
+    nT();
+    Statement volatileBody;
+    if (token.type == T.Semicolon)
+      nT();
+    else if (token.type == T.LBrace)
+      volatileBody = parseScopeStatement();
+    else
+      volatileBody = parseStatement();
+    return new VolatileStatement(volatileBody);
+  }
+  Statement parsePragmaStatement()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Pragma);
+    nT();
+    Identifier* ident;
+    Expression[] args;
+    Statement pragmaBody;
+    require(T.LParen);
+    ident = requireIdentifier(MSG.ExpectedPragmaIdentifier);
+    if (skipped(T.Comma))
+      args = parseExpressionList();
+    require(T.RParen);
+    pragmaBody = parseNoScopeOrEmptyStatement();
+    return new PragmaStatement(ident, args, pragmaBody);
+  }
+  Statement parseStaticIfStatement()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Static);
+    nT();
+    assert(token.type == T.If);
+    nT();
+    Expression condition;
+    Statement ifBody, elseBody;
+    require(T.LParen);
+    condition = parseExpression();
+    require(T.RParen);
+    ifBody = parseNoScopeStatement();
+    if (skipped(T.Else))
+      elseBody = parseNoScopeStatement();
+    return new StaticIfStatement(condition, ifBody, elseBody);
+  }
+  Statement parseStaticAssertStatement()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Static);
+    nT();
+    assert(token.type == T.Assert);
+    nT();
+    Expression condition, message;
+    require(T.LParen);
+    condition = parseAssignExpression(); // Condition.
+    if (skipped(T.Comma))
+      message = parseAssignExpression(); // Error message.
+    require(T.RParen);
+    require(T.Semicolon);
+    return new StaticAssertStatement(condition, message);
+  }
+  Statement parseDebugStatement()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Debug);
+    nT(); // Skip debug keyword.
+    Token* cond;
+    Statement debugBody, elseBody;
+    // ( Condition )
+    if (skipped(T.LParen))
+    {
+      cond = parseIdentOrInt();
+      require(T.RParen);
+    }
+    // debug Statement
+    // debug ( Condition ) Statement
+    debugBody = parseNoScopeStatement();
+    // else Statement
+    if (skipped(T.Else))
+      elseBody = parseNoScopeStatement();
+    return new DebugStatement(cond, debugBody, elseBody);
+  }
+  Statement parseVersionStatement()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Version);
+    nT(); // Skip version keyword.
+    Token* cond;
+    Statement versionBody, elseBody;
+    // ( Condition )
+    require(T.LParen);
+    cond = parseIdentOrInt();
+    require(T.RParen);
+    // version ( Condition ) Statement
+    versionBody = parseNoScopeStatement();
+    // else Statement
+    if (skipped(T.Else))
+      elseBody = parseNoScopeStatement();
+    return new VersionStatement(cond, versionBody, elseBody);
+  }
+  /+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+  + Assembler parsing methods  +
+  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/
+  Statement parseAsmStatement()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Asm);
+    nT(); // Skip asm keyword.
+    require(T.LBrace);
+    auto ss = new Statements;
+    while (token.type != T.RBrace && token.type != T.EOF)
+      ss ~= parseAsmInstruction();
+    require(T.RBrace);
+    return new AsmStatement(ss);
+  }
+  Statement parseAsmInstruction()
+  {
+    auto begin = token;
+    Statement s;
+    Identifier* ident;
+    switch (token.type)
+    {
+    // Keywords that are valid opcodes.
+    case T.In, T.Int, T.Out:
+      ident = token.ident;
+      nT();
+      goto LOpcode;
+    case T.Identifier:
+      ident = token.ident;
+      nT(); // Skip Identifier
+      if (skipped(T.Colon))
+      {
+        // Identifier : AsmInstruction
+        s = new LabeledStatement(ident, parseAsmInstruction());
+        break;
+      }
+    LOpcode:
+      // Opcode ;
+      // Opcode Operands ;
+      // Opcode
+      //     Identifier
+      Expression[] es;
+      if (token.type != T.Semicolon)
+      {
+        while (1)
+        {
+          es ~= parseAsmExpression();
+          if (token.type != T.Comma)
+            break;
+          nT();
+        }
+      }
+      require(T.Semicolon);
+      s = new AsmInstruction(ident, es);
+      break;
+    case T.Align:
+      // align Integer;
+      nT();
+      int number = -1;
+      if (token.type == T.Int32)
+        (number = token.int_), nT();
+      else
+        error(token, MSG.ExpectedIntegerAfterAlign, token.srcText);
+      require(T.Semicolon);
+      s = new AsmAlignStatement(number);
+      break;
+    case T.Semicolon:
+      s = new EmptyStatement();
+      nT();
+      break;
+    default:
+      s = new IllegalAsmInstruction();
+      // Skip to next valid token.
+      do
+        nT();
+      while (!token.isAsmInstructionStart &&
+              token.type != T.RBrace &&
+              token.type != T.EOF)
+      auto text = Token.textSpan(begin, this.prevToken);
+      error(begin, MSG.IllegalAsmInstructino ~ text);
+    }
+    set(s, begin);
+    return s;
+  }
+  Expression parseAsmExpression()
+  {
+    auto begin = token;
+    auto e = parseAsmOrOrExpression();
+    if (skipped(T.Question))
+    {
+      auto tok = this.prevToken;
+      auto iftrue = parseAsmExpression();
+      require(T.Colon);
+      auto iffalse = parseAsmExpression();
+      e = new CondExpression(e, iftrue, iffalse, tok);
+      set(e, begin);
+    }
+    // TODO: create AsmExpression that contains e?
