view dmd/TypeClass.d @ 178:e3afd1303184

Many small bugs fixed Made all classes derive from TObject to detect memory leaks (functionality is disabled for now) Began work on overriding backend memory allocations (to avoid memory leaks)
author korDen
date Sun, 17 Oct 2010 07:42:00 +0400
parents fa9a71a9f5a8
children b0d41ff5e0df
line wrap: on
line source

module dmd.TypeClass;

import dmd.common;
import dmd.Type;
import dmd.ClassDeclaration;
import dmd.TypeInstance;
import dmd.Loc;
import dmd.Dsymbol;
import dmd.Scope;
import dmd.OutBuffer;
import dmd.HdrGenState;
import dmd.Expression;
import dmd.Identifier;
import dmd.MATCH;
import dmd.DYNCAST;
import dmd.CppMangleState;
import dmd.ArrayTypes;
import dmd.TypeInfoDeclaration;
import dmd.TY;
import dmd.MOD;
import dmd.Global;
import dmd.TypePointer;
import dmd.Declaration;
import dmd.VarDeclaration;
import dmd.TOK;
import dmd.DotExp;
import dmd.Id;
import dmd.ScopeExp;
import dmd.DotVarExp;
import dmd.VarExp;
import dmd.PtrExp;
import dmd.AddExp;
import dmd.IntegerExp;
import dmd.DotIdExp;
import dmd.EnumMember;
import dmd.TemplateMixin;
import dmd.TemplateDeclaration;
import dmd.TemplateInstance;
import dmd.OverloadSet;
import dmd.DotTypeExp;
import dmd.TupleExp;
import dmd.ClassInfoDeclaration;
import dmd.TypeInfoInterfaceDeclaration;
import dmd.TypeInfoClassDeclaration;
import dmd.Util;
import dmd.NullExp;
import dmd.TypeExp;
import dmd.DotTemplateExp;
import dmd.ErrorExp;
import dmd.ThisExp;
import dmd.CommaExp;

import dmd.expression.Util;
import dmd.backend.Symbol;
import dmd.backend.TYPE;
import dmd.backend.Util;
import dmd.backend.SC;
import dmd.backend.STR;
import dmd.backend.TYM;
import dmd.backend.LIST;
import dmd.backend.Classsym;

import std.string : toStringz;

class TypeClass : Type
    ClassDeclaration sym;

    this(ClassDeclaration sym)
		this.sym = sym;

    override ulong size(Loc loc)
		return PTRSIZE;
    override string toChars()
		if (mod)
			return Type.toChars();
		return sym.toPrettyChars();
    override Type syntaxCopy()
    override Type semantic(Loc loc, Scope sc)
		//printf("TypeClass.semantic(%s)\n", sym.toChars());
		if (deco)
			return this;
		//printf("\t%s\n", merge().deco);
		return merge();
    override Dsymbol toDsymbol(Scope sc)
		return sym;
    override void toDecoBuffer(OutBuffer buf, int flag)
		string name = sym.mangle();
		//printf("TypeClass.toDecoBuffer('%s' flag=%d mod=%x) = '%s'\n", toChars(), flag, mod, name);
		Type.toDecoBuffer(buf, flag);
		buf.printf("%s", name);
    override void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer buf, HdrGenState* hgs, MOD mod)
		if (mod != this.mod)
			toCBuffer3(buf, hgs, mod);

    override Expression dotExp(Scope sc, Expression e, Identifier ident)
		uint offset;

