view dmd/Id.d @ 191:52188e7e3fb5

Fixed deprecated features, now compiles with DMD2.058 Also changed Array allocation policy: Now doesn't reallocate but malloc's, followed by a memcpy (no free). (this fixes a crash while compiling druntime. Same bug in dmd)
author korDen@korDen-pc
date Sun, 25 Mar 2012 03:11:12 +0400
parents cd48cb899aee
line wrap: on
line source

module dmd.Id;

import dmd.common;
import dmd.Identifier;
import dmd.Lexer;

private string idgen(T...)(T ts)
	string res = "struct Ids\n{\n";

	foreach(entry; ts)
		res ~= "\tstatic __gshared Identifier " ~ entry.ident ~ ";\n";
	res ~= "\tstatic void initialize()\n\t{\n";
	string tmp;
	foreach (entry; ts)
		if (entry.name_ is null)
			tmp = entry.ident;
			tmp = entry.name_;
		res ~= "\t\tId." ~ entry.ident ~ ` = Lexer.idPool("` ~ tmp ~ "\");\n";

		res ~= "\t}\n}";
	return res;

private struct ID
	string ident;		// name to use in DMD source
	string name_;	// name in D executable

		ID( "IUnknown" ),
		ID( "Object_", "Object" ),
		ID( "object" ),
		ID( "max" ),
		ID( "min" ),
		ID( "This", "this" ),
		ID( "ctor", "__ctor" ),
		ID( "dtor", "__dtor" ),
		ID( "cpctor", "__cpctor" ),
		ID( "_postblit", "__postblit" ),
		ID( "classInvariant", "__invariant" ),
		ID( "unitTest", "__unitTest" ),
		ID( "require", "__require" ),
		ID( "ensure", "__ensure" ),
		ID( "init_", "init" ),
		ID( "size" ),
		ID( "__sizeof", "sizeof" ),
		ID( "alignof_", "alignof" ),
		ID( "mangleof_", "mangleof" ),
		ID( "stringof_", "stringof" ),
		ID( "tupleof_", "tupleof" ),
		ID( "length" ),
		ID( "remove" ),
		ID( "ptr" ),
		ID( "funcptr" ),
		ID( "dollar", "__dollar" ),
		ID( "ctfe", "__ctfe" ),
		ID( "offset" ),
		ID( "offsetof" ),
		ID( "ModuleInfo" ),
		ID( "ClassInfo" ),
		ID( "classinfo_", "classinfo" ),
		ID( "typeinfo_", "typeinfo" ),
		ID( "outer" ),
		ID( "Exception" ),
		ID( "AssociativeArray" ),
		ID( "Throwable" ),
		ID( "withSym", "__withSym" ),
		ID( "result", "__result" ),
		ID( "returnLabel", "__returnLabel" ),
		ID( "delegate_", "delegate" ),
		ID( "line" ),
		ID( "empty", "" ),
		ID( "p" ),
		ID( "coverage", "__coverage" ),
		ID( "__vptr" ),
		ID( "__monitor" ),

		ID( "TypeInfo" ),
		ID( "TypeInfo_Class" ),
		ID( "TypeInfo_Interface" ),
		ID( "TypeInfo_Struct" ),
		ID( "TypeInfo_Enum" ),
		ID( "TypeInfo_Typedef" ),
		ID( "TypeInfo_Pointer" ),
		ID( "TypeInfo_Array" ),
		ID( "TypeInfo_StaticArray" ),
		ID( "TypeInfo_AssociativeArray" ),
		ID( "TypeInfo_Function" ),
		ID( "TypeInfo_Delegate" ),
		ID( "TypeInfo_Tuple" ),
		ID( "TypeInfo_Const" ),
		ID( "TypeInfo_Invariant" ),
		ID( "TypeInfo_Shared" ),
        ID( "TypeInfo_Wild", "TypeInfo_Inout" ),
		ID( "elements" ),
		ID( "_arguments_typeinfo" ),
		ID( "_arguments" ),
		ID( "_argptr" ),
		ID( "_match" ),
		ID( "destroy" ),

		ID( "LINE", "__LINE__" ),
		ID( "FILE", "__FILE__" ),
		ID( "DATE", "__DATE__" ),
		ID( "TIME", "__TIME__" ),
		ID( "VENDOR", "__VENDOR__" ),
		ID( "VERSIONX", "__VERSION__" ),
		ID( "EOFX", "__EOF__" ),

		ID( "nan" ),
		ID( "infinity" ),
		ID( "dig" ),
		ID( "epsilon" ),
		ID( "mant_dig" ),
		ID( "max_10_exp" ),
		ID( "max_exp" ),
		ID( "min_10_exp" ),
		ID( "min_exp" ),
		ID( "min_normal" ),
		ID( "re" ),
		ID( "im" ),

		ID( "C" ),
		ID( "D" ),
		ID( "Windows" ),
		ID( "Pascal" ),
		ID( "System" ),

		ID( "exit" ),
		ID( "success" ),
		ID( "failure" ),

		ID( "keys" ),
		ID( "values" ),
		ID( "rehash" ),

		ID( "sort" ),
		ID( "reverse" ),
		ID( "dup" ),
		ID( "idup" ),

		ID( "property" ),
        ID( "safe" ),
        ID( "trusted" ),
        ID( "system" ),
        ID( "disable" ),

		// For inline assembler
		ID( "___out", "out" ),
		ID( "___in", "in" ),
		ID( "__int", "int" ),
		ID( "__dollar", "$" ),
		ID( "__LOCAL_SIZE" ),

