view dmd/TemplateDeclaration.d @ 99:903b95002d4e

Id and Macro are quite experimental currently
author Trass3r
date Tue, 31 Aug 2010 04:04:33 +0200
parents acd69f84627e
children 12c0c84d13fd
line wrap: on
line source

module dmd.TemplateDeclaration;

import dmd.Loc;
import dmd.ScopeDsymbol;
import dmd.ArrayTypes;
import dmd.Dsymbol;
import dmd.STC;
import dmd.TemplateThisParameter;
import dmd.Global;
import dmd.Array;
import dmd.Identifier;
import dmd.TypeArray;
import dmd.Expression;
import dmd.Scope;
import dmd.TypeIdentifier;
import dmd.TypeDelegate;
import dmd.IntegerExp;
import dmd.TypeSArray;
import dmd.StringExp;
import dmd.TOK;
import dmd.Argument;
import dmd.CtorDeclaration;
import dmd.TypeFunction;
import dmd.TY;
import dmd.OutBuffer;
import dmd.Declaration;
import dmd.HdrGenState;
import dmd.TemplateInstance;
import dmd.WANT;
import dmd.FuncDeclaration;
import dmd.TemplateTupleParameter;
import dmd.MATCH;
import dmd.Type;
import dmd.Tuple;
import dmd.TupleDeclaration;
import dmd.Initializer;
import dmd.Json;
import dmd.ExpInitializer;
import dmd.TemplateValueParameter;
import dmd.AliasDeclaration;
import dmd.VarDeclaration;
import dmd.TemplateParameter;
import dmd.TemplateTypeParameter;

import dmd.expression.Util;

import std.stdio;

 * Determine if TemplateDeclaration is variadic.

TemplateTupleParameter isVariadic(TemplateParameters parameters)
	size_t dim = parameters.dim;
    TemplateTupleParameter tp = null;

    if (dim)
		tp = (cast(TemplateParameter)[dim - 1]).isTemplateTupleParameter();

    return tp;

void ObjectToCBuffer(OutBuffer buf, HdrGenState* hgs, Object oarg)
    Type t = isType(oarg);
    Expression e = isExpression(oarg);
    Dsymbol s = isDsymbol(oarg);
    Tuple v = isTuple(oarg);
    if (t)
		//printf("\tt: %s ty = %d\n", t.toChars(), t.ty);
		t.toCBuffer(buf, null, hgs);
    else if (e)
		e.toCBuffer(buf, hgs);
    else if (s)
		string p = s.ident ? s.ident.toChars() : s.toChars();
    else if (v)
		Objects args = v.objects;
		for (size_t i = 0; i < args.dim; i++)
			if (i)
			Object o = cast(Object)[i];
			ObjectToCBuffer(buf, hgs, o);
    else if (!oarg)
		debug writef("bad Object = %p\n", oarg);

class TemplateDeclaration : ScopeDsymbol
    TemplateParameters parameters;	// array of TemplateParameter's

    TemplateParameters origParameters;	// originals for Ddoc
    Expression constraint;
    Array instances;			// array of TemplateInstance's

    TemplateDeclaration overnext;	// next overloaded TemplateDeclaration
    TemplateDeclaration overroot;	// first in overnext list

    int semanticRun;			// 1 semantic() run

    Dsymbol onemember;		// if !=NULL then one member of this template

    int literal;		// this template declaration is a literal

    this(Loc loc, Identifier id, TemplateParameters parameters, Expression constraint, Dsymbols decldefs)
	version (LOG) {
		printf("TemplateDeclaration(this = %p, id = '%s')\n", this, id.toChars());
	static if (false) {
		if (parameters)
			for (int i = 0; i < parameters.dim; i++)
				TemplateParameter tp = cast(TemplateParameter)[i];
				//printf("\tparameter[%d] = %p\n", i, tp);
				TemplateTypeParameter ttp = tp.isTemplateTypeParameter();

				if (ttp)
					printf("\tparameter[%d] = %s : %s\n", i, tp.ident.toChars(), ttp.specType ? ttp.specType.toChars() : "");
		this.loc = loc;
		this.parameters = parameters;
		this.origParameters = parameters;
		this.constraint = constraint;
		this.members = decldefs;
		instances = new Array();