+    return e;
+  }
+  Expression parseAsmOrOrExpression()
+  {
+    alias parseAsmAndAndExpression parseNext;
+    auto begin = token;
+    auto e = parseNext();
+    while (token.type == T.OrLogical)
+    {
+      auto tok = token;
+      nT();
+      e = new OrOrExpression(e, parseNext(), tok);
+      set(e, begin);
+    }
+    return e;
+  }
+  Expression parseAsmAndAndExpression()
+  {
+    alias parseAsmOrExpression parseNext;
+    auto begin = token;
+    auto e = parseNext();
+    while (token.type == T.AndLogical)
+    {
+      auto tok = token;
+      nT();
+      e = new AndAndExpression(e, parseNext(), tok);
+      set(e, begin);
+    }
+    return e;
+  }
+  Expression parseAsmOrExpression()
+  {
+    alias parseAsmXorExpression parseNext;
+    auto begin = token;
+    auto e = parseNext();
+    while (token.type == T.OrBinary)
+    {
+      auto tok = token;
+      nT();
+      e = new OrExpression(e, parseNext(), tok);
+      set(e, begin);
+    }
+    return e;
+  }
+  Expression parseAsmXorExpression()
+  {
+    alias parseAsmAndExpression parseNext;
+    auto begin = token;
+    auto e = parseNext();
+    while (token.type == T.Xor)
+    {
+      auto tok = token;
+      nT();
+      e = new XorExpression(e, parseNext(), tok);
+      set(e, begin);
+    }
+    return e;
+  }
+  Expression parseAsmAndExpression()
+  {
+    alias parseAsmCmpExpression parseNext;
+    auto begin = token;
+    auto e = parseNext();
+    while (token.type == T.AndBinary)
+    {
+      auto tok = token;
+      nT();
+      e = new AndExpression(e, parseNext(), tok);
+      set(e, begin);
+    }
+    return e;
+  }
+  Expression parseAsmCmpExpression()
+  {
+    alias parseAsmShiftExpression parseNext;
+    auto begin = token;
+    auto e = parseNext();
+    auto operator = token;
+    switch (operator.type)
+    {
+    case T.Equal, T.NotEqual:
+      nT();
+      e = new EqualExpression(e, parseNext(), operator);
+      break;
+    case T.LessEqual, T.Less, T.GreaterEqual, T.Greater:
+      nT();
+      e = new RelExpression(e, parseNext(), operator);
+      break;
+    default:
+      return e;
+    }
+    set(e, begin);
+    return e;
+  }
+  Expression parseAsmShiftExpression()
+  {
+    alias parseAsmAddExpression parseNext;
+    auto begin = token;
+    auto e = parseNext();
+    while (1)
+    {
+      auto operator = token;
+      switch (operator.type)
+      {
+      case T.LShift:  nT(); e = new LShiftExpression(e, parseNext(), operator); break;
+      case T.RShift:  nT(); e = new RShiftExpression(e, parseNext(), operator); break;
+      case T.URShift: nT(); e = new URShiftExpression(e, parseNext(), operator); break;
+      default:
+        return e;
+      }
+      set(e, begin);
+    }
+    assert(0);
+  }
+  Expression parseAsmAddExpression()
+  {
+    alias parseAsmMulExpression parseNext;
+    auto begin = token;
+    auto e = parseNext();
+    while (1)
+    {
+      auto operator = token;
+      switch (operator.type)
+      {
+      case T.Plus:  nT(); e = new PlusExpression(e, parseNext(), operator); break;
+      case T.Minus: nT(); e = new MinusExpression(e, parseNext(), operator); break;
+      // Not allowed in asm
+      //case T.Tilde: nT(); e = new CatExpression(e, parseNext(), operator); break;
+      default:
+        return e;
+      }
+      set(e, begin);
+    }
+    assert(0);
+  }
+  Expression parseAsmMulExpression()
+  {
+    alias parseAsmPostExpression parseNext;
+    auto begin = token;
+    auto e = parseNext();
+    while (1)
+    {
+      auto operator = token;
+      switch (operator.type)
+      {
+      case T.Mul: nT(); e = new MulExpression(e, parseNext(), operator); break;
+      case T.Div: nT(); e = new DivExpression(e, parseNext(), operator); break;
+      case T.Mod: nT(); e = new ModExpression(e, parseNext(), operator); break;
+      default:
+        return e;
+      }
+      set(e, begin);
+    }
+    assert(0);
+  }
+  Expression parseAsmPostExpression()
+  {
+    auto begin = token;
+    auto e = parseAsmUnaryExpression();
+    while (token.type == T.LBracket)
+    {
+      nT();
+      e = parseAsmExpression();
+      e = new AsmPostBracketExpression(e);
+      require(T.RBracket);
+      set(e, begin);
+    }
+    return e;
+  }
+  Expression parseAsmUnaryExpression()
+  {
+    auto begin = token;
+    Expression e;
+    switch (token.type)
+    {
+    case T.Byte,  T.Short,  T.Int,
+         T.Float, T.Double, T.Real:
+      goto LAsmTypePrefix;
+    case T.Identifier:
+      switch (token.ident.identID)
+      {
+      case ID.near, ID.far,/* "byte",  "short",  "int",*/
+           ID.word, ID.dword, ID.qword/*, "float", "double", "real"*/:
+      LAsmTypePrefix:
+        nT();
+        if (token.type == T.Identifier && token.ident is Ident.ptr)
+          nT();
+        else
+          error(MID.ExpectedButFound, "ptr", token.srcText);
+        e = new AsmTypeExpression(parseAsmExpression());
+        break;
+      case ID.offset:
+        nT();
+        e = new AsmOffsetExpression(parseAsmExpression());
+        break;
+      case ID.seg:
+        nT();
+        e = new AsmSegExpression(parseAsmExpression());
+        break;
+      default:
+        goto LparseAsmPrimaryExpression;
+      }
+      break;
+    case T.Minus:
+    case T.Plus:
+      nT();
+      e = new SignExpression(parseAsmUnaryExpression());
+      break;
+    case T.Not:
+      nT();
+      e = new NotExpression(parseAsmUnaryExpression());
+      break;
+    case T.Tilde:
+      nT();
+      e = new CompExpression(parseAsmUnaryExpression());
+    default:
+    LparseAsmPrimaryExpression:
+      e = parseAsmPrimaryExpression();
+      return e;
+    }
+    set(e, begin);
+    return e;
+  }
+  Expression parseAsmPrimaryExpression()
+  {
+    auto begin = token;
+    Expression e;
+    switch (token.type)
+    {
+    case T.Int32, T.Int64, T.Uint32, T.Uint64:
+      e = new IntExpression(token);
+      nT();
+      break;
+    case T.Float32, T.Float64, T.Float80,
+         T.Imaginary32, T.Imaginary64, T.Imaginary80:
+      e = new RealExpression(token);
+      nT();
+      break;
+    case T.Dollar:
+      e = new DollarExpression();
+      nT();
+      break;
+    case T.LBracket:
+      // [ AsmExpression ]
+      nT();
+      e = parseAsmExpression();
+      require(T.RBracket);
+      e = new AsmBracketExpression(e);
+      break;
+    case T.Identifier:
+      auto register = token.ident;
+      switch (register.identID)
+      {
+      // __LOCAL_SIZE
+      case ID.__LOCAL_SIZE:
+        nT();
+        e = new AsmLocalSizeExpression();
+        break;
+      // Register
+      case ID.ST:
+        nT();
+        // (1) - (7)
+        int number = -1;
+        if (skipped(T.LParen))
+        {
+          if (token.type == T.Int32)
+            (number = token.int_), nT();
+          else
+            expected(T.Int32);
+          require(T.RParen);
+        }
+        e = new AsmRegisterExpression(register, number);
+        break;
+      case ID.FS:
+        nT();
+        // TODO: is the colon-number part optional?