		// For operator overloads
		ID( "uadd",	 "opPos" ),
		ID( "neg",	 "opNeg" ),
		ID( "com",	 "opCom" ),
		ID( "add",	 "opAdd" ),
		ID( "add_r",   "opAdd_r" ),
		ID( "sub",	 "opSub" ),
		ID( "sub_r",   "opSub_r" ),
		ID( "mul",	 "opMul" ),
		ID( "mul_r",   "opMul_r" ),
		ID( "div",	 "opDiv" ),
		ID( "div_r",   "opDiv_r" ),
		ID( "mod",	 "opMod" ),
		ID( "mod_r",   "opMod_r" ),
		ID( "eq",	  "opEquals" ),
		ID( "cmp",	 "opCmp" ),
		ID( "iand",	"opAnd" ),
		ID( "iand_r",  "opAnd_r" ),
		ID( "ior",	 "opOr" ),
		ID( "ior_r",   "opOr_r" ),
		ID( "ixor",	"opXor" ),
		ID( "ixor_r",  "opXor_r" ),
		ID( "shl",	 "opShl" ),
		ID( "shl_r",   "opShl_r" ),
		ID( "shr",	 "opShr" ),
		ID( "shr_r",   "opShr_r" ),
		ID( "ushr",	"opUShr" ),
		ID( "ushr_r",  "opUShr_r" ),
		ID( "cat",	 "opCat" ),
		ID( "cat_r",   "opCat_r" ),
		ID( "assign",  "opAssign" ),
		ID( "addass",  "opAddAssign" ),
		ID( "subass",  "opSubAssign" ),
		ID( "mulass",  "opMulAssign" ),
		ID( "divass",  "opDivAssign" ),
		ID( "modass",  "opModAssign" ),
		ID( "andass",  "opAndAssign" ),
		ID( "orass",   "opOrAssign" ),
		ID( "xorass",  "opXorAssign" ),
		ID( "shlass",  "opShlAssign" ),
		ID( "shrass",  "opShrAssign" ),
		ID( "ushrass", "opUShrAssign" ),
		ID( "catass",  "opCatAssign" ),
		ID( "postinc", "opPostInc" ),
		ID( "postdec", "opPostDec" ),
		ID( "index",	 "opIndex" ),
		ID( "indexass", "opIndexAssign" ),
		ID( "slice",	 "opSlice" ),
		ID( "sliceass", "opSliceAssign" ),
		ID( "call",	 "opCall" ),
		ID( "cast_",	 "opCast" ),
		ID( "match",	 "opMatch" ),
		ID( "next",	 "opNext" ),
		ID( "opIn" ),
		ID( "opIn_r" ),
		ID( "opStar" ),
		ID( "opDot" ),
        ID( "opDispatch" ),
		ID( "opImplicitCast" ),
        ID( "pow", "opPow" ),
        ID( "pow_r", "opPow_r" ),
        ID( "powass", "opPowAssign" ),
		ID( "classNew", "new" ),
		ID( "classDelete", "delete" ),

		// For foreach
		ID( "apply", "opApply" ),
		ID( "applyReverse", "opApplyReverse" ),

//		#if 1
		ID( "Fempty", "empty" ),
		ID( "Fhead", "front" ),
		ID( "Ftoe", "back" ),
		ID( "Fnext", "popFront" ),
		ID( "Fretreat", "popBack" ),
		ID( "Fempty", "empty" ),
		ID( "Fhead", "head" ),
		ID( "Ftoe", "toe" ),
		ID( "Fnext", "next" ),
		ID( "Fretreat", "retreat" ),

		ID( "adDup", "_adDupT" ),
		ID( "adReverse", "_adReverse" ),

		// For internal functions
		ID( "aaLen", "_aaLen" ),
		ID( "aaKeys", "_aaKeys" ),
		ID( "aaValues", "_aaValues" ),
		ID( "aaRehash", "_aaRehash" ),
		ID( "monitorenter", "_d_monitorenter" ),
		ID( "monitorexit", "_d_monitorexit" ),
		ID( "criticalenter", "_d_criticalenter" ),
		ID( "criticalexit", "_d_criticalexit" ),

		// For pragma's
		ID( "GNU_asm" ),
		ID( "lib" ),
		ID( "msg" ),
		ID( "startaddress" ),

		// For special functions
		ID( "tohash", "toHash" ),
		ID( "tostring", "toString" ),
		ID( "getmembers", "getMembers" ),

		// Special functions
		ID( "alloca" ),
		ID( "main" ),
		ID( "WinMain" ),
		ID( "DllMain" ),
		ID( "tls_get_addr", "___tls_get_addr" ),

		// Builtin functions
		ID( "std" ),
		ID( "math" ),
		ID( "sin" ),
		ID( "cos" ),
		ID( "tan" ),
		ID( "_sqrt", "sqrt" ),
        ID( "_pow", "pow" ),
		ID( "fabs" ),

		// Traits
		ID( "isAbstractClass" ),
		ID( "isArithmetic" ),
		ID( "isAssociativeArray" ),
		ID( "isFinalClass" ),
		ID( "isFloating" ),
		ID( "isIntegral" ),
		ID( "isScalar" ),
		ID( "isStaticArray" ),
		ID( "isUnsigned" ),
		ID( "isVirtualFunction" ),
		ID( "isAbstractFunction" ),
		ID( "isFinalFunction" ),
		ID( "isStaticFunction" ),
        ID( "isRef" ),
        ID( "isOut" ),
        ID( "isLazy" ),
		ID( "hasMember" ),
		ID( "identifier" ),
		ID( "getMember" ),
		ID( "getOverloads" ),
		ID( "getVirtualFunctions" ),
		ID( "classInstanceSize" ),
		ID( "allMembers" ),
		ID( "derivedMembers" ),
		ID( "isSame" ),
		ID( "compiles" )
__gshared Ids Id;