diff src/main.d @ 806:bcb74c9b895c

Moved out files in the trunk folder to the root.
author Aziz K?ksal <aziz.koeksal@gmail.com>
date Sun, 09 Mar 2008 00:12:19 +0100
parents trunk/src/main.d@dcd30b0ba711
children a2880c95eda3
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/main.d	Sun Mar 09 00:12:19 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,576 @@
+  Author: Aziz Köksal
+  License: GPL3
+module main;
+import dil.parser.Parser;
+import dil.lexer.Lexer,
+       dil.lexer.Token;
+import dil.ast.Declarations,
+       dil.ast.Expressions,
+       dil.ast.Node,
+       dil.ast.Visitor;
+import dil.semantic.Module;
+import dil.semantic.Symbols;
+import dil.semantic.Pass1,
+       dil.semantic.Pass2,
+       dil.semantic.Interpreter;
+import dil.translator.German;
+import dil.doc.Doc;
+import dil.Messages;
+import dil.CompilerInfo;
+import dil.Information;
+import dil.SourceText;
+import dil.Compilation;
+import cmd.Generate;
+import cmd.Statistics;
+import cmd.ImportGraph;
+import cmd.DDoc;
+import Settings;
+import SettingsLoader;
+// import TypeRules;
+import common;
+import Integer = tango.text.convert.Integer;
+import tango.stdc.stdio;
+import tango.io.File;
+import tango.text.Util;
+import tango.time.StopWatch;
+import tango.text.Ascii : icompare;
+/// Entry function of dil.
+void main(char[][] args)
+  auto infoMan = new InfoManager();
+  SettingsLoader.SettingsLoader(infoMan).load();
+  if (infoMan.hasInfo)
+    return printErrors(infoMan);
+  if (args.length <= 1)
+    return Stdout(helpMain()).newline;
+  string command = args[1];
+  switch (command)
+  {
+  case "c", "compile":
+    if (args.length < 2)
+      return printHelp("compile");
+    string[] filePaths;
+    auto context = newCompilationContext();
+    foreach (arg; args[2..$])
+    {
+      if (parseDebugOrVersion(arg, context))
+      {}
+      else
+        filePaths ~= arg;
+    }
+    infoMan = new InfoManager();
+    foreach (filePath; filePaths)
+    {
+      auto mod = new Module(filePath, infoMan);
+      // Parse the file.
+      mod.parse();
+      if (mod.hasErrors)
+        continue;
+      // Start semantic analysis.
+      auto pass1 = new SemanticPass1(mod, context);
+      pass1.start();
+      void printSymbolTable(ScopeSymbol scopeSym, char[] indent)
+      {
+        foreach (member; scopeSym.members)
+        {
+          auto tokens = getDocTokens(member.node);
+          char[] docText;
+          foreach (token; tokens)
+            docText ~= token.srcText;
+          Stdout(indent).formatln("Id:{}, Symbol:{}, DocText:{}", member.name.str, member.classinfo.name, docText);
+          if (auto s = cast(ScopeSymbol)member)
+            printSymbolTable(s, indent ~ "→ ");
+        }
+      }
+      printSymbolTable(mod, "");
+    }
+    infoMan.hasInfo && printErrors(infoMan);
+    break;
+  case "ddoc", "d":
+    if (args.length < 4)
+      return printHelp("ddoc");
+    auto destination = args[2];
+    auto macroPaths = GlobalSettings.ddocFilePaths;
+    char[][] filePaths;
+    bool incUndoc;
+    bool writeXML;
+    bool verbose;
+    // Parse arguments.
+    auto context = newCompilationContext();
+    foreach (arg; args[3..$])
+    {
+      if (parseDebugOrVersion(arg, context))
+      {}
+      else if (arg == "--xml")
+        writeXML = true;
+      else if (arg == "-i")
+        incUndoc = true;
+      else if (arg == "-v")
+        verbose = true;
+      else if (arg.length > 5 && icompare(arg[$-4..$], "ddoc") == 0)
+        macroPaths ~= arg;
+      else
+        filePaths ~= arg;
+    }
+    infoMan = new InfoManager();
+    // Execute command.
