view dmd/ClassInfoDeclaration.d @ 165:25ede4f66bda

Temporarily disabled GC (again) because phobos fails to compile with it (looks like some ObjSymbols are being falsely collected, see Library.d:666) Getting rid of global state (i.e global and static variables) to allow running concurrent compilation
author korDen
date Thu, 30 Sep 2010 10:04:32 +0400
parents e28b18c23469
children d8565fbd755c
line wrap: on
line source

module dmd.ClassInfoDeclaration;

import dmd.common;
import dmd.VarDeclaration;
import dmd.ClassDeclaration;
import dmd.Dsymbol;
import dmd.Scope;
import dmd.Loc;
import dmd.OutBuffer;
import dmd.Id;
import dmd.STC;

import dmd.backend.Symbol;
import dmd.backend.Classsym;
import dmd.backend.FL;
import dmd.backend.SFL;
import dmd.codegen.Util;
import dmd.backend.SC;
import dmd.backend.Util;

class ClassInfoDeclaration : VarDeclaration
	ClassDeclaration cd;

	this(ClassDeclaration cd)
		super(Loc(0), ClassDeclaration.classinfo.type, cd.ident, null); = cd;
		storage_class = STC.STCstatic | STC.STCgshared;
	override Dsymbol syntaxCopy(Dsymbol)
		 assert(false);		// should never be produced by syntax
		 return null;
	override void semantic(Scope sc)

	override void emitComment(Scope sc)

	override void toJsonBuffer(OutBuffer buf)
	override Symbol* toSymbol()
		return cd.toSymbol();