view dmd/VarDeclaration.d @ 178:e3afd1303184

Many small bugs fixed Made all classes derive from TObject to detect memory leaks (functionality is disabled for now) Began work on overriding backend memory allocations (to avoid memory leaks)
author korDen
date Sun, 17 Oct 2010 07:42:00 +0400
parents b7b61140701d
children cd48cb899aee
line wrap: on
line source

module dmd.VarDeclaration;

import dmd.common;
import dmd.Array;
import dmd.Declaration;
import dmd.SliceExp;
import dmd.ClassDeclaration;
import dmd.DeleteExp;
import dmd.SymOffExp;
import dmd.DotIdExp;
import dmd.PtrExp;
import dmd.CallExp;
import dmd.DotVarExp;
import dmd.CommaExp;
import dmd.CastExp;
import dmd.WANT;
import dmd.StructDeclaration;
import dmd.StorageClassDeclaration;
import dmd.DsymbolExp;
import dmd.TypeSArray;
import dmd.IntegerExp;
import dmd.VarExp;
import dmd.AssignExp;
import dmd.TypeTypedef;
import dmd.ArrayInitializer;
import dmd.StructInitializer;
import dmd.NewExp;
import dmd.TupleDeclaration;
import dmd.AggregateDeclaration;
import dmd.InterfaceDeclaration;
import dmd.TemplateInstance;
import dmd.Id;
import dmd.Initializer;
import dmd.TypeStruct;
import dmd.TypeTuple;
import dmd.Parameter;
import dmd.ExpInitializer;
import dmd.ArrayTypes;
import dmd.Dsymbol;
import dmd.Expression;
import dmd.Loc;
import dmd.STC;
import dmd.TOK;
import dmd.TupleExp;
import dmd.Global;
import dmd.Module;
import dmd.FuncDeclaration;
import dmd.Type;
import dmd.TY;
import dmd.LINK;
import dmd.Scope;
import dmd.Identifier;
import dmd.OutBuffer;
import dmd.HdrGenState;
import dmd.PROT;
import dmd.expression.Util;

import dmd.backend.Symbol;
import dmd.backend.TYM;
import dmd.backend.FL;
import dmd.backend.DT;
import dmd.backend.mTY;
import dmd.backend.SC;
import dmd.backend.mTYman;
import dmd.backend.TYPE;
import dmd.backend.Util;
import dmd.backend.LIST;

import std.stdio : writef;
import std.string : toStringz;

class VarDeclaration : Declaration
    Initializer init;
    uint offset;
    bool noauto;			// no auto semantics
version (DMDV2) {
	FuncDeclarations nestedrefs; // referenced by these lexically nested functions
	bool isargptr = false;		// if parameter that _argptr points to
} else {
    int nestedref;		// referenced by a lexically nested function
    int ctorinit;		// it has been initialized in a ctor
    int onstack;		// 1: it has been allocated on the stack
				// 2: on stack, run destructor anyway
    int canassign;		// it can be assigned to
    Dsymbol aliassym;		// if redone as alias to another symbol
    Expression value;		// when interpreting, this is the value
				// (null if value not determinable)
version (DMDV2) {
    VarDeclaration rundtor;	// if !null, rundtor is tested at runtime to see
				// if the destructor should be run. Used to prevent
				// dtor calls on postblitted vars

    this(Loc loc, Type type, Identifier id, Initializer init)
		if (!type && !init)
			writef("VarDeclaration('%s')\n", id.toChars());
		assert(type || init);
		this.type = type;
		this.init = init;
		this.htype = null;
		this.hinit = null;
		this.loc = loc;
		/* TODO:
		#if DMDV1
    	nestedref = 0;
		ctorinit = 0;
		aliassym = NULL;
		onstack = 0;
		canassign = 0;
		value = NULL;
		rundtor = NULL;
		nestedrefs = new FuncDeclarations();

    override Dsymbol syntaxCopy(Dsymbol s)
		//printf("VarDeclaration.syntaxCopy(%s)\n", toChars());