		Expression b;
		VarDeclaration v;
		Dsymbol s;

version (LOGDOTEXP) {
		printf("TypeClass.dotExp(e='%s', ident='%s')\n", e.toChars(), ident.toChars());

		if (e.op == TOK.TOKdotexp)
			DotExp de = cast(DotExp)e;

			if (de.e1.op == TOK.TOKimport)
				ScopeExp se = cast(ScopeExp)de.e1;

				s =, ident, 0);
				e = de.e1;
				goto L1;

		if (ident is Id.tupleof_)
			/* Create a TupleExp
			e = e.semantic(sc);	// do this before turning on noaccesscheck
			Expressions exps = new Expressions;
			for (size_t i = 0; i < sym.fields.dim; i++)
				VarDeclaration v2 = cast(VarDeclaration)sym.fields[i];
				Expression fe = new DotVarExp(e.loc, e, v2);
			e = new TupleExp(e.loc, exps);
			sc = sc.push();
			sc.noaccesscheck = 1;
			e = e.semantic(sc);
			return e;

		s =, ident, 0);
		if (!s)
			// See if it's a base class
			ClassDeclaration cbase;
			for (cbase = sym.baseClass; cbase; cbase = cbase.baseClass)
				if (cbase.ident.equals(ident))
					e = new DotTypeExp(Loc(0), e, cbase);
					return e;

			if (ident is Id.classinfo_)
				Type t = global.classinfo.type;
				if (e.op == TOK.TOKtype || e.op == TOK.TOKdottype)
					/* For type.classinfo, we know the classinfo
					 * at compile time.
					if (!sym.vclassinfo)
						sym.vclassinfo = new TypeInfoClassDeclaration(sym.type);

					e = new VarExp(e.loc, sym.vclassinfo);
					e = e.addressOf(sc);
					e.type = t;	// do this so we don't get redundant dereference
					/* For class objects, the classinfo reference is the first
					 * entry in the vtbl[]
					e = new PtrExp(e.loc, e);
					e.type = t.pointerTo();
					if (sym.isInterfaceDeclaration())
						if (sym.isCPPinterface())
							/* C++ interface vtbl[]s are different in that the
							 * first entry is always pointer to the first virtual
							 * function, not classinfo.
							 * We can't get a .classinfo for it.
							error(e.loc, "no .classinfo for C++ interface objects");
						/* For an interface, the first entry in the vtbl[]
						 * is actually a pointer to an instance of struct Interface.
						 * The first member of Interface is the .classinfo,
						 * so add an extra pointer indirection.
						e.type = e.type.pointerTo();
						e = new PtrExp(e.loc, e);
						e.type = t.pointerTo();
					e = new PtrExp(e.loc, e, t);
				return e;

			if (ident is Id.__vptr)
				/* The pointer to the vtbl[]
				 * *cast(invariant(void*)**)e
				e = e.castTo(sc, global.tvoidptr.invariantOf().pointerTo().pointerTo());
				e = new PtrExp(e.loc, e);
				e = e.semantic(sc);
				return e;

			if (ident is Id.__monitor)
			{   /* The handle to the monitor (call it a void*)
				 * *(cast(void**)e + 1)
				e = e.castTo(sc, global.tvoidptr.pointerTo());
				e = new AddExp(e.loc, e, new IntegerExp(1));
				e = new PtrExp(e.loc, e);
				e = e.semantic(sc);
				return e;

			if (ident is Id.typeinfo_)
				if (!global.params.useDeprecated)
					error(e.loc, ".typeinfo deprecated, use typeid(type)");

				return getTypeInfo(sc);
			if (ident is Id.outer && sym.vthis)
				s = sym.vthis;
				return noMember(sc, e, ident);

		if (!s.isFuncDeclaration())	// because of overloading
			s.checkDeprecated(e.loc, sc);
		s = s.toAlias();
		v = s.isVarDeclaration();
		if (v && !v.isDataseg())
			Expression ei = v.getConstInitializer();

			if (ei)
				e = ei.copy();	// need to copy it if it's a StringExp
				e = e.semantic(sc);
				return e;

		if (s.getType())
		//	if (e.op == TOKtype)
				return new TypeExp(e.loc, s.getType());
		//	return new DotTypeExp(e.loc, e, s);

		EnumMember em = s.isEnumMember();
		if (em)
			return em.value.copy();

		TemplateMixin tm = s.isTemplateMixin();
		if (tm)
			Expression de = new DotExp(e.loc, e, new ScopeExp(e.loc, tm));
			de.type = e.type;
			return de;

		TemplateDeclaration td = s.isTemplateDeclaration();
		if (td)
			e = new DotTemplateExp(e.loc, e, td);
			return e;