+        int number = -1;
+        if (skipped(T.Colon))
+        {
+          // :0, :4, :8
+          if (token.type == T.Int32)
+            (number = token.int_), nT();
+          if (number != 0 && number != 4 && number != 8)
+            error(MID.ExpectedButFound, "0, 4 or 8", token.srcText);
+        }
+        e = new AsmRegisterExpression(register, number);
+        break;
+      case ID.AL, ID.AH, ID.AX, ID.EAX,
+           ID.BL, ID.BH, ID.BX, ID.EBX,
+           ID.CL, ID.CH, ID.CX, ID.ECX,
+           ID.DL, ID.DH, ID.DX, ID.EDX,
+           ID.BP, ID.EBP, ID.SP, ID.ESP,
+           ID.DI, ID.EDI, ID.SI, ID.ESI,
+           ID.ES, ID.CS, ID.SS, ID.DS, ID.GS,
+           ID.CR0, ID.CR2, ID.CR3, ID.CR4,
+           ID.DR0, ID.DR1, ID.DR2, ID.DR3, ID.DR6, ID.DR7,
+           ID.TR3, ID.TR4, ID.TR5, ID.TR6, ID.TR7,
+           ID.MM0, ID.MM1, ID.MM2, ID.MM3,
+           ID.MM4, ID.MM5, ID.MM6, ID.MM7,
+           ID.XMM0, ID.XMM1, ID.XMM2, ID.XMM3,
+           ID.XMM4, ID.XMM5, ID.XMM6, ID.XMM7:
+        nT();
+        e = new AsmRegisterExpression(register);
+        break;
+      default:
+        // DotIdentifier
+        Expression[] identList;
+        while (1)
+        {
+          auto begin2 = token;
+          auto ident = requireIdentifier(MSG.ExpectedAnIdentifier);
+          e = new IdentifierExpression(ident);
+          set(e, begin2);
+          identList ~= e;
+          if (token.type != T.Dot)
+            break;
+          nT(); // Skip dot.
+        }
+        e = new DotListExpression(identList);
+      }
+      break;
+    default:
+      error(MID.ExpectedButFound, "Expression", token.srcText);
+      e = new EmptyExpression();
+      if (!trying)
+      {
+        // Insert a dummy token and don't consume current one.
+        begin = lx.insertEmptyTokenBefore(token);
+        this.prevToken = begin;
+      }
+    }
+    set(e, begin);
+    return e;
+  }
+  /+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+  + Expression parsing methods +
+  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/
+  Expression parseExpression()
+  {
+    auto begin = token;
+    auto e = parseAssignExpression();
+    while (token.type == T.Comma)
+    {
+      auto comma = token;
+      nT();
+      e = new CommaExpression(e, parseAssignExpression(), comma);
+      set(e, begin);
+    }
+    return e;
+  }
+  Expression parseAssignExpression()
+  {
+    auto begin = token;
+    auto e = parseCondExpression();
+    while (1)
+    {
+      switch (token.type)
+      {
+      case T.Assign:
+        nT(); e = new AssignExpression(e, parseAssignExpression());
+        break;
+      case T.LShiftAssign:
+        nT(); e = new LShiftAssignExpression(e, parseAssignExpression());
+        break;
+      case T.RShiftAssign:
+        nT(); e = new RShiftAssignExpression(e, parseAssignExpression());
+        break;
+      case T.URShiftAssign:
+        nT(); e = new URShiftAssignExpression(e, parseAssignExpression());
+        break;
+      case T.OrAssign:
+        nT(); e = new OrAssignExpression(e, parseAssignExpression());
+        break;
+      case T.AndAssign:
+        nT(); e = new AndAssignExpression(e, parseAssignExpression());
+        break;
+      case T.PlusAssign:
+        nT(); e = new PlusAssignExpression(e, parseAssignExpression());
+        break;
+      case T.MinusAssign:
+        nT(); e = new MinusAssignExpression(e, parseAssignExpression());
+        break;
+      case T.DivAssign:
+        nT(); e = new DivAssignExpression(e, parseAssignExpression());
+        break;
+      case T.MulAssign:
+        nT(); e = new MulAssignExpression(e, parseAssignExpression());
+        break;
+      case T.ModAssign:
+        nT(); e = new ModAssignExpression(e, parseAssignExpression());
+        break;
+      case T.XorAssign:
+        nT(); e = new XorAssignExpression(e, parseAssignExpression());
+        break;
+      case T.CatAssign:
+        nT(); e = new CatAssignExpression(e, parseAssignExpression());
+        break;
+      default:
+        return e;
+      }
+      set(e, begin);
+    }
+    return e;
+  }
+  Expression parseCondExpression()
+  {
+    auto begin = token;
+    auto e = parseOrOrExpression();
+    if (token.type == T.Question)
+    {
+      auto tok = token;
+      nT();
+      auto iftrue = parseExpression();
+      require(T.Colon);
+      auto iffalse = parseCondExpression();
+      e = new CondExpression(e, iftrue, iffalse, tok);
+      set(e, begin);
+    }
+    return e;
+  }
+  Expression parseOrOrExpression()
+  {
+    alias parseAndAndExpression parseNext;
+    auto begin = token;
+    auto e = parseNext();
+    while (token.type == T.OrLogical)
+    {
+      auto tok = token;
+      nT();
+      e = new OrOrExpression(e, parseNext(), tok);
+      set(e, begin);
+    }
+    return e;
+  }
+  Expression parseAndAndExpression()
+  {
+    alias parseOrExpression parseNext;
+    auto begin = token;
+    auto e = parseNext();
+    while (token.type == T.AndLogical)
+    {
+      auto tok = token;
+      nT();
