diff trunk/src/dil/lexer/TokensEnum.d @ 597:4d50267f59c9

Moved dil.TokensEnum to dil.lexer.TokensEnum.
author Aziz K?ksal <aziz.koeksal@gmail.com>
date Sun, 06 Jan 2008 00:28:26 +0100
parents trunk/src/dil/TokensEnum.d@3bc7801c207e
children c5fd3b7bfcab
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/trunk/src/dil/lexer/TokensEnum.d	Sun Jan 06 00:28:26 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+  Author: Aziz Köksal
+  License: GPL3
+module dil.lexer.TokensEnum;
+import common;
+enum TOK : ushort
+  Invalid,
+  Illegal,
+  Comment,
+  Shebang,
+  HashLine,
+  Filespec,
+  Newline,
+  Empty,
+  Identifier,
+  String,
+  CharLiteral,
+  // Special tokens
+  FILE,
+  LINE,
+  DATE,
+  TIME,
+  // Number literals
+  Int32, Int64, Uint32, Uint64,
+  // Floating point number scanner relies on this order. (FloatXY + 3 == ImaginaryXY)
+  Float32, Float64, Float80,
+  Imaginary32, Imaginary64, Imaginary80,
+  // Brackets
+  LParen,
+  RParen,
+  LBracket,
+  RBracket,
+  LBrace,
+  RBrace,
+  Dot, Slice, Ellipses,
+  // Floating point number operators
+  Unordered,
+  UorE,
+  UorG,
+  UorGorE,
+  UorL,
+  UorLorE,
+  LorEorG,
+  LorG,
+  // Normal operators
+  Assign, Equal, NotEqual, Not,
+  LessEqual, Less,
+  GreaterEqual, Greater,
+  LShiftAssign, LShift,
+  RShiftAssign,RShift,
+  URShiftAssign, URShift,
+  OrAssign, OrLogical, OrBinary,
+  AndAssign, AndLogical, AndBinary,
+  PlusAssign, PlusPlus, Plus,
+  MinusAssign, MinusMinus, Minus,
+  DivAssign, Div,
+  MulAssign, Mul,
+  ModAssign, Mod,
+  XorAssign, Xor,
+  CatAssign,
+  Tilde,
+  Colon,
+  Semicolon,
+  Question,
+  Comma,
+  Dollar,
+  /* Keywords:
+     NB.: Token.isKeyword() depends on this list being contiguous.
+  */
+  Abstract, Alias, Align, Asm, Assert, Auto, Body,
+  Break, Case, Cast, Catch,
+  Class, Const, Continue,
+  Debug, Default, Delegate, Delete, Deprecated, Do,
+  Else, Enum, Export, Extern, False, Final,
+  Finally, For, Foreach, Foreach_reverse, Function, Goto,
+  If, Import, In, Inout,
+  Interface, Invariant, Is, Lazy, Macro/+D2.0+/,
+  Mixin, Module, New, Null, Out, Override, Package,
+  Pragma, Private, Protected, Public, Ref/+D2.0+/, Return,
+  Scope, Static, Struct, Super, Switch, Synchronized,
+  Template, This, Throw, Traits/+D2.0+/, True, Try, Typedef, Typeid,
+  Typeof, Union, Unittest,
+  Version, Volatile, While, With,
+  // Integral types.
+  Char,   Wchar,   Dchar, Bool,
+  Byte,   Ubyte,   Short, Ushort,
+  Int,    Uint,    Long,  Ulong,
+  Cent,   Ucent,
+  Float,  Double,  Real,
+  Ifloat, Idouble, Ireal,
+  Cfloat, Cdouble, Creal, Void,
+  HEAD, // start of linked list
+  EOF,
+  MAX
+alias TOK.Abstract KeywordsBegin;
+alias TOK.Void KeywordsEnd;
+alias TOK.Char IntegralTypeBegin;
+alias TOK.Void IntegralTypeEnd;
+alias TOK.FILE SpecialTokensBegin;
+alias TOK.VERSION SpecialTokensEnd;
+/// A table mapping each TOK to a string.
+const string[] tokToString = [
+  "Invalid",
+  "Illegal",
+  "Comment",
+  "#! /shebang/",
+  "#line",
+  `"filespec"`,
+  "Newline",
+  "Empty",
+  "Identifier",
+  "String",
+  "CharLiteral",
+  "__FILE__",
+  "__LINE__",
+  "__DATE__",
+  "__TIME__",
+  "__TIMESTAMP__",
+  "__VENDOR__",
+  "__VERSION__",
+  "Int32", "Int64", "Uint32", "Uint64",
+  "Float32", "Float64", "Float80",
+  "Imaginary32", "Imaginary64", "Imaginary80",
+  "(",
+  ")",
+  "[",
+  "]",
+  "{",
+  "}",
+  ".", "..", "...",
+  "!<>=", // Unordered
+  "!<>",  // UorE
+  "!<=",  // UorG
+  "!<",   // UorGorE
+  "!>=",  // UorL
+  "!>",   // UorLorE
+  "<>=",  // LorEorG
+  "<>",   // LorG
+  "=", "==", "!=", "!",
+  "<=", "<",
+  ">=", ">",
+  "<<=", "<<",
+  ">>=",">>",
+  ">>>=", ">>>",
+  "|=", "||", "|",
+  "&=", "&&", "&",
+  "+=", "++", "+",
+  "-=", "--", "-",
+  "/=", "/",
+  "*=", "*",
+  "%=", "%",
+  "^=", "^",
+  "~=",
+  "~",
+  ":",
+  ";",
+  "?",
+  ",",
+  "$",
+  "abstract","alias","align","asm","assert","auto","body",
+  "break","case","cast","catch",
+  "class","const","continue",
+  "debug","default","delegate","delete","deprecated","do",
+  "else","enum","export","extern","false","final",
+  "finally","for","foreach","foreach_reverse","function","goto",
+  "if","import","in","inout",
+  "interface","invariant","is","lazy","macro",
+  "mixin","module","new","null","out","override","package",
+  "pragma","private","protected","public","ref","return",
+  "scope","static","struct","super","switch","synchronized",
+  "template","this","throw","__traits","true","try","typedef","typeid",
+  "typeof","union","unittest",
+  "version","volatile","while","with",
+  // Integral types.
+  "char",   "wchar",   "dchar", "bool",
+  "byte",   "ubyte",   "short", "ushort",
+  "int",    "uint",    "long",  "ulong",
+  "cent",   "ucent",
+  "float",  "double",  "real",
+  "ifloat", "idouble", "ireal",
+  "cfloat", "cdouble", "creal", "void",
+  "HEAD",
+  "EOF"
+static assert(tokToString.length == TOK.EOF+1);