+    cmd.DDoc.execute(filePaths, destination, macroPaths, writeXML,
+                     incUndoc, verbose, context, infoMan);
+    infoMan.hasInfo && printErrors(infoMan);
+    break;
+  case "gen", "generate":
+    char[] fileName;
+    GenOption options = GenOption.Tokens;
+    foreach (arg; args[2..$])
+    {
+      switch (arg)
+      {
+      case "--syntax":
+        options |= GenOption.Syntax; break;
+      case "--xml":
+        options |= GenOption.XML; break;
+      case "--html":
+        options |= GenOption.HTML; break;
+      case "--lines":
+        options |= GenOption.PrintLines; break;
+      default:
+        fileName = arg;
+      }
+    }
+    if (!(options & (GenOption.XML | GenOption.HTML)))
+      options |= GenOption.XML; // Default to XML.
+    cmd.Generate.execute(fileName, options, infoMan);
+    infoMan.hasInfo && printErrors(infoMan);
+    break;
+  case "importgraph", "igraph":
+    string filePath;
+    string[] regexps;
+    string siStyle = "dashed"; // static import style
+    string piStyle = "bold";   // public import style
+    uint levels;
+    IGraphOption options;
+    auto context = newCompilationContext();
+    foreach (arg; args[2..$])
+    {
+      if (parseDebugOrVersion(arg, context))
+      {}
+      else if (strbeg(arg, "-I"))
+        context.importPaths ~= arg[2..$];
+      else if(strbeg(arg, "-r"))
+        regexps ~= arg[2..$];
+      else if(strbeg(arg, "-l"))
+        levels = Integer.toInt(arg[2..$]);
+      else if(strbeg(arg, "-si"))
+        siStyle = arg[3..$];
+      else if(strbeg(arg, "-pi"))
+        piStyle = arg[3..$];
+      else
+        switch (arg)
+        {
+        case "--dot":
+          options |= IGraphOption.PrintDot; break;
+        case "--paths":
+          options |= IGraphOption.PrintPaths; break;
+        case "--list":
+          options |= IGraphOption.PrintList; break;
+        case "-i":
+          options |= IGraphOption.IncludeUnlocatableModules; break;
+        case "-hle":
+          options |= IGraphOption.HighlightCyclicEdges; break;
+        case "-hlv":
+          options |= IGraphOption.HighlightCyclicVertices; break;
+        case "-gbp":
+          options |= IGraphOption.GroupByPackageNames; break;
+        case "-gbf":
+          options |= IGraphOption.GroupByFullPackageName; break;
+        case "-m":
+          options |= IGraphOption.MarkCyclicModules; break;
+        default:
+          filePath = arg;
+        }
+    }
+    cmd.ImportGraph.execute(filePath, context, regexps, levels, siStyle, piStyle, options);
+    break;
+  case "stats", "statistics":
+    char[][] filePaths;
+    bool printTokensTable;
+    bool printNodesTable;
+    foreach (arg; args[2..$])
+      if (arg == "--toktable")
+        printTokensTable = true;
+      else if (arg == "--asttable")
+        printNodesTable = true;
+      else
+        filePaths ~= arg;
+    cmd.Statistics.execute(filePaths, printTokensTable, printNodesTable);
+    break;
+  case "tok", "tokenize":
+    SourceText sourceText;
+    char[] filePath;
+    char[] separator;
+    bool ignoreWSToks;
+    bool printWS;
+    foreach (arg; args[2..$])
+    {
+      if (strbeg(arg, "-s"))
+        separator = arg[2..$];
+      else if (arg == "-")
+        sourceText = new SourceText("stdin", readStdin());
+      else if (arg == "-i")
+        ignoreWSToks = true;
+      else if (arg == "-ws")
+        printWS = true;
+      else
+        filePath = arg;
+    }
+    separator || (separator = "\n");
+    if (!sourceText)
+      sourceText = new SourceText(filePath, true);
+    infoMan = new InfoManager();
+    auto lx = new Lexer(sourceText, infoMan);
+    lx.scanAll();
+    auto token = lx.firstToken();
+    for (; token.kind != TOK.EOF; token = token.next)
+    {
+      if (token.kind == TOK.Newline || ignoreWSToks && token.isWhitespace)
+        continue;
+      if (printWS && token.ws)
+        Stdout(token.wsChars);
+      Stdout(token.srcText)(separator);
+    }
+    infoMan.hasInfo && printErrors(infoMan);
+    break;
+  case "trans", "translate":
+    if (args.length < 3)
+      return printHelp("trans");
+    if (args[2] != "German")
+      return Stdout.formatln("Error: unrecognized target language \"{}\"", args[2]);
+    infoMan = new InfoManager();
+    auto filePath = args[3];
+    auto mod = new Module(filePath, infoMan);
+    // Parse the file.