+      e = new AndAndExpression(e, parseNext(), tok);
+      set(e, begin);
+    }
+    return e;
+  }
+  Expression parseOrExpression()
+  {
+    alias parseXorExpression parseNext;
+    auto begin = token;
+    auto e = parseNext();
+    while (token.type == T.OrBinary)
+    {
+      auto tok = token;
+      nT();
+      e = new OrExpression(e, parseNext(), tok);
+      set(e, begin);
+    }
+    return e;
+  }
+  Expression parseXorExpression()
+  {
+    alias parseAndExpression parseNext;
+    auto begin = token;
+    auto e = parseNext();
+    while (token.type == T.Xor)
+    {
+      auto tok = token;
+      nT();
+      e = new XorExpression(e, parseNext(), tok);
+      set(e, begin);
+    }
+    return e;
+  }
+  Expression parseAndExpression()
+  {
+    alias parseCmpExpression parseNext;
+    auto begin = token;
+    auto e = parseNext();
+    while (token.type == T.AndBinary)
+    {
+      auto tok = token;
+      nT();
+      e = new AndExpression(e, parseNext(), tok);
+      set(e, begin);
+    }
+    return e;
+  }
+  Expression parseCmpExpression()
+  {
+    alias parseShiftExpression parseNext;
+    auto begin = token;
+    auto e = parseShiftExpression();
+    auto operator = token;
+    switch (operator.type)
+    {
+    case T.Equal, T.NotEqual:
+      nT();
+      e = new EqualExpression(e, parseNext(), operator);
+      break;
+    case T.Not:
+      if (peekNext() != T.Is)
+        break;
+      nT();
+      // fall through
+    case T.Is:
+      nT();
+      e = new IdentityExpression(e, parseNext(), operator);
+      break;
+    case T.LessEqual, T.Less, T.GreaterEqual, T.Greater,
+         T.Unordered, T.UorE, T.UorG, T.UorGorE,
+         T.UorL, T.UorLorE, T.LorEorG, T.LorG:
+      nT();
+      e = new RelExpression(e, parseNext(), operator);
+      break;
+    case T.In:
+      nT();
+      e = new InExpression(e, parseNext(), operator);
+      break;
+    default:
+      return e;
+    }
+    set(e, begin);
+    return e;
+  }
+  Expression parseShiftExpression()
+  {
+    alias parseAddExpression parseNext;
+    auto begin = token;
+    auto e = parseNext();
+    while (1)
+    {
+      auto operator = token;
+      switch (operator.type)
+      {
+      case T.LShift:  nT(); e = new LShiftExpression(e, parseNext(), operator); break;
+      case T.RShift:  nT(); e = new RShiftExpression(e, parseNext(), operator); break;
+      case T.URShift: nT(); e = new URShiftExpression(e, parseNext(), operator); break;
+      default:
+        return e;
+      }
+      set(e, begin);
+    }
+    assert(0);
+  }
+  Expression parseAddExpression()
+  {
+    alias parseMulExpression parseNext;
+    auto begin = token;
+    auto e = parseNext();
+    while (1)
+    {
+      auto operator = token;
+      switch (operator.type)
+      {
+      case T.Plus:  nT(); e = new PlusExpression(e, parseNext(), operator); break;
+      case T.Minus: nT(); e = new MinusExpression(e, parseNext(), operator); break;
+      case T.Tilde: nT(); e = new CatExpression(e, parseNext(), operator); break;
+      default:
+        return e;
+      }
+      set(e, begin);
+    }
+    assert(0);
+  }
+  Expression parseMulExpression()
+  {
+    alias parsePostExpression parseNext;
+    auto begin = token;
+    auto e = parseNext();
+    while (1)
+    {
+      auto operator = token;
+      switch (operator.type)
+      {
+      case T.Mul: nT(); e = new MulExpression(e, parseNext(), operator); break;
+      case T.Div: nT(); e = new DivExpression(e, parseNext(), operator); break;
+      case T.Mod: nT(); e = new ModExpression(e, parseNext(), operator); break;
+      default:
+        return e;
+      }
+      set(e, begin);
+    }
+    assert(0);
+  }
+  Expression parsePostExpression()
+  {
+    auto begin = token;
+    auto e = parseUnaryExpression();
+    while (1)
+    {
+      switch (token.type)
+      {
+      case T.Dot:
+        e = new PostDotListExpression(e, parseDotListExpression());
+        goto Lset;
+      case T.PlusPlus:
+        e = new PostIncrExpression(e);
+        break;
+      case T.MinusMinus:
+        e = new PostDecrExpression(e);
+        break;
+      case T.LParen:
+        e = new CallExpression(e, parseArguments());
+        goto Lset;
+      case T.LBracket:
+        // parse Slice- and IndexExpression
+        nT();
+        // [] is a SliceExpression
+        if (token.type == T.RBracket)
+        {
+          e = new SliceExpression(e, null, null);
+          break;
+        }
+        Expression[] es = [parseAssignExpression()];
+        // [ AssignExpression .. AssignExpression ]
+        if (skipped(T.Slice))
+        {
+          e = new SliceExpression(e, es[0], parseAssignExpression());
+          require(T.RBracket);
+          goto Lset;
+        }
+        // [ ExpressionList ]
+        if (skipped(T.Comma))
+           es ~= parseExpressionList();
+        require(T.RBracket);
+        e = new IndexExpression(e, es);
+        goto Lset;
+      default:
+        return e;
+      }
+      nT();
+    Lset: // Jumped here to skip nT().
