view dmd/Id.d @ 114:e28b18c23469

added a module dmd.common for commonly used stuff it currently holds code for consistency checking of predefined versions also added a VisualD project file
author Trass3r
date Wed, 01 Sep 2010 18:21:58 +0200
parents e6090d1aea7c
children 60bb0fe4563e
line wrap: on
line source

module dmd.Id;

import dmd.common;
import dmd.Identifier;
import dmd.Lexer;

private string idgen(T...)(T ts)
	string res = "struct Id\n{\n";

	foreach(entry; ts)
		res ~= "\tstatic Identifier " ~ entry.ident ~ ";\n";
	res ~= "\tstatic void initialize()\n\t{\n";
	string tmp;
	foreach (entry; ts)
		if (entry.name_ is null)
			tmp = entry.ident;
			tmp = entry.name_;
		res ~= "\t\t" ~ entry.ident ~ ` = Lexer.idPool("` ~ tmp ~ "\");\n";

		res ~= "\t}\n}";
	return res;

private struct ID
	string ident;		// name to use in DMD source
	string name_;	// name in D executable

		ID( "IUnknown" ),
		ID( "Object_", "Object" ),
		ID( "object" ),
		ID( "max" ),
		ID( "min" ),
		ID( "This", "this" ),
		ID( "ctor", "__ctor" ),
		ID( "dtor", "__dtor" ),
		ID( "cpctor", "__cpctor" ),
		ID( "_postblit", "__postblit" ),
		ID( "classInvariant", "__invariant" ),
		ID( "unitTest", "__unitTest" ),
		ID( "require", "__require" ),
		ID( "ensure", "__ensure" ),
		ID( "init_", "init" ),
		ID( "size" ),
		ID( "__sizeof", "sizeof" ),
		ID( "alignof_", "alignof" ),
		ID( "mangleof_", "mangleof" ),
		ID( "stringof_", "stringof" ),
		ID( "tupleof_", "tupleof" ),
		ID( "length" ),
		ID( "remove" ),
		ID( "ptr" ),
		ID( "funcptr" ),
		ID( "dollar", "__dollar" ),
		ID( "offset" ),
		ID( "offsetof" ),
		ID( "ModuleInfo" ),
		ID( "ClassInfo" ),
		ID( "classinfo_", "classinfo" ),
		ID( "typeinfo_", "typeinfo" ),
		ID( "outer" ),
		ID( "Exception" ),
		ID( "AssociativeArray" ),
		ID( "Throwable" ),
		ID( "withSym", "__withSym" ),
		ID( "result", "__result" ),
		ID( "returnLabel", "__returnLabel" ),
		ID( "delegate_", "delegate" ),
		ID( "line" ),
		ID( "empty", "" ),
		ID( "p" ),
		ID( "coverage", "__coverage" ),
		ID( "__vptr" ),
		ID( "__monitor" ),
		ID( "system" ),

		ID( "TypeInfo" ),
		ID( "TypeInfo_Class" ),
		ID( "TypeInfo_Interface" ),
		ID( "TypeInfo_Struct" ),
		ID( "TypeInfo_Enum" ),
		ID( "TypeInfo_Typedef" ),
		ID( "TypeInfo_Pointer" ),
		ID( "TypeInfo_Array" ),
		ID( "TypeInfo_StaticArray" ),
		ID( "TypeInfo_AssociativeArray" ),
		ID( "TypeInfo_Function" ),
		ID( "TypeInfo_Delegate" ),
		ID( "TypeInfo_Tuple" ),
		ID( "TypeInfo_Const" ),
		ID( "TypeInfo_Invariant" ),
		ID( "TypeInfo_Shared" ),
		ID( "elements" ),
		ID( "_arguments_typeinfo" ),
		ID( "_arguments" ),
		ID( "_argptr" ),
		ID( "_match" ),
		ID( "destroy" ),

		ID( "LINE", "__LINE__" ),
		ID( "FILE", "__FILE__" ),
		ID( "DATE", "__DATE__" ),
		ID( "TIME", "__TIME__" ),
		ID( "VENDOR", "__VENDOR__" ),
		ID( "VERSIONX", "__VERSION__" ),
		ID( "EOFX", "__EOF__" ),

		ID( "nan" ),
		ID( "infinity" ),
		ID( "dig" ),
		ID( "epsilon" ),
		ID( "mant_dig" ),
		ID( "max_10_exp" ),
		ID( "max_exp" ),
		ID( "min_10_exp" ),
		ID( "min_exp" ),
		ID( "min_normal" ),
		ID( "re" ),
		ID( "im" ),

		ID( "C" ),
		ID( "D" ),
		ID( "Windows" ),
		ID( "Pascal" ),
		ID( "System" ),

		ID( "exit" ),
		ID( "success" ),
		ID( "failure" ),

		ID( "keys" ),
		ID( "values" ),
		ID( "rehash" ),

		ID( "sort" ),
		ID( "reverse" ),
		ID( "dup" ),
		ID( "idup" ),

		ID( "property" ),

		// For inline assembler
		ID( "___out", "out" ),
		ID( "___in", "in" ),
		ID( "__int", "int" ),
		ID( "__dollar", "$" ),
		ID( "__LOCAL_SIZE" ),

