view dmd/CondExp.d @ 94:3a0b150c9841

Objects -> Vector!Object iteration 1
author Eldar Insafutdinov <>
date Mon, 30 Aug 2010 23:00:34 +0100
parents 2e2a5c3f943a
children e28b18c23469
line wrap: on
line source

module dmd.CondExp;

import dmd.BinExp;
import dmd.Loc;
import dmd.MATCH;
import dmd.Expression;
import dmd.Scope;
import dmd.InterState;
import dmd.OutBuffer;
import dmd.HdrGenState;
import dmd.Type;
import dmd.InlineCostState;
import dmd.InlineDoState;
import dmd.InlineScanState;
import dmd.IRState;
import dmd.TOK;
import dmd.TY;
import dmd.WANT;
import dmd.PREC;
import dmd.Global;

import dmd.backend.elem;
import dmd.backend.Util;
import dmd.backend.OPER;
import dmd.backend.mTY;
import dmd.backend.TYM;
import dmd.codegen.Util;

import dmd.expression.Util;

class CondExp : BinExp
    Expression econd;

    this(Loc loc, Expression econd, Expression e1, Expression e2)
		super(loc, TOK.TOKquestion, CondExp.sizeof, e1, e2);
		this.econd = econd;
    override Expression syntaxCopy()
		return new CondExp(loc, econd.syntaxCopy(), e1.syntaxCopy(), e2.syntaxCopy());

    override Expression semantic(Scope sc)
		Type t1;
		Type t2;
		uint cs0;
		uint cs1;

	version (LOGSEMANTIC) {
		printf("CondExp.semantic('%s')\n", toChars());
		if (type)
			return this;

		econd = econd.semantic(sc);
		econd = resolveProperties(sc, econd);
		econd = econd.checkToPointer();
		econd = econd.checkToBoolean();

	static if (false) {
		/* this cannot work right because the types of e1 and e2
		 * both contribute to the type of the result.
		if (sc.flags & SCOPEstaticif)
			/* If in static if, don't evaluate what we don't have to.
			econd = econd.optimize(WANTflags);
			if (econd.isBool(TRUE))
				e1 = e1.semantic(sc);
				e1 = resolveProperties(sc, e1);
				return e1;
			else if (econd.isBool(FALSE))
				e2 = e2.semantic(sc);
				e2 = resolveProperties(sc, e2);
				return e2;

		cs0 = sc.callSuper;
		e1 = e1.semantic(sc);
		e1 = resolveProperties(sc, e1);
		cs1 = sc.callSuper;
		sc.callSuper = cs0;
		e2 = e2.semantic(sc);
		e2 = resolveProperties(sc, e2);
		sc.mergeCallSuper(loc, cs1);

		// If either operand is void, the result is void
		t1 = e1.type;
		t2 = e2.type;
		if (t1.ty == Tvoid || t2.ty == Tvoid)
			type = Type.tvoid;
		else if (t1 == t2)
			type = t1;
			switch (e1.type.toBasetype().ty)
				case Tcomplex32:
				case Tcomplex64:
				case Tcomplex80:
					e2 = e2.castTo(sc, e1.type);
			switch (e2.type.toBasetype().ty)
				case Tcomplex32:
				case Tcomplex64:
				case Tcomplex80:
					e1 = e1.castTo(sc, e2.type);
			if (type.toBasetype().ty == Tarray)
				e1 = e1.castTo(sc, type);
				e2 = e2.castTo(sc, type);
	static if (false) {
		printf("res: %s\n", type.toChars());
		printf("e1 : %s\n", e1.type.toChars());
		printf("e2 : %s\n", e2.type.toChars());
		return this;

    override Expression optimize(int result)
		Expression e;

		econd = econd.optimize(WANTflags | (result & WANTinterpret));
		if (econd.isBool(true))
			e = e1.optimize(result);
		else if (econd.isBool(false))
			e = e2.optimize(result);
			e1 = e1.optimize(result);
			e2 = e2.optimize(result);
			e = this;

		return e;
    override Expression interpret(InterState istate)

    override void checkEscape()

    override int isLvalue()

    override Expression toLvalue(Scope sc, Expression e)

    override Expression modifiableLvalue(Scope sc, Expression e)

    override Expression checkToBoolean()

    override bool checkSideEffect(int flag)
		if (flag == 2)
			return econd.checkSideEffect(2) || e1.checkSideEffect(2) || e2.checkSideEffect(2);
			return e2.checkSideEffect(flag);

    override void toCBuffer(OutBuffer buf, HdrGenState* hgs)
		expToCBuffer(buf, hgs, econd, PREC_oror);
		buf.writestring(" ? ");
		expToCBuffer(buf, hgs, e1, PREC_expr);
		buf.writestring(" : ");
		expToCBuffer(buf, hgs, e2, PREC_cond);

    override MATCH implicitConvTo(Type t)
		MATCH m1 = e1.implicitConvTo(t);
		MATCH m2 = e2.implicitConvTo(t);
		//printf("CondExp: m1 %d m2 %d\n", m1, m2);

		// Pick the worst match
		return (m1 < m2) ? m1 : m2;

    override Expression castTo(Scope sc, Type t)
		Expression e = this;

		if (type !is t)
			if (1 || e1.op == TOKstring || e2.op == TOKstring)
				e = new CondExp(loc, econd, e1.castTo(sc, t), e2.castTo(sc, t));
				e.type = t;
				e = Expression.castTo(sc, t);
		return e;

    override void scanForNestedRef(Scope sc)

    override bool canThrow()
		return econd.canThrow() || e1.canThrow() || e2.canThrow();

    override int inlineCost(InlineCostState* ics)
		return 1 + e1.inlineCost(ics) + e2.inlineCost(ics) + econd.inlineCost(ics);
    override Expression doInline(InlineDoState ids)
		CondExp ce = cast(CondExp)copy();

		ce.econd = econd.doInline(ids);
		ce.e1 = e1.doInline(ids);
		ce.e2 = e2.doInline(ids);
		return ce;
    override Expression inlineScan(InlineScanState* iss)
		econd = econd.inlineScan(iss);
		e1 = e1.inlineScan(iss);
		e2 = e2.inlineScan(iss);
		return this;

    override elem* toElem(IRState* irs)
		elem* eleft;
		elem* eright;

		elem* ec = econd.toElem(irs);

		eleft = e1.toElem(irs);
		tym_t ty = eleft.Ety;
		if (global.params.cov && e1.loc.linnum)
			eleft = el_combine(incUsageElem(irs, e1.loc), eleft);

		eright = e2.toElem(irs);
		if (global.params.cov && e2.loc.linnum)
			eright = el_combine(incUsageElem(irs, e2.loc), eright);

		elem* e = el_bin(OPcond, ty, ec, el_bin(OPcolon, ty, eleft, eright));
		if (tybasic(ty) == TYstruct)
			e.Enumbytes = cast(uint)e1.type.size();

		el_setLoc(e, loc);
		return e;