    override Dsymbol syntaxCopy(Dsymbol)
		TemplateDeclaration td;
		TemplateParameters p;
		Dsymbols d;

		p = null;
		if (parameters)
			p = new TemplateParameters();
			for (int i = 0; i < p.dim; i++)
				TemplateParameter tp = cast(TemplateParameter)[i];[i] = cast(void*)tp.syntaxCopy();
		Expression e = null;
		if (constraint)
			e = constraint.syntaxCopy();
		d = Dsymbol.arraySyntaxCopy(members);
		td = new TemplateDeclaration(loc, ident, p, e, d);
		return td;

    override void semantic(Scope sc)
	version (LOG) {
		printf("TemplateDeclaration.semantic(this = %p, id = '%s')\n", this, ident.toChars());
		if (semanticRun)
			return;		// semantic() already run
		semanticRun = 1;

		if (sc.func)
	version (DMDV1) {
			error("cannot declare template at function scope %s", sc.func.toChars());

		if (/*global.params.useArrayBounds &&*/ sc.module_)
			// Generate this function as it may be used
			// when template is instantiated in other modules

		if (/*global.params.useAssert &&*/ sc.module_)
			// Generate this function as it may be used
			// when template is instantiated in other modules

		/* Remember Scope for later instantiations, but make
		 * a copy since attributes can change.
		this.scope_ = sc.clone();

		// Set up scope for parameters
		ScopeDsymbol paramsym = new ScopeDsymbol();
		paramsym.parent = sc.parent;
		Scope paramscope = sc.push(paramsym);
		paramscope.parameterSpecialization = 1; = STCundefined;

		if (!parent)
			parent = sc.parent;

		if (global.params.doDocComments)
			origParameters = new TemplateParameters();
			for (int i = 0; i < parameters.dim; i++)
				TemplateParameter tp = cast(TemplateParameter)[i];[i] = cast(void*)tp.syntaxCopy();

		for (int i = 0; i < parameters.dim; i++)
			TemplateParameter tp = cast(TemplateParameter)[i];

		for (int i = 0; i < parameters.dim; i++)
			TemplateParameter tp = cast(TemplateParameter)[i];

			if (i + 1 != parameters.dim && tp.isTemplateTupleParameter())
				error("template tuple parameter must be last one");


		if (members)
			Dsymbol s;
			if (Dsymbol.oneMembers(members, &s))
				if (s && s.ident && s.ident.equals(ident))
					onemember = s;
					s.parent = this;

		/* BUG: should check:
		 *	o no virtual functions or non-static data members of classes

	 * Overload existing TemplateDeclaration 'this' with the new one 's'.
	 * Return !=0 if successful; i.e. no conflict.
    override bool overloadInsert(Dsymbol s)
		TemplateDeclaration *pf;
		TemplateDeclaration f;

	version (LOG) {
		printf("TemplateDeclaration.overloadInsert('%.*s')\n", s.toChars());
		f = s.isTemplateDeclaration();
		if (!f)
			return false;

		TemplateDeclaration pthis = this;
		for (pf = &pthis; *pf; pf = &(*pf).overnext)
static if (false) {
			// Conflict if TemplateParameter's match
			// Will get caught anyway later with TemplateInstance, but
			// should check it now.
			if (f.parameters.dim != f2.parameters.dim)
				goto Lcontinue;

			for (int i = 0; i < f.parameters.dim; i++)
				TemplateParameter p1 = cast(TemplateParameter)[i];
				TemplateParameter p2 = cast(TemplateParameter)[i];

				if (!p1.overloadMatch(p2))
					goto Lcontinue;

version (LOG) {
			printf("\tfalse: conflict\n");
			return false;


		f.overroot = this;
		*pf = f;
	version (LOG) {
		printf("\ttrue: no conflict\n");
		return true;

    override void toCBuffer(OutBuffer buf, HdrGenState* hgs)

	override void toJsonBuffer(OutBuffer buf)


		JsonProperty(buf, Pname, toChars());
		JsonProperty(buf, Pkind, kind());
		if (comment)
			JsonProperty(buf, Pcomment, comment);

		if (loc.linnum)
			JsonProperty(buf, Pline, loc.linnum);