		TemplateInstance ti = s.isTemplateInstance();
		if (ti)
			if (!ti.semanticRun)
			s = ti.inst.toAlias();
			if (!s.isTemplateInstance())
				goto L1;
			Expression de = new DotExp(e.loc, e, new ScopeExp(e.loc, ti));
			de.type = e.type;
			return de;

		OverloadSet o = s.isOverloadSet();
		if (o)
			/* We really should allow this
			error(e.loc, "overload set for %s.%s not allowed in struct declaration", e.toChars(), ident.toChars());
			return new ErrorExp();

		Declaration d = s.isDeclaration();
		if (!d)
			e.error("%s.%s is not a declaration", e.toChars(), ident.toChars());
			return new ErrorExp();

		if (e.op == TOK.TOKtype)
			/* It's:
			 *    Class.d
			if (d.isTupleDeclaration())
				e = new TupleExp(e.loc, d.isTupleDeclaration());
				e = e.semantic(sc);
				return e;
			else if (d.needThis() && (hasThis(sc) || !(sc.intypeof || d.isFuncDeclaration())))
				if (sc.func)
					ClassDeclaration thiscd;
					thiscd = sc.func.toParent().isClassDeclaration();

					if (thiscd)
						ClassDeclaration cd = e.type.isClassHandle();

						if (cd is thiscd)
							e = new ThisExp(e.loc);
							e = new DotTypeExp(e.loc, e, cd);
							DotVarExp de = new DotVarExp(e.loc, e, d);
							e = de.semantic(sc);
							return e;
						else if ((!cd || !cd.isBaseOf(thiscd, null)) && !d.isFuncDeclaration())
							e.error("'this' is required, but %s is not a base class of %s", e.type.toChars(), thiscd.toChars());

				/* Rewrite as:
				 *	this.d
				DotVarExp de = new DotVarExp(e.loc, new ThisExp(e.loc), d);
				e = de.semantic(sc);
				return e;
				VarExp ve = new VarExp(e.loc, d, 1);
				return ve;

		if (d.isDataseg())
			// (e, d)
			accessCheck(e.loc, sc, e, d);
			VarExp ve = new VarExp(e.loc, d);
			e = new CommaExp(e.loc, e, ve);
			e.type = d.type;
			return e;

		if (d.parent && d.toParent().isModule())
			// (e, d)
			VarExp ve = new VarExp(e.loc, d, 1);
			e = new CommaExp(e.loc, e, ve);
			e.type = d.type;
			return e;

		DotVarExp de = new DotVarExp(e.loc, e, d);
		return de.semantic(sc);
    override ClassDeclaration isClassHandle()
		return sym;
    override bool isBaseOf(Type t, int* poffset)
		if (t.ty == Tclass)
			ClassDeclaration cd;

			cd   = (cast(TypeClass)t).sym;
			if (sym.isBaseOf(cd, poffset))
				return true;
		return false;
    override MATCH implicitConvTo(Type to)
		//printf("TypeClass.implicitConvTo(to = '%s') %s\n", to.toChars(), toChars());
		MATCH m = constConv(to);
		if (m != MATCH.MATCHnomatch)
			return m;

		ClassDeclaration cdto = to.isClassHandle();
		if (cdto && cdto.isBaseOf(sym, null))
			//printf("'to' is base\n");
			return MATCH.MATCHconvert;

		if (global.params.Dversion == 1)
			// Allow conversion to (void *)
			if (to.ty == TY.Tpointer && (cast(TypePointer)to).next.ty == TY.Tvoid)
				return MATCH.MATCHconvert;

		m = MATCH.MATCHnomatch;
		if (sym.aliasthis)
			Declaration d = sym.aliasthis.isDeclaration();
			if (d)
				Type t = d.type.addMod(mod);
				m = t.implicitConvTo(to);

		return m;
    override Expression defaultInit(Loc loc)
		printf("TypeClass::defaultInit() '%s'\n", toChars());
		return new NullExp(loc, this);
    override bool isZeroInit(Loc loc)
		return true;
    override MATCH deduceType(Scope sc, Type tparam, TemplateParameters parameters, Objects dedtypes)
		//printf("TypeClass.deduceType(this = %s)\n", toChars());