		VarDeclaration sv;
		if (s)
			sv = cast(VarDeclaration)s;
			Initializer init = null;
			if (this.init)
				init = this.init.syntaxCopy();

			sv = new VarDeclaration(loc, type ? type.syntaxCopy() : null, ident, init);
			sv.storage_class = storage_class;

	version (_DH) {
		// Syntax copy for header file
		if (!htype)      // Don't overwrite original
			if (type)    // Make copy for both old and new instances
			{   htype = type.syntaxCopy();
				sv.htype = type.syntaxCopy();
		else            // Make copy of original for new instance
			sv.htype = htype.syntaxCopy();
		if (!hinit)
			if (init)
				hinit = init.syntaxCopy();
				sv.hinit = init.syntaxCopy();
			sv.hinit = hinit.syntaxCopy();
		return sv;

    override void semantic(Scope sc)
static if (false) {
		printf("VarDeclaration.semantic('%s', parent = '%s')\n", toChars(), sc.parent.toChars());
		printf(" type = %s\n", type ? type.toChars() : "null");
		printf(" stc = x%x\n",;
		printf(" storage_class = x%x\n", storage_class);
		printf("linkage = %d\n", sc.linkage);
		//if (strcmp(toChars(), "mul") == 0) halt();

		storage_class |=;
		if (storage_class & STC.STCextern && init)
			error("extern symbols cannot have initializers");
		/* If auto type inference, do the inference
		int inferred = 0;
		if (!type)
			ArrayInitializer ai = init.isArrayInitializer();
			if (ai)
				Expression e;
				if (ai.isAssociativeArray())
					e = ai.toAssocArrayLiteral();
					e = init.toExpression();
				init = new ExpInitializer(e.loc, e);
				type = init.inferType(sc);
				if (type.ty == TY.Tsarray)
					type = type.nextOf().arrayOf();
				type = init.inferType(sc);
			inferred = 1;

			if (init.isArrayInitializer() && type.toBasetype().ty == TY.Tsarray)
			{   // Prefer array literals to give a T[] type rather than a T[dim]
				type = type.toBasetype().nextOf().arrayOf();
			/* This is a kludge to support the existing syntax for RAII
			 * declarations.
			storage_class &= ~STC.STCauto;
			originalType = type;
			if (!originalType)
				originalType = type;
			type = type.semantic(loc, sc);
		//printf(" semantic type = %s\n", type ? type.toChars() : "null");

		type.checkDeprecated(loc, sc);
		linkage = sc.linkage;
		this.parent = sc.parent;
		//printf("this = %p, parent = %p, '%s'\n", this, parent, parent.toChars());
		protection =;
		//printf(" = %x\n",;
		//printf("storage_class = x%x\n", storage_class);

version (DMDV2) {
static if (true) {
		if (storage_class & STC.STCgshared && sc.func && sc.func.isSafe())
		error("__gshared not allowed in safe functions; use shared");
} else {
		if (storage_class & STC.STCgshared && && !
		error("__gshared not allowed in safe mode; use shared");

		Dsymbol parent = toParent();
		FuncDeclaration fd = parent.isFuncDeclaration();

		Type tb = type.toBasetype();
		if (tb.ty == TY.Tvoid && !(storage_class & STC.STClazy))
		{	error("voids have no value");
		type = Type.terror;
		tb = type;
		if (tb.ty == TY.Tfunction)
		{	error("cannot be declared to be a function");
		type = Type.terror;
		tb = type;
		if (tb.ty == TY.Tstruct)
		{	TypeStruct ts = cast(TypeStruct)tb;

		if (!ts.sym.members)
			error("no definition of struct %s", ts.toChars());

		if (tb.ty == TY.Ttuple)
		{   /* Instead, declare variables for each of the tuple elements
			* and add those.
		TypeTuple tt = cast(TypeTuple)tb;
		size_t nelems = Parameter.dim(tt.arguments);
		Objects exps = new Objects();
		Expression ie = init ? init.toExpression() : null;

		for (size_t i = 0; i < nelems; i++)
		{   auto arg = Parameter.getNth(tt.arguments, i);

			auto buf = new OutBuffer();
			///buf.printf("_%s_field_%zu", ident.toChars(), i);
			buf.printf("_%s_field_%s", ident.toChars(), i);
			string name = buf.extractString();
			Identifier id = new Identifier(name, TOK.TOKidentifier);