+    mod.parse();
+    if (!mod.hasErrors)
+    { // Translate
+      auto german = new GermanTranslator(Stdout, "  ");
+      german.translate(mod.root);
+    }
+    printErrors(infoMan);
+    break;
+  case "profile":
+    if (args.length < 3)
+      break;
+    char[][] filePaths;
+    if (args[2] == "dstress")
+    {
+      auto text = cast(char[])(new File("dstress_files")).read();
+      filePaths = split(text, "\0");
+    }
+    else
+      filePaths = args[2..$];
+    StopWatch swatch;
+    swatch.start;
+    foreach (filePath; filePaths)
+      (new Lexer(new SourceText(filePath, true))).scanAll();
+    Stdout.formatln("Scanned in {:f10}s.", swatch.stop);
+    break;
+  // case "parse":
+  //   if (args.length == 3)
+  //     parse(args[2]);
+  //   break;
+  case "?", "help":
+    printHelp(args.length >= 3 ? args[2] : "");
+    break;
+  // case "typerules":
+  //   genHTMLTypeRulesTables();
+  //   break;
+  default:
+  }
+char[] readStdin()
+  char[] text;
+  while (1)
+  {
+    auto c = getc(stdin);
+    if (c == EOF)
+      break;
+    text ~= c;
+  }
+  return text;
+/// Available commands.
+const char[] COMMANDS =
+  "  compile (c)\n"
+  "  ddoc (d)\n"
+  "  generate (gen)\n"
+  "  help (?)\n"
+  "  importgraph (igraph)\n"
+  "  statistics (stats)\n"
+  "  tokenize (tok)\n"
+  "  translate (trans)\n";
+bool strbeg(char[] str, char[] begin)
+  if (str.length >= begin.length)
+  {
+    if (str[0 .. begin.length] == begin)
+      return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+/// Creates the global compilation context.
+CompilationContext newCompilationContext()
+  auto cc = new CompilationContext;
+  cc.importPaths = GlobalSettings.importPaths;
+  cc.addVersionId("dil");
+  cc.addVersionId("all");
+  cc.addVersionId("D_Version2");
+  foreach (versionId; GlobalSettings.versionIds)
+    if (!Lexer.isReservedIdentifier(versionId))
+      cc.versionIds[versionId] = true;
+  return cc;
+bool parseDebugOrVersion(string arg, CompilationContext context)
+  if (strbeg(arg, "-debug"))
+  {
+    if (arg.length > 7)
+    {
+      auto val = arg[7..$];
+      if (isdigit(val[0]))
+        context.debugLevel = Integer.toInt(val);
+      else if (!Lexer.isReservedIdentifier(val))
+        context.addDebugId(val);
+    }
+    else
+      context.debugLevel = 1;
+  }
+  else if (arg.length > 9 && strbeg(arg, "-version="))
+  {
+    auto val = arg[9..$];
+    if (isdigit(val[0]))
+      context.versionLevel = Integer.toInt(val);
+    else if (!Lexer.isReservedIdentifier(val))
+      context.addVersionId(val);
+  }
+  else
+    return false;
+  return true;
+/// Prints the errors collected in infoMan.
+void printErrors(InfoManager infoMan)
+  foreach (info; infoMan.info)
+  {
+    char[] errorFormat;
+    if (info.classinfo is LexerError.classinfo)
+      errorFormat = GlobalSettings.lexerErrorFormat;
+    else if (info.classinfo is ParserError.classinfo)
+      errorFormat = GlobalSettings.parserErrorFormat;
+    else if (info.classinfo is SemanticError.classinfo)
+      errorFormat = GlobalSettings.semanticErrorFormat;
+    else if (info.classinfo is Warning.classinfo)
+      errorFormat = "{0}: Warning: {3}";
+    else
+      continue;
+    auto err = cast(Problem)info;
+    Stderr.formatln(errorFormat, err.filePath, err.loc, err.col, err.getMsg);
+  }
+/// Prints the compiler's main help message.
+char[] helpMain()
+  auto COMPILED_VERSION = Format("{}.{,:d3}", __VERSION__/1000, __VERSION__%1000);
+/// Prints a help message for command.
