view dmd/AddrExp.d @ 178:e3afd1303184

Many small bugs fixed Made all classes derive from TObject to detect memory leaks (functionality is disabled for now) Began work on overriding backend memory allocations (to avoid memory leaks)
author korDen
date Sun, 17 Oct 2010 07:42:00 +0400
parents af1bebfd96a4
children b0d41ff5e0df
line wrap: on
line source

module dmd.AddrExp;

import dmd.common;
import dmd.Expression;
import dmd.UnaExp;
import dmd.MATCH;
import dmd.Type;
import dmd.Loc;
import dmd.Scope;
import dmd.IRState;
import dmd.ErrorExp;
import dmd.DotVarExp;
import dmd.FuncDeclaration;
import dmd.DelegateExp;
import dmd.VarExp;
import dmd.VarDeclaration;
import dmd.ThisExp;
import dmd.TOK;
import dmd.WANT;
import dmd.CommaExp;
import dmd.STC;
import dmd.PtrExp;
import dmd.SymOffExp;
import dmd.IndexExp;
import dmd.OverExp;
import dmd.Dsymbol;
import dmd.ScopeDsymbol;
import dmd.TY;
import dmd.TypeSArray;

import dmd.backend.elem;
import dmd.backend.Util;
import dmd.codegen.Util;

class AddrExp : UnaExp
	this(Loc loc, Expression e)
		super(loc, TOK.TOKaddress, AddrExp.sizeof, e);

	override Expression semantic(Scope sc)
	version (LOGSEMANTIC) {
		printf("AddrExp.semantic('%s')\n", toChars());
		if (!type)
			e1 = e1.toLvalue(sc, null);
			if (!e1.type)
				error("cannot take address of %s", e1.toChars());
				return new ErrorExp();
			if (!e1.type.deco)
				/* No deco means semantic() was not run on the type.
				 * We have to run semantic() on the symbol to get the right type:
				 *	auto x = &bar;
				 *	pure: int bar() { return 1;}
				 * otherwise the 'pure' is missing from the type assigned to x.

				error("forward reference to %s", e1.toChars());
				return new ErrorExp();

			type = e1.type.pointerTo();

			// See if this should really be a delegate
			if (e1.op == TOKdotvar)
				DotVarExp dve = cast(DotVarExp)e1;
				FuncDeclaration f = dve.var.isFuncDeclaration();

				if (f)
					if (!dve.hasOverloads)
					Expression e = new DelegateExp(loc, dve.e1, f, dve.hasOverloads);
					e = e.semantic(sc);
					return e;
			else if (e1.op == TOKvar)
				VarExp ve = cast(VarExp)e1;

				VarDeclaration v = ve.var.isVarDeclaration();
				if (v && !v.canTakeAddressOf())
					error("cannot take address of %s", e1.toChars());

				FuncDeclaration f = ve.var.isFuncDeclaration();

				if (f)
					if (!ve.hasOverloads ||
						/* Because nested functions cannot be overloaded,
						 * mark here that we took its address because castTo()
						 * may not be called with an exact match.

					if (f.isNested())
						Expression e = new DelegateExp(loc, e1, f, ve.hasOverloads);
						e = e.semantic(sc);
						return e;
					if (f.needThis() && hasThis(sc))
						/* Should probably supply 'this' after overload resolution,
						 * not before.
						Expression ethis = new ThisExp(loc);
						Expression e = new DelegateExp(loc, ethis, f, ve.hasOverloads);
						e = e.semantic(sc);
						return e;
			return optimize(WANTvalue);
		return this;

    override void checkEscape()
	override elem* toElem(IRState* irs)
		elem* e;

		//printf("AddrExp.toElem('%s')\n", toChars());

		e = e1.toElem(irs);
		e = addressElem(e, e1.type);
		e.Ety = type.totym();
		return e;

	override MATCH implicitConvTo(Type t)
	static if (false) {
		printf("AddrExp.implicitConvTo(this=%s, type=%s, t=%s)\n",
		toChars(), type.toChars(), t.toChars());
		MATCH result;

		result = type.implicitConvTo(t);
		//printf("\tresult = %d\n", result);

		if (result == MATCHnomatch)
			// Look for pointers to functions where the functions are overloaded.

