view dmd/Scope.d @ 178:e3afd1303184

Many small bugs fixed Made all classes derive from TObject to detect memory leaks (functionality is disabled for now) Began work on overriding backend memory allocations (to avoid memory leaks)
author korDen
date Sun, 17 Oct 2010 07:42:00 +0400
parents 96c0fff6897d
children b0d41ff5e0df
line wrap: on
line source

module dmd.Scope;

import dmd.common;
import dmd.Module;
import dmd.ScopeDsymbol;
import dmd.FuncDeclaration;
import dmd.Id;
import dmd.Dsymbol;
import dmd.LabelStatement;
import dmd.SwitchStatement;
import dmd.TryFinallyStatement;
import dmd.TemplateInstance;
import dmd.Statement;
import dmd.ForeachStatement;
import dmd.LINK;
import dmd.PROT;
import dmd.STC;
import dmd.AnonymousAggregateDeclaration;
import dmd.AggregateDeclaration;
import dmd.ClassDeclaration;
import dmd.Identifier;
import dmd.Loc;
import dmd.OutBuffer;
import dmd.DocComment;
import dmd.DsymbolTable;
import dmd.Global;
import dmd.CSX;
import dmd.Util;

import core.memory;

enum SCOPE
	SCOPEctor = 1,	// constructor type
	SCOPEstaticif = 2,	// inside static if
	SCOPEfree = 4,	// is on free list

import dmd.TObject;

class Scope : TObject
    Scope enclosing;		// enclosing Scope

    Module module_;		// Root module
    ScopeDsymbol scopesym;	// current symbol
    ScopeDsymbol sd;		// if in static if, and declaring new symbols,
				// sd gets the addMember()
    FuncDeclaration func;	// function we are in
    Dsymbol parent;		// parent to use
    LabelStatement slabel;	// enclosing labelled statement
    SwitchStatement sw;	// enclosing switch statement
    TryFinallyStatement tf;	// enclosing try finally statement
    TemplateInstance tinst;    // enclosing template instance
    Statement sbreak;		// enclosing statement that supports "break"
    Statement scontinue;	// enclosing statement that supports "continue"
    ForeachStatement fes;	// if nested function for ForeachStatement, this is it
    uint offset;		// next offset to use in aggregate
    int inunion;		// we're processing members of a union
    int incontract;		// we're inside contract code
    int nofree;			// set if shouldn't free it
    int noctor;			// set if constructor calls aren't allowed
    int intypeof;		// in typeof(exp)
    int parameterSpecialization; // if in template parameter specialization
    int noaccesscheck;		// don't do access checks
    int mustsemantic;		// cannot defer semantic()

    uint callSuper;		// primitive flow analysis for constructors
///#define	CSXthis_ctor	1	// called this()
///#define CSXsuper_ctor	2	// called super()
///#define CSXthis		4	// referenced this
///#define CSXsuper	8	// referenced super
///#define CSXlabel	0x10	// seen a label
///#define CSXreturn	0x20	// seen a return statement
///#define CSXany_ctor	0x40	// either this() or super() was called

    uint structalign;	// alignment for struct members
    LINK linkage = LINK.LINKd;		// linkage for external functions

    PROT protection = PROT.PROTpublic;	// protection for class members
    int explicitProtection;	// set if in an explicit protection attribute

    StorageClass stc;		// storage class

    SCOPE flags;

    AnonymousAggregateDeclaration anonAgg;	// for temporary analysis

    DocComment lastdc;		// documentation comment for last symbol at this scope
    uint lastoffset;	// offset in docbuf of where to insert next dec
    OutBuffer docbuf;		// buffer for documentation output

///    static void *operator new(size_t sz);
    static Scope createGlobal(Module module_)
		Scope sc = new Scope();
		sc.module_ = module_;
		sc.scopesym = new ScopeDsymbol();
		sc.scopesym.symtab = new DsymbolTable();

		// Add top level package as member of this global scope
		Dsymbol m = module_;
		while (m.parent !is null)
			m = m.parent;

		m.addMember(null, sc.scopesym, true);
		m.parent = null;			// got changed by addMember()

		// Create the module scope underneath the global scope
		sc = sc.push(module_);
		sc.parent = module_;
		return sc;

		// Create root scope

		//printf("Scope.Scope() %p\n", this);
		this.docbuf = new OutBuffer;
		this.structalign = global.structalign;
    this(Module module_)
		this.docbuf = new OutBuffer;
    this(Scope enclosing)
		//printf("Scope.Scope(enclosing = %p) %p\n", enclosing, this);
		assert(!(enclosing.flags & SCOPE.SCOPEfree));
		this.module_ = enclosing.module_;
		this.func   = enclosing.func;
		this.parent = enclosing.parent;
		this.scopesym = null; = null;
		this.sw = enclosing.sw; =;
        this.tinst = enclosing.tinst;
		this.tinst = enclosing.tinst;
		this.sbreak = enclosing.sbreak;
		this.scontinue = enclosing.scontinue;
		this.fes = enclosing.fes;
		this.structalign = enclosing.structalign;
		this.enclosing = enclosing;
debug {
		if (enclosing.enclosing)
			assert(!(enclosing.enclosing.flags & SCOPE.SCOPEfree));

