view dmd/Cast.d @ 178:e3afd1303184

Many small bugs fixed Made all classes derive from TObject to detect memory leaks (functionality is disabled for now) Began work on overriding backend memory allocations (to avoid memory leaks)
author korDen
date Sun, 17 Oct 2010 07:42:00 +0400
parents af1bebfd96a4
children 52188e7e3fb5
line wrap: on
line source

module dmd.Cast;

import dmd.common;
import dmd.Expression;
import dmd.Type;
import dmd.Loc;
import dmd.MATCH;
import dmd.IntegerExp;
import dmd.RealExp;
import dmd.ComplexExp;
import dmd.StructDeclaration;
import dmd.ArrayTypes;
import dmd.Dsymbol;
import dmd.VarDeclaration;
import dmd.StructLiteralExp;
import dmd.Util;
import dmd.TY;
import dmd.TOK;
import dmd.GlobalExpressions;

import dmd.Complex;

Expression expType(Type type, Expression e)
    if (type !is e.type)
		e = e.copy();
		e.type = type;
    return e;

/* Also returns EXP_CANT_INTERPRET if cannot be computed.
 *  to:	type to cast to
 *  type: type to paint the result

Expression Cast(Type type, Type to, Expression e1)
	Expression e = EXP_CANT_INTERPRET;
    Loc loc = e1.loc;

    //printf("Cast(type = %s, to = %s, e1 = %s)\n", type.toChars(), to.toChars(), e1.toChars());
    //printf("\te1.type = %s\n", e1.type.toChars());
    if (e1.type.equals(type) && type.equals(to))
		return e1;
    if (e1.type.implicitConvTo(to) >= MATCH.MATCHconst || to.implicitConvTo(e1.type) >= MATCH.MATCHconst)
		return expType(to, e1);

    Type tb = to.toBasetype();
    Type typeb = type.toBasetype();

    /* Allow casting from one string type to another
    if (e1.op == TOK.TOKstring)
		if (tb.ty == TY.Tarray && typeb.ty == TY.Tarray &&
			tb.nextOf().size() == typeb.nextOf().size())
			return expType(to, e1);

    if (e1.op == TOK.TOKarrayliteral && typeb == tb)
        return e1;

    if (e1.isConst() != 1)

    if (tb.ty == TY.Tbool)
		e = new IntegerExp(loc, e1.toInteger() != 0, type);
    else if (type.isintegral())
		if (e1.type.isfloating())
			long result;
			real r = e1.toReal();

			switch (typeb.ty)
				case TY.Tint8:	result = cast(byte)r;	break;
				case TY.Tchar:
				case TY.Tuns8:	result = cast(ubyte)r;	break;
				case TY.Tint16:	result = cast(short)r;	break;
				case TY.Twchar:
				case TY.Tuns16:	result = cast(ushort)r;	break;
				case TY.Tint32:	result = cast(int)r;	break;
				case TY.Tdchar:
				case TY.Tuns32:	result = cast(uint)r;	break;
				case TY.Tint64:	result = cast(long)r;	break;
				case TY.Tuns64:	result = cast(ulong)r;	break;

			e = new IntegerExp(loc, result, type);
		else if (type.isunsigned())
			e = new IntegerExp(loc, e1.toUInteger(), type);
			e = new IntegerExp(loc, e1.toInteger(), type);
    else if (tb.isreal())
		real value = e1.toReal();
		e = new RealExp(loc, value, type);
    else if (tb.isimaginary())
		real value = e1.toImaginary();
		e = new RealExp(loc, value, type);
    else if (tb.iscomplex())
		Complex!(real) value = e1.toComplex();
		e = new ComplexExp(loc, value, type);
    else if (tb.isscalar())
		e = new IntegerExp(loc, e1.toInteger(), type);
    else if (tb.ty == TY.Tvoid)
    else if (tb.ty == TY.Tstruct && e1.op == TOK.TOKint64)
		// Struct = 0;
		StructDeclaration sd = tb.toDsymbol(null).isStructDeclaration();
		Expressions elements = new Expressions;
		foreach (VarDeclaration v; sd.fields)

			Expression exp = new IntegerExp(0);
			exp = Cast(v.type, v.type, exp);
			if (exp is EXP_CANT_INTERPRET)
				return exp;
		e = new StructLiteralExp(loc, sd, elements);
		e.type = type;
		error(loc, "cannot cast %s to %s", e1.type.toChars(), type.toChars());
		e = new IntegerExp(loc, 0, Type.tint32);
    return e;