			t = t.toBasetype();

			if (e1.op == TOKoverloadset &&
				(t.ty == Tpointer || t.ty == Tdelegate) && t.nextOf().ty == Tfunction)
				OverExp eo = cast(OverExp)e1;
				FuncDeclaration f = null;
				foreach (s; eo.vars.a)
					auto f2 = s.isFuncDeclaration();
					if (f2.overloadExactMatch(t.nextOf()))
						if (f)
							/* Error if match in more than one overload set,
							 * even if one is a 'better' match than the other.
							ScopeDsymbol.multiplyDefined(loc, f, f2);
							f = f2;
						result = MATCHexact;

			if (type.ty == Tpointer && type.nextOf().ty == Tfunction &&
				t.ty == Tpointer && t.nextOf().ty == Tfunction &&
				e1.op == TOKvar)
				/* I don't think this can ever happen -
				 * it should have been
				 * converted to a SymOffExp.
				VarExp ve = cast(VarExp)e1;
				FuncDeclaration f = ve.var.isFuncDeclaration();
				if (f && f.overloadExactMatch(t.nextOf()))
					result = MATCHexact;

		//printf("\tresult = %d\n", result);
		return result;

	override Expression castTo(Scope sc, Type t)
	    Type tb;

	static if (false) {
		printf("AddrExp.castTo(this=%s, type=%s, t=%s)\n", toChars(), type.toChars(), t.toChars());
		Expression e = this;

		tb = t.toBasetype();
		type = type.toBasetype();
		if (tb != type)
			// Look for pointers to functions where the functions are overloaded.

			if (e1.op == TOKoverloadset &&
				(t.ty == Tpointer || t.ty == Tdelegate) && t.nextOf().ty == Tfunction)
				OverExp eo = cast(OverExp)e1;
				FuncDeclaration f = null;
				foreach (s; eo.vars.a)
					auto f2 = s.isFuncDeclaration();
					if (f2.overloadExactMatch(t.nextOf()))
						if (f)
							/* Error if match in more than one overload set,
							 * even if one is a 'better' match than the other.
							ScopeDsymbol.multiplyDefined(loc, f, f2);
							f = f2;
				if (f)
					SymOffExp se = new SymOffExp(loc, f, 0, 0);
					// Let SymOffExp.castTo() do the heavy lifting
					return se.castTo(sc, t);

			if (type.ty == Tpointer && type.nextOf().ty == Tfunction &&
				tb.ty == Tpointer && tb.nextOf().ty == Tfunction &&
				e1.op == TOKvar)
				VarExp ve = cast(VarExp)e1;
				FuncDeclaration f = ve.var.isFuncDeclaration();
				if (f)
					assert(0);	// should be SymOffExp instead
					f = f.overloadExactMatch(tb.nextOf());
					if (f)
						e = new VarExp(loc, f);
						e.type = f.type;
						e = new AddrExp(loc, e);
						e.type = t;
						return e;
			e = Expression.castTo(sc, t);
		e.type = t;
		return e;

	override Expression optimize(int result)
		Expression e;

		//printf("AddrExp.optimize(result = %d) %s\n", result, toChars());

		/* Rewrite &(a,b) as (a,&b)
		if (e1.op == TOKcomma)
			CommaExp ce = cast(CommaExp)e1;
			AddrExp ae = new AddrExp(loc, ce.e2);
			ae.type = type;
			e = new CommaExp(ce.loc, ce.e1, ae);
			e.type = type;
			return e.optimize(result);

		if (e1.op == TOKvar)
			VarExp ve = cast(VarExp)e1;
			if (ve.var.storage_class & STCmanifest)
				e1 = e1.optimize(result);
			e1 = e1.optimize(result);

		// Convert &*ex to ex
		if (e1.op == TOKstar)
			Expression ex;

			ex = (cast(PtrExp)e1).e1;
			if (type.equals(ex.type))
				e = ex;
				e = ex.copy();
				e.type = type;
			return e;
		if (e1.op == TOKvar)
			VarExp ve = cast(VarExp)e1;
			if (!ve.var.isOut() && !ve.var.isRef() &&
				SymOffExp se = new SymOffExp(loc, ve.var, 0, ve.hasOverloads);
				se.type = type;
				return se;
		if (e1.op == TOKindex)
			// Convert &array[n] to &array+n
			IndexExp ae = cast(IndexExp)e1;

			if (ae.e2.op == TOKint64 && ae.e1.op == TOKvar)
				long index = ae.e2.toInteger();
				VarExp ve = cast(VarExp)ae.e1;
				if (ve.type.ty == Tsarray
					&& !ve.var.isImportedSymbol())
					TypeSArray ts = cast(TypeSArray)ve.type;
					long dim = ts.dim.toInteger();
					if (index < 0 || index >= dim)
						error("array index %jd is out of bounds [0..%jd]", index, dim);
					e = new SymOffExp(loc, ve.var, cast(uint)(index * ts.nextOf().size()));
					e.type = type;
					return e;
		return this;