		JsonString(buf, Pmembers);
		buf.writestring(" : [\n");
		size_t offset = buf.offset;
		foreach (Dsymbol s; members)
			if (offset != buf.offset)
			{   buf.writestring(",\n");
				offset = buf.offset;


    override string kind()
		return (onemember && onemember.isAggregateDeclaration())
			? onemember.kind()
			: "template";

    override string toChars()
		OutBuffer buf = new OutBuffer();
		HdrGenState hgs;

		/// memset(&hgs, 0, hgs.sizeof);
		for (int i = 0; i < parameters.dim; i++)
			TemplateParameter tp = cast(TemplateParameter)[i];
			if (i)
			tp.toCBuffer(buf, &hgs);
version (DMDV2) {
		if (constraint)
			buf.writestring(" if (");
			constraint.toCBuffer(buf, &hgs);
		return buf.extractString();

    override void emitComment(Scope sc)
//    void toDocBuffer(OutBuffer *buf);

	 * Given that ti is an instance of this TemplateDeclaration,
	 * deduce the types of the parameters to this, and store
	 * those deduced types in dedtypes[].
	 * Input:
	 *	flag	1: don't do semantic() because of dummy types
	 *		2: don't change types in matchArg()
	 * Output:
	 *	dedtypes	deduced arguments
	 * Return match level.
    MATCH matchWithInstance(TemplateInstance ti, Objects dedtypes, int flag)
		MATCH m;
		int dedtypes_dim = dedtypes.dim;

	version (LOGM) {
		printf("\n+TemplateDeclaration.matchWithInstance(this = %.*s, ti = %.*s, flag = %d)\n", toChars(), ti.toChars(), flag);

	static if (false) {
		printf("dedtypes.dim = %d, parameters.dim = %d\n", dedtypes_dim, parameters.dim);
		if (ti.tiargs.dim)
			printf("ti.tiargs.dim = %d, [0] = %p\n", ti.tiargs.dim,[0]);

		int parameters_dim = parameters.dim;
		int variadic = isVariadic() !is null;

		// If more arguments than parameters, no match
		if (ti.tiargs.dim > parameters_dim && !variadic)
	version (LOGM) {
			printf(" no match: more arguments than parameters\n");
			return MATCHnomatch;

		assert(dedtypes_dim == parameters_dim);
		assert(dedtypes_dim >= ti.tiargs.dim || variadic);

		// Set up scope for parameters
		assert(cast(size_t)cast(void*)scope_ > 0x10000);
		ScopeDsymbol paramsym = new ScopeDsymbol();
		paramsym.parent = scope_.parent;
		Scope paramscope = scope_.push(paramsym); = STCundefined;

		// Attempt type deduction
		m = MATCHexact;
		for (int i = 0; i < dedtypes_dim; i++)
			MATCH m2;
			TemplateParameter tp = cast(TemplateParameter)[i];
			Declaration sparam;

			//printf("\targument [%d]\n", i);
		version (LOGM) {
			//printf("\targument [%d] is %s\n", i, oarg ? oarg.toChars() : "null");
			TemplateTypeParameter *ttp = tp.isTemplateTypeParameter();
			if (ttp)
				printf("\tparameter[%d] is %s : %s\n", i, tp.ident.toChars(), ttp.specType ? ttp.specType.toChars() : "");

		version (DMDV1) {
			m2 = tp.matchArg(paramscope, ti.tiargs, i, parameters, dedtypes, &sparam);
		} else {
			m2 = tp.matchArg(paramscope, ti.tiargs, i, parameters, dedtypes, &sparam, (flag & 2) ? 1 : 0);
			//printf("\tm2 = %d\n", m2);

			if (m2 == MATCHnomatch)
		static if (false) {
				printf("\tmatchArg() for parameter %i failed\n", i);
				goto Lnomatch;

			if (m2 < m)
				m = m2;

			if (!flag)
			if (!paramscope.insert(sparam))
				goto Lnomatch;

		if (!flag)
			/* Any parameter left without a type gets the type of
			 * its corresponding arg
			for (int i = 0; i < dedtypes_dim; i++)
				if (![i])
					assert(i < ti.tiargs.dim);[i] =[i];

