diff src/cmd/Highlight.d @ 808:28e1ff1dcfcf

Renamed generate command to highlight and refactored it.
author Aziz K?ksal <aziz.koeksal@gmail.com>
date Sun, 09 Mar 2008 16:10:25 +0100
parents src/cmd/Generate.d@bcb74c9b895c
children 80eb3251e010
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/cmd/Highlight.d	Sun Mar 09 16:10:25 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
+  Author: Aziz Köksal
+  License: GPL3
+module cmd.Highlight;
+import dil.ast.DefaultVisitor;
+import dil.ast.Node,
+       dil.ast.Declaration,
+       dil.ast.Statement,
+       dil.ast.Expression,
+       dil.ast.Types;
+import dil.lexer.Lexer;
+import dil.parser.Parser;
+import dil.semantic.Module;
+import dil.SourceText;
+import dil.Information;
+import SettingsLoader;
+import Settings;
+import common;
+import tango.io.GrowBuffer;
+import tango.io.Print;
+/// The highlight command.
+struct HighlightCommand
+  /// Options for the command.
+  enum Option
+  {
+    None        = 0,
+    Tokens      = 1,
+    Syntax      = 1<<1,
+    HTML        = 1<<2,
+    XML         = 1<<3,
+    PrintLines  = 1<<4
+  }
+  alias Option Options;
+  Options options; /// Command options.
+  string filePath; /// File path to the module to be highlighted.
+  InfoManager infoMan;
+  /// Adds o to the options.
+  void add(Option o)
+  {
+    options |= o;
+  }
+  /// Executes the command.
+  void run()
+  {
+    add(HighlightCommand.Option.Tokens);
+    if (!(options & (Option.XML | Option.HTML)))
+      add(Option.XML); // Default to XML.
+    auto mapFilePath = options & Option.HTML ? GlobalSettings.htmlMapFile
+                                             : GlobalSettings.xmlMapFile;
+    auto map = TagMapLoader(infoMan).load(mapFilePath);
+    auto tags = new TagMap(map);
+    if (infoMan.hasInfo)
+      return;
+    if (options & Option.Syntax)
+      highlightSyntax(filePath, tags, Stdout, options);
+    else
+      highlightTokens(filePath, tags, Stdout, options);
+  }
+/// Escapes the characters '<', '>' and '&' with named character entities.
+char[] xml_escape(char[] text)
+  char[] result;
+  foreach(c; text)
+    switch(c)
+    {
+      case '<': result ~= "&lt;";  break;
+      case '>': result ~= "&gt;";  break;
+      case '&': result ~= "&amp;"; break;
+      default:  result ~= c;
+    }
+  if (result.length != text.length)
+    return result;
+  // Nothing escaped. Return original text.
+  delete result;
+  return text;
+/// Maps tokens to (format) strings.
+class TagMap
+  string[string] table;
+  string[TOK.MAX] tokenTable;
+  this(string[string] table)
+  {
+    this.table = table;
+    Identifier   = this["Identifier", "{0}"];
+    String       = this["String", "{0}"];
+    Char         = this["Char", "{0}"];
+    Number       = this["Number", "{0}"];
+    Keyword      = this["Keyword", "{0}"];
+    LineC        = this["LineC", "{0}"];
+    BlockC       = this["BlockC", "{0}"];
+    NestedC      = this["NestedC", "{0}"];
+    Shebang      = this["Shebang", "{0}"];
+    HLine        = this["HLine", "{0}"];
+    Filespec     = this["Filespec", "{0}"];
+    Illegal      = this["Illegal", "{0}"];
+    Newline      = this["Newline", "{0}"];
+    SpecialToken = this["SpecialToken", "{0}"];
+    Declaration  = this["Declaration", "d"];
+    Statement    = this["Statement", "s"];
+    Expression   = this["Expression", "e"];
+    Type         = this["Type", "t"];
+    Other        = this["Other", "o"];
+    EOF          = this["EOF", ""];
+    foreach (i, tokStr; tokToString)
+      if (auto pStr = tokStr in this.table)
+        tokenTable[i] = *pStr;
+  }
+  /// Returns the value for str, or 'fallback' if str is not in the table.