+      set(e, begin);
+    }
+    assert(0);
+  }
+  Expression parseUnaryExpression()
+  {
+    auto begin = token;
+    Expression e;
+    switch (token.type)
+    {
+    case T.AndBinary:
+      nT();
+      e = new AddressExpression(parseUnaryExpression());
+      break;
+    case T.PlusPlus:
+      nT();
+      e = new PreIncrExpression(parseUnaryExpression());
+      break;
+    case T.MinusMinus:
+      nT();
+      e = new PreDecrExpression(parseUnaryExpression());
+      break;
+    case T.Mul:
+      nT();
+      e = new DerefExpression(parseUnaryExpression());
+      break;
+    case T.Minus:
+    case T.Plus:
+      nT();
+      e = new SignExpression(parseUnaryExpression());
+      break;
+    case T.Not:
+      nT();
+      e = new NotExpression(parseUnaryExpression());
+      break;
+    case T.Tilde:
+      nT();
+      e = new CompExpression(parseUnaryExpression());
+      break;
+    case T.New:
+      e = parseNewExpression();
+      return e;
+    case T.Delete:
+      nT();
+      e = new DeleteExpression(parseUnaryExpression());
+      break;
+    case T.Cast:
+      requireNext(T.LParen);
+      Type type;
+      switch (token.type)
+      {
+      version(D2)
+      {
+      auto begin2 = token;
+      case T.Const:
+        type = new ConstType(null);
+        goto case_break;
+      case T.Invariant:
+        type = new InvariantType(null);
+      case_break:
+        nT();
+        set(type, begin2);
+        break;
+      }
+      default:
+       type = parseType();
+      }
+      require(T.RParen);
+      e = new CastExpression(parseUnaryExpression(), type);
+      break;
+    case T.LParen:
+      // ( Type ) . Identifier
+      Type parseType_()
+      {
+        nT();
+        auto type = parseType();
+        require(T.RParen);
+        require(T.Dot);
+        return type;
+      }
+      bool success;
+      auto type = try_(&parseType_, success);
+      if (success)
+      {
+        auto ident = requireIdentifier(MSG.ExpectedIdAfterTypeDot);
+        e = new TypeDotIdExpression(type, ident);
+        break;
+      }
+      goto default;
+    default:
+      e = parsePrimaryExpression();
+      return e;
+    }
+    assert(e !is null);
+    set(e, begin);
+    return e;
+  }
+  Expression parsePrimaryExpression()
+  {
+    auto begin = token;
+    Expression e;
+    switch (token.type)
+    {
+    case T.Identifier, T.Dot, T.Typeof:
+      e = parseDotListExpression();
+      break;
+    case T.This:
+      nT();
+      e = new ThisExpression();
+      break;
+    case T.Super:
+      nT();
+      e = new SuperExpression();
+      break;
+    case T.Null:
+      nT();
+      e = new NullExpression();
+      break;
+    case T.True, T.False:
+      nT();
+      e = new BoolExpression();
+      break;
+    case T.Dollar:
+      nT();
+      e = new DollarExpression();
+      break;
+    case T.Int32, T.Int64, T.Uint32, T.Uint64:
+      e = new IntExpression(token);
+      nT();
+      break;
+    case T.Float32, T.Float64, T.Float80,
+         T.Imaginary32, T.Imaginary64, T.Imaginary80:
+      e = new RealExpression(token);
+      nT();
+      break;
+    case T.CharLiteral:
+      e = new CharExpression(token.dchar_);
+      nT();
+      break;
+    case T.String:
+      Token*[] stringLiterals;
+      do
+      {
+        stringLiterals ~= token;
+        nT();
+      } while (token.type == T.String)
+      e = new StringExpression(stringLiterals);
+      break;
+    case T.LBracket:
+      Expression[] values;
+      nT();
+      if (!skipped(T.RBracket))
+      {
+        e = parseAssignExpression();
+        if (token.type == T.Colon)
+          goto LparseAssocArray;
+        if (skipped(T.Comma))
+          values = [e] ~ parseExpressionList();
+        require(T.RBracket);
+      }
+      e = new ArrayLiteralExpression(values);
+      break;
+    LparseAssocArray:
+      Expression[] keys;
+      keys ~= e;
+      nT(); // Skip colon.
+      goto LenterLoop;
+      while (1)
+      {
+        keys ~= parseAssignExpression();
+        require(T.Colon);
+      LenterLoop:
+        values ~= parseAssignExpression();
+        if (token.type != T.Comma)
+          break;
+        nT();
+      }
+      require(T.RBracket);
+      e = new AArrayLiteralExpression(keys, values);
+      break;
+    case T.LBrace:
+      // DelegateLiteral := { Statements }
+      auto funcBody = parseFunctionBody();
+      e = new FunctionLiteralExpression(funcBody);
+      break;
+    case T.Function, T.Delegate:
+      // FunctionLiteral := (function|delegate) Type? '(' ArgumentList ')' '{' Statements '}'
+      nT(); // Skip function|delegate token.
+      Type returnType;
+      Parameters parameters;
+      if (token.type != T.LBrace)
+      {
+        if (token.type != T.LParen) // Optional return type
+          returnType = parseType();
+        parameters = parseParameterList();
+      }
+      auto funcBody = parseFunctionBody();
+      e = new FunctionLiteralExpression(returnType, parameters, funcBody);
+      break;
+    case T.Assert:
+      Expression msg;
+      requireNext(T.LParen);
+      e = parseAssignExpression();
+      if (skipped(T.Comma))
+        msg = parseAssignExpression();
+      require(T.RParen);
+      e = new AssertExpression(e, msg);
+      break;
+    case T.Mixin:
+      requireNext(T.LParen);
+      e = parseAssignExpression();
+      require(T.RParen);
+      e = new MixinExpression(e);
+      break;
+    case T.Import:
+      requireNext(T.LParen);
+      e = parseAssignExpression();
+      require(T.RParen);
+      e = new ImportExpression(e);
+      break;
+    case T.Typeid:
+      requireNext(T.LParen);
+      auto type = parseType();
+      require(T.RParen);
+      e = new TypeidExpression(type);
+      break;
+    case T.Is:
+      requireNext(T.LParen);
+      Type type, specType;
+      Identifier* ident; // optional Identifier
+      Token* opTok, specTok;
+      type = parseDeclarator(ident, true);
+      switch (token.type)
+      {
+      case T.Colon, T.Equal:
+        opTok = token;
+        nT();
+        switch (token.type)
+        {
+        case T.Typedef,
+             T.Struct,
+             T.Union,
+             T.Class,
+             T.Interface,
+             T.Enum,
+             T.Function,
+             T.Delegate,
+             T.Super,
+             T.Return:
+        case_Const_Invariant:
+          specTok = token;
+          nT();
+          break;
+        case T.Const, T.Invariant:
+          if (peekNext() != T.LParen)
+            goto case_Const_Invariant;
+          // Fall through. It's a type.
+        default:
+          specType = parseType();
+        }
+      default:
+      }
+      TemplateParameters tparams;
+    version(D2)
+    {
+      // is ( Type Identifier : TypeSpecialization , TemplateParameterList )
+      // is ( Type Identifier == TypeSpecialization , TemplateParameterList )
+      if (ident && specType && token.type == T.Comma)
+        tparams = parseTemplateParameterList2();
+    }
+      require(T.RParen);
+      e = new IsExpression(type, ident, opTok, specTok, specType, tparams);
+      break;
+    case T.LParen:
+      if (tokenAfterParenIs(T.LBrace))
+      {
+        auto parameters = parseParameterList();
+        // ( ParameterList ) FunctionBody
+        auto funcBody = parseFunctionBody();
+        e = new FunctionLiteralExpression(null, parameters, funcBody);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        // ( Expression )
+        nT();
+        e = parseExpression();
+        require(T.RParen);
+        // TODO: create ParenExpression?