	version (DMDV2) {
		if (m && constraint && !(flag & 1))
		{	/* Check to see if constraint is satisfied.
			Expression e = constraint.syntaxCopy();
			paramscope.flags |= SCOPE.SCOPEstaticif;
			e = e.semantic(paramscope);
			e = e.optimize(WANTvalue | WANTinterpret);
			if (e.isBool(true)) {
			} else if (e.isBool(false))
				goto Lnomatch;
				e.error("constraint %s is not constant or does not evaluate to a bool", e.toChars());

	version (LOGM) {
		// Print out the results
		printf("template %s\n", toChars());
		printf("instance %s\n", ti.toChars());
		if (m)
			for (int i = 0; i < dedtypes_dim; i++)
				TemplateParameter tp = cast(TemplateParameter)[i];
				Object oarg;

				printf(" [%d]", i);

				if (i < ti.tiargs.dim)
					oarg = cast(Object)[i];
					oarg = null;
				tp.print(oarg, cast(Object)[i]);
			goto Lnomatch;

	version (LOGM) {
		printf(" match = %d\n", m);
		goto Lret;

	version (LOGM) {
		printf(" no match\n");
		m = MATCHnomatch;

	version (LOGM) {
		printf("-TemplateDeclaration.matchWithInstance(this = %p, ti = %p) = %d\n", this, ti, m);
		return m;
	 * Determine partial specialization order of 'this' vs td2.
	 * Returns:
	 *	match	this is at least as specialized as td2
	 *	0	td2 is more specialized than this
    MATCH leastAsSpecialized(TemplateDeclaration td2)
	    /* This works by taking the template parameters to this template
		 * declaration and feeding them to td2 as if it were a template
		 * instance.
		 * If it works, then this template is at least as specialized
		 * as td2.

		scope TemplateInstance ti = new TemplateInstance(Loc(0), ident);	// create dummy template instance
		scope Objects dedtypes = new Objects();

version (LOG_LEASTAS) {
		printf("%s.leastAsSpecialized(%s)\n", toChars(), td2.toChars());

		// Set type arguments to dummy template instance to be types
		// generated from the parameters to this template declaration
		ti.tiargs = new Objects();
		for (int i = 0; i < ti.tiargs.dim; i++)
			TemplateParameter tp = cast(TemplateParameter)[i];

			void* p = tp.dummyArg();
			if (p)[i] = p;

		// Temporary Array to hold deduced types

		// Attempt a type deduction
		MATCH m = td2.matchWithInstance(ti, dedtypes, 1);
		if (m)
			/* A non-variadic template is more specialized than a
			 * variadic one.
			if (isVariadic() && !td2.isVariadic())
				goto L1;

version (LOG_LEASTAS) {
			printf("  matches %d, so is least as specialized\n", m);
			return m;
version (LOG_LEASTAS) {
		printf("  doesn't match, so is not as specialized\n");
		return MATCHnomatch;

	 * Match function arguments against a specific template function.
	 * Input:
	 *	loc		instantiation location
	 *	targsi		Expression/Type initial list of template arguments
	 *	ethis		'this' argument if !null
	 *	fargs		arguments to function
	 * Output:
	 *	dedargs		Expression/Type deduced template arguments
	 * Returns:
	 *	match level
    MATCH deduceFunctionTemplateMatch(Loc loc, Objects targsi, Expression ethis, Expressions fargs, Objects dedargs)
		size_t nfparams;
		size_t nfargs;
		size_t nargsi;		// array size of targsi
		int fptupindex = -1;
		int tuple_dim = 0;
		MATCH match = MATCHexact;
		FuncDeclaration fd = onemember.toAlias().isFuncDeclaration();
		Arguments fparameters;		// function parameter list
		int fvarargs;			// function varargs
		scope Objects dedtypes = new Objects();	// for T:T*, the dedargs is the T*, dedtypes is the T

	static if (false)
		printf("\nTemplateDeclaration.deduceFunctionTemplateMatch() %s\n", toChars());
		for (i = 0; i < fargs.dim; i++)
			Expression e = cast(Expression)[i];
			printf("\tfarg[%d] is %s, type is %s\n", i, e.toChars(), e.type.toChars());
		printf("fd = %s\n", fd.toChars());
		printf("fd.type = %p\n", fd.type);

		assert(cast(size_t)cast(void*)scope_ > 0x10000);