+  string opIndex(string str, string fallback = "")
+  {
+    auto p = str in table;
+    if (p)
+      return *p;
+    return fallback;
+  }
+  /// Returns the value for tok in O(1) time.
+  string opIndex(TOK tok)
+  {
+    return tokenTable[tok];
+  }
+  /// Shortcuts for quick access.
+  string Identifier, String, Char, Number, Keyword, LineC, BlockC,
+         NestedC, Shebang, HLine, Filespec, Illegal, Newline, SpecialToken,
+         Declaration, Statement, Expression, Type, Other, EOF;
+  /// Returns the tag for the category 'nc'.
+  string getTag(NodeCategory nc)
+  {
+    string tag;
+    switch (nc)
+    { alias NodeCategory NC;
+    case NC.Declaration: tag = Declaration; break;
+    case NC.Statement:   tag = Statement; break;
+    case NC.Expression:  tag = Expression; break;
+    case NC.Type:        tag = Type; break;
+    case NC.Other:       tag = Other; break;
+    default: assert(0);
+    }
+    return tag;
+  }
+/// Find the last occurrence of object in subject.
+/// Returns: the index if found, or -1 if not.
+int rfind(char[] subject, char object)
+  foreach_reverse(i, c; subject)
+    if (c == object)
+      return i;
+  return -1;
+/// Returns the short class name of a class descending from Node.$(BR)
+/// E.g.: dil.ast.Declarations.ClassDeclaration -> Class
+char[] getShortClassName(Node node)
+  static char[][] name_table;
+  if (name_table is null)
+    name_table = new char[][NodeKind.max+1]; // Create a new table.
+  // Look up in table.
+  char[] name = name_table[node.kind];
+  if (name !is null)
+    return name; // Return cached name.
+  name = node.classinfo.name; // Get the fully qualified name of the class.
+  name = name[rfind(name, '.')+1 .. $]; // Remove package and module name.
+  uint suffixLength;
+  switch (node.category)
+  {
+  alias NodeCategory NC;
+  case NC.Declaration:
+    suffixLength = "Declaration".length;
+    break;
+  case NC.Statement:
+    suffixLength = "Statement".length;
+    break;
+  case NC.Expression:
+    suffixLength = "Expression".length;
+    break;
+  case NC.Type:
+    suffixLength = "Type".length;
+    break;
+  case NC.Other:
+    break;
+  default:
+    assert(0);
+  }
+  // Remove common suffix.
+  name = name[0 .. $ - suffixLength];
+  // Store the name in the table.
+  name_table[node.kind] = name;
+  return name;
+/// Extended token structure.
+struct TokenEx
+  Token* token; /// The lexer token.
+  Node[] beginNodes; /// beginNodes[n].begin == token
+  Node[] endNodes; /// endNodes[n].end == token
+/// Builds an array of TokenEx items.
+class TokenExBuilder : DefaultVisitor
+  private TokenEx*[Token*] tokenTable;
+  TokenEx[] build(Node root, Token* first)
+  {
+    auto token = first;
+    uint count; // Count tokens.
+    for (; token; token = token.next)
+      count++;
+    // Creat the exact number of TokenEx instances.
+    auto toks = new TokenEx[count];
+    token = first;
+    foreach (ref tokEx; toks)
+    {
+      tokEx.token = token;
+      if (!token.isWhitespace)
+        tokenTable[token] = &tokEx;
+      token = token.next;
+    }
+    super.visitN(root);
+    tokenTable = null;
+    return toks;
+  }
+  TokenEx* getTokenEx()(Token* t)
+  {
+    auto p = t in tokenTable;
+    assert(p, t.srcText~" is not in tokenTable");
+    return *p;
+  }
+  // Override dispatch function.
