view dmd/DotTemplateInstanceExp.d @ 176:fa9a71a9f5a8

Moved all the mutable globals to Global
author korDen
date Sun, 10 Oct 2010 05:22:45 +0400
parents 60bb0fe4563e
children e3afd1303184
line wrap: on
line source

module dmd.DotTemplateInstanceExp;

import dmd.common;
import dmd.ArrayTypes;
import dmd.Expression;
import dmd.UnaExp;
import dmd.OutBuffer;
import dmd.Loc;
import dmd.Scope;
import dmd.TemplateInstance;
import dmd.HdrGenState;
import dmd.TOK;
import dmd.PREC;
import dmd.Declaration;
import dmd.Global;
import dmd.TypePointer;
import dmd.TypeStruct;
import dmd.TY;
import dmd.ScopeExp;
import dmd.DotExp;
import dmd.Type;
import dmd.Identifier;
import dmd.ErrorExp;
import dmd.DotVarExp;
import dmd.TemplateDeclaration;
import dmd.Dsymbol;
import dmd.DotTemplateExp;
import dmd.DotIdExp;
import dmd.TemplateExp;
import dmd.DsymbolExp;

import dmd.expression.Util;

/* Things like:
class DotTemplateInstanceExp : UnaExp
	TemplateInstance ti;

	this(Loc loc, Expression e, Identifier name, Objects tiargs)
		super(loc, TOK.TOKdotti, DotTemplateInstanceExp.sizeof, e);
		this.ti = new TemplateInstance(loc, name);
		this.ti.tiargs = tiargs;

	override Expression syntaxCopy()
		DotTemplateInstanceExp de = new DotTemplateInstanceExp(loc, e1.syntaxCopy(),, TemplateInstance.arraySyntaxCopy(ti.tiargs));
		return de;

	TemplateDeclaration getTempdecl(Scope sc)
version(LOGSEMANTIC) {
		printf("DotTemplateInstanceExp::getTempdecl('%s')\n", toChars());
		if (!ti.tempdecl)
			Expression e = new DotIdExp(loc, e1,;
			e = e.semantic(sc);
			if (e.op == TOKdottd)
				auto dte = cast(DotTemplateExp)e;
				ti.tempdecl =;
			else if (e.op == TOKimport)
				auto se = cast(ScopeExp)e;
				ti.tempdecl = se.sds.isTemplateDeclaration();
		return ti.tempdecl;
	override Expression semantic(Scope sc)
version (LOGSEMANTIC) {
		printf("DotTemplateInstanceExp.semantic('%s')\n", toChars());
		Expression eleft;
		Expression e = new DotIdExp(loc, e1,;
		e = e.semantic(sc);
		if (e.op == TOKdottd)
			DotTemplateExp dte = cast(DotTemplateExp )e;
			TemplateDeclaration td =;
			eleft = dte.e1;
			ti.tempdecl = td;
			Dsymbol s = ti.inst.toAlias();
			Declaration v = s.isDeclaration();
			if (v)
				e = new DotVarExp(loc, eleft, v);
				e = e.semantic(sc);
				return e;
			e = new ScopeExp(loc, ti);
			e = new DotExp(loc, eleft, e);
			e = e.semantic(sc);
			return e;
		else if (e.op == TOKimport)
			auto se = cast(ScopeExp)e;
			TemplateDeclaration td = se.sds.isTemplateDeclaration();
			if (!td)
				error("%s is not a template", e.toChars());
				return new ErrorExp();
			ti.tempdecl = td;
			e = new ScopeExp(loc, ti);
			e = e.semantic(sc);
			return e;
		else if (e.op == TOKdotexp)
			DotExp de = cast(DotExp )e;

			if (de.e2.op == TOKimport)
				// This should *really* be moved to ScopeExp::semantic()
				ScopeExp se = cast(ScopeExp )de.e2;
				de.e2 = new DsymbolExp(loc, se.sds);
				de.e2 = de.e2.semantic(sc);

			if (de.e2.op == TOKtemplate)
				auto te = cast(TemplateExp) de.e2;
				e = new DotTemplateExp(loc,de.e1,;
		goto L1;
		error("%s isn't a template", e.toChars());
		return new ErrorExp();

	override void toCBuffer(OutBuffer buf, HdrGenState* hgs)
		expToCBuffer(buf, hgs, e1, PREC.PREC_primary);
		ti.toCBuffer(buf, hgs);

	override void dump(int indent)