+void printHelp(char[] command)
+  char[] msg;
+  switch (command)
+  {
+  case "c", "compile":
+    msg = `Compile D source files.
+  dil compile file.d [file2.d, ...] [Options]
+  This command only parses the source files and does little semantic analysis.
+  Errors are printed to standard error output.
+  -debug           : include debug code
+  -debug=level     : include debug(l) code where l <= level
+  -debug=ident     : include debug(ident) code
+  -version=level   : include version(l) code where l >= level
+  -version=ident   : include version(ident) code
+  dil c src/main.d`;
+    break;
+  case "ddoc", "d":
+    msg = `Generate documentation from DDoc comments in D source files.
+  dil ddoc Destination file.d [file2.d, ...] [Options]
+  Destination is the folder where the documentation files are written to.
+  Files with the extension .ddoc are recognized as macro definition files.
+  --xml            : write XML instead of HTML documents
+  -i               : include undocumented symbols
+  -v               : verbose output
+  dil d doc/ src/main.d src/macros_dil.ddoc -i`;
+    break;
+  case "gen", "generate":
+//     msg = GetMsg(MID.HelpGenerate);
+    msg = `Generate an XML or HTML document from a D source file.
+  dil gen file.d [Options]
+  --syntax         : generate tags for the syntax tree
+  --xml            : use XML format (default)
+  --html           : use HTML format
+  --lines          : print line numbers
+  dil gen Parser.d --html --syntax > Parser.html`;
+    break;
+  case "importgraph", "igraph":
+//     msg = GetMsg(MID.HelpImportGraph);
+    msg = `Parse a module and build a module dependency graph based on its imports.
+  dil igraph file.d Format [Options]
+  The directory of file.d is implicitly added to the list of import paths.
+  --dot            : generate a dot document (default)
+  Options related to --dot:
+  -gbp             : Group modules by package names
+  -gbf             : Group modules by full package name
+  -hle             : highlight cyclic edges in the graph
+  -hlv             : highlight modules in cyclic relationships
+  -siSTYLE         : the edge style to use for static imports
+  -piSTYLE         : the edge style to use for public imports
+  STYLE can be: "dashed", "dotted", "solid", "invis" or "bold"
+  --paths          : print the file paths of the modules in the graph
+  --list           : print the names of the module in the graph
+  Options common to --paths and --list:
+  -lN              : print N levels.
+  -m               : use '*' to mark modules in cyclic relationships
+  -Ipath           : add 'path' to the list of import paths where modules are
+                     looked for
+  -rREGEXP         : exclude modules whose names match the regular expression
+                     REGEXP
+  -i               : include unlocatable modules
+  dil igraph src/main.d --list
+  dil igraph src/main.d | dot -Tpng > main.png`;
+    break;
+  case "tok", "tokenize":
+    msg = `Print the tokens of a D source file.
+  dil tok file.d [Options]
+  -               : reads text from the standard input.
+  -sSEPARATOR     : print SEPARATOR instead of newline between tokens.
+  -i              : ignore whitespace tokens (e.g. comments, shebang etc.)
+  -ws             : print a token's preceding whitespace characters.
+  echo "module foo; void func(){}" | dil tok -
+  dil tok main.d | grep ^[0-9]`;
+    break;
+  case "stats", "statistics":
+    msg = "Gather statistics about D source files.
+  dil stat file.d [file2.d, ...] [Options]
+  --toktable      : print the count of all kinds of tokens in a table.
+  --asttable      : print the count of all kinds of nodes in a table.
+  dil stat src/dil/Parser.d src/dil/Lexer.d";
+    break;
+  case "trans", "translate":
+    msg = `Translate a D source file to another language.
+  dil translate Language file.d
+  Languages that are supported:
+    *) German
+  dil trans German src/main.d`;
+    break;
+  default:
+    msg = helpMain();
+  }
+  Stdout(msg).newline;
+/+void parse(string fileName)
+  auto mod = new Module(fileName);
+  mod.parse();
+  void print(Node[] decls, char[] indent)
+  {
+    foreach(decl; decls)
+    {
+      assert(decl !is null);
+      Stdout.formatln("{}{}: begin={} end={}", indent, decl.classinfo.name, decl.begin ? decl.begin.srcText : "\33[31mnull\33[0m", decl.end ? decl.end.srcText : "\33[31mnull\33[0m");
+      print(decl.children, indent ~ "  ");
+    }
+  }
+  print(mod.root.children, "");