+  override Node dispatch(Node n)
+  {
+    auto begin = n.begin;
+    if (begin)
+    { assert(n.end);
+      auto txbegin = getTokenEx(begin);
+      auto txend = getTokenEx(n.end);
+      txbegin.beginNodes ~= n;
+      txend.endNodes ~= n;
+    }
+    return super.dispatch(n);
+  }
+void printErrors(Lexer lx, TagMap tags, Print!(char) print)
+  foreach (e; lx.errors)
+    print.format(tags["LexerError"], e.filePath, e.loc, e.col, xml_escape(e.getMsg));
+void printErrors(Parser parser, TagMap tags, Print!(char) print)
+  foreach (e; parser.errors)
+    print.format(tags["ParserError"], e.filePath, e.loc, e.col, xml_escape(e.getMsg));
+void printLines(uint lines, TagMap tags, Print!(char) print)
+  auto lineNumberFormat = tags["LineNumber"];
+  for (auto lineNum = 1; lineNum <= lines; lineNum++)
+    print.format(lineNumberFormat, lineNum);
+/// Highlights the syntax in a source file.
+void highlightSyntax(string filePath, TagMap tags,
+                     Print!(char) print,
+                     HighlightCommand.Options options)
+  auto parser = new Parser(new SourceText(filePath, true));
+  auto root = parser.start();
+  auto lx = parser.lexer;
+  auto builder = new TokenExBuilder();
+  auto tokenExList = builder.build(root, lx.firstToken());
+  print(tags["DocHead"]);
+  if (lx.errors.length || parser.errors.length)
+  { // Output error messages.
+    print(tags["CompBegin"]);
+    printErrors(lx, tags, print);
+    printErrors(parser, tags, print);
+    print(tags["CompEnd"]);
+  }
+  if (options & HighlightCommand.Option.PrintLines)
+  {
+    print(tags["LineNumberBegin"]);
+    printLines(lx.lineNum, tags, print);
+    print(tags["LineNumberEnd"]);
+  }
+  print(tags["SourceBegin"]);
+  auto tagNodeBegin = tags["NodeBegin"];
+  auto tagNodeEnd = tags["NodeEnd"];
+  // Iterate over list of tokens.
+  foreach (ref tokenEx; tokenExList)
+  {
+    auto token = tokenEx.token;
+    token.ws && print(token.wsChars); // Print preceding whitespace.
+    if (token.isWhitespace) {
+      printToken(token, tags, print);
+      continue;
+    }
+    // <node>
+    foreach (node; tokenEx.beginNodes)
+      print.format(tagNodeBegin, tags.getTag(node.category), getShortClassName(node));
+    // Token text.
+    printToken(token, tags, print);
+    // </node>
+    if (options & HighlightCommand.Option.HTML)
+      foreach_reverse (node; tokenEx.endNodes)
+        print(tagNodeEnd);
+    else
+      foreach_reverse (node; tokenEx.endNodes)
+        print.format(tagNodeEnd, tags.getTag(node.category));
+  }
+  print(tags["SourceEnd"]);
+  print(tags["DocEnd"]);
+/// Highlights all tokens of a source file.
+void highlightTokens(string filePath, TagMap tags,
+                     Print!(char) print,
+                     HighlightCommand.Options options)
+  auto lx = new Lexer(new SourceText(filePath, true));
+  lx.scanAll();
+  print(tags["DocHead"]);
+  if (lx.errors.length)
+  {
+    print(tags["CompBegin"]);
+    printErrors(lx, tags, print);
+    print(tags["CompEnd"]);
+  }
+  if (options & HighlightCommand.Option.PrintLines)
+  {
+    print(tags["LineNumberBegin"]);
+    printLines(lx.lineNum, tags, print);
+    print(tags["LineNumberEnd"]);
+  }
+  print(tags["SourceBegin"]);
+  // Traverse linked list and print tokens.
+  for (auto token = lx.firstToken(); token; token = token.next) {
+    token.ws && print(token.wsChars); // Print preceding whitespace.
+    printToken(token, tags, print);
+  }
+  print(tags["SourceEnd"]);
+  print(tags["DocEnd"]);
+/// A token highlighter designed for DDoc.