		// Set up scope for parameters
		ScopeDsymbol paramsym = new ScopeDsymbol();
		paramsym.parent = scope_.parent;
		Scope paramscope = scope_.push(paramsym);

		TemplateTupleParameter tp = isVariadic();

	static if (false)
		for (i = 0; i < dedargs.dim; i++)
			printf("\tdedarg[%d] = ", i);
			Object oarg = cast(Object)[i];
			if (oarg) printf("%s", oarg.toChars());

		nargsi = 0;
		if (targsi)
			// Set initial template arguments
			nargsi = targsi.dim;
			size_t n = parameters.dim;
			if (tp)
			if (nargsi > n)
				if (!tp)
					goto Lnomatch;

				/* The extra initial template arguments
				 * now form the tuple argument.
				Tuple t = new Tuple();
				assert(parameters.dim);[parameters.dim - 1] = cast(void*)t;

				tuple_dim = nargsi - n;
				for (size_t i = 0; i < tuple_dim; i++)
				{[i] = cast(void*)[n + i];
				declareParameter(paramscope, tp, t);
				n = nargsi;

			memcpy(,, n * (*;

			for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
				assert(i < parameters.dim);
				TemplateParameter tp2 = cast(TemplateParameter)[i];
				MATCH m;
				Declaration sparam = null;

				m = tp2.matchArg(paramscope, dedargs, i, parameters, dedtypes, &sparam);
				//printf("\tdeduceType m = %d\n", m);
				if (m == MATCHnomatch)
					goto Lnomatch;
				if (m < match)
					match = m;

				if (!paramscope.insert(sparam))
					goto Lnomatch;
	static if (false)
		for (i = 0; i < dedargs.dim; i++)
			printf("\tdedarg[%d] = ", i);
			Object oarg = cast(Object)[i];
			if (oarg) printf("%s", oarg.toChars());

		if (fd.type)
			assert(fd.type.ty == Tfunction);
			TypeFunction fdtype = cast(TypeFunction)fd.type;
			fparameters = fdtype.parameters;
			fvarargs = fdtype.varargs;
			CtorDeclaration fctor = fd.isCtorDeclaration();
			fparameters = fctor.arguments;
			fvarargs = fctor.varargs;

		nfparams = Argument.dim(fparameters);	// number of function parameters
		nfargs = fargs ? fargs.dim : 0;		// number of function arguments

		/* Check for match of function arguments with variadic template
		 * parameter, such as:
		 * template Foo(T, A...) { void Foo(T t, A a); }
		 * void main() { Foo(1,2,3); }
		if (tp)				// if variadic
			if (nfparams == 0 && nfargs != 0)		// if no function parameters
				Tuple t = new Tuple();
				//printf("t = %p\n", t);[parameters.dim - 1] = cast(void*)t;
				declareParameter(paramscope, tp, t);
				goto L2;
			else if (nfargs < nfparams - 1)
				goto L1;
				/* Figure out which of the function parameters matches
				 * the tuple template parameter. Do this by matching
				 * type identifiers.
				 * Set the index of this function parameter to fptupindex.
				for (fptupindex = 0; fptupindex < nfparams; fptupindex++)
					Argument fparam = cast(Argument)[fptupindex];
					if (fparam.type.ty != Tident)
					TypeIdentifier tid = cast(TypeIdentifier)fparam.type;
					if (!tp.ident.equals(tid.ident) || tid.idents.dim)

					if (fvarargs)		// variadic function doesn't
						goto Lnomatch;	// go with variadic template

