view dmd/StructInitializer.d @ 178:e3afd1303184

Many small bugs fixed Made all classes derive from TObject to detect memory leaks (functionality is disabled for now) Began work on overriding backend memory allocations (to avoid memory leaks)
author korDen
date Sun, 17 Oct 2010 07:42:00 +0400
parents af1bebfd96a4
children b0d41ff5e0df
line wrap: on
line source

module dmd.StructInitializer;

import dmd.common;
import dmd.Initializer;
import dmd.TOK;
import dmd.TypeSArray;
import dmd.FuncLiteralDeclaration;
import dmd.TypeFunction;
import dmd.StructDeclaration;
import dmd.StructLiteralExp;
import dmd.ArrayTypes;
import dmd.Array;
import dmd.Loc;
import dmd.Type;
import dmd.Scope;
import dmd.Identifier;
import dmd.CompoundStatement;
import dmd.AggregateDeclaration;
import dmd.OutBuffer;
import dmd.HdrGenState;
import dmd.Expression;
import dmd.TypeStruct;
import dmd.TY;
import dmd.VarDeclaration;
import dmd.Dsymbol;
import dmd.Util;
import dmd.ExpInitializer;
import dmd.FuncExp;
import dmd.LINK;

import dmd.backend.dt_t;
import dmd.backend.Util;

class StructInitializer : Initializer
    Identifiers field;	// of Identifier *'s
    Initializers value;	// parallel array of Initializer *'s

    VarDeclarations vars;		// parallel array of VarDeclaration *'s
    AggregateDeclaration ad;	// which aggregate this is for

    this(Loc loc)
		ad = null;
		field = new Identifiers();
		value = new Initializers();
		vars = new VarDeclarations();
    override Initializer syntaxCopy()
		auto ai = new StructInitializer(loc);

		assert(field.dim == value.dim);
		for (int i = 0; i < field.dim; i++)
			ai.field[i] = field[i];

			auto init = value[i];
			init = init.syntaxCopy();
			ai.value[i] = init;

		return ai;
    void addInit(Identifier field, Initializer value)
		//printf("StructInitializer.addInit(field = %p, value = %p)\n", field, value);
    override Initializer semantic(Scope sc, Type t)
		int errors = 0;

		//printf("StructInitializer.semantic(t = %s) %s\n", t.toChars(), toChars());
		t = t.toBasetype();
		if (t.ty == Tstruct)
			uint fieldi = 0;

			auto ts = cast(TypeStruct)t;
			ad = ts.sym;
	        if (ad.ctor)
	            error("%s %s has constructors, cannot use { initializers }, use %s( initializers ) instead",
		        ad.kind(), ad.toChars(), ad.toChars());
			for (size_t i = 0; i < field.dim; i++)
				Identifier id = field[i];
				Initializer val = value[i];
				Dsymbol s;
				VarDeclaration v;

				if (id is null)
					if (fieldi >= ad.fields.dim)
						error(loc, "too many initializers for %s", ad.toChars());
						s = ad.fields[fieldi];
					//s = ad.symtab.lookup(id);
					s =, id, 0);
					if (!s)
						error(loc, "'%s' is not a member of '%s'", id.toChars(), t.toChars());

					// Find out which field index it is
					for (fieldi = 0; 1; fieldi++)
						if (fieldi >= ad.fields.dim)
							s.error("is not a per-instance initializable field");
						if (s == ad.fields[fieldi])
				if (s && (v = s.isVarDeclaration()) !is null)
					val = val.semantic(sc, v.type);
					value[i] = val;
					vars[i] = v;
					error(loc, "%s is not a field of %s", id ? id.toChars() : s.toChars(), ad.toChars());
					errors = 1;
		else if (t.ty == Tdelegate && value.dim == 0)
			/* Rewrite as empty delegate literal { }
			auto arguments = new Parameters;
			Type tf = new TypeFunction(arguments, null, 0, LINK.LINKd);
			FuncLiteralDeclaration fd = new FuncLiteralDeclaration(loc, Loc(0), tf, TOK.TOKdelegate, null);
			fd.fbody = new CompoundStatement(loc, new Statements());
			fd.endloc = loc;
			Expression e = new FuncExp(loc, fd);
			ExpInitializer ie = new ExpInitializer(loc, e);
			return ie.semantic(sc, t);
			error(loc, "a struct is not a valid initializer for a %s", t.toChars());
			errors = 1;
		if (errors)
		return this;
	 * This works by transforming a struct initializer into
	 * a struct literal. In the future, the two should be the
	 * same thing.
    override Expression toExpression()
		Expression e;