			Expression einit = ie;
			if (ie && ie.op == TOK.TOKtuple)
			{	einit = (cast(TupleExp)ie).exps[i];
			Initializer ti = init;
			if (einit)
			{	ti = new ExpInitializer(einit.loc, einit);

			auto v = new VarDeclaration(loc, arg.type, id, ti);
			//printf("declaring field %s of type %s\n", v.toChars(), v.type.toChars());

			if (sc.scopesym)
			{	//printf("adding %s to %s\n", v.toChars(), sc.scopesym.toChars());
			if (sc.scopesym.members)

			auto e = new DsymbolExp(loc, v);
			exps[i] = e;
		auto v2 = new TupleDeclaration(loc, ident, exps);
		v2.isexp = 1;
		aliassym = v2;

		/* Storage class can modify the type
		type = type.addStorageClass(storage_class);

		/* Adjust storage class to reflect type
		if (type.isConst())
		{	storage_class |= STC.STCconst;
		if (type.isShared())
			storage_class |= STC.STCshared;
		else if (type.isImmutable())
		storage_class |= STC.STCimmutable;
		else if (type.isShared())
		storage_class |= STC.STCshared;
        else if (type.isWild())
	    storage_class |= STC.STCwild;

		if (isSynchronized())
		error("variable %s cannot be synchronized", toChars());
		else if (isOverride())
		error("override cannot be applied to variable");
		else if (isAbstract())
		error("abstract cannot be applied to variable");
		else if (storage_class & STC.STCfinal)
		error("final cannot be applied to variable");

		if (storage_class & (STC.STCstatic | STC.STCextern | STC.STCmanifest | STC.STCtemplateparameter | STC.STCtls | STC.STCgshared))
		AggregateDeclaration aad = sc.anonAgg;
		if (!aad)
			aad = parent.isAggregateDeclaration();
		if (aad)
///version (DMDV2) {
			assert(!(storage_class & (STC.STCextern | STC.STCstatic | STC.STCtls | STC.STCgshared)));

			if (storage_class & (STC.STCconst | STC.STCimmutable) && init)
			if (!type.toBasetype().isTypeBasic())
				storage_class |= STC.STCstatic;
			aad.addField(sc, this);

		InterfaceDeclaration id = parent.isInterfaceDeclaration();
		if (id)
			error("field not allowed in interface");

		/* Templates cannot add fields to aggregates
		TemplateInstance ti = parent.isTemplateInstance();
		if (ti)
			// Take care of nested templates
			while (1)
			TemplateInstance ti2 = ti.tempdecl.parent.isTemplateInstance();
			if (!ti2)
			ti = ti2;

			// If it's a member template
			AggregateDeclaration ad = ti.tempdecl.isMember();
			if (ad && storage_class != STC.STCundefined)
			error("cannot use template to add field to aggregate '%s'", ad.toChars());

version (DMDV2) {
		if ((storage_class & (STC.STCref | STC.STCparameter | STC.STCforeach)) == STC.STCref && ident != Id.This)
			error("only parameters or foreach declarations can be ref");

        if ((storage_class & (STCstatic | STCextern | STCtls | STCgshared | STCmanifest) ||
	        isDataseg()) &&
	        error("only fields, parameters or stack based variables can be inout");

		if (type.isauto() && !noauto)
			if (storage_class & (STC.STCfield | STC.STCout | STC.STCref | STC.STCstatic | STC.STCmanifest | STC.STCtls | STC.STCgshared) || !fd)
				error("globals, statics, fields, manifest constants, ref and out parameters cannot be scope");

			if (!(storage_class & (STC.STCauto | STC.STCscope)))
				if (!(storage_class & STC.STCparameter) && ident != Id.withSym)
				error("reference to scope class must be scope");

		if ((isConst() || isImmutable()) && !init && !fd)
			// Initialize by constructor only
			storage_class |= STC.STCctorinit;

		if (init)
			storage_class |= STC.STCinit;     // remember we had an explicit initializer
		else if (storage_class & STC.STCmanifest)
			error("manifest constants must have initializers");