					/* The types of the function arguments
					 * now form the tuple argument.
					Tuple t = new Tuple();[parameters.dim - 1] = cast(void*)t;

					tuple_dim = nfargs - (nfparams - 1);
					for (size_t i = 0; i < tuple_dim; i++)
						auto farg = fargs[fptupindex + i];[i] = cast(void*)farg.type;
					declareParameter(paramscope, tp, t);
					goto L2;
				fptupindex = -1;

		if (nfparams == nfargs) {
		} else if (nfargs > nfparams) {
			if (fvarargs == 0)
				goto Lnomatch;		// too many args, no match
			match = MATCHconvert;		// match ... with a conversion

	version (DMDV2) {
		// Match 'ethis' to any TemplateThisParameter's
		if (ethis)
			for (size_t i = 0; i < parameters.dim; i++)
				TemplateParameter tp2 = cast(TemplateParameter)[i];
				TemplateThisParameter ttp = tp2.isTemplateThisParameter();
				if (ttp)
					MATCH m;

					Type t = new TypeIdentifier(Loc(0), ttp.ident);
					m = ethis.type.deduceType(paramscope, t, parameters, dedtypes);
					if (!m)
						goto Lnomatch;
					if (m < match)
						match = m;		// pick worst match

		// Loop through the function parameters
		for (size_t i = 0; i < nfparams; i++)
			/* Skip over function parameters which wound up
			 * as part of a template tuple parameter.
			if (i == fptupindex)
				if (fptupindex == nfparams - 1)
				i += tuple_dim - 1;

			Argument fparam = Argument.getNth(fparameters, i);

			if (i >= nfargs)		// if not enough arguments
				if (fparam.defaultArg)
					/* Default arguments do not participate in template argument
					 * deduction.
					goto Lmatch;
				auto farg = fargs[i];
		static if (false) {
				printf("\tfarg.type   = %s\n", farg.type.toChars());
				printf("\tfparam.type = %s\n", fparam.type.toChars());
				Type argtype = farg.type;

		version (DMDV2) {
				/* Allow string literals which are type [] to match with [dim]
				if (farg.op == TOKstring)
					StringExp se = cast(StringExp)farg;
					if (!se.committed && argtype.ty == Tarray &&
						fparam.type.toBasetype().ty == Tsarray)
						argtype = new TypeSArray(argtype.nextOf(), new IntegerExp(se.loc, se.len, Type.tindex));
						argtype = argtype.semantic(se.loc, null);
						argtype = argtype.invariantOf();

				MATCH m;
				m = argtype.deduceType(paramscope, fparam.type, parameters, dedtypes);
				//printf("\tdeduceType m = %d\n", m);

				/* If no match, see if there's a conversion to a delegate
				if (!m && fparam.type.toBasetype().ty == Tdelegate)
					TypeDelegate td = cast(TypeDelegate)fparam.type.toBasetype();
					TypeFunction tf = cast(TypeFunction);

					if (!tf.varargs && Argument.dim(tf.parameters) == 0)
						m = farg.type.deduceType(paramscope,, parameters, dedtypes);
						if (!m && == Tvoid)
							m = MATCHconvert;
					//printf("\tm2 = %d\n", m);

				if (m)
					if (m < match)
						match = m;		// pick worst match

			/* The following code for variadic arguments closely
			 * matches TypeFunction.callMatch()
			if (!(fvarargs == 2 && i + 1 == nfparams))
				goto Lnomatch;

			/* Check for match with function parameter T...
			Type tb = fparam.type.toBasetype();
			switch (tb.ty)
				// Perhaps we can do better with this, see TypeFunction.callMatch()
				case Tsarray:
					TypeSArray tsa = cast(TypeSArray)tb;
					ulong sz = tsa.dim.toInteger();
					if (sz != nfargs - i)
						goto Lnomatch;
				case Tarray:
					TypeArray ta = cast(TypeArray)tb;
					for (; i < nfargs; i++)
						auto arg = fargs[i];
						MATCH m;
						/* If lazy array of delegates,
						 * convert arg(s) to delegate(s)
						Type tret = fparam.isLazyArray();
						if (tret)
							if (
								m = MATCHexact;
								m = arg.implicitConvTo(tret);
								if (m == MATCHnomatch)
									if (tret.toBasetype().ty == Tvoid)
										m = MATCHconvert;
							m = arg.type.deduceType(paramscope,, parameters, dedtypes);
							//m = arg.implicitConvTo(;
						if (m == MATCHnomatch)
							goto Lnomatch;
						if (m < match)
							match = m;
					goto Lmatch;
				case Tclass:
				case Tident:
					goto Lmatch;

					goto Lnomatch;