+      }
+      break;
+    version(D2)
+    {
+    case T.Traits:
+      nT();
+      require(T.LParen);
+      auto id = requireIdentifier(MSG.ExpectedAnIdentifier);
+      TemplateArguments args;
+      if (token.type == T.Comma)
+        args = parseTemplateArguments2();
+      else
+        require(T.RParen);
+      e = new TraitsExpression(id, args);
+      break;
+    }
+    default:
+      if (token.isIntegralType)
+      { // IntegralType . Identifier
+        auto type = new IntegralType(token.type);
+        nT();
+        set(type, begin);
+        require(T.Dot);
+        auto ident = requireIdentifier(MSG.ExpectedIdAfterTypeDot);
+        e = new TypeDotIdExpression(type, ident);
+      }
+      else if (token.isSpecialToken)
+      {
+        e = new SpecialTokenExpression(token);
+        nT();
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        error(MID.ExpectedButFound, "Expression", token.srcText);
+        e = new EmptyExpression();
+        if (!trying)
+        {
+          // Insert a dummy token and don't consume current one.
+          begin = lx.insertEmptyTokenBefore(token);
+          this.prevToken = begin;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    set(e, begin);
+    return e;
+  }
+  Expression parseNewExpression(/*Expression e*/)
+  {
+    auto begin = token;
+    assert(token.type == T.New);
+    nT(); // Skip new keyword.
+    Expression[] newArguments;
+    Expression[] ctorArguments;
+    if (token.type == T.LParen)
+      newArguments = parseArguments();
+    // NewAnonClassExpression:
+    //         new (ArgumentList)opt class (ArgumentList)opt SuperClassopt InterfaceClassesopt ClassBody
+    if (skipped(T.Class))
+    {
+      if (token.type == T.LParen)
+        ctorArguments = parseArguments();
+      BaseClass[] bases = token.type != T.LBrace ? parseBaseClasses(false) : null ;
+      auto decls = parseDeclarationDefinitionsBody();
+      return set(new NewAnonClassExpression(/*e, */newArguments, bases, ctorArguments, decls), begin);
+    }
+    // NewExpression:
+    //         NewArguments Type [ AssignExpression ]
+    //         NewArguments Type ( ArgumentList )
+    //         NewArguments Type
+    auto type = parseType();
+    if (token.type == T.LParen)
+      ctorArguments = parseArguments();
+    return set(new NewExpression(/*e, */newArguments, type, ctorArguments), begin);
+  }
+  Type parseType()
+  {
+    return parseBasicType2(parseBasicType());
+  }
+  Type parseBasicType()
+  {
+    auto begin = token;
+    Type t;
+    if (token.isIntegralType)
+    {
+      t = new IntegralType(token.type);
+      nT();
+    }
+    else
+    switch (token.type)
+    {
+    case T.Identifier, T.Typeof, T.Dot:
+      t = parseDotListType();
+      assert(!isNodeSet(t));
+      break;
+    version(D2)
+    {
+    case T.Const:
+      // const ( Type )
+      nT();
+      require(T.LParen);
+      t = parseType();
+      require(T.RParen);
+      t = new ConstType(t);
+      break;
+    case T.Invariant:
+      // invariant ( Type )
+      nT();
+      require(T.LParen);
+      t = parseType();
+      require(T.RParen);
+      t = new InvariantType(t);
+      break;
+    } // version(D2)
+    default:
+      error(MID.ExpectedButFound, "BasicType", token.srcText);
+      t = new UndefinedType();
+      nT();
+    }
+    return set(t, begin);
+  }
+  Type parseBasicType2(Type t)
+  {
+    typeof(token) begin;
+    while (1)
+    {
+      begin = token;
+      switch (token.type)
+      {
+      case T.Mul:
+        t = new PointerType(t);
+        nT();
+        break;
+      case T.LBracket:
+        t = parseArrayType(t);
+        continue;
+      case T.Function, T.Delegate:
+        TOK tok = token.type;
+        nT();
+        auto parameters = parseParameterList();
+        if (tok == T.Function)
+          t = new FunctionType(t, parameters);
+        else
+          t = new DelegateType(t, parameters);
+        break;
+      default:
+        return t;
+      }
+      set(t, begin);
+    }
+    assert(0);
+  }
+  bool tokenAfterParenIs(TOK tok)
+  {
+    // We count nested parentheses tokens because template types may appear inside parameter lists; e.g. (int x, Foo!(int) y).
+    assert(token.type == T.LParen);
+    Token* next = token;
+    uint level = 1;
+  Loop:
+    while (1)
+    {
+      lx.peek(next);
+      switch (next.type)
+      {
+      case T.RParen:
+        if (--level == 0)
+        { // Last, closing parentheses found.
+          do
+            lx.peek(next);
+          while (next.isWhitespace)
+          break Loop;
+        }
+        break;
+      case T.LParen:
+        ++level;
+        break;
+      case T.EOF:
+        break Loop;
+      default:
+      }
+    }
+    return next.type == tok;
+  }
+  Type parseDeclaratorSuffix(Type t)
+  {
+    switch (token.type)
+    {
+    case T.LBracket:
+      // Type Identifier ArrayType
+      // ArrayType := [] or [Type] or [Expression..Expression]
+      do
+        t = parseArrayType(t);
+      while (token.type == T.LBracket)
+      break;
+/+ // parsed in parseDeclaration()
+    case T.LParen:
+      TemplateParameters tparams;
+      if (tokenAfterParenIs(T.LParen))
+      {
+        // ( TemplateParameterList ) ( ParameterList )
+        tparams = parseTemplateParameterList();
+      }
+      auto params = parseParameterList();
+      // ReturnType FunctionName ( ParameterList )
+      t = new FunctionType(t, params, tparams);
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+    return t;
+  }
+  Type parseArrayType(Type t)
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.LBracket);
+    auto begin = token;
+    nT();
+    if (skipped(T.RBracket))
+      t = new ArrayType(t);
+    else
+    {
+      bool success;
+      Type parseAAType()
+      {
+        auto type = parseType();
+        require(T.RBracket);
+        return type;
+      }
+      auto assocType = try_(&parseAAType, success);
+      if (success)
+        t = new ArrayType(t, assocType);
+      else
+      {
+        Expression e = parseExpression(), e2;
+        if (skipped(T.Slice))
+          e2 = parseExpression();
+        t = new ArrayType(t, e, e2);
+        require(T.RBracket);
+      }
+    }
+    set(t, begin);
+    return t;
+  }
+  Type parseCFunctionPointerType(Type type, ref Identifier* ident, bool optionalParamList)
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.LParen);
+    assert(type !is null);
+    auto begin = token;
+    nT(); // Skip (
+    type = parseBasicType2(type);
+    if (token.type == T.LParen)
+    {
+      // Can be nested.