		TOK op = TOK.TOKconstruct;
		if (!init && !sc.inunion && !isStatic() && fd &&
		(!(storage_class & (STC.STCfield | STC.STCin | STC.STCforeach | STC.STCparameter)) || (storage_class & STC.STCout)) &&
		type.size() != 0)
		// Provide a default initializer
		//printf("Providing default initializer for '%s'\n", toChars());
		if (type.ty == TY.Tstruct &&
		{   /* If a struct is all zeros, as a special case
			 * set it's initializer to the integer 0.
			 * In AssignExp.toElem(), we check for this and issue
			 * a memset() to initialize the struct.
			 * Must do same check in interpreter.
			Expression e = new IntegerExp(loc, 0, Type.tint32);
			Expression e1;
			e1 = new VarExp(loc, this);
			e = new AssignExp(loc, e1, e);
			e.op = TOK.TOKconstruct;
			e.type = e1.type;		// don't type check this, it would fail
			init = new ExpInitializer(loc, e);
		else if (type.ty == TY.Ttypedef)
		{   TypeTypedef td = cast(TypeTypedef)type;
			if (td.sym.init)
			{	init = td.sym.init;
			ExpInitializer ie = init.isExpInitializer();
			if (ie)
				// Make copy so we can modify it
				init = new ExpInitializer(ie.loc, ie.exp);
			init = getExpInitializer();
			init = getExpInitializer();
		// Default initializer is always a blit
		op = TOK.TOKblit;

		if (init)
		sc = sc.push(); &= ~(STC.STC_TYPECTOR | STC.STCpure | STC.STCnothrow | STC.STCref);

		ArrayInitializer ai = init.isArrayInitializer();
		if (ai && tb.ty == TY.Taarray)
			Expression e = ai.toAssocArrayLiteral();
			init = new ExpInitializer(e.loc, e);

		StructInitializer si = init.isStructInitializer();
		ExpInitializer ei = init.isExpInitializer();

		// See if initializer is a NewExp that can be allocated on the stack
		if (ei && isScope() && ei.exp.op == TOK.TOKnew)
		{   NewExp ne = cast(NewExp)ei.exp;
			if (!(ne.newargs && ne.newargs.dim))
			{	ne.onstack = 1;
			onstack = 1;
			if (type.isBaseOf(ne.newtype.semantic(loc, sc), null))
				onstack = 2;

		// If inside function, there is no semantic3() call
		if (sc.func)
			// If local variable, use AssignExp to handle all the various
			// possibilities.
			if (fd &&
			!(storage_class & (STC.STCmanifest | STC.STCstatic | STC.STCtls | STC.STCgshared | STC.STCextern)) &&
			//printf("fd = '%s', var = '%s'\n", fd.toChars(), toChars());
			if (!ei)
				Expression e = init.toExpression();
				if (!e)
				init = init.semantic(sc, type);
				e = init.toExpression();
				if (!e)
				{   error("is not a static and cannot have static initializer");
				ei = new ExpInitializer(init.loc, e);
				init = ei;

			Expression e1 = new VarExp(loc, this);

			Type t = type.toBasetype();
			if (t.ty == TY.Tsarray && !(storage_class & (STC.STCref | STC.STCout)))
				ei.exp = ei.exp.semantic(sc);
				if (!ei.exp.implicitConvTo(type))
				int dim = cast(int)(cast(TypeSArray)t).dim.toInteger();	///
				// If multidimensional static array, treat as one large array
				while (1)
					t = t.nextOf().toBasetype();
					if (t.ty != TY.Tsarray)
					dim *= (cast(TypeSArray)t).dim.toInteger();
					e1.type = new TypeSArray(t.nextOf(), new IntegerExp(Loc(0), dim, Type.tindex));
				e1 = new SliceExp(loc, e1, null, null);
			else if (t.ty == TY.Tstruct)
				ei.exp = ei.exp.semantic(sc);
				ei.exp = resolveProperties(sc, ei.exp);
				StructDeclaration sd = (cast(TypeStruct)t).sym;
version (DMDV2)
				/* Look to see if initializer is a call to the constructor
				if (sd.ctor &&		// there are constructors
				ei.exp.type.ty == TY.Tstruct &&	// rvalue is the same struct
				(cast(TypeStruct)ei.exp.type).sym == sd &&
				ei.exp.op == TOK.TOKstar)
				/* Look for form of constructor call which is:
				 *    *__ctmp.ctor(arguments...)
				PtrExp pe = cast(PtrExp)ei.exp;
				if (pe.e1.op == TOK.TOKcall)
				{   CallExp ce = cast(CallExp)pe.e1;
					if (ce.e1.op == TOK.TOKdotvar)
					{	DotVarExp dve = cast(DotVarExp)ce.e1;
					if (dve.var.isCtorDeclaration())
					{   /* It's a constructor call, currently constructing
						 * a temporary __ctmp.
						/* Before calling the constructor, initialize
						 * variable with a bit copy of the default
						 * initializer
						Expression e = new AssignExp(loc, new VarExp(loc, this), t.defaultInit(loc));
						e.op = TOK.TOKblit;
						e.type = t;
						ei.exp = new CommaExp(loc, e, ei.exp);