		/* If this class is a template class, and we're matching
		 * it against a template instance, convert the class type
		 * to a template instance, too, and try again.
		TemplateInstance ti = sym.parent.isTemplateInstance();

		if (tparam && tparam.ty == Tinstance)
			if (ti && ti.toAlias() == sym)
				TypeInstance t = new TypeInstance(Loc(0), ti);
				return t.deduceType(sc, tparam, parameters, dedtypes);

			/* Match things like:
			 *  S!(T).foo
			TypeInstance tpi = cast(TypeInstance)tparam;
			if (tpi.idents.dim)
			{   Identifier id = cast(Identifier)[tpi.idents.dim - 1];
				if (id.dyncast() == DYNCAST.DYNCAST_IDENTIFIER && sym.ident.equals(id))
					Type tparent = sym.parent.getType();
					if (tparent)
						/* Slice off the .foo in S!(T).foo
						MATCH m = tparent.deduceType(sc, tpi, parameters, dedtypes);
						return m;

		// Extra check
		if (tparam && tparam.ty == Tclass)
			TypeClass tp = cast(TypeClass)tparam;

			//printf("\t%d\n", (MATCH) implicitConvTo(tp));
			return implicitConvTo(tp);
		return Type.deduceType(sc, tparam, parameters, dedtypes);
    override bool isauto()
		return sym.isauto;
    override bool checkBoolean()
		return true;
    override TypeInfoDeclaration getTypeInfoDeclaration()
		if (sym.isInterfaceDeclaration())
			return new TypeInfoInterfaceDeclaration(this);
			return new TypeInfoClassDeclaration(this);
    override bool hasPointers()
		return true;
    override bool builtinTypeInfo()
		/* This is statically put out with the ClassInfo, so
		 * claim it is built in so it isn't regenerated by each module.
	version (DMDV2) {
		return mod ? false : true;
	} else {
		return true;
version (DMDV2) {
    override Type toHeadMutable()
    override MATCH constConv(Type to)
		if (equals(to))
			return MATCH.MATCHexact;

		if (ty == to.ty && sym == (cast(TypeClass)to).sym && to.mod == MOD.MODconst)
			return MATCH.MATCHconst;

		return MATCH.MATCHnomatch;
version (CPP_MANGLE) {
    void toCppMangle(OutBuffer buf, CppMangleState* cms)

    override type* toCtype()
		type* t;
		Symbol* s;

		//printf("TypeClass.toCtype() %s\n", toChars());
		if (ctype)
			return ctype;

		/* Need this symbol to do C++ name mangling
		string name = sym.isCPPinterface() ? sym.ident.toChars() : sym.toPrettyChars();
		s = symbol_calloc(toStringz(name));
		s.Sclass = SC.SCstruct;
		s.Sstruct = struct_calloc();
		s.Sstruct.Sflags |= STR.STRclass;
		s.Sstruct.Salignsize = sym.alignsize;
		s.Sstruct.Sstructalign = cast(ubyte)sym.structalign;
		s.Sstruct.Sstructsize = sym.structsize;

		t = type_alloc(TYM.TYstruct);
		t.Ttag = cast(Classsym*)s;		// structure tag name
		s.Stype = t;

		t = type_allocn(TYM.TYnptr, t);

		ctype = t;

		/* Add in fields of the class
		 * (after setting ctype to avoid infinite recursion)
		if (global.params.symdebug)
			for (int i = 0; i < sym.fields.dim; i++)
				VarDeclaration v = cast(VarDeclaration)sym.fields[i];

				Symbol* s2 = symbol_name(toStringz(v.ident.toChars()), SC.SCmember, v.type.toCtype());
				s2.Smemoff = v.offset;
				list_append(&s.Sstruct.Sfldlst, s2);

		return t;
    override Symbol* toSymbol()
		return sym.toSymbol();