+      type = parseCFunctionPointerType(type, ident, true);
+    }
+    else if (token.type == T.Identifier)
+    {
+      // The identifier of the function pointer and the declaration.
+      ident = token.ident;
+      nT();
+      type = parseDeclaratorSuffix(type);
+    }
+    require(T.RParen);
+    Parameters params;
+    if (optionalParamList)
+      params = token.type == T.LParen ? parseParameterList() : null;
+    else
+      params = parseParameterList();
+    type = new CFuncPointerType(type, params);
+    return set(type, begin);
+  }
+  Type parseDeclarator(ref Identifier* ident, bool identOptional = false)
+  {
+    auto t = parseType();
+    if (token.type == T.LParen)
+      t = parseCFunctionPointerType(t, ident, true);
+    else if (token.type == T.Identifier)
+    {
+      ident = token.ident;
+      nT();
+      t = parseDeclaratorSuffix(t);
+    }
+    if (ident is null && !identOptional)
+      error(token, MSG.ExpectedDeclaratorIdentifier, token.srcText);
+    return t;
+  }
+  /++
+    Parse a list of AssignExpressions.
+    ExpressionList:
+      AssignExpression
+      AssignExpression , ExpressionList
+  +/
+  Expression[] parseExpressionList()
+  {
+    Expression[] expressions;
+    do
+      expressions ~= parseAssignExpression();
+    while(skipped(T.Comma))
+    return expressions;
+  }
+  /++
+    Arguments:
+      ( )
+      ( ExpressionList )
+  +/
+  Expression[] parseArguments()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.LParen);
+    nT();
+    Expression[] args;
+    if (token.type != TOK.RParen)
+      args = parseExpressionList();
+    require(TOK.RParen);
+    return args;
+  }
+  Parameters parseParameterList()
+  out(params)
+  {
+    if (params.length > 1)
+      foreach (param; params.items[0..$-1])
+      {
+        if (param.isVariadic())
+          assert(0, "variadic arguments can only appear at the end of the parameter list.");
+      }
+  }
+  body
+  {
+    auto begin = token;
+    require(T.LParen);
+    auto params = new Parameters();
+    if (skipped(T.RParen))
+      return set(params, begin);
+  Loop:
+    while (1)
+    {
+      auto paramBegin = token;
+      StorageClass stc, tmp;
+      Type type;
+      Identifier* ident;
+      Expression defValue;
+      void pushParameter()
+      {
+        params ~= set(new Parameter(stc, type, ident, defValue), paramBegin);
+      }
+      if (skipped(T.Ellipses))
+      {
+        stc = StorageClass.Variadic;
+        pushParameter(); // type, ident and defValue will be null.
+        break Loop;
+      }
+    Lstc_loop:
+      switch (token.type)
+      {
+    version(D2)
+    {
+      case T.Invariant: // D2.0
+        if (peekNext() == T.LParen)
+          goto default;
+        tmp = StorageClass.Invariant;
+        goto Lcommon;
+      case T.Const: // D2.0
+        if (peekNext() == T.LParen)
+          goto default;
+        tmp = StorageClass.Const;
+        goto Lcommon;
+      case T.Final: // D2.0
+        tmp = StorageClass.Final;
+        goto Lcommon;
+      case T.Scope: // D2.0
+        tmp = StorageClass.Scope;
+        goto Lcommon;
+      case T.Static: // D2.0
+        tmp = StorageClass.Static;
+        goto Lcommon;
+    }
+      case T.In:
+        tmp = StorageClass.In;
+        goto Lcommon;
+      case T.Out:
+        tmp = StorageClass.Out;
+        goto Lcommon;
+      case T.Inout, T.Ref:
+        tmp = StorageClass.Ref;
+        goto Lcommon;
+      case T.Lazy:
+        tmp = StorageClass.Lazy;
+        goto Lcommon;
+      Lcommon:
+        // Check for redundancy.
+        if (stc & tmp)
+          error(MID.RedundantStorageClass, token.srcText);
+        else
+          stc |= tmp;
+        nT();
+      version(D2)
+        goto Lstc_loop;
+      else
+        goto default; // In D1.0 only one stc per parameter is allowed.
+      default:
+        type = parseDeclarator(ident, true);
+        if (skipped(T.Assign))
+          defValue = parseAssignExpression();
+        if (skipped(T.Ellipses))
+        {
+          stc |= StorageClass.Variadic;
+          pushParameter();
+          break Loop;
+        }
+        pushParameter();
+        if (token.type != T.Comma)
+          break Loop;
+        nT();
+      }
+    }
+    require(T.RParen);
+    return set(params, begin);
+  }
+  TemplateArguments parseTemplateArguments()
+  {
+    TemplateArguments targs;
+    require(T.LParen);
+    if (token.type != T.RParen)
+      targs = parseTemplateArguments_();
+    require(T.RParen);
+    return targs;
+  }
+  TemplateArguments parseTemplateArguments2()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Comma);
+    nT();
+    TemplateArguments targs;
+    if (token.type != T.RParen)
+      targs = parseTemplateArguments_();
+    else
+      error(token, MSG.ExpectedTypeOrExpression);
+    require(T.RParen);
+    return targs;
+  }
+} // version(D2)
+  TemplateArguments parseTemplateArguments_()
+  {
+    auto begin = token;
+    auto targs = new TemplateArguments;
+    while (1)
+    {
+      Type parseType_()
+      {
+        auto type = parseType();
+        if (token.type == T.Comma || token.type == T.RParen)
+          return type;
+        ++errorCount; // Cause try_() to fail.
+        return null;
+      }
+      bool success;
+      auto typeArgument = try_(&parseType_, success);
+      if (success)
+        // TemplateArgument:
+        //         Type
+        //         Symbol
+        targs ~= typeArgument;
+      else
+        // TemplateArgument:
+        //         AssignExpression
+        targs ~= parseAssignExpression();
+      if (token.type != T.Comma)
+        break; // Exit loop.
