view dmd/expression/Index.d @ 130:60bb0fe4563e

dmdfe 2.037 first main iteration
author Eldar Insafutdinov <>
date Thu, 09 Sep 2010 22:51:44 +0100
parents e28b18c23469
line wrap: on
line source

module dmd.expression.Index;

import dmd.common;
import dmd.Type;
import dmd.Loc;
import dmd.StringExp;
import dmd.TOK;
import dmd.Expression;
import dmd.GlobalExpressions;
import dmd.IntegerExp;
import dmd.TY;
import dmd.TypeSArray;
import dmd.ArrayLiteralExp;
import dmd.AssocArrayLiteralExp;

import dmd.expression.Equal;

/* Also return EXP_CANT_INTERPRET if this fails
Expression Index(Type type, Expression e1, Expression e2)
	Expression e = EXP_CANT_INTERPRET;
    Loc loc = e1.loc;

    //printf("Index(e1 = %s, e2 = %s)\n", e1.toChars(), e2.toChars());
    if (e1.op == TOKstring && e2.op == TOKint64)
		StringExp es1 = cast(StringExp)e1;
		ulong i = e2.toInteger();

		if (i >= es1.len)
			e1.error("string index %ju is out of bounds [0 .. %zu]", i, es1.len);
			uint value = es1.charAt(cast(uint)i);
			e = new IntegerExp(loc, value, type);
    else if (e1.type.toBasetype().ty == Tsarray && e2.op == TOKint64)
		TypeSArray tsa = cast(TypeSArray)e1.type.toBasetype();
		ulong length = tsa.dim.toInteger();
		ulong i = e2.toInteger();

		if (i >= length)
			e2.error("array index %ju is out of bounds %s[0 .. %ju]", i, e1.toChars(), length);
		else if (e1.op == TOKarrayliteral && !e1.checkSideEffect(2))
			auto ale = cast(ArrayLiteralExp)e1;
			e = ale.elements[cast(uint)i];
			e.type = type;
    else if (e1.type.toBasetype().ty == Tarray && e2.op == TOKint64)
		ulong i = e2.toInteger();

		if (e1.op == TOKarrayliteral && !e1.checkSideEffect(2))
			auto ale = cast(ArrayLiteralExp)e1;
			if (i >= ale.elements.dim)
				e2.error("array index %ju is out of bounds %s[0 .. %u]", i, e1.toChars(), ale.elements.dim);
				e = ale.elements[cast(uint)i];
				e.type = type;
    else if (e1.op == TOKassocarrayliteral && !e1.checkSideEffect(2))
		AssocArrayLiteralExp ae = cast(AssocArrayLiteralExp)e1;
		/* Search the keys backwards, in case there are duplicate keys
		for (size_t i = ae.keys.dim; i;)
			auto ekey = ae.keys[i];
			Expression ex = Equal(TOKequal, Type.tbool, ekey, e2);
			if (ex is EXP_CANT_INTERPRET)
				return ex;
			if (ex.isBool(true))
				e = ae.values[i];
				e.type = type;

    return e;