		if (this is enclosing.enclosing)	/// huh?
			writef("this = %p, enclosing = %p, enclosing.enclosing = %p\n", this, enclosing, enclosing.enclosing);
		assert(this !is enclosing.enclosing);
		this.linkage = enclosing.linkage; =;
		this.explicitProtection = enclosing.explicitProtection; =;
		this.inunion = enclosing.inunion;
		this.incontract = enclosing.incontract;
		this.noctor = enclosing.noctor;
		this.noaccesscheck = enclosing.noaccesscheck;
		this.mustsemantic = enclosing.mustsemantic;
		this.intypeof = enclosing.intypeof;
		this.parameterSpecialization = enclosing.parameterSpecialization;
		this.callSuper = enclosing.callSuper;
		this.docbuf = enclosing.docbuf;
		assert(this !is enclosing);	/// huh?
	Scope clone()
		return cloneThis(this);

    Scope push()
		Scope s = new Scope(this);
		assert(this !is s);	/// huh?
		return s;
    Scope push(ScopeDsymbol ss)
		//printf("Scope.push(%s)\n", ss.toChars());
		Scope s = push();
		s.scopesym = ss;
		return s;
    Scope pop()
		//printf("Scope.pop() %p nofree = %d\n", this, nofree);
		Scope enc = enclosing;

		if (enclosing)
			enclosing.callSuper |= callSuper;

		if (!nofree)
			enclosing = global.scope_freelist;
			global.scope_freelist = this;
			flags |= SCOPE.SCOPEfree;

		return enc;

    void mergeCallSuper(Loc loc, uint cs)
		// This does a primitive flow analysis to support the restrictions
		// regarding when and how constructors can appear.
		// It merges the results of two paths.
		// The two paths are callSuper and cs; the result is merged into callSuper.

		if (cs != callSuper)
			int a;
			int b;

			callSuper |= cs & (CSX.CSXany_ctor | CSX.CSXlabel);
			if (cs & CSX.CSXreturn)
			else if (callSuper & CSX.CSXreturn)
				callSuper = cs | (callSuper & (CSX.CSXany_ctor | CSX.CSXlabel));
				a = (cs        & (CSX.CSXthis_ctor | CSX.CSXsuper_ctor)) != 0;
				b = (callSuper & (CSX.CSXthis_ctor | CSX.CSXsuper_ctor)) != 0;

				if (a != b)
					error(loc, "one path skips constructor");
				callSuper |= cs;

    Dsymbol search(Loc loc, Identifier ident, Dsymbol* pscopesym)
		Dsymbol s;
		Scope sc;

		//printf(", '%s')\n", this, ident.toChars());
		if (ident is Id.empty)
			// Look for module scope
			for (sc = this; sc; sc = sc.enclosing)
				assert(sc != sc.enclosing);
				if (sc.scopesym)
				s = sc.scopesym.isModule();
				if (s)
					//printf("\tfound %s.%s\n", s.parent ? s.parent.toChars() : "", s.toChars());
					if (pscopesym)
					*pscopesym = sc.scopesym;
					return s;
			return null;

			for (sc = this; sc; sc = sc.enclosing)
			assert(sc != sc.enclosing);
			if (sc.scopesym)
				//printf("\tlooking in scopesym '%s', kind = '%s'\n", sc.scopesym.toChars(), sc.scopesym.kind());
				s =, ident, 0);
				if (s)
				if ((global.params.warnings ||
					global.params.Dversion > 1) &&
					ident == Id.length &&
					sc.scopesym.isArrayScopeSymbol() &&
					sc.enclosing &&, ident, null))
					warning(s.loc, "array 'length' hides other 'length' name in outer scope");

				//printf("\tfound %s.%s, kind = '%s'\n", s.parent ? s.parent.toChars() : "", s.toChars(), s.kind());
				if (pscopesym)
					*pscopesym = sc.scopesym;
				return s;

		return null;
    Dsymbol insert(Dsymbol s)
		for (Scope sc = this; sc; sc = sc.enclosing)
			//printf("\tsc = %p\n", sc);
			if (sc.scopesym)
				//printf("\t\tsc.scopesym = %p\n", sc.scopesym);
				if (!sc.scopesym.symtab)
					sc.scopesym.symtab = new DsymbolTable();

				return sc.scopesym.symtabInsert(s);


    ClassDeclaration getClassScope()
	 * Search enclosing scopes for ClassDeclaration.
    AggregateDeclaration getStructClassScope()
		for (Scope sc = this; sc; sc = sc.enclosing)
			AggregateDeclaration ad;
			if (sc.scopesym)
				ad = sc.scopesym.isClassDeclaration();
				if (ad)
					return ad;
					ad = sc.scopesym.isStructDeclaration();
					if (ad)
						return ad;

		return null;
    void setNoFree()
		//int i = 0;

		//printf("Scope.setNoFree(this = %p)\n", this);
		for (Scope sc = this; sc; sc = sc.enclosing)
			//printf("\tsc = %p\n", sc);
			sc.nofree = 1;

			assert(!(flags & SCOPE.SCOPEfree));
			//assert(sc != sc.enclosing);
			//assert(!sc.enclosing || sc != sc.enclosing.enclosing);
			//if (++i == 10)