		// For operator overloads
		ID( "uadd",	 "opPos" ),
		ID( "neg",	 "opNeg" ),
		ID( "com",	 "opCom" ),
		ID( "add",	 "opAdd" ),
		ID( "add_r",   "opAdd_r" ),
		ID( "sub",	 "opSub" ),
		ID( "sub_r",   "opSub_r" ),
		ID( "mul",	 "opMul" ),
		ID( "mul_r",   "opMul_r" ),
		ID( "div",	 "opDiv" ),
		ID( "div_r",   "opDiv_r" ),
		ID( "mod",	 "opMod" ),
		ID( "mod_r",   "opMod_r" ),
		ID( "eq",	  "opEquals" ),
		ID( "cmp",	 "opCmp" ),
		ID( "iand",	"opAnd" ),
		ID( "iand_r",  "opAnd_r" ),
		ID( "ior",	 "opOr" ),
		ID( "ior_r",   "opOr_r" ),
		ID( "ixor",	"opXor" ),
		ID( "ixor_r",  "opXor_r" ),
		ID( "shl",	 "opShl" ),
		ID( "shl_r",   "opShl_r" ),
		ID( "shr",	 "opShr" ),
		ID( "shr_r",   "opShr_r" ),
		ID( "ushr",	"opUShr" ),
		ID( "ushr_r",  "opUShr_r" ),
		ID( "cat",	 "opCat" ),
		ID( "cat_r",   "opCat_r" ),
		ID( "assign",  "opAssign" ),
		ID( "addass",  "opAddAssign" ),
		ID( "subass",  "opSubAssign" ),
		ID( "mulass",  "opMulAssign" ),
		ID( "divass",  "opDivAssign" ),
		ID( "modass",  "opModAssign" ),
		ID( "andass",  "opAndAssign" ),
		ID( "orass",   "opOrAssign" ),
		ID( "xorass",  "opXorAssign" ),
		ID( "shlass",  "opShlAssign" ),
		ID( "shrass",  "opShrAssign" ),
		ID( "ushrass", "opUShrAssign" ),
		ID( "catass",  "opCatAssign" ),
		ID( "postinc", "opPostInc" ),
		ID( "postdec", "opPostDec" ),
		ID( "index",	 "opIndex" ),
		ID( "indexass", "opIndexAssign" ),
		ID( "slice",	 "opSlice" ),
		ID( "sliceass", "opSliceAssign" ),
		ID( "call",	 "opCall" ),
		ID( "cast_",	 "opCast" ),
		ID( "match",	 "opMatch" ),
		ID( "next",	 "opNext" ),
		ID( "opIn" ),
		ID( "opIn_r" ),
		ID( "opStar" ),
		ID( "opDot" ),
		ID( "opImplicitCast" ),

		ID( "classNew", "new" ),
		ID( "classDelete", "delete" ),

		// For foreach
		ID( "apply", "opApply" ),
		ID( "applyReverse", "opApplyReverse" ),

//		#if 1
		ID( "Fempty", "empty" ),
		ID( "Fhead", "front" ),
		ID( "Ftoe", "back" ),
		ID( "Fnext", "popFront" ),
		ID( "Fretreat", "popBack" ),
		ID( "Fempty", "empty" ),
		ID( "Fhead", "head" ),
		ID( "Ftoe", "toe" ),
		ID( "Fnext", "next" ),
		ID( "Fretreat", "retreat" ),

		ID( "adDup", "_adDupT" ),
		ID( "adReverse", "_adReverse" ),

		// For internal functions
		ID( "aaLen", "_aaLen" ),
		ID( "aaKeys", "_aaKeys" ),
		ID( "aaValues", "_aaValues" ),
		ID( "aaRehash", "_aaRehash" ),
		ID( "monitorenter", "_d_monitorenter" ),
		ID( "monitorexit", "_d_monitorexit" ),
		ID( "criticalenter", "_d_criticalenter" ),
		ID( "criticalexit", "_d_criticalexit" ),

		// For pragma's
		ID( "GNU_asm" ),
		ID( "lib" ),
		ID( "msg" ),
		ID( "startaddress" ),

		// For special functions
		ID( "tohash", "toHash" ),
		ID( "tostring", "toString" ),
		ID( "getmembers", "getMembers" ),

		// Special functions
		ID( "alloca" ),
		ID( "main" ),
		ID( "WinMain" ),
		ID( "DllMain" ),
		ID( "tls_get_addr", "___tls_get_addr" ),

		// Builtin functions
		ID( "std" ),
		ID( "math" ),
		ID( "sin" ),
		ID( "cos" ),
		ID( "tan" ),
		ID( "_sqrt", "sqrt" ),
		ID( "fabs" ),

		// Traits
		ID( "isAbstractClass" ),
		ID( "isArithmetic" ),
		ID( "isAssociativeArray" ),
		ID( "isFinalClass" ),
		ID( "isFloating" ),
		ID( "isIntegral" ),
		ID( "isScalar" ),
		ID( "isStaticArray" ),
		ID( "isUnsigned" ),
		ID( "isVirtualFunction" ),
		ID( "isAbstractFunction" ),
		ID( "isFinalFunction" ),
		ID( "hasMember" ),
		ID( "getMember" ),
		ID( "getVirtualFunctions" ),
		ID( "classInstanceSize" ),
		ID( "allMembers" ),
		ID( "derivedMembers" ),
		ID( "isSame" ),
		ID( "compiles" )