						/* Replace __ctmp being constructed with e1
						dve.e1 = e1;
				if (!ei.exp.implicitConvTo(type))
					Type ti = ei.exp.type.toBasetype();
					// Look for constructor first
					if (sd.ctor &&
					    /* Initializing with the same type is done differently
					    !(ti.ty == Tstruct && t.toDsymbol(sc) == ti.toDsymbol(sc)))
					   // Rewrite as e1.ctor(arguments)
					    Expression ector = new DotIdExp(loc, e1, Id.ctor);
					    ei.exp = new CallExp(loc, ector, ei.exp);
					/* Look for opCall
					 * See bugzilla 2702 for more discussion

					// Don't cast away invariant or mutability in initializer
					if (search_function(sd, &&
						/* Initializing with the same type is done differently
						!(ti.ty == Tstruct && t.toDsymbol(sc) == ti.toDsymbol(sc)))
					{   // Rewrite as
						Expression eCall = new DotIdExp(loc, e1,;
						ei.exp = new CallExp(loc, eCall, ei.exp);
			ei.exp = new AssignExp(loc, e1, ei.exp);
			ei.exp.op = op;
			ei.exp = ei.exp.semantic(sc);
			init = init.semantic(sc, type);
		else if (storage_class & (STC.STCconst | STC.STCimmutable | STC.STCmanifest) ||
			type.isConst() || type.isImmutable() ||
			/* Because we may need the results of a const declaration in a
			 * subsequent type, such as an array dimension, before semantic2()
			 * gets ordinarily run, try to run semantic2() now.
			 * Ignore failure.

			if (!global.errors && !inferred)
			uint errors = global.errors;
			Expression e;
			Initializer i2 = init;
			if (ei)
				e = ei.exp.syntaxCopy();
				e = e.semantic(sc);
				e = e.implicitCastTo(sc, type);
			else if (si || ai)
			{   i2 = init.syntaxCopy();
				i2 = i2.semantic(sc, type);
			if (errors != global.errors)	// if errors happened
				if (global.gag == 0)
				global.errors = errors;	// act as if nothing happened
version (DMDV2) {
				/* Save scope for later use, to try again
				scope_ = sc.clone();
			else if (ei)
				if (isDataseg())
					/* static const/invariant does CTFE
					e = e.optimize(WANT.WANTvalue | WANT.WANTinterpret);
					e = e.optimize(WANT.WANTvalue);
				if (e.op == TOK.TOKint64 || e.op == TOK.TOKstring || e.op == TOK.TOKfloat64)
					ei.exp = e;		// no errors, keep result
///version (DMDV2) {
				/* Save scope for later use, to try again
				scope_ = sc.clone();
				init = i2;		// no errors, keep result
		sc = sc.pop();

    override void semantic2(Scope sc)
		//printf("VarDeclaration.semantic2('%s')\n", toChars());
		if (init && !toParent().isFuncDeclaration())
static if (false) {
			ExpInitializer ei = init.isExpInitializer();
			if (ei)
				printf("type = %p\n", ei.exp.type);
			init = init.semantic(sc, type);

    override string kind()
		return "variable";
    override void toCBuffer(OutBuffer buf, HdrGenState* hgs)
		StorageClassDeclaration.stcToCBuffer(buf, storage_class);

		/* If changing, be sure and fix CompoundDeclarationStatement.toCBuffer()
		 * too.
		if (type)
			type.toCBuffer(buf, ident, hgs);
		if (init)
			buf.writestring(" = ");
///version (DMDV2) {
			ExpInitializer ie = init.isExpInitializer();
			if (ie && (ie.exp.op == TOKconstruct || ie.exp.op == TOKblit))
				(cast(AssignExp)ie.exp).e2.toCBuffer(buf, hgs);
				init.toCBuffer(buf, hgs);
version (_DH) {
    Type htype;
    Initializer hinit;
    override bool needThis()
		//printf("VarDeclaration.needThis(%s, x%x)\n", toChars(), storage_class);
		return (storage_class & STC.STCfield) != 0;
    override bool isImportedSymbol()
		if (protection == PROT.PROTexport && !init && (storage_class & STC.STCstatic || parent.isModule()))
			return true;

		return false;

    override bool isDataseg()
static if (false) {
		printf("VarDeclaration.isDataseg(%p, '%s')\n", this, toChars());
		printf("%llx, isModule: %p, isTemplateInstance: %p\n", storage_class & (STC.STCstatic | STC.STCconst), parent.isModule(), parent.isTemplateInstance());
		printf("parent = '%s'\n", parent.toChars());
		if (storage_class & STC.STCmanifest)
			return false;

