diff trunk/src/dil/TokensEnum.d @ 502:4e14cd1b24da

Refactored code and added modules related to tabulated Identifiers. Rearranged members of struct Identifier and added new member ID identID. Moved idTableLookup to module dil.IdTable. Renamed module TokenIDs to TokensEnum. Added member Identifier* ident to struct Token. Changed string switchtes in Parser to integer switches using enum ID.
author Aziz K?ksal <aziz.koeksal@gmail.com>
date Tue, 11 Dec 2007 14:19:30 +0100
parents trunk/src/dil/TokenIDs.d@41b7f9e439bd
children 996041463028
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/trunk/src/dil/TokensEnum.d	Tue Dec 11 14:19:30 2007 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+  Author: Aziz Köksal
+  License: GPL3
+module dil.TokensEnum;
+import common;
+enum TOK : ushort
+  Invalid,
+  /// Flag for whitespace tokens that must be ignored in the parsing phase.
+  Whitespace = 0x8000,
+  Illegal  = 1 | Whitespace,
+  Comment  = 2 | Whitespace,
+  Shebang  = 3 | Whitespace,
+  HashLine = 4 | Whitespace,
+  Filespec = 5 | Whitespace,
+  Newline  = 6 | Whitespace,
+  Empty    = 7,
+  Identifier = 8,
+  String,
+  CharLiteral, WCharLiteral, DCharLiteral,
+  // Special tokens
+  FILE,
+  LINE,
+  DATE,
+  TIME,
+  // Number literals
+  Int32, Int64, Uint32, Uint64,
+  // Floating point number scanner relies on this order. (FloatXY + 3 == ImaginaryXY)
+  Float32, Float64, Float80,
+  Imaginary32, Imaginary64, Imaginary80,
+  // Brackets
+  LParen,
+  RParen,
+  LBracket,
+  RBracket,
+  LBrace,
+  RBrace,
+  Dot, Slice, Ellipses,
+  // Floating point number operators
+  Unordered,
+  UorE,
+  UorG,
+  UorGorE,
+  UorL,
+  UorLorE,
+  LorEorG,
+  LorG,
+  // Normal operators
+  Assign, Equal, NotEqual, Not,
+  LessEqual, Less,
+  GreaterEqual, Greater,
+  LShiftAssign, LShift,
+  RShiftAssign,RShift,
+  URShiftAssign, URShift,
+  OrAssign, OrLogical, OrBinary,
+  AndAssign, AndLogical, AndBinary,
+  PlusAssign, PlusPlus, Plus,
+  MinusAssign, MinusMinus, Minus,
+  DivAssign, Div,
+  MulAssign, Mul,
+  ModAssign, Mod,
+  XorAssign, Xor,
+  CatAssign, Catenate,
+  Tilde,
+  Identity, NotIdentity,
+  Colon,
+  Semicolon,
+  Question,
+  Comma,
+  Dollar,
+  /* Keywords:
+     NB.: Token.isKeyword() depends on this list being contiguous.
+  */
+  Abstract,Alias,Align,Asm,Assert,Auto,Body,
+  Bool,Break,Byte,Case,Cast,Catch,Cdouble,
+  Cent,Cfloat,Char,Class,Const,Continue,Creal,
+  Dchar,Debug,Default,Delegate,Delete,Deprecated,Do,
+  Double,Else,Enum,Export,Extern,False,Final,
+  Finally,Float,For,Foreach,Foreach_reverse,Function,Goto,
+  Idouble,If,Ifloat,Import,In,Inout,Int,
+  Interface,Invariant,Ireal,Is,Lazy,Long,Macro/+D2.0+/,
+  Mixin,Module,New,Null,Out,Override,Package,
+  Pragma,Private,Protected,Public,Real,Ref/+D2.0+/,Return,
+  Scope,Short,Static,Struct,Super,Switch,Synchronized,
+  Template,This,Throw,Traits/+D2.0+/,True,Try,Typedef,Typeid,
+  Typeof,Ubyte,Ucent,Uint,Ulong,Union,Unittest,
+  Ushort,Version,Void,Volatile,Wchar,While,With,
+  HEAD, // start of linked list
+  EOF,
+  MAX
+alias TOK.Abstract KeywordsBegin;
+alias TOK.With KeywordsEnd;
+alias TOK.FILE SpecialTokensBegin;
+alias TOK.VERSION SpecialTokensEnd;
+/// A table mapping each TOK to a string.
+const string[] tokToString = [
+  "Invalid",
+  "Illegal",
+  "Comment",
+  "#! /shebang/",
+  "#line",
+  `"filespec"`,
+  "Newline",
+  "Empty",
+  "Identifier",
+  "String",
+  "CharLiteral", "WCharLiteral", "DCharLiteral",
+  "__FILE__",
+  "__LINE__",
+  "__DATE__",
+  "__TIME__",
+  "__TIMESTAMP__",
+  "__VENDOR__",
+  "__VERSION__",
+  "Int32", "Int64", "Uint32", "Uint64",
+  "Float32", "Float64", "Float80",
+  "Imaginary32", "Imaginary64", "Imaginary80",
+  "(",
+  ")",
+  "[",
+  "]",
+  "{",
+  "}",
+  ".", "..", "...",
+  "!<>=", // Unordered
+  "!<>",  // UorE
+  "!<=",  // UorG
+  "!<",   // UorGorE
+  "!>=",  // UorL
+  "!>",   // UorLorE
+  "<>=",  // LorEorG
+  "<>",   // LorG
+  "=", "==", "!=", "!",
+  "<=", "<",
+  ">=", ">",
+  "<<=", "<<",
+  ">>=",">>",
+  ">>>=", ">>>",
+  "|=", "||", "|",
+  "&=", "&&", "&",
+  "+=", "++", "+",
+  "-=", "--", "-",
+  "/=", "/",
+  "*=", "*",
+  "%=", "%",
+  "^=", "^",
+  "~=", "~",
+  "~",
+  "is", "!is",
+  ":",
+  ";",
+  "?",
+  ",",
+  "$",
+  "abstract","alias","align","asm","assert","auto","body",
+  "bool","break","byte","case","cast","catch","cdouble",
+  "cent","cfloat","char","class","const","continue","creal",
+  "dchar","debug","default","delegate","delete","deprecated","do",
+  "double","else","enum","export","extern","false","final",
+  "finally","float","for","foreach","foreach_reverse","function","goto",
+  "idouble","if","ifloat","import","in","inout","int",
+  "interface","invariant","ireal","is","lazy","long","macro",
+  "mixin","module","new","null","out","override","package",
+  "pragma","private","protected","public","real","ref","return",
+  "scope","short","static","struct","super","switch","synchronized",
+  "template","this","throw","__traits","true","try","typedef","typeid",
+  "typeof","ubyte","ucent","uint","ulong","union","unittest",
+  "ushort","version","void","volatile","wchar","while","with",
+  "HEAD",
+  "EOF"
+static assert(tokToString.length == TOK.EOF+1);