		/* Fill in any missing arguments with their defaults.
		for (size_t i = nargsi; i < dedargs.dim; i++)
			TemplateParameter tp2 = cast(TemplateParameter)[i];
			//printf("tp2[%d] = %s\n", i, tp2.ident.toChars());
			/* For T:T*, the dedargs is the T*, dedtypes is the T
			 * But for function templates, we really need them to match
			Object oarg = cast(Object)[i];
			Object oded = cast(Object)[i];
			//printf("1dedargs[%d] = %p, dedtypes[%d] = %p\n", i, oarg, i, oded);
			//if (oarg) printf("oarg: %s\n", oarg.toChars());
			//if (oded) printf("oded: %s\n", oded.toChars());
			if (!oarg)
				if (oded)
					if (tp2.specialization())
						/* The specialization can work as long as afterwards
						 * the oded == oarg
						Declaration sparam;[i] = cast(void*)oded;
						MATCH m2 = tp2.matchArg(paramscope, dedargs, i, parameters, dedtypes, &sparam, 0);
						//printf("m2 = %d\n", m2);
						if (!m2)
							goto Lnomatch;
						if (m2 < match)
							match = m2;		// pick worst match
						if ([i] !is cast(void*)oded)
							error("specialization not allowed for deduced parameter %s", tp2.ident.toChars());
					oded = tp2.defaultArg(loc, paramscope);
					if (!oded)
						goto Lnomatch;
				declareParameter(paramscope, tp2, oded);[i] = cast(void*)oded;

	version (DMDV2) {
		if (constraint)
		{	/* Check to see if constraint is satisfied.
			Expression e = constraint.syntaxCopy();
			paramscope.flags |= SCOPE.SCOPEstaticif;
			e = e.semantic(paramscope);
			e = e.optimize(WANTvalue | WANTinterpret);
			if (e.isBool(true)) {
			} else if (e.isBool(false))
				goto Lnomatch;
				e.error("constraint %s is not constant or does not evaluate to a bool", e.toChars());

	static if (false) {
		for (i = 0; i < dedargs.dim; i++)
			Type t = cast(Type)[i];
			printf("\tdedargs[%d] = %d, %s\n", i, t.dyncast(), t.toChars());

		//printf("\tmatch %d\n", match);
		return match;

		return MATCHnomatch;
	 * Given function arguments, figure out which template function
	 * to expand, and return that function.
	 * If no match, give error message and return null.
	 * Input:
	 *	sc		instantiation scope
	 *	loc		instantiation location
	 *	targsi		initial list of template arguments
	 *	ethis		if !null, the 'this' pointer argument
	 *	fargs		arguments to function
	 *	flags		1: do not issue error message on no match, just return null
	FuncDeclaration deduceFunctionTemplate(Scope sc, Loc loc, Objects targsi, Expression ethis, Expressions fargs, int flags = 0)
		MATCH m_best = MATCHnomatch;
		TemplateDeclaration td_ambig = null;
		TemplateDeclaration td_best = null;
		Objects tdargs = new Objects();
		TemplateInstance ti;
		FuncDeclaration fd;

	static if (false) {
		printf("TemplateDeclaration.deduceFunctionTemplate() %s\n", toChars());
		printf("    targsi:\n");
		if (targsi)
			for (int i = 0; i < targsi.dim; i++)
				Object arg = cast(Object)[i];
				printf("\t%s\n", arg.toChars());
		printf("    fargs:\n");
		for (int i = 0; i < fargs.dim; i++)
			Expression arg = cast(Expression)[i];
			printf("\t%s %s\n", arg.type.toChars(), arg.toChars());
			//printf("\tty = %d\n", arg.type.ty);

		for (TemplateDeclaration td = this; td; td = td.overnext)
			if (!td.semanticRun)
				error("forward reference to template %s", td.toChars());
				goto Lerror;
			if (!td.onemember || !td.onemember.toAlias().isFuncDeclaration())
				error("is not a function template");
				goto Lerror;

			MATCH m;
			scope Objects dedargs = new Objects();

			m = td.deduceFunctionTemplateMatch(loc, targsi, ethis, fargs, dedargs);
			//printf("deduceFunctionTemplateMatch = %d\n", m);
			if (!m)			// if no match

			if (m < m_best)
				goto Ltd_best;
			if (m > m_best)
				goto Ltd;

