view dmd/Global.d @ 178:e3afd1303184

Many small bugs fixed Made all classes derive from TObject to detect memory leaks (functionality is disabled for now) Began work on overriding backend memory allocations (to avoid memory leaks)
author korDen
date Sun, 17 Oct 2010 07:42:00 +0400
parents 1475fd394c9e
children cd48cb899aee
line wrap: on
line source

module dmd.Global;

import dmd.common;
import dmd.Array;
import dmd.Param;
import dmd.ClassDeclaration;
import dmd.DsymbolTable;
import dmd.StringTable;
import dmd.OutBuffer;
import dmd.Token;
import dmd.Scope;
import dmd.Module;
import dmd.Expression;
import dmd.Dsymbol;
import dmd.Type;
import dmd.TypeInfoDeclaration;
import dmd.Id;
import dmd.TY;
import dmd.LINK;
import dmd.MOD;
import dmd.Loc;
import dmd.TOK;
import dmd.TypeFunction;

import dmd.codegen.Util;
import dmd.backend.elem;
import dmd.backend.Classsym;
import dmd.backend.Symbol;
import dmd.backend.glue;
import dmd.backend.iasm;
import dmd.backend.StringTab;

import core.stdc.time;
import core.stdc.stdio;

import dmd.TObject;

class Global : TObject
    string mars_ext = "d";
    string sym_ext	= "d";

version (TARGET_WINDOS) {
    string obj_ext = "obj";
    string obj_ext = "o";
} else version (TARGET_NET) {
} else {
	static assert (false);

version (TARGET_WINDOS) {
    string lib_ext = "lib";
	string lib_ext = "a";
} else version (TARGET_NET) {
} else {
	static assert (false);
    string doc_ext	= "html";	// for Ddoc generated files
    string ddoc_ext	= "ddoc";	// for Ddoc macro include files
    string json_ext = "json";
    string hdr_ext	= "di";	// for D 'header' import files
    string copyright= "Copyright (c) 1999-2009 by Digital Mars";
    string written	= "written by Walter Bright, ported to D by community";
///version (TARGET_NET) {
///    "\nMSIL back-end (alpha release) by Cristian L. Vlasceanu and associates.";

    string[] path;	// Array of char*'s which form the import lookup path
    string[] filePath;	// Array of char*'s which form the file import lookup path
    int structalign = 8;
    string version_ = "v2.039";

    Param params;
    uint errors;	// number of errors reported so far
    uint gag;	// !=0 means gag reporting of errors

	ClassDeclaration object;
    ClassDeclaration classinfo;

	// Used in FuncDeclaration.genCfunc()
	DsymbolTable st;

	// Used in Lexer.uniqueId()
	int num;

	// Used in Identifier.generateId()
	size_t i;

	// Used in Lexer
	StringTable stringtable;
    OutBuffer stringbuffer;
    Token* freelist;

	char date[11+1];
	char time[8+1];
	char timestamp[24+1];

	// Used in Module
	Module rootModule;
    DsymbolTable modules;	// symbol table of all modules
    Array amodules;		// array of all modules
    Array deferred;	// deferred Dsymbol's needing semantic() run on them
    uint dprogress;	// progress resolving the deferred list
	int nested;
	Classsym* scc;
	ClassDeclaration moduleinfo;

	// Used in PowExp
	bool importMathChecked = false;

	// Used in Scope
	Scope scope_freelist;

	// Used in TemplateMixin
	int nest;

	// Used in Type
	StringTable type_stringtable;

	Type tvoidptr;		// void*
    Type tstring;		// immutable(char)[]

	ClassDeclaration typeinfo;
    ClassDeclaration typeinfoclass;
    ClassDeclaration typeinfointerface;
    ClassDeclaration typeinfostruct;
    ClassDeclaration typeinfotypedef;
    ClassDeclaration typeinfopointer;
    ClassDeclaration typeinfoarray;
    ClassDeclaration typeinfostaticarray;
    ClassDeclaration typeinfoassociativearray;
    ClassDeclaration typeinfoenum;
    ClassDeclaration typeinfofunction;
    ClassDeclaration typeinfodelegate;
    ClassDeclaration typeinfotypelist;
    ClassDeclaration typeinfoconst;
    ClassDeclaration typeinfoinvariant;
    ClassDeclaration typeinfoshared;
    ClassDeclaration typeinfowild;

	Type basic[TY.TMAX];
	TypeInfoDeclaration internalTI[TMAX];

	// Used in BinExp
	StringTable arrayfuncs;

	// Used in FuncDeclaration
	int hiddenparami;    // how many we've generated so far

	// Used in TypeAArray
	// Dumb linear symbol table - should use associative array!
	Array sarray;
	Symbol* AArray_s;

	// Used in TypeDelegate
	Symbol* Delegate_s;

	// Used in TypeInfoStructDeclaration
	TypeFunction tftohash;
	TypeFunction tftostring;

	// Used in backend.glue
	Array obj_symbols_towrite;
	Outbuffer objbuf;
	string lastmname;
	int count;

	// Used in backend.iasm
	ASM_STATE asmstate;
	Token* asmtok;
	TOK tok_value;

	// Used in backend.StringTab
	StringTab[STSIZE] stringTab;
	size_t stidx;

	// Used in backend.Util
	elem* eictor;
	Symbol* ictorlocalgot;
	elem* ector;
	Array ectorgates;
	elem* edtor;
	elem* etest;
	int dtorcount;
	Symbol* localgot;

    Dsymbol sdummy;
	Expression edummy;


		params.versionids = new Vector!(string)();
		params.imppath = new Array();

		st = new DsymbolTable();
		stringbuffer = new OutBuffer();

		modules = new DsymbolTable();
		amodules = new Array();
		deferred = new Array();

		sarray = new Array();

		obj_symbols_towrite = new Array();

		ectorgates = new Array();

		sdummy = new Dsymbol();
		edummy = new Expression(Loc(0), TOK.init, 0);


	void initClasssym()
		scc = fake_classsym(Id.ClassInfo);

		scope Scope sc = new Scope();

		tftohash = new TypeFunction(null, Type.thash_t, 0, LINK.LINKd);
		tftohash.mod = MOD.MODconst;
		tftohash = cast(TypeFunction)tftohash.semantic(Loc(0), sc);

		tftostring = new TypeFunction(null, Type.tchar.invariantOf().arrayOf(), 0, LINK.LINKd);
		tftostring = cast(TypeFunction)tftostring.semantic(Loc(0), sc);

	void init_time()
		time_t tm;
		char* p;

		p = ctime(&tm);
		sprintf(date.ptr, "%.6s %.4s", p + 4, p + 20);
		sprintf(time.ptr, "%.8s", p + 11);
		sprintf(timestamp.ptr, "%.24s", p);

__gshared Global global;