+class TokenHighlighter
+  TagMap tags;
+  this(InfoManager infoMan, bool useHTML = true)
+  {
+    string filePath = GlobalSettings.htmlMapFile;
+    if (!useHTML)
+      filePath = GlobalSettings.xmlMapFile;
+    auto map = TagMapLoader(infoMan).load(filePath);
+    tags = new TagMap(map);
+  }
+  /// Highlights tokens in a DDoc code section.
+  /// Returns: a string with the highlighted tokens (in HTML tags.)
+  string highlight(string text, string filePath)
+  {
+    auto buffer = new GrowBuffer(text.length);
+    auto print = new Print!(char)(Format, buffer);
+    auto lx = new Lexer(new SourceText(filePath, text));
+    lx.scanAll();
+    // Traverse linked list and print tokens.
+    print("$(D_CODE\n");
+    if (lx.errors.length)
+    { // Output error messages.
+      print(tags["CompBegin"]);
+      printErrors(lx, tags, print);
+      print(tags["CompEnd"]);
+    }
+    // Traverse linked list and print tokens.
+    for (auto token = lx.firstToken(); token; token = token.next) {
+      token.ws && print(token.wsChars); // Print preceding whitespace.
+      printToken(token, tags, print);
+    }
+    print("\n)");
+    return cast(char[])buffer.slice();
+  }
+/// Prints a token to the stream print.
+void printToken(Token* token, TagMap tags, Print!(char) print)
+  switch(token.kind)
+  {
+  case TOK.Identifier:
+    print.format(tags.Identifier, token.srcText);
+    break;
+  case TOK.Comment:
+    string formatStr;
+    switch (token.start[1])
+    {
+    case '/': formatStr = tags.LineC; break;
+    case '*': formatStr = tags.BlockC; break;
+    case '+': formatStr = tags.NestedC; break;
+    default: assert(0);
+    }
+    print.format(formatStr, xml_escape(token.srcText));
+    break;
+  case TOK.String:
+    print.format(tags.String, xml_escape(token.srcText));
+    break;
+  case TOK.CharLiteral:
+    print.format(tags.Char, xml_escape(token.srcText));
+    break;
+  case TOK.Int32, TOK.Int64, TOK.Uint32, TOK.Uint64,
+       TOK.Float32, TOK.Float64, TOK.Float80,
+       TOK.Imaginary32, TOK.Imaginary64, TOK.Imaginary80:
+    print.format(tags.Number, token.srcText);
+    break;
+  case TOK.Shebang:
+    print.format(tags.Shebang, xml_escape(token.srcText));
+    break;
+  case TOK.HashLine:
+    auto formatStr = tags.HLine;
+    // The text to be inserted into formatStr.
+    auto buffer = new GrowBuffer;
+    auto print2 = new Print!(char)(Format, buffer);
+    void printWS(char* start, char* end)
+    {
+      start != end && print2(start[0 .. end - start]);
+    }
+    auto num = token.tokLineNum;
+    if (num is null)
+    { // Malformed #line
+      print.format(formatStr, token.srcText);
+      break;
+    }
+    // Print whitespace between #line and number.
+    printWS(token.start, num.start); // Prints "#line" as well.
+    printToken(num, tags, print2); // Print the number.
+    if (auto filespec = token.tokLineFilespec)
+    { // Print whitespace between number and filespec.
+      printWS(num.end, filespec.start);
+      print2.format(tags.Filespec, xml_escape(filespec.srcText));
+    }
+    // Finally print the whole token.
+    print.format(formatStr, cast(char[])buffer.slice());
+    break;
+  case TOK.Illegal:
+    print.format(tags.Illegal, token.srcText());
+    break;
+  case TOK.Newline:
+    print.format(tags.Newline, token.srcText());
+    break;
+  case TOK.EOF:
+    print(tags.EOF);
+    break;
+  default:
+    if (token.isKeyword())
+      print.format(tags.Keyword, token.srcText);
+    else if (token.isSpecialToken)
+      print.format(tags.SpecialToken, token.srcText);
+    else
+      print(tags[token.kind]);
+  }