+      nT();
+    }
+    set(targs, begin);
+    return targs;
+  }
+  TemplateParameters parseTemplateParameterList()
+  {
+    TemplateParameters tparams;
+    require(T.LParen);
+    if (token.type != T.RParen)
+      tparams = parseTemplateParameterList_();
+    require(T.RParen);
+    return tparams;
+  }
+  TemplateParameters parseTemplateParameterList2()
+  {
+    assert(token.type == T.Comma);
+    nT();
+    TemplateParameters tparams;
+    if (token.type != T.RParen)
+      tparams = parseTemplateParameterList_();
+    else
+      error(token, MSG.ExpectedTemplateParameters);
+    return tparams;
+  }
+} // version(D2)
+  TemplateParameters parseTemplateParameterList_()
+  {
+    auto begin = token;
+    auto tparams = new TemplateParameters;
+    while (1)
+    {
+      auto paramBegin = token;
+      TemplateParameter tp;
+      Identifier* ident;
+      Type specType, defType;
+      void parseSpecAndOrDefaultType()
+      {
+        // : SpecializationType
+        if (skipped(T.Colon))
+          specType = parseType();
+        // = DefaultType
+        if (skipped(T.Assign))
+          defType = parseType();
+      }
+      switch (token.type)
+      {
+      case T.Alias:
+        // TemplateAliasParameter:
+        //         alias Identifier
+        nT(); // Skip alias keyword.
+        ident = requireIdentifier(MSG.ExpectedAliasTemplateParam);
+        parseSpecAndOrDefaultType();
+        tp = new TemplateAliasParameter(ident, specType, defType);
+        break;
+      case T.Identifier:
+        ident = token.ident;
+        switch (peekNext())
+        {
+        case T.Ellipses:
+          // TemplateTupleParameter:
+          //         Identifier ...
+          nT(); // Skip Identifier.
+          nT(); // Skip Ellipses.
+          if (token.type == T.Comma)
+            error(MID.TemplateTupleParameter);
+          tp = new TemplateTupleParameter(ident);
+          break;
+        case T.Comma, T.RParen, T.Colon, T.Assign:
+          // TemplateTypeParameter:
+          //         Identifier
+          nT(); // Skip Identifier.
+          parseSpecAndOrDefaultType();
+          tp = new TemplateTypeParameter(ident, specType, defType);
+          break;
+        default:
+          // TemplateValueParameter:
+          //         Declarator
+          ident = null;
+          goto LTemplateValueParameter;
+        }
+        break;
+      version(D2)
+      {
+      case T.This:
+        // TemplateThisParameter
+        //         this TemplateTypeParameter
+        nT(); // Skip 'this' keyword.
+        ident = requireIdentifier(MSG.ExpectedNameForThisTempParam);
+        parseSpecAndOrDefaultType();
+        tp = new TemplateThisParameter(ident, specType, defType);
+        break;
+      }
+      default:
+      LTemplateValueParameter:
+        // TemplateValueParameter:
+        //         Declarator
+        Expression specValue, defValue;
+        auto valueType = parseDeclarator(ident);
+        // : SpecializationValue
+        if (skipped(T.Colon))
+          specValue = parseCondExpression();
+        // = DefaultValue
+        if (skipped(T.Assign))
+          defValue = parseCondExpression();
+        tp = new TemplateValueParameter(valueType, ident, specValue, defValue);
+      }
+      // Push template parameter.
+      tparams ~= set(tp, paramBegin);
+      if (token.type != T.Comma)
+        break;
+      nT();
+    }
+    set(tparams, begin);
+    return tparams;
+  }
+  void expected(TOK tok)
+  {
+    if (token.type != tok)
+      error(MID.ExpectedButFound, Token.toString(tok), token.srcText);
+  }
+  void require(TOK tok)
+  {
+    if (token.type == tok)
+      nT();
+    else
+      error(MID.ExpectedButFound, Token.toString(tok), token.srcText);
+  }
+  void requireNext(TOK tok)
+  {
+    nT();
+    require(tok);
+  }
+  Identifier* optionalIdentifier()
+  {
+    Identifier* id;
+    if (token.type == T.Identifier)
+      (id = token.ident), nT();
+    return id;
+  }
+  Identifier* requireIdentifier()
+  {
+    Identifier* id;
+    if (token.type == T.Identifier)
+      (id = token.ident), nT();
+    else
+      error(MID.ExpectedButFound, "Identifier", token.srcText);
+    return id;
+  }
+  /++
+    Params:
+      errorMsg = an error that has no message ID yet.
+  +/
+  Identifier* requireIdentifier(char[] errorMsg)
+  {
+    Identifier* id;
+    if (token.type == T.Identifier)
+      (id = token.ident), nT();
+    else
+      error(token, errorMsg, token.srcText);
+    return id;
+  }
+  Identifier* requireIdentifier(MID mid)
+  {
+    Identifier* id;
+    if (token.type == T.Identifier)
+      (id = token.ident), nT();
+    else
+      error(mid, token.srcText);
+    return id;
+  }
+  Token* requireId()
+  {
+    if (token.type == T.Identifier)
+    {
+      auto id = token;
+      nT();
+      return id;
+    }
+    else
+      error(MID.ExpectedButFound, "Identifier", token.srcText);
+    return null;
+  }
+  Token* requireIdToken(char[] errorMsg)
+  {
+    Token* idtok;
+    if (token.type == T.Identifier)
+      (idtok = token), nT();
+    else
+      error(token, errorMsg, token.srcText);
+    return idtok;
+  }
+  /// Reports an error that has no message ID yet.
+  void error(Token* token, char[] formatMsg, ...)
+  {
+    error_(token, formatMsg, _arguments, _argptr);
+  }
+  void error(MID mid, ...)
+  {
+    error_(this.token, GetMsg(mid), _arguments, _argptr);
+  }
+  void error_(Token* token, char[] formatMsg, TypeInfo[] _arguments, void* _argptr)
+  {
+    if (trying)
+    {
+      ++errorCount;
+      return;
+    }
+    auto location = token.getLocation();
+    auto msg = Format(_arguments, _argptr, formatMsg);
+    auto error = new ParserError(location, msg);
+    errors ~= error;
+    if (infoMan !is null)
+      infoMan ~= error;
+  }