		//printf("StructInitializer.toExpression() %s\n", toChars());
		if (!ad)				// if fwd referenced
			return null;
		StructDeclaration sd = ad.isStructDeclaration();
		if (!sd)
			return null;
		Expressions elements = new Expressions();
		for (size_t i = 0; i < value.dim; i++)
			if (field[i])
				goto Lno;
			Initializer iz = value[i];
			if (!iz)
				goto Lno;
			Expression ex = iz.toExpression();
			if (!ex)
				goto Lno;
		e = new StructLiteralExp(loc, sd, elements);
		e.type = sd.type;
		return e;

		delete elements;
		//error(loc, "struct initializers as expressions are not allowed");
		return null;
    override void toCBuffer(OutBuffer buf, HdrGenState* hgs)

    override dt_t* toDt()
		scope dts = new Vector!(dt_t*);
		uint i;
		uint j;
		dt_t* dt;
		dt_t* d;
		dt_t** pdtend;
		uint offset;

		//printf("StructInitializer.toDt('%s')\n", toChars());

		for (i = 0; i < vars.dim; i++)
			VarDeclaration v = vars[i];
			Initializer val = value[i];

			//printf("vars[%d] = %s\n", i, v.toChars());

			for (j = 0; 1; j++)
				assert(j < dts.dim);
				//printf(" adfield[%d] = %s\n", j, ((VarDeclaration *)ad.fields[j]).toChars());
				if (cast(VarDeclaration)ad.fields[j] == v) // TODO: check if 'is' needs to be used here
					if (dts[j])
						error(loc, "field %s of %s already initialized", v.toChars(), ad.toChars());
					dts[j] = val.toDt();

		dt = null;
		pdtend = &dt;
		offset = 0;
		for (j = 0; j < dts.dim; j++)
			VarDeclaration v = ad.fields[j];

			d = dts[j];
			if (!d)
				// An instance specific initializer was not provided.
				// Look to see if there's a default initializer from the
				// struct definition
				if (v.init)
					d = v.init.toDt();
				else if (v.offset >= offset)
					uint k;
					uint offset2 = v.offset + cast(uint)v.type.size();
					// Make sure this field does not overlap any explicitly
					// initialized field.
					for (k = j + 1; 1; k++)
						if (k == dts.dim)		// didn't find any overlap
						VarDeclaration v2 = ad.fields[k];

						if (v2.offset < offset2 && dts[k])
							break;			// overlap
			if (d)
				if (v.offset < offset)
					error(loc, "duplicate union initialization for %s", v.toChars());
					uint sz = dt_size(d);
					uint vsz = cast(uint)v.type.size();
					uint voffset = v.offset;

					uint dim = 1;
					for (Type vt = v.type.toBasetype();
						 vt.ty == Tsarray;
						 vt = vt.nextOf().toBasetype())
						TypeSArray tsa = cast(TypeSArray)vt;
						dim *= tsa.dim.toInteger();
					assert(sz == vsz || sz * dim <= vsz);

					for (size_t k = 0; k < dim; k++)
						if (offset < voffset)
							pdtend = dtnzeros(pdtend, voffset - offset);
						if (!d)
							if (v.init)
								d = v.init.toDt();
						pdtend = dtcat(pdtend, d);
						d = null;
						offset = voffset + sz;
						voffset += vsz / dim;
						if (sz == vsz)
		if (offset < ad.structsize)
			dtnzeros(pdtend, ad.structsize - offset);

		return dt;

    override StructInitializer isStructInitializer() { return this; }