				// Disambiguate by picking the most specialized TemplateDeclaration
				MATCH c1 = td.leastAsSpecialized(td_best);
				MATCH c2 = td_best.leastAsSpecialized(td);
				//printf("c1 = %d, c2 = %d\n", c1, c2);

				if (c1 > c2)
					goto Ltd;
				else if (c1 < c2)
					goto Ltd_best;
					goto Lambig;

			  Lambig:		// td_best and td are ambiguous
			td_ambig = td;

			  Ltd_best:		// td_best is the best match so far
			td_ambig = null;

			  Ltd:		// td is the new best match
			td_ambig = null;
			assert(cast(size_t)cast(void*)td.scope_ > 0x10000);
			td_best = td;
			m_best = m;
			memcpy(,, tdargs.dim * (void*).sizeof);
		if (!td_best)
			if (!(flags & 1))
				error(loc, "does not match any function template declaration");
			goto Lerror;
		if (td_ambig)
			error(loc, "matches more than one function template declaration:\n  %s\nand:\n  %s",
				td_best.toChars(), td_ambig.toChars());

		/* The best match is td_best with arguments tdargs.
		 * Now instantiate the template.
		assert(cast(size_t)cast(void*)td_best.scope_ > 0x10000);
		ti = new TemplateInstance(loc, td_best, tdargs);
		fd = ti.toAlias().isFuncDeclaration();
		if (!fd)
		goto Lerror;
		return fd;

///	version (DMDV2) {
		if (!(flags & 1))
///	}
			HdrGenState hgs;

			scope OutBuffer bufa = new OutBuffer();
			Objects args = targsi;
			if (args)
				for (int i = 0; i < args.dim; i++)
					if (i)
					Object oarg = cast(Object)[i];
					ObjectToCBuffer(bufa, &hgs, oarg);

			scope OutBuffer buf = new OutBuffer();
			argExpTypesToCBuffer(buf, fargs, &hgs);
			error(loc, "cannot deduce template function from argument types !(%s)(%s)", bufa.toChars(), buf.toChars());
		return null;
	 * Declare template parameter tp with value o, and install it in the scope sc.
    void declareParameter(Scope sc, TemplateParameter tp, Object o)
		//printf("TemplateDeclaration.declareParameter('%s', o = %p)\n", tp.ident.toChars(), o);

		Type targ = isType(o);
		Expression ea = isExpression(o);
		Dsymbol sa = isDsymbol(o);
		Tuple va = isTuple(o);

		Dsymbol s;

		// See if tp.ident already exists with a matching definition
		Dsymbol scopesym;
		s =, tp.ident, &scopesym);
		if (s && scopesym == sc.scopesym)
			TupleDeclaration td = s.isTupleDeclaration();
			if (va && td)
				Tuple tup = new Tuple();
				assert(false);	// < not implemented
				///tup.objects = *td.objects;
				if (match(va, tup, this, sc))

		if (targ)
			//printf("type %s\n", targ.toChars());
			s = new AliasDeclaration(Loc(0), tp.ident, targ);
		else if (sa)
			//printf("Alias %s %s;\n", sa.ident.toChars(), tp.ident.toChars());
			s = new AliasDeclaration(Loc(0), tp.ident, sa);
		else if (ea)
			//[i] always matches ea here
			Initializer init = new ExpInitializer(loc, ea);
			TemplateValueParameter tvp = tp.isTemplateValueParameter();

			Type t = tvp ? tvp.valType : null;

			VarDeclaration v = new VarDeclaration(loc, t, tp.ident, init);
			v.storage_class = STCmanifest;
			s = v;
		else if (va)
			s = new TupleDeclaration(loc, tp.ident, va.objects);
			debug writefln(o.toString());

		if (!sc.insert(s))
			error("declaration %s is already defined", tp.ident.toChars());

    override TemplateDeclaration isTemplateDeclaration() { return this; }

    TemplateTupleParameter isVariadic()
		return .isVariadic(parameters);
	 * We can overload templates.
    override bool isOverloadable()
		return 1;