		Dsymbol parent = this.toParent();
		if (!parent && !(storage_class & STC.STCstatic))
			error("forward referenced");
			type = Type.terror;
			return false;

		return canTakeAddressOf() && (storage_class & (STC.STCstatic | STC.STCextern | STC.STCtls | STC.STCgshared) || toParent().isModule() || toParent().isTemplateInstance());
    override bool isThreadlocal()
		//printf("VarDeclaration.isThreadlocal(%p, '%s')\n", this, toChars());
static if (false) { /// || TARGET_OSX
		/* To be thread-local, must use the __thread storage class.
		 * BUG: OSX doesn't support thread local yet.
		return isDataseg() && (storage_class & (STC.STCtls | STC.STCconst | STC.STCimmutable | STC.STCshared | STC.STCgshared)) == STC.STCtls;
} else {
		/* Data defaults to being thread-local. It is not thread-local
		 * if it is immutable, const or shared.
		bool i = isDataseg() && !(storage_class & (STC.STCimmutable | STC.STCconst | STC.STCshared | STC.STCgshared));
		//printf("\treturn %d\n", i);
		return i;
     * Can variable be read and written by CTFE?

    int isCTFE()
        return (storage_class & STCctfe) || !isDataseg();

    override bool hasPointers()
		//printf("VarDeclaration.hasPointers() %s, ty = %d\n", toChars(), type.ty);
		return (!isDataseg() && type.hasPointers());
version (DMDV2) {
    bool canTakeAddressOf()
static if (false) {
		/* Global variables and struct/class fields of the form:
		 *	const int x = 3;
		 * are not stored and hence cannot have their address taken.
		if ((isConst() || isImmutable()) && (storage_class & STC.STCinit) && (!(storage_class & (STC.STCstatic | STC.STCextern)) || (storage_class & STC.STCfield)) &&
			(!parent || toParent().isModule() || toParent().isTemplateInstance()) && type.toBasetype().isTypeBasic())
			return false;
} else {
		if (storage_class & STC.STCmanifest)
			return false;
		return true;
	 * Return TRUE if variable needs to call the destructor.
    bool needsAutoDtor()
		//printf("VarDeclaration.needsAutoDtor() %s\n", toChars());

		if (noauto || storage_class & STCnodtor)
			return false;

		// Destructors for structs and arrays of structs
		Type tv = type.toBasetype();
		while (tv.ty == Tsarray)
			TypeSArray ta = cast(TypeSArray)tv;
			tv = tv.nextOf().toBasetype();
		if (tv.ty == Tstruct)
			TypeStruct ts = cast(TypeStruct)tv;
			StructDeclaration sd = ts.sym;
			if (sd.dtor)
				return true;

		// Destructors for classes
		if (storage_class & (STCauto | STCscope))
			if (type.isClassHandle())
				return true;
		return false;

	 * If a variable has an auto destructor call, return call for it.
	 * Otherwise, return null.
    Expression callAutoDtor(Scope sc)
		Expression e = null;

		//printf("VarDeclaration.callAutoDtor() %s\n", toChars());

		if (noauto || storage_class & STC.STCnodtor)
			return null;

		// Destructors for structs and arrays of structs
		bool array = false;
		Type tv = type.toBasetype();
		while (tv.ty == TY.Tsarray)
			TypeSArray ta = cast(TypeSArray)tv;
			array = true;
			tv = tv.nextOf().toBasetype();
		if (tv.ty == TY.Tstruct)
			TypeStruct ts = cast(TypeStruct)tv;
			StructDeclaration sd = ts.sym;
			if (sd.dtor)
				if (array)
					// Typeinfo.destroy(cast(void*)&v);
					Expression ea = new SymOffExp(loc, this, 0, 0);
					ea = new CastExp(loc, ea, Type.tvoid.pointerTo());
					Expressions args = new Expressions();

					Expression et = type.getTypeInfo(sc);
					et = new DotIdExp(loc, et, Id.destroy);

					e = new CallExp(loc, et, args);
					e = new VarExp(loc, this);
					e = new DotVarExp(loc, e, sd.dtor, 0);
					e = new CallExp(loc, e);
				return e;

		// Destructors for classes
		if (storage_class & (STC.STCauto | STC.STCscope))
			for (ClassDeclaration cd = type.isClassHandle(); cd; cd = cd.baseClass)
				/* We can do better if there's a way with onstack
				 * classes to determine if there's no way the monitor
				 * could be set.
				//if (cd.isInterfaceDeclaration())
				//error("interface %s cannot be scope", cd.toChars());
				if (1 || onstack || cd.dtors.dim)	// if any destructors
					// delete this;
					Expression ec = new VarExp(loc, this);
					e = new DeleteExp(loc, ec);
					e.type = Type.tvoid;
		return e;

	 * Get ExpInitializer for a variable, if there is one.
    ExpInitializer getExpInitializer()
		ExpInitializer ei;

		if (init)
			ei = init.isExpInitializer();
			Expression e = type.defaultInit(loc);
			if (e)
				ei = new ExpInitializer(loc, e);
				ei = null;
		return ei;

	 * If variable has a constant expression initializer, get it.
	 * Otherwise, return null.
    Expression getConstInitializer()
		if ((isConst() || isImmutable() || storage_class & STC.STCmanifest) && storage_class & STC.STCinit)
			ExpInitializer ei = getExpInitializer();
			if (ei)
				return ei.exp;

		return null;

    override void checkCtorConstInit()
	static if (false) { /* doesn't work if more than one static ctor */
		if (ctorinit == 0 && isCtorinit() && !(storage_class & STCfield))
			error("missing initializer in static constructor for const variable");

	 * Check to see if this variable is actually in an enclosing function
	 * rather than the current one.
    void checkNestedReference(Scope sc, Loc loc)
		if (parent && !isDataseg() && parent != sc.parent && !(storage_class & STC.STCmanifest))
			// The function that this variable is in
			FuncDeclaration fdv = toParent().isFuncDeclaration();
			// The current function
			FuncDeclaration fdthis = sc.parent.isFuncDeclaration();

			if (fdv && fdthis && fdv !is fdthis)
				if (loc.filename)
					fdthis.getLevel(loc, fdv);

				foreach (f; nestedrefs)
					if (f == fdthis)
						goto L1;
			  L1: ;

				foreach (s; fdv.closureVars)
					if (s == this)
						goto L2;

			  L2: ;

				//printf("fdthis is %s\n", fdthis.toChars());
				//printf("var %s in function %s is nested ref\n", toChars(), fdv.toChars());

    override Dsymbol toAlias()
		//printf("VarDeclaration::toAlias('%s', this = %p, aliassym = %p)\n", toChars(), this, aliassym);
		assert(this !is aliassym);
		return aliassym ? aliassym.toAlias() : this;

    override Symbol* toSymbol()
		//printf("VarDeclaration.toSymbol(%s)\n", toChars());
		//if (needThis()) *(char*)0=0;
		if (!csym)
			Symbol* s;
			TYPE* t;
			string id;

			if (isDataseg())
				id = mangle();
				id = ident.toChars();

			s = symbol_calloc(toStringz(id));

			if (storage_class & (STC.STCout | STC.STCref))
				if (global.params.symdebug && storage_class & STC.STCparameter)
					t = type_alloc(TYM.TYnptr);		// should be TYref, but problems in back end
					t.Tnext = type.toCtype();
					t = type_fake(TYM.TYnptr);
			else if (storage_class & STC.STClazy)
				t = type_fake(TYM.TYdelegate);		// Tdelegate as C type
			else if (isParameter())
				t = type.toCParamtype();
				t = type.toCtype();


			if (isDataseg())
				if (isThreadlocal())
					/* Thread local storage
					TYPE* ts = t;
					ts.Tcount++;	// make sure a different t is allocated
					type_setty(&t, t.Tty | mTY.mTYthread);

					if (global.params.vtls)
						string p = loc.toChars();
						writef("%s: %s is thread local\n", p ? p : "", toChars());

				s.Sclass = SC.SCextern;
				s.Sfl = FL.FLextern;
				s.Sclass = SC.SCauto;
				s.Sfl = FL.FLauto;

				if (nestedrefs.dim)
					/* Symbol is accessed by a nested function. Make sure
					 * it is not put in a register, and that the optimizer
					 * assumes it is modified across function calls and pointer
					 * dereferences.
					//printf("\tnested ref, not register\n");
					type_setcv(&t, t.Tty | mTY.mTYvolatile);

			mangle_t m = 0;
			switch (linkage)
				case LINK.LINKwindows:
					m = mTYman.mTYman_std;

				case LINK.LINKpascal:
					m = mTYman.mTYman_pas;

				case LINK.LINKc:
					m = mTYman.mTYman_c;

				case LINK.LINKd:
					m = mTYman.mTYman_d;

				case LINK.LINKcpp:
					m = mTYman.mTYman_cpp;

					writef("linkage = %d\n", linkage);
			type_setmangle(&t, m);
			s.Stype = t;

			csym = s;
		return csym;

    override void toObjFile(int multiobj)			// compile to .obj file
		Symbol* s;
		uint sz;
		Dsymbol parent;

		//printf("VarDeclaration.toObjFile(%p '%s' type=%s) protection %d\n", this, toChars(), type.toChars(), protection);
		//printf("\talign = %d\n", type.alignsize());

		if (aliassym)

	version (DMDV2) {
		// Do not store variables we cannot take the address of
		if (!canTakeAddressOf())

		if (isDataseg() && !(storage_class & STC.STCextern))
			s = toSymbol();
			sz = cast(uint)type.size();

			parent = this.toParent();
///		version (DMDV1) {	/* private statics should still get a global symbol, in case
///			 * another module inlines a function that references it.
///			 */
///			if (/*protection == PROT.PROTprivate ||*/
///				!parent || parent.ident == null || parent.isFuncDeclaration())
///			{
///				s.Sclass = SC.SCstatic;
///			}
///			else
///		}
				if (storage_class & STC.STCcomdat)
					s.Sclass = SC.SCcomdat;
					s.Sclass = SC.SCglobal;

					/* Global template data members need to be in comdat's
					 * in case multiple .obj files instantiate the same
					 * template with the same types.
					if (parent.isTemplateInstance() && !parent.isTemplateMixin())
		version (DMDV1) {
						/* These symbol constants have already been copied,
						 * so no reason to output them.
						 * Note that currently there is no way to take
						 * the address of such a const.
						if (isConst() && type.toBasetype().ty != TY.Tsarray && init && init.isExpInitializer())
						s.Sclass = SC.SCcomdat;
					parent = parent.parent;
				} while (parent);

			s.Sfl = FL.FLdata;

			if (init)
				s.Sdt = init.toDt();

				// Look for static array that is block initialized
				Type tb;
				ExpInitializer ie = init.isExpInitializer();

				tb = type.toBasetype();
				if (tb.ty == TY.Tsarray && ie
					&& !tb.nextOf().equals(ie.exp.type.toBasetype().nextOf())
					&& ie.exp.implicitConvTo(tb.nextOf()))
					int dim = cast(int)(cast(TypeSArray)tb).dim.toInteger();

					// Duplicate Sdt 'dim-1' times, as we already have the first one
					while (--dim > 0)
			else if (storage_class & STC.STCextern)
				s.Sclass = SC.SCextern;
				s.Sfl = FL.FLextern;
				s.Sdt = null;
				// BUG: if isExport(), shouldn't we make it dllimport?

			// See if we can convert a comdat to a comdef,
			// which saves on exe file space.
			if (s.Sclass == SC.SCcomdat &&
				s.Sdt &&
				s.Sdt.dt == DT.DT_azeros &&
				s.Sdt.DTnext is null &&
				s.Sclass = SC.SCglobal;
				s.Sdt.dt = DT.DT_common;

		version (ELFOBJ_OR_MACHOBJ) { // Burton
			if (s.Sdt && s.Sdt.dt == DT.DT_azeros && s.Sdt.DTnext is null)
				s.Sseg = Segment.UDATA;
				s.Sseg = Segment.DATA;
			if (sz)
				if (isExport())
					obj_export(s, 0);

    override int cvMember(ubyte* p)

    // Eliminate need for dynamic_cast
    override VarDeclaration isVarDeclaration() { return this; }

alias Vector